Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 7/20/20
Episode #13816 ~ Gabi delivers tragic news to Jake; an unexpected funeral stirs up mixed emotions; a medical crisis threatens to derail Ciara and Ben's wedding; Ben has an unsettling dream about Jordan.
Provided By Suzanne
Claire: There we go. Ciara is gonna be the most beautiful bride ever.
Marlena: [Sighs] That's because she has such a conscientious maid of honor.
Claire: Mm-hmm. Well, I just want to make sure that everything is perfect for her. I really wish that I'd had time to throw her an actual bachelorette party, but at least we went out for drinks with allie last night.
Marlena: Allie didn't have a drink, did she?
Claire: No, no, of course not. She had soda. But it was really, really fun, yeah. Almost like old times between ciara and me.
[Soft dramatic music]
Hope: Ciara!
Ciara: [Groans]
Hope: Ci--
Ciara: [Groans]
Hope: Oh, it's time to get up! Today is your wedding-- honey, why are you still dressed and sleeping on the sofa?
Ciara: Hmm? Mom?
Hope: It's your wedding day. Oh--oh, my lord. Baby, you don't look so well. Are you okay?
Ciara: [Groans]
Hope: Uh-oh. Oh, god. Oh, no. Run, run.
Ciara: Oh, my god, I'm gonna puke, I'm gonna puke.
Hope: Oh, god. Ciara! Oh.
Ben: Ciara? I thought you didn't want me to see you in that dress.
[Tense music]
Ben: Jordan?
[Knocking at door]
Jake: Coming! What the hell?
[Groans] The hell do you want? I'm not your dead husband and you never want to see me again, remember?
Gabi: [Sighs] I would not be here except I have some news. It is about your mother.
Jake: Oh. I take it the arraignment didn't go so well?
Gabi: Didn't happen. I'm really sorry, jake. Vivian's dead.
[Dramatic music]
Kate: Here's to you, viv. When I woke to the news that you had croaked, it was like a tonic. I practically skipped here to see you laid out. The air smelled fresher, and the birds sang sweeter, and...
[Sighs] Did you die a wretched death? Because after everything that you have done to me, after all these years, you damn well better not have gone gently into this good night.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Ben: Jordan... you can't be here.
Jordan: Oh, I'm dead. I get to take dramatic license.
Ben: This is a nightmare. This isn't happening, this isn't happening.
Jordan: I am your conscience, ollie.
Ben: You?
Jordan: I was a good sister to you. You remember? I would always take care of you. It's what I did. I was a caretaker. And I was on a path to finding real happiness until you stole that happiness away from me. Rafe loved me, and I could have married him, and we would be raising david together. It should be me in a dress like this! You ruined everything for me!
Ben: No, I tried to save you, jordan. I just tried to save you. It was david's father who killed you.
Jordan: If it hadn't been christian, it would've been you. We both know that! I mean, they put you on death row. They almost executed you because everyone knew that you had it in you.
Ben: Not ciara. She believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. Jordan, she saved my life.
Jordan: Oh, okay. So you're telling me that-- that ciara helped you find the true meaning of love? Ugh! Please.
Ben: She did. And today, she's marrying me.
Jordan: Poor, little, deluded girl. Because one day, ciara's gonna look back at this day and know that her wedding day was the absolute worst day of her life.
Ciara: Oh, my god, mama. Mom, this was supposed to be the perfect day.
Hope: I know, I know.
Ciara: And what, I wake up puking? Like, are you serious? Oh, my gosh, I hope this isn't some sort of sign or something.
Hope: No, no, no, it's not a sign, it's not a sign.
Ciara: [Groans]
Hope: Baby, do you think maybe you possibly drank a little too much last night?
Ciara: No, no, I didn'T. I only had one drink, I swear.
[Groans] Oh, my god. Mama, what's wrong with me?
Hope: Oh, baby. I'm sorry.
Kate: Well, I guess it doesn't really matter how it happened.
[Chuckles] 'Cause finally, you have gotten what you deserve.
[Scoffs] Or have you? Because honestly, this would be just your style to stage your death. You know, to give me false hope. I could be talking to an empty coffin right now. I suppose there's only one way to find out. When migraine strikes,
Ivan: What are you doing?
Kate: [Gasps]
Ivan: What do you think you are doing?
Kate: You scared the hell out of me.
Ivan: Answer me.
Kate: Vivian was my life-long nemesis. I want to see with my own eyes that she's really dead.
Ivan: I was at the police station yesterday when she collapsed.
Kate: Did she suffer?
Ivan: The paramedics worked on her for quite some time.
Kate: Pounding on her chest like on tv?
Ivan: Yes. Then they said there was no use. She died instantly.
Kate: Damn it.
[Stutters] Why am I even listening to this? Why would I believe a word that you had to say? You did her bidding for years. If she asked you to stage her death, you'd do it.
Ivan: Madame died in front of half of the police staff.
Kate: Oh, I see. Okay. So if everything is so on the up-and-up, why did you stop me from taking a look at her?
Ivan: I would hate to disturb her eternal slumber.
Kate: Did you really just say that to me?
Ivan: But if that's what it takes to satisfy your ghoulish obsession, please.
[Suspenseful music]
Jake: My mother's dead? What happened?
Gabi: Um, she died in police custody. They--they think it was a heart attack.
Jake: Guess it was all a little too much for her, huh? Finding out that the son that she loved didn't actually come back from the dead, that it was just his identical twin? A lowlife mechanic?
Gabi: I'm sorry--I'm sorry I didn't tell you last night.
Jake: She told me not to go after you, but I ran out on her and--
[Sighs] Now I'll never see her again.
Gabi: You didn't know what was gonna happen. None of us did.
Jake: Well, from what I've seen, vivian wasn't exactly a regular citizen.
Gabi: That's the understatement of the century, but... she was still your mother.
Jake: Yeah.
Gabi: I just wanted to tell you. I'm really sorry for your loss.
Marlena: You know, I think it was very generous of ciara to give you the benefit of the doubt after what happened.
Claire: What are you talking about?
Marlena: I'm talking about the nail polish on the wedding gown, I'm talking about missing engagement ring.
Claire: Whoa, um, who told you about that?
Marlena: Nobody had to tell me about that. I've been watching you very closely. That's a condition of you being out of bayview.
Claire: Okay, but I really hope you know that I would never do something so cheesy and awful as destroying my best friend's wedding dress.
[Stutters] I mean, I wouldn't do something like that now. Not after I worked so hard to get better, you know? I'm actually doing everything I possibly can to make it up to ciara. I'm going to be the best maid of honor that anyone has ever had, grandma, okay? Speaking of which, look at that, I have to go. All righty. I will see you at the church. Goodbye.
Marlena: Goodbye.
Claire: I love you.
Marlena: I love you, too.
[Dramatic music]
Ben: I have never hurt ciara. And I never will.
Jordan: [Scoffs] Come on. You know, one of these days, she is going to get on your nerves. You will just snap. Just like you did the last time. Maybe on your wedding night. You know, maybe something she does, maybe something she doesn't do. And you will grab this right here and you will wrap it around her neck tighter and tighter until you can't wrap it any tighter. It's a really brutal way to go. I should know.
Ben: [Gasping]
[Tense music]
[Line trilling] Hi. It's ben weston. I really need to see you. At philadelphia, we know what makes the perfect schmear
[Soft dramatic music]
Gabi: I hate to drop news on you like this and leave. Where's gwen?
Jake: Mm. Gwen is out spending the dimera fortune she's certain I'm going to inherit.
Gabi: Well, I don't know if this helps or not, but rafe's told me ivan's gonna have some sort of wake for vivian this morning.
Jake: Mm. I wouldn't know anybody there.
Gabi: I could go with you if you want, you know?
Jake: You didn't even like her.
Gabi: You wouldn't have liked her, either.
Jake: Why would you do this for me? I'm nobody to you.
Gabi: You are stefan's brother. You will always mean something to me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the way that I treated you last night. I was--
Jake: No. You were grieving for your husband all over again. You needed to do it alone, just like I need to do this alone, so... thank you for the offer.
Gabi: Sure. Maybe we will see each other again sometime.
Jake: Maybe.
Hope: You still nauseous, honey?
Ciara: Mm-hmm.
Hope: Here. This is ginger ale. Take a sip. If you can hold it down for 15 minutes, then take another sip.
Ciara: Okay.
Hope: Okay?
Ciara: Okay.
Hope: You know, you don't seem to have a fever. You know, it could be the stomach flu.
Ciara: Oh, god. I don't know, mom. All I know is that when I woke up this morning and I lifted my head off the pillow, I knew that I needed to throw up.
Hope: Oh, the last time I woke up and-- threw up.
Ciara: What, mom?
Hope: Is there any chance you could be pregnant?
Ben: Hey, thank you for seeing me.
Marlena: Hi.
Ben: I know it was super last minute.
Marlena: Well, you sounded very upset on the phone.
Ben: Dr. Evans, I had this dream that didn't seem like a dream until I woke up. I need to know what you think it means. I have to know.
Marlena: Okay. Why don't you, uh, tell me all about it?
Ben: It was like-- it was like I woke up and my sister was right here with her back to me and then when she turned around, I asked what she was doing here and... she told me that I'm still a killer at heart. She told me that I'm gonna hurt ciara someday.
Marlena: Do you think that's true? Do you think that might happen?
Ben: No.
Marlena: Ben, listen to me. Look at me. Look at me. You got a lot going on. I know it's a huge life change. You're committing to be with ciara for the rest of your life, and marriage is complicated. It does not come without a lot of stress attached to it.
Ben: I thought I was gonna be alone for the rest of my life.
Marlena: Why?
Ben: 'Cause I just--
[Stutters] I thought it was safer that way.
Marlena: Listen to me. You're doing everything right. You're staying on your medication, you're continuing your therapy, and your illness is under control.
Ben: But that doesn't necessarily mean forever, right?
Marlena: Well, I mean, I can't guarantee that. Nobody can guarantee that. Look, people are different. They change. Circumstances change.
Ben: I'm not talking about me, I'm talking about the person that I once was that did these horrible, unspeakable things. That--that person is still inside of me, isn't it?
Marlena: Ben.
Ben: Please, doctor. Just be honest with me. Please, just... that ben weston, that killer that my sister was just railing against in my dream, he's always gonna be a part of me, won't he?
Ciara: No, I can't be pregnant. I'm 100% sure of that.
Hope: Okay, well, I don't think it's food poisoning. That would've kicked in a few hours after you ate.
[Tense music]
Ciara: Oh, my god.
Claire: [Singing wagner's "wedding march"]
[Chuckles] You look like hell.
Hope: She's nauseous and has an upset stomach.
Claire: No, what? No. This is awful. On your wedding day?
Ciara: Yeah, the worst.
Hope: Uh, let me run to the drug store and see what I can find that might help, okay? Would you stay with her?
Claire: Yeah, of course.
Hope: Okay. I'll be right back, sweetheart.
Ciara: Okay.
Claire: Oh, my god. I cannot believe that this is happening to you.
Ciara: [Chuckles] Can't you?
Claire: What do you mean?
Ciara: What the hell did you do to me, claire brady?
Limu emu & doug
Kate: She looks pretty peaceful for someone whose soul is burning in hell.
Ivan: Stop it!
Jake: Whoa.
Ivan: Show some respect.
Jake: Looks like I got here just in time.
Ivan: Jacob.
Jake: It's jake.
Ivan: Look, jake, your dear mother made it clear that had she known of your existence, she would have preferred a name with a more continental flair. I took the liberty of adding a few consonants to your name in her obituary.
Jake: You're kidding.
[Chuckles] Made her obituary.
Ivan: Indeed you have.
Kate: Well, why wouldn't you? You're her son, though not her precious son, as she suspected.
Jake: No, just his not-so-precious twin brother.
Ivan: But one that shows great respect in being here for her funeral.
Jake: Well, I may not have known the lady, but she was my birth mother. It's my last chance to see her.
[Suspenseful music]
Jake: We may have said hello for the first time yesterday, and-- well, now we're saying goodbye forever.
Claire: Okay, I really don't know what you're talking about.
Ciara: Last night, claire, you put something in my drink, didn't you?
Claire: [Gasps] Wait, what? Oh, my god, no!
Ciara: No? Okay, then why don't you tell me what is wrong with me because I don't have a fever and I'm definitely not pregnant.
>Claire: Okay, it must be something you ate, I don't know.
Ciara: Something I ate? Oh, come on, claire. I had, like, two grapes and a cracker before we went out last night. You know that I've been so nervous about the wedding, I can barely eat anything.
Claire: Right, right, so you've been eating, like, nothing, and then last night, we had queso.
Ciara: Right, we did. We had queso. And how do you feel after the queso?
Claire: Okay, well, I'm fine, but I mean, queso is loaded with cheese.
Ciara: [Groans] No, no, no. My mom said that it can't be food poisoning.
Claire: Okay, well, I don't know, maybe you're lactose intolerant or something!
Ciara: Oh, come on, claire. You were the one who said that we had to go out last night, you were the one who bought me my drink, and you were the one who made fun of me for getting sick that time in high school when we drank too many zombies.
Claire: Ciara, I would never try and make you sick.
Ciara: [Chuckles] Right. All right, okay. All right, well, when my wedding dress was splattered with nail polish and ben and I came to you to ask you about it, you had just finished doing your nails. Mm-hmm. Only an idiot would let you off the hook for that, but I did because I wanted so badly for us to be okay again.
Claire: And no--and so did I.
Ciara: And then when my engagement ring disappeared, ben and I actually argued over whether I should find a new maid of honor or not.
Claire: I--I know, but look, I am telling you the truth, ciara.
Ciara: You know what, claire? That's it. Three strikes. You're out.
Claire: What do you mean?
Ciara: I mean I don't want you to be my maid of honor, I don't want you at my wedding, and I never want to see your face ever again.
Ciara: I said get out of here, claire.
Claire: Ciara, please. Just listen to me, I--
Ciara: [Gags]
Claire: Oh.
Ciara: [Retches]
[Dramatic music]
Jake: A little too early to be chugging champagne.
Kate: [Chuckles] I have been waiting a decade for this day.
Jake: So you weren't a fan of vivian's?
Kate: I could tell you a few horror stories about your late mama.
Ivan: Don't listen to her.
Kate: Oh, really? Is there anyone else here waiting to pay their respects?
Ivan: Madame was a wonderful woman.
Kate: "Madame" was a vicious viper. Let me buy you a drink. I'm gonna tell you a few stories about your mommy dearest, perhaps ease your loss. When you find out how lucky you are never to have known the bitch.
Claire: I smell like throw up.
Ciara: Yeah? I'd do a lot worse than that to you if I wasn't feeling so rotten.
Claire: All I wanted to do was make your wedding day special.
Ciara: Oh, it's special, all right.
Claire: I wanted my best friend back.
Ciara: Best friend? You are not my friend, claire.
[Scoffs] You are not my friend and you never were.
Claire: Uh-huh. This is all coming from ben, isn't it? Yeah, he turned you against me.
Ciara: Ben, ben? You think this is-- it's not ben, claire. This is you. You will never change. You haven't changed. The only thing that's changed is you've stopped trying to set me on fire!
Claire: You are not supposed to talk about that.
Ciara: Okay, you know what, claire? I don't care. Get out of here! And don't you ever come near me ever again.
Claire: [Sobs]
Hope: Oh, oh. What's going on? What's happened?
Ben: I never would've gotten out of bayview. I never would've met ciara if it weren't for you. And I didn't deserve your support, dr. Evans, not after what I did to will.
Marlena: May I tell you how gratifying it's been to me to see how hard you have worked to get well? And I know will feels the same way or he never would've agreed to be your best man.
Ben: Yeah.
Marlena: Anything else I can do for you?
Ben: Honestly, I feel a lot better now. Thank you.
Marlena: Oh, then I'll go. I imagine you have to get ready for the wedding, don't you?
Ben: Yeah. [Chuckles]
Marlena: I will, uh, I will see you there.
Ben: Well, I'll look for you.
Marlena: I'm on the groom's side.
Ben: I appreciate that, but you, uh, you might be alone. I don't really have that much family other than clyde. And he's in the joint.
Marlena: Mm.
Ben: I know this is probably, uh, a little bit weird thing to say to your therapist, but you kind of make me feel like I have some type of family. A normal one. Would it be okay if I gave you a hug?
[Tender music]
Marlena: It would be great if you gave me a hug.
Ben: [Smooches]
Marlena: [Chuckles, sighs] I got you. I've got you. [Chuckles]
Ben: Thank you.
Marlena: The church.
Ben: All right.
[Soft ominous music]
At philadelphia, we know what makes
[Tense music]
Ben: I know you're not really here.
Jordan: Oh, I am in your head. I am in your heart. I am in your soul.
Ben: You will leave me alone, or I will--
Jordan: Will what? Kill me? [Laughs] You know you're hallucinating, right? That's what crazy people do.
[Unhinged music]
Hope: You really think claire tried to make you sick?
Ciara: Yes, mom. I really, really do. I think that--that she put something in my drink or she put something in the queso on my plate. I don't have any proof of it yet, but I just-- mom, I can't spend anymore time with that girl, I can'T.
Hope: Calm down. You don't have to, okay? You don't have to.
Ciara: [Groans] Oh, my god, look at the time, look at the time. I feel like absolute hell. I need to just start getting ready right now and I don't even have a maid of honor to help me!
Hope: You have me. Relax. Try to relax. I know it's worst thing you can say to someone, but you have me. Just tell me what you need, okay?
Ciara: Okay, thank you.
Hope: All right, sweetheart? Here, I got this from the pharmacy. Pharmacist said that--
Ciara: [Groans]
Hope: It might help calm your stomach. Here, just one.
Ciara: Yeah.
Hope: Here you go.
Ciara: Thank you.
Hope: Okay?
Ciara: [Groans] Let's hope that that stays down.
Hope: It will.
Ciara: Okay.
Hope: It'll pass, okay?
Ciara: Oh, my god.
Hope: It's gonna be a fantastic day.
Ciara: Yeah.
Hope: You're gonna be fine. Do you want to take a shower, maybe?
Ciara: Yeah, I need to go take a shower now. I have to get ready. I'll start.
Hope: Just take it slowly, okay?
Ciara: Oh, mom.
Hope: Oh, ciara! Ciara? Ciara. God.
Kate: You would've thought that two years of gutting fish would be enough, but 25 years later, she tries to kill me again.
Jake: You're kidding.
Kate: She shot me. I fell into an empty grave. She buried me alive. I had to dig my way out and walk to the hospital.
Jake: With a bullet still in you?
Kate: And my son, lucas-- my son, lucas, tries to donate my heart to julie williams--
Jake: All right, okay. I don't need to hear any more horror stories. The woman was my mother.
Kate: But don't worry. You're not a bit like her. Actually, why don't you take this and toast to the fact that she never knew you existed until the day she died. You dodged a bullet, my friend.
[Soft dramatic music]
Gabi: Is the memorial service over already?
Jake: Oh, well, wasn't really much of a service. Turns out, my mother doesn't have very many friends except for the creep, ivan, who technically is on her payroll, so I don't know if "friend" is the right word to use.
Ivan: Madame, I'm awfully sorry you had to endure such a vicious attack from katerina. I don't know how you stood it.
Vivian: [Exhales deeply] Wasn't easy.
Ivan: Uh-huh.
Vivian: Well, I've learned one thing from this experience, ivan. It's not easy being dead.
[Theresa] Shingles? Oh dios mio. So much pain.
Jake: So when I first found out years ago that I was adopted, started having all these fantasies about who my birth parents were.
Gabi: Bet you never conjured up stefano dimera and vivian.
Jake: No, I had a couple of ideas in my head about famous actors or spies, astronauts.
Gabi: Astronauts? [Chuckles]
Jake: I know, right? I am. Son of two murderers, brother of a rapist.
Gabi: Hey, but listen to me. That was in abigail's head. Stefan never laid a hand.
Jake: Sorry, I-- I know how much you loved him.
Gabi: I should've never let you go to that chapel alone. That kate must've given you an earful of all those gruesome stories, right?
Jake: How'd you know?
Gabi: Because I have seen them. I have seen vivian and kate duke it out since I was in high school.
Jake: Tell you what. We got majority of a really nice bottle of champagne. Care to join me in a toast to my dead mother?
Gabi: Really?
Jake: Mm-hmm. I try not to drink alone. Come on.
[Light music]
Jake: To vivian--
Gabi: Alamain. [Chuckles]
Jake: Thank you. Vivian alamain. May she rest in peace.
Vivian: Oh, you don't know how hard it was listening to kate fill my son's head with all those lies.
Ivan: Well, in the interest of fairness, madame, they were--
Vivian: Ah! Bite your tongue. Can't believe I have to abandon him now that I've found out he's mine.
Ivan: Madame, he's an adult, and these transitory maternal feelings are a side effect of the drug you ingested.
Vivian: Oh, that's true. They worked very well, didn't they, those drugs?
Ivan: Mm-hmm.
Vivian: [Chuckles] The paramedics thought I was toast.
Ivan: Well, you were lucky dr. Wu has not gone into retirement.
Vivian: Oh, he has served me so well over the years.
Ivan: My favorite was, madame, when you drugged carly manning.
Vivian: Oh, yes. And buried her alive. That was heaven.
Ivan: Mm.
Vivian: I'm so glad you showed up at the police station so you could extricate me from my legal problems.
Ivan: Uh, a word of advice, madame.
Vivian: Hmm?
Ivan: If you're going to shoot up a wedding, it's best that you don't choose the mayor's daughter as your target next time.
Vivian: And there will be a next time, ivan.
Ivan: Ah.
Vivian: There always is.
Hope: Claire did try to poison you. I'm not taking any chances. I'm calling 911. Take it easy. Slowly.
Marlena: Oh, hi, hon-- hey, hey, hey, claire! What's wrong?
Claire: Well, um, ciara just fired me as her maid of honor.
Marlena: Why? What happened?
Claire: Um, well, she woke up with a little stomach bug and she said that it's because I slipped something in her drink last night. Why are you looking at me like that? I didn't do anything! I swear, grandma!
[Stutters] But ciara won't believe me. She literally said she never wants to see me again.
Marlena: Honey, you can see how it would be hard for her to accept your denials, can't you?
Claire: Oh, my god. You actually think that I did it, too, don't you?
Marlena: No, no, no, no, no. I did not say that.
Claire: Ben is a freaking serial killer and everyone gives him a second chance.
Marlena: No, no, not everybody.
Claire: Okay, well--well, ciara does and so do you. Well, I mean, what about me? Your own granddaughter, huh? Why doesn't anyone believe in me? God!
Marlena: Claire? [Stutters] Don't go, claire.
[Door slams]
Jordan: You heard what dr. Evans said. Those demons of yours are never going to go away. Deep down inside, you are always going to be a necktie killer.
[Tense music]
[Phone ringing]
[Phone ringing]
Ben: Hey. Happy wedding day.
Ciara: [Groans] Not exactly.
Ben: What's wrong? Ciara, you sound awful.
Ciara: Yeah. [Chuckles] Thanks, um, yeah, it's claire, I, uh-- baby, I think she drugged me last night.
Ben: What? What--ciara, you have to get--
Ciara: Get rid of her as my maid of honor? Yeah, yeah, I already did. I told her to stay the hell away from me.
Ben: Good. Ciara, you did the right thing. I-- I can't believe her.
[Stutters] Is somebody with you?
Ciara: Yeah, my mom is. She's calling the doctor right now. Baby, I've been-- I'm puking, and I fainted, and I can't even sit up right now. I'm sorry to tell you this, but, um... god, I don't think we can get married today.
Ben: [Sighs]
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