Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 7/10/20
Episode #13810 ~ Claire offers to help Ben with a task for the wedding; Vivian asks for a favor from Kate; Eli and Lani enjoy wedded bliss; Gabi gets a surprise at Jake's apartment.
Provided By Suzanne
Chad: Oh, I'm on a plane back to florida here in a couple hours. Ab, no, listen. We've been over this, okay? I know you want me to stay in salem, but the kids are doing great. Abby, don't fight me on this, please. I'm coming back to florida. I'm gonna be with you until you get better, and then we come home together. That was our deal. I love you, too. That's fine. I'll see you soon, okay?
Gabi: Chad, I so loved what you did for me the other day. Serving me--what was it that you called it? Oh, that's right, my last meal before I went back to the slammer.
Chad: What do you want, gabi?
Gabi: [Chuckles] Me? I'm here to serve you. [Sighs] Care to eat?
Chad: What is that?
Gabi: Those--those are the results. The dna results that prove jake lambert is really your brother stefan.
Gwen: Good morning.
Jake: [Chuckles]
Gwen: Did you forget I was here?
Jake: No, of course not. I-- I remember everything.
Gwen: [Chuckles] Do you, now? You know, making up with you always makes all the fighting worth it.
Ciara: Oh, my god. I can't believe we're getting married in a week.
Ben: Oh, that week is going to feel like forever.
Ciara: Ugh, I know, right? But the crazy thing is is that everything is on track. We're good on food, we're good on flowers.
Ben: Oh, and I got the dj all set, too. Our playlist is going to--
Claire: Hi, um, I need to talk to you guys now.
Ciara: About what?
Claire: Your wedding dress.
[Knock at door]
Lani: Vivian?
Vivian: Why so shocked, detective price? Did you think you were gonna get away from me that easily?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
[Soft orchestration]
Vivian: Oh, I wouldn't wake your husband, because then I'd have to kill him, too.
Lani: Rafe arrested you, vivian. How did you escape?
Vivian: Oh, you silly girl. Prison bars are no threat to a mother who's avenging the wrongful death of her son.
Lani: No!
Eli: Baby, what's going on? What's wrong? Is it the baby?
Lani: No. It was a nightmare. Vivian. She was here, and she came back to kill me.
Eli: I got you. Vivian is locked up in a cell, okay? She's not gonna hurt you or anyone else ever again.
Officer: You have a visitor.
Vivian: Oh, I certainly hope it's my lawyer.
Kate: No, just an old friend.
Gwen: Oh, so, I'm thinking I'm gonna spruce this place up a bit, add a touch of bright paint and make it a little less garagey. And, um, we're gonna talk about a new mattress.
Jake: Well--you're not thinking about moving in here, are you?
Gwen: You're funny. Really, I-- jake, when I walked in here yesterday, you were pale as a ghost over a piece of paper.
Jake: Those were dna results.
Gwen: No. It was a choice. Are you just gonna forget everything about your life and live as this other guy or-- or are you going to remember what is true? And what is real? Like me. You very clearly chose me.
Jake: I was upset and confused.
Gwen: Well, you weren't upset and confused when you threw me in bed. Not last night or just now.
Jake: Okay, but we never said we were getting back together. That was never even discussed.
Gwen: No, it wasn't discussed. We haven't had much time to discuss anything lately, but I just-- I just assumed.
Jake: Gwen, I--no. Okay.
Gwen: Oh, my god. Hang on a minute. Is this about us, or is this about that bloody stupid tart, gabi dimera?
Gabi: I'm gonna wait to say i told you so until your head stops exploding from the fact that your brother's alive.
Chad: I could care less.
Gabi: Mm, wait, wait, wait.
Chad: For what?
Gabi: I need you to do something for me--well, actually, it's not just for me, it's for your whole family or i wouldn't be asking. It's for your brother.
Chad: Okay, fine. Get to the point.
Gabi: I need you to get stefan's memory back. I'm a performer.
Claire: So I borrowed some money--I got it from pop pop-- and, um, I paid for the dress.
Ben: Even though you didn't ruin it.
Claire: That's right. Uh-huh. And then, I took it to this specialty dry cleaner place that I found online, and I told them that somehow nail polish got all over my best friend's wedding dress, and they are gonna do their best to work their magic.
Ciara: Oh. Wow. Claire, that's amazing. Thank you. That is so sweet of you.
Claire: Hey it is really the least I could do. I am your maid of honor. And, hey, if they can't fix it, we will just find you another dress, an even better one, okay? All right, now what else can I help with? Bling!
Ben: Excuse me?
Claire: Oh, I mean, I know jewelry even better than I know fashion. [Laughs] I mean, no offense, ciara, but, yeah, I think you could use a little bit of help in that department. I mean, come on, what is this hunk of metal you're wearing on your hand?
Ciara: Um, this is my engagement ring.
Lani: Breakfast in bed?
Eli: Well, I hope it's okay. I think I overcooked the eggs.
Lani: It's perfect. You are spoiling me, mr. Grant.
Eli: That is my goal.
Lani: Mm-hmm. Well, is it also your goal to never leave this apartment?
Eli: Hey, we haven't been out much lately, have we?
Lani: No. Not since we got married. We're married.
Eli: We are married.
Lani: We're married.
[Both laugh]
Eli: And that's exactly what newlyweds do. They stay in bed for, you know, a few days.
Lani: Mm-hmm. Mm.
Eli: A few weeks.
Lani: Mm-hmm. And I'm not complaining, but we are gonna have to pay the rent, so we do need to get up and get back into reality and go to work.
Eli: Oh, here you go. My all too practical wife. Can't we just, you know, postpone reality just for, I don't know, a little while longer?
Lani: Mm, okay. You talked me into it.
Vivian: Oh, god.
Kate: It's been a long time.
Vivian: Not long enough.
Kate: The last time we were together, I remember you told me I was going to sleep in hell, right before you marched me at gunpoint to the cemetery, shot me and buried me alive. But now it's my turn.
Vivian: What are you gonna do, kate? Shoot me again?
Kate: Maybe, just maybe, i have a gun right here in my purse.
Jake: For once, gwen, would you please just, I don't know, be reasonable?
Gwen: About you blowing me off last night? No, I'm not really feeling very reasonable right now, jake.
Jake: Okay, well, you know what? I was feeling pretty overwhelmed last night. First, i see the dna results. Then I'm forced to meet with this jaggy old bat who's claiming to be my mother. I got everybody in this entire town telling me that I'm somebody else, and I just need to accept it. So yeah, I just wanted to be with the one person who knows who I am right now.
Gwen: So you're saying you used me.
Jake: No, gwen, I-- it's like I said last night, okay, I just needed to hold onto something.
Gwen: Yeah, I noticed.
Jake: Hey, I wasn't using you, gwen. Look at me. Hey. I like being with you.
Gwen: Oh, you like being with me. Be still, my heart.
Jake: Okay, I'm sorry. That didn't come out right, I-- I more than like being with you. You totally turn me on. You know that.
Gwen: Yeah. Yeah, I do, don't I? I totally turn you on. But you know what? That's not bloody enough for me, jake, that I turn you on. I don't care if you're jake or stefan or bloody spider-man. Are we together or not?
Chad: Wait, so you're asking me for my help. Oh, that is audacious.
Gabi: You can get stefan's memory back. I thought you'd want that, too. You need to talk to rolf. You're going to statesville, and you're gonna get that quack to give me the serum.
Chad: Why would rolf do that for me?
Gabi: Because you're stefano's son.
Chad: Ah, see, you already told me that as soon as jake remembers that he's stefan that you guys are gonna try to steal dimera.
Gabi: I didn't say that. I said that once that happens, i will have as much claim to the company as you do.
Chad: Right. Whatever convoluted language you-- bottom
Gabi: You son of a bitch.
Chad: I have work to do.
Gabi: Right, well, just so you know, with or without your help, stefan will remember me. And then, we're gonna grind you to dust. And that's when I'm gonna remind you just how much of a pompous ass you are. The thing with depression, you get...stuck.
Lani: Um, what are you doing?
Eli: Trying to make love to my beautiful wife.
Lani: Oh. [Laughs] But didn't we agree to go into work today?
Eli: Don't worry, this won't take long.
Lani: Don't go easy on me, husband.
Eli: Mm, I wouldn't dream of it.
Lani: Mm-hmm.
Ciara: Um, it is actually a washer from my dad's motorcycle. The bike played a huge part in getting us together, so--
Claire: I'm sorry. Um, wow. Props, then. That is actually very romantic.
Ben: It's just a placeholder. I want my fiancée to have a proper ring, so I've been saving every dime I've earned at the garage, and I finally have enough to buy one.
Ciara: Mm-hmm. And ben and i are actually heading to the jewelry store right now.
Claire: Oh, can I come?
Chad: You know, here, i thought I was done dealing with that bastard son you had with vivian alamain.
Jack: Bad news?
Chad: Depends on who you ask.
Jennifer: Meaning what?
Chad: Well, turns out my brother stefan is alive.
Gwen: I am not some pathetic loser who's going to sit around and wait for you to get through this identity crisis thing you're going through. So I need to know. I need to know now... if you think this is something that is worth waiting for or not.
[Knock at door]
Gabi: Open up, I know you're in there.
Gwen: Oh, for god's sake.
Jake: It's gabi. Yeah. Ow. Here. Grab your clothes. Just hide in the bathroom.
Gwen: [Scoffs] You're joking.
Jake: Gab--gwen, please.
Gwen: Oh, my god. That woman out there could be your alleged wife, but let me tell you something. I am no one's other woman.
Jake: Oh, my god.
Gwen: Well, hello, darling. Look who it is. It's the missus. She doesn't look very happy, does she?
Vivian: Oh, any idiot knows you can't walk into a police station with a gun. They have metal detectors.
Kate: Uh-huh. Have you ever heard of polymers?
Vivian: Polymers?
Kate: Surely you must know that they can make guns out of plastic now.
Vivian: Oh, a plastic gun with little plastic bullets. Oh, god's sake, kate, if you wanted to scare me, at least come up with something believable.
Kate: You of all people should know that underestimating me can be a deadly mistake. Never run dry of...
Ben: You wanna help pick out ciara's engagement ring. Yeah, that's not gonna happen.
Ciara: What ben means is thank you for the offer. That was very sweet of you, right?
Ben: No.
Ciara: But this is something that he and I should do as a couple.
Claire: Obvs, totally get it. Yeah, wedding bands, that's easy. Do that on your own. But a diamond, come on. That is a whole different story. You gotta be prepared. Do you know the four cs?
Ben: The four cs, yeah.
Claire: Oh, you do? Really? Yeah? Cut, color, clarity, carat. Yeah? And what about the setting? I mean, do you prefer channel or halo? Solitaire or three-stone?
Ciara: Um, okay, honestly, i have no idea what you just said to me.
Claire: And that is why you need me. See, I will remove all stress and make sure that we get you a great ring at a great price. And I wanna help out, after the whole screw up with the dress. And also, ben, don't you want ciara to be surprised? Have that once-in-a-lifetime moment where you get down on one knee, you crack open that little velvet box, oh, and her eyes go wide and her heart just melts. I mean, don't deprive her of that by making her pick out her own ring.
Ciara: Okay, well, ben is not making me do anything. Although, it would be really, really nice to be surprised, though.
Ben: Ciara, what are you talking about? What do you mean?
Ciara: I know that you will definitely pick out something beautiful and it would make me really happy for my maid of honor and my groom to do this together. Yeah? What's up? What's wrong?
Ben: I'm sorry...
Ciara: Uh-huh.
Ben: But I think this is a really bad idea.
Lani: My husband is so not lazy.
Eli: Well, I aim to please. And now, detective, it's time to get back to work.
Lani: Maybe we should call in sick. I think I have a bad case of newlyweditis. And it's very, very contagious.
Eli: Well, I would love nothing more than to stay in this bed with you.
Lani: Mm-hmm.
Eli: But vivian alamain's arraignment is today, and we need to make sure that she gets everything that is coming to her.
Kate: Say hello to satan.
Vivian: No! No! Oh, oh! Damn you! [Sighs] Actually, that was quite refreshing. It's very hot in here.
Kate: Well, then you're lucky it wasn't holy water, vampira. Anyway, now that I've had my fun, I'll just let you know I'm going to leave you to the jury. But just in case you escape justice, I want you to know that I will be back, and I will drive a stake right through your little, black heart.
Vivian: Oh, the hell you will. You'll be behind bars for murder one. You know, it's time that you paid for some of your crimes, kate. So I think I'll just call the police commissioner in here and tell him exactly what you did to me.
Kate: [Laughs] Oh, really? You're sitting here handcuffed to a chair. You just tried to blow away the pregnant bride-- a pregnant bride at her wedding. Who's going to believe you?
Vivian: Oh, I can be very convincing, and since you now work for the mayor, all I have to do is use the words murder one. You have a lot more to lose than I do, don't you?
Kate: [Scoffs] I loathe you. I really do. But I also love my job, and I'm not going to let a psycho like you screw it up for me. So that's fine. We'll just keep this little matter secret between the two of us. You won't tell anyone that I tried to kill you, and I won't testify that you tried to kill me.
Vivian: Mm-hmm. I think I'll need a little more than that from you.
Kate: [Scoffs] Like what?
Vivian: I want my son back.
Jack: So this jake person is really stefan dimera?
Chad: Apparently. Gabi came by with these dna results, and they prove it, so now she can make good on that promise of hers that her and her dead husband can finally try to take back dimera.
Jennifer: Well, you need to stop her. You cannot let her do this to your family.
Chad: I couldn't agree more. But I need to be in florida with abigail, so--
Jack: I'm not so sure about that.
Gabi: What the hell is this?
Gwen: Exactly what it looks like. I spent the night.
Gabi: How could you do that? You just found out that we are married, and you slept with her?
Gwen: Well, we didn't do much sleeping, actually.
Gabi: Those dna results, they prove that you are my husband.
Jake: Okay, and I know how much they mean to you, but gabi, they mean nothing to me.
Gwen: Which means that you mean nothing to him.
Gabi: Okay, could you just give us a minute? I have something that I need to discuss with my husband.
Gwen: And I have something to discuss with my boyfriend.
Jake: [Sighs] Gwen... maybe we'll talk later.
Gwen: If you think I'm gonna leave you alone with your old lady here, you have another thing coming.
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Ciara: Okay, look, I know that you're still suspicious of claire, ben, I really just think that she's trying to do the nice thing here.
Ben: You're being naive. Ciara, who gives a damn what she knows about jewelry. Why would i want her with me, bossing me around about what diamond i should buy you.
Ciara: Okay, well, you don't have to let her be bossy. If you don't like something that she picks out, you can just tell her no.
Ben: All right, I think i would do that without getting your permission first, but--
Ciara: Okay, no, I know. I know, you're right. You won't let her push you around. I know that. I'm sorry if it sounded like I thought that you would. I just-- look, ben, I feel really bad for her. Okay? She has gone through hell. I mean, thinking that her life was ruined, being so lonely and depressed and guilt-ridden in bayview, where she was trying to fix herself and she was trying to get help. And now that she's out, she's trying. Maybe, you know, she's trying a little too hard, but she's trying, ben, to be sweet and caring and-- ben, she deserves a second chance, just like you did, remember? Please? Please, ben, come on. It would be so nice if you two could do this together. Please.
Ben: Okay, okay.
Ciara: Thank you.
Claire: So?
Ciara: Pick me a winner.
Claire: Oh, my god! Thank you, thank you. Yay! Oh, we are gonna get you a spectacular ring for a spectacular wedding.
Chad: Wait, you don't think i should be with abby?
Jack: We know you love abigail and you wanna be by her side, but chad, your brother rising from the dead? This is huge. Right? And besides, just like you said, it's just a matter of time before gabi and this stefan 2.0 comes after you and dimera enterprises.
Chad: I can handle that.
Jack: Oh, I think it's gonna be kind of a tough battle all the way from florida.
Jennifer: Yeah, abigail would insist that you stay here and defend your family's legacy, chad.
Chad: That's true. She-- I mean, she hated gabi and stefan as much as I do, but i just--I can't let her deal with what she's going through alone.
Jack: She won't be alone.
Chad: What do you mean?
Jack: I mean jennifer and i will be with her.
Gwen: [Sighs] Really? After everything that we did last night, you're kicking me out?
Jake: I will call you later.
Gwen: Well, maybe I'll answer and maybe I won'T. Oh, god. You know, fun fact about your husband, here. He's a loser. Did you hear that? And a womanizer. And a cheating, bloody, selfish bastard. Yes, I called you a bastard.
Jake: That part's true.
Gwen: Loud and clear. So take some advice from me. I wouldn't trust him with my heart if I were you. Bloody hell, I'm fed up.
Jake: Not that I owe you an explanation, but me and gwen-- I was just trying to forget about everything. Just for one night.
Gabi: Great, yeah. Well, while you were busy forgetting, I have spent every single minute thinking about how I'm gonna get your memory back.
Jake: Any luck?
Gabi: [Laughs] I need the serum, and I need to talk to rolf.
Jake: Last time you asked rolf to help you out, he set you up to go to prison. What makes you think he'd help you out this time?
Gabi: I know. That's why i need to talk to your mother so she can talk to him, but the problem is, vivian and rolf are locked up in completely different places.
Kate: Oh, you really think this jake person is stefan.
Vivian: Gabi hernandez had a dna test done. I saw him in the flesh. A mother knows her son.
Kristen: Vivian, what do you want me to do?
Vivian: I want you to go to wilhelm rolf and get that serum so my son can get his memory back. Apparently, he has a soft spot for you because of your relationship with stefano, isn't that right?
Kate: I supposed so.
Vivian: Of course he does. So if you do that, I will take the truth of the fact that you shot me in cold blood to my grave. And if you don't, I will tell all.
Eli: What the hell is going on in here? These are real people, not actors,
Chad: You're offering to go to florida?
Jennifer: Yeah, I mean, the kids really want you here, chad.
Jack: But we know they love their grandma and grandpa, but they're telling us they need you, so let jennifer and me do this. We'll get on the first plane. We'll go there now.
Chad: You guys have a newspaper to run.
Jack: We--uh, look, you stay here, hold down the fort. I will go.
Jennifer: No, no. Jack, listen, abigail needs me right now, so I will go, and the two of you can stay here with the kids.
Chad: If anything happens, and I mean anything, I'm on the first plane.
Jack: Deal.
Chad: Who knows, maybe this whole thing will blow over faster than we think.
Jennifer: Yeah.
Chad: This stefan guy will realize gabi's a trainwreck and get the hell out of dodge.
Jennifer: Well, here's to hoping, right? But what is important is that you guys will be here with the kids.
Chad: Yeah, I should go pick them up from julie'S.
Jennifer: Okay.
Chad: Thank you.
Jack: Hey, chad, you do not have to thank us. We're family.
Jennifer: That's right. We love you.
Eli: One of you had better answer me. What's going on here?
Kate: Well, I heard that vivian was back in town, and given the fact that she's responsible for a bullet hole in my chest, I just wanted to make sure that she was locked up so she wouldn't hurt anyone else.
Lani: Believe me, she won'T.
Eli: Kate, you know better than to be in here.
Lani: The desk sergeant out there told us how you flashed your mayor's office id card in his face and just blew right past him. Now I don't think my father will be too happy to know that you are using your position to break protocol, kate.
Kate: Well, I was just leaving, anyway. You see, I have a very important appointment with my doctor.
Vivian: Good luck on that.
Kate: Thanks.
Lani: I'll make sure she's going.
Vivian: Oh, detective price, you have nothing to fear from me now because it seems you didn't kill my son after all.
Gabi: Vivian would talk to rolf, but I gotta break her out of jail first.
Jake: You can just do that?
Gabi: That's doubtful, considering she tried to kill a police detective in front of witnesses.
Jake: Okay, so what now?
Gabi: I gotta find another way to get to dr. Demented. But I need you to promise me something first.
Jake: Oh, yeah? What's that?
Gabi: Promise me that until i get that serum, you're not gonna sleep with gwen or anyone else.
Jake: Ha!
Eli: We knew gabi was running a dna test. It's a match?
Vivian: Mm.
Lani: Jake lambert is--
Vivian: Yes, my son. My son, stefan. He's alive, by the grace of god. Of course, he hasn't got his memory back, but he will soon. Oh, and by the way, I'm so sorry about that mess at the wedding.
Chad: Yeah. Jake lambert. He's from philadelphia. Yeah, get me everything you can on him. Thanks.
Gwen: Uh.
Chad: Bad day?
Gwen: Yeah, you could say that. It was going great until this--
[Sighs] Dimera bitch just showed up and ruined everything.
Chad: Did you say dimera?
Gwen: Yeah. Gabi dimera. Why? You know her?
Chad: I do. Why don't I get the next round. You can fill me in.
Gwen: [Laughs] Yeah.
Jake: I'm not promising you anything having to do with my sex life. What makes you think i would do that?
Gabi: Because we are married. We took vows. We exchanged rings. I have mine right here. Before you were viciously ripped out of my life, you promised me that we would have the rest of our lives to love each other. That's all I want. And I know that's what you want. I just have to prove it. I need a little bit more time.
Jake: Fine. I will not sleep with anybody temporarily. But don't go reading into this. I'm doing this for me, not you.
Gabi: Fair enough. Can we shake on it?
Jake: Complete celibacy until we find out who I am. That goes for you, too.
Gabi: Not gonna be a problem. And once you remember everything, you're gonna see it was worth the wait.
Claire: Hey, can you believe what a great price that salesman gave you?
Ben: You are a good negotiator.
Claire: Mm-hmm. It's kinda my thing. Hey, and that ring is just so perfect, ben, in every way.
Ben: Yeah. It is great.
Claire: Yeah. Yeah.
Ben: Thank you for your help.
Claire: Hey, totally my pleasure.
[Beeping] And look at that. I think your fiancée should be here any minute, so I'm gonna let you two have some alone time. Bye.
Ben: Bye.
Claire: Oh, don't forget to post a picture.
Ben: Mm.
Ciara: Hey, baby.
Ben: Hey.
Ciara: Where's claire running off to?
Ben: Oh, she had somewhere to be, but check this out.
Ciara: What?
Ben: No wincing this time.
Ciara: Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. You found it? You found it already?
Ben: Ciara...
Ciara: Ben--
Ben: Alice brady, I am the luckiest man on earth to be marrying you, and I want you to have this ring as a symbol of my everlasting love.
Ciara: [Exhales]
[Dramatic music]
Ben: What the--
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