Days Transcript Thursday 7/23/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 7/23/20


Episode #13819 ~ Chaos erupts at Ben and Ciara's wedding; Sarah is impressed with Xander's heroics; Allie and Lani fear for the health of their babies; Gabi and Jake grow closer.

Provided By Suzanne

julie: Do you, ciara alice brady, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?

Ciara: I--I--I do.

Julie: And do you, benjamin oliver weston, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?

Ben: I do.

Julie: Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.

[Sentimental music]

[Laughter] Ah. I'm so glad you two came up for air.

[Laughter] And now it is my great honor to present for the very first time, mr. And mrs. Benjamin weston!

[All cheering]

[Upbeat organ music plays]

[All cheer]


Hope: [Mouths words]

Ciara: [Mouths words]


[Cheers and applause]

[Eerie music]

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

[Sirens wailing]

[People coughing]

[Dramatic music]

Sarah: [Coughing]

Xander: Are you okay?

Sarah: I think so. What--what happened?

Xander: Some kind of explosion.

Sarah: We have to help the others.

Xander: Yeah.

Sarah: [Grunts]


Xander: I'll start evacuating people.

Sarah: I'm gonna see if anybody needs medical attention.

Xander: Be careful.

Sarah: You too.

[Sirens continue wailing]

[People coughing, clamoring]

John: Doc? Doc?

[Coughs] Doc?

Will: John! John!

John: Where's your grandmother?

Will: I just got her out. She's okay. She's okay.

John: Good job.

Will: How are you? John, you're cut. Are you all right?

John: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine. I got knocked out a little bit, but I've survived worse. Where's your sister?

Allie: I'm here.

Will: I don't know.

Allie: I'm here.

Will: Hey! Hey. How are--are you okay?

Allie: Yeah, I--

Will: Is the baby okay?

Allie: I think we're okay.

Will: Okay, well, we need to get you checked out. Sarah! Sarah, can you come over here?

John: Sarah!

[People coughing]

Rafe: Gabi!

Gabi: No!

Rafe: Gabi, you okay?

Gabi: What happened? Ah!

Rafe: Okay. Come on, come on. We're gonna get out of here.

Gabi: I don't wanna stay. Ah! Oh!

Jake: You all right?

Gabi: No, my ankle.

Rafe: Okay.

Jake: Ready? Okay.

Gabi: Help me. And get my shoes, please. Don't forget my shoes.

[Overlapping chatter]

[Both coughing]

Eli: Lani, you okay?

Lani: Yeah, I am okay.

Eli: The baby?

Lani: The baby's fine.

Eli: Let me get you outside.

[Both grunt]

Lani: [Coughs] No, no, no, I can't go. There's people who need our help.

Eli: No--hey. No, lani, the baby. We have to go.

Lani: Okay, fine, but we have to tell your--find your grandparents.

Shawn: No, no, no. They're okay. I told them to get as far away from the church as possible.

Eli: I'm gonna take you to them, and I'll come back and help the others. Come on, come on. Please.

Lani: Okay, okay.

Shawn: Mom!

Help me!

[All clamoring]

Shawn: Mom!

Hope: Oh, honey. Thank god you're okay.

Shawn: Listen, grandpa doug and grandma julie are okay too.

Hope: Where's your sister?

Shawn: Oh, god.

Hope: Ciara. Oh, god, ciara!

[All clamoring] Ciara!

Shawn: Oh, my god.

Hope: Oh, my god. Ciara, honey?

Ciara: Mom. Mom, what happened?

Shawn: Look, I think there was a bomb.

Ciara: A bomb? A bomb? Ben! Where's ben? Ben!

Hope: Ciara. Ciara!

Ciara: Ben!

Hope: Ciara!

Ciara: Ben!

Hope: Okay.

[All shouting]

Ciara: Ben! Ben! Ben! Ben!

[Crying] Ben. Ben!

This is hal.

Ciara: Ben!

Shawn: No! No! No!

Ciara: Ben!

Shawn: Stop! Stop!

Ciara: No, leave me alone. I have to get to him, shawn!

Shawn: No, no!

Ciara: No, no. We have to get to him. We have to get him. He might be hurt.

Shawn: No, listen--

Ciara: We have to help him!

Shawn: No, I'm gonna get a fire extinguisher. I'll be right back.

Ciara: Ben! Ben, can you hear me?

Rafe: Everyone needs to get out! Get out! This place isn't safe. What about allie? Is she okay?

John: She's fine. She's fine. Sarah's checking her out right now.

Sarah: I just looks like you have a couple of minor cuts and some bruising.

Allie: Is the baby okay?

Xander: This place is gonna collapse; we gotta go.

Allie: Yeah, you don't have to tell me twice.

Xander: It's all right. It's all right. It's all right.

Sarah: No, we gotta get her to the hospital now.

Xander: I've got her. I've got her.

John: Let's go.

Rafe: Let's go.

John: Heads up!

Ciara: Mom.

Rafe: Go! Come on. Hey, it's not safe. Ciara!

Ciara: I told you, I'm not leaving without ben. I'm not leaving without him. I'm not leaving without him!

Hope: No! Rafe!

Ciara: No!

Hope: No.

Ciara: No!

Julie: Here you go, my darling.

Doug: Oh.

Julie: Are you sure you're okay?

Doug: Yeah, I'm fine. Oh, man, you performed that ceremony so beautifully.

Julie: Thank you--till everything blew up.

Doug: Mm.

Julie: I'm so frightened for everybody in there and for ben and ciara. All the people we love are in that church.

Doug: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Julie: Oh, look. Well, I might have known you'd survive. The cockroaches will bury us all.

Gabi: Oh, shut up.

Julie: What were you doing at that wedding anyway?

Jake: She's my plus one, if you must know.

Gabi: Huge mistake.

Jake: What do you mean, "mistake"?

Gabi: Because of you, I was almost killed.

Julie: That girl, she's a menace to civilization.

Doug: Do not let gabi get to you.

Julie: Too late. Too late.

Eli: Hey.

Julie: Oh, thank god! Oh, honey!

Doug: Oh. Hey, everybody inside, are they safe?

Eli: Shawn was going to help hope and ciara when we left. They seemed to be okay.

Julie: What about ben?

Lani: We didn't see him.


Eli: Lani, that's it. I'm getting you to the hospital.

Lani: Mm-mm. No, no. I can get myself to the hospital. You go back to the church, and you help the others.

Eli: Baby...

Doug: Yeah, yeah. Eli, go ahead. Help the others. I--you have my word. I will get your beautiful bride to the hospital right away.

Eli: Okay. All right.

Doug: Go, go, go, go.

Eli: Thank you.

[Somber music]

Sarah: Take her to room three; I'm gonna be right there. All right. I'll make you guys wait here, and as soon as I know something, I will tell you.

Will: I hope nothing's wrong with allie or the baby.

John: Explosion and fire were pretty intense, but I think she passed out--smoke inhalation.

Marlena: Oh.

John: Oh! Thank god you're all right.

Marlena: Honey, wait a minute; you're hurt. We gotta get you checked out.

John: I'm all right. I'm just worried about allie.

Will: Yeah.

Marlena: I got your text. What's happening?

Will: Allie's fine, and then she passed out. So she's with sarah right now.

Marlena: Okay. I hope she and the baby are all right.

John: No.

Ciara: Mommy, is he okay? He has to be--hey, hey! What happened? Did you get in through the front doors?

Rafe: Locked. The only way to get to ben is through there.

Ciara: [Sobbing] I'm a performer.

Jake: [Coughing]

Gabi: What are you doing back here? I thought you were looking for ben.

Jake: I was, but they won't let anybody inside who's not a cop.

Gabi: Yeah, of course, 'cause it's gonna make things worse.

Jake: What is your problem?

Gabi: My problem is that you almost got me killed.

Jake: That was not my fault.

Gabi: You invited me to this death trap.

Jake: Yeah, I invited you because it seemed like the nice thing to do.

Gabi: It was a mercy invite.

Jake: It was a thank you because you were being so kind about my mother's death, and--i don't know--I thought we were having a moment.

Gabi: And this is the thanks I get?

Jake: That bomb--

Gabi: I was blown to smithereens.

Jake: That bomb going off was not my fault. You are a pain in the ass. You know that?

Gabi: Just--just--can you get away, please?

Jake: What, and let--leave you to get home with that ankle?

Gabi: Yeah, yeah. I can manage, okay? Just go.

Jake: Fine by me.

Gabi: Thanks.

Jake: Oh, for god's sake. Get over here.

Gabi: What are you doing? No!


Marlena: We should thank xander for what he did for her.

John: Oh, you think? Hey, kid.

Will: Hey.

Marlena: Hi, there.

Allie: What's going on?

Will: Hey, um, you fainted at the church, and sonny--sonny's cousin xander carried you all the way here.

Allie: The hot guy? That's embarrassing.

John: Oh, no, no, no. All that matters is that you and the baby are gonna be just fine.

Allie: Yeah, thank god.

Will: Sarah's still running some tests, but, um, looks like we're all in the clear. So...

Marlena: We are so grateful for that. And now we should call your parents, let them know what happened.

Allie: No, we shouldn'T. Absolutely not.

Julie: I just don't understand it. I don't understand how anybody could be so wicked to bomb a church, to bomb a wedding. I just got this text from hope. She's still in there with ciara and--and rafe and eli. It's such a dangerous place. Anything could happen to them, and--

Doug: Darling, darling.

Julie: I'm sorry. I'm sorry, sweetheart. The last thing I wanna do is upset you.

Lani: It's okay. I just--I--I need to believe that eli and everyone will be okay.

Doug: Yeah. Well, is there anything we can do for you?

Lani: Yeah, you can call my dad, and let him know that we're all okay.

Doug: I can call abe right now.

Julie: Thank you, honey. Thank you.

Sarah: Hey, lani. How you feeling? You in any pain?

Lani: No, no. No pain. Honestly, I think I just inhaled a lot of smoke, but the oxygen has--it's been helping me.

Sarah: Good. Um, I would like to check out the baby, if that's okay with you.

Julie: Oh, let me give you ladies some privacy. Be right outside.

Lani: Okay.

[Door closes]

[Monitor beeping] What, uh--what is it? Is--is there something wrong?

Rafe: Ben!

Shawn: Ben, can you hear us?

Rafe: Ben!

Ciara: Ow. Ow.

Hope: Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. Sorry, sweetheart.

Ciara: It's okay. It's fine.

Hope: It's strong ben. I'm sure he's gonna be fine.

Ciara: But he's not responding. Why isn't he saying anything, mom? He can't hear me. Hey, uh, ben, my husband is stuck behind that rubble somewhere; please go help him.

Eli: Let's get to it.

Hope: Let's get you out of here.

Ciara: No. No, mom. No, no, no, no, no.

Hope: Ciara--

Ciara: I told you, I'm not leaving without ben. No, mom! He needs me. Okay? If it were daddy trapped in would not leave. You would stay, and you would do everything you could to save him, right?

Hope: You're right. I would. All right, come on. Let's go find your husband. Alright so...oh.

Gabi: It's about time.

Jake: I got lost, all right? This place is like a maze. Guess I'll get going. You're welcome.

Gabi: Hey, jake. You were right about earlier. I was being unreasonable.

Jake: Believe the phrase i used was, "pain in the ass." But a near-death experience will do that to a person.

Gabi: That's not what it is.

Jake: Then what?

Gabi: I was--I was being a jerk to you because you're not stefan. You look like him. You just--you just don't dress like him. But you sound like him except for that accent. It just got to me you're... you're not him; you're never gonna be him. I'm never gonna have stefan. I just didn't know--I don't know what I'm gonna do without him-- forever without him.

Jake: Well, for what it's worth, I'm sorry.

Gabi: Why? I mean, you get to live your life. You--no more questions about who you really are.

Jake: I have a lot of questions. I mean, sure, kate gave me my mother's life story--scary as hell, by the way. But...I don't know anything about my father...the dimeras except for what I've read. And this--this place--my god. This is a far cry from the wrong side of the tracks in philly and working in a garage.

Gabi: Hey, um...I mean, if you--if you're curious about your father's family, I could tell you a little bit about them.

Jake: You'd do that?

Gabi: Well, it's not like i can do anything else right now.

Jake: I don't know. I feel like I should check on ben. I'm worried about him. If anything happened to him, I...

Gabi: But you said it yourself; they're only letting cops into that church. So what could you do? And I'm sure rafe and ciara's family, they've got it covered. So you might as well just stay. And I'm not gonna offer this ever again.

Jake: All right.

[Solemn music]

Tell me about the dimeras.

Sarah: You have a little bit of spotting.

Lani: [Stammering] I didn't realize that. Um, sarah, is something wrong with the baby?

Sarah: The fetal monitor is reading normal, so let's not panic. It could be nothing.

Lani: Yeah, but it could also be something.

Sarah: We're just gonna run a couple of tests to be sure.

Lani: Sarah, I cannot lose this baby. Sarah, I--I can'T.

Sarah: Hey.

Lani: I can't lose this baby.

Sarah: Lani, let's not jump to conclusions, okay? All right? Like I said, it's probably nothing. Okay?

John: Hey, sweetie. You can't keep pushing your parents out of your life.

Allie: I'd like to try.

Marlena: Allie.

Allie: I know, but they're just going to hover and make everything about them. And mom's probably gonna get in a food fight, and I just don't feel like dealing with that right now.

Will: Allie, I mean, you don't want mom going ballistic because we kept something from her again, do you?

Allie: [Sighs] Okay. If they call you, you can tell them. But until then, can we just hold off, at least until I know that the baby and I are totally okay?

[Monitor beeping]

Marlena: Against my better judgment--all right, but only until we know that everything is okay.

Allie: Yes, thank you. Thank you, thank you.

Marlena: Mm.

Allie: [Sighs] So is everyone else all right? I mean, what about ciara and ben?

John: Well, from what i understand, ciara is still at st. Luke's with the first responders, and they're--they're searching for ben.

Allie: Oh, god. That's terrible. Poor ciara. She just married the man of her dreams. What if she's already lost him?

[Indistinct radio chatter]

Ciara: I just--I don't understand. I mean, if it was a bomb, who would have planted it, mom?

Rafe: Have you perceived anything that could be a threat?

Ciara: Um, no. No.

Shawn: Hey! Rafe, come over here. Come here and help me move this column; if we move the column, we can get through the doors.

[Men grunting]

[Dramatic music]

Ciara: Hey, excuse me. Hi, sorry. Excuse me. Ah!

Shawn: Watch out.

Ciara: Ben! Ben, can you hear me? Oh, my god, shawn, I don't see him. I don't see him. Ben. Ben, can you hear me? Oh, my god. Oh, my god, I don't see him. Shawn, I don't see him.

[Indistinct radio chatter] Oh, my god. Oh, my god, his shoe. His shoe! I see his shoe! I see his shoe! Mom, I see his shoe. Ben! Ben!

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Rafe: Go! Those--hey! Get those flames out!

Shawn: I got it! I got it!

Rafe: Ben! Ben! Ben!

Ciara: [Sniffles] Mama...if ben is under all of that debris--

Hope: Hey.

Ciara: I...

Hope: Ben just married the love of his life. Like, what are you--what are you thinking? Do you really think he's gonna let something as little as an explosion get in the way of your life together? Huh? No, never. Never.

Ciara: [Sniffling]

Hope: Never.

Ciara: Mama, will you pray with me?

Hope: Of course. Lord, hear our prayer.

Ciara: Lord, hear our prayer.

[Crying softly]

[Whimpers, sniffling]

Eli: Ah! Damn it!

Shawn: What happened?

Eli: Cut my hand on something.

Rafe: Damn, dude. That looks pretty nasty. You gotta get that looked at.

Eli: We gotta find ben.

Shawn: No, eli, just go. We got it covered. Don't worry about it, all right?

Rafe: I know you're worried about lani and the baby. Just go. Go.

Eli: You sure?

Rafe: Yeah, we got it covered; get out of here.

Eli: Good luck.

[Monitor beeping]

Julie: Hello. I thought you must be hungry, so I got you some pudding. What's wrong, darling?

Lani: I'm spotting. Sarah's running tests, and she told me not to worry, but how can I not worry?

[Whimpers] Julie, I can'T...I cannot lose another child. I can'T. I ca...

Julie: Stop right there. You are not going to lose this child.

Lani: We don't know that.

Julie: Well, I know a couple of things. I know you married my precious grandson. That makes you my precious granddaughter. I know you're part of my family now, and the family loves you. And because your family loves you...we are all going to get through this just fine.

Lani: You know...

[Chuckles] I just started letting myself be hopeful about this baby. I even started making a list of baby names and thinking about its first steps and birthday parties and...what if I jinxed it?

Julie: No, baby. The universe doesn't work that way.

Lani: If something happens...

Julie: Nothing's going to happen, not on my watch.

Lani: [Sighs]

[Monitor beeping]

Will: You okay?

Allie: I'm starving. You wouldn't happen to have a cheeseburger and fries on you, would you?

Will: Um, would some gummy bears do the trick?

Allie: My favorite.

Will: Yeah, I saw 'em in the vending machine, so I just grabbed 'em for ya.

Allie: Thank you. You have always been the best big brother.

Will: No. I don't know about "the best."

Allie: Are you kidding? I remember when you used to sneak these in my lunch box when mom wasn't looking.

Will: Yeah. I don't know if that makes me a good brother or a bad one.

Allie: Well, in my book, it makes you a great one. And you're a great dad. I can see it on ari's face how happy she is.

Will: Well, she is a terrific little girl.

Allie: Um, look, I'm sorry that this whole adoption situation is so messed up. If I hadn't asked rafe first--

Will: No--hey, no. It--allie, it's okay. We talked about this. You know, whatever you decide-- whether it's sonny and me or rafe, um...I'm gonna respect your decision.

Allie: You mean it?

Will: Yeah, of course. Of course. I love you.

Xander: Hey, uh, how you holding up?

Sarah: I'm a little overwhelmed. Um, there's been a steady stream of injuries from the wedding, but, luckily, none of them are life-threatening.

Xander: And how's your cousin allie?

Sarah: I'm happy to report that I think she's gonna be fine. She has some smoke inhalation, and I'm waiting on some test results, but...

Xander: [Sighs]

Sarah: It was really impressive the way you swished her up and carried her all the way here.

Xander: Well, seeing allie like that, it just--it reminded me of you by the side of the road last year. And the thought of something happening to her child the way it happened--the way it happened to mickey...

Sarah: Yeah, I know.

[Clears throat] Thank you for helping and for this.

Xander: Well, I'll keep 'em coming.

Sarah: You should go home. It's gonna be a long night. Just...

Xander: Before the wedding, we were finally making some progress. So there's no way I'm leaving your side now.

Jake: Eleven? I have eleven siblings?

Gabi: Yeah, yeah. Well, you know, some of them are dead, but only tony, kristen, peter, ej, and chad are left to make your life miserable.

Jake: No wonder stefano needed a house this size.

Gabi: Well, I mean, they didn't all live here at the same time.

Jake: Well, lucky for the staff. How many servants are there, anyway? And by the way, that harold guy is a piece of work.

Gabi: Oh, harold. Yeah, he treats me like the help. But--well, there's the cook, the driver, the maid, the other maid--

Jake: Okay, okay. I get it. I get it. I...

[Sighs] I can't imagine growing up like that. When I was growing up, we--we didn't have much of anything.

Gabi: Yeah, neither did I.

Jake: Is that why you fought so hard to keep this place?

Gabi: It's part of it. But being here makes me feel close to stefan. We fell in love here. We made plans to build a future our home. I'm sorry. I don't--I don't know.

Jake: No, it's okay.

[Cell phone beeps] Oh. Maybe that's word on ben.

Gabi: Is it?

Jake: No. It's a work thing.

Gabi: You're really worried about him, aren't you?

Jake: I am. Can I confess something to you?

Gabi: Yeah. What is it?

Jake: I'm worried that that explosion at the church today... it could have been my fault. This is my body of proof.

John: See, I told you I was all right. Nothing can penetrate this thick skull.

Marlena: Don't I know that.

John: I'm telling you, doc. When I came to in that church and you weren't there, it scared the hell out of me.

Marlena: I'm so sorry, but will insisted that I get out of there.

John: It was a smart move because if anything were to ever happen to you...

Marlena: I feel the same way about you, john black.


John: [Moans]

Marlena: [Crying]

[Monitor beeping]

Allie: [Sighs] What's taking so long?

Will: Tests take time.

Allie: Yeah, well, the waiting's driving me crazy. I need to know that this baby is okay. Do you think it's weird that I'm concerned about this kid even though I'm giving it away?

Will: No, of course not.

Allie: Just between me and you and this room...when I first found out I was pregnant, i freaked out. All I could think about was this kid screwing up my life. But now I've kind of gotten to know him or her, and judging by the kicking and squirming going on in here, this kid is a night owl--like me--and loves classic rock and cold pizza for breakfast. Yeah, this is--this is a pretty cool little kid in here. And now all I can think about is not screwing up its life. So that's why...adoption.

Will: [Snorts softly] You are a very wise young woman.

Allie: So you don't think I'm selfish?

Will: I mean, you're putting your kid first. That's kind of the opposite of selfish.

Allie: And that's why you're my favorite brother.

[Both laugh]

Marlena: Hey.

Allie: Hey.

Will: Hey. Hey, how's your head?

John: Harder than ever.

Will: I expected as much.

Marlena: I got your test results from sarah.

Allie: And?

Marlena: Everything checks out fine.

Allie: [Sighs] Thank god. Okay.

Marlena: So now that we know that you and the baby are fine, it is time to call your parents.

Allie: [Groans]

Julie: And last big breath, through the nose, hold it, and let it go. Now how do you feel?

Lani: [Sighs] Much better.

Julie: Oh.

Lani: I am so grateful...

Julie: Oh, no, honey.

Lani: That you're here. Thank you.

Eli: Lani? Hey, there you are. Hey, how are you?

Lani: I'M...I'm spotting. Sarah's running tests, but... yeah.

Eli: Baby, I'm so sorry that I wasn't here.

Lani: It's okay. Your grandmother has been amazing.

Eli: Thank you, grandma.

Julie: I just reminded her she's married into a very supportive family, and we all love each other very much. And that's how we get through everything.

Lani: [Laughs weakly] What happened to your hand?

Eli: No.

Lani: Hey.

Eli: I just wasn't paying attention; it's okay.

Julie: Well, what's going on at the church? Did you find ben?

Eli: It looks like ben is stuck under a pile of debris. They were still removing the rubble when I left.

Julie: Oh, god, I hope he's all right. I pray he is.

[Knock at door]

Lani: Did you get the results?

Sarah: I have them right here.

Lani: Okay, well, what do they say? Is the baby okay?

Gabi: What? How could the bomb going off be your fault?

Jake: You know, the whole mob thing.

Gabi: But you quit.

Jake: You saw firsthand what those guys are capable of--not exactly easy to get away from. What?

Gabi: Are you serious? I mean, the ego on you. Really? You think that the mob came all the way from philadelphia to blow up a church full of people because of you?

Jake: I don't think it's that crazy.

Gabi: I don't know. I mean, don't you think if that's what they wanted to do, they would have left some sort of message, like a horse head on your bed or maybe a fish wrapped in newspaper or something?

Jake: All right, all right. You could be right. But still, if it wasn't my old boss, then who set that bomb?

Gabi: Oh, please. All those people in that church, they have so many enemies. It could have been anybody.

Shawn: [Grunts]

Ciara: He has to be under there. Ben! Ben!

Rafe: We're almost there.

Shawn: [Grunts] Here, rafe, help me move this, and I think we got it. Help me move this. Ready?

Ciara: Ben! Ben, baby, if you can hear me, you have to hang on, okay? You have to hang on!

[Gasps] Oh, my god. Oh, my god! you happen to have a tamp..?

Jake: How's your ankle?

Gabi: of the luckier ones.

Jake: Yeah, ben really got the brunt of the blast.

Gabi: I'm really sorry. Look, I know he's your friend.

Jake: He's my only friend. I just hope he made it out of there alive. I hope everybody else made it out okay too.

Sarah: So your test results came back clean. Your baby is fine.

Julie: Oh, thank god.

Sarah: Um, I would like you to stay a little bit longer, but it's just a precaution, okay? Like I said, there is nothing to worry about.

Lani: Okay. Thank you.

Sarah: Yeah.

Eli: Thanks.

Sarah: Yep.

Lani: I was so scared.

Eli: It's okay. The baby is okay.

Lani: Yeah.

Doug: Is everything all right in here?

Julie: Oh, it sure is. It sure is now.

Lani: [Laughs]

Xander: Here you go, dr. Horton.

Sarah: You were serious about sticking around.

Xander: Very. Have you heard back about allie, the results?

Sarah: I did, yes. Thank you for asking. Um, allie and her baby are gonna be just fine and so are lani and her baby. So...

[Sighs] I love good news.

Xander: Well, you've had a very long shift. Maybe all this good news means you can knock off, go home, get some sleep.

Sarah: I wish, but I am very much needed here. So...

Xander: Then I will stay and make sure you get home safe.

Sarah: It's not necessary.

Xander: Yes, it is.

Sarah: Oh, my god, you are relentless.

Xander: I am.

Sarah: Xander, go home. And if it makes you feel any better, I don't think that i could drink anymore coffee if i tried. So...

Xander: All right. I'll go if you'll promise to let me take you out to dinner. And I know we have a lot to work out, so before you object--

Sarah: I'm not objecting.

Xander: Really?

Sarah: Really.

Allie: What do you think the chances are that mom and dad won't come in here, running around like lunatics?

Will: Mm, zero.

Allie: Thanks.

Will: But you know what? I'm gonna be here with you, and we can--we can fend 'em off together. So...

[Cell phone beeps]

[Monitor beeping]

Allie: Still no word on ben?

Will: Uh, no. I texted shawn, but I haven't heard back. Hope that's not a bad sign.

Hope: What is it? Is it ben?

Ciara: He's not here. [Gasps] I don't understand. Where could he possibly be?

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