Days Transcript Tuesday 7/14/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 7/14/20


Episode #13812 ~ Eric and Nicole's wedding begins; Kate gets the serum for Vivian from Dr. Rolf; Gwen tries to seduce Jake; Gabi accuses Chad of being interested in Gwen.

Provided By Suzanne

Eric: "If you're reading this, it's--it must be your wedding day and my prayers finally have been answered. I hope the woman lucky enough to be your wife makes you happy beyond your wildest dreams. She sure as hell better be." [Chuckles] "Because if she even thinks about hurting you, she will face the wrath of your grandma caroline. Wherever I am, I am with you." [Sniffles] "I love you, eric. Grandma caroline."

[Soft dramatic music]

Eric: I love you, too.

Marlena: [Gasps] Are you ready for the most enchanting flower girl in the land?

Nicole: Oh, look at my little angel. [Gasps] Marlena, I thank you so much for taking her to get a manicure.

Marlena: Oh, it was my pleasure.

Nicole: Your nails look so pretty.

Holly: Thanks. All: [Chuckles]

Marlene: We had such a good time together, and I think she is the most excited girl in the world right now.

Nicole: Second most excited. Huh? Yes!

Vivian: [Scoffs] Where have you been? What took you so long?

Kate: What, do you have someplace to go?

Vivian: My arraignment, if my bloody lawyer would show up. How'd it go with rolf?

Kate: Dear god. Well, it wasn't easy, but I managed to get him to

[Sighs] Tell me where to get my hands on the serum.

Vivian: Oh, thank god. But what are you waiting for? Go get the serum.

Kate: That mission has already been accomplished.

Vivian: Yes!

Jake: Stefan dimera.

[Ominous music]


Gwen: [Groans] Well, I'm definitely calling false advertising on bottomless bloody marys, 'cause I can definitely see the bottom of that glass.

[Laughs] Okay, we need, um--waiter!

Chad: Okay, nope. I think, uh, I think that might be enough. We're good.

Gwen: Just catching up to you, mate.

Chad: I think you've lapped me.

Gwen: I'm just ecstatic I found the one person in this town that hates gabi dimera as much as I do.

Chad: Yeah, just throw a rock, you'll hit another.

Gwen: I like that. I like that very, very, very, very, very much.

Chad: [Chuckles] I'm glad I, uh, can make you happy.

Gwen: [Chuckles] Well, cheers to hating gabi dimera, then, eh?

Chad: Yes.

Gabi: Oh, yeah? What are you gonna do about it, bitch?

Gwen: God dang it.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Vivian: You got it! You got the serum.

Kate: My god, I told you that I would.

Vivian: May I see one?

Kate: Knock yourself out.

Vivian: [Gasps] How-- how did you smuggle this in here?

Kate: Well, working for the mayor has given me certain freedoms.

Vivian: Oh. I can't thank you enough.

Kate: [Scoffs] Okay, look. Before you get too gooey, the last time rolf got the serum for gabi, it turned out to be a completely different chemical and almost fried stefan's brain.

Vivian: Well, how do we even know this is the right formula?

Kate: Uh, I don't know. I mean, I could take it to a lab, we could have it tested.

Vivian: Oh... we could test it on a guinea pig.

Kate: I don't know who's gonna agree to that--


[Tense music]

Kate: [Groans]

[Soft dramatic music]

Nicole: Well, allie's trying on some other dresses.

Marlena: Why? The last one was just fine on her.

Nicole: Yeah, she said it fit tight. I doubt she'll find anything that doesn't at this point. [Chuckles]

Marlena: Hmm. Thank you for being so generous with her. It can't be easy having her live with you.

Nicole: No, it's fine. I mean, she's actually a great kid. I mean, she's sweet, and funny, and--

[Groans] Darn it, I can't--

Marlena: Okay, why don't I help you with that?

Nicole: Thank you. I think it's that I'm just, um--

Marlena: There you go.

Nicole: A little shaky.


Marlena: You feeling nervous?

Nicole: Yes, I am, actually. I just want today to be perfect for eric and I, uh, you know, I want everyone to root for us knowing that they have their doubts.

Marlena: I think the important part is that you and eric have no doubts.

Nicole: Okay, when I say i want everyone to root for us, marlena, I really mean you. I know I'm not your favorite person.

Marlena: You know what I want? I want eric to be happy.

Nicole: [Chuckles]

Marlena: It's clear to me that you make him happy... so I hope it lasts forever.

Nicole: [Chuckles and sighs]

Kate: [Gasps] What the hell did you do to me?

Vivian: Well, I said I was gonna test it.

Kate: [Stutters] Not with that, we don't even know what's in there. There could be poison. I can't believe you did this to me, I can't believe you did this to me after what I just did for you.

Vivian: You had a conversation. What a martyr.

>>> Kate: A conversation? I just flirted my ass off with that psycho, and now what? I'm gonna end up in a--

Vivian: A bed in a hospital with abigail?

Kate: Yes, yes!

Vivian: Oh, you know, this just reminds me of the fun times we had in pine haven when you were partially responsible for my near lobotomy!

Kate: That was not my fault!

Vivian: That's debatable. So what's going on? Having any hallucinations? Pink elephants or anything?

Kate: [Sighs heavily]

Chad: [Chuckles]

Gabi: You really don't want to cross me, gwen.

Chad: Uh-oh.

Gabi: Chad here, he knows what I'm capable of.

Gwen: Oh.

Chad: Mm-hmm.

Gwen: Wow. Okay, how am i crossing you, babe? By being with jake?

Gabi: Stefan.

Gwen: Right, yeah. I know you're so pissed off that I'm sleeping with your husband. He doesn't remember you. And he can't forget me.

Gabi: Right, well, wasn't it you that checked yourself into a mental hospital so he wouldn't find you? Oh, yeah, and you broke up with him couple months ago, but now that he's stefan dimera and he's married to me, you want him back?

Gwen: Yeah, I forgot how good the sex is.

Gabi: Oh, that's 'cause he's fantasizing about me the entire time.

Gwen: You disgusting skank!

Chad: Okay, no, no, no, no. Okay. There you go. She's not worth it.

Gabi: Oh, I'm not worth it? Let me tell you something, gwen. Sex with my husband is over!

Gwen: Oh, you wish, don't you?

Gabi: Oh, no wishing necessary. See, he's promised me that he won't even touch you until he gets his memory back. And when he remembers how great his life was, he's never gonna want to come near you.

Gwen: Wrong! Yeah, congratulations. You may have gotten jake to kick me out for what, oh, an afternoon? But he will never kick me out of his bed or his life.

Gabi: We'll see about that.

Chad: Wait, where are you going?

Gwen: Going somewhere where I won't murder this person here.

Chad: [Stutters] I'll call you a car.

Gwen: No, thanks, really. I walked. It's okay.

[Sighs] You are a really-- you're a great guy. Really great guy.

Chad: No, hey--

Gwen: [Crunches celery]

Gabi: Moving on?

I'm bad.

Marlena: [Clears throat] Pardon me, it is my great pleasure to present the bride.

[All aww]

Abe: Hey. [Chuckles]

Nicole: Hi.

Abe: Hey, thank you. How are you? [Chuckles]


Abe: Congratulations.

[Grunts] Fay would be so proud of you if she was here today.

Nicole: Thank you, abe, for saying that.

John: Nicole. You look stunning.

Nicole: [Chuckles] Thank you.

[Both chuckling]

Roman: And welcome to the family.

Nicole: Thank you, roman. Um, if I may for a second, I just want to say thank you to all three of you for raising eric to be the wonderful person he is. The man of my dreams.

Marlena: [Chuckles]

Nicole: I hear footsteps. It's eric. He can't see me yet.

Marlena: Oh, oh, oh, here. Um, john--

John: I got it, I got it, I'm all over it.

Nicole: Come on, girls, let's go, let's go.

John: We all clear in here?

Roman: Yeah, you're all clear.

John: Hey, kid.

Eric: [Chuckles]

Roman: Hey, come here.

[Both chuckles]

Roman: You ready, son?

Eric: I was born ready.

[Suspenseful music]

Vivian: What's going on in that--[Scoffs] Brain of yours, kate?

Kate: I feel, like, that I--I see something.

Vivian: What do you see?

Kate: Oh... it's so disturbing. It's really--it's despicable. I feel like I can't describe it.

Vivian: What do you see?

Kate: [Stutters softly] Oh, it's not a hallucination, it's you.

Vivian: Not funny, mcgee. We're talking about my son's life.

Kate: But what about my life? You just jabbed me with a needle filled with chemicals.



Vivian: What?

Kate: Oh!

Vivian: What?

Kate: [Laughing] Wow. [Gasps]

Vivian: No, what now?

Kate: I--I... I had this favorite pen that I lost, I lost last year, and I just remembered exactly where it is.

[Gasps] Wow.

Vivian: Yes!

Kate: This is the real thing.

Vivian: It works? Stefan's going to get his memory back? Oh, my god.

Kate: Oh, my god.

Vivian: Thank you.

Kate: Wow.

Jake: Gwen?

Gwen: You said you were gonna phone me.


Jake: I was.

Gwen: Well?

[Groans] Are you just gonna let that wife of yours just lead you around by the bloody--

Jake: What are you talking about?

Gwen: You told gabi that you weren't gonna have sex with me?

Jake: Gwen, this isn't about gabi.

Gwen: Well then, what the hell is it about? Why are you ignoring me?

Jake: I'm-- gwen, I'm just feeling really confused right now.

[Suspenseful music]

Gwen: You used me.

Jake: No. I think it'd be best for me and for you if we took a break.

Gwen: Well, I don't agree. 'Cause I'm not confused at all.

[Smooches] So let's see how long that promise lasts, shall we?

Jake: [Chuckles]

Gabi: So you two seemed pretty cozy.

Chad: Just met a few seconds ago.

Gabi: Oh, yeah. You work really fast. Four drinks.

Chad: We have nothing in common besides the fact that we both despise you.

Gabi: Oh, and your love for bloody marys? What are you doing here? I thought you were gonna be in florida with abigail.

Chad: Jennifer is there so I can be here with the kids.

Gabi: Oh, where are they at? I don't see them. Did you bring them on your date?

Chad: Stay out of my business.

Gabi: Look, I know you. I know you and abigail. You guys have broken up, gotten back together a million times.

Chad: Well, we're fine.

Gabi: Deny it all you want. I know it when I see it.

John: You're looking good, kid.

Eric: [Chuckles]

[Peaceful music]

[All laugh]

Eric: Yeah.

John: [Chuckles]

[Wagner's "bridal chorus"]

Oh, oh, oh, ozempicŪ!

Abe: I can't tell you how touched I was when eric and nicole asked me to perform this ceremony. The bradys have always been family to me. And nicole is my family.

[Warm music]

Abe: You know, it's fitting that these two wonderful people be wedded here in this hallowed place which, more than anywhere else that I can think of signifies family. The pub has been the home to celebrations of birthdays, holidays, and yes, funerals and wakes. Events that have shaped our lives and made us a stronger community. It's a place where everyone chooses to come and-- and call it home. Now, that having been said, I believe this is the first wedding I've ever attended here.

[All laugh]

Abe: And eric and nicole wanted-- wanted a place like the pub where special meanings are there for all of you here in this room. And shawn and caroline? They would be thrilled to see their family gathered here for the marriage of their beloved grandson. And while there are many that we will miss who aren't able to be with us here today, we know they're here in spirit.

Chad: You know, your husband just returned from the dead. I'd think you'd be practicing a little bit of gratitude, maybe even turn over a new leaf.

Gabi: Did you read that in a fortune cookie or something?

Chad: I'm just seeing if there's any decency left inside of you, gabi. You claim to be totally in love with stefan. You're still jealous of me and abigail.

Gabi: Jealous? [Scoffs] Are you and abigail even a thing anymore?

Chad: Are you and stefan? You guys don't even remember who you are.

Gabi: Not yet.

Chad: Well, if I were you, I'd pray that he never does remember, 'cause he'll remember who you really are and that he only married you to hold onto his power and his money.

Gabi: Stefan loves me.

Chad: [Scoffs] It's news to him.

Gabi: You know, stefan, yeah, he doesn't remember me. He may never remember me. But it doesn't matter because I'm gonna make him fall in love with me all over again.

Gwen: Oh, promises are so hard to keep, aren't they?

Jake: Oh, gwen. I wanna do this, I really do.

Gwen: Then why deny yourself, darling?

Jake: Oh, because, I--

[Sighs] I can'T.

Gwen: [Groans]

Jake: I just can'T.

Gwen: [Sighs] Why not?

Jake: I just found out that this stefan guy raped his sister-in-law.

Gwen: What?

Jake: Yeah. She was mentally ill and they slept together, so that's not consensual.

Gwen: Well-- I wasn't in bayview 'cause i have a mental problem, if that's what you're worried about.

Jake: But you are drunk.

Gwen: Not that drunk. This is totally consensual.

Kate: So, what do you want me to do with these?

Vivian: Administer them to my son.

Kate: What the-- what am I, a nurse now?

Vivian: We had a deal.

Kate: You know, yes, we did, and I fulfilled my half of that deal. I went to rolf, I got the serum, and I was your live experiment.

Vivian: So it doesn't bother you that I'm going to the police and tell them you shot me in cold blood? Or that you're gonna lose your job?

Kate: Oh, my god. [Groans] I am so excited for the time when this blackmail is over. Over. Because then, I'm going to deal with you.

Vivian: Uh-huh. But today is not the day, is it? Oh, and kate.

Kate: [Sighs] What now?

Vivian: Thank you.

Abe: Two people, in love, do not live in isolation. Their love is a source of strength that not only nurtures each other, but the world around them. And we, who are their community of friends and family, we support them. And we have the responsibility to this couple. Now, will all of you who are present, all of you, join me in surrounding eric and nicole with love and offering your comfort and your support in their marriage?

All: We will.

Abe: Thank you. Now for the vows. Eric, will you repeat after me?

Eric: Hang on, abe. There's something that I wanna say.

Back off!

Eric: As you all know, I'm used to being on the other side of the altar. I've seen a lot of weddings, and I've seen a lot of them go wrong. I've learned more about what wedding shouldn't be more than what they should be. It's not about the gown, cake-- it's not even about the ceremony. It's, uh, in abe's words, it's about family, about family coming together.

[Warm music] Now, over the 20 years that I've known you, and loving you, I've realized that I can't live without you. I don't want to live without you. And I don't want to be away from that beautiful little girl, holly.

Nicole: [Sighs and chuckles]

Eric: And being able to raise her with you together.

Thank you. Thank you for being my family... and being my wife.

Nicole: [Sobs]

Eric: I love you.

Nicole: [Mouths words]


Gabi: I've had to live without the man that I love for two years. There is nothing I won't do to get him back.

Chad: Well, if rolf doesn't give you the serum, you don't have much of a choice.

Gabi: Yeah, rolf didn't give it to me, but he's definitely gonna give it to stefano's son.

Chad: I already told you. I'm out.

Gabi: I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about his other son.

Chad: Oh, you're gonna drag jake down to the prison and have him beg rolf for the serum?

Gabi: Drag? No, he's gonna go willingly.

Chad: You sure about that?

Gabi: He saw the dna test. He wants to know the truth as much as I do.

Chad: I don't know. I'm-- I'm sure jake has researched stefan by now and figured out that he was a pretty terrible human being. Maybe he doesn't want to be that person anymore. If I were him, I wouldn't want to live that life again.

[Dramatic music]

Jake: I can't do this, gwen.

Gwen: What?

Jake: I'm sorry, I just can'T.

Gwen: [Huffs]

God, what the hell is wrong with you?

[Sighs] Who are you?

Jake: I don't know who I am. And I'm not sure I wanna know!

Abe: Nicole, I presume you'd like to speak, as well.

Nicole: Sure. Um, well, I, uh, can't let this handsome man make everyone cry and not say something. Um... before you came into my life,

[Chuckles] I thought I knew who I was. I was proudly independent. A loner, really. But I had big dreams. Some might say schemes.

[Warm music]

But the first time we were together, i chose money over love. And I never thought I'd get a second chance. And our paths crossed again. And there was a little hiccup. I mean, you were a priest.

Eric: Right.

[Both chuckle]

Nicole: But thanks to me, you have been thoroughly corrupted.

Eric: That's not true.

Nicole: No, no, it's a little true. You have forgiven me for some unforgivable things.

Eric: You've done the same for me.

Nicole: And no matter what life has thrown at us, we've gotten through it. No matter what life throws at us in the future, I know that we will get through it...together.

Eric: I love you so much.

Nicole: I love you more.

Eric: Impossible.

Nicole: [Laughs] Infinity times one. [Laughs]

Your mission:

Gwen: I'm out of here.

Jake: Where will you go?

Gwen: [Blows raspberry] Yeah, like you care.

Gabi: [Stutters] I should've known you'd be here.

Gwen: God's sake. How are you always here? Go to hell.

Gabi: You promised me!

Jake: No, we did not sleep together. Nothing happened. This can't keep going on forever, you barging in here anytime you feel like it, telling me how to live my life.

Gabi: I agree. I have an idea. I have figured out a way.

Jake: Why do I get the feeling that I'm not gonna like it?

Gabi: Remember when I told you about crazy doctor rolf and the serum that he invented?

Jake: Yeah, the stuff you tried to inject me with?

Gabi: Yes. He gave me a fake one. I went back, tried to get the other one, but he refused.

Jake: Yeah, we just talked about this. How is this a plan?

Gabi: I think you need to go there yourself.

Kate: That won't be necessary.

Gabi: Just--kate! Stay away.

Kate: I'd love to, but first, I have a present for you from dr. Rolf.

[Foreboding music]

Abe: Now, are we ready for the official vows?

Nicole: Mm-hmm.

Eric: I'm ready.

Nicole: I've been ready for about two decades.

[All laugh]

Female singer: Sweet like

a memory saturday morning

fresh-cut grass

meets my bare feet

it's like swinging so high

on a swing

you're like the fresh

summer breeze

soft like a whisper

he leans in to kiss her

she gets those

tingling feelings

that's what you're doing

to me

yeah, love is

a beautiful thing

and who knows

where this goes

but I feel it right now

to my toes

you're my favorite song

on repeat

your love is

a beautiful thing

Eric: All you have to do is say yes. Nothing can keep us apart ever again.

Abe: Nicole? Do you take eric to be your lawful wedded husband?

Nicole: I do.

Abe: Eric, do you take nicole to be your lawful wedded wife?

Eric: I do.

Abe: Do you promise to love and cherish each other, in sickness and in health, for better or worse, richer or poorer, forsaking all others for as long as you both shall live?

Both: I do.

Gabi: How--how did you-- wait, why did you--

Kate: Okay, just take it. It's a gift.

Gabi: Why should we trust you? You weren't exactly stefan's biggest fan.

Kate: No, I wasn'T. But his mother is.

Gabi: Oh, vivian's behind this?

Kate: [Sighs] Let's just say vivian compelled me to go to dr. Rolf and get the serum.

Jake: Oh, yeah? You sure it's the real deal this time?

Kate: Because vivian was kind enough to test it on me, and I'm still standing. But look, hey, if you don't believe it, take it to a lab, have it tested.

Jake: No, that won't be necessary. I'm not gonna take it. It's the 6:10 woke-up-like-this migraine medicine.

[Calm music]

Gwen: [Sighs]

Chad: Thought you went home to sleep it off.

Gwen: Yeah, well, home is just a place to crash. You can't really call it home, you know?

Chad: [Chuckles] Hey. Let's get out of here.

Gwen: Where are you taking me?

Chad: I promise I will be a perfect gentleman.

Gabi: Don't you want to stop living a lie? Don't you want your life back?

Jake: I'm not sure that I do. Look, I knew stefan wasn't a saint. And hey, neither am I. But after what I found out about him today, I'm not sure I want to remember that life.

Kate: [Chuckles] I don't blame him.

Gabi: Stay out of it, kate.

Kate: Everyone knows I'm team chad, so.

Gabi: Noted.

Kate: Look, take it, don't take it, I really don't care. My duty's done here. I'm on my way.

[Somber music]

Gabi: Whether you remember it or not, you are stefan. And I know that you have done some questionable things, but you have done some great things. You have a great family, a great life, a life worth living. Okay, you know, come with me, we'll go, we'll have these checked out, we'll see if it's safe to-- even if they're real.

Jake: You know what? Let's just get this over with.

Gabi: What are you doing?

Jake: I can't take this anymore.

Gabi: What are you-- do not inject yourself. We don't know if that's real or not.

Jake: We'll find out soon enough, won't we?

[Dramatic music]

[Suspenseful music]

Vivian: [Sighs] Thank god you're here.

Abe: May I have the rings, please?

Roman: You know...

Marlena: Really?


Roman: Ye of little faith.


Roman: There you go.

Abe: Now place the rings on each other's fingers.

[Tender music]

Abe: Now repeat after me. I give you this ring as a daily reminder of my commitment to you.

Both: I give you this ring as a daily reminder of my commitment to you.

Abe: As this ring has no end, neither shall our love.

Both: As this ring has no end, neither shall our love.

Abe: All right. Now here comes the good part.

[Chuckles] By the power of your love and commitment, and the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss.

John: Oh, yeah.

[Chuckles and applause]

Abe: And now, for the first time, I would like to introduce mr. And mrs. Eric and nicole brady.

[Cheers and applause]

Sami: My deepest condolences.

[Tense music]

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