Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 7/17/20
Episode #13815 ~ Sami orders Rafe to turn down Allie's offer; Will takes Ben out for drinks the night before his wedding; Ciara asks Rafe an important question; Claire, Allie and Ciara celebrate Ciara's impending nuptials.
Provided By Suzanne
[Soft dramatic music]
[Knock at door]
[Knock at door]
Claire: [Sighs] I know why you're here.
Ben: Yes, I went directly from your store where I bought the engagement ring to go meet my fiancée, I got down on one knee, I opened the box, and it's empty. Yes, of course i looked everywhere. Have you? Okay, well, my wedding is tomorrow, so if this ring happens to turn up, can you please call me?
[Knock at door] All right, thank you. Bye.
[Cell phone beeps]
[Exhales heavily] Hey, jake.
Jake: Sorry to bother you. I know you're getting married tomorrow, but... something happened, something big. I didn't know where else to go.
Gabi: Gwen?
Gwen: [Shouts]
Gabi: What are you doing here?
Gwen: God.
Gabi: Hello!
Gwen: What does it look like I'm doing? I'm making a drink.
Gabi: That's not--that is not what I meant. How did you get in here?
Gwen: I was invited.
Gabi: Invited by who?
Chad: By me. Nope.
Gwen: For god's sake.
Rafe: Well, I'm looking at the picture right now as we speak, and please, when david wakes from his nap, tell him i love it. It's great. No, and yes, I'm gonna come visit him. I-I'm gonna come see him soon. Okay, zoey. Thank you. Take care.
[Door clicks open]
[Knock at door] Sami. Well, well, well. I, uh--I gotta say I was--I was expecting you, but I--
Sami: I'm here to report a crime.
Rafe: Okay. Uh, what crime is that exactly?
Sami: A police commissioner is trying to steal my grandchild.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Will: Wow. I mean, what--just wow.
Allie: I-I thought dad was bad, but mom just takes it to a whole different level.
Will: Yeah, and she did this at her own brother's wedding.
Allie: Oh, yeah. Just went off about how irresponsible I am and how I'm way too young to have a baby.
Will: Wha--well, she had me when--when she was a teenager!
Allie: I know! I know!
Will: Like, we talked about this!
Allie: And what drives me insane is that in the very same breath she's telling me about how having you so young made her life infinitely more difficult, she's say--insisting that i raise my baby. Like--
[Sighs] I'm sorry. I shouldn't be talking to you about this.
Will: No, I mean, it's fine how--how I made her life more difficult. I mean, first of all, it's--i already know, and, uh, second, um, mom still loves me anyway.
Allie: Yeah, she loves all her kids. She just doesn't respect us and thinks we are not capable of making our own decisions.
Will: Yeah. I'm, um--I'm sorry that she's making this so tough on you.
Allie: Yeah. After I ran out, dad tracked me down, and me, him, and mom had somewhat of a civil conversation.
Will: No. [Laughs] D-don't tell me mom apologized.
Allie: Uh, not exactly.
Will: [Chuckles]
Allie: But she did say that she was sorry I felt I couldn't tell her about my pregnancy, and now that she knows, we can-- I don't know. Clean slate. We can start over. Translation: I should nix my adoption plan and let her help me raise my baby.
Will: Yeah, yeah. I mean, you're not seriously gonna consider--okay.
Allie: Oh, god, god, no. Not in a million years. Um, I-I mean, I told her that i had options, that you and sonny actually wanted to adopt the baby.
Will: How--how'd she take that?
Allie: Um, a direct quote: "That's not a terrible idea." Um, but then I told her about rafe.
Will: What'd she say?
Allie: Nothing. She just looked like her head was going to explode and then she took off. I thought maybe she came to see you, but now I'm thinking--
Will: That--yeah. She went to see rafe.
Allie: Yeah.
Rafe: Hi, sami. Welcome back. Missed you. So, uh, care to tell me what you're talking about?
Sami: Oh, don't pretend like you don't know, rafe. I fly all the way home to salem to visit my daughter only to discover that she is pregnant, and then I find out that my ex-husband has convinced her to give him her baby?
Rafe: Now, hold on a second. I did not convince her to give me the baby, okay?
Sami: Oh, really?
Rafe: Just listen to me.
Sami: No, you listen to me, rafe. If you think for a second I'm gonna just stand by and let this happen, if you think I'm gonna let you adopt my grandchild, you are dead wrong.
Jake: You sure this is an okay time?
Ben: Yeah, yeah. Ciara's staying at her mom's tonight. You know, tradition?
Jake: Yeah.
Ben: I got nothing going on. What's up?
Jake: I need to talk to a friend about who I really am.
Ben: You mean stefan?
Jake: Not exactly.
Ciara: You know why I'm here?
Claire: Yep. Yeah, I, um, overheard ben telling you to get a new maid of honor because he thinks I stole your engagement ring.
Ciara: [Scoffs] Okay, look.
Claire: No, no, no. It's okay. Ciara, don't bother with an explanation. Just say it. I'm fired.
[Theresa] Shingles? Oh dios mio. So much pain.
Claire: I know that ben doesn't want me in the wedding.
Ciara: You're right. He doesn't, but it's not his decision to make, claire. It's mine.
Claire: Okay, so am I still your maid of honor?
Ciara: I don't know. Look, I-I-I can't ignore the fact that ever since you took this job, terrible, horrible things keep happening like my dream wedding dress getting ruined or my engagement ring going missing or--
Ciara: Right, and since ben thinks that I'm responsible, you do too. You believe him over me, and I-I get that.
Ciara: Yeah, okay, but i don't want to believe him. Not about this, claire, because I love you, and you know what i want more than anything? Is to truly believe that you had nothing to do with any of the horrible things that have happened, but before I do that, I need you to do something for me.
Claire: Anything. Name it.
Ciara: Just like when we were kids, I need you to look me in my eye and I need you to pinkie swear that you didn't do it.
Gabi: Does your wife know that you're bringing strange women over for drinks?
Chad: Yeah, first of all, sh-she's not strange. Her name is gwen, and I didn't-- stop, stop-- I didn't invite her over here for a drink I invited her over because she had too many and I wanted to make sure she was okay.
Gabi: Hmm.
Gwen: Look, why do you even care? I thought you'd be at jake'S. Isn't your whole life mission to get him to remember that he's your dead husband?
Gabi: Yeah, it was, but that mission is impossible. See, as it turns out, he's not.
Jake: So yeah, that's the whole story.
Ben: You're stefan's twin brother?
Jake: Crazy, huh?
Ben: Yes! Yes, that is completely crazy. How did gabi take the news?
Jake: How do you think? Not well. She's a wreck. Went over there to the mansion to talk to her. She kicked me out.
Ben: So what about you? Are you relieved about gabi too, or you bummed out she might not be all over you anymore?
Jake: [Scoffs]
Claire: Ciara, I know how all of this looks, but I swear I did not do any of these horrible things.
Ciara: Okay, but you understand why ben and I are, you know, just a little bit hesitant to just take your word for it?
Claire: Of course, yes. Look, I know that we've had our problems. Problems? My god, what a understatement. I've spent the last two years in a mental institution and in therapy learning how to deal with what I did and how I acted towards the best friend that i have ever had. Ciara, I know that what I did was so wrong, and I would never let something like that happen again. Please, okay? You have to believe me. I only want what is best for you.
Ciara: I really, really want to believe you, claire.
Claire: Then do! Please. I will not let you down. I swear.
Ciara: Okay. Okay.
Claire: Thank you. Oh, my god, thank you!
Ciara: So, um, you wanna talk about our schedule for tomorrow?
Claire: Yes!
Ciara: I mean, we have so much to do.
Claire: Yes, um, but first i actually have some amazing news.
Ciara: Yeah? What?
Claire: Okay. You stay right here and I'll be right back.
Ciara: Okay.
Claire: Okay.
Rafe: What are you talking about? I did not convince allie to give me her baby.
Sami: You just asked her nicely?
Rafe: No, I didn't ask her at all. She came back into town, we started talking, and she offered.
Sami: She just offered you her baby out of the blue?
Rafe: Well, no, it wasn't out of the blue. Like I said, we were talking and I told her about what happened with david.
Sami: So that's what happened. You gave her the sob story about your difficult situation with jordan ridgeway's baby, how the baby was ripped from your arms and maybe how you've always been aching to be a father, yada, yada?
Rafe: Okay, you know what? First of all, that is not true, and it is not fair, and these are the same bogus accusations that lucas came at me with, okay? I did not ask her for the baby. She offered me the baby. It completely caught me off guard, and for the record, i didn't say yes. I told her that I needed time to think about it.
Sami: Well, then that's great. That's fantastic news, rafe. You can just go to allie. You can find her and you can tell her that you have thought about it and the answer is no.
Rafe: Hmm.
Allie: I am scared to even think what mom is saying to rafe right now.
Will: Yeah, hopefully, um, it's just limited to yelling and there's no physical violence involved.
Allie: Yeah. I get why she's upset. I mean, I did this. I kept her in the dark.
Will: No, what? You--I mean, you're--you're-- allie, you're taking responsibility. You're asking for advice. You're figuring out what you want.
Allie: And what I want is to give this baby a good home, a good life.
Will: And you will. You will. You know...
[Sighs] I-I don't wanna pressure you. I mean, this is 100% your decision, but I just wanna let you know that sonny and I are ready and willing and able to adopt your baby if that's what--
Allie: I know, I know, and really, you guys have been so great. Thank you.
Will: You know, out of curiosity, are you leaning one way or the other? You probably think all pads are the same
Will: I'm sorry. That--that was--that was way too forward.
Allie: No, will, this is a big deal. You have every right to know what I'm thinking. But I don't wanna lead you on. Remember that when I asked rafe to adopt my baby, I didn't even know that you and sonny were an option.
Will: Yes, yeah. Trust me. We know that you--you asked rafe first.
Allie: Yeah, and... I don't know. I think my brother adopting my baby would be weird. Don't get me wrong. I know that you and sonny would be great dads, but I can't give you an answer until I know how rafe feels.
Will: Yeah, uh, I understand. And I mean, listen, allie. Whatever you decide, sonny and i will, uh, respect it.
Allie: Thanks.
Rafe: I see what's going on here; I get it. I get it. You were caught off guard. You're upset; you come back into town, you find out that your daughter's pregnant, but coming in here, lashing out at me with the accusations--I mean, I thought we were in a good place.
Sami: Well, I think we are, and I am trying to keep it that way.
Rafe: Really? 'Cause it doesn't seem that way to me. You come in here, you insult me--
Sami: Okay, look, I'm sorry, all right? I didn't mean to insult you, rafe, but don't you think the idea that my ex-husband is trying to adopt my grandchild is a little bit strange?
Rafe: Okay, yeah. It is a little bit strange, but if the baby ends up in a family that loves it and adores it, isn't that all that matters?
Sami: No.
Rafe: No? Okay, well, then what is--what is it exactly that you want?
Sami: What I want is for allie to want to raise her own child. That's what I want, but if she's determined to give this baby up, I'm not gonna just let her hand it over to you.
Rafe: [Scoffs]
Chad: Okay, so jake isn't stefan?
Gwen: [Laughs] I knew it! I knew it.
Gabi: You stay out of this.
Chad: Hold on. You showed me the dna results. They were--they were a match.
Gabi: [Sighs]
Chad: You faked them?
Gabi: No, I didn'T. They are completely legit.
Chad: [Laughs] Then I'm--I'm lost, then, because if the dna results were a match, then how--how can jake and stefan--
Gabi: Chad, because he's stefan's twin brother.
Jake: Dude, of course I'm glad gabi's not gonna be harassing me anymore. She's a total pain in the ass. I mean, she's obnoxious, she's pushy, not to mention lethal.
Ben: And you're sure you're not protesting a little too much?
Jake: Yeah, I'm sure...
Ben: All right.
Jake: You damn nebby nose.
Ben: All right.
Jake: Besides, I got more stuff to worry about than the black widow, starting with the fact that that cuckoo bird vivian is my mother.
Ben: [Scoffs] No, I'm sure it's a lot to take in, man.
Jake: Yeah.
Ben: You know, my best man's taking me out for drinks tonight. Why don't you just come along?
Jake: Ah, I'd like to, but, uh, I'd be a total downer.
Ben: No, you're not gonna be a downer.
Jake: I will. You--you--you enjoy your--your last night of freedom and, uh, I'll see you tomorrow at the wedding.
Ben: Are you sure?
Jake: Yeah, and, uh... for what it's worth, uh, I may not be who you thought I was, but, uh, I'm--I'm glad I still have you as a friend.
[Door slams]
Claire: So?
Ciara: Oh, my god, claire.
Claire: [Sighs]
Ciara: This is, like, a real, real miracle. How did you--how did you even do that? How did you fix my dress?
Claire: Well, um, I just wanted to surprise you.
Ciara: Well, that you did. You definitely surprised me, and, oh, my gosh, it's even more beautiful than I remember.
Claire: Hey, I mean, if you want, I can just bring it over tomorrow while we do hair and makeup, and that way, you don't have to lug it around.
Ciara: Oh, no. It's, uh--it's not a problem. I'm actually on my way home.
Claire: Actually, you are not.
Ciara: I am not? Well, what does that mean, claire brady?
Claire: Uh, well, tonight is the last night before you tie the knot with ben, so I mean, we gotta do something to celebrate.
Ciara: Okay. So, like, a little something like a bachelorette party?
Claire: Yes, except how about this? We will skip all of the cheesy stuff, right? And we'll just go out for drinks, just you and me. It'll be like back in the day. Oh, my god. Do you remember when we used to sneak alcohol from my mom's club?
Ciara: Oh, my god. The edge of the square?
Claire: Uh-huh.
Ciara: I haven't thought about that place in forever. Wow. And as, uh--as far as the underage drinking goes, well, I'm just--I'm--I'm a completely different person now than I was back then, so--
Claire: Oh, I know. Yeah, hopefully, um, we've both changed for the better.
Ciara: Yeah.
Claire: And hey, I mean, now we're old enough to not get in any trouble. Well, maybe a little.
Ciara: [Laughs]
Claire: So what do you say?
Ciara: Um, all right. Fine.
Claire: Yes!
Ciara: We will go to julie's place, I will meet you there for a drink, um, but first I have to go do something, so I'll text you when I'm on my way.
Claire: Okay, yay! I'm so excited.
Ciara: Me too. All righty. All right, I'll see you later.
Claire: Love you.
Ciara: [Sighs] Love you too.
[Soft music]
We're at the movies and we need to silence our phone.
Gabi: So he just thought rather than have vivian grieve over a child that was never going to exist, he'd just, you know, take vivian and stefan out of there.
Chad: [Exhales sharply] And the other baby that survived, that baby was-- was jake?
Gabi: Yeah.
Gwen: So jake is still jake.
Gabi: Yes, einstein, he is.
Gwen: Well, good. That's good, because now you're gonna just see him as a lowly grease monkey, right?
Chad: Stop, stop, stop.
Gwen: And that means you will finally leave him the hell alone.
[Chuckles] Thank you so much for everything, my new friend, but i have to go.
Chad: Hey, why don't I have-- I have--excuse me--have my driver take you home?
Gwen: Ooh, fancy. No, I don't mind if I do.
Chad: That way.
Gwen: Thanks.
[Dramatic music]
Gabi: I know you wanna gloat. Just say it. You are very happy that my husband is still dead.
Will: You know, this time tomorrow, you will be a happily married man.
Ben: [Exhales sharply]
Will: So to the groom getting everything he deserves.
Ben: Ah, thank you. I'm not too sure I deserve a woman like ciara, but I'm very lucky to have her in my life. I'm lucky to have a friend like you in my life. Thank you for taking me out tonight.
Will: No, I--listen, I'm sorry, I really dropped the ball on, like, the whole best man duties.
Ben: No, man. This is perfect. Hey, at least you're not trying to sabotage the wedding, like the maid of honor.
Claire: Allie! Oh, my god, hi. What are you doing here?
Allie: Oh, giving uncle eric and aunt nicole some alone time. Three tends to be a crowd with newlyweds, so I'm crashing here tonight.
[Sighs] How are you?
Claire: Um, I'm fine. Why?
Allie: 'Cause you said you were sick, and that's why you couldn't go to their wedding.
Claire: Oh, yeah. Um, that actually just passed. Thank god. Um, yeah, again, I'm so sorry i missed the wedding. I just needed to make sure that I was better in time for ciara's wedding 'cause I am her maid of honor.
Allie: Cool. Um, well, tomorrow's the big day, so I'm gonna go eat everything in the fridge and then hit the hay.
Claire: Okay. Wait, oh, how was, um, eric and nicole's wedding?
Allie: Uh, pretty much perfect until my mom showed up and ruined everything.
Rafe: Well, I heard you loud and clear. Mostly loud, but, uh, if you'll excuse me--
Sami: Okay, I'm sorry again, all right? This isn't personal, rafe. It's not about you. I think you're gonna be a great father. I really do. It's just, look, if allie insists that she's not gonna raise her own child, then will is the logical choice because the baby would still be in the family.
Rafe: Oh, right, right, yeah, of course. I'm not considered family anymore.
Sami: You know that's not what I meant. It's--it's that the situation is really complicated without you being in the mix. I mean, rafe, you have to talk to allie.
Rafe: Me?
Sami: Yeah, you. You have to explain to allie that you have thought about it and you have to convince her that you don't wanna do this.
Rafe: Uh-huh. So now you want me to manipulate your daughter?
Sami: Rafe, if you care about me, if you care about my daughter, then you're gonna do the right thing for everyone involved and you are gonna go find allie and you will tell her that you are not going to adopt her child. Okay? Just think about it.
Rafe: Good to see you.
[Sighs] Copd makes it hard to breathe.
Chad: Am I glad that stefan's still dead? I don't know. I do know that he was a monster, and from the moment he came to salem, he took a wrecking ball to what was left of my family.
Gabi: That is not true.
Chad: He raped my wife.
Gabi: That wasn't abigail. It was gabby with a y, and he only wanted her because she looked like me.
Chad: Come on. He--he took advantage of a mentally ill woman. I'll never forgive him for that, gabi.
Gabi: My husband wasn't a perfect person, but he was still your family, your blood. Telling me you didn't wanna have your brother back?
Chad: No, I didn'T. I am glad he's dead, and the truth is, I'm glad the two of you won't be able to come after my company.
Gabi: That's true. Stefan and I won't be teaming up to, uh, take dimera back, but you have new competition.
Chad: [Scoffs] Who, jake?
Gabi: He might be a mechanic, but now that he knows he's a dimera, you better watch your back.
[Dramatic music]
Jake: [Exhales heavily]
Gwen: [Sighs]
Jake: Hey.
Gwen: Jake. I just heard the news. Oh, god. Thank god it's you and not that horrible woman's husband.
Claire: So it ended in a full-on food fight?
Allie: Cake everywhere.
Claire: [Gasps] Oh, my god. Poor eric and nicole, and poor you! I am so sorry that you had to go through that. Um, god, do you wanna, like, talk about it some more?
Allie: Thanks, but I'm--I'm wiped, honestly. I just wanna get some sleep.
Claire: Okay. Wait, wait. You can't!
Allie: Why not?
Claire: Because I am taking ciara out tonight to celebrate and you have to come with us.
Allie: Claire, I don't think you understand. I am so tired right now that i am literally talking to you in my sleep.
Claire: Okay, but I mean, come on. Have you even had one girls' night out since you've been back in salem?
Allie: No.
Claire: Well, then tonight's the night. Oh, come on, and--and, um, if nothing else, it'll just take your mind off things for a while, right?
Allie: I don't know.
Claire: Please? It'll be so much fun, and it'll give you a chance to reconnect with ciara.
[Knock at door]
Rafe: Come in.
Ciara: Hey.
Rafe: Ciara.
Ciara: Hi, rafe.
Rafe: What the heck are you doing here? It's the last night before your wedding. You're supposed to be out with your friends partying.
Ciara: Yeah, yeah, um, funny you say that. I'm actually on my way to my bachelorette party, but...
Rafe: Okay, good.
Ciara: I, uh--well, actually, I wanted to ask you something first.
Rafe: All right. Shoot.
Ciara: You once told me that before my dad passed, he asked you to take care of his family.
Rafe: Yeah, well, uh, he did, um, actually ask me that and, um, you know, I've been doing the best that I can to look after you guys, and obviously, well, things didn't work out as planned with your mom, and, um, I'm sorry about that, but i think we're in a good place now.
Ciara: Yeah.
Rafe: Yeah.
Ciara: Yeah, you guys will always be friends.
Rafe: Yeah.
Ciara: And, uh, you will always be very, very special to me.
Rafe: Aww, you too.
Ciara: So, um, on that note, I was--I was wondering if, uh, maybe you could walk me down the aisle tomorrow.
Rafe: Really?
Ciara: Yeah, um, well, since my real dad isn't here to do it...
Rafe: Right, yeah.
Ciara: And you've always been a father figure to me, I thought, you know, why not? So what do you say?
Rafe: I say I'd be honored.
Ciara: Yeah?
Rafe: Yeah, are you kidding? Oh, god, yes. Yeah.
Ciara: Yay.
Rafe: Okay.
Ciara: [Chuckles]
Will: Wait, you really think that claire took ciara's engagement ring?
Ben: I know she did. I just hope ciara takes my advice and gives her the boot.
Will: Well--well, i mean, wow. I'm sorry that happened. I mean, if claire's still gonna be in the wedding tomorrow, I'll definitely, like, keep an eye on her.
Ben: I appreciate that, will. Thank you. Ciara might not have picked the best maid of honor, but i definitely picked the right best man. Thank you.
Will: Cheers.
Sami: What the hell? This day keeps getting better and better.
[Sighs] These are real people, not actors,
Chad: I am not worried about jake lambert. I hardly know the guy, but I'm betting he's more of an abel to stefan's cain.
Gabi: If you had paid attention in sunday school, you'd know that abel died.
Chad: Well, he was murdered by his brother. Now that stefan is dead and jake is alive, I don't know. Maybe it's just the universe's way of correcting itself.
Gabi: Despite your dumb analogy, he's still stefano's son. He's blood. He'd be a fool not to want his share of dimera.
Chad: You think he's gonna make a claim to it?
Gabi: I think he's got every right to try. Let's be real. If it's between having to change oil for the rest of his life or take this all away from you, my money's on the latter.
Chad: Tell him, "good luck."
Gabi: I will. It's gonna be my pleasure to see the man that looks like my late husband kick your butt to the curb.
Will: Hey, mom. It's, uh--it's good to see you.
Sami: Are you crazy? Have you lost your mind? This man tried to murder you. He--he put our family through hell and now you're gonna be his best man? I-I mean, is that some sort of sick joke?
Will: Uh, no, it's not, actually. Um, ben and I, we--we bonded in--in prison.
Sami: You bonded with the necktie killer?
Will: Yeah. Well, you know what? He saved my life, actually, when--when his dad tried to shiv me.
Sami: As well he should after he tried to strangle you.
Ben: Oh, mrs. Dimera, if i may say something?
Sami: No, you may not. I'm talking to my--
Will: Mom, come on. Can you just--can you hear him out, please, for me?
Sami: Okay. Shoot.
Ben: I know words aren't adequate. They're not gonna change how you feel about me, but they're all i have right now, so I'm sorry for the pain I caused you, the pain I caused so many people. I'm ashamed of my past. I'm more than ashamed. I-I don't have a day that goes by that I don't feel horribly guilty, that I don't feel undeserving for all that is good in my life now, but in order to go on with this second chance that I was generously given, I've tried my damnedest to be a good person. I'm not sick anymore, and no, most people don't support me, but some people do, like your son. Like will. If not for your son, I might have given up on the best thing that's ever happened to me. Tomorrow I'm marrying her.
Sami: I think ciara's a really smart woman. It's too bad she's making such a huge mistake.
Claire: All righty. Here we go. We have one soda for the mother-to-be and zombies for me and ciara, just like we used to drink in high school.
Allie: What's in those again?
Claire: Um, let's see. Uh, rum, some rum, and more rum. Oh, my god. Do you remember when we drank, like, six of these and we got so sick?
Ciara: Yes, claire, i remember, and I-I kind of don't want history to repeat itself.
Claire: Well, of course not. No, but you can at least have this one drink.
It's totally normal
Ben: Well, I'm sorry you feel that way, mrs. Dimera, but I'm sure you'd rather catch up with your son than attack me, so I'm gonna go call my fiancée and...
Will: No, no, no.
Ben: Say good night. Yes, will. Thank you. This was amazing. Thank you, man. I really appreciate it.
Sami: [Scoffs] What?
Will: You just can't help yourself, can you? Oh, you--first eric and nicole and now ben.
Sami: Oh. You heard about the wedding, huh?
Will: Yeah, grandma and allie told me how you ruined it and how you went nuts when you found out that allie was thinking about giving her baby to rafe.
Sami: Yeah, I just came from talking to him.
Will: Mom, why? Why would you do that?
Sami: Would you stop complaining, please? I am on your side here. If your sister does not wanna raise her own child, then I want you and sonny to get the nod.
Will: And did you tell rafe that?
Sami: Of course I did. I mean, I had to explain to him what a terrible idea it is for him to adopt his stepdaughter's child.
Will: And, well, what did he say?
Sami: Well, he didn't really, but I think I really got through to him, and, um, the key is that you just have to keep your mouth shut.
Will: I-I have to keep my mouth shut?
Sami: Yeah. Will, this is just between you and me, okay? You can't tell sonny. You cannot tell anyone else.
Will: No, no, no, no, no. Mom, mom, no.
Sami: I am here to help, okay? This is all gonna work out. As long as you stay quiet, i think I can really get through to rafe, and then you and sonny will be able to raise allie's baby.
[Cell phone rings]
[Cell phone beeps]
Rafe: Hernandez. What?
Jake: You're right. Nothing's changed. Still good-old jake.
Gwen: Not exactly.
Jake: What do you mean?
Gwen: Well, you're no longer jake lambert, are you? You're now jake dimera. Do you know what that means?
Jake: No.
Gwen: [Chuckles] Darling, we're rich.
Chad: Well, I guess we'll have to wait and see what jake's next move is.
Gabi: Guess so.
Chad: [Chuckles]
[Cell phone ringing]
[Cell phone beeps]
Gabi: Hey.
Rafe: Hey, gab. Uh, are you with jake, by any chance?
Gabi: No, why?
Rafe: Uh, I need to talk to him; I've got some news.
Gabi: Look, if this is about him being stefan's twin brother, he already knows.
Rafe: Yeah, uh--uh, sorry. I heard about that, but, uh, no, it's not about that. It's actually about his mother.
Gabi: What about her? What, did she break out of jail?
Rafe: Vivian's dead.
Claire: To ciara.
Allie: We love you, cuz.
[Cell phone rings]
Ciara: [Chuckles] Oh, um, hold on. That's ben. I will be right back.
[Cell phone beeps] Hi, honey. Is everything okay?
Ben: Yeah, I'm fine. Just out with my best man. Wanted to call you and say good night.
Ciara you're so sweet.
Ben: Where are you?
Ciara: Oh, I'm just at julie's place with my cousin allie and my maid of honor.
Ben: So claire still has the job?
Ciara: Yes. Claire still has the job, and, ben, she looked me right in my eye and she swore to me that she wasn't trying to ruin our wedding, and I don't know, ben. I believe her. I mean, I have to believe her. I just--I-I don't wanna be so cynical that I doubt everything that she has to say, you know? I-I wanna give her the--
Ben: The benefit of the doubt. I know, and I love you for that, and I will respect your decision even though I still have my serious doubts. Anyway, what are you guys up to?
Ciara: Oh, you know. We're just, uh, pounding shots and dancing on the bar and I'm totally kidding, babe. We're--we're just having a couple drinks, that's all.
Ben: All right, well, don't overdo it, okay? You have a big day tomorrow.
Ciara: Oh, that's right. I do. I have a really big day. I'm marrying the man of my dreams.
Ben: I can't wait.
Ciara: Me neither. It's gonna be the best day of our lives.
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