Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 7/27/20
Episode #13821 ~ Rafe questions Claire about what happened at the church; Bonnie surprises Lucas in bed; Steve and Kayla return to Salem; Allie delivers good news to Will and Sonny.
Provided By Suzanne
Steve: Well, welcome home, sweetness.
Kayla: You know, I think I should be the one saying welcome home to you. I mean, you were the one with the big plans to leave town. I don't know what I would have done if I had missed you at the airport.
Steve: I'm so glad you didn'T. What a beautiful sight when i got off that plane and saw you sitting there. Now, I gotta do something. Can't wait.
Kayla: [Laughs] Okay.
Steve: Just give me a minute. I'll be right back.
[Soft music]
Lucas: [Exhales heavily]
Bonnie: Hey. Morning, handsome.
[Monitor beeping]
Allie: [Groans softly]
Sami: Hey, how you feeling?
Allie: [Sighs] Like I can't wait to get out of here.
Sami: [Chuckles] Well, then I have some good news for you. Sarah said you'll be released in a couple hours.
Allie: Oh, thank you, lord.
Sami: [Chuckles] So...let me get you some water. I heard rafe came to visit you. Did he finally agree to adopt your baby?
Allie: Actually, mom, he turned me down.
Sami: Oh. I'm so sorry.
Allie: Are you?
Sonny: I can't believe while I was hanging with my dad yesterday, you could have been killed in that church explosion.
Will: I know. I mean, it's scary, but I'm fine, and--and allie and the baby are fine too.
Sonny: Thank god. Is there any word on ben?
Will: No. I'm worried. Poor ciara. I mean, a bomb goes off at her wedding and now her husband is missing.
Sonny: Oh, it's awful. Well, maybe we'll--we'll hear something soon.
Will: Well, I--I do know one thing.
Sonny: What?
Will: The cops are questioning claire.
Rafe: Just a few more questions, okay, claire?
Belle: We're right here for you.
Rafe: So did you have anything to do with the explosion at, uh, ciara and ben's wedding?
Belle: Of course she didn'T. I mean, she couldn't have. She was with me at my mother's house the entire day. She didn't have opportunity to plant a bomb, rafe.
Claire: Actually, I did.
[Tense music]
Rafe: Claire, did you just say you planted that bomb?
Claire: No. No, no, no, no. Of course not. All I'm saying is, I wasn't at my grandma's house all day yesterday, okay? I left for, like, a half hour to just go and get some fresh air and take a walk, and then I came back home. Right, mom?
Belle: Well, yes, but she wasn't gone for very long, and you didn't go anywhere near the church, right?
Claire: No! No, I wouldn't have dared, not after ciara banned me from the wedding and her life.
Rafe: Right, so where'd you go?
Ciara: Salem park.
Rafe: What time?
Claire: Like, I don't know. I didn't really check the clock. Um, maybe late afternoon, early evening. I just sat on a bench for a while.
Rafe: Mm-hmm.
Claire: And then I went back home to my grandma'S.
Rafe: Did you happen to see anyone?
Claire: I don't know, rafe. I was upset, okay? I--I wasn't really paying attention to other people.
Belle: You know what? This whole thing is just ridiculous. I can't believe that you dragged her down here when you have nothing.
Rafe: Well, with all due respect, belle, it's not nothing. In fact, the whole reason that she was uninvited from the wedding at the last minute is because ciara suspected her of drugging her drink the other night, and it is not the first time that she has been suspected of acting out since she has been released.
Belle: Yes, suspected. No proof.
Rafe: Yeah, there's not proof, but there is history.
Belle: Okay, you know what? We're not going there, not until or unless we get to court.
Rafe: That's fine, but I am gonna continue with my questions.
Belle: No, actually, you know what? You're not. You don't have any reason to hold her here, so either charge her or let her go. Now.
Sonny: You think there's any way claire could be responsible for the explosion?
Will: It seems impossible, right? I mean--I mean, think about who was at the wedding: Her dad, her grandparents, a pregnant woman.
Sonny: Speaking of, I can't stop thinking about what's gonna happen with allie's baby. Wait, do you know something?
Will: No, I mean, not really, but as I was leaving the hospital, I saw rafe go into allie's room.
Sonny: Right. Well, there's a good chance that he agreed to adopt her baby.
Allie: Mom, answer me. Are you really sorry that rafe turned me down?
Sami: I know how important family is to you. If I have ever meant anything to you, please, please don't adopt allie's baby. Sweetie, of course I am sorry. I know it's what you wanted.
Allie: But it's not what you wanted, is it?
Sami: Look, allie, I have been against you giving that baby to anyone, but when I found out about the explosion in the church, I thought I might lose you. All I want is for you to be happy.
Allie: If you say so.
Sami: I do. Do you want to talk about what happened with rafe? Did he explain why he didn't want to adopt the baby?
Allie: Basically just after everything he went through with david, he's just not ready to be a father again.
Sami: Well, I guess that makes sense, but I can see how disappointed you are, and I'm sorry for that. I am on your side.
Allie: Thank you.
Sami: And now, listen. I don't want to pressure you, but now that rafe is not an option, if you want to take some time to reconsider keeping the baby for yourself, I just want you to know that my offer still stands.
Allie: Did you really start that sentence by saying, "I don't want to pressure you"?
Sami: I'm sorry, but I'm here for you. That's all I'm trying to say. I want to help, and so does your father. Where is that man, anyway? I, um--I thought he said he was coming by to see you.
Lucas: What the hell, bonnie?
Bonnie: I snuck in to surprise you.
Lucas: In my bed?
Bonnie: Well, yeah. I opened the door and you were snoozing away just as snug as a bug in a rug and so darn scrumptious, I just had to slide right on in next to you, and i know you're happy to see me.
Lucas: [Grunts] I'm really not.
Bonnie: No, you're a liar, liar, pants on fire.
[Laughs] Maybe you're not wearing any pants.
Lucas: Hey, hey, hey. Watch that. Watch it. Behave yourself. I swear, I'll have you arrested.
Bonnie: Yeah, not until you explain this.
Lucas: So what? What's that?
Bonnie: I found it on your nightstand, and don't you even pretend that you weren't reading it, because this bookmark right here, it is on the page that i wrote about our night of passion.
Lucas: It wasn't a night of passion, for the last time. I was loaded, I thought you were adrienne, and you, you let me think you were.
Bonnie: Well, now you know who I really am, so, baby, now's your chance to let me rock your world while you're stone-cold sober.
Kayla: [Chuckles]
Steve: [Whistling]
Kayla: What do you got? Aww.
Steve: For my love.
Kayla: They're beautiful.
Steve: [Sighs] It's the least I could do after the way our trip started out, huh?
Kayla: Oh, come on.
Steve: Mm?
Kayla: What do you mean? You don't like flights with endless turbulence or emergency landings that, um, take you someplace far from your destination?
Steve: Yeah, we had nothing to eat but peanuts and pretzels, little bottles of booze to wash it down with.
Kayla: Right, your peanut and pretzel party.
Steve: Mm-hmm. Man, I have stayed in some crappy places in my time, but that motel room in the dakotas, was--was it a dump or what? And those little tiny twin beds?
Kayla: Yeah.
Steve: Mm. Yeah. Well, we got around that problem all right, didn't we?
Kayla: Yeah, we did. The trip really was magical, especially when we got to lake louise.
Steve: Mm.
Kayla: I mean, it's just spectacular there. Turquoise water and the--the snowcapped mountains right there? That was the most beautiful thing I ever saw.
Steve: Mm. Not as beautiful as you, sweetness.
Kayla: It was heaven. Really, it was like a dream.
Steve: Yeah?
Kayla: Yeah.
Steve: Well, it's not a dream anymore. Mm. Mm.
[Dramatic music]
[Dramatic music]
Justin: So you're back. Uh, I know kayla tried to catch you at the airport, but I didn't know what happened after that, but, you know, from the looks of it, you found each other and you're back together, so congratulations.
Steve: Justin, wait.
Justin: No, no, look, you don't have to say a word, steve.
Steve: No, no, I do. I do. You could have kept what you knew to yourself, gone ahead with the wedding. Instead you told kayla the truth. That took real courage. Thank you.
Bonnie: Now, I told you that I wanted to make up for all the lousy things I did by another mind-blowing roll in the hay. Since we're already in bed, what the hey?
Lucas: No. No, I'm sorry. It's not gonna happen. No way.
Bonnie: Okay, fine. Then let's just...keep bonding.
Lucas: Bonding? We didn't bond at all, bonnie. What do you mean?
Bonnie: Oh, my goodness! The last time we hung out, you opened up to me, lucas. You opened up to me about your daughter, and I told you about my daughter, how stubborn my mimi can be, just like allie's being with you, and I also told you that you need to stay strong and do whatever it takes to make sure allie keeps her baby, and, lucas, you said I was right, and that, my friend, is bonding with a capital B.
Lucas: It wasn't horrible advice, all right?
Bonnie: Exactly. I know what it's like to try to keep your kid from making a huge mistake, even if you don't know if you can.
Lucas: Yeah, it's the most helpless feeling in the world.
Bonnie: It is, especially when you feel like you're doing it all by yourself. Look, lucas. I know you're lonely. I'm lonely too, but honestly, we don't have to be.
[Scoffs] It's not like I'm asking for some big commitment here, lucas. Just please, a do-over. No strings attached, and i promise you, this time, you'll remember everything.
Rafe: Okay.
[Recorder beeping] Claire's free to go-- for now. Don't leave town.
Belle: The only place she's going is back to my parents' to get some rest.
Rafe: Okay.
Shawn: Listen, I'll be right behind you, okay? Hey, don't worry, all right? Everything's gonna be okay.
Claire: Okay.
Shawn: I'll see you soon.
[Tense music]
Rafe: I'm sorry that was so rough.
Shawn: Oh, me too, but i know you have a job to do, to do the kind of thorough detective work that you're gonna need to do to solve this case.
Rafe: Yeah, it's not gonna be easy.
Shawn: Which is why I want to stick around and I want to help you.
Allie: I don't know where dad is. Why don't you go find him? Better yet, why don't you fly back to italy?
Sami: Allie, I just want to make sure you understand you have options.
Allie: The option I chose is to give my baby up for adoption, and that is final.
Sami: Okay. Okay. So that's one decision made, but there's lots more to go. Let's talk it out.
Allie: No.
Sami: Because you don't want to talk in general or because you don't want to talk to me?
Allie: Because I'm just really tired.
Sami: Okay. Okay. Why don't you get some rest? I'll be back in a little bit.
[Door slams]
Will: I'm happy for rafe.
Sonny: Me too. I am, and he's gonna be a great father.
Will: Yeah.
[Cell phone ringing]
[Cell phone beeps] Hey, allie. What's up?
Allie: Um, can you and sonny come down to the hospital right away?
Will: Yeah, we can. Is everything okay?
Allie: Yeah, I just want to see you guys in person.
Will: Okay, well, we'll be right there.
[Cell phone beeps]
Sonny: Everything okay with allie?
Will: Yeah, but she wants to see us right now.
Sonny: Well, uh, she probably wants to break the news to us that she's giving the baby to rafe.
[Sighs] I know this wasn't the outcome that we wanted, but we did promise your sister that we would support her no matter what.
Will: Yeah, and, uh, that's what we're gonna do. Come on.
Claire: You know, I hope you're not mad at me for telling rafe that I went to the park. I just--I couldn't lie to him.
Belle: No, honey, of course I'm not mad.
Claire: But, um, I've been thinking, like, what if he looks into it and then nobody saw me there? And then what if he arrests me? Like, I--I just--I cannot be locked up again, mom. I can't, okay?
Belle: It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay. You know, why don't you let me make you some tea?
Claire: Thank you, but, um, i just really don't feel too well. Kind of want to go lie down.
Belle: Okay. Well, I'll be here for anything you need, okay?
Claire: Okay.
Belle: Okay.
Claire: Thank you. I love you.
Belle: Love you.
[Soft dramatic music]
Shawn, I thought you were right behind us.
Sami: Belle, is claire here?
Belle: Uh, she's resting. She's not feeling well.
Sami: What about you? How are you doing?
Belle: Uh, I'm not good.
Sami: Oh, honey.
Lucas: Since you obviously have trouble understanding complete sentences, I'm gonna spell it out for you in one word, okay? N-O.
Bonnie: [Scoffs] But--
Lucas: No buts. I mean it, bonnie. That's it. This is the end of the road, okay? No more surprise visits, no more peace offerings, and for god sakes, no more feathers, all right? This is it. This is good-bye.
Bonnie: You mean for now.
Lucas: No, I mean forever, so button up and get out.
Sami: I cannot believe that rafe grilled her like that. That is so wrong.
Belle: I know. Look, I get why claire is a suspect. But she did not do this.
Sami: Of course she didn't, but that's not gonna stop rafe from charging her. You know that, right? They lock up the wrong person in this town all the time. Look at me. I almost got executed.
Belle: Not helping.
Sami: Right. Sorry. Look, I know all you want to do is protect claire, but to do that, you really have to take her out of the country immediately.
Rafe: I'm not sure that you should be pitching in on this case, shawn.
Shawn: Look, rafe, I know that I'm--I know I'm biased here, all right? Claire is my daughter and I want her exonerated, but ciara's my sister. I want to help them both.
Rafe: Yeah, I understand that, but there's obviously--
Shawn: And our first order of business, it should be to eliminate claire as a suspect. Come on, I know. I know that she had nothing to do with that bombing. Hey, we need to find the person responsible and we need to arrest the son of a bitch. And we need to get justice for ciara. Hey, we both want the same thing here. We want to find out what really happened, and we can do it better, faster, and easier if we work together on this.
[Monitor beeping]
Sonny: Hey.
Will: Hey.
Sonny: How you feeling?
Allie: Much better, thanks. Is mom still, uh, lurking out in the nurses' station?
Will: Uh, we didn't see her.
Allie: Good.
Will: Uh, why? Did--did mom, uh, do something? Is that why you, uh, asked us to come here?
Allie: No, um, I called because there's been a change in my situation. Will, sonny, I wanted to tell you guys in person that I would very much like it if the two of you would adopt my baby.
Will: I, um--I--i don't understand. I mean, you said all along that you--you wanted rafe to adopt your baby.
Allie: I know, but last night, he turned me down.
Sonny: Did he say why?
Allie: After everything that happened with david, he's just not ready to be a dad again.
Will: Okay, um, wow. I--I mean, are you sure that you want sonny and me to be the parents? I mean, we talked about you--you thought it was a little weird, the thought of your brother raising your child.
Allie: Yeah, but after the bomb went off last night, I was so shook up. Waking up in the hospital and not knowing if this baby was okay and then the relief I felt when I heard that everything was fine, it made me really realize how much I care about this kid. Lying here thinking about what i want for him or her, I've always said a good home and a good life, and if that could be with people that I know and trust, with my own family, well, that's like the best thing I could hope for, so yes, I am absolutely sure.
Sonny: Wow, well, thank you, uh, for putting faith in us. Um, I mean, we--we just feel, like, incredibly lucky. Thank you.
Allie: I'm the lucky one. Really. We both are. And I hope you guys don't feel like you're just some sort of fallback plan.
Sonny: No, no, not at all. No, we knew that you asked rafe before you even knew that we were an option, so--
Allie: Okay, I just don't want any hard feelings.
Will: No, no. None whatsoever. I mean, we support you no matter what.
Sonny: And if you need anything, please let us know.
Allie: Thank you.
Will: I love you.
Allie: I love you too.
[Both sigh]
[Both chuckle]
Lucas: Hey, what's going on?
Will: Hey, um, well, you know what? We're gonna let allie fill you in because sonny and I should go talk to a lawyer.
Lucas: Uh-oh.
Will: No, no, no, no.
Allie: [Laughs]
Belle: You want me to flee the country with claire? Sami, she didn't do anything wrong. Besides, rafe said she can't leave.
Sami: Well, I'm sure he said that, but he has no legal way of keeping her here. He hasn't charged claire with anything. You--you have every right to go home.
Belle: And if we leave, they'll think she's guilty.
Sami: If anyone asks, you can explain that you are protecting your daughter. You don't want the press following her 24-7. You don't want paparazzi chasing her down the street.
Belle: I didn't really think about that.
> Sami: And look, claire is fragile, right? You should get her on a plane before rafe comes up with a real reason to stop you.
Claire: Hey. Couldn't really sleep.
Belle: Uh, claire, I think you need to go and pack.
Claire: What?
Belle: Yeah. We're leaving salem.
Justin: I didn't want us to be together based on a lie. I just want you to be happy. Clearly you are.
Kayla: Thank you for everything you did.
Justin: Thank you. You know, I--after I lost adrienne, I really never thought that I would ever find happiness again, but because of you, I now know that it's possible.
Steve: I really hope you find someone who makes you as happy as you made...adrienne.
Kayla: Adrienne.
Bonnie: Hi, y'all. Just keep your panties on. I'm not your sister. I'm bonnie lockhart, all right?
Justin: It's true. Bonnie has returned.
Steve: How the hell could you show your face here after what you did to adrienne?
Bonnie: You know what? Back off, patchy-poo. I get it, all right? Everyone in this town that i care about that is near and dear to my heart--and other parts-- has made it crystal clear that i am not wanted and I am hated.
Steve: Well, I'm at the top of that list and I want you gone.
Bonnie: Tell you what. I'll leave when I'm good and ready.
Steve: You better make it quick, or I'll drag you out of here myself.
Kayla: Maybe we should just go, okay? Everybody knows and bonnie knows that nobody wants her here.
Steve: I'll be watching you.
Bonnie: Yeah, you do that, but don't strain that eye, tough guy.
Justin: Kayla, um, I don't know what your plans are, but i just want you to know that, uh, I moved all my stuff out of the apartment, so it's all yours.
Kayla: Justin. I just--I need you to know that what we had was real and wonderful, and it really meant the world to me.
Justin: It really meant the world to me too.
[Soft dramatic music]
Steve: All good?
Kayla: Yeah.
Allie: So will and sonny are going to adopt my baby.
Lucas: Okay. I guess that's the second-best outcome I could hope for. I'll still be grandpa lucas, right, so...
Allie: Dad, I know you want me to keep the baby.
Lucas: What I want is for you not to have any regrets.
Allie: I don'T. I'm not ready to be a mother, and I'm just so grateful that will and sonny are still willing to do this even though they knew that rafe was my first choice.
Rafe: There are no security cameras at the church, so we don't know for sure whether claire was there.
Shawn: Okay, well, so this is the footage from salem park, and we know the--we know the window of time that claire said that she was at the park, right?
Rafe: Yup.
Shawn: Okay, so if she shows up on this footage, then--then we know that she had nothing to do with the bombing.
Rafe: Yeah, and if she doesn't, then maybe she wasn't there, in which case, I might have to charge her.
Sonny: Oh, we're having another baby! Our baby, together. I'm just, like, so happy right now. And you're worried about something.
Sami: The key is that you just have to keep your mouth shut.
Will: I--I have to keep my mouth shut?
Sami: Will, this is just between you and me, okay? You can't tell sonny. You cannot tell anyone else.
Will: Mom, no.
Sami: I am here to help, okay? This is all gonna work out. As long as you stay quiet, i think I can really get through to rafe, and then you and sonny will be able to raise allie's baby.
Will: Um, it's just, uh, you know, I--I--it's a lot to think about, you know? Um, we got a lot to do to prepare for him or--or her.
Sonny: Right, uh, but first things first. I gotta go find my dad so he can draw up the adoption agreement. Do you want to come with me?
Will: Uh, no, you know, I--i think I'm gonna go see rafe and, um, make sure he's really okay with this.
[Dramatic music]
Bonnie: You're obviously not gonna ask me why I'm upset, so I'm gonna just tell you. Lucas, he booted me out of his life. No, go ahead and gloat. I'm sure you're thrilled that I'm suffering because of what i did to adrienne.
Justin: I hate what you did to adrienne, but I am not going to gloat.
Bonnie: Why not?
Justin: I guess I'm just not in the mood for gloating.
Bonnie: Yeah, I saw the way you looked at kayla when she walked off with cyclops, and i tried to warn you. Those super couples, they always end up together. Always. So I think us rejects deserve ourselves a drink. Hmm, what do you say?
Justin: A little too early for me.
Bonnie: Heh, it's 5:00 somewhere. Come on, counselor. I'm buying.
Steve: Well, looks like roman isn't here today, huh?
Kayla: Guess he took the day off.
Steve: So how you doing, baby, after running into justin like that?
Kayla: I'm fine. I just--I feel bad.
Steve: So do I. I mean, he's being such a mensch about the whole thing. Even moved his stuff out of the apartment?
Kayla: Yeah, I know. Um, what do you think about moving in there with me?
[Knock at door]
Rafe: Yeah?
Will: Hey.
Rafe: Will. Hey.
Will: Any word on ben?
Rafe: No. No.
Will: Oh, how's ciara?
Rafe: She's with her mom.
Will: Yeah. Um, listen, sorry, I--I don't want to keep you. Uh, I just wanted to let you know that allie, um, offered her baby to--to sonny and me to adopt, and, you know, obviously we are over the moon about that, um, but we know that you were her first choice, so I just wanted to make sure, you know, you were okay with this, um, especially because I know that, uh, mom pressured you to say no to allie and I didn't mention it to you or anyone because she told me to keep my mouth shut, and I--I'm--I feel guilty about that, and I--I feel bad about the whole interference and, you know--
Rafe: Will, will. Celebrate the great news, okay? That's all you have to do, and i know--I know, man. You and sonny, you're great parents, okay?
Will: Well, thank you for-- thanks for saying that.
Rafe: Yeah. Yeah.
Will: Um, so... what's the deal with claire?
Claire: You know, I--I still really don't understand why we need to leave. I mean, they can't charge me with a crime I didn't commit, right? Wait a minute. Did something happen that you're not telling me about? Is rafe gonna arrest me? Come on, what--what don't I know?
Belle: Honey, nothing. It's nothing. You just--it's gonna be a big circus and I just think it's best if we left town.
Sami: I think your mom is right, claire.
Claire: Well, okay, but what if we get stopped at the airport?
Belle: We won't, and please just let me do all the talking this time.
Claire: What about dad?
Belle: I'll text him on the way.
Claire: Oh, my god. What is this? I feel like a fugitive!
Sami: Oh, hey.
Belle: Listen, just calm down. You just need to trust me, okay?
Claire: [Groans]
Shawn: Well, I have amazing news! Claire is in the clear. Yes.
Claire: Wait, what?
Shawn: Yes, hon. It's over. Yeah.
Claire: Oh, thank god. What? What? Thank god! Oh, my god!
Sami: I am so happy for you!
Claire: Oh, my god!
Kayla: Listen, before you say anything, I just--I just want you to know that I lived alone in that apartment for many months before justin moved in. It was j--it was just me by myself.
Steve: Sweetness, we can live in the apartment. We can live in one of your brother's spare rooms upstairs. I don't care. I don't care where we live as long as we're together.
Kayla: Together. I like the sound of that.
Steve: [Chuckles]
Justin: I think I'll pass.
Bonnie: All right, suit yourself. Thank you for not making this crap day any crappier. I appreciate it.
Sonny: Dad, what were you doing with bonnie lockhart?
Justin: Oh, we just ran into each other again. It's not worth getting into. How are you doing?
Sonny: I'm good and I'm glad I found you because I have some big news.
Justin: Okay.
Sonny: I need you to draw up some adoption papers. Allie is giving will and me her baby.
Justin: Sonny, that is wonderful! Congratulations.
Sonny: Thank you.
Justin: Fantastic!
Sonny: It really is. Oh, it's just nice to have something to be happy about.
Justin: Yeah.
Sami: Hey, lucas, where have you been?
Lucas: I got held up, all right? Allie's signing her release papers now. She's getting her things together.
Sami: Okay.
Lucas: I can only assume that you know that allie has offered her baby to will and sonny because rafe turned her down.
Sami: I didn't know about will and sonny, but I did know about rafe. You're welcome.
Lucas: What'd you do?
Sami: There's no way I was gonna let my ex-husband raise my grandchild, so I convinced rafe to tell allie that he's not interested.
Lucas: You did what? I can't believe you did that. Why would you do that?
Sami: Wait a second. What are you getting upset about? You don't want rafe to raise this child any more than I do.
Lucas: I know, but--but your daughter's gonna be mad. She's gonna be so mad at you. She's gonna go ballistic when she finds out that you controlled this whole outcome.
Sami: That's not gonna happen because allie doesn't know anything about it.
Lucas: Um...
Allie: Doesn't know anything about what?
Sami: [Scoffs]
Shawn: So we looked at the footage at salem park, and you were exactly where you said you were.
Claire: Okay, so I'm--I'm cleared of everything?
Shawn: You're clear of everything, completely exonerated.
Claire: Whew!
[Laughter] Thank you, dad. Oh, I feel like I can breathe again. Wow, um, okay. Um, I kind of want to go get some rest now.
Belle: No, actually, you know what? We should hurry up and still try and catch that plane.
Claire: What?
Belle: Well, we talked about this yesterday. You said that you were ready to go back to hong kong.
Shawn: Yeah, and now that there's no more legal issues, you're free to go. I think your mom's right. I think the two of you should head to the airport as soon as possible.
Claire: I still don't see why.
Shawn: Because, claire, you have been through so much. I think it would be good if there was a little--a little bit of space for a little while, and I have to stay here. I need to help rafe figure out who's actually behind this bombing.
Claire: Okay, look, I--I know that I agreed to leave before, but everything is so different now. No, I am not going anywhere.
Will: I'm--I'm glad claire was cleared. I mean, but do you have any other leads?
Rafe: Not yet. No. You were with ben most of the day, right? You remember anything that might help us find who did this?
Will: Not really. Sorry. I mean, I was mostly just keeping him away from his bride because of, you know, superstition.
Rafe: All right, uh, so nothing out of the ordinary happened?
Will: No. I mean, well, ben did get a call from his father from prison.
Rafe: Uh-huh. What did clyde say?
Will: Well, he--he just wanted to wish him well, but ben seemed to think he was upset that he didn't get an invitation. Not that he would be able to go anyway.
Rafe: Right.
Will: I think it was just more the feeling that, you know, he was upset that ben didn't want him there, you know?
Rafe: Mm-hmm. He say anything else?
Will: Yes. Clyde mentioned something about sending him a wedding present.
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