Days Transcript Thursday 7/9/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 7/9/20


Episode #13809 ~ Kayla confronts Steve; Justin is shocked at Adrienne's gravesite; Rafe delivers stunning news to Lucas and Kate; John and Marlena find out Allie is pregnant.

Provided By Suzanne

Kate: Oh, my god. Look at this. Look at this. Look at this. Over 300,000 likes now on--on the post--the video of--of abe doing his speech at the key to the city ceremony.

[Laughing] Oh, my god.

Lucas: That's great that's great. Now your life has meaning. Perfect.

Kate: Seriously, don't do that to me. Really? This was a big accomplishment, you know. When I took over this job, the social page, it was absolutely dead. I mean, there was really no wonder about it. I mean, seriously, there were posts like, "oh, we're planting a tree today," "ride a bike to work week." I mean, it was crazy. But this is only the beginning. I have so many ideas for this, lucas; it's gonna be great. I am gonna put this town on the social media map.

Luke: Sounds good.

Kate: Okay, well, really, at this point, you could maybe show a little enthusiasm. A little support, perhaps? "Hey, mom. What are your ideas?" You know, something like that.

Lucas: I don't feel enthusiastic or supportive right now. I'm sorry. I'm worried about allie.

Kate: You're worried about allie.

Lucas: Yes, and what she's gonna do with the baby.

[Indistinct chatter]

Marlena: Yeah, super.

John: Thank you.

[Marlena and john chuckling]

Marlena: I like it.

Allie: I don't think I can do this.

Eric: Hey, hey, hey. No one is gonna judge you.

John: Hey. [Laughs]

[All chuckle]

Marlena: Hi there.

Allie: Hi, grandma. John.

John: Hey.

Allie: Good to see you.

Marlena: Well, I'm glad you feel that way. We didn't know because you haven't returned our phone calls.

John: Yeah, we--we were starting to think that maybe you were avoiding us.

Allie: Actually, I kind of was.

Marlena: Why?

Allie: Because... of this.

[Dramatic music]

Will: Hey. Did you find your dad?

Sonny: Yeah, he was at kayla's, packing up his stuff.

Will: Man, that must've been brutal.

Sonny: It was. Yeah, I--I tried to get him to come back with me, but he said he needed some time alone.

Will: Do you know where he went?

Sonny: I have a pretty good idea. I just feel so bad for him. I mean, he loved kayla.

Will: Yeah. He loved her so much, he... let her go.

[Somber music]

Justin: Here we are again. Just you and me. Things didn't work out the way I planned. Remember when I told you this morning that steve was just pretending to be over kayla? I decided I couldn't keep it from her. I should've known when steve came back in town it would end this way. Long as he was somewhere on this planet, kayla would be drawn to him. And if anyone can understand that, it's me. If I found that there was just a chance you were alive, living in timbuktu, I wouldn't stop until I found you. There would be no one else for me. Just you.

Adrienne. Oh, my god. You're alive!

Kayla: No, no, no, no, no. No! No! Oh! Oh!

[Gentle music]

What are you doing here? They said you boarded.

Steve: I changed my mind.

[Intense music]

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Steve: Where's justin?

Kayla: What?

Steve: Well, aren't you guys leaving on your honeymoon? Isn't that why you're here?

Kayla: No. Justin is not here.

Steve: Why not?

Kayla: We didn't get married.

Justin: Adrienne, I--I-- I can't believe it.

Bonnie: No, uh, justin, you don't understand--

Justin: No, I don't need to understand. All that matters is that you're here and that you're real.

Bonnie: Uh, I-- mm. Mm! Mm. Another cleaning tip from mr. Clean.

Allie: I'm really sorry. I know what you must think. I'm just my mother all over again.

Marlena: Well, first of all, I love your mother very much. But I don't think you're her all over again. I think you are unique in your own way, and I love you as much as I love her.

Allie: I feel so stupid.

Marlena: You--wh-- you know what? Let's not say "stupid." Let's say... "human." I just wish that, uh, you'd come to john and me earlier. You know, we're always here for you--always.

Allie: Thank you.

Eric: See? I told you.

Nicole: [Chuckles]

Allie: He and nicole have been so great.

Eric: Mm, nicole has. Allie and I, we've had our moments. And I've been told I can be quite "patriarchal."

[All chuckle]

Allie: He doesn't think I should give the baby up for adoption.

Marlena: Oh. You're giving the baby up for adoption.

Allie: Eric thinks it's a terrible idea.

Eric: Well, I-- not exactly true. I just told her that it was a very big decision she was making--

Allie: Which I've made. I'm not keeping the baby.

Marlena: Does your mother know you're pregnant?

Allie: No. She doesn't know I'm pregnant. That's how I want it and that's how it's going to stay.

Kate: Okay, look. I think allie is doing the sensible thing--I really do. I mean, she's not ready to take care of a child. She just got out of childhood herself. I mean, look how young you were when you got sami pregnant.

Lucas: Yes, I was young. But I thank god every day that I didn't give will up.

Kate: [Chuckles] I wonder what will would have to say about that.

Lucas: Don't be horrible. Not today. Don't do that to me.

Kate: Honey, it's the truth. Look at what will went through. He practically raised sami rather than the other way around. I mean, lucas horton, sami brady--I mean, the word "stable" does not come to mind.

Lucas: You're gonna say that to my face? Really? Why don't you give me a break? I'm under enough stress.

Kate: Look, I just want you to understand the fact that placing a child in a loving home with parents that want it, that can take care of it, that can handle it-- I mean, that's not a bad thing.

Lucas: Yeah, I know. I know.

Kate: I--what? So that's funny?

Lucas: No, it's not funny. It's ironic because I told you there's a couple who could handle that. I told you will and sonny...

Kate: Yes.

Lucas: Wanna adopt the baby.

Kate: Of course. That's wonderful, that--I mean, they're great parents with--with ari.

Lucas: Yeah, will is a very stable, responsible father, isn't he? So I guess sami and I didn't screw him up that bad, did we?

Kate: Okay, I can totally see you're not gonna let me live that down, right?

Lucas: Mm, maybe I could if I was more "stable" and I didn't have so many problems.

Kate: Lucas, you know, I-- see, I don't even see why you're upset about this. I really don't, because they're wonderful parents obviously willing to adopt the baby.

Lucas: Yeah, but it's allie's baby. I mean, what's it gonna do? What do you think? How complicated is this gonna be for allie, let alone that baby?

Kate: Okay, see, the way I'm looking at it, if--if will and sonny adopt the baby, it still stays in the family. I mean, it's not like allie would be giving away her child to a stranger.

Lucas: [Sighs]

Rafe: You're right. She's not.

[Mysterious music]

Justin: Mm!

Bonnie: Ah--uh...

Justin: It's a miracle. You're back; you're here.

Bonnie: Y--yes, but I'm not who you think I am.

Justin: It doesn't matter that you can't remember who you are. Jack and will, they couldn't remember who they were either at first.

Bonnie: Just--just wait.

Justin: I will help you.

Bonnie: Stop, stop.

Justin: Dr. Rolf--

Bonnie: Stop! I don't-- I don't understand what you're talking about, okay? You're making a mistake. I'm not adrienne. I'M... [Sighs] I'm--I'm--I'm bonnie.

Steve: Can I ask what happened? Or is it none of my business?

Kayla: Justin stopped the wedding.

Steve: Why?

Kayla: Because he found out that you'd been lying, that you still love me and you wanted me back.

Steve: He told you that?

Kayla: Yeah. Why didn't you?

Rafe: I'm sorry; I didn't mean to butt in, but I couldn't help but overhear.

Kate: Well, actually, you are butting in because this is a family matter and has nothing to do with you, rafe.

Rafe: Yeah, uh, actually, it does.

Lucas: What are you talking about?

Rafe: Allie asked me to adopt her baby.

[Dramatic music]

Marlena: So you're pregnant and your mother doesn't know. Is this why you didn't want me to convince sami to come to your wedding?

Nicole: I wanted her to come to the wedding for eric's sake, but not if she's gonna throw allie under the bus.

Marlena: Well, I guess it's a good thing that i never reached sami, huh?

Allie: Grandma, are you mad at me?

Marlena: I... no. I'm just trying to understa-- I'm struggling to understand this. You're having a baby and you're not telling your mother?

Allie: Which you obviously think is wrong. Everybody thinks I'm wrong about everything.

Eric: Allie... you just told grandmother all in the space of three minutes that you're having a baby and you're giving it up for adoption and you're not telling your mother. That is a lot to process. You know who it reminds us of?

Allie: Mom. I'm sorry.

Marlena: Eric's right. It's a lot to process.

John: Yeah, honey. I think what might help this along here is if you could try to explain to your grandma why you don't want your mom to know about the baby.

Allie: Because if she knows, she'll only make things worse.

Justin: Bonnie?

Bonnie: Hi. Um, it's good to see you again.

Justin: Whoa, whoa, but-- but your--your hair. Your clothes.

Bonnie: Yeah, I know.

Justin: You look like--

Bonnie: I look like adrienne even more than before. It... it was my publicist's idea to make me look more conservative.

Justin: Your publicist?

Bonnie: Yeah. Turns out literature is very commercial these days. And although I tried to stay very true to my personal style, I was at this book signing once, and I had this leopard print u-collar top on that I absolutely loved, and, uh, well, my cleavage had a bigger following than me. So it kind of distracted people from my writing.

Justin: Maybe because your cleavage is deeper than your writing. And didn't that book come out a long time ago?

Bonnie: Well, yeah.

[Scoffs] But it just came out in paperback. "Love made me looney" is on the best seller list. Can you believe that? From ex-con to best-selling author.

Justin: Why-- why are you here?

Bonnie: Why else? To pay my respects.

Kayla: Well, I'm waiting. Why didn't you tell me how you felt?

Steve: I told you I was gonna fight for you.

Kayla: Well, and you didn'T. Why not?

Steve: Because I could see how happy you were with justin and I didn't wanna ruin--

Kayla: Well, then why didn't you say something?

Steve: I honestly thought that you were better off with him than with me.

Kayla: Oh--oh, and that's your call, and I have nothing...

Steve: Kayla--

Kayla: To say about it.

Steve: You know how many times I've messed up your life? You deserve someone you can count on, not me.

Kayla: Oh, yeah, so you were just thinking for the both of us, is that it--again?

Steve: Listen, you know what? The minute I woke up, the minute I got my memory back, the very first thing you said to me was that you were with justin. And that's what you wanted. So I wanted that for you. But when the reality set in, when you were getting married, I realized I couldn't stand by and watch that happen.

Kayla: So you just took off. Where were you going?

Steve: I was taking a case-- a black patch case for the isa. I was gonna go deep under cover--

Kayla: Oh!

Steve: Disappear.

Kayla: Oh, oh, oh, oh. Just leave me to live happily ever after. Is that it?

Steve: That was the idea.

Kayla: [Huffs] But you got off the flight.

Steve: I did. I got on. I turned around and got off. I couldn't walk away. I couldn't leave you. I love you too much.

Oh, oh, oh, ozempicŪ!

Lucas: Maybe you want to adopt allie's baby, but I'm sure allie is gonna have something to say about that.

Rafe: No, no, no, no. You--you misunderstood. It was completely allie's idea and it caught me completely by surprise.

Lucas: How'd you know she was pregnant? She didn't even tell anybody.

Rafe: Have you seen her? Okay? Not to mention the fact that I ran into her right here after the two of you had gotten into a fight, and she told me that she was pregnant.

Lucas: Oh, there it is. Same old story. As soon as allie hears something she doesn't like from sami and I, what does she do? She runs to her doting stepfather...

Kate: Lucas. Lucas, that's not fair.

Rafe: Well, or true, for that matter, okay? We talked. She told me that she was pregnant, and I told her that I had lost custody of david. And, you know, I--I just said to her, if there was anything that I could do, not to hesitate. Next time I saw her, she asked me if I wanted to adopt her baby. It caught me completely by surprise, but it was totally her idea. And... well, I guess she thinks I'd be a good father and give the child a good home.

Lucas: Well, news flash: Will and sonny are thinking the same thing.

Sonny: Work?

Will: Oh, no. I was just checking to see if we got a text from allie. But no luck.

Sonny: I mean, she needs some time to think things through.

Will: You know, I think I'm gonna go over there, talk to her one-on-one.

Sonny: You think that's a good idea? I just don't want her to feel like we're pressuring her.

Will: Oh, yeah, no, I won't make her feel that way. I just... you know, I wanna know what she's thinking.

Sonny: Okay. Well, good luck.

Will: Okay. I think I might need it.

Both: Okay.

[Heartwarming music]

Marlena: Allie, to assume that your mother would "make things worse," I--I--I don't think that's fair. In fact, I--I think she might even be able to help.

Allie: She's not going to help; she's gonna take over.

John: Let me say something, okay?

Allie: Sure. This is a panel discussion, isn't it?

Eric: Allie, this is your family. We're trying to understand what you're thinking. You know what? I'm not helping here. So I'm gonna just take my things upstairs and unpack. So I'll leave you to talk.

Marlena: Wha--wha--what? You're taking things upstairs? What does that mean?

Eric: Well, it's the night before the wedding. Tradition.

Marlena: [Laughs] Ah! Look at you.

Allie: This being such a traditional family.

Nicole: You know what, honey? I think I'll join you. It was really great seeing both of you.

Marlena: Thank you.

Allie: [Sighs] I'm really getting on his nerves, even when I'm trying not to. Um, john, what were you going to say?

John: Uh, well, honey, I was just gonna point out that seems to be a lot of people know about this baby. And you know our family. Secrets don't stay secrets very long, so... I'm just wondering if you knew what your mother would think if she found out about this baby from someone other than you.

Allie: I know. I know. But if she found out, she would just take over and insist on raising the child herself. Growing up, my life was like a circus and she was the ringmaster. I don't want that for my baby. I want... sanity. Calm. Peace.

Marlena: I understand.

Allie: So now do you understand why she can't know about this?

Justin: "Respect"? Where the hell do you get off? You kidnapped my wife! You dumped her in a prison and stole her life. You put her through living hell and now you wanna pay your respects? God almighty. I can't believe that my wife is dead and you are on a freaking book tour!

Bonnie: Justin, I know what I did to her, which is exactly why I'm here. When I heard about adrienne's accident, I felt--

Justin: She died taking someone to the hospital to have a baby! She died helping someone else while you, you haven't helped anyone in your whole miserable life.

Bonnie: I'm sorry. I am sorry! I'm sorry I let angelica use me like that.

Justin: Great, blame a dead woman...

Bonnie: I'm not--

Justin: For what you did.

Bonnie: I am not. Read my book. You're gonna see how I felt--

Justin: You mean buy your book? You felt so bad that you wrote a book so you could cash in on it? Oh, my god. I can't believe I am seeing you today, of all days. You really have sick sense of humor.

Bonnie: Justin. Why "today of all days"? Seriously. What do you mean? What happened?

Justin: What happened? What happened is my life blew up in front of me. And then I bumped into you, a woman who I had hoped was burning in hell.

Steve: Wow. I guess you showed me how you feel.

Kayla: This is not funny. And what you and your arrogance did to justin was not funny.

Steve: I was just trying to--

Kayla: Try--trying to play god again. That's what you were doing. You decided that justin was better for me, and so you lied to me, and then you--then you had this whole operation to cover it all up with my best friends and my family. Everybody knew but me.

Steve: I got nothing.

Kayla: Oh, you're damn straight, you don'T. And justin had to be kept in the dark because he wouldn't have done this to me. He wouldn't have tried to make my decisions for me. And the proof is... about what happened here, he found out. And what did you do? He told me. He wouldn't marry me unless I had all the facts. How long would it take for that light to shine on you?

Steve: Well, see? Justin's a stand-up guy.

Kayla: Yeah.

Steve: That's one of the reasons I thought you were better off with him than me.

Kayla: Yeah. And you know what? It just makes me sick about what he must be feeling right now.

Steve: I am really sorry about that. I really am. But when you found out, you didn't go through with it. You walked away.

Kayla: No. I didn'T. He did.

[Stirring music]

Steve: Well... you didn't go after him.

Kayla: Maybe I should have.

Steve: But you didn'T. You came here. You came here to stop me from leaving... because you still love me. (Avo) do you push through four or more migraine days a month?

Bonnie: You stopped the wedding? Why didn't you just keep your mouth shut? That's what I would've done.

Justin: Hmm. The fact that you wouldn't have done it confirms that it was the right thing to do.

Bonnie: You know, you could look at it this way: You ripped the band-aid off fast.

Justin: Is there any way to just make you leave me alone?

Bonnie: No, seriously. Seriously, because you know, justin, that, deep down inside, eventually steve and kayla would've ended up together.

Justin: Wow, you are such a comfort.

Bonnie: Listen, I'm just saying what everybody already knows. Look, super couples, no matter what happens, they end up together.

Justin: "Super couples"?

Bonnie: Duh. Like patch and kayla. John and marlena. Jack and jennifer. Me and lucas.

Kate: Well, it would seem that you have competition.

Rafe: Honestly, I had no idea that will and sonny wanted to adopt the baby.

Lucas: Well, now you do.

Rafe: But regardless, I told her that I wasn't sure, that--that losing david was-- you know, that it wasn't easy, and, uh... but does she know that will and sonny wanna adopt the baby?

Kate: Well, I mean, according to what you know, they--they told her themselves. So...

Rafe: Well, I should talk to her, then, clear this all up.

Lucas: Perfect.

Rafe: Okay. Great well, I'll, uh-- I'll talk to you later.

Lucas: All right, man.

Kate: What the hell are you doing?

Lucas: What the hell you think I'm doing? I'm calling sami right now.

Kate: [Sighs]

Kayla: It's like that damned song. "I'll always love you." But I'm not happy about it.

Steve: I get that.

[Stirring music]

And I know what we're up against. I got on that plane... and it wasn't even a decision. I just turned around and walked off. I just couldn't walk away. I argued jack down. Jennifer. Hope too. They were all telling me to tell you how I felt about you, but I was adamant. I wasn't gonna tell you. I was just gonna walk away. Sweetness... turns out the only person I couldn't convince was myself. Listen. I wasn't trying to play god. I was trying to not hurt you again. And we both know how lousy I am at that.

Kayla: [Chuckles tearfully] Yeah, we do.

[Sniffles] I don't wanna cry. I don't wanna cry. I'm just so mad at you.

Steve: I know.

Kayla: [Breath hitches] And I feel so bad about what I've done to justin. But I couldn't become his wife knowing that you still loved me.

Steve: I do love you.

Kayla: [Crying softly]

Steve: I love you. All the days of our lives. -That's how a home and auto bundle is made.

Kate: Are you crazy? You promised allie that you wouldn't tell her mother.

Lucas: That was before I found out that rafe was gonna adopt the baby. Now, if anyone can put a stop to that, it's sami. Can I have it?

Kate: Okay, well, maybe you don't have to put a stop to it. You know, rafe would make a wonderful dad.

Lucas: To my grandchild? I don't think so. And what's sami gonna say when she finds out that her ex-husband is raising her daughter's child? That's not gonna work either. And you know she's gonna find out; you know, right?

Kate: Okay, I know! You're right. She is going to find out. But you shouldn't be the one who tells her. Okay? Un--unless you're willing to risk losing your... your daughter forever. Because you're not only going to be breaking your promise to her. You would be betraying her, lucas. Do you remember how you felt when I ever-so-gently tried to guide your life?

Lucas: When you tried to ruin my life. Yes, I remember. I remember.

Kate: And you forgave me c--countless times. I can't even remember how many times, and certainly times when I shouldn't have been forgiven. So I'm telling you this just out of love-- that allie is one half sami, which means that she is passionate, she is fierce, and she is unforgiving. So if you're really going to do this, you have to be willing to accept the fact that you may lose her forever.

Marlena: We won't say anything to sami. You're right. It's your life. It's your baby. It''s your decision.

Allie: Thank you.

Marlena: I do wish you'd think about it a while longer. And I understand not wanting to have your mother, you know, sweep in and take over everything. But there's a lot of lere. My baby.

Marlena: You what?

Allie: Yeah, I mean, I know firsthand what a great dad he is. But then will and sonny asked me to adopt the baby.

Marlena: Oh. [Stammers] And--and you think that's a good idea?

Allie: I don't know. I feel like my brother adopting my baby might be weird. I don't want to be aunt mommy. It's less complicated with rafe.

Marlena: Well, I-- I'm not so sure about that.

[Knocking at door]

Will: Hey, rafe. What's up?

Rafe: Well, I was just, uh, here to see allie, but doesn't look like she's home.

>Will: Oh. Well, good, because, uh, I think we need to talk.

Justin: Obviously love makes you even more than just loony. You are delusional, ridiculous, and very, very pathetic.

Bonnie: I understand you're in pain, jus--

Justin: And I also understand that lucas probably hasn't forgotten that you tried to pimp out your own grandchild as his daughter. Right?

Bonnie: Y--yes, I know. We have a journey ahead of us.

[Grunts] Well...

[Sighs] But if there's one thing I learned being adrienne--

Justin: You were not adrienne. You were a dangerous, stupid woman pretending to be adrienne.

Bonnie: Yeah, whatever. I'm just saying... that I learned that you two were a super couple too. And I'm sorry it came to an end.

Justin: Could you please just leave me alone?

Bonnie: Sure.

Justin: [Sighs heavily]

Bonnie: I'm sorry. I'm sorry you thought I was her.

[Footsteps retreating]

Kayla: [Exhales]

[Stirring music]

What now?

Steve: I have an idea.

Kayla: Oh, no. Here we go again. As a caricature artist,

Eric: You wanna get married somewhere else.

Nicole: No. No, no. I just--I just thought maybe you did. You know, like in a church or something.

Eric: Well... this is probably sacrilegious, but... the pub is kind of a church to me. You know, us getting married here, it makes me feel like my grandparents will be here. I don't need a church. All I need is you.

Nicole: Oh, okay.


[Romantic music]

Bonnie: Lucas.

Lucas: Bonnie?

Bonnie: [Laughs]

Lucas: Oh, I think about you every day.

Bonnie: Oh, lucas. I thought about you too. Every minute of every day.

Lucas: No matter how many things stand in our way, we always seem to find our way back to each other, don't we?

Bonnie: It could happen.


Marlena: You think that will adopting your baby would be complicated? Darling, rafe and your mother were married.

Allie: Oh, that slipped my mind.

Marlena: Okay. I see why eric is so frustrated with you. You sweep in here, you make this big, dramatic announcement, and then don't want to discuss it with your family.

Allie: I'm sorry. I--I get, you know, defensive when I'm scared. "Defensive"? I--I mean "obnoxious."

Marlena: You know, it doesn't feel like obnoxious. It feels like your F... your family is being shut out.

Allie: I just feel like I've screwed up so badly, you know? And I really wanna do what's right for this baby.

[Sniffles] And... I just feel like I keep letting everybody down. So I act like a little bitch.

Marlena: You know what? I've been a therapist for a lot of years. And I think what you need... is a lot of support from your family. Come here.

Allie: Oh, grandma.

Marlena: Mm.

Allie: [Exhales]

Rafe: I think I know what you wanna talk to me about. And look, let me just say that I had no idea that you and sonny were interested in adopting allie's baby, okay?

Will: You know, we--we didn't know that allie had already--had talked to you about adopting the baby, so...

Rafe: Oh. Okay.

Will: Have you--have you made a decision?

Rafe: Um... no, no. I haven't, so...

Will: Well, I mean, sonny and I are okay with whatever happens.

Rafe: Okay. All right. Um, yeah. Sounds good.

Will: Okay.

[Emotional music]

Sonny: There you are. You okay?

Justin: Yeah. I just, uh, needed some air. And now I need some sleep.

Sonny: Right. You know where I am.

Justin: Thanks, son.


Kayla: I'm always scared when you have an idea. Scared and... excited.

Steve: Well, we're at the airport. A lot of planes here. Why don't we get on one, go someplace... someplace where we can be alone. What do you say?

[Uplifting music]

Kayla: I say "yes."

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