Days Transcript Friday 7/24/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 7/24/20


Episode #13820 ~ Rafe makes a decision about Allie's offer; Claire lands on the hot seat; Shawn relays upsetting news to his family; Sami and Lucas rush to the hospital to be with Allie.

Provided By Suzanne

Will: Yes, we are all okay. I'm with allie right now. She's doing good and the baby is fine, thank god. So yeah, I'll just...I'll be home soon. Love you too. Yeah, kiss ari for me. Kay.

Allie: You should go home to your husband and your little girl.

Will: I will, but right now I have a little sister who needs company. And I have to make sure she's comfortable, so...

Allie: [Laughs] I know what you're doing.

Will: [Chuckles] Well, uh, I'm sure you do. But aside from making sure you're comfy, cozy, I just wanna keep my promise to you, stay by your side and fend off any and all parents together.

Allie: Yeah, mostly mom... who is going to blow through that door any minute.

Will: Mm. You know, I kinda hope that maybe the second grandchild will mellow her out a little bit?

Allie: I don't know... after the way she went ballistic after I told her about offering rafe the baby? Imagine how she's going to react when she finds out that a church almost fell on us.

[Elevator bell dings]

Lucas: You need to calm down.

Sami: I can't just calm down. Mom, I got your message. Where is my little girl?

[Intense music]

Belle: I hope you're having a good time at ben and ciara's wedding. Anyway, I was gonna wait up to hear all about it, but I am so tired from everything that's going on with claire that i think I'm gonna go to bed. Anyway, I love you. See you later. Hey.

John: Good to be home.

Belle: Mom run you ragged on the dance floor? Oh, my god. What happened?!

Hope: Who is it? Is it ben?

Ciara: He's not here.

[Siren blaring] I don't understand. Where could he possibly be?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Allie: I know we were scared that mom went after rafe to give him hell about adopting the baby...but he didn't mention anything at the wedding. So...I don't know. I'm kinda hoping that mom was actually cool and didn't go all sami on him?

Will: Grandma and allie told me how you went nuts when you found out that that allie was thinking about giving her baby to rafe.

Sami: Yeah, I just came from talking to him.

Will: Mom, why? Why would you do that?

Sami: Would you stop complaining--I am on your side! If your sister does not want to raise her own child, then... I want you and sonny to get the nod.

Will: And you told rafe that?

Sami: Of course I did. I mean, I had to explain to him what a terrible idea it is for him to adopt his stepdaughter's child.

Will: And w-what did he say?

Sami: Well, he didn'T... really, but I think I really got through to him, and, um... the key is you just have to keep your mouth shut.

Will: I have to keep my mouth shut?

Sami: Yeah. Will, this is just between you and me, okay? You can't tell sonny, you can't tell anyone else.

Will: No, no, no, mom, no--

Sami: I'm here to help, okay? This is all gonna work out. As long as you stay quiet, I think I can really get through to rafe... and then you and sonny will be able to raise allie's baby.

Will: Well, um--

Sami: Oh, my god, thank god you're okay. What--what about the baby?

Allie: We're fine, we're fine.

Sami: How could you let this happen? How could you let my mother tell me--why didn't you call me? Who's your doctor, what did they say, what kind of tests did they run? I wanna talk to them myself...

Will: Mom, mom--

Sami: And find out what's really going on here.

Will: Mom, we're good, and we're all good.

Allie: Yeah. So you can go now. Both of you. And I'm pretty tired, so I know you'd like me to get some sleep.

Sami: Ohh... oh, my god, what were you two thinking? How could you even consider being the maid of honor and the best man in the wedding of a murderer?

Ciara: Ben! Ben? Okay, he must have gotten out. He must be outside.

Rafe: No, no, no, no, no! There's no way that ben could have gotten out that way.

Ciara: Okay, all right, then where is he, rafe, because he couldn't have just disappeared, okay--he has to be somewhere!

Hope: We'll find him.

Ciara: He has to be okay!

Rafe: Maybe the blast blew him clear of here, okay, he was disoriented, someone saw him, took him to the hospital.

Shawn: Maybe he hit his head or something, he's in shock, he's wandering around someplace. He's around here somewhere.

Ciara: I have to find him. He is my husband, and he needs me and I'm going to find him.

Hope: Okay, I'm coming with you.

Ciara: Okay, okay, you guys, if you hear anything, just if you hear anything call me.

Shawn: We will.

Ciara: You promise?

Rafe: It's gonna be okay, yes.

[Siren blaring] Oh, my god. Who would have thought this day would end this way?

Shawn: Yeah. Listen, if you're gonna go to the hospital, I'll stay here and I'll help the firefighters help secure the scene.

Rafe: Yeah, right, sounds good. Let's hope that someone brought him in.

Shawn: Yeah, let's hope that somebody saw something.

Rafe: Yeah. Yeah, we need to, uh...put some pieces together so we can figure this whole thing out.

Belle: Okay, so ben and ciara had just said their "I dos"...

John: Yep, and they were heading out of the church. Ciara turned around to say something to hope, ben proceeded around the vestibule when it happens--huge explosion.

Belle: An explosion?

Claire: Wait, wait, what?! D-do they know what caused it?

[Theresa] Shingles? Oh dios mio. So much pain.

Will: Mom, we've been over this, okay? Ben is a changed man. He saved my life.

Sami: Oh, but he killed you first.

Will: This should have been the happiest day of his life, right--he married the woman that he loves, but instead, he's missing, so can we drop this?

Sami: No! You two were in an explosion, you almost died. I'm supposed to act like everything is just what--okay?

[Phone beeps]

Will: Ari's waiting for me to tuck her in--sorry.

Allie: You need to go.

Will: No, I'm not gonna leave you alone with...

Sami: All right, would you stop acting--both of you--stop acting like I'm the problem here?

Allie: Go. I'll be fine.

Will: Are you sure?

Allie: Yes, I am. And thank you.

Will: For what?

Allie: It was so scary back there at the church, and... knowing that my big brother was there looking out for me really helped.

Will: Yeah, I-I'm always gonna look out for ya.

Allie: Okay.

Will: Okay. C-can you go easy on her, please, for me?

Sami: I'll try. And I'm really glad you're okay. And thank you so much for looking out for your baby sister and getting her out of that church.

Will: Yeah, well, actually, it was xander.

Lucas: It was xander?

Will: Yeah, when allie passed out, he carried her here from the church.

Lucas: Wait, wait--

Allie: Don't remind me.

Lucas: You passed out?

Sami: Wait--that is an important detail that you should have shared with us.

Allie: Go, now, before it's too late.

Will: Sorry. I'm gonna bring you extra gummies in the morning--can you behave? Behave, please.

Lucas: Yeah, we'll try.

Will: Behave.

Sami: We will try.

Lucas: Yeah.

Sami: You know... thinking about it, maybe, um, this happening is actually a good thing.

Allie: It'S...good?

Sami: Well, going through a trauma like this... just helps you understand how precious life is, right? Maybe it'll make you... come to your senses and realize that you wanna keep your baby.

Claire: Wait, someone blew up ciara's wedding?

John: Well, sweetheart, that we don't know yet. The authorities haven't ruled whether it was intentional or not.

Belle: Oh, this is unbelievable.

Claire: O-okay, wait, you said the explosion happened just a-as the bride and groom were leaving?

John: That's a fact.

Claire: Where's ciara? Is she okay?

John: Well, from what I know, ciara's still back at the church with hope, rafe, and your father and they're... and they're looking for ben.

Belle: Wait--ben's missing?

John: Yeah, he's the only one who's unaccounted for.

[Line ringing]

Ciara: Pick up. Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up.

Ben: Hey, it's ben. Leave a message.


[Phone beeps]

Hope: You tried to call him?

Ciara: Voicemail. I cannot believe that I lost my phone at the explosion. I mean, what if he's trying to text me, mom, what if he's trying to call me and let me know that he's okay? I really thought that he would try to contact you if he--

Hope: Maybe he lost his phone, honey, maybe he lost his phone.

Ciara: Did you have any luck?

Hope: I showed his picture to some of the diners and store owners--no one's see him.

Ciara: I want to go back into our room. I mean, what if he's looking for me? He might be inside.

Shawn: Hey. I'm glad I caught you.

Ciara: Hi. Did you find ben?

Shawn: No, but I do have news about the explosion.

Hope: Was it a gas leak?

Shawn: It wasn't an accident. The fire department found remnants of a detonator.

Ciara: Huh. Somebody blew up my wedding on purpose.

Shawn: Listen, ciara, I'm sure that you probably already know this, but ben has got a lot of enemies.

Ciara: Mm-mm.

[Laughs] Whoever did this wasn't trying to hurt ben. They were trying to hurt me. And whoever that person is... they're gonna answer for it. Ta-da!

Belle: Poor ciara, I just... can't imagine what she's going through.

Marlena: Heartbreaking. And on the night of her wedding.

Belle: Well, you'll let me know if you hear anything?

Marlena: You'll be my first call.

Belle: Thanks, mom. I love you.

Marlana: Mm. Love you.

Belle: Claire.

Claire: [Sniffles]

Belle: Hey...

Claire: I'M...I'm sorry.


Allie: When I passed out in that church... I was so afraid I might lose the baby.

Sami: Because you love him or her. Doesn't that tell you something, allie?

Allie: Mom, I've said this before but maybe if I keep saying it, you'll actually hear it and understand it. I'm giving up this baby because I love it so much. Okay? This kid deserves a stable, mature parent... not some party girl who doesn't know how to take care of anyone except herself. And I don't even do that very well, which you have pointed out many times. And so have you.

Sami: But you'll have lots of support from me, from your father.

Allie: I've heard this speech already, mom. But you are right about one thing. Something did happen in the church that made things even more clear to me. Right before they walked down the aisle... rafe and ciara had this moment that was... so beautiful and so loving. And I realized what an amazing father figure he is to her. And I want that for my child.

Sami: But will and sonny want to adopt your baby too, and he is your brother.

Allie: Yes, my brother... who would also be an awesome dad except that I offered my baby to rafe first. So whatever happens next, it's rafe's decision, no one else'S.

[Elevator bell dings]

John: All right, one change of clothes as requested. So how's allie?

Marlena: Oh, her parents are with her right now. I'll make sure she gets--

Both: Hey.

Rafe: Hey.

Marlena: Any leads on ben?

Rafe: No, sadly, still no signs of him yet. I was hoping he might have checked in here, but, uh... no luck.

John: Any update on the explosion?

Rafe: Nothing other than the fact that we know it's not an accident and, uh, someone planted a bomb in the vestibule.

John: Oh, my god.

Marlena: Oh, wow, do you have any leads?

Rafe: Not yet, no. And what about the two of you? Did you see anything or hear anything suspicious?

John: Got nothin'.

Marlena: No, nothing. Who'd want to blow up a wedding?

Belle: Hey, listen, I know this is shocking--

Claire: I know, but it didn't have to happen, mom, it didn't have to be this way. You know, she never should have kicked me out of her wedding. I should have been there so I--

Ciara: But you were at my wedding, claire.

Claire: Oh, my god, ciara! I'm so glad you're okay!

Ciara: Are you?

Claire: What?

Belle: Wait, what do you mean claire was at your wedding?

Ciara: Claire was the one who planted the bomb. You tried to kill me and my husband. Kids can change minds

Rafe: I want every available unit on this--let's find who planted that bomb.

Sami: Bomb? So it was intentional.

Rafe: It was. Yeah.

Sami: Well, I guess I'm not surprised. I mean, ben has more enemies in this town than friends. It's a good thing I have an alibi.

Rafe: Really? You know ben's still missing and most likely dead. You're over here making jokes?

Sami: Well, excuse me, but i happen to believe that the world would be a better place if we never heard from or saw ben weston ever again. But I'll let the police commissioner focus on the safety and well-being of a convicted serial killer. I'm gonna go check on my daughter.

Rafe: How is she? And the baby?

Sami: Allie's fine and the baby is fine. But since you bring it up, maybe it's time for you and i to have another little chat about my daughter and her child.

Allie: You've hardly said a word since you got here.

Lucas: You know how it is when your mom's around. It's hard to get a word in.

Allie: Yeah, tell me about it. this like a good cop, bad cop type of thing? She leaves and you start in on me about keeping the baby?

Lucas: No, not at all, actually. This is about me getting a call and someone telling me that you were involved in an accident in a church and there was big explosion, and I had to see for myself with my own eyes that you were okay hold you in my arms. Don't even do that to me again, okay? Don't scare me like that. I could use that hug now. Thanks. I'm just glad you're okay, and I'm glad the baby's okay.

Allie: Yeah, me too.

Lucas: Sometimes I feel like I'm playing catch-up with you because I wasn't around when you were growing up that much. And I just... I don't know, it makes me regret some of the decisions I made.

Allie: So you're saying that I'm going to regret my decision to give up my baby?

Lucas: No, I'm not saying that at all--I'm not even talking about that. I'm just...I'm just being here for you right now. You are your mother's daughter. You got a lotta fire in your belly. And you're very brave. And I know you must have been scared--you had to be scared when you were going through that explosion in the church and you must have been afraid for you and the baby.

Allie: Yeah. I mean...I was only a few steps behind ben and ciara when the vestibule exploded. One minute we were all so happy, and then the next there was just smoke and flames and it looked like the world had ended.

Claire: Wait a minute. You think I blew up your wedding? Ciara, I would never do something like that. I-I-I love you!

Ciara: Love me? You love me? Like hell you do, claire. And why are you so outraged by this accusation right now, huh? I mean, have you forgotten that you tried to torch me--twice?!

Belle: Okay, ciara, listen, i know you're upset, and my heart goes out to you, but... come on, this was probably an accident like a gas leak or something.

Ciara:, because shawn talked to the fire department, and they found remnants of a bomb--this was no accident. This wasn't an accident, claire. You lied about my wedding dress. You lied about stealing my ring. You lied about putting something in my drink to make me sick, so for once in your godforsaken life, do the decent thing and just tell the damn truth, okay?

Belle: Ciara--

Ciara: You were so mad at me. You were so angry with me for kicking you out of my wedding. And you hate ben so much...

[Crying] And you wanted to ruin any chance I've ever had at being happy. You wanted that so badly, bad enough... that you blew up the church.

[Intense music]

(Avo) do you push through four or more migraine days a month?

Allie: The crazy thing is that...besides what happened at the end, it was the most beautiful, most romantic wedding I've ever been to. You know, the way ben and ciara look at each can just feel how much they love each other.

Lucas: Well, I have no doubt that someday you're gonna find somebody, somebody who's head over heels in love with you.

Allie: [Light laugh] Thank you for not suggesting that that someone could be the baby daddy.

Lucas: Ah, you're welcome. But you can tell me if you want. You can share.

Allie: Nope.

Lucas: Feel free.

Allie: No.

Lucas: You sure?

Allie: Yep.

Lucas: Okay. Just throwin' it out there. Listen, I know your mom and i have been driving you crazy. I know that, but that's what parents do, you know? Parents just want their kids to be happy.

Allie: [Sighs]

Lucas: Sometimes we get it wrong. Sometimes we have different versions of that. But look how wrong I was about sonny and will, you know, in the beginning. But they are great parents to their daughter.

Allie: Is this a pitch to get me to give my child to will?

Lucas: No, not a pitch, no, no pressure. No, really.

Allie: Kay. Well, I hope you mean that, because I'm not changing my mind on anything. And will gets that. He understands that I am the one who gets to decide what's best for my child.

Will: Hey.

Marlena: Hi.

Will: Any word on ben?

Marlena: No. Um...but I did learn that the explosion was no accident.

Will: What? It was a bomb?

Marlena: Yeah. Rafe is working on it now. And I'm hoping everything turns out with ben. How are you--are you all right?

Will: Um... yeah, I'm, you know, I'm good, thanks. I was just with allie.

Marlena: Oh. And she and the baby are still okay?

Will: Physically, yes. Uh, but mom and dad showed up, and mom went full sami on her, so... now I'm just kind of wondering how it's all gonna shake out with allie's baby.

Rafe: No, sami. I'm not going another round with you about adopting allie's baby.

Sami: I just wanna make sure you understand.

Rafe: Oh, I understand. In fact, you made your feelings abundantly clear.

Sami: All right, maybe I came on a bit strong.

Rafe: A bit?

Sami: I love my daughter. And I just want what's best for her and her child.

Rafe: You want, as always, what's best for you. All right? And by the way, you lost the ability to tell me what to do when we got divorced years ago.

Sami: You're right. I overstepped. It's not my place to interfere.

Rafe: Sorry, what? You said that I'm right and you're wrong and something about not interfering?

Sami: Well, I'm teachable. Kind of.

Rafe: So you're saying that you're giving me your blessing to adopt allie's baby.

Claire: Ciara, please, you have to believe me. Yes, okay, maybe I was crushed that you didn't want me at the wedding or to be your maid of honor, but I mean, planting a bomb--would you just listen to yourself? I mean, this is crazy!

Ciara: [Laughing] Cr-- crazy? You would know. Of all people in this world, you would know crazy, claire. So why don't you just stop acting like you're so damn innocent. I heard you when I came in. You were mad and you were angry. You were going off about how you should have been at my wedding.

Claire: Yes, ciara, I should have been there so I could have stopped all of this from happening!

Ciara: Stopped all this from happening--do you hear yourself? Really, claire? You would have stopped this? Mom, she's the one who did it. She's the one who planted a--

Claire: No, I did not do it!

Ciara: Yes, you did! You're a liar, claire! You've always been a liar!

Shawn: You're upset about ben, okay--attacking claire is not gonna solve anything, all right?

[Ciara groans]

Claire: Ciara, please just, okay, listen to me--just listen to me, come on, I would never hurt you, okay? I love you. You're my best friend.

Ciara: Best friend? I'm your best friend? Well, with best friends like you, my dear, who needs homicidal maniacs?

Claire: You don't even try to understand! Okay, okay, you know, fine, let's say--let's say you're right, let's say that I hate your guts and I want you dead. So I, claire, okay, I-I build a bomb right here in my grandma and grandpa's condo, right, okay? And then I plant it at the wedding knowing that my father and my grandparents and tons of other people that I love are gonna be there. Does this even begin to make sense to you?

Ciara: Yes, it does, claire, because you didn't think that anyone else would get hurt. You knew that ben and I would be the first people to walk through the door.

[Sobbing] Come on, guys, seriously? Mom, really? After everything that she has done, I am the only person who thinks that she's capable of doing something like this?

[Sobbing] Back off!

Marlena: Darling, I know how much you want to adopt allie's baby. are not willing to strongarm her the way your mother is. I'm grateful. I love that you're being patient and gentle.

Will: Yeah, I, um, I just want, you know, allie to do what makes her happy. And if rafe decides not to adopt her baby, sonny and I would obviously be over the moon to have another child.

Marlena: I know that. And I also know that allie is going to what she thinks is best... regardless of what your mother thinks of it.

Lucas: I get it, I get that this is your choice, and I will respect whatever decision you make, but I am the grandfather. You know, I should be allowed to say something, right? That's fair enough.

Allie: Fair enough.

Lucas: Okay, um...never thought I'd be saying this but I actually agree with your mother. I think you should keep the baby.

Allie: But--no, I--

Lucas: I-I do. I-I-I really do, and you know, i think that will would be a better option than rafe, I'm just saying, as far as someone to take care of the baby. There it is, I said it. That's my two cents. It's done. Are we good?

Allie: Yeah. But maybe you can use that voice of reason of yours to support me the next time I disappoint mom and she goes off on me.

Lucas: You are not a disappointment to your mother.

Allie: Are you kidding? Everything that comes out of her mouth is about how I've screwed everything up and I keep screwing things up.

Lucas: The one thing you need to understand about your mother is... she's hard on herself because she's made so many mistakes in her life. And that makes her obsessively driven to control everybody else'S.

Sami: My blessing? To adopt allie's child? You know damn well that is not what I meant.

Rafe: Oh, there she is. There's the sami I know. Mm-hmm.

Sami: [Sighs] All right. You got me. All right, I'm sorry, okay?

Rafe: Okay.

Sami: But I-- I know I'm not doing this right. I know I'm not saying the right words. I'm just asking you to please not go through with this. You're a great father. I know that you are, okay? And some kid is gonna be super lucky to have you as a dad someday. But not this kid.

Rafe: Right.

Sami: My daughter, I-- I almost lost her tonight. Rafe, I know how important family is to you. If I have ever meant anything to you, please...please don't adopt allie's baby.

Ciara: Mom... we need to call rafe. We need to have him arrest claire right now and drag her to the station and question her and make her admit what she did to me and my husband.

Belle: Claire is not going anywhere. There's no proof that she did anything.

Ciara: Yet. There's no proof yet. So why don't you save us all some grief and just confess to what you did already.

Claire: I am not gonna confess, because I didn't do it! I didn't do it!

Hope: Ciara, honey, it has been a long, emotional day. Let's get you home, okay? Let's go. Come on. Come on, let's go.

Ciara: I know you did it.

[Sniffles] I'm gonna find proof that you did this. And then they're gonna arrest you... and they're gonna lock you up again. And this time... I'm gonna do everything that I can for as long as it takes to make sure that you never ever get out again.

Claire: She was so cruel, accusing me of doing this and [Stammers] Treating me like I'm some sort of lowlife criminal.

Belle: I'm so sorry, baby.

Claire: Hey, you know that I didn't do it, right? You know that I didn't plant a bomb at ciara's wedding.

Shawn: Wait, what are you talking about? Of course we know you didn't do it.

Claire: Oh, okay. Yeah, well, you say that to my face, but wh-what about when i leave the room, dad?

Shawn: Claire, you have our full support here.

Claire: Oh, okay, so not at all how it sounded when you two were talking before.

Shawn: What, you heard us?

Belle: Yes, and, honey, I've already apologized for that.

Claire: Yeah, but it doesn't change what you said. So, um, here, how 'bout this? I'll just leave, and you two can talk behind my back all you want.

[Uneasy music]

I had shingles. Horrible. A young thing like me?

Lucas: Uh, didn't you get those for allie?

Sami: I'll buy her some more. How is she?

Lucas: Well, she's as stubborn as her mother is. She's set on giving the baby to rafe. I think all we can do at this point is give her some space, you know, let her do what she feels is the right thing.

Sami: Yeah. You're right, just gotta step back and...hope allie does the right thing.

Lucas: Was that some kind of joke I'm supposed to get? Did I miss that?

Sami: No! Lucas, I'm being serious. I think you're right. The best thing we can do is step back and...hope that it all works out.

Rafe: I'm glad you and the baby are okay.

Allie: Me too. Any news on ben?

Rafe: No. No, nothing yet, unfortunately.

Allie: I'm so sorry. Poor ciara.

Rafe: Yeah. Yeah, it's been a rough day. Anyway, I'm sure you and the baby are tired. I just--I wanted to come by and, uh... talk to you about the baby, actually.

Allie: You made a decision. That's great. We could use some good news today.

Rafe: [Laughs] Yeah. I'll bet. Listen, I just want you to know that, um, I thought a lot about this--a lot. know, honestly, I'm so flattered that you... just that you would think that I'm the type of person that you want to raise your child. But, um... it's just after everything that happened with david... I-I'm just--I'm not ready yet to raise a child. I mean, not--not yet, anyway.

Marlena: Hey, what are you doing?

John: I don't need a bandage. It's just a damn cut.

Marlena: No, no, stop that, stop that--it was a bad cut. And it could get infected. Please. Please, stop touching it.

John: Are you speaking to me as a doctor or my wife?

Marlena: As the woman who loves you. And is so glad that you weren't seriously hurt.

John: Well, we are the lucky ones because when I think about ciara and ben... I'm tellin' you, doc, we gotta find that boy alive.

Marlena: Yeah. Do you have any idea who might have set that explosion?

John: I can't even speculate at this point. All I will say is that everything that went wrong leading up to ciara and ben's wedding--the one good thing is that no one can blame this on claire.

Marlena: [Exhales]

Belle: I'm gonna go check on claire.

Shawn: No, wait. Even if claire is guilty of sabotaging the wedding-- ruining the dress, losing the ring--there's no way that she could have planted that bomb at the church because she was with you the whole night.

[Suspenseful music]

Belle: Hey, I thought you were resting.

Claire: Couldn't sleep.

Belle: Oh. Why didn't you tell me you were going out?

Claire: Um...well, you and dad were talking. Thought I'd give you some time by yourselves.

Belle: Where did you go?

Claire: Nowhere special. Why are you looking at me like that? I just went to get some fresh air and now I'm okay, really.

Shawn: Belle?

Belle: That's not exactly true.

Hope: Do you want me to come in with you? And stay? Huh? I can stay with you.

Ciara: [Crying] No. I just wanna be alone right now, mom, but thank you.

Hope: Of course. I understand. But if it's okay with you, I'm, um, I'm gonna stay out here. Just in case you do need me. Okay?

Ciara: Okay.

Hope: I love you.

Ciara: I love you.

Hope: Here, sweetheart.

Ciara: Thank you.

[Somber music]

[Sobbing] Ben.

[Soft music]


Ben: With this ring... I thee wed.

[Soft music]

Ciara: With this ring, I thee wed.

[Soft, melancholy music]

[Loud sobbing]

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