Days Transcript Tuesday 7/21/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 7/21/20


Episode #13817 ~ Hope and Allie help Ciara get ready for the wedding; Ben gets a surprising phone call; Claire swears to Belle and Shawn that she's innocent; Xander sets the record straight with Sarah.

Provided By Suzanne

Julie: Dearly beloved, we are gathered to join ben weston and ciara brady in holy matrimony. What? I don't like the look on your face.

Doug: It's going great, sweetheart.

Julie: But?

Doug: Well, usually I can hear you from halfway across the square, but, uh, you might wanna project a little more.

Julie: Project?

Doug: Yeah, sell it to the back row.

Julie: Oh. I get it. The back row. Sell it. Any other notes?

Doug: That's all. Just back row.

Julie: Dearly beloved!

Marlena: Oh, it is so good to have you home.

Belle: It's so good to be home.

John: And where's that shawn boy?

Belle: Oh, he went straight over to his mom'S.

Marlena: Oh, okay, well.

Belle: Yeah. [Laughs]

Allie: Aunt belle!

Belle: Allie! Oh, wow, I had no idea you were pregnant.

Allie: Yeah. Yeah, I kinda swore everyone to secrecy. Of course, all that went out the window when mom showed up.

Belle: Oh, sami didn't know? How'd that go over?

John: About as you would expect.

Belle: [Exhales]

Marlena: Yeah, it's a long story, but you wanna get, uh, ready for the wedding, don't you?

Belle: I do, I do, but you'll have to promise to catch me up.

John: Oh, I promise.

Belle: Okay. Well, I'm gonna go take a shower and get dressed.

[All speaking at once] Hey, honey, what's wrong? Wait, I thought you'd be at home helping ciara get ready. Aren't you the maid of honor?

Ciara: Not anymore.

Hope: Honey, I'm so glad that you're here.

Shawn: Yeah, of course I'm here. It's my baby sister's wedding. Where is she, anyway? Is she--is she getting ready?

Hope: Well, actually I came back to pick up a few things. Ciara's in the hospital.

[Machines beeping]

Ciara: [Inhales deeply]


Sarah: How you feeling?

Ciara: Hi.

Sarah: Hi.

Ciara: I'm feeling a lot better. A lot better than when I got here, that's for sure.

Sarah: Yeah, that's the, uh, iv kicking in. We've been pushing fluids for a couple hours.

Ciara: [Groans]

[Grunting] Um, what about my lab results? Did they come in yet?

Sarah: Mm... as a matter of fact, they just came in.

Ben: For the last time, I said get out of my way.

Will: No. You're--you just gonna have to kill me first.

Ben: I already tried that, will, and it didn't work. Now move.

Will: Nope. Not gonna happen. Sorry.

Ben: Ciara needs me and i need to see her. Get out of the way.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Shawn: Okay, so you think that something happened to ciara at her bachelorette party? Like, I mean, did she--did she have too much to drink?

Hope: She said she hardly drank at all.

Shawn: Okay, well then, I don't know. Maybe it was, uh--maybe it was food poisoning.

Hope: Well, allie and claire had the same queso as ciara did, but ciara's the only one that got sick, honey.

Shawn: Well then, could it have been a virus of some sort?

Hope: That's one theory.

Shawn: So what's the other?

Claire: [Crying] My god, can you believe this, mom? How could she do this to me?

Belle: It's okay. Calm down, calm down.

Claire: You know, it's just-- it's just so unfair. It's just so totally unfair.

Belle: You know what? You just need to calm down and tell me exactly what happened.

Claire: What happened? I literally just told you what happened. Ciara fired me as her maid of honor.

Belle: But why? I don't--I don't understand.

Claire: Oh, what's to understand? I don't know. Oh, ciara wakes up with some little stomach bug and then somehow it's all crazy claire's fault. Oh, and meanwhile she's marrying a freaking serial killer and everyone is just fine with it.

Belle: But why would she think a stomach bug was your fault?

Claire: Okay, you know what? Just forget it, okay? Forget it.


Will: I promised ciara to keep you away from her today. It is bad luck for a groom to see a bride on her wedding day.

Ben: Well what could be worse than what already happened? She just got drugged by her maid of honor.

Will: We don't know that for sure.

Ben: At least give me my damn phone back so I can call her and make sure that she's okay.

Xander: Wedding express is here. Where is everyone?

Victor: There may not be a wedding. Ciara's in the hospital.

Xander: What? What happened to her?

Victor: I don't have the details. No one's calling me back. That's why I'm going to go to the hospital and see my granddaughter in person.

Xander: You're going to the hospital? I'll take you there.

Sarah: So we ran a thorough battery of tests and so first of all, you're not pregnant, so--

Ciara: Yeah, no, I knew that. Um, can we just, uh, get to the real question? Was I drugged or not?

Sarah: So I'm sorry to say that the tests were kind of inconclusive.

Ciara: Inconclusive? What the--what?

Sarah: Well, it means basically if--if there was something in your system, it's pretty much been flushed out by now.

Ciara: [Sighs]

[Cell phone ringing]

[Phone beeps] You shouldn't be calling me.

Ben: Ciara, I'm coming to see you right now whether it's bad luck on our wedding day or not.

This is ava.

Julie: And so by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.

Doug: I will be repeatedly.

Julie: No, darling, not us. Not--not now. I need to keep practicing.

Doug: Okay, sweetheart, I think you've got this.

Julie: You think? You think?

Doug: Well, pardon me for saying this, but you seem a bit on edge.

Julie: Well, of course I'm on edge. I'm very aware of my responsibilities. I am conducting this ceremony for ciara, for ben. I don't wanna go down in the annals of salem history as the worst wedding ever.

Doug: Julie, this wedding is going to go off without a hitch, especially since claire and ciara have finally mended fences.

Shawn: Wait, so why do you think that claire drugged ciara the night before her wedding?

Hope: I'm not sure. I--I don't know. It's a theory.

Shawn: Okay, it's a theory. That's good, then. I mean, it means it's--there's no proof. That means that it's just unsubstantiated accusations, then, okay?

Hope: True. Right. There's no proof yet, but shawn, come on. Honey, this isn't and wouldn't be the first incident.

Allie: Well, it is nice not to be the one causing the trouble for a change.

Marlena: You don't cause problems.

Allie: Well, they sure seem to find me. Anyways, uh, I'll get out of your way and let you guys talk. I was actually thinking of going over to hope's to help ciara get ready.

John: Ah, that's a great idea. I'll drive you, okay? All right, hey, welcome home, kiddo.

Belle: Oh, thanks, dad.

John: We'll see you soon.

Belle: Yes, definitely. Bye.


[Clears throat]

[Both chuckling]

Marlena: Nothing changes.

Belle: I know. So may I ask your professional opinion?

Marlena: Why, yes, you may.

Belle: How is claire? Do you think she's backsliding? I mean, if something was really, really wrong, would you know that?

Marlena: Honey, I never would have signed her release from bayview if she weren't ready to come home.

Belle: Okay, because she was just so upset right now. So hurt.

Marlena: I know. She put a lot of work and energy into that project and I just-- I think she's terribly disappointed.

Belle: Yeah, I know. I think she saw this as an opportunity to show ciara that she was better and, you know, really be there for her and now the whole thing just seems to have blown up in her face.

Ciara: Baby, I told you I don't want you coming here.

Ben: Ciara, I need to see you. I need to make sure you're okay.

Ciara: All right, well, I'm fine. I'm actually feeling a lot better now.

Ben: Well enough to marry me today?

Ciara: Um, I don't know. Let's ask sarah. She's right here, hold on. I'll put you on speaker.

[Phone beeps] Sarah, my fiancé would like to know if I'm gonna be released in time to marry him today.

Sarah: Mm, well, as soon as we finish this iv, and if ciara's feeling up to it, I don't see why not.

Ben: Really? She's free to go?

Sarah: Well, who am I to stand in the way of a wedding?

Ben: Thank god. All right, that's great. Sarah, do we know what kind of drug claire put into ciara's drink?

Sarah: Well, um, we don't know that she did. I mean, as of right now, there's--there's nothing in ciara's system.

Ben: So then we can't even prove that she did it?

Sarah: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, but I'm gonna let you two talk and I will see you at the wedding.

Ciara: Okay, thank you, sarah.

Sarah: Feel better.

[Phone beeps]

Ciara: See?

[Door closes] I'm getting out of here, baby.

Ben: Thank god.

Ciara: And that means that the next time I see you, I will be in a gorgeous wedding gown and you will be waiting for me up at that altar.

Ben: I cannot wait to make you my wife. I love you so much.

Ciara: I love you, too.

Sarah: [Gasps]

Sarah: I have nothing to say to you.

Xander: Wait, please.

Sarah: Don't touch me.

Xander: Sarah, I don't know what else I can do to prove how much I love you. You're the first thought in my head every morning, the last thing I think about every night. The loneliness without you is--

Sarah: Oh, my god, just stop it! You haven't been lonely at all.

Xander: What are you talking about?

Sarah: You slept with another woman the same day that you moved out.

Julie: Vows, then rings. Vows, the--vows, then rings.

Doug: Relax, sweetheart. It's gonna be fine. There is such a thing as too much rehearsal.

Julie: Oh, no. There never can be too much rehearsal. Just--just when you think you've nailed it, that's when things start to go wrong.

Doug: Nothing is gonna go wrong.

Julie: Right. Remember rafe and hope's wedding?

Doug: Yes, but it wasn't your fault that claire interrupted.

Julie: Well, I'm not saying that, but there we were, expecting the perfect wedding, and oops, oh gosh golly, the groom turns out to be a philanderer. Jumped in bed with sami. Is there anything rafe could have done that would have hurt hope more?

Rafe: Did I just hear my name?

Hope: Shawn, I am trying my best to give claire the benefit of the doubt. I really am, but with this hospitalization and--I know. I know. It's just a theory. There's no proof, but honestly, you can't expect your sister to be worried that her maid of honor is trying to hurt her because she's still resentful of her and jealous.

Shawn: Yeah, I mean, I-- I do understand it. I just--like, it breaks my heart 'cause I was just so hopeful that claire was like herself again and that she had made amends to ciara and to everybody that she's hurt.

Hope: I know. I know. I was hopeful, too. We all were.

[Exhales] My focus has to be on ciara today. Your sister deserves a happy, peaceful wedding, shawn, which means that she cannot be worrying about what claire might be up to, what she might do. I'm sorry. Sorry.

Victor: You sure you're feeling all right?

Ciara: I promise.

Victor: And you really think claire is responsible for your being put in here?

Ciara: [Exhales] I really, really don't wanna believe it, grandpa, but I mean, it's been three times now that something has gone wrong while she's been around, and I can't spend my entire wedding day afraid that she might do something else, grandpa. Not after what ben and I did to get here.

Victor: You're really headstrong, like all the women in our family.

Ciara: So that means you will respect my decision?

Victor: Yes, but I won't take sides in this dispute that you're having with claire. I love you both.

Ciara: I love you, too, grandpa. So, I will be seeing you at the wedding, yes?

Victor: [Exhales] No. That's why I came here, to tell you that I won't be attending the wedding.

Ciara: Why not? Is--is it because of me and claire, or is it because you still don't approve of ben?

Will: So the wedding is still on.

Ben: Damn right it is. I'm getting married today.

Will: That is great news. Uh, I'm so sorry I was such a hard ass about not letting you see ciara.

Ben: No, will, I'm sorry. You're doing your job as the best man.

Will: Exactly.

[Both laughing] Um, well, we should probably get over to the church pretty soon.

Ben: Yeah.

[Cell phone ringing] Unknown caller.

Will: Huh, maybe it's the limo company.

[Cell phone rings]

[Phone beeps]

Ben: Hello?

[Tense music]

It's statesville prison. They wanna know if I'll accept a phone call from my dad. Damn it, I should have known he was gonna try to ruin this day.

Will: Well, tell him to go to hell.

Ben: I can'T. Yes, I will accept the phone call. Hey, dad. Never run dry of...

Ben: Look, dad, I do appreciate the phone call, but i really do have to get to the church. No, no, no, no. You don't have to do that. Okay, if you insist. I will. You take care, too, dad. All right, bye.

Will: So?

Ben: Well, he's just calling to wish me well on my wedding day. He was upset that he didn't get an invitation.

Will: I mean, as if he could go. They're not gonna give him a day pass.

Ben: He said he just wanted an invite to keep as a keepsake.

Will: Okay, that's awfully sentimental for clyde.

Ben: Honestly, will, I think he was upset that I didn't want him there. He said he was gonna send me some kind of wedding gift.

Will: From prison?

Ben: You know he has his ways.

Victor: I'll always have my reservations about you and ben weston, but this has nothing to do with that. It's maggie.

Ciara: Maggie? Well, what's wrong? Is she sick?

Victor: Oh, it's just a cold, but a bad one and she's not responding very well. So I'm going to stay home with her. Look after her.

Ciara: Yeah, I understand that, grandpa. You know, she is very, very lucky to have you, most of the time.

[Both laughing]

Victor: I'm sure she would agree with you on that point. Most of the time.

Ciara: Most of the time. Oh, grandpa, I'm so sorry that you're not gonna be at the wedding, but you know what? We will take plenty of pictures and videos and we'll show you after it's all done.

Victor: Maggie and i will look forward to that and we'll be there in spirit.

Ciara: Yes. Oh, I love you, grandpa.

Victor: I love you, too. I hope you have a wonderful wedding and a very, very happy life.

Marlena: So the hand can be played in any of four suits if you have enough count in your hand...

Claire: Hi.

Marlena: But if you have--

Claire: Sorry, I don't mean to interrupt.

Marlena: No, you're not interrupting.

Belle: Um, actually, mom, could you give us a-- a few minutes?

Marlena: Yes, you know what? I just want to change my earrings anyway.

Belle: Okay.

[Soft dramatic music]

Claire: [Sighs]

Belle: I'm sorry that you're going through all this.

Claire: Yeah, it's just really hard. You know, it just feels like no matter what I do, people are still gonna look at me like I'm broken and they just blame me for everything bad that happens.

Belle: Oh, honey, I'm sure that's not true.

Claire: Oh, it is. It is. Come on. I can't even light a birthday candle without getting dirty looks.

Belle: Listen, I know that this has been rough, but you just have to continue believing in yourself. You know, as long as you know that you're doing your best--

Claire: Okay, but I--I mean, how on earth is it enough for just me to know that, mom? People are accusing me of awful things. I mean, come on. I didn't put nail polish on ciara's wedding dress, I-- I didn't steal her engagement ring, and I sure as hell did not drug her. I was just trying to throw her a little bachelorette party. I was her maid of honor. I just wanted to make everything perfect for her, and now it's just such a mess.

Belle: Well, I'm sure it can be fixed. You know, maybe not now, but in time.

Claire: No, no, no. Never. I think our friendship is over, and I tried, mom. Like, I really tried.

Belle: I know, honey. I know.

Claire: I--I don't know. I was--I was just stupid and naive to think that this whole thing would work out and that people would actually accept me for who I am now. You know, I just-- I should have known better. God, I ju--I should have known, you know?

Belle: I'm so sorry. I am so sorry.

Claire: [Sniffles]

Xander: No, sarah, that's-- that's not true. I--I haven't slept with anyone else.

Sarah: Don't play dumb, all right? I came to your salem inn room not too long after you moved out and when I got there, you were unbuttoning your shirt and you were welcoming in some girl from an "agency" that apparently is the best.

Xander: Girl from an agency?

Sarah: So don't stand here and act all devastated when you couldn't wait five seconds before hooking up with some hooker.

Xander: [Laughing] Downtherecare with cottonelle.

Sarah: What is so funny?

Xander: You thought that woman was a prostitute?

Sarah: What else was she?

Xander: A masseuse!

Sarah: What? A masseuse?

Xander: Massage therapist, whatever you wanna call it. I was so stressed and upset when you chucked me out the house that, you know, my neck and my back were a total mess.

Sarah: You expect me to believe that?

Xander: It's true.

Sarah: You were getting a massage?

Xander: If you don't believe me, if you want proof, you can call the service. Here.

Sarah: No, I--I don'T...

[Sighs] I believe you, okay? I'm sorry. I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions.

Xander: It's okay. I mean, I get it. I remember how she was dressed, but I do have a question.

Sarah: Am I an idiot? 'Cause yes, I am, I am an idiot. That is true.

Xander: No, that is not my question. When you saw me with the masseuse, what were you doing at my door?

Sarah: I had a conversation with victor who pointed out even though you do mess up sometimes--I mean, like, really mess up, like monumental, like, earth-shattering, life-crushing--

Xander: Please keep going.

Sarah: Right. You are working really hard to earn my trust back.

Xander: You were coming to see me to--to tell me that?

Sarah: Well, yeah.

Xander: Because you wanted to try and work things out?

Doug: Rafe. Uh, julie is a little nervous about, uh, performing the ceremony today.

Julie: I just don't wanna see anything go wrong again.

Rafe: You mean like my wedding to hope?

Julie: I may have mentioned that.

Rafe: Yeah.

Doug: Um, but on a happier note, we are thrilled that you are walking our granddaughter down the aisle.

Rafe: Thank you. Ciara's very special to me.

Doug: And you to her. You know, when she lost bo, you were--you were just like a father to her, and that makes you very okay in my book. Also in julie'S. Okay, sweetheart?

Julie: Okay. Very okay.

Rafe: Thank you.

Hope: Your glam squad has arrived.

[Laughter] Hi, sweetheart.

Ciara: Hi, mama, muah. And looking mighty gorgeous, the both of you. Oh, my goodness.

Hope: Thank you, honey.

Ciara: Wow. Now, are you ready to be the most gorgeous bride this world has ever seen?

Ciara: I am ready and this is great, you know? It's not exactly how I planned it, but, uh, it's--it's still pretty great, and allie, thank you so, so much for coming. That was so sweet of you.

Allie: No, of course. I mean, any way I can help.

Ciara: Okay, well, in that case, um, I know it's kinda last minute, but I was wondering if you would, uh, consider being my maid of honor?

Allie: What? You mean you want me to be your maid of honor?

Ciara: I mean, will you do it?

Allie: If you're sure it's what you want.

Ciara: I'm definitely sure.

Allie: Then yes! Of course!

Ciara: Oh, thank you!

Allie: I'd be honored.

Ciara: Thank you so much. Oh.

Hope: Oh, you guys!

[Laughter] Okay, let's get started!

Ciara: Yay!

Shawn: So claire denied that she did anything wrong?

Belle: She claims that ciara's accusations were totally unfounded and that she was just trying to make everything perfect for her.

Shawn: Well, do you believe her?

Belle: I want to, but I was just so hopeful that she was gonna be herself again, you know? Our sweet claire, and now with everything she's done and everything she's being accused of, I just don't know. I don't know what to believe.

Shawn: So do you think that--

Belle: I think that she's in trouble, yes. I think that her mental illness has been more resistant to treatment than we'd hoped, yes, and I--I think that she persuaded the doctors at bayview that she was fine, and my mom that she was okay enough to come home. I--I mean, I hope that's not true, but I'm just-- I'm really worried that she wasn't ready.

Shawn: Yeah. Yeah, I'm worried, too.

Belle: Shawn, you should go to the wedding. You need to be there for your sister.

Shawn: Wait, you're not gonna go?

Belle: No, I think I should stay here with claire.

[Clears throat]

Shawn: Where is she?

Belle: Oh, um, well, we had a talk earlier and she started crying and said she was tired and wanted to go to sleep.

Shawn: Okay, well, I mean, I guess that's good that she's resting.

Belle: Mm-hmm.

Shawn: Okay, um, listen, I'm gonna go to the wedding, I'm gonna come home early, and, uh, call me when she's up and about, okay?

Belle: Yeah, I will, and try to have a good time.

Shawn: [Chuckles] That's pretty unlikely.

Belle: Yeah, I know. Well, try your best and tell ciara congratulations from me.

Shawn: I will.

Belle: Okay.

[Unsettling music]

Hope: You good?

Ciara: Uh-huh. Thank you.

Allie: And this hair clip, it was my grandmother'S. I thought it would look great on you.

Ciara: Oh. Allie, thank you. It's beautiful.

Allie: Something borrowed. Boom.

Ciara: Boom.

Hope: Oh, and we, um--excuse me, sweetheart--bought these flowers for you on the way over here to add to your bouquet.

Ciara: Aww, mom.

Allie: Brand-spanking new.

Hope: Oh, and something blue. New, blue, I got it.

Ciara: Blue?

Allie: [Giggles]

Hope: Here you go.

Ciara: [Exhales] Wow, I love it. Okay, all right, so now we've got--we've got the new, we've got the blue, we just need something old. Old, right.

Hope: I've got that covered.

[Tender music]

I've been, um--I've been hanging onto this for you for a long time.

Ciara: [Gasps] Oh, my goodness, mom. These are incredible. Wow, you got these for me?

Hope: No. Your dad did.

Ciara: Daddy?

Hope: Yeah.

Ciara: [Chuckles] Oh, wow.

Hope: Think he was starting to, um... to realize that he... he wouldn't see this day. He ordered them without telling me, so he asked me to hold onto them until-- until your wedding day.

Ciara: Oh, mom.

Hope: You know how much your daddy loves you, right?

Ciara: Mm-hmm, mom.

Hope: He's with you, baby. He's--

Ciara: He's always with me, mom.

Hope: Always.

Ciara: Mm-hmm.

Hope: Always.

[Both sniffling]

Ciara: Oh, mom, allie, I just wanna thank you guys. It looks like I'm gonna have my dream wedding after all. Come here!


Ben: Okay, let's get to that church. Can't be late.

Will: Let's do it. Oh, hold on. Hang on.

Ben: What is it?

Will: Your--your tie's a little messed up.

Ben: Is it off?

Will: Can I--can I--

Ben: Yeah, yeah, sure.

[Soft dramatic music]

Will, I just have to say--

Will: No, it's o--it's okay. Um, it's fixed.

Ben: Thank you, man.

Will: My pleasure. So, uh, we--are you ready to do this thing?

Ben: Yeah, are we ever.

Will: Cool, let's, uh--let's get you to the church.

Ben: All right. Thanks.

Will: Okay.

Rafe: Okay. I'm gonna go out front and wait for ciara.

Doug: Good idea.

Rafe: Okay. See you.

Doug: See you.

Julie: [Groans]

Doug: Now, are you feeling better about the ceremony?

Julie: A bit.

Doug: Would you admit it if you were?

Julie: [Laughs] Maybe.

Doug: Yeah. Now there's that smile I love so much. That's your most-beautiful-girl- in-the-world smile.

Julie: Oh, darling. Despite all my complaints and-- and all my anxieties, I do understand I am quite a handful sometimes.

Doug: You? No.

Julie: No, I'm serious. Despite all that, I know I have a blessed life 'cause I'm sharing it with you, and you are the most wonderful man in the world, and you make me so happy.

Sarah: Xander, look, I--

Xander: It's okay. You don't have to answer right now.

Sarah: It's just I--I was gonna go home to get ready for ciara's wedding so--

Xander: So I have an idea.

Sarah: Okay.

Xander: You're going to the wedding. I'm going to the wedding. What do you say we go together?

Sarah: Sure. I--I mean, yeah. Yes. It's like you said. You're going, I'm going. Why the hell not? When migraine strikes,

Doug: Okay, sweetheart. If you have any doubts anywhere in the ceremony, you just look at me, okay? I will be mouthing the words to "most beautiful girl in the world."


Julie: Well, that's sure to calm me down.

Doug: Yes, of course.

Julie: Don't you dare sing anything out loud.

Doug: No promises.

Julie: What would I ever do without you?

Doug: Well, you're never gonna have to find out.

Julie: [Chuckles] Mm. Mm.

Doug: Shawn-douglas! Yay! Oh! Man, I'm so glad you could be here.

Shawn: Absolutely.

Doug: Where's belle?

Shawn: Uh, she decided that she needed to stay home with claire.

Doug: Oh.

[Tender music]

Ben: [Exhales sharply]

Will: This place looks incredible. Aren't you glad I, uh, didn't let you run to the hospital and upset ciara by seeing her before the ceremony?

Ben: I have to admit, you were right. I know I have the tendency to be a little overprotective when i don't have to be. I know ciara's a very strong woman. She can take care of herself. I wanna take care of her from now on.

Will: Yeah, well, you have a lifetime to take care of each other.

Ben: [Exhales]

Xander: Hey, um, just before we sit down, I just wanted to say, your agreeing to come with me, I--I'm very grateful.

Sarah: I'm glad. It doesn't mean we're back together. You know that.

Xander: I do. Of course, but it gives me hope and that's something I haven't felt in a very long time.

Marlena: Ah, look at this.

John: How nice is this?

Marlena: Oh, you know what? I'd--I'd love to talk to ben for a second.

John: I'm gonna save you a seat.

Marlena: Right beside you.

John: You got it.

Marlena: Hi. How are you feeling?

Ben: I'm good thanks to you. I don't know how I would have done it without your help this morning.

Marlena: Mm. I'm glad we had a chance to talk it through.

Ben: Me, too. You know, I--I really thought I was past all that. I feel like I've come so far but still sometimes that doubt creeps back in. I don't know if I even deserve to be happy. I don't know if i deserve ciara's love.

Marlena: Wait, wait. Of course you do. I know how hard you worked to-- to become a good man, a good person.

Ben: It's all for ciara. It's--it was her motivating me. She still is. That's it.

Marlena: Why don't you give yourself some credit? You're such a fine person. You're kind and good and a wonderful man.

Ben: [Exhales] Thank you, dr. Evans, for always believing in me and always helping me through the worst times of my life. More than helping me, saving me. I just--I really want you to know that everything we have here now, everything that's good in my life now, I really owe it to you. Thank you.

Marlena: Mm. Ben. Mm. My dear.

Ben: Thank you.

Hope: Hi.

Rafe: Hi. Wow. You look amazing.

Hope: Thank you.

Rafe: Really.

Hope: You look, um, rather handsome yourself. Let me get that for you.

Rafe: Mm-hmm. Thank you. Where's the bride and the maid of honor?

Hope: They're outside. Uh, allie actually is filling in for claire today.

Rafe: Oh, really? Oh. I didn't know that. She not feeling well or--

Hope: No, no, she's-- she's okay. We just all decided that it was best if claire wasn't in the wedding today.

Rafe: Oh, okay.

Belle: Hey, I thought you were resting.

Claire: Couldn't sleep.

Belle: Oh. Well, why didn't you tell me you were going out?

Claire: Um, well, you and dad were talking. Thought I'd give you some time by yourselves.

Belle: Well, where'd you go?

[Ominous music]

Claire: Nowhere special. Why are you looking at me like that? I just went to get some fresh air and now I'm okay, really. You know, thank you for being there for me, mom-- believing in me.

Belle: Oh, honey, always.

Rafe: Oh, my god. Ciara. Is that you? Is that--

[Both laughing] You look stunning. Come here.

Ciara: Thank you.

Rafe: Oh.

Ciara: Thank you. I mean, it's thanks to allie and my mom, really.

Hope: And you're feeling fine, too, right, honey? Hmm?

Ciara: I'm feeling more than fine. Mom, I'm feeling off the charts happy and excited. I mean, how can I not? I'm about to marry the love of my life.

[Device beeping]

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