Days Transcript Thursday 7/16/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 7/16/20


Episode #13814 ~ Allie drops a bomb on Sami; Eric and Nicole celebrate their first night as a married couple; Gabi and Vivian reel after finding out the truth about Jake; Marlena warns Will and Sonny that Sami is in town.

Provided By Suzanne

Vivian: You're not making any sense, ivan. How could I still be in labor if I'd already given birth to stefan?

Ivan: As it turned out, madam, your work was not done. There was another baby on its way.

Gabi: Oh, my god.

Jake: What?

Vivian: What are you talking about?

Gabi: Vivian, don't you get it? He's--he's saying that you had twins.

Ivan: Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying. This young man is stefan's twin brother.

Vivian: And you named him jake?

Ivan: Madam, why...

Vivian: Jake?

Ivan: Would I name anyone jake?

Jake: The hell's wrong with jake?

Vivian: Well, you're a dimera, an alamain. You need a name with dignity and stature. Something I would pick.

Gabi: Stop! Just focus, okay? It doesn't matter his name. You--you have a--another son.

Vivian: Oh, you're right. You're right. It's just too much to take in. Who knew I'd be so fecund?

Jake: I don't get it. I--you say--hey, hello. You say that she had twins, right? But didn't know it? How the hell could that have happened?

Ivan: I thought you would never ask.

Sonny: I'm really sorry.

Will: Why?

Sonny: Well, 'cause we're sitting at a ball game with my morose father and you should have been at your uncle's wedding.

Will: No, I mean, I think eric understood that we were worried about your dad, who-- for the record--I think is doing much better, by the way.

Sonny: Yeah?

Will: Yeah, I mean, I--i think it's a good sign that he's angry about bonnie being back. At least it's, you know--he's not feeling nothing.

Sonny: It's hard to feel nothing when she's around. You know, you can feel rage, harbor thoughts of homicide. I mean, what a bitch. To show up at my mother's grave?

Will: I know. I mean, you're--you're right.

Sonny: That's the last thing my dad needed after losing kayla.

Will: You--you don't think that bonnie--

Sonny: What?

Will: No, I mean, your dad said bonnie's here for a book tour.

Sonny: [Clears throat] Why else would she be here? Oh, my god. Your dad? She came back for him?

Will: Come on. I mean, she wouldn't be that stupid, would she? I mean, that she'd--she'd come back and try to get back with him?

Sonny: Look who we're talking about. Bonnie lockhart would definitely do something stupid like that.

Will: I know, but my dad has enough to worry about with allie and--

Sonny: Speaking of which, we should get to the pub. Toast to eric and nicole.

Will: No, I don't think so.

Sonny: Really? I mean, the party's gotta be in full swing by now.

Marlena: Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Allie: I hate her. I hate my mother.

Marlena: You don't mean that.

Allie: Yes, I do. I do. This is exactly why I didn't want her here, why I didn't want her to know about the baby.

Marlena: Hey, it's gonna come out eventually, you know? Maybe it's best that she know now.

Allie: No, it's not best. Whenever my mom gets involved, everything just goes to hell.

[Cell phone rings]

[Groans] Dad?

Lucas: Brace yourself. I just talked to sydney. Your mother is on her way to salem.

Allie: It's too late. She's already here. She crashed uncle eric's wedding, and now she knows about the baby.

Lucas: And?

Allie: [Exhales] And it went just about as well as you'd think.

Nicole: You're crazy, sami!

Sami: You tried to turn my daughter against me. I'm not gonna let you do it!

Eric: Sami, I'm not gonna let you ruin my wedding.

Nicole: Honey, she already has. Look at the cake. And I didn't turn allie against you. You did that all on your own.

Sami: [Scoffs]

Nicole: Look, she kept saying she didn't want you to know, but everyone--everyone tried to get her to tell you, but she just kept saying over and over that, "my mother is only gonna make it worse." Well, you certainly proved your daughter right today.

Sami: You interloper!

Eric: Hey, okay, stop! Stop!

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Sonny: So how come you don't wanna go to the reception? Are you--you mad or something?

Will: No, I'm not mad. I'm scared of my mother.

Sonny: Well, who isn't? But she's not supposed to be there.

Will: I--I know, yeah, but-- but, okay, see if you can follow this one. I--I have a feeling that she is going to find out that not only is allie pregnant but that a bunch of people knew and nobody told her, and then you know what is gonna hit the fan, so I'm hoping that if I don't go there and I just sort of keep a low profile, then she--she won't find out that I knew about it.

Sonny: Well, what if she finds out that we want to adopt the baby that you say you don't know anything about?

Will: Well then we're gonna be on her bad side, and trust me; we do not wanna be on her bad side.

[All shouting]

Sami: You don't even know what it means! No, I'm not gonna just stay here!

Eric: You stop talking and listen! Sweetheart, you go upstairs and get yourself cleaned up. This won't take long.

Nicole: Okay.

Sami: Yeah, look up "interloper" while you're up there. Maybe you could learn something.

Eric: Stop it.

Nicole: Shut up, sami!

Sami: I can't believe you married her.

Eric: Sami, I talk. You listen. You know on a dark, stormy night, your daughter unannounced showed up at my doorstep, and she told us two things--that she was pregnant and she did not want you to know about it.

Sami: And you just happily went along with that? Decided not to tell her mother?

Eric: No. She said if I did tell you that she would run away and that nobody would find her. So what did nicole do? She welcomed her into my house, and how did you repay her? By ruining our wedding?

Sami: Sorry.

Eric: No, you're not. You were pleased with yourself. Your daughter is having a baby. She's scared. She's faced with big decisions. She's not thinking straight.

Sami: I see your point.

Eric: Well, that would be the first, wouldn't it?

Sami: You're enjoying this, aren't you?

Eric: No, no, I'm not enjoying this. I'm scared, and every time i tried to talk to allie about telling you, everyone else, even nicole, allie said, "no, don't do it. If you do, you know what mom's gonna do? She's gonna make everything worse." You proved her right. In spades.

Allie: Dad says he's gonna come here and we can deal with mom together. Not that there's any dealing with that woman, 'cause she's crazy.

Marlena: [Groans] Look, while I don't defend what your mother did, you did announce that you were pregnant in front of a lot of people and that you were going to give up the baby for adoption.

Allie: She's the one who showed up and crashed the wedding and ruined everything.

Marlena: But she does. That's who she is. And what? You're blameless here?

Allie: [Exhales] She just--she just makes me so mad.

Marlena: So you've said already.

Allie: You're mad at both of us.

Marlena: I'm not mad at--I'm not mad. I'm tired. I'm tired of this--this dance you both do year after year after year whether it's about a--a bedtime, a curfew, a prom dress, or a baby. This is a human being, and you can't use it as--as--as a rope in a tug of war.

Allie: You're telling me to grow up.

Marlena: I'm telling you what I think should be obvious to you. Your mother cares about you. She wants what's best for you. Darling, we all want what's best for you, and maybe you could stop being combative, which only incites her more, and you could try being a little more...

[Exhales] Understanding.

Allie: Yeah. I can try.

Marlena: Oh, thank you. Oh, you.


Ivan: And the second baby was tiny and sickly. Dr. Stewart put him in an incubator, but he said he would not last for more than a few hours, madam. That's where I took the other baby, away from the hospital in case dimera comes looking for you, but the doctor didn't know where we went, so he could not tell me the second baby survived.

Vivian: Why didn't you tell me about the other baby when you told me about stefan?

Ivan: I did not want you to grieve for a child you didn't even know existed.

Gabi: Oh, hold on a minute. So you want us to believe that jake's dna is the same as stefan's because they're twin brothers? I--I need some proof.

Jake: I think I know where i can find that.

This is ava.

Gabi: So you're gonna call your mother?

Vivian: Adoptive mother.

Jake: Oh, we don't talk. She doesn't return my calls.

Gabi: Okay, so...

Jake: No, all right. When you first started telling me that I'm this stefan guy, i tracked down the agency who handled my adoption. Guess it's time to give them a call.

Marlena: Oh, dear.

Lucas: Hey.

Marlena: Oh, hi, lucas.

Lucas: Wow, um, that bad, huh?

Marlena: Yeah, well, it was pretty intense.

Allie: Mom and I ruined eric and nicole's wedding.

Lucas: You mean sami ruined it.

Allie: Well, it's just been pointed out to me that I didn't help matters.

Marlena: Uh, and look. While I don't really approve of what either one of you did, doesn't change the fact that i love you both very, very much.

Lucas: What do you say we go try to find your mom and ratchet things down a bit, okay?

Allie: Yeah.

Lucas: Thank you, marlena.

Marlena: Yeah, and sami'S... [Quietly] Furious.

Lucas: Right, right, yeah. Uh, we'll wave the white flag when we walk in.

Marlena: Good thinking.

Allie: Grandma, I love you and I'm really gonna think about what you said.

Marlena: Thanks. Call me if you need me.

Allie: I will.

[Phone beeps]

[Phone trilling]

[Phone ringing]

[Phone beeps]

Will: Grandma.

Marlena: Hi. May I come over for a bit?

Will: Of course. How's the wedding?

Marlena: Oh, the wedding. Well, it's just great, until sami showed up.

Will: Oh, my god.

Sami: Thank you. You know, you were the one person in the world that I can't stand to have mad at me. I'm sorry.

Eric: I'm sorry, too. We all tried to get her to talk to you.

Sami: I'm gonna go to her. I'm gonna grovel. I will apologize and--and then it'll be okay and then we can start planning, right?

Eric: Sami, no.

Sami: We can--we can make it better. Now that I know, she doesn't have to go through with this adoption. I can help her. We can raise him or her. Does she know if she's having a boy or girl?

Eric: Sami, just stop. This is allie's child. It's her decision to make.

Sami: Not if she's making a decision that she will regret for the rest of her life. You remember how hard things were for me with will when he was born and how I was so stupidly young? But--but it worked out, didn't it? Will is--he's the center of this family. Allie's just not thinking long-term, you know?

Eric: Well, I know for a fact she is.

Sami: Why are you saying that? Do you know something else about my daughter that I don't know?

Eric: She has a plan about who would adopt the baby.

Jake: Yeah. Thanks for your help.

[Phone beeps]

Vivian: Well?

Jake: [Exhales] Well, turns out the doctor who delivered me was a dr. Stewart, and I was...

[Scoffs] A small and sickly baby.

Gabi: [Gasps]

Jake: So the guy's telling the truth.

Vivian: Oh! My baby!

Gabi: Oh!

[Crying] So you're--you're not--you're not my stefan?

Jake: No. I'm afraid not.

Gabi: [Crying]

Is now a good time

for a flare-up?

Gabi: [Crying]

Jake: You really loved him, didn't you? I'm--I'm so sorry.

Gabi: I just--I--I just so wanted you to be him.

Jake: I didn't know the guy. I'm not sure I even would have liked him, but he was very lucky to have somebody love him the way you did.

Gabi: Thank you.


Vivian: Oh. There she goes again. Gabi, kayla told you that stefan was brain dead. This is no time for tears. We need to celebrate. I found a new son who's name's j--we need to do something about that name. This is a--this is a very happy day!

Marlena: So I went after allie and left everybody else there to work it out. Don't know what happened.

Sonny: Maybe they watched nicole open her presents?

Marlena: I'm sure that's what happened.

Will: [Chuckles] So, did mom mention anything about how allie's pregnant and we all knew and nobody told her?

Marlena: Mm, what do you think?

Will: Great, and she was--

Marlena: Furious, but she wasn't as angry as she became when she realized that allie was planning to give up the baby for adoption.

Sonny: What a mess. Well, where's allie now?

Marlena: Uh, she's with lucas. They're gonna go and find your mom, try to sort things out.

Will: Talk about an impossible dream.

Sami: What? Eric. No, you can't just stop there. Tell me. Tell me who allie's thinking of having adopt her child.

Eric: It's not for me to say. I've already said too much.

Sami: And you think it's okay? You think it's right that you know and I don't?

Eric: I think it's allie's call.

Allie: And I'm here.

Lucas: Hey, uh, sami, you got a little cake here.

Allie: Food fight? Yeah?

Eric: Yeah, the, um, reception was kind of an homage to john belushi, and now that you're here--which I'm very grateful that you are--I'm gonna go get nicole, my wife. I'm gonna take her home and I'm gonna pretend that this never happened.

Lucas: Good luck with that. So, where do we start? Hi, nice to see you?

Sami: Hi, lucas. I guess we start with my apology. Um, I'm sorry for everything, allie, and, uh, I would really like a chance to just pretend like the last couple hours didn't happen and that we could just start over.

Allie: No, we can't just forget the last couple hours any more than I can forget all the years where I didn't know what was going to happen next, what you were going to do next.

Sami: Meaning what?

Allie: Meaning I love you, but I do not want you involved in my child's life. you happen to have a tamp..?

Gabi: I--I'm gonna leave you guys alone.

Jake: Wait, I'll go with you.

Vivian: No! No, don'T.

Jake: She's in pain.

Vivian: Right. Do you really think she wants to be comforted by a person who looks exactly like the person that she knows she's lost forever?

Ivan: Sometimes she surprises you.

Vivian: And now we start to get to know each other.

Jake: How the hell do we get to know each other when you're up on murder charges?

Vivian: Don't be so gloomy. It was just attempted murder.

Jake: You tried to shoot a cop at her own wedding in front of witnesses, and it's only attempted murder because another cop grabbed the gun.

Vivian: Oh, darling, you're an alamain. You're a dimera. We just don't think like that. Oh, I should have been there in his early childhood.

Jake: I don't think you're right.

Ivan: That's not something she likes to hear.

Jake: Mm. And I don't think gabi should be alone. Like it or not, I'm part of this train wreck, too.

Vivian: Oh, look what happened to your brother!

[Door closes]

[Scoffs] Children just never listen.

Eric: [Chuckles] Will you just let holly know that we'll pick her up in the morning? Yeah, and nicole, she's in the shower washing the wedding cake off her face. Gee, what would ever make you think that sami had something to do with it?

[Laughs] Okay, thank you. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye.

[Phone beeps]

Nicole: Hello, groom.

Eric: Wow.

Nicole: [Laughing]

Eric: After all these years, you still take my breath away.

Nicole: Aww. Husband.


Will: So yet another salem wedding ends with a bench-clearing brawl.

Marlena: [Laughs]

Sonny: Marlena, would you like a drink?

Marlena: Desperately! No, thank you. You're very kind. You know, I should have seen this coming. We all should have seen this coming.

Will: Maybe we should have just told mom.

Marlena: Hmm. And then we could have watched allie's head explode, or she would have run.

[Exhales] We didn't have any choice here. We're just gonna have to sort all this out. Heaven help us all.

Lucas: You okay?

Allie: Mom, I'm really sorry, but I have to be honest.

Sami: No, yeah, you are being honest.

[Scoffs] I know I'm not a good mom.

Allie: I didn't say that.

Sami: No, you just said you don't want me to be a part of your child's life. That made your meaning very clear.

Allie: Mom, I love you, okay? I don't want you out of my life. Do you think it was easy for me to not tell you about this? Okay, but I don't want my child growing up with all the drama.

Lucas: [Groans]

Sami: What drama?

Lucas: [Scoffs]

Sami: Sorry. Bad joke. T--too soon.

Lucas: You know, I could have been a better father to you. I could have been there for your mom, backed her up, but I wasn'T.

Sami: Thank you for saying that, lucas, but this is on me, right, allie?

Allie: Mom, I'm not trying to hurt you, okay? I know everything you're going through with ej, the stress, and grandma pointed out to me that I--the way I told you in front of everyone was pretty bratty.

Sami: Well, if you feel bad about getting a lecture from grandma, maybe it'll help to know that eric laid into me pretty good and--and the worst part was knowing that I deserved it, but, um, maybe that's a good thing. Maybe now we can start over.

Allie: Maybe.

Sami: I know what you're going through. I've been through it. I just wanna be there for you. I want--I wanna make it up to you.

Allie: You don't have to make anything up to me.

Sami: Yes, I do, but I--but i can, and it's gonna be okay. N--now we all know, right? Everything's out on the table and--and uncle eric told me that you had someone in mind that you--that you wanna adopt the baby, but since I know, you don't have to do that now. I--I can help you.

Allie: Oh, my god. Have you been listening to anything? It's too late for that. These are real people, not actors,

Marlena: I--I just--I don't see how everybody's gonna work this out. I mean, her mom, allie, they're so much alike. You know, they--they never-- either one of them--ever give an inch.

Will: Well, at least dad's their referee. Poor guy. Sonny: Marlena, you--you said that sami, like, really hated the idea that allie's gonna give up the baby?

Marlena: Yeah, well, hated, that's an understatement.

Sonny: But does she know that will and I want to adopt the baby?

Marlena: Well, I don't know, but if not, she's about to find out.

Sami: Oh, honey, it's not too late. When are you due, anyway?

Allie: Mom, I said it's too late, okay? I've thought about this for a really long time and I've had to be really, really honest with myself, and I've just realized that I am not ready, not mature enough, to raise a child on my own.

Sami: But you wouldn't be on your own. You have me and your dad and-- and your grandmas and you have will and sonny and uncle eric and--and that woman he married. I mean, come on, they've all been there for you, right? They've had your back. They were keeping your secrets, and they'll still be there when the baby is born, and I promise you I will be completely undramatic. So undramatic you won't even recognize me, right? I can do it. I can be dull and boring and--

Lucas: Just stop for a second. You're talking over her. I did the same thing before, okay? Just--just give her a chance. You gotta listen.

Allie: You're right. Those people were wonderful, especially nicole.

Lucas: This might be a test.

Sami: And I very much appreciate that nicole has been there for you.

Lucas: C-minus.

Sami: Okay, I have one thing left to say, okay? Just one more thing, please. Just not about me. It's about the bradys. The whole family, all of us together, we're loud and messy and crazy and, yes, dramatic, and your grandma kate, she's out there where the buses don't run, but seriously, one thing we all have in common is that we put family first, and all of them would love your baby so much. I mean, they--there would be so much love, he or--or she won't even know what to do with it all. Is that really just all you want for your child?

Allie: It is. I do want that for my child.

Sami: Okay. So...

Allie: So, that's why I'm thinking about giving the child to someone in our family.

[Glasses clink]

Eric: Are you sure you don't want champagne? I mean, I think you deserve it after sami's wedding invasion.

Nicole: No, I--I'm not very proud of myself.

[Exhales] You know, this--this was your first and only wedding, and it was ruined.

Eric: It wasn't ruined. We got married, right? I mean, mission accomplished.

Nicole: No, not mission accomplished. Look, I--I get that--I get how sami reacted about allie and-- and the baby and the adoption, and I get why she blew a fuse, but did she have to take it out on our wedding cake?

Eric: Yeah. Yeah, that was, uh, collateral damage.

Nicole: You know, well, i just--I wanted to do that corny thing, you know? Where you freeze the top and then you have it on your anniversary. Your first anniversary.

Eric: Yeah. It was kinda corny.

Nicole: Mm-hmm.

Eric: A box came.

Nicole: Oh, yeah?

Eric: And it's for you.

Nicole: Oh! Aww. Oh, honey! It's the cake top! Oh! Oh, you're the best husband ever.

Eric: I only aim to please.

Nicole: Me, too.

Sweet like

a memory saturday morning

fresh cut grass

'neath my bare feet

it's like swinging so high

on a swing

you're like a fresh

summer breeze

soft like a whisper

he leans in to kiss her

she gets those

tingling feelings

that's what you're doing

to me

yeah, love is a

beautiful thing

and who knows where

this goes

but I feel it right down

to my toes

you're like cartwheels

in spring

your love is a

beautiful thing

[Romantic music]

Weak like a school girl

when she sees her

first crush

can't get this smile off

my face

I've got the world on

a string

love is a beautiful thing

and who knows where

this goes

but I feel it right down to

my toes

you're my favorite song

on repeat

your love is a

beautiful thing it's the 6:10 woke-up-like-this migraine medicine.

Sonny: Do you think your mom will see that if we adopt the baby, it'll all be in the family?

Will: [Scoffs] Well, I--I think I've learned never to try to predict how mom will see anything, and allie hasn't made up her mind yet. I mean, she could still wanna give the baby to rafe.

Marlena: Ooh. I can imagine how sami would react to that.

Sami: So you asked will and sonny to raise your baby.

Allie: Not exactly. Uh, turns out they were thinking about having another kid, so they came to me and offered to adopt.

Sami: Well, that's not a terrible idea. I mean, at least the baby would still be in the family and--and will and sonny are excellent fathers.

Lucas: Yeah.

Allie: Yeah, well, it's not a done deal. Um, you see, before I knew that will and sonny were interested, I had already offered the baby to somebody else.

Ivan: Madam, are you angry with me for...

Vivian: Oh.

Ivan: Keeping this secret from you?

Vivian: Ah, you're still here.

Ivan: Of course, madam, and i will stay for as long as you need me.

Vivian: Of course you will because you're devoted to me.

Ivan: Indeed I am.

Vivian: Oh, so much work to do. Stefan came to me as this very sophisticated, suave, successful person, and now I've got this lump that I have to educate, not--

[Scoffs] Where to begin? Where to begin?

Ivan: Madam, may I suggest we begin by figuring out how to keep you out of the slammer?

Gabi: So now I've lost stefan again.

Jake: Gabi.

Gabi: How did you get in here?

Jake: Butler. Didn't know people still had butlers.

Gabi: I told him I didn't wanna see anybody.

Jake: Well, he seemed kinda freaked out, kinda the way you were when you first saw me.

Gabi: Don't remind me. Could you just go?

Jake: What were you--

[Chuckles] Is that my father?

Gabi: Yes. That is stefano dimera.

[Scoffs] That's why you're here. You're here for the money.

Jake: No, gabi. I came here because of you.

Limu emu & doug

Vivian: You are so grounded, ivan. You go right to the heart of the matter. Of course, I can't be incarcerated. My son needs me.

Ivan: Oh, so do I, madam.

Vivian: Oh, that's very sweet. You know, I tried to apologize to that lani person, but I don't think she bought it. She's very vindictive. I can see it in her eyes. I--I'm gonna have to think out of the box.

Ivan: Huh?

Vivian: The box. The box. By george, I've got it.

Gabi: That is bull. You can't stand me, and we both know that.

Jake: I saw your face when we found out I'm not your husband and I saw how much you loved him and then I understood why you did the things you did. I just wanted to make sure you're okay.

Gabi: I will never be ok-- okay again, and you know what i really don't need? I don't need your pity, so you can just go. Don't you ever come back here 'cause I never wanna see that face again.

Sonny: You look worried.

Will: Well, if mom thinks it's between us and rafe, she's gonna do a full-court press for us.

Marlena: That'll work well for allie.

Will: Y--yeah, but it got me thinking. I--I mean, if we get custody and we have mom's grandchild, she might wanna live with us, or at least, like, stay here a lot of the time, and god help us if that happens.

Sami: Okay, so, uh, who is it?

Allie: A man who I know for a fact is a great father.

Sami: A man? Is this man married?

Allie: No.

Sami: Is he in a relationship?

Allie: No.

Lucas: Allie, come on. Don't play 20 questions with your mother. Just tell her. She's gonna find out anyway. Trust me.

Sami: Oh, great. This is more information that you know that I don'T.

Lucas: Just drop that, okay? Tell her. Come on.

Allie: It's rafe.

Nicole: I can't believe we're finally married.

Eric: Well, we have a--a lot of time to make up for.

Nicole: Yes, we do. We have a whole lifetime together.

Eric: I love you so much.

Nicole: I love you.

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