Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 7/15/20
Episode #13813 ~ Nicole and Eric's wedding comes to a halt when Sami interrupts; Ivan returns to help his beloved madame; Gabi and Jake wait impatiently for the serum to kick in; Bonnie attempts to make amends with Lucas.
Provided By Suzanne
Abe: Now, are we ready for the official vows?
Nicole: Mm-hmm.
Eric: I'm ready.
Nicole: I've been ready for about two decades.
[Peaceful music]
[Chuckles and sighs]
Eric: All you have to do is say yes. Nothing can keep us apart ever again.
Abe: Nicole, do you take eric to be your lawful wedded husband?
Nicole: I do.
Abe: Eric, do you take nicole to be your lawful wedded wife?
Eric: I do.
Abe: Do you promise to love and cherish each other, in sickness and in health, for better or worse, richer or poorer, forsaking all others for as long as you both shall live?
Both: I do.
[Gentle music]
[Phones ringing]
[Door closes]
Vivian: [Gasps] Oh, oh, thank god, you're here.
Ivan: Madame, you should know by now I'm always at your service.
Vivian: Oh.
Gabi: Whether you remember it or not, you are stefan. And you just said it yourself, you don't want to live in limbo forever. Okay, yes, yes, you have done some questionable things in your life, but you have done some great things, too, amazing things. You have a great family, a great life, a life worth living.
Gabi: All right, let's go. We'll go together, we'll have these tested, make sure they're not fake, that they're the real ones--
Jake: You know what? No. I can't take this anymore.
Gabi: What are you doing? No, no, no, do not inject yourself. You don't know if it's the real one, please don't do it. No!
Jake: Whoo! We'll find out soon enough, won't we?
Gabi: I can't believe you actually did that.
Jake: I had to shut you up somehow. Besides, we can finally settle this once and for all and figure out if I am your husband.
Lucas: "Allie, I know you planned to give your baby to rafe. Was going to call your mother, then realized was a bad idea. Call me asap." No, that's not good. Wait, hold on. Um, "perhaps we should talk." Nah, that sounds terrible. Um... "I would really like it if we could talk."
Bonnie: Me, too. Is now a good time?
>>> Abe: May I have the rings, please?
Roman: [Sighs] Uh-oh.
Marlena: Really?
Roman: Ye of little faith.
[All laugh]
Abe: Now, place the rings on each other's fingers.
[Light music]
Abe: Now repeat after me. I give you this ring as a daily reminder of my commitment to you.
Both: I give you this ring as a daily reminder of my commitment to you.
Abe: As this ring has no end, neither shall our love.
Both: As this ring has no end, neither shall our love.
Abe: All right. Now here comes the good part.
[Chuckles] By the power of your love and commitment, and the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss.
John: Oh, yeah.
[Chuckling and applause]
Abe: And now, for the first time, I would like to introduce mr. And mrs. Eric and nicole brady.
[Cheers and applause]
Sami: My deepest condolences.
[Dramatic music]
Allie: Oh, no.
Marlena: Sami.
Sami: I'm so sorry for the interruption. I had no idea that my brother was getting married today. Maybe my invitation got lost in the mail.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Marlena: Sami. Please don't make a scene.
Sami: Don't worry, mom. I'm not here to make a scene, I'm here for my daughter.
Allie: Did dad call you?
Sami: No, but I thought you and I should have a little chat. You know, face-to-face.
Eric: Sami, this is not a good time.
Sami: Yeah, of course.
[Chuckles] So sorry, I had no idea, you know. I just went to your apartment to see you, and of course, no one was there so I just decided to swing by the pub, check on dad. I had no idea I would find my entire family here. For your wedding. To her.
Eric: Sami.
Nicole: Here we go.
Eric: I am sorry that you weren't invited today, but after I told you about our engagement, you sent me a text and you clearly stated how you felt.
Sami: Well, yeah, she's not good enough for you, right? And is she gonna break your heart and ruin the rest of your life? I'm pretty sure both those things are gonna happen, too, yes. But that doesn't mean you don't invite me to your wedding.
Nicole: Actually, it kind of does.
Sami: What did you do? You forced him to not include me?
Eric: Sami, no. Nicole did not force me to do anything. She was the one who wanted you to be here today.
Sami: Really? For once in her entire life, nicole walker decided to be selfless?
Allie: Mom, don't blame nicole. It was me. I'm the one who didn't want you here.
[Theresa] Shingles? Oh dios mio. So much pain.
Ivan: Madame, I'm so sorry it took me so long. I was hiking in the himalayas.
Vivian: Yes, well, it doesn't matter how you got here. I can't even believe they let you in to see me.
Ivan: I convinced them I was your attorney.
Vivian: Oh, ivan. Ever resourceful. And look at your poor madame, chained to a chair like a pathetic animal.
Ivan: This is barbaric!
Vivian: Yes, it is. And that's why I need your help more than ever. I'm in terrible trouble.
Ivan: That's nothing new. What happened this time?
Vivian: Oh, well, I-- I--I crashed a stupid wedding and tried to murder the bride, but I had a very good reason.
Ivan: I have no doubt.
Vivian: Oh, ivan, I knew you'd understand it. Oh, the best news! Stefan isn't dead, he's very much alive!
Ivan: Hmm.
Jake: Stop staring at me. You're freaking me out.
Gabi: I'm worried, okay? We should've had that drug tested first.
Jake: Kate said she got injected with it. She seemed just fine.
Gabi: We can't trust her. Is it working? Are you getting your memory back?
Jake: No. I got nothing. How long is this stuff supposed to take to work, anyway?
Gabi: I think it works different with everybody. Will, it took a couple doses with him; I mean, luckily, we have another syringe. Just needs to take some time. Okay? Relax.
Jake: Maybe you should go. I'll call you if I remember anything.
Gabi: I'm not gonna leave you here alone. What if something happens?
Jake: Oh, what? Like I collapse and lose my mind?
>>> Gabi: Or your memories start to flood back! I'm not gonna miss you remembering our life together.
Jake: Hey, but if I'm not stefan, this stops today, right now.
Gabi: You are.
Jake: Just-- I can't sit here all day with you staring at me like this. I got stuff to do. I have a life.
Gabi: You know, yeah, there might be a way to speed things up.
Jake: How?
Gabi: Jack devereaux. He got all his memories back without even using the serum. All it took was a little whack over the head.
Jake: [Chuckles]
Gabi: Oh, maybe we should try that. Mm-hmm?
Lucas: I thought I made it perfectly clear to you. I have nothing to say, all right?
Bonnie: You left in such a huff before that you never gave me a chance to apologize properly.
Lucas: For what, posing as adrienne and breaking my heart?
Bonnie: That, yes.
Lucas: And trying to convince me that someone else's baby belonged to me?
Bonnie: That, too.
Lucas: I don't think sorry's gonna cut it, so you can leave now, all right?
Bonnie: No, I know. I know, I know, that's why I brought... a peace offering.
Lucas: A copy of your trashy book. This is gonna be great. Thank you. Why would I want this?
Bonnie: Lucas, you're a big part of it, all right?
Lucas: Sure.
Bonnie: Please just read the inscription?
Lucas: No, thank you. Okay, but I'm not leaving till you do.
Lucas: Really?
Bonnie: Really.
Lucas: You're gonna pull that on me? Fine. If it means getting rid of you, I will be glad to read the inscription, all right?
[Clears throat]
Sami: So you don't want me here? Why?
Allie: I just-- I don't feel like dealing with you right now. I need space.
Sami: So you forced your uncle eric, not to invite his own twin to his wedding? You must know how that feels.
Roman: Sami, let's not do this right now.
Marlena: Yeah, we'll make sure that you and allie have plenty of time to talk.
Sami: I'd like to talk now. In fact, I think it's time for you to explain why. What are you hiding from me?
Allie: I knew you'd pressure me to go back home, that's why I asked you to stay away. And obviously, you didn't listen, you never do.
Sami: Why would I listen to you after your behavior in london?
Allie: [Sighs]
Sami: The partying, the drinking, the spending money like it grows on trees.
John: Come on, samantha. Cut her some slack.
Sami: Thank you, john. Stay out of this. Now, you. I don't want you behaving that way in salem.
Allie: I haven'T. Ask uncle eric.
Eric: Sami, she's telling the truth. She's been nothing but respectful.
Sami: Well, thank you, eric. That is wonderful to hear. But it is still time for us to go home. Now come on.
Allie: No, I don't want to go--I don't want to go home. I'm fine here.
Sami: Don't you think that you are imposing on your uncle eric? He's a newlywed. I'm sure nicole wants her new husband all to herself.
Nicole: Actually, I'm fine with her living with us.
Sami: Well, I'm not fine with it, nicole. I don't want you corrupting my daughter.
Roman: Sami, your brother got married today, a day of celebration.
Allie: He's right. This is supposed to be a joyous day. And since you're not happy for uncle eric, maybe you should go.
Sami: You think you're gonna throw me out, kid?
Roman: Sami, you gotta be exhausted. You know what? Why don't we go upstairs so you get some rest, okay?
Sami: Thank you, dad, but no, I'm not going anywhere. Not without my daughter.
Ivan: Madame, have the police deprived you of your medication? They are not allowed to do that.
Vivian: [Scoffs] I assure you, ivan. I'm quite lucid.
Ivan: Madame, you just said--
Vivian: Yes, that stefan's alive! It's true. I saw him.
Ivan: That is impossible. He was declared brain dead and his heart was donated to julie williams.
Vivian: I know those are very hard details to understand, but the fact is, I did see him. He's the exact image. And he goes by the name of--
[Groans] Jake lambert. Gabi did a dna test and it was an exact match to stefan. He has to be my son. It's the only explanation.
Ivan: Well, that is not the only explanation.
Vivian: What-- what are you saying, ivan?
Ivan: I think madame, you need to get that young man over here.
[Dramatic music]
Jake: You can't be serious.
Gabi: What-what's wrong?
Jake: I'm not gonna let you crack me over the head.
Gabi: [Scoffs] Even if it might bring your memories back faster?
Jake: Or give me a concussion or worse case scenario, kill me.
Gabi: Come on. I'm not even gonna hit you that hard, okay? Just enough to clear some of the cobwebs in your head.
Jake: No, no, I don't trust you, especially not with that thing in your hand.
Gabi: What, it's just gonna be a little love tap in the noggin. It's not gonna hurt anybody.
Jake: Actually, it hurt a lot of people.
Gabi: You're barely gonna feel it.
Jake: Don'T. [Stutters] Don't come any closer with that thing.
[Telephone rings] And you may want to pick that up.
Gabi: [Huffs]
Jake: Hey, gabi. Maybe it's your shrink.
Gabi: Unknown caller.
[Telephone ringing]
Lucas: This is a very long inscription.
Bonnie: Well, I think you're gonna like it.
Lucas: And I don't even have my glasses, but I'll read it, okay.
[Clears throat] "Dear lucas, I hope you know how sorry I am for hurting you. It was never my intention. You're a wonderful man, not to mention a fantastic lover." Really, I have to read this?
Bonnie: But no, it's true. No, just-- please, keep reading, please.
Lucas: Fine, fine. If I read this, you'll leave? Okay. "I often think about our wonderful one night of passion. I know you were too drunk to remember, you thought I was adrienne, but it was really special to me. In an effort to make things up to you, I propose we share another night of passion, one you definitely won't forget this time?" Are you serious? "Do you recall the mechanical bull in my old bar? I would ride you like a m--"" okay, you know what? This is ridiculous.
Bonnie: What, what?
Lucas: I can't believe this. You actually put this in a book?
Bonnie: No, no, wait, wait, wait, wait, we haven't even gotten to the good part yet. Come on, just keep reading.
Lucas: No, no, no, I'm not reading that. That's disgusting, by the way.
Bonnie: Why not, why not?
Lucas: You know what? Thank you for coming by. I appreciate it. Um, you know, all is forgiven now, I really enjoyed the book, the inscription was amazing, but have a nice day, okay?
Bonnie: No, wait, no. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!
Lucas: Come on.
Bonnie: [Stutters] I can help you with your daughter's pregnancy.
Allie: You can't tell me what to do, mom; I'm an adult.
Sami: Then you better start acting like one. Your life is a mess. You need to get it together, allie.
Allie: Yeah, you're one to talk.
Sami: Excuse me?
Allie: Your life is always a mess and from what I hear, it always has been. Right, john?
John: Uh, let's not do this now.
Allie: No, no, let'S. Mom, I want you to go away and leave me alone.
Sami: Okay. Alice caroline horton, we are done with this. You are coming home with me right now, let's go--
Nicole: Sami, I think you're making a big mistake.
Sami: I don't care what you think, nicole. Why don't you mind your own business?
Allie: Don't talk to aunt nicole like that.
Sami: [Stutters] She married your uncle, like, five minutes ago, and already, she's your aunt nicole?
Allie: Yes, she's my family. Unlike you, she's really nice to me. She actually listens. She doesn't judge, she doesn't make everything about her.
Sami: [Scoffs] That's a laugh.
Allie: I trust her. I tell her things I would never tell you.
Sami: Oh, really?
Allie: Yeah, because you just make it worse.
Sami: Oh, really? Like what?
Allie: Like maybe the fact that I'm pregnant!
Sami: You're what? I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.
[Telephone ringing]
Gabi: I guess I should answer. It could be about ari.
Jake: And maybe you should, uh, put that down first.
[Telephone ringing]
Gabi: Hello?
Vivian: Gabi, it's vivian alamain.
Gabi: Hello.
Vivian: Could you please get my son back down to the police station as soon as possible?
Gabi: Look, if this is about the serum, kate already gave us the syringe and he already injected himself.
Vivian: He did?
Gabi: He did.
Vivian: And?
Gabi: Nothing.
Vivian: So the serum didn't work?
Gabi: Didn't work yet, okay? It takes some time. It did with will.
Vivian: I see. Well, could you get him down here as soon as possible?
Gabi: For what reason?
Vivian: There's someone here who wants to talk to us.
Gabi: Vivian, who is it? Why are you being so mysterious?
Vivian: I'll explain once you get down here. Apparently, it's very important.
Gabi: [Sighs] Okay. We'll see you soon. You mom. She wants us to go down to the police station. She says it's important.
Jake: [Groans]
Vivian: Gabi and stefan are on their way.
Ivan: Good.
Vivian: Ivan, whatever light you can shed on my son, please tell me now.
Ivan: With all due respect, madame, I think we best wait for the others.
Vivian: I don't understand. Why are you being so cryptic?
Ivan: You will know soon enough.
Lucas: I thought you were gonna help me with my daughter.
Bonnie: Well, my brain works better when I lubricate it with a drink or two. [Chuckles] Mm. This isn't gonna be a problem, is it? Me drinking in front of you?
Lucas: No, go ahead. Knock yourself out.
Bonnie: Great, 'cause I really wasn't gonna stop anyway.
Lucas: You have a point to make, right?
Bonnie: Point?
Lucas: Yeah.
Bonnie: Yes, I do have a point. In fact, my point is that your situation with your daughter reminded me of an argument I had with my own sweet mimi. See, meems asked me to babysit. And I ended up taking emily to the mall, where I got her ears pierced. And you'd think mimi'd be grateful, right? No. You'd think, because they're so darn cute, she'd be thankful. No. She completely flipped out.
Lucas: You're gonna make a point soon, I hope, right?
Bonnie: Stick with me here. Come on. So I explain to meems my grandbaby deserves a little glitz and glamour, right?
Lucas: Yeah, right. This is helping me how?
Bonnie: Meems was furious. She said I overstepped my bounds. But guess what? Eventually, she came around to seeing that I was right. Emily loves her pierced ears and she doesn't even remember the pain. And mimi had to admit to me that she likes them.
Lucas: Wow, what a great story. Very touching. Thanks for sharing.
Bonnie: Lucas, don't you see where I'm going, here? We, as grandparents, when we know best, we gotta be persistent. Even if our kids aren't appreciative, we have got to stay strong. No, lucas, listen to me. This means that you have to do whatever it takes to stop allie from giving up her baby.
[Dramatic music]
Sami: You're pregnant?
Allie: Surprise.
Sami: [Stammers] And she confided this in you?
Nicole: Yes.
Sami: And you all knew that my daughter was pregnant and you knew that I didn't know?
Marlena: Yeah.
Sami: [Gasps] It's unbelievable.
Abe: Um, sweetie, why don't you stay here? We gonna talk, okay? Right there. I'm going to-- it's a good time for me to say my farewells.
Nicole: It means so much having you here.
Abe: Oh, congratulations.
Eric: Thank you, it was a wonderful ceremony.
Abe: See you.
Marlena: Thanks, abe. Mm-hmm, yes.
John: Good job.
Abe: All right. Sami, it is nice to see you.
Sami: Oh, thank you, uncle abe.
Abe: And for the record, I didn't know she was pregnant.
Sami: [Chuckles]
Abe: But parent-to-parent, go easy on her, all right?
Sami: I'll take it under advisement.
Abe: Yeah, hey, sweetie.
John: Hey, you know what? I think I'm gonna take holly out for some ice cream, if it's okay with mom. Is it okay?
Nicole: Yes, yes. That's a great idea.
Holly and john: Yay! Roman, I'll buy you a scoop.
Roman: Sounds like a deal.
John: Come on. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.
Roman: Okay. Sami, we do love you very much.
Sami: Shouldn't you go with them?
Nicole: I think I'm needed here.
Sami: Really? I don't think you're needed here.
Allie: Mom, I want her here.
Sami: Okay, fine. I don't care. I just want some answers and I want them right now. When migraine strikes,
Vivian: Oh!
Gabi: Okay, what's going on? Who this?
Vivian: Jake, jake, this is ivan marais, and he has been my manservant for many years.
Ivan: Technically, I am not anyone's manservant anymore, I have been a man of independent means for quite some time.
Vivian: Let's not bore them with details.
Jake: Okay, what are we doing here? Why does this guy want to talk to me?
Vivian: Jake, I know you don't remember, but you have met him before.
Jake: I believe you mean stefan met him before.
Vivian: Right. Stefan. Ivan is the man who told me you were stillborn and then sent you to an orphanage and that's why I couldn't raise you.
Jake: And why did you do that?
Ivan: As I explained to stefan once before, I did it to protect madame.
Jake: Protect her from what?
Ivan: Stefano dimera seduced madame and then he abandoned her once he took her ruby.
Jake: Please tell me that's not a euphemism.
Gabi: Gross.
Ivan: It was an actual ruby. Priceless gem. Stefano used madame and when he left, she was completely devastated. I thought that it was best that she not be burdened with a child born of that affair, a child that would remind her every day of her life of her pain.
Vivian: And ivan's sorry for that action, aren't you?
Ivan: Yes, and I'm also very grateful you have since forgiven me.
Gabi: Okay, I don't understand. Did you really drag us down here to rehash this old story? Because stefan's already told me all about it.
Ivan: Actually, there is much more to the tale. Even madame does not know the full story.
[Dramatic music]
John: You enjoying that ice cream there, holly? Well, you deserve it because you were the best little flower girl ever, right, roman?
Roman: Oh, my god. The best I've seen.
John: [Chuckles] Well, it was an eventful conclusion to the wedding, wasn't it?
Roman: Well, good thing was at least they were able to finish the ceremony before sami crashed it.
John: Mm. So what do you think's going on back there now?
Roman: Well, I would like to think it is a nice, reasonable conversation, but i also think I probably should've stayed back there to mediate.
John: Nah, doc can handle it. She's pretty good at getting sami to calm down. Yeah, sometimes.
Roman: Yeah, sometimes.
John: Well, that's only because, you know, they've had their fair share of ups and downs over the years, also.
Roman: Oh, sami's caused more than a few sleepless nights for all of us.
John: Well, you know, I can't decide if sami was more of a handful when she was a teenager or now as an adult.
Roman: Think it's a toss-up.
[Laughter] But now's she's getting a taste of it from the other side with her own daughter.
John: Yeah. You know what, I don't mean to sound cruel here, but... you could argue that karma is finally catching up with samantha. I'm gonna eat yours.
Marlena: Can we just sit down and talk about this calmly?
Sami: Here we go.
Marlena: Sami?
Sami: You lied to me. You knew allie was pregnant and you didn't tell me.
Nicole: So much for talking calmly.
Allie: I asked grandma not to say anything, okay? I asked everyone to keep it a secret, including dad.
Sami: Your father knows?
Allie: Yes.
Sami: So why was I the only one deemed unfit to hear this information, allie?
Allie: Because of how you're acting right now. You blow everything up out of proportion.
Sami: My little, baby girl is having a child! How am I supposed to act?
Allie: Maybe you can try not yelling at me.
Sami: Okay, okay. I can stop yelling. I'm sorry, okay? It's just--it's just-- it's just a shock, you know?
Eric: You're allowed to be upset.
Marlena: Yeah, it's pretty complicated stuff.
Sami: [Sniffles] Complicated. Right, yes, it's complicated. And this is why you ran away from london.
Allie: Yes.
Sami: Why didn't you-- why didn't you tell me? I could've helped you.
Allie: Oh, you mean take over my life?
Sami: Well, someone has to! You're not controlling it! I mean, she has been completely irresponsible.
Eric: Sami.
Sami: This is the proof.
Allie: You sound exactly like dad right now.
Sami: He's right. Baby, you are too young to have a child.
Allie: You were younger than me when you had will.
Sami: Exactly! Exactly. You know how much I love your brother, but come on, this is-- a complicated situation. I had to drop out of school, I had to work that much harder to get ahead in life.
Marlena: I think she understands the consequences.
Sami: I don't think she does. I don't think she has any idea how her entire life is going to change forever.
Allie: No, no, it's not. Because I'm not going to raise this baby.
Vivian: Ivan, what is this about? What haven't you told me?
Ivan: I'm afraid madame, once I tell you my story, I will have to beg you for your forgiveness all over again.
Vivian: Oh, for god's sakes. Just get on with it. Don't keep us in suspense.
Ivan: Of course. It all goes back to the day stefan was born. It was a difficult birth, you remember. After many hours of excruciating labor, you delivered the baby and then passed out.
Vivian: And I was unconscious. And then you took the baby away from me and told me he was dead.
Ivan: Yes.
Vivian: And then eventually, you were adopted by the maitlins. And then we weren't united again until you tracked me down, end of story.
Ivan: Not quite.
Gabi: What else is there?
Vivian: Ivan.
Ivan: [Sighs] While you were passed out, there was a surprising turn of events.
Vivian: What are you talking about?
Ivan: The doctor realized you were still in labor.
[Dramatic music]
Lucas: I guess you're right. You know, I could be a little stronger with allie.
Bonnie: Oh, lucas. Of course I'm right. Listen, if we sit back and do nothing, our kids are gonna make tons of rookie mistakes with their own kids. But our stubborn daughters, yes, they're gonna resent the hell out of us at first, but eventually, they'll be grateful for our guidance.
Lucas: Yeah, yeah. I mean, I tried to give allie some space, I did, but every time I do, she shows that she makes crazy decisions like giving her baby to her mother's ex-husband.
Bonnie: Ew. That's weird.
Lucas: Yeah, isn't it? That's what I thought. But my son, will, also wants to adopt the baby, so it's kind of a free-for-all right now.
Bonnie: Oh, this is sounding like one of those trashy talk shows, I love it.
Lucas: Yeah, you're not helping now, all right?
Bonnie: Sorry, sorry.
Lucas: You're right, I mean, I need somebody. Allie's not gonna like this, but I need somebody--I need somebody in my corner, you know? Somebody to back me up on this.
Bonnie: Oh, lucas. I would love to help you with this.
Lucas: Yeah, I need sami.
Bonnie: Hmm.
Sami: You don't want to raise your baby? Allie: You just said how much harder it'll be if I try to raise it. And you're right. So that's why I'm going the adoption route.
Sami: You are not going that route!
Marlena: Sami, let her speak.
Sami: This is your flesh and blood too we're talking about. You're okay with this?
Marlena: This is her choice.
Sami: It's a terrible choice!
Allie: Here you go again, trying to control my life.
Sami: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm so uncool. I'm sorry that I can't be as fun as your aunt nicole. I should try harder.
Allie: Yes, you should! She said she'd support my decision no matter what.
Sami: Did she, now?
Allie: Actually, living with her has made me realize that this is the right thing to do.
Sami: Really? What exactly has aunt nicole been telling you?
Allie: It's not so much what she's been saying, but I've just seen first-hand how much goes into properly raising a little kid, and I'm not ready for it.
Sami: But of course you're not. No one really is, I sure wasn'T. But--but I can help you, I will be there with you--
Allie: I don't want your help! I don't want your help! I don't want this baby!
Sami: Allie.
Allie: God, I'm giving it up and you can't stop me.
Marlena: I'll make sure she's okay.
Sami: She's so upset, I--
Eric: Hey, let her go.
Sami: I-- this is all your fault.
Eric: She didn't do anything wrong.
Sami: She convinced my daughter to give up her own child.
Eric: That's not true. Nicole has been there and she's tried to listen.
Sami: Well, that's what I'm supposed to be doing. I am her mother.
Nicole: Okay, believe me, I understand, but you're handling this the wrong way.
Sami: Don't tell me how to raise my daughter.
Nicole: Well, someone should because, as usual, you show up and you ruin everything.
Sami: Okay, you tell her to shut the hell up, eric.
Eric: She's only trying to help.
Sami: She--I'm not taking parenting advice from a baby-stealing ex-porn star!
Eric: All right, that is enough.
Sami: You stay the hell away from my child, do you hear me, nicole? You stay away from her!
Nicole: Allie came to us because she needed someone, and maybe she wouldn't have run away from you if you were a better mother.
Sami: You bitch.
[Both shouting]
Nicole: Get her off me! Sami! When migraine strikes,
Lucas: I hate to betray my daughter's trust like this, but I gotta call her mom. I gotta get her involved.
Bonnie: Hold on. Are you sure about that? 'Cause I think I'm much better suited to help you in that situation.
Lucas: Okay, okay.
Bonnie: I have experience--
Lucas: I got it, really.
[Phone line trills]
Lucas: Sydney, hey, it's lucas. Um, is your mother home? Really? All right, thank you.
Bonnie: She's not home?
Lucas: Looks like hurricane sami already blew into town.
Nicole: Sami, get off of me!
Eric: Sami, come on!
Nicole: Oh, my god!
Eric: Sami, get up!
Abe: Hey.
John: [Chuckles]
Abe: And now, gentlemen. Yes. I understand that the wedding celebration broke up after I left.
John: Well, marlena's still there with eric and nicole.
Roman: And sami.
Abe: Mm.
John: And we're hopeful that they are having a calm and rational conversation about allie's situation.
Roman: Although calm and rational isn't exactly in sami's wheelhouse, I'm just, uh, hoping my pub is still standing after the dust settles.
John: Yeah, me, too. I'm really looking forward to a piece of that cake.
Eric: No, sami, stop!
>>> Sami: Put me down, eric! Stop it! Let go of me! She deserves it!
Nicole: A-ha! Ha, ha, ha!
Marlena: Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Allie: [Sobbing]
Marlena: Hey.
Allie: I hate her. I hate my mother.
Marlena: No, you don't mean that.
Allie: Yes, I do, I do. This is exactly why I didn't want her here, why I didn't want her to know about the baby.
Marlena: Hey, it's gonna come out eventually, you know? Maybe it's best that she know now.
Allie: No, it's not best. Whenever my mom gets involved, everything just goes to hell.
[Overlapping shouting]
Eric: Stop! Stop it!
Eric: Sami!
Nicole: You know what? You are crazy!
Eric: Stop it!
Sami: Agh!
Nicole: Stop! You are so crazy, sami!
Sami: You tried to turn my daughter against me, and you are going to pay for it.
Nicole: [Growls]
Eric: Stop!
Vivian: You're not making sense, ivan. How could I still have been in labor after I gave birth to stefan?
Ivan: As it turned out, madame, your work was not done. There was another baby on its way.
Gabi: Oh, my god.
Jake: What?
Vivian: What are you saying?
Gabi: You don't-- don't you get it, vivian? He's saying you had twins.
[Dramatic music]
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