Days Transcript Wednesday 7/8/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 7/8/20


Episode #13808 ~ Justin stuns Kayla with a confession; Kayla faces a tough decision; Marlena comforts John when Steve leaves; a familiar face returns to Salem.

Provided By Suzanne

Will: Marriage is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently. So if anyone can show just cause why these two people may not be lawfully joined together, speak now or forever hold your peace.

Jennifer: Hmm.

Will: Okay, I think we're-- we're good. Um, will you, kayla, take justin to be your lawfully wedded husband?

Justin: Wait. There's something I need to say.

[Dramatic music]

Steve: It's not gonna be good for me to sit around here and watch kayla and justin be happy together.

Hope: What are you gonna do?

Steve: Well, I've been looking over the black patch caseload, and there's a case that it's an assist for the isa helping shane. It'll mean months of legwork around europe. That's right in my wheelhouse. I want that case, john.

John: Well, that would mean that you need to leave salem indefinitely.

Steve: Exactly.

John: Are you nuts?

Steve: What, throwing myself into a case? Getting as far away from here as possible? Seems pretty sane to me.

Marlena: What about your children? What about all the people here that care about you?

John: This means you're gonna have to go underground.

Steve: Yeah, where I won't have to watch kayla and justin be happy together. That's what I want, john. That's what I need.

Will: Uh, justin, um, this is my first time marrying people. Was I supposed to--

Justin: Well, well, I just-- I need to say this.

Will: Oh.

Justin: There is nothing i would love more than to hear you take me as your lawfully wedded husband, but I can't let this wedding go on without you knowing the truth and being honest.

Kayla: Honest about what?

Justin: I was on my way over here today, and I just happened to overhear hope and jennifer talking. It was about steve.

Jennifer: Oh, my goodness.

Justin: And they were discussing steve's feelings for you.

Kayla: [Stammers]

Justin: He still loves you, honey, and he wants you back.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Kayla: I don't know what jenn and hope were talking about, but steve has made it clear to me more than once that I'm better off with you.

Victor: If it means anything, he said the same thing to justin about an hour ago.

Justin: But he didn't mean a word of it. Am I right, jenn?

Jennifer: I feel so bad. I-I didn't know that-- that you overheard us. I had no idea.

Justin: But I did. I did overhear, and after you left, I talked to hope, and she confirmed it. Steve never stopped loving you. He never stopped wanting to be your husband.

Kayla: Well, then why didn't he tell me that?

Justin: You know how guilty he felt about abandoning you and getting caught by stefano and treating you so badly.

Kayla: He also said that that guilt was something that he could never get past. Justin--justin, this is our wedding day. Why are you talking about him?

Justin: Because he did get past it. He got past it, and when he did, he realized that he couldn't live without you. That day that I proposed, you mentioned that afterwards he came to the hospital to talk to you, but before he could do that, he saw me make a complete fool of myself in the middle of the nurses' station.

Kayla: No, you did not. You were so sweet.

Justin: He saw it happen, honey, and that's why he backed off, and he thought you were as happy as I was that we were engaged.

Kayla: And I was! I--I was! Oh, my god. I mean, is it true? Have you known the entire time that steve wanted me back?

John: Just disappearing isn't gonna make you forget kayla.

Steve: It's a start, and when it comes to my kids, I will figure out a way to explain it to them.

Marlena: Aren't you going to tell them the truth?

Steve: Well, I already told them that I think that their mother's made the right decision marrying justin. By now it's probably a done deal.

Hope: Unless justin's conscience got the better of him and he decided to tell kayla that you're still in love with her.

John: Why the hell would he do something like that?

Hope: I told steve at the award ceremony that justin knew the truth.

Marlena: What?

Hope: Yeah. He overheard jennifer and me talking in the square about steve still being in love with kay and wanting her back.

John: Well, how do you know justin overheard you?

Hope: Because after jenn left, justin confronted me. I had no choice but to confirm what he heard.

John: [Scoffs] Well, that kinda changes things.

Marlena: Justin is a decent man. I can't imagine him knowing the information and then keeping that from kayla. Never run dry of...

John: So if you knew and jenn knew--

Hope: Because jack told jenn.

John: Wait, wait, wait. You mean jack knew, too?

Steve: I swore jack to secrecy.

Hope: And jack swore jennifer to secrecy.

John: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait--wait a minute. Four of you knew, and nobody told kayla?

Marlena: Well, clearly it's all up to justin now.

Jennifer: Kayla, I have known for a while that steve never wanted to lose you, and I just found out this morning that hope knew.

Kayla: Why couldn't one of you tell me?

Justin: Because steve didn't want them to. Hope said it was really hard keeping it from you.

Jennifer: Kayla, it was.

Justin: But they agreed that it was up to steve to talk to you, and he didn'T.

Kayla: Of course he didn'T. It's just like him. Confide in all my friends, but not in me.

Jack: He was just trying to do right by you.

Kayla: Are you in on this, too?

Steve: No, justin's not gonna tell kayla how I feel about her. I mean, he is a decent guy, but he's not an idiot. She's a treasure, and he knows that. He's not gonna jeopardize spending the rest of his life with her, and that's the way I want it, okay?

Jack: Steve confided in me. He told me how he feels about you, and then he asked me to keep it to myself. I told jennifer because we don't keep secrets from each other.

Kayla: Oh, just from me.

Jack: He's my brother.

Victor: Good god. I can't believe we're rehashing this here. You love kayla. She loves you. Who cares what steve johnson feels? Let's just get on with it!

Sonny: Uncle vic, dad brought it up because it's important.

Kayla: Justin, this is supposed to be the happiest day of our life. Victor's right. Why are you talking about him now? Why'd you bring it up?

Justin: Because I just found out myself, and it threw me for a loop, and I didn't know what to do. Telling you immediately, not telling you at all, waiting till after we got married, and then tell you, and then before I knew it sonny was knocking on my door and telling me that it's ready for the ceremony and--and then i saw you walking in here barefooted and so beautiful, smiling at me, and I just knew that I couldn't get married unless you knew the truth.

Kayla: [Scoffs] What am I supposed to do?

Justin: Just think back to the day that steve went to the hospital and he saw me get down on my knee and propose to you. What if he had had the chance to tell you what was in his heart before I proposed? Would we still be standing here right now?

Kayla: You do know what you are asking me to process here, right in the middle of our wedding?

Justin: It's not fair. I know.

Kayla: I'm not blaming yoU. You were misled as much as i was, but at least you had the courage to tell me that steve... that he wants me back. Oh, my god. And you guys all knew about it? Everybody knew about it but me?

Justin: Don't blame them.

Kayla: [Exhales sharply]

Justin: It's how steve wanted it.

Steve: I'm done talking about justin and kayla, all right? By now they're already married. We were talking about me taking an assignment for the isa. So what about it, john?

John: Why do you need my permission? You're--you're a grown man. If you wanna run away, go for it.

Steve: Actually, I'm flying away. Got a ticket to D.C.

Marlena: When does your flight leave?

Steve: Soon. John, I love you like a brother, but I can't stay here and watch my wife be married to another man.

John: You know, I just doubled our caseload because I brought you back into the business.

Steve: Why are you being so stubborn?

John: Maybe because I know this mission--if you get on that flight, I won't ever see you again.

Marlena: Honey, you're not gonna change his mind. He needs our support right now.

John: You okay with this?

Hope: No. I'm not o-- I'll miss him terribly. But like you said, we can't-- I mean, he doesn't need our permission.

Steve: Okay, it's settled. I got a flight to catch.

Marlena: Oh, honey...

Steve: All right.

Marlena: Oh.

Steve: Hey.

Marlena: Mm.

Steve: Would you keep an eye on your old man? He's a little lost without me.

Marlena: I know. I'll do it.

John: You come back.

Steve: I'll try. Okay.

Hope: Come on. I'll go with you back to my place. Bye, marlena, john.

Steve: I love you guys.

John: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

[Door closes]

Justin: Do you know how much I wish I had taken a different route today and not gone through the square and overheard jenn and hope's conversation? We'd be married now. We'd be celebrating with everyone, but getting all existential doesn't change the fact that I did hear what I heard. And even before I heard it, it's been on my mind that maybe you've been avoiding your feelings for steve because you didn't want to hurt me. I want you to have whatever makes you the happiest. So if steve's feelings don't matter to you anymore, then we'll get married, and we'll spend the rest of our life together.

Kayla: I don't know what to say.

Justin: You don't have to say a word. I can see it in your eyes. I'm bad.

Justin: The reason I didn't come straight to you after i talked to hope was because I went to the cemetery, and I wanted to tell adrienne that if things had been different, if she had survived that accident, that I would still be married to her, and you would still be our dear friend, and the thing that I've learned about falling in love with a dear friend is that that friendship doesn't die. Steve wants you back, and as a man who is madly in love with you, I wish that wasn't the case, but as a man who--who's your friend and always will be, I'm happy for you.


[Both crying]

[Dramatic music]

Thank you all for coming. There isn't going to be a wedding today.

Kayla: Justin. Justin. You mean so much to me. I never wanted to hurt you like this.

Justin: I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.

Kayla: [Sniffles]

>&gtJustin: We are good.

Steve: Thanks so much for letting me crash here all this time, hope.

Hope: Friends stick together, except now it looks like you're--you're ditching me.

Steve: Aww, come on. You'll survive.

Hope: Don't leave yet. Just stay one more night. At least find out what happened at the wedding.

Steve: I already know what happened. They got married.

Hope: No, you don'T. You don't know what happened, steve. Justin could have told her that you're still in love with her.

Steve: It wouldn't matter.

Hope: How do you know?

Steve: Because I know kayla. She's sure of herself, and she's sure of justin.

Hope: Steve, just stay one more night. That's all I ask.

Steve: I can't do it, hope. I don't want to cut myself off from my kids and all my friends, but I--I just can't see any other way to handle it. I gotta get going.

[Dramatic music]

Kayla: [Sighs]

Sonny: Hey, I'm gonna go find my dad.

Will: Okay, yeah. Let me know if there's anything I can do.

Jennifer: Kayla.

Kayla: You know, I will never hear the song he wrote. The wedding present he had for me, I'll never hear it. Did you see how hurt he was? I mean, how could steve do that?

Jennifer: I wanted to tell you as soon as I found out--

Jake: She did, she did. It was all on me. Steve asked me to keep this to myself and I held jennifer to it. I--I tried to convince steve to tell you himself, but you know how stubborn he is.

Kayla: Oh, yeah. That I know.

Jack: He thinks that--that justin deserves you more than he does because justin is such a good man.

Kayla: Well, he certainly proved it today, didn't he? Did you see him walk out of here? I mean, if steve had just been honest with me--

Jennifer: Yes, you're right, and--and steve never should have put you in this position, and in front of all of us, and he should have told you how he felt, kayla.

Kayla: But he didn'T.

Jack: But he did sacrifice his own happiness for what--what he thought you really wanted.

Kayla: Really?

Jennifer: Kayla, I know that you love justin, but you-- you belong with steve. You...

Kayla: Do I? I mean, I'll always love him, but do I?

Jennifer: Yeah. I think you do, and--and I think the only way you'll know that is if you go to him right now and-- and you talk to him.

Kayla: Yeah. That's what I'm gonna do.

Jennifer: [Chuckles]

Kayla: Wait, wait. I--I don't have any shoes.

Jennifer: Here. Here's one. One.

Kayla: Thank you.

Jennifer: Go, go!

Oh, oh, oh, ozempicŪ!

John: Yeah, thanks for making all the arrangements. I know it was short notice. Mm-hmm.

[Cell phone beeps] Well, at least shane's happy.

Marlena: I know how much you love having steve with you. I'm so sorry.

John: It's not about me, doc. This just isn't good for steve, going off again.

Marlena: I know.

John: What's the deal? I mean, justin knows the truth. Why can't steve just stay here and see how things shake out? I mean, look at you and I. We found our way back to each other. I think kayla and steve can too. Or could, if steve stayed here.

Marlena: Not everybody gets to be as happy as we are. Maybe we just need to accept the fact that kayla is with justin.

John: Yeah. [Chuckles] You're right again.

Marlena: You know what? This is what we want for kayla, isn't it? We want her to be happy. We want her with an upstanding guy who won't let her down. Who won't make decisions for her without asking her first.

John: Yeah, I know.

[Stammers] Justin's-- he's a great guy. I just--I just wonder if he loves kayla as much as steve, and personally, I don't think that's possible.

Steve: Hope i remembered everything.

Hope: Well, not everything. Kinda left this one behind.

Steve: [Chuckles] Wow. Key to the city. Can't believe I let kate talk me into being part of that bogus event.

Hope: Yeah, well, we did it for abe mostly.

Steve: That's right. Well, guess this is it. Bet you're gonna be happy getting your den back, huh?

Hope: You weren't that much trouble.

Steve: Now that's why I call you sweet thing.

Hope: I'll miss you. You be careful.

Steve: I will. I'll miss you, too. Listen, maybe it's none of my business, but don't you think it's time you got on with your life? Hmm? You're too good and smart and beautiful to be alone.

Hope: Thanks. Right now I'm just focusing on being mother of the bride.

Steve: I'm so sorry I can't be at the wedding. You'll explain things to ciara for me?

Hope: Of course.

Steve: Who knows? Maybe you'll catch the bouquet. Good-bye, my friend.

Hope: Never good-bye.

[Somber music]

Justin: [Exhales deeply]

[Clears throat]

Sonny: Dad?

Justin: Hey.

Sonny: Hey, you don't have to do this now.

Justin: It's kayla's apartment. I'd rather try to avoid another gut-wrenching encounter.

[Clears throat]

Sonny: Well, do you need any help?

Justin: Actually, I do. Grab those albums.

Sonny: Wow, this is crazy. You have all these albums on vinyl.

Justin: I'm that old.

Sonny: I mean, it's cool again, so you're an actual trend-setter.

Justin: Kayla and I had such a great time when I took her to that jazz festival, and I knew I had to figure out my next move so I dropped this off. Casually mentioned that I was gonna make her a--a jazz buff. Don't laugh.

Sonny: She asked you to stay, right?

Justin: Even though she wasn't really a jazz fan, and then we realized she didn't have a turntable.

Sonny: Well, I have a feeling that didn't matter.

Justin: It didn't, but... I got her one anyway. Man, I really loved spending those nights listening to jazz music and cooking dinner.

Sonny: You know, I was really proud of you today, dad. I don't know if that helps at all, but...

Justin: It does. Remember me telling you how lucky you are if you find a love that lasts a lifetime? I found that with your mom, and I really thought that I'd found that again. Then I lost them both.

Sonny: You lost mom, but kayla, you know, if--if you would have just kept quiet about steve, you--you two would be married right now.

Justin: Wouldn't have worked. I would have felt like I was conning her every minute of every day.

Sonny: So you did the right thing, dad. You gave kayla up. I just wish you weren't hurting so much.

Kayla: Hope.

Hope: Kayla.

Kayla: I--I--nobody answered the door, so I--I used your key that you keep stashed in the pot.

Hope: What are you doing here in your wedding dress?

Kayla: Justin stopped the wedding because he heard you and jenn talking. He heard you guys say that you know everything, that steve wants me back.

Hope: I hope you understand why I couldn't tell you.

Kayla: Yeah, because steve wouldn't let you. That's why I'm here. I have to talk to him.

Hope: He left. Steve left.

Kayla: Well, where did he go, and when is he coming back?

Hope: Kay, I'm sorry. From what he said, he isn't coming back. People used to care. Heck, they'd come

Marlena: What are you thinking?

John: [Chuckles] Bo. You know, he went off like what steve's doing, and then when steve found him and brought him home, he was dying. My partner's not a young man anymore, doc. He's got one eye, so who's gonna bring him home?

Marlena: Maybe he'll come home on his own.

John: You heard him.

Marlena: I wish there was some way to make you feel better. Hey.

John: Hmm?

Marlena: What about a game of darts?

[Both chuckling]

John: With you?

Marlena: Yeah, girls can play darts.

John: Not with lousy depth perception.

Marlena: I so beg your pardon.

John: You say it about yourself. I didn't make that up. Besides, a game with you, I'd just crush you.

Marlena: Really?

John: Yeah.

Marlena: Be nice for you to win, wouldn't it?

John: [Laughs]

[Both laughing] That was a low blow.

Marlena: Oh, I know. You said steve always beats you, though.

John: So I'd pay the bet off. I'd just buy a new round and another round and then--[Laughs] In fact, we'd sit right here at this table and, boy, we would-- we would just--

[Chuckles] Yeah. Mm. Thank you.

Kayla: What do you mean, he's not coming back?

Hope: He just left for the airport. He's taking a flight to D.C.

Kayla: Why?

Hope: He took on a case for shane.

Kayla: He swore that he would never go back to the isa.

Hope: Kayla, he said he couldn't stay here in salem and watch you and justin live happily ever after as a married couple.

Kayla: Well, do you have any idea where he's headed?

Hope: The location and duration of his assignment is top secret. You know that.

Kayla: I can't believe he did this.

Hope: It's not too late. Go. Go to the airport. Maybe you can catch him.

Kayla: Yeah, I'd better catch him, 'cause he has some explaining to do.

Hope: Go, go, go! Don't waste time. Go. I'm gonna call him!

Steve: I'm sorry I didn't get to say good-bye to you and jennifer. Listen, we won't be able to contact each other, so don't do anything stupid while I'm gone. I think, uh, kayla's gonna be happy with justin, but do keep an eye on her for me. You've been a good brother to me, jack. I'll catch you later, dude.

[Cell phone beeps]

[Cell phone ringing]

[Cell phone beeps] Sorry, sweet thing. No time.

Justin: [Sniffs]

[Dramatic music]

Sonny: Boxes are in the car. That's just what you needed to see.

Justin: Not that it's a shock. I mean, I would never dream of getting rid of your mom's pictures.


Sonny: What you did today, dad, was noble. I mean it. I mean, I don't--I don't know another guy who would have been so honest. I don't know if I would have had the guts to do that.

Justin: I think you would have.

Sonny: You know, after will and I broke up, the only thing that helped was time.

Justin: You're helping me a lot. Can you do me a favor, though? Can you just take these boxes back to the house? I just, uh--I need to be alone for a little while.

Sonny: If you're sure.

Justin: Yeah. Thanks. I'll be--I'll see you later.

Sonny: All right.

[Inhales sharply]


Hope: Steve, it's me again. Whatever you do, do not get on that plane. Call me as soon as you get this.

Jack: Hope, hope, the--the door's open out there.

Hope: Kayla left it open.

Jennifer: Wait, kayla was here? Oh, well, what did steve say? Is she with him? What?

Gate--gate six a, and you better hurry. Um, are you okay?

Steve: Yeah, just, um, salem's my hometown. Most of the people I love are here.

[Chuckles] Well, then, why are you leaving?

Steve: Sometimes you don't have a choice.

Yeah, well--well, like I said, you'd better hurry.

This is ava.

Marlena: Hey, wait a minute. Maybe I could be your drinking buddy.

John: [Laughs] Well, now, that would be a short night. You get buzzed on a glass of pinot grigio.

[Both laughing]

Marlena: I do. I guess I'm a--I'm a drinking lightweight.

[Both laughing]

John: No, I wouldn't put it that way. I would just say that you don't need to drink to be-- be funny and charming and altogether adorable. I mean it, doc. And that bit about being a lightweight, well, you know what? That's just one of the things I love about you. In fact, I love everything about you, honey.

Marlena: Well, that is so handy, 'cause I love everything about you.

Jack: Steve is back working with the isa? He didn't say anything about that.

Jennifer: Kayla is looking for him and he's going undercover?

Hope: I have called him multiple times and it keeps going to voicemail. Let's just pray that kayla gets there in time.

Jack: Oh, wait a minute. I'm gonna--I'm gonna call the airport and see if I can get them to hold the fl-- wait a minute. I got a message from steve.

[Phone beeps]

Steve: Hey, I'm at the airport. I decided on the spur of the moment to leave town and I'm not sure when I'll be back. Sorry I didn't get to say good-bye to you and jennifer. We won't be able to contact each other, so don't do anything stupid while I'm gone. I think kayla's gonna be happy with justin, but do keep an eye on her for me. You've been a good brother to me, jack. Catch you later, dude.

Kayla: I--I need to--I need to get to gate, uh, six a--uh, the D.C. Flight.

Uh, well, I need your photo id and ticket.

Kayla: Well, I don't have that. I just need to talk to someone who's on that flight. It's an emergency. Look, I--you know what? I'll just go right to the gate.

Hey, lady, lady! No one gets past the checkpoint without a ticket. It's the law.

Kayla: Fine. I'll buy a ticket!

Sonny: Hi.

Will: Hey. Did you find your dad?

Sonny: Yeah, he was at kayla's, packing up his stuff.

Will: Man, that's pretty brutal.

Sonny: It was. I tried to get him to come back with me but he said he needed some time alone.

Will: Do you know where he went?

Sonny: I have a pretty good idea.

Justin: Here we are again. Just you and me. Things didn't work out the way I planned. Remember me telling you that steve was just pretending to be over kayla? I decided I couldn't keep it from her. I guess I should have known when steve came back that it would end this way. If that guy was anywhere on this planet, kayla would be drawn to him. And if anyone can understand that, it's me, because if i found that there was a chance that you were alive, living in timbuktu, I wouldn't stop until I found you. There would be no one else for me. Just you. Adrienne.

Kayla: Okay. All right, I have the ticket now. You have to let me on. Come on.

It's too late.

Kayla: What?

The flight's closed. The plane's left the gate.

Kayla: No! No, no, no! No! No, no!

[Crying] Oh, god! No!

[Kayla sighs]


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