Days Transcript Tuesday 7/7/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 7/7/20


Episode #13807 ~ Kayla thinks about her past with Steve; Justin presses Hope for answers; Steve makes an announcement to John and Marlena; Victor, Justin and Sonny have a moment before the ceremony.

Provided By Suzanne

Kate: Okay, you'll stand there. You'll give your speech about the key to the city ceremony, the importance of it, the deep meaning, and then you introduce steve and hope.

Abe: You do know that I've done things like this before?

Kate: Uh-huh. Okay, so check that, that, that. I think we are ready to go. We just need our guests of honor.

Marlena: I am so sorry to be missing justin and kayla's wedding for this ceremony.

John: Well, I'm kind of glad I have an excuse not to go.

Marlena: Really? Why's that?

John: Steve's my best friend. And I know, no matter what he says, this is killing him to stand by while kayla marries another man.

Sonny: Nothing's gonna go wrong, uncle vic, now that reverend will here is stepping in for the justice of the peace.

Will: Well, actually, I could screw up the vows.

Sonny: Now that I think about it, I could actually lose the rings.

Victor: Or I could say something wildly inappropriate at a most inopportune time. Don't worry. I'll be on my best behavior, i promise. After what justin has been through, he deserves this happiness. And kayla deserves it too after what steve johnson put her through. She's so much better off without that one-eyed wonder.

Jack: I just wanna point out that justin and kayla are getting married in a few hours, which means that, if you're the least bit inclined to fight for her, this would be your last chance.

Steve: I've thrown kayla's life into a tailspin too many times. I won't do that again.

Jack: Okay, fine. As long as that's a truth that you can live with for the rest of your life.

Steve: Trouble is, I'm not sure of that at all.

[Dramatic music]

I swear to you.

Kayla: I don't know how you do it. You reach inside my soul and my heart and pull out my dreams. And you just give them to me.

Steve: That's the way I want it to be, always.

Hope: I see steve every single day, and I know this is killing him. It's just been so hard not to say anything to k, but he swore me to secrecy.

Jennifer: Right? The sounds just like jack. But I hate the thought of kayla and justin getting married when she has no idea how much steve wants her back. I just--I need to go. I need to bring this gift to kayla.

Hope: Oh, right. Right.

Jennifer: Have fun getting your key to the city. Yes, it's gonna be wonderful.

Hope: I'm not gonna have fun.

Jennifer: Yes, you are.

Hope: I love you, coz. Oh. Tell kayla I love her.

Jennifer: I will.

Justin: Hope. Hey.

Hope: Justin, hi. Hi. Hey. I thought you'd be home, getting ready for the wedding.

Justin: Look, I, uh--I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I just happened to hear you and jenn talking about steve.

Hope: Oh, yeah? What did you hear?

Justin: Steve wants kayla back?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Will: Well, I should go look up the wedding vows.

Victor: Oh, don't sweat it. Between the two of 'em, the bride and groom have got at least six marriages. I'm sure they got the whole thing down cold by now. The important thing is, do it fast so we can all start drinking.

Will: [Snorts]

Sonny: He's such a romantic.

Will: I've noticed. Um, hey, have you heard from allie?

Sonny: Not yet, but it is kind of soon, you know. She has a lot to think about.

Victor: That allie you're talking about, would that be your sister?

Will: Um, yes, you might have heard, but she is back in salem, and she's pregnant.

Victor: Oh, wonderful. Who's the father?

Sonny: Allie's not saying, but she is going to give her baby up for adoption.

Victor: Probably a good idea.

Sonny: Well, actually, will and I want to adopt her baby.

Victor: What?

Will: Yeah, I mean, you know we want another child.

Sonny: Yeah, she already told rafe that he could have the baby, but we still don't know what she's gonna do.

Victor: Well, I know what you should do. Bow out now before you make a terrible mistake.

Abe: You know, I cannot believe that I agreed to go along with this pr stunt of yours.

Kate: It's not a stunt, and even if it was, it wouldn't even matter because publicity is publicity. It's all good.

Abe: I hope so, since you had to strong-arm hope and steve into accepting this award.

Kate: But once you understand the true power of good pr to the mayor's office, you're gonna be thanking me. The thing I'm aggravated about is that "the spectator" is sending an intern to cover it.

Abe: Well, maybe that's because you scheduled it as the same time as steve and kayla's wedding. Oh. I mean, justin and kayla.

Kate: Is that a freudian slip?

Abe: No. I'm just in the habit of saying "steve and kayla."

Kate: [Laughs] Aren't we all?

[Solemn music]

[Phone ringing]

Kayla: Oh. Oh. Hello? Yes. Yes, of course I accept. Joey! Joey, baby. How are you? Be honest. Yeah. I wish you could be here too. No, no. No, I'm not crying. Come on. Um, listen, uh, have you talked to your dad? Uh-huh. Was it a good talk? Yeah. Joey, listen. I just want you to know that your dad and I will always be connected because of you and stephanie. And, um, I really want this marriage, and your dad understands that. And he--he wants me to be happy. means the world to me that you say that and that you're happy for me and for us.

[Sniffles] Okay, baby.

Justin: I'm really confused. I just ran into steve, and he went out of his way to wish me and kayla the best. Was it a lie?

Hope: I wouldn't say it was a lie, maybe more of a performance.

Justin: You're splitting hairs here.

Hope: I don't--I don't think it's a surprise to anyone that steve is still in love with K. But, justin, he isn't gonna--he isn't planning on acting on it.

Justin: But I just heard jennifer say that steve wants her back. So why doesn't he just tell her?

Hope: He was going to.

Justin: What stopped him?

Hope: You proposed; kayla accepted. He missed his chance.

Justin: Kayla found a letter from him in the office right after I asked her to marry me.

Hope: He didn't wanna ruin your happiness.

Justin: So steve is still in love with kayla, and he wants her back. And kayla has no idea about any of that.

Hope: Yeah, that's right.

Justin: And if she did know about it, it could change everything. Presenting downtherecare with cottonelle.

Victor: You and will are out of sami's grasp right now. You adopt that child, and she'll suck you right back in. She'll make your life a living hell.

Sonny: We want another child, uncle vic. Doesn't that matter to you?

Victor: There are children all over the world who need a new home. Find one that's not related to sami.

Sonny: After what you and xander did to sarah and brady, you lost your moral authority to weigh on the subject of babies.

Will: Okay. Look. Can we not do this today? Please? Your dad is marrying one of my favorite aunts, and I'm doing the ceremony, so I need to relax. And plus, if allie gives her baby to rafe, it's all moot anyway.

Victor: Here's hoping.

Sonny: Don't let him get to you.

Will: I'm not. [Sighs] It's all up to allie, and we just have to wait and see how everything plays out.

Kate: Hey.

Marlena: Hello.

John: Okay, so where are steve and hope?

Kate: Who knows? You know, maybe vivian has them. She's back in town, right, this time as a--what, a homicidal wedding crasher?

John: She's in jail.

Kate: Yeah, well, let's hope she stays there, okay? Anyway, may I see your speeches?

Marlena: Well, I've got my notes.

John: Yeah, mine's in my head.

Kate: Really? You're going to wing it?

John: Oh, come on. You don't trust me? No, it's okay. It's okay. I'm just gonna start it out by recapping everything that princess gina and stefano did-- well, when steve thought he was stef--that's before they got fixed, you know.

Kate: Okay, that's--that's so lovely, 'cause that's exactly the kind of pr that salem needs, right? Like, what, a long walk through our honorees' criminal pasts?

Marlena: You know he's kidding, right?

Kate: He better be.

Marlena: Okay.

John: I'm simply gonna thank hope and steve for coming to rescue us, stopping orpheus from blowing us all to smithereens. Is that better?

Kate: Oh, my god, I'll tell you one thing; if the two of them don't show up soon, they're going to need heroics of their own. Otherwise, I will hunt them down, and I will strangle the life out of them.

Marlena: Mm.

Steve: Come on, jack, what kind of a jerk would I be if i waited till the wedding day to open my mouth? And what good would it do? She loves the guy. She said "yes" when he proposed.

Jack: Right. You're right about everything...

[Sighs] Except that other time that kayla thought that she couldn't have you, and she persuaded herself that just caring for me would be enough. That didn't work out so well.

Steve: Yeah. But unlike you, back then, justin isn't a creep.

Jack: Still, in my humble opinion, you're not being fair to justin or kayla.

Steve: Fair? Come on. When I was out of the country, justin remarried our sister. Not long after that, she died. And from what I hear, she put him back together.

Jack: That's true. That's true.

Steve: I can just hear adrienne now: "If you hadn't been out of the country, gallivanting around, playing secret agent man, you wouldn't have fallen into stefano's clutches. And then you and kayla could have taken care of justin together, you moron."

Jack: [Laughs]

Steve: Yeah. "So stop your whining."

Jack: That's her. That's right. That's right. But you're here, and she's not. It seems to me--I'm sorry-- you're putting other people's happiness in front of your own.

Steve: It's about damn time, isn't it?

Jack: Please...don'T.

Steve: All I know is, I love kayla too much to mess this up for her.

[Melancholy music]

[Knock at door]

Kayla: [Sniffles] Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Jennifer: Hey, I am so sorry I took so long. I--

Kayla: No, it's fine.

Jennifer: Are you okay? You've been crying. What's wrong?

Kayla: No, no, I'm fine. I'm just, you know--I just, uh-- I was just talking to joey, and I just miss him so much, you know.

Jennifer: Is he okay?

Kayla: Well, as okay as he can be from prison, you know. But he was very sweet and supportive and happy for me and justin. But I could hear in his voice that he really wishes that his father and I were remarrying.

Jennifer: Yeah. Yeah, I mean...

[Stammers] He doesn't know you and justin together. He doesn't know the two of you as a couple.

Kayla: And I think he's just really missing being with his family, you know.

Jennifer: But I know him. He wants you to be happy.

Kayla: And I am happy, jenn. I am marrying a wonderful man.

Justin: So what stopped you from telling kayla what you know?

Hope: Jenn and I both decided that the only person who could tell kayla how steve feels is steve. And he's chosen not to.

Justin: Hmm. So he told you and jennifer and who else?

Hope: Justin, listen to me. You and I have been friends for a really long time--32 years to be exact. And if I thought for a second that kayla didn't really, truly love you, I'd tell you. I would. I'd say it. You should have heard kayla this morning, telling jennifer and me how happy you make her, about falling in love with you, the jazz festival, that--oh, right-- that you make a really mean lasagna. Justin, please don't let what you heard jennifer say--don't let it ruin your day. Kayla loves you.

Justin: I won'T.

Hope: Okay. I really wish I could be there today.

[Sighs] I have a key to accept.

Justin: Ah! I heard.

Hope: I hope your day is perfect.

[Dramatic music]

Justin: [Exhales deeply]

I wanted more from my copd medicine,

Will: Okay, I really do need to go and learn the vows.

Sonny: All right.

Will: So...

Sonny: See you later, rev.

Will: Okay. Peace be with you.

Sonny: Yeah.

Will: Yeah, really.

Victor: [Laughs weakly]

Sonny: I really thought dad would be here by now.

Victor: Where is he?

Sonny: He said he was gonna put some flowers on mom's grave, but he seemed, like--I don't know--a little nervous and sad.

Victor: He's on cloud nine. I haven't seen him this happy in ages.

Justin: Hey. Sorry, I'm late.

Sonny: Okay, dad, what's wrong?

Kate: Where's steve?

Hope: I have no idea.

John: It wouldn't surprise me if he ditched this and crashed the wedding.

Kate: Okay, bite your tongue. Steve!

Steve: Yeah?

Kate: That's what you're wearing?

Steve: Yeah. I mean, what, did you rent me a tux or something?

Abe: Look, it's okay. You're here. That's all that matters.

Kate: Okay, look. The intern--the intern from "the spectator" is gonna be here soon, so let me go over the agenda with you before he gets here.

Hope: I just need a moment with steve. I'm sorry. Just one second, abe. I, um--hey, I have to tell you something.

Steve: What?

Hope: Jennifer and I were talking earlier. Justin overheard us. He heard jennifer say that you want k back.

Steve: What? He's not gonna say anything to kayla, is he?

Hope: No, no, no. I don't think so. I told him that was your call, but...steve, for god's sake, justin knows, I know, jennifer, jack. Don't you think it's time you tell the one person who really needs to know?

Steve: [Sighs]

Jennifer: Okay. I hope you like it. It's the only hairdo I know how to do.

Kayla: I'm sure I do.

Jennifer: But you look so beautiful.

Kayla: Thank you. Well...I guess I'm ready.

[Sighs] Yeah.

Jennifer: Um, I know that justin is going to give you something new at the ceremony...

Kayla: Uh, yeah, actually, he, um--he wrote a song for me. He's so cute. You know, he was up in the middle of the night, working on it, when he thought that I was asleep.

Jennifer: He's such a sweet man. This is from me.

Kayla: Oh, jenn, it's beautiful.

Jennifer: It's blue topaz, so it's something old, borrowed, and blue. And, um, adrienne gave this to me after abigail was born.

Kayla: Oh, honey.

Jennifer: And I just--I know how much you're missing her today, and we all are.

Kayla: Yeah.

Jennifer: But the blue stones, they represent love and friendship and honesty and loyalty and clarity of feelings.

Kayla: [Exhales sharply]

Jennifer: Here, let me help you put it on.

[Both laugh]

Kayla: I love that. Thank you.

Jennifer: And you know, kayla, I just want you to know that I wish all of those things for you. I really do, especially the last one, because I know that you're struggling with your feelings about steve. So, you know, if you're having any second thoughts, I'm--

Jack: Jennifer, kayla, your escort awaits. Am I interrupting something?

Kayla: No. Your wife was just asking me if I'm having second thoughts about getting married today. And the answer to that question is "yes." I am. These are real people, not actors,

Steve: Hope, there are so many reasons not to say anything to kayla.

Kate: The intern from "the spectator" is here. This moment needs to end now. Please--over by the podium. Thank you.

Steve: [Clears throat]


Abe: Thank you. Thank you. It is my great pleasure to honor two people who have a long history of bravery and service to this community--over three decades.

Kayla: You know, I was standing at that altar, and i could feel your love surrounding me, supporting me, and I knew i had nothing more to fear, not then, not ever again. And then suddenly, this feeling just came over me...and I knew if I tried to talk, I'd be able to. I took your strength and your courage, and I spoke.

Steve: Well, you remember when I told you that everything I have, everything I am is yours. I meant that. The strength that I gave you today, I got from you.

Abe: It is my honor to present the first key to the city to steven earl johnson.

John: Yeah!

[Applause] Okay, partner.

Kate: Steve! Steve.

[Applause continues]

Steve: [Clears throat] Thank you.

Justin: I went to the cemetery. I had a florist make the same wedding bouquet that adrienne carried at our greek wedding, and I placed it near her headstone.

Victor: Well, no wonder you're shaken.

Justin: I stood there, and i thought about what marriage means to me now as a widower and what it meant back then. Adrienne and I hadn't known each other for very long, and we had no idea what was ahead of us, no idea that our future would include four sons, four weddings, infertility, cancer... so much drama and so much happiness.

Victor: You know, at this point, life generally gets a lot simpler. Instead of a nafplion cathedral full of this room with your nearest and dearest. It's less grand, but you have a better idea of what lies ahead. No more sons, one wedding, fewer tears, and, hopefully, much more happiness. Now this calls for a drink. Break out the ouzo.

Justin: [Clears throat]

[Melancholy music]

Sonny: [Clears throat]

Victor: I'll paraphrase sophocles: "Indeed marry. If you get a good wife, you'll have a good life. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher."

[Chuckles] You're a lucky man. At the end of your life, you would have had two wonderful wives. You deserve this happiness. Yamas.

Justin: Yamas.

Sonny: Yamas.

Hope: I don't wanna sound ungrateful, but what are we supposed to do with these things?

Abe: [Chuckles]

Steve: Mm. Maybe it will help us get out of jail someday.

Hope: [Forced laugh]

Abe: Well, what it will do is get you punch and sandwiches at the reception.

Kate: Oh, sorry. Uh, there--there's no reception. There was nothing in the budget for that, and, of course, if you had read my whole spreadsheet, you would have known that.

Abe: It was 36-pages long.

Kate: Abe...

Marlena: Say, I heard the reception was canceled. So why don't we head over to the brady pub and celebrate? Hmm?

Hope: Yeah, I would love to join you. I think it sounds like a great idea, yeah. Do you have any other plans?

Steve: Who, me?

Hope: Yeah.

Steve: Nope. I'm free as a bird.

Kayla: I wonder if there was ever a bride who didn't think, "what am I doing," on my wedding day. But, you know, this feels different. And I know what blessings a marriage can bring, but I also know that you can feel so alone in a marriage, more than you did when you were even single. I know what I want and what i don't want. My life with steve was unpredictable, a roller coaster. And I think with justin it will be different. He is reliable, and he's loving. And I think at this stage of my life, that's what I really need.

Jack: Good.

Kayla: Yeah. I'm gonna get my purse, and I'm ready to go.

Jack: Sounds like she's giving herself a sales pitch.

Jennifer: Yeah, because she believes that steve doesn't love her anymore, jack, and there is nothing that we can do about that now. Unless you--

Kayla: Okay. Okay. Ready to get this show on the road. When our daughter and her kids moved in with us...

Abe: Congratulations on a job well done. Everything went very smoothly, except I'm starving.

Kate: Then you better grab a sandwich 'cause we have work to do.

Abe: What kind of work?

Kate: Oh, my god, the aftermath of an event is always more important than the event itself. I posted a livestream on social media.

Abe: And how many hits do you think that's going to get?

Kate: [Laughs] Oh, my god. As of now, we have over 100,000 hits and counting.

John: So steve and I have blended in with the crowd. As we're heading into the temple for the ceremony, I spot this woman that we're tailing. And she's got this huge purse, looks like it's made out of a small alligator. So I say, "hey, partner, check out the size of that purse." And he says, "I hate to tell you, dude. I just bumped into it and damn near tore my arm off."


Marlena: Stop.

John: Yeah. True--true story. Right, partner? Remember that?

Steve: What?

John: Come on, partner. You okay, man?

Steve: Yeah, I'm fine.

Hope: Steve, come on. You're among friends. Be honest. While we sit here, sharing war stories over chowder, kayla is marrying your brother-in-law.

Steve: Well, I have to admit, it is kind of hard to think about what might have been.

Hope: Finally, something.

Steve: But, you know, the truth is, kayla and I spent more years apart than we did together. That's on me.

Marlena: Steve, you're not fooling anybody.

Hope: Hey, come on. Stop being a martyr. Well, just like my experience--

Steve: Come on, please. Enough, all right?

John: Their wedding's about to start. So if you're not gonna listen to us, why don't you try listening to your heart?

Kayla: Thank you.

Jennifer: Your hands are shaking. Are you okay?

Kayla: [Sighs]

Will: Oh. Damn it.

[Upbeat string music playing]

[Upbeat string music playing]

Sonny: I think something's wrong.

Victor: Quiet.

Jennifer: Uh, I'll be right back.

Jack: All right.

Kayla: Okay. Ooh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

Jennifer: What happened?

Kayla: My shoe broke.

Jennifer: Oh, no!

Kayla: I can't limp down the--

Jennifer: No, no. It's okay. It's all right. We'll think of something. It's okay.

Jack: What's going on?

Jennifer: Wardrobe malfunction. You have to stall.

Jack: Wait. How? What?

Jennifer: You'll think of something, jack.

Jack: I'll think--

Jennifer: Yes. Let me see it. Let me see. Okay.

Jack: Right, right, right. Uh--uh, henderson--henderson, could you just stop--stop the music? Thank--thank you. Uh, excuse me. I am--I'm sorry I was just so into the happiness of this occasion, I seemed to have forgotten that I'm supposed to recite one of kayla and justin's favorite poems. So, uh--uh, here goes.

[Clears throat] "Maud muller on a summer's day, raked the meadow sweet with hay."

Steve: Come on, guys. This is not "the graduate." I'm not gonna go crash the wedding and declare my love. Besides, the bride is the mother of my children. If she doesn't already know how I feel about her, then--

Marlena: Has it occurred to you maybe she doesn't know? Look, ever since you realized who she is in your life, you've been busy trying to convince her that you don't want her to be part of your future. So she's with justin now, and maybe she's taken you at your word.

Hope: That's exactly what i told him earlier.

Marlena: Is it possible you're--you're afraid of being rejected by her?

Steve: I'm not afraid.

John: All right, that's what I'm talking about. Now let's do something about it.

Kayla: Uh. What do you think? Does the dress length look okay with no heels on?

Jennifer: You look so beautiful, really.

Kayla: Oh, gosh.

Jennifer: Get your flowers.

Kayla: [Exhales deeply]

Jack: "God, pity them both and pity us all who vainly the dreams of youth recall."

Sonny: This is dad and kayla's favorite poem?

Victor: I know this would happen. He's finally lost his mind.

Jack: "For of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest of these: 'It...might have been.'"

Jennifer: But I hate the thought of kayla and justin getting married when she has no idea how much steve wants her back.

Jack: Henderson, hit it! Hit it!

[Upbeat string music continues]

John: You're just not the kind of person that sits around and waits for things to happen, steve. You always make it happen.

Hope: He's right.

Marlena: You've gotta make your own decision here. And whatever that decision is, you've gotta live with that the rest of your life. Are you prepared to do that?

Steve: I don't know if I am. It's not gonna be good for me to sit around and watch kayla and justin live happily ever after, and I realize I've gotta do something about it. I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.

Kate: [Laughs] Great.

Abe: What now?

Kate: We have over 237,000 likes.

Abe: What?

[Stutters] How can that happen?

Kate: Well, the kardashians, they received a key to the city of beverly hills several years ago, and--I admit--they do follow me.

Abe: Why?

Kate: Abe, the point is, i tag them, they repost it, and voilą--you're famous.

Abe: Because of the kardashians?

Kate: No, because you gave a lovely speech, emphasizing the importance of family and community, and that resonated universally.

Abe: But you wrote that speech.

Kate: But you delivered it with heart, may I say? So, anyway, are you willing now to admit that the ceremony was a good idea and that you made the right decision to hire me?

Abe: Okay. Yeah.

Kayla: You're welcome.

Abe: Just don't do anything to make me change my mind.

Will: "We are gathered here today to witness the wedding of kayla caroline brady and justin alexander kiriakis."

Hope: Are you finally gonna tell k how you feel about her?

John: You better get out of here now, partner, if you're gonna stop that wedding.

Steve: Hey, I'm not stopping any wedding. Like I said, it's not gonna be good for me to sit around here and watch kayla and justin be happy together.

Hope: What are you gonna do?

Steve: Well, I've been looking over the black patch caseload, and there's a case. And it's an assist for the isa, helping shane. It'll need months of legwork around europe. That's right in my wheelhouse. I want that case, john.

John: Well, that would mean that you need to leave salem indefinitely.

John: Exactly.

Will: "Marriage is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly but reverently. So if anyone can show just cause why these two people may not be lawfully joined together, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Kayla: Hmm.

Will: Okay, I think we're good. Um, "will you, kayla, take justin to be your lawfully wedded husband--"

Justin: Wait. There's something I need to say.

[Tense music]

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