Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 7/13/20
Episode #13811 ~ While away from Salem, Kayla and Steve reconnect; Ben grows more suspicious of Claire; Roman gives Eric an unexpected gift before the wedding; Jack is thrown when he runs into Bonnie.
Provided By Suzanne
Nicole: I missed you.
Eric: How's it going over there?
Nicole: It's great. Your mom just took holly to get a manicure andhe's so excited.
Eric: So am I because the next time I see you, it'll be at our wedding.
Nicole: Oh, my love. My everything, I can't wait to marry you.
Ben: What the hell? Where's the ring?
Ciara: Um, maybe it's in your pocket.
Ben: Well, no, it was never in my pocket.
Ciara: That's weird. I wonder what could have happened.
Ben: I know what happened.
[Ring box snaps shut] Claire.
Jack: Your mother should be there soon. Yeah, ah--chad and charlotte are cheering on thomas's tee-ball and I am on my way to the spectator where I'm keeping the presses rolling so--yes, we will video chat this evening with the kids, and--and please, I--I love you, baby. Just, um, give your mom a big hug for me as soon as she gets there. Thanks. Yeah.
[Phone beeps]
[Exhales sharply] Oh, my god. Adrienne.
Steve: Oh. It's the last hotel room in this god-forsaken town.
Kayla: Mm, well at least it's a hotel room with a actual real bed. Oh.
Steve: 16 hours of travel hell was not exactly what I had in mind.
Kayla: What's going on? Ah, come on. Don't tell me.
Kayla: Let me try, let me try, let me try. Here, hold this, would you? Ah.
Steve: Oh!
Kayla: Yeah.
Steve: You got the magic touch, baby.
Kayla: Pretty good, huh? Thank you. Sweetness, I just wanna tell you, after everything we've been through... I'm so grateful you're here with me.
Kayla: So am I.
Steve: Okay. It's not a five-star hotel, but I can promise you a good night's sleep.
Kayla: Mm.
Steve: [Exhales]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Lucas: Hello. I'm here to see allie.
Nicole: Well, nice to see you, too.
Lucas: Is she here right now?
Nicole: Nope, she's running errands for me. You do remember that eric and i are getting married today?
Lucas: Yeah, I do, but, uh, this is really important.
Nicole: So is my wedding and it starts in a couple of hours. So I don't have time for this.
Lucas: All right. Uh, well, as many weddings as you've had, nicole, I'm sure you'll get everything under control. I'm just gonna sit here and wait for allie. Oh. Ooh, nice. Nice couch.
Claire: Allie!
Allie: Claire.
Claire: Oh, my god! Hi!
Allie: Hi.
Claire: Hi, grandma told me you were back in salem. And pregnant!
Allie: Yeah.
Claire: Oh, my god! Wait, what--what--what's the story? Who's the father? You gotta tell me everything!
Allie: Um, I--I'd love to fill you in, but I'm actually running errands for eric and nicole's wedding. You're coming, right?
Claire: Yeah, yeah, of course. I wouldn't miss it.
Allie: This is kind of crazy, right? All these weddings. Grandma told me that ciara's getting married also. That's such awesome news.
Claire: Yeah, I know, right?
Allie: Yeah.
Claire: Yeah, I could not be happier for her.
Ciara: Okay, I understand why you wanna blame claire for this, especially after what happened with the wedding dress, but then we don't--we have no proof that she actually ruined it, and she paid for it to--to show us how bad she felt about it, so i don't know, ben. I'm just--I'm--I'm gonna have to give her the benefit of the doubt here.
Ben: The benefit of the doubt? That's--that's exactly what claire wants you to do.
Ciara: Well, ben, she's been so great.
Ben: [Scoffs]
Ciara: And fun and helpful. I mean, didn't she help you pick out the ring?
Ben: Yeah, she actually spoke to the salesman and talked him into giving me a deal on a ring I couldn't even afford.
Ciara: Okay, well, there you go. You see? She really is trying, ben. She is.
Ben: But the thing is, when i was paying for it, she offered to hold the ring box. That's when she must have done it. That's when she--
Ciara: Must have what? Snatched my engagement ring? I mean, you really think that she would do something like that?
Ben: She had the opportunity. She had a hell of a lot of motive.
Ciara: Okay. Um, maybe there was a mix-up at the shop. Maybe they gave you the wrong box. So let's, you know, figure this out. We'll call the salesman, okay? There has to be some other explanation for this.
Jack: Adrienne! Oh, my god, it's impossible. It's a miracle! It's you!
Bonnie: Jack--
Jack: You're back! It's a m--just, I mean--
Bonnie: Hold on, please!
Jack: Just like me, baby! Oh, but you don't have no memory. You have no memory and that's okay. I'm gonna help you. We're all gonna help you. We're gonna help you. Oh, don't you worry about a thing! I'm gonna help you! It's so great! You're--adrienne?
Bonnie: Hmm.
Justin: Jack. That's not adrienne. It's bonnie lockhart.
Steve: Twin beds. Quaint.
Kayla: Ooh. Well, they're hardly lumpy.
Steve: [Chuckles]
Kayla: Hardly.
Steve: I always did love your optimism.
Kayla: Mm, wow.
Steve: So are you regretting jumping on the first plane out of salem?
Kayla: Well, it was, uh, a trip to lake louise. Sounded good.
Steve: Well, here's hoping they, uh, fix whatever's wrong with the plane and we'll be lakeside by lunchtime tomorrow.
Kayla: Ah, food. Now there's a thought.
Steve: Oh, food. Yeah, let's see here. Hmm. What do we got?
Kayla: You have always packed like a crazy man.
Steve: Come on. Folding is overrated. Ooh. Look at these babies.
Kayla: Liquor.
Steve: Yeah. Well, wait a minute. There might be some more stuff in here. A-ha! Pretzels, pretzels, peanuts, more peanuts. It's a pretzel and peanut party!
Kayla: Mm, you think of everything, don't you?
Steve: Mm, well, only the best for you, baby. So... a toast.
[Exhales] To the love of my life. Thank you for giving me another chance. Mm-hmm.
[Both groaning]
[Exhales] So don't you wanna get out of that dress?
Kayla: Get out of my dress? I--
Steve: Oh, oh, oh, sweetness, no, no. I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I just thought, you know, you must be uncomfortable after so many hours in that getup and, you know, you look like you can hardly keep your eyes open. Don't you wanna get comfortable and get some sleep?
Kayla: I didn't bring my luggage.
Steve: Well, come on. I must have something in here that you can wear. Let's see what we got here. Oh. Kinda jammies. Hey, look at that pretty thing. How about that?
Kayla: Lovely.
Steve: And you can wear my sweatpants for your jammie pants.
Kayla: Thank you.
Steve: You're welcome. Listen. About what you thought I was asking you earlier, I'm sorry. I know that, uh, 24 hours ago you were just about to marry justin. Now you're here with me. That would make anyone's head spin. So I'm all for taking it slow, okay?
Kayla: I just feel so guilty. I mean, justin is such a sweet and decent man, and to stop our wedding to tell me that you still love me... and the look on his face when he could see the truth on mine.
Steve: [Exhales sharply] It was a hell of a thing, him stepping up the way he did, and I have to own part of that guilt. I mean, if I had been honest sooner, it would have been easier on everyone.
Kayla: I just never meant to hurt him, and that's exactly what I've done.
Steve: I know, baby, and maybe this won't make you feel any better, but the fact is justin knows that you and I are the love of each other's life, just like my sister was for him.
Jack: Bonnie lockhart?
Bonnie: I tried to warn you.
Jack: I--you--but look at-- you're dressed just like adrienne. You're in adrienne's clothes.
Bonnie: All right, all right, all right. It's my pr peeps, okay? I have people now. They thought I should lose the glitz and glamour and doll it up a bit for my book tour, all right?
Jake: Book tour?
Bonnie: Hello? My paperback is on the best seller list!
[Grunts] Just like my hardcover. Who'd have thunk it, right?
[Chuckles] Well actually, I am signing books right over there and i thought maybe author to author, you'd like one.
Jack: I'm not gonna buy a book from--from someone who stole my sister's life, practically destroyed it, and then tried to make a profit off it.
Bonnie: You sound just like justin.
Jack: How could you come back here after--after you caused so much misery?
Bonnie: Girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do to earn a buck, and it turns out I have a gift with the written word, jack, not just you, and I'll tell you one more thing. I have remorse, plenty of it, and if you buy my book you'd see I said nothing but nice things about your sister.
Jack: I'll tell you what you can do with your damn book.
Justin: Jack, jack, jack, jack, jack! Don't give her any more story ideas! Bonnie, just go. Just go sign your paperbacks. If you don't mind, I need a ride home. Come on. Let's go.
Bonnie: Well, if everyone's gonna be that judgy, I'm gonna be lucky to sell one flipping book in this dang town.
Roman: Hi! So anything I can do to help on your wedding day?
Eric: You're doing it. You're holding the wedding downstairs. You know the pub. It's been a huge part of our lives and I'm gonna be marrying the love of my life. Gonna be surrounded by my family and my closest friends.
Roman: Are you sure that shouldn't include sami?
Nicole: I thought you were giving allie space.
Lucas: I was, I really was, and then I found out she was gonna give her baby to rafe. Eh, I don't know. I'm not okay with that. I mean, it's her former stepfather; that's sami's ex. It just seems weird to me, don't you think?
Nicole: No. Rafe would be a good father.
Lucas: Yeah, he would, to anybody else but my grandchild. Really. I mean, what's sami gonna say when she finds out that sonny and will want to adopt the baby? It's like a tug of war. It's a free-for-all, and the baby hasn't even been born yet.
Nicole: Goodness, would you stop with all the drama? It is not a tug of war. Will and sonny and rafe all agreed to respect allie's wishes, okay? The only person pressuring allie is you.
Lucas: I am offering love and support and comfort, you know? And now things are out of control and I think it's time to call sami and tell her what's going on.
Nicole: You swore to allie that you wouldn'T. Did you break your promise?
Claire: Hi! Oh, so, let's see it! Oh, my god! Is it not the most gorgeous diamond you have ever seen in your life? And the setting is-- wait a minute. Where's the ring? Why aren't you wearing it?
Ben: Well, why don't you tell us?
It's totally normal
Claire: Um, I don't know what you mean.
Ben: Well, I got down on a knee, I opened the box, no ring.
Claire: Oh.
Ben: Hmm.
Claire: That is impossible.
Ben: Well, we both spoke to the salesman, right, claire?
Claire: Yeah.
Ben: The ring was in the box when I bought it. Funny thing is, when I went to pay for it, you offered to hold the box. Now the ring's gone.
Claire: Oh, god. You don't think I took it?
Ben: Hey, you said it. I didn'T.
Eric: Dad, you know how much I love sami, but nicole and i made a promise to allie that we wouldn't tell her about the pregnancy, and if sami--if she shows up at that wedding, there's no way we can hide it from her.
Roman: That is true. Here. Let me help you, okay? But you do know your sister's gonna eventually find out, and we're all gonna pay big time for keeping her in the dark, so we both know that, right?
Lucas: I was this close. I was this close to calling sami yesterday, but I just--I decided not to.
Nicole: Thank god.
Lucas: Actually, my mom talked me out of it so you can thank her.
Nicole: Well, for once, i agree with kate. The last thing allie needs is sami blowing up, and you know she will.
Lucas: Yeah, she will blow up if she finds out, but she has a right to know. It's allie and the baby. She has a right to know about it.
Nicole: Ah, I'm so tired of people saying that. Allie's rights are all I care about, and no, quite frankly, i don't wanna talk about sami on my wedding day.
Lucas: I get that. I understand. How many weddings is this for you, by the way? Is it three or four? Might be five.
Nicole: It's my last, and it's time for you to leave.
Lucas: Okay, all right. I don't wanna get into it with you. I actually like eric. I think he's a great guy. I--I hope this is your last wedding.
Nicole: Thank you.
Lucas: As long as you don't mess it up.
Nicole: Oh, out. Get out.
Lucas: Tell allie I wanna talk to her.
Nicole: I'm not telling her anything.
Lucas: No, really, it's important.
Nicole: I'm done with you. Good-bye.
Bonnie: To terry padilla. Heart, kiss, hug, bonnie lockhart.
Terry: Ah, you're my favorite writer of all time.
Bonnie: Someone should read more.
Terry: Excuse me?
Bonnie: I'm so glad you enjoyed the book.
Terry: My favorite part was your night with lucas. It was so hot.
Bonnie: Well, I knew it was wrong because he thought I was adrienne, but god, a stud like that, I just--
[Grunts] Couldn't help myself.
[Both laughing] It was off the charts awesome, girl. Too bad I had to hold back on the really juicy details, if you know what I mean.
Terry: I just hope there's a sequel.
Bonnie: Yeah, I think this was a one and done. Although, I would not say no to a part two.
[Both laughing]
Terry: Thank you.
Bonnie: Thank you.
[Harmonica plays]
Kayla: Well, what do you think?
Steve: Whoa. That is a cute little jammie ensemble. I like it.
Kayla: Thank you.
Steve: So, does this place remind you of anything?
Kayla: Stockholm, when, um, we shared a room so you could protect me from orpheus. I could tell you cared for me even though you kept fighting your feelings and telling me that you were no good for me.
[Chuckles] I guess some things never change.
Steve: I should have been honest with you back then, too. Yeah, guess I'm a slow learner, but I have definitely learned my lesson this time, baby. I'm a changed man. I wish we were holding hands right now walking along the shores of lake louise.
Kayla: Well, at least we're here together, and after everything that's happened, I'm glad we're away from everyone and we can just focus on us.
Steve: Yeah, and where we go from here.
Steve: Yeah, that was a crazy time in stockholm, wasn't it? And I have to admit, for a guy who always kept his feelings close to the vest--
Kayla: You mean buried under concrete.
Steve: Well, I remember opening up quite a bit.
Kayla: Only because i badgered you and tortured you and made you play that silly game until you finally told me the truth.
Steve: I was afraid I was gonna hurt you, but you believed in me anyway.
Kayla: I still do. I always will.
Justin: When I saw bonnie at adrienne's grave, just like you, I thought she was adrienne. I--I let myself believe that it was possible.
Jack: I'm so sorry. What a kick in the gut.
Justin: I hate having that scheming, scamming, two-bit lookalike anywhere near this town, so hopefully she'll just sign her books and get the hell out.
> Jack: I don't know why she wouldn'T. What possible reason could she have to stay?
Bonnie: I can't believe it. You're really here. You do know you are my inspiration for "love made me looney?" I even dedicated the book to you. You know what? Let me sign a copy for you.
Lucas: I'll tell you what. Why don't you sign right here?
Bonnie: Really? Okay!
[Moaning] Lucas.
Lucas: You've got a lot of nerve showing your face around here, don't you?
Bonnie: Why are you being so hostile?
Lucas: Why am I what? Did you forget? Did you lose your mind or something? You forget what you did to me? You made me think you were adrienne and you made me think that mimi's baby was ours.
Bonnie: Lucas, it was the only way I could get out of prison. I never meant to hurt you, honestly.
Lucas: Well, too late for that, 'cause you broke my heart. I loved that little girl.
Bonnie: I'm so sorry. Please give me a chance. I would do anything. Anything in the world to make it up to you.
Lucas: Do you wanna make it up to me? Convince my daughter not to give up her baby, all right?
Allie: One bouquet, and everything is all set.
Nicole: Oh!
Allie: The public's beautiful.
Nicole: Thank you. Thank you so much, and oh, just so you know, your father stopped by and he knows that you're thinking about giving rafe the baby.
Allie: And let me guess. He freaked out and wants to talk me out of it? And wants to talk me out of giving the baby to will and sonny, while he's at it.
[Exhales] I am so sure about this, nicole. About giving this baby the best life possible, but my dad just makes me feel so--am I a selfish, horrible, terrible person?
Nicole: Gosh, no. No, you--you are none of those things. I mean, you've given this a great deal of thought and--and there's nothing selfish about wanting what's best for your child.
Allie: You're like rafe. You--you actually listen to me. Make me feel like I can do this without screwing it up.
Nicole: Well, you know that you have eric's and my support moving forward, so whatever you need or if you need to talk about anything, I am here for you, and so is your uncle.
Allie: That means so much to me. More than you know.
Nicole: Aww.
Roman: I got something that i promised someone very near and dear to us that I would put in your hand on your wedding day.
Eric: This is from grandma. These days, it's easy to say, "I'm fine."
Ciara: Look, claire, we are not accusing you of anything. We just think that it's kind of a funny coincidence that, you know--
Claire: Okay, that I was around when your dress was ruined and I was with you when the ring went missing.
Ben: That pretty much covers it.
Ciara: Yeah, but claire, if you know anything or if--if maybe you got upset and you did somethi--I mean, I just--it's-- it's okay. You can tell us.
Claire: Ciara, I did not ruin your dress, and I did not take the ring!
Ciara: You and I have been having so much fun lately, almost like old times, and i want to believe you, claire. I really, really want to believe you.
Claire: Oh, but you don'T. You don't, right? Because you think I've lost my mind again. You think that I wanna ruin your big day.
Ciara: No, claire, I didn't say that.
Claire: Yeah, you didn't have to.
Ciara: What? Claire, wait! What--
Kayla: Uh, you know what else I remember about stockholm? The breakfast.
Steve: Breakfast?
Kayla: Mm-hmm. Right down to the yellow rose. It was just so you. You surprised me with the most beautiful, romantic breakfast ever.
Steve: I want to make you happy.
Steve: I wanted to take care of you.
Kayla: [Grunts] You always wanna take care of me, do what's best for me, protect me, like when you told me that I would be better off with justin, or when you would just jump on a flight and disappear from my life.
Steve: I did that because I want--
Kayla: Because what? Because what? How many times have you done what's best for me without consulting me? Or making decisions about my life and about what would I want and what I need without even asking me?
Steve: I'm still afraid I'm gonna hurt you, sweetness.
Kayla: We're together now.
Steve: Oh, guess we should get some sleep, huh?
Kayla: Yeah.
Steve: [Grunts] Kayla?
Kayla: Yeah?
Steve: [Exhales] The bad habit I have of making decisions for you without asking you first...
Kayla: Yeah?
Steve: I'm not gonna do that anymore.
Kayla: Good.
Steve: Good night.
[Dramatic music]
Steve: Are you sure?
Kayla: Yeah.
Steve: You're so beautiful.
Roman: Ma always thought ahead. No, no, no, no. She asked that you read that alone before the ceremony.
Eric: I will. Thanks, dad.
Roman: You know what, son? I am so happy for you. You are about to marry the woman you love and there is no better feeling in the world that that. Hey.
Nicole: Ooh. Yes.
[Chuckles] Okay, here we go. Ooh!
Allie: You are going to be the most beautiful bride ever.
Nicole: Well, I couldn't have done it without you.
Allie: I don't know. I feel like all I did was dump a bunch of drama on you.
Nicole: W--hey, listen. Look, I only considered inviting sami to the wedding because i thought eric would want her to be there, but for me, no sami means a peaceful, beautiful wedding all about love and the future.
Allie: I really appreciate you trying to help me keep this pregnancy from her, but she's going to find out eventually, and it's going to be scary.
Nicole: Okay, well when that day comes, I know a thing or two about standing up to your mother.
[Chuckles] So I'll be right there with you, okay?
Allie: You're the best.
Nicole: No, no. Okay, let's finish.
Allie: Okay!
Nicole: What about these?
Allie: These are gonna--
Bonnie: What did you say? What baby?
Lucas: Just forget it, all right? Forget it. I was talking to myself.
Bonnie: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. You--please, please. You said your daughter wants to give up her baby?
Lucas: I don't wanna talk about it, all right? Leave me alone.
Bonnie: No, I get--I get it. I'm not your favorite person, but please. Please, lucas, I owe you. Just give me a chance. I'm a really good listener. Tell you what. Let me buy you a beer.
Lucas: You're gonna buy me a what?
Bonnie: Yeah.
Lucas: A beer? I don't drink. You know that.
Bonnie: Right, I know it. That's right, and that's really good. I--I'm really proud of you and-- although when you were drunk, you were smoking hot.
Lucas: Enough, enough! I don't even want to hear it. Not a word, okay? Don't even go there.
Allie: Claire.
Claire: Hi, um, I'm sorry to barge in like this.
Nicole: Oh, what's wrong? Are you okay?
Claire: Yeah, um, I just wanted to let you know in person that I won't be able to make it to your wedding.
Nicole: Oh, why?
Claire: I--I'm just really not feeling too well. Yeah, I think I'm coming down with something.
Nicole: Oh, no. Okay.
Claire: Yeah, great timing, right?
[Chuckles] Um, so, you know, I'm just gonna go home, go to bed, and hope i feel better tomorrow. Again, I am so sorry that I'm gonna miss your big day.
No, d--don't worry about it. I--I just want you to feel better, okay?
Claire: Wow. Hey, that is a beautiful ring.
Nicole: Yeah, thank you. I'm sorry. Um, I gotta go.
[Door closes]
Ciara: The look on her face, ben, the way that she ran away, I just--gosh, I feel so terrible.
Ben: Ciara, why would you feel terrible? Obviously she took the ring. She's playing you.
Ciara: Mm-mm. No, I can't believe that.
Ben: Because you always wanna see the good in people. Even when they don't deserve it.
Ciara: Okay, all right, how about this? Um, you and I, we--we--we retrace your steps one last time, okay? And maybe we'll find the ring. Maybe the ring fell out of the box. I mean, that's--that's possible, right? That's entirely possible.
Ben: No, not really.
Ciara: No? Okay, well, you don't know that, ben. You don't know that for sure, so can we please just look one last time? Please, ben.
Ben: Okay. Okay, sure.
Ciara: Okay.
[Exhales] Your mission:
Eric: [Exhales] "Dear eric, if I was still here I'd tell you that I know I'm not supposed to play favorites, but from the moment you were born, there was something special about you. You were the child who felt so much and so deeply." "I know how important being a priest was to you, given your deep faith, but ever since you left the priesthood, I prayed that you would find the deep and abiding love I shared with your grandfather shawn. It's not always easy, but it will be the joy and rock of your life. If you're reading this, it's-- it must be your wedding day and my prayer has finally been answered. I hope the woman lucky enough to be your wife makes you happy beyond your wildest dreams. She sure as hell better be."
[Laughing] "Because if she even thinks about hurting you, she will face the wrath of your grandma caroline. Wherever I am, I am with you. I love you, eric. Grandma caroline."
[Exhales sharply]
Ben: That's it. There's nothing.
Ciara: Well, how can a ring just vanish, ben? Okay, well, you know what I mean.
Ben: Ciara, I know this is hard for you, but I think you need to accept that claire took the ring.
Ciara: No, we can't be sure about that.
Ben: I'm sure. Ciara, we looked everywhere, and now we have to go get ready for eric and nicole's wedding. We gotta go.
Ciara: Okay, well, i can't, ben. I can't think about that or anything else. Not until we find this ring, okay?
Ben: I know this is not what you wanna hear, but I think maybe it's time you find another maid of honor.
Bonnie: Okay, so no drinks. How about lunch? Just give me a chance, okay? Maybe I can help you work this out. Come on. Complicated relationships, they're kind of my specialty, you know? And actually there's this little bistro around the corner. We just could sit down. We could talk ab--
Lucas: After what you did to adrienne and me, I'm not going anywhere with you ever.
Bonnie: You sure you don't want a book? Well, if you think I'm giving up that easily, hot stuff, you don't know bonnie lockhart.
Steve: Oh. I'm never letting you go again.
Kayla: You better not. I love you.
Steve: I love you, sweetness. Now and forever.
Kayla: Now and forever.
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