Days Transcript Wednesday 7/22/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 7/22/20


Episode #13818 ~ Rafe walks Ciara down the aisle; Jake invites Gabi to the wedding as his date; Belle realizes Claire lied to her; Ben and Ciara's wedding celebration ends with a stunning twist.

Provided By Suzanne

Gabi: That was a really nice toast to your mother.

Jake: She wasn't a very nice lady.

Gabi: Oh, come on. I just mean, you know, it's not every day someone meets their biological mother while she's cuffed to--to a chair in a police station because they-- they tried to kill somebody at their wedding.

Jake: Oh, my god, wedding!

Gabi: What?

Jake: I'm supposed to be at ben's wedding.

Rafe: Thank you. You're the best.

Hope: Mm.

Rafe: Oh, my god. Ciara, is that you? Is that--

[Both laughing] You look stunning. Come here.

Ciara: Thank you.

Rafe: Oh.

Ciara: Thank you. I mean, it's thanks to allie and my mom, really.

Hope: And you're feeling fine, too, right, honey? Hmm?

Ciara: I feel more than fine. Mom, I'm feeling off the charts happy and excited. I mean, how can I not? I'm about to marry the love of my life.

[Beeping] I just wish that some of the people that we lost were here today so that they could share in my joy. My dad most of all.

Rafe: Yeah. Well, I know one thing. If he were here, he would be so proud of the woman you've become.

Ciara: Thank you for being such a comfort to me after he died. Rafe, you were so loving and so nurturing, it was amazing.

Rafe: Oh, come on.

Ciara: [Chuckles]

Rafe: You do not have to thank me. It's--it's been a gift. Truly.

Hope: Told you she loves you.

Rafe: Yeah.

[All laughing]

Hope: Thank you...

Rafe: Yeah.

Hope: For stepping in. It means a lot. Thank you so much.

Rafe: Yeah.

Hope: And you.

Rafe: Hmm.

Hope: [Exhales sharply] Baby, I am so sure that your dad is here today. He is watching over you. He is making sure that you are safe and happy.

[Suspenseful music]


Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Gabi: Ben invited you to his wedding?

Jake: Yeah. We've become friends, probably because I remind him of his old pal stefan, but still.

Gabi: Yeah, ben saw the good in stefan. I mean, he makes two of us, so, all right, I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go home. I'm gonna go to bed early. I'm really sorry again about vivian.

Jake: Thanks. Hey, gabi, why don't you come with me?

Gabi: To the wedding?

Jake: Yes.

Gabi: I don't think so.

Jake: Come on. Compared to the memorial service I was just at, the wedding will be a blast. You can be my plus one.

Gabi: What about gwen?

Jake: You're here. She's not.

Gabi: Oh, she's gonna be so mad.

Jake: Well, she's always so mad at me. So you coming?

Ben: You sure this is straight?

Will: Yes, it's straight. Collar's a little tight, too.

Will: [Chuckles] You know what that is? That thing is called nerves, but you couldn't be nervous about marrying ciara, could you?

Ben: It's this room, man. All these eyes, all these people who don't think I'm good enough for her, makes me wonder if I am.

Will: Well, I mean, you don't have a lot of fans in this room.

Ben: Yeah.

Will: But who cares, right? I mean, all that matters is ciara chose you, right? So you want to prove all the haters wrong, all you gotta do is stand up there and marry her. Give her the best happily ever after, ever.

Ben: Think I can do that?

Will: I would not be standing up for you if I didn'T.

Ben: [Exhales]

Claire: Hey, where's dad?

Belle: Oh, he, um, went to the wedding. You know, to be there for ciara.

Claire: Wait, he's at the wedding?

Belle: Are you upset about that?

Claire: No, no. I'm--of course he's at the wedding. Ciara's his sister. I mean, I'm actually very surprised that you didn't go. You still can, if you want. Uh, I am very fine here alone.

Belle: Honey, you're not fine. You're upset that you're unable to attend the wedding. I get it.

Claire: Um, I am not unable to attend, mother. No, I have been fired--banned-- from the wedding and ciara's life.

Belle: Which I know is terribly hurtful, and that's why I'm here to be here for you.

Claire: Really? Or maybe you just wanted to guard me, you know? Make sure I didn't do something crazy.


Hope: It's time, sweetie. Are you ready?

Ciara: Um, I don't know. But I do know that I love ben with my entire heart and he looks at me the way that daddy looked at you, and I never thought that I would have that.

Hope: And now you do, and i couldn't wish for anything more than that for you. Happiness. I love you.

Ciara: And I love you.

Hope: My beautiful girl. Okay.

Ciara: [Groans]

Hope: Oh, okay.

Ciara: [Exhales sharply]

Rafe: Hey.

Ciara: Okay.

Rafe: It's time.

Ciara: Ah--

Rafe: [Chuckles]

[Romantic music]

Eli: Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait!


This is ava.

[Romantic music]

Ben: You think something's wrong?

Will: Nope, and, uh, I'm your best man so you have to believe me.

Hope: What happened?

Rafe: What's wrong?

Hope: What is it?

Eli: I'm sorry. There's no emergency except for this one.

Lani: Ciara, I am so sorry. The dress that I planned on wearing, it didn't fit and--

Allie: Uh, I can relate to that.

Lani: So I--I to run out and get a--a new one and I--I'm so sorry, you guys. I'm so sorry.

Eli: And now we are holding things up. Look, do you mind if we sneak in before the wedding starts?

Ciara: Go ahead.

Jake: Yeah, us, too.

Lani: Crashing another wedding again.

Jake: Nobody's crashing anything. She's my plus one.

Lani: Mm.

Jake: Let's go.

Lani: You are the most stunning bride. It's all you.

Ciara: Thank you.

Lani: [Kisses]

Ciara: [Exhales sharply]

Rafe: Okay.

[All laughing]

[Romantic music]

Will: See? Just some late arrivals. All good.

Ben: Oh, I hope so.

Lani: Allie's the maid of honor? Wh--what happened with claire?

Belle: I know how hard this is.

Claire: Oh, really? Huh. Do you actually know what it's like to try your very hardest to make things right and--and to try so hard to do everything you can to throw your best friend the most perfect wedding ever, and then have everybody just hate you?

Belle: Nobody hates you.

Claire: And to have your own parents wonder if they can believe you?

Belle: Oh, baby.

Claire: Yeah, I heard you and dad. You actually think that i did it. You think that I put nail polish on ciara's wedding dress and that I made her engagement ring disappear and that I made her sick on her wedding day.

Belle: Honey, your father and I want to believe you and we know that you love ciara and that you regret all the things that you've done in the past.

Claire: I do, yeah.

Belle: Listen, i understand that. I do. I--I think that we're--we're just worried that when you got out of bayview you set all these expectations, right? You were gonna make up for everything you did to ciara and you were gonna be her best friend again and, you know, i know what a perfectionist you are and how hard you try and i mean, baby, you just put too much pressure on yourself.

Claire: Mm. So, what? What, you think I snapped?

[Organ music]

Ciara: [Exhales sharply]

Rafe: That's our cue.

Ciara: Uh-huh.

Rafe: Yeah. Ciara? Ciara?

Ciara: I need a minute.

[Exhales sharply]

Rafe: Hey, what--are you--are you okay? You--you feeling ill again?

Ciara: No, no, no, no. It's not that.

Rafe: Cold feet?

Ciara: [Chuckles] Yeah, it's, uh--it's not really my feet as much as it is my legs. I mean, I know it's a short walk down that aisle, but it feels like my legs might go right out from under me, you know? Just--

Rafe: Yep.

Ciara: Whoosh.

Rafe: Yeah.

Ciara: Yeah.

Rafe: Yeah, okay, okay. Hey, it's gonna be okay.

Ciara: [Groans]

Rafe: Um, hey, do you remember when you were--you were a little girl, you asked me to teach you to ice skate?

Ciara: Yeah.

Rafe: Backwards?

Ciara: Yeah.

Rafe: Right?

Ciara: Yeah.

Rafe: Okay, and what did i tell you? What'd I tell you, huh?

Ciara: You told me to hold your hands and--and you won't let me fall.

Rafe: That's right. Yeah, right? Okay?

Ciara: Yeah.

Rafe: And by the way, I get it, 'cause, um, walking on those heels, like, that's gotta take unbelievable balance and courage.

Ciara: Tell me about it!

Rafe: Yeah, in front of all these people.

Ciara: [Laughs]

Rafe: But, look, you're not on ice skates, right? And you're not going backwards, so I am not gonna let you fall.

Ciara: And if I do, then you have to catch me.

Rafe: You better believe it. All right? Hey, you got this. All right?

Ciara: I got this.

Rafe: Come on.

Ciara: I got this.

Rafe: There you go.

Ciara: Thank you.

Rafe: Yeah.

Ciara: Yeah.

[Richard wagner's "bridal chorus"]

When migraine strikes,

[Richard wagner's "bridal chorus"]

Claire: Mom, I swear that i am telling you the truth, okay? I did not do any of these horrible things. It's just from the moment I saw the save the date card on dr. Morris's desk, I knew that I had to find a way to be in ciara's wedding, okay? Because I--I was so sure that if I just convinced her of how sorry I was and then she trusted me enough to let me be her maid of honor, then everything would be okay between us again, but somehow everything has been ruined and everybody has just decided to blame me.

Belle: Hey, claire, wait a second.

Claire: What?

Belle: When your father and i told you about ciara's wedding, you acted like you heard that for the first time. Did you know already?

Ciara: [Exhales sharply] Yeah, yeah. So?

Belle: So you lied to us. Why?

Claire: 'Cause I knew that if I told you and dad the truth that you would look at me the exact same way you're looking at me right now, like you think that I am obsessed with ciara and her wedding.

Belle: Honey, are you?

Ciara: Oh, my god, no, mom. I swear to god, I am not!

Julie: Who gives this woman to be married to this man?

Rafe: Well, this woman makes her own choices. I'm just lucky enough to have the pleasure of walking her down the aisle. Love you, kid.

Hope: I love you, baby.

Ciara: I love you, mom.

Ben: You look so beautiful. Are you sure you're feeling okay? Yeah?

Julie: [Clears throat] Are you two ready?

Ben: Very.

Julie: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join benjamin oliver weston and ciara alice brady in holy matrimony. If anyone here has just cause why these two should not be joined together, let the--i don't think we need this part.

[All laughing] Because I am determined to marry these two no matter what anybody says.

[Cheers and applause]

Rafe: Yes. People used to care. Heck, they'd come

Julie: Marriage is an honorable estate not to be entered into lightly or unadvisedly. Oh, dear. If it's okay with the bride and groom, I'd like to wing it.

[All laughing] Okay. After all, I--I just said at a very recent, very wonderful wedding, I know more about marriage than anybody in this room.

John: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, except maybe doug.

Doug: The only thing I know about marriage is what julie tells me.

[All laughing]

Julie: Okay, everyone, if--if the hecklers will allow me, thank you. Thank you so much. I would like to proceed with the wedding by starting off with a story. A story about the bride. Many years ago--well, not so many--when ciara was just about this high, a feral cat moved under the porch of our house, and this cat was the meanest, mangiest, scariest creature in god's green earth, and doug and I did everything in our power to try to get rid of it, but this tomcat would not be moved. Well, one day doug and I were coming home one afternoon. We look up and there's ciara, no bigger than a minute. She's sitting on the front porch swing, and sitting in her arms is the tomcat, purring away. Well, I--I look at her and say, "ciara, how did you get him to come out from under the porch?" She said, "I--I looked him in the eye and I sat perfectly still, and after a lot of mewing and yowling and spitting and hissing, he just came to me." Wow, well, doug and I are afraid that the cat might be rabid, so I yell out to her, "ciara, you shouldn't let that cat anywhere near you," and she just held it tighter in her arms, and then she said to me, "grandma julie, don't you ever tell me it's not okay to love somebody." I'm sure sadly everybody in this church has been told at some time or another in their life it's not okay to love somebody, and sadder still, I'm afraid some of us have been the one to say it's not okay to love, but love--true love--is never wrong. Sometimes it takes years and years for people to learn that, but this beautiful young lady has known it her entire life. And so, I am honored today to marry her to the man she has decided is okay to love.

Marlena: Oh.

Claire: Come on, I am not obsessed with ciara or her wedding, okay? I love her and I want her to be happy, and all I have tried to do is show that to her, but apparently I have to show it to everyone else, too, including my own parents. You know, and it just really sucks because no matter what i do or say or how freaking hard i try, it's just not gonna be enough, so--

Belle: Listen, honey. You are enough and we love you and I'm--I'm so sorry I upset you, okay? I am, and for the record, I am not here to guard you. I am here because I miss you and I want to spend time with you, and I think that we just need a hug right now.

Claire: Got it.

Belle: I know how much you want to make amends to ciara and I really, really do believe that in time she will give you the chance to do that, okay? But right now I think maybe you should come home to hong kong with your father and me.

Shawn: So when my sister asked me to do, uh, a reading for her wedding, I did my homework and, uh, I decided that there's only one way to do this. Chinese wedding poem.

Ciara: No way!

Shawn: [Gasps] Here we go.

[All laughing] I want to be your friend forever and ever without break or decay. When the hills are all flat and the rivers are all dry, when there's lightning and thunder in winter, when it rains and snows in summer, when heaven and earth mingle, not until then will i part from you.

Ciara: Shawn, thank you for that and, um, I'm so sorry about claire.

Shawn: I'm sorry, too, but this is your day. It's not claire'S. It's not mine. It isn't anybody else'S. I love you and I wish you all the happiness in the world.

Ciara: I love you.

Julie: Ben and ciara have written their own wedding vows which they will now share with us and with each other.

[Theresa] Shingles? Oh dios mio. So much pain.

Ben: No one here today will be telling any heartwarming stories about me, but that's okay... because before I met ciara, the stories people would have told would not be the ones anybody would want to hear. I think we all know I'm the feral cat... but I've owned my past to the best of my abilities. I've made amends when I could, and the way I see it now, my real story--my real life--began the day I met you. I'm sure a lot of you are wondering about ciara's engagement ring. Well, yes, it is a washer from her dad's bike that I took when I repaired it when she crashed and broke her leg. That crash, that's how we met. It was the moment that brought us together and it gave us the chance to fall in love. You know, people my whole life have told me that I'm no good, that nobody would ever care about me. My story--my story was not supposed to be this. It was not supposed to be a love story. By some kind of miracle--you-- it is.

[Breathing heavily] And you are incredibly brave. You know that? You know, I heard sometimes talking will take your mind off the pain. I don't know if you want to.

Ciara: Oh, my god. This is my dad's bike. Wait, but no. But I--I totaled this. How did you--

Ben: Well, that was the thing. I started working on it. I don't know. I just remembered back at the cabin, you told me how much this bike meant to you and--

Ciara: It was my dad's most prized possession. When he left it to me it was like I guess a little part of him, you know? So thank you.

Ben: You're welcome. Good things come to those who wait.

Ciara: That's kind of cliché, isn't it?

Ben: Yeah. I'm hoping it's true.

Ciara: So I'm a good thing?

Ben: You are a great thing.

Ciara: I have something really, really important to tell you.

Ben: Me, too. I'll go first.

Ciara: Okay.

Ben: I love you. I've never loved anyone like this in my entire life.

Ciara: I love you, too.

Ben: Yes, I fixed your broken bike, and yes, I fixed your broken leg. When you met me, my heart and my soul, everything about me was broken until you loved me. Ciara, your love fixed me.

Limu emu & doug

Ciara: Benjamin oliver weston, you've told me so many times that I believed in you when no one else would, but what was hard for me wasn't believing in you. It was believing in myself. When we met, ben, I was so mad at the world and I just wanted to make sure that no one could ever hurt me again, but then i woke up in that cabin after i crashed my bike and you were so kind and you were so gentle and you made me feel safer than I've ever felt in my entire life and I felt safe every day since. Safe to trust again and safe to be myself again. I know that our life won't be easy, no, but I also know that it's okay for me to be scared sometimes because I'm gonna have you right by my side every single day. It's your love and your strength that taught me to open my heart again to you and to the entire world. Okay, this is officially bizarre. I can't believe I'm getting a sponge bath from--

Ben: The necktie killer?

Ciara: If my mom saw this right now--

Ben: She would not be happy.

Ciara: No.

Ben: At all.

[Both laughing] Is that funny?

Ciara: Mm-mm, nope. Nope, I'm just really ticklish.

Ben: Sorry.

Ciara: [Giggling]

Ben: Should I stop?

Ciara: Mm-mm. No, I'm good. I'm--I'm good.

Ben: Okay.

Ciara: Yeah. I, uh--I never actually, uh, thanked you for rescuing me off the side of the road, so thanks. Thank you.

Ben: You're welcome. Oh, my god.

Ben: What does it say? So, don't you leave me hanging in suspense. What does it say?

Ciara: "Will you marry me?"

Ben: Of course I will marry you. The question is, will you marry me?

Ciara: You say that I'm the one who fixed you, and that may be true, but I was just as broken as you were when we first met, and it turns out that true love was the only thing that could fix me, too.

Julie: You have the rings?

Ciara: [Laughing]

Ben: With this ring i thee wed.

Julie: Ciara?

Ciara: Right. With this ring, I thee wed.

Julie: Do you, ciara alice brady, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?

Ciara: I--I--I do.

Julie: And do you, benjamin oliver weston, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?

Ben: I do.

Julie: Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.

[Dramatic music]

Claire: You know what? I think that is a great idea. I am totally ready to go back to hong kong whenever you are, actually. The sooner the better.


Belle: Okay. Good. I thought you were gonna fight me on this.

Claire: Oh, what's to fight? No, I think you're right. I really hope that ciara and i could be friends again and she could forgive me, but it's just not gonna happen. Nope, I totally blew up my only chance to fix things with her.

Belle: Sweetie.

[All laughing]

[All shouting]


Julie: Ah, I'm so glad you two came up for air.

[All laughing] And now it is my great honor to present for the very first time mr. And mrs. Benjamin weston.

[All cheering]


[Felix mendelssohn's "wedding march"]


[All cheering]

[Suspenseful music]



[Sirens blaring]

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