Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 7/6/20
Episode #13806 ~ Sonny bolsters Justin on his father's wedding day; Kayla hears about a crisis as she's getting ready for the ceremony; Xander confides in Jack; Victor defends Xander.
Provided By Suzanne
Jennifer: Not so great.Jack: Me, neither. It never occurred to me that gabi would be found innocent.
Jennifer: Yes, and judging by abigail's reaction when we told her, it hadn't occurred to her, either. I just wish we would have waited a little bit longer, jack.
Jack: Chad was right. If she had read about this in the spectator or heard about it from a family member, she'd be more upset than she is now.
Jennifer: But what if--what if this slows her recovery process, knowing all of this?
Jack: She's strong. She'll get through this. What's important--I still think that honesty is the best policy.
Jennifer: Except when it comes to steve and kayla, right?
Sonny: Will and I should have taken you for a drink last night. Hope buying you breakfast makes up for it.
Justin: You two seemed a little upset when I showed up.
Sonny: Eh, we didn't wanna get into it. Wanted you to get a good night's sleep for your wedding.
Justin: Heard you guys talking about allie.
Sonny: Yeah, but I--I don't wanna talk about it. The focus should be on you. Today is a very big day. You're not having pre-wedding jitters, are you?
Justin: To be absolutely honest, yeah, I am.
Hope: Up and at 'em. Johnson, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Come on, up and at 'em. Let's go.
Steve: Oh.
Hope: Wake up, wake up. It's late.
Steve: Ooh.
[Groans] I didn't know the room came with a wake-up call.
Hope: Yeah, well, here at casa de brady, we try to anticipate your every move and there is also always complimentary coffee. Do biscuit, no crumpet, but there is nice, fresh coffee.
Steve: Thanks for that.
Hope: So, today is the day.
Steve: [Exhales] My very own key to the city. I hardly slept a wink.
Hope: Yeah, well, you didn't sleep a wink because kayla's getting married today. That's why you didn't sleep.
Steve: [Exhales]
Kayla: Coming, coming. Hi.
Will: Hey. Uh, I'm sorry to bother you. Um, I know you're probably getting ready.
Kayla: No, no. It's so early, I've got plenty of time, but come in.
Will: Okay, thanks.
Kayla: What are you doing up so early?
Will: Um, well, the good news is that the house is all set up and ready for the wedding.
Kayla: I'm guessing there's some bad news.
Will: Yeah, the bad news is you, uh, just might have to call it off.
Male announce
Sonny: Are you having second thoughts about marrying kayla?
Justin: No, no, nothing like that.
Sonny: Dad, if you're feeling guilty about marrying another woman that isn't mom, I truly believe this is what mom would want, and you know I'm happy for you. One of my idiot brothers say something?
Justin: No, no, they all--no, they--they wished us the best and actually they said they were sorry they couldn'tid be here.
Sonny: Okay, then what is it?
Justin: Steve.
Sonny: Still?
Justin: Look, you can't deny that he's back in town or that he was brainwashed when he signed those divorce papers.
Sonny: Has he been bothering you or kayla?
Justin: No, no, he's told us both that he knows it's, you know--it's over for him and kayla.
Sonny: Okay, look--and--and this sucks for uncle steve, and I'm sorry, but that's life.
Justin: But it kinda takes the edge off of complete bliss. I just keep waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Sonny: Dad, kayla loves you now.
Justin: But I understand the kind of love she and steve had. The same kind I had with your mom. The difference is, your mom is gone. Steve is here.
Sonny: Kayla's not the flighty type. She had a choice to make, and she made it. The battle's over.
Justin: But it doesn't feel like I won. Feels like steve took himself out of the running. You know, what if he changes his mind?
Steve: So, kayla's marrying justin today. Totally slipped my mind.
Hope: Here, give me the blanket. Yeah, right, it slipped your mind. Okay, so, you're fine with this? Doesn't bother you in the least that you have to watch her marry another man?
Steve: Actually, I won't be watching, even if she did invite me.
Hope: She did? What?
Steve: Yeah, it was a last- minute thing. She ran into me and, you know, she felt like she had to.
Hope: Oh, come on.
Steve: But when she's tying the knot, I'll be all caught up with the pomp and ceremony of receiving my key to this fair city so obviously I can't be at kayla's wedding.
Steve, honest to god, this key thing is ridiculous. Just blow it off. I'll handle everything with kate.
Steve: Thanks, but no. Better for everyone if I'm not at that wedding.
Hope: Because? You'd wanna stop it from happening, that's why.
Will: Maggie is sick.
Kayla: What's wrong with her?
Will: Uh, she has a chest cold and she has to stay in bed all day.
Kayla: And that's why you think that we should cancel the wedding?
Will: Well, no, that's not it. Also the--justice of the peace canceled and we can't find anybody to replace him.
Kayla: You're kidding. Well, can't they send somebody else in his place?
Will: I tried. I mean, I--I called a bunch of parishes. I called st. Luke's, every judge that victor bribed, but--but I came up with nothing.
Kayla: [Scoffs] I can't believe this.
Will: I can't either. I'm sorry. Everything is ready to go, but there's nobody to marry you and justin.
Victor: Listen, I know you're furious with me for firing you and replacing you with brady, but just between us, there's a good chance that brady may be stepping down.
Xander: Really?
Victor: You did a wonderful job as ceo. As a matter of fact, you're my candidate to replace him, so don't go away mad.
Sarah: Just go away.
Jennifer: No, I--I'm serious, jack. Are--you're telling me it doesn't matter to you at all that kayla is going to marry justin without knowing all the facts?
Jack: Steve had plenty of time to tell kayla how he felt. He didn't take it.
Jennifer: Right, but you're saying that she has no say in the matter. I'm about to help her get ready for a wedding, and I feel like a terrible friend, jack.
Jack: It's not your place, jennifer, okay? Steve was--was very clear about his wishes. He was very clear about his wishes.
Jennifer: Okay, yes, i get it. I will do it his way, but i don't like it.
Jack: Okay.
Jennifer: I mean, do you like it? I know that you're saying we shouldn't interfere, but do you really like the idea that kayla is going to marry justin when she does not know how much steve loves her?
Jack: It makes me think of that scene in "casablanca" where ilsa tells rick to make the decision for the two of them, and steve has just made the decision all on his own.
Jennifer: Yes, so you're saying you see how unfair this is.
Jack: I do, but if anyone is going to tell kayla the truth, it has to be him. It has to be. Please.
Jennifer: Fine. Well, I need to go 'cause I need to pick up kayla's dress, but I'm just telling you, it is going to be really hard for me to keep my mouth shut.
Jack: I have complete faith in you.
Jennifer: Wish me luck.
Jack: Luck.
Steve: Hope, you have been to plenty of salem weddings. When they ask if anybody objects, you're supposed to keep your mouth shut.
Hope: Even if you're in love with the bride?
Steve: I can't be at that wedding. It'll just make everybody uncomfortable, especially the groom, and besides, kayla didn't really wanna invite me. She was on the spot. She regretted it the minute it came out of her mouth.
Hope: You're not a mind reader.
Steve: I'm not doing it, hope.
Hope: [Scoffs]
Steve: I'm not doing it. I decided to keep quiet and i expect my friends to respect that decision.
Hope: Wait a second. Other people know about this?
Steve: [Exhales] Jack got it out of me when i was drunk. Jack told jennifer. Jennifer's dying to tell kayla, but I really hope she doesn't because I do believe that kayla has a good future with justin. I don't wanna ruin her happiness.
Hope: And what about your happiness? What about that?
Steve: I get free coffee every morning at casa de brady.
Hope: Oh, steve.
Steve: Yeah, and--and this afternoon I'll be getting my very own key to the city. What more could a dude ask for, huh?
Hope: You're impossible, is what you are.
Steve: Ooh, ooh. Just a couple of hours till our moment of glory. I'm gonna go shine up my fancy patch.
Sonny: If uncle steve was gonna make move on kayla, he's not the kinda guy that would do it on her wedding day, and even if he did, who's to say that kayla would want him?
Justin: She keeps reassuring me that it's me she loves. She seems to mean it.
Sonny: Of course she means it.
Justin: And steve's made it clear that what they had is over.
Sonny: So, as mom would say, stop borrowing trouble.
Justin: I don't wanna do that, but I just can't stop feeling uneasy.
Kayla: Um--um, what about-- what about abe? He's--he's married a lot of people.
Will: Uh, he's actually busy with the--the key to the city ceremony.
Kayla: Oh, right. Well, then there's marlena. I mean, she's ordained.
Will: Yeah, uh, but she and john have to be there, too.
Kayla: Of course. They're the ones who were saved.
Will: Yeah, and they're giving speeches.
Kayla: Um, well, you know, it looks like we're running out of options. I mean, the ceremony's in a couple of hours. Wha--what are we gonna do?
Xander: If the job opens up, I'm definitely interested, but I'm not moving out because I'm mad about being fired. I'm moving out because that's what sarah wants.
Victor: Since when do you get to tell people they can't live in my house?
Xander: Leave her alone. Her mother's here so that's where she needs to be, which means I have to go.
Victor: I understand you're angry about what xander and I did.
Sarah: [Scoffs] That's right.
Victor: Well, it seems to me that he's rather contrite. I know I certainly am. Can't you give him a break?
Sarah: I tried. I really did, but he just saw it as another opportunity to run my life.
Victor: What does that mean? It means he offered to give me another person's baby to replace mickey.
Victor: And that made you angry? Seems to me like a very nice gesture.
Sarah: That's because you're just as clueless as he is.
Victor: What's the matter with her?
Xander: Sarah made her feelings very clear, and i finally got the message. I won't bother you anymore.
Victor: Where can i reach you?
Xander: Salem inn. Please, uh, give justin my every best wish for a happy future, even though the bastard didn't invite me to the wedding.
Victor: Seems you and I need to have a little talk.
Sonny: You gonna have that piece of bacon?
Justin: You want it?
Sonny: Yeah, I love bacon.
Justin: It's yours. Besides, I don't wanna have heartburn at the wedding.
Sonny: Dad, I wish I could snap my fingers and make you chill and happy about today.
Justin: [Groans] You know, it always seemed to me like your mom was the one who always got worried and anxious and I had to be steady and strong to calm her down, and now I realize she was just doing a number, pretending all that, so I had to be strong and steady for her sake.
Sonny: You know, we're both lost without mom, but I'm gonna say what I think she would say. You are the best man on the face of this earth.
Justin: Sonny--
Sonny: I mean it, okay? You are not just loving and wise. You're a hell of a good time, and there is no way that kayla would ever not want to be with you, steve or no steve.
Justin: That's very kind of you to say.
Sonny: Any time I'm in a bad situation, I think, "what would dad do?" Because you're my role model. I look up to you. Except for that boring lawyer job you have.
Justin: [Laughs] Thank you for the pep talk, and you are the best son anyone could wish for.
Sonny: Well, I mean, you're just saying that 'cause I'm your only son showing up for your wedding, so...
Justin: And you know, to be perfectly honest, I'm not sure your brothers are sold on me marrying kayla.
Sonny: That's because they haven't seen how happy she makes you, and I have. So come on. Let's go get you in your wedding duds.
Justin: Okay. Here we go. Thanks again.
Sonny: Oh, yeah. Have you seen the way the house is fixed up? It's gonna be a good wedding.
[Tense music]
Will: I see. No, no, I--I understand, julie. Um, oh, yeah, sure. We'll--we'll find somebody else. Just, uh, thank you and--and i hope you and doug feel better soon. Okay, all right. I love you. Bye.
[Phone beeps] Julie has the same cold that maggie has, so she's not gonna be able to help us.
Kayla: I can't believe this.
[Erratic knocking] Uh, just a second! What?
Jennifer: Hi!
Hope: You ready to get hitched?
Kayla: Well, I'm ready, but we have a hitch in the proceedings.
Jennifer: Will, hi!
Will: Hey.
Jennifer: What are you doing here?
Well, I--I came to tell kayla that, one, maggie's sick, and two, the justice of the peace cancelled.
Hope: You're kidding. What--maggie's gonna be okay, isn't she?
Will: Yeah, she's gonna be fine. Sarah's looking after her, but the immediate problem is we don't have anybody to perform the ceremony.
> Hope: Well, there's gotta be someone.
Will: I mean, I tried. I've called abe, marlena, julie, but none of them can do it.
Jennifer: Don't you think we should just postpone it?
Hope: She's right. I mean, you're right.
Jennifer: Yeah.
Hope: She is right. There's no reason, I mean, you have to get married today.
Kayla: I know, I--yeah, i ca--I do, actually, because everything's all set. The caterers, the flowers. I mean, besides, there are so many weddings coming up. I mean, we--we'd have to wait for everybody to reschedule. You know what? Unless there's no other option.
Will: Wait, there is another option. I just had an inspiration.
Victor: You know, I know better than anyone that my nephew is an insensitive oaf, and that's on good days, but he does love you, and his heart seems to be in the right place for once.
Sarah: [Exhales sharply] I don't think xander really knows what it means to love someone.
Victor: I have known him his entire life. He was born with a chip on his shoulder and he's always been selfish and arrogant. And, let's face it--a criminal.
Sarah: Your defense of him is very touching.
Victor: Well, I'm not done yet. Since he met you, he's changed. He's a different person. I don't know what you did, what kind of a spell you put on him. He started caring about people other than himself, and I don't mean just you. Maggie, little rachel. You know, he thinks of that child as his own. You know that, don't you?
Sarah: Yes.
Victor: And who else could have gotten past that prison guard to get to maggie in time to save her life?
Sarah: No one.
Victor: Since he's met you, he's become half of a good person.
Sarah: [Chuckles] It's not my job to make him a better person.
Victor: I'm not saying that it is. My point is, he's a work in progress, but he's still going to be a bull in a china shop-- sometimes say and do the wrong things--and who knows if that'll ever change? But it won't be because he doesn't care about you or your feelings. In his own messed up way, his love for you is real.
Jack: Xander.
Xander: Oh, jack.
Jack: So, what happened? I--I see you didn't run the two-page apology to sarah in the paper.
Xander: Yeah, well, I thought about what you said about trying to give sarah something she wanted and needed. Actually came up with an idea.
Jack: Oh, I'd love to hear it.
Xander: I had the headstone for mickey's grave made. I knew she'd want that and i didn't want her to have to go through picking it out.
Jack: Well, xander, you have shown unsuspected depth.
Xander: The least I could do.
Jack: Well, how'd it work out?
Xander: Sarah was grateful. Things did get a little bit better between us. She even agreed to move back into my uncle's house.
Jack: Oh, so she--she's moving in and looks like you're moving out.
Xander: I messed things up again. I think I've blown my chances with sarah for good.
Will: Okay, and done. I'm officially ordained.
Kayla: From the church of what's happening now? Yeah, who cares? I can marry you and justin.
Hope: Legally?
Will: Yes. Oh, would you mind? Can you get someone to cover for me at the paper?
Jennifer: Uh, yeah, yeah, of course. I--I just can't even believe you did that so fast.
Will: I know, right? I already got the certificate so I'm good to go.
Kayla: That is crazy. Thank you for being such a genius, and a brilliant idea!
Will: Oh, I--thank you for liking the idea.
Kayla: Are you kidding me? I love it.
Will: Well, uh, I guess I--i should go and bone up on what i have to say, so I'll see you later.
Kayla: Thank you so much.
Hope: Uh, bye, will.
Kayla: Thank you. Well, hopefully that will be the last fire we put out today.
Jennifer: Right, well, I have your dress and I made the dry cleaner let me take a look at it before he even put it in the bag, and it's--it's perfect.
Hope: Oh, and here. I, um, brought this so we can have a little celebration of our own before I have to go and-- gosh, I am so sorry that I can't be there today.
Kayla: I understand. Listen, I think that kate would probably resort to violence if you backed out on her now.
Hope: Yeah, well, if you think I'm cranky, you should see steve.
Kayla: I did. I was with him when kate convinced him he had to go.
Hope: Was that when you invited him to the wedding?
Jennifer: You did?
Hope: She did.
Jennifer: What?
Kayla: Well, it was just--it was just an impulse, but you know what? We are both adults and there's no reason we can't be friends. But, you know, it's probably better he's not going because it could be awkward for justin, you know?
Steve: How you guys doing?
Sonny: We're good. Yeah, I just took dad out for breakfast, you know, being the big day and all.
Steve: Hmm. Yeah, big day. So, uh, can I talk to you for a minute? In private?
Sonny: We--we actually have to get going.
Justin: No, no, no. It's okay. I have time. I'm good.
Sonny: Okay. Like, I can get the boutonnieres and then you'll meet me at the flower stand when you're done?
Justin: Perfect. Thanks again for breakfast.
Sonny: Okay. It's good seeing you, uncle steve.
Steve: You, too, buddy.
[Clears throat]
Justin: So.
Steve: Before you and kayla get married, there's something i want you to know.
Sarah: So what, am I supposed to settle for xander's messed up version of love?
Victor: Seems to me you knew what xander was like when you fell in love with him before. Now all the sudden you're appalled that he's insensitive and emotionally deficient. Seems to me you're trying to find excuses to push him away.
Sarah: You know what, victor? You can just stay out of my life.
Jack: Please, tell me. Tell me what happened this time. Go ahead. I'm all ears.
Xander: Well, I'd rather not go into the details, but let's just say I stepped in it up to my knees.
Jack: Well, you may be surprised to hear that I've done that a few times myself. It could turn around with sarah.
Xander: I'm not so sure. I love her and I don't wanna give up on her, but maybe it's for the best--for her sake, I mean. I have this knack of hurting her even when I mean to do the opposite.
Jack: I hear you.
Xander: You do? Maybe I was a fool to think that someone like me could ever be with somebody like her.
Jack: You'd be quoting from one of my old journals. You know, if jennifer horton could still be putting up with me after all these years, there may be a chance that things could--could really turn around for you and sarah horton.
Xander: I appreciate you saying that, jack. I really do, but maybe it's time I move on. Well, see you around, mate.
Jack: Right.
[Exhales] Poor old xander. Sonny, hey!
Sonny: Hey.
Jack: How's the groom?
Sonny: I don't know. I just left him with my uncle steve. He said he wanted to talk to him in private.
Jack: Wait, wait, wait. Unc--uncle steve actually said that?
Sonny: Yep, so I'm just curious what he wanted.
Jack: Yeah, me, too.
Steve: I just want you to know I'm happy for you and kayla and I wish you the best.
Justin: Had to be hard for you to say that.
Steve: No, it wasn't, because I know you'll be as good to her as you were to my sister.
Justin: Well, I appreciate you saying that, steve. It sounds like you're giving us your blessing.
Steve: And I think adrienne would want me to tell you that you have her blessing, too.
Justin: Thank you, steve. Thank you. Really.
Jennifer: All right.
Kayla: Well?
Jennifer: All right, what should our first toast be?
Kayla: I think, um, second chances.
Hope: I'll drink to that.
Jennifer: That's great. Mmm. You know--
Kayla: It'll be a good day.
Jennifer: Mmm, that's so good. You know, it occurred to me the other night that I--I don't even know how you and justin fell in love. I mean, you were already a couple by the time I came out of that coma.
Kayla: Well, we started out as, you know, just friends after adrienne died. I mean, I had just filed for divorce from steve so, you know, we had a lot to talk about, and, um, I don't think things really got deeper in the relationship until he came over with some lasagna that he made himself.
Jennifer: Oh, justin's lasagna.
Kayla: Yeah.
Jennifer: It's amazing.
Kayla: Isn't it? I know, it's crazy, isn't it? But, you know, everything was still platonic at that time, um, and then one day I--I got this call from him and he sounded so upset. It turned out that he had got these tickets in the mail that he had ordered for a summer jazz concert that he had planned this, you know, special night for adrienne. So he asked if I would consider going. I mean, I don't really like jazz, but I, um--I said okay, but I'm really glad I did. It was--it was a magical night and I found myself enjoying things that I--I never considered before.
Hope: Jazz, or being with justin?
Kayla: You know, both, really. I mean, we're at a picnic, then we--we danced in the moonlight, and justin told me how I had brought him back to life after losing adrienne, and you know? He did the same for me. And then when I got the divorce paper back that steve had signed, I just felt like moving ahead with justin was the right thing to do. Felt right, you know?
Hope: Kayla... to a happy life. A happy future. Jennifer: Yes, and, um, the magic of jazz.
Kayla: And don't forget the lasagna.
Jennifer: The lasagna.
Hope: The lasagna, yes. And, mmm--on that note, i unfortunately have to leave. There is a key waiting.
Kayla: Oh, right, right. Oh, no, oh, no, no, no, no, no.
Jennifer: What, what? What's wrong?
Kayla: I totally forgot I was gonna pick up justin's wedding present at the jeweler and now it's too late.
Jennifer: No, no, it's not too late because I'm gonna walk down with hope and I'm gonna pick it up for you.
Kayla: Are you sure?
Jennifer: Yes, I'm positive. I'm gonna get it and I'm gonna bring it right back.
Kayla: Okay, baby. You are the bomb. You know that? Thank you.
Jennifer: Come on, no worries.
Kayla: Thank you. Okay. So I think it's smooth sailing from here on out, don't you think?
Hope: Yes.
Jennifer: Absolutely.
Hope: I love you.
Kayla: I love you.
Jennifer: I love both of you. I love both of you!
Kayla: Group hug, group hug.
Hope: I'll have lunch with you tomorrow, okay?
Kayla: Thank you.
Hope: When you, um, will be a newlywed. Okay.
Kayla: Yeah, newlywed.
Hope: Yeah. Bye.
Kayla: Bye. Smooth sailing from here on out.
Sarah: Look, I came downstairs to tell you that mom's cold got worse so she has to stay in bed. I don't want it to turn into bronchitis.
Victor: So she has to miss the wedding?
Sarah: Yes. I'm gonna go to the hospital now and move some appointments around so I can stay here and take care of her.
Victor: Thank you.
Sarah: You're welcome. Now, can we please stop talking about xander? Because I honestly don't know why you're working so hard to defend him.
Victor: Xander's changed because of you. I've changed because of your mother. Like xander, I've made a lot of mistakes along the way. Maggie's always forgiven me. When I tell her how important that is to me, she always says she'd rather be with an imperfect man that she loves than miserable and alone. Think about that.
Xander: [Exhales]
[Dramatic music]
[Phone beeps]
[Cell phone trilling] Yes, hello. I'd like to inquire about your services.
Justin: Hey, sonny.
Sonny: Hey, what--what did uncle steve want?
Justin: He was great. He actually wished me and kayla a happy future.
Sonny: See? So he's not gonna cause trouble between you two.
Justin: Uh-uh. I mean, he seemed really sincere about wanting the best for us.
Sonny: Well, that's great news. So are you gonna relax and enjoy your wedding day now?
Justin: I do feel like a certain weight has been lifted.
Sonny: Great, well, then, let's get you to the mansion and get you married.
Justin: Can I meet you at the house later?
Sonny: If you have an errand to run, I will take care of it for you.
Justin: No, no, I just, um-- I want to put some flowers next to your mom's headstone. I need to just tell her that, uh, I'll always love her.
[Grunts] See you soon.
Sonny: Okay.
[Harmonica playing]
Jack: All right. It is true. You've widened your repertoire from "camp town ladies."
Steve: Well, it's official. You know nothing about the blues, jack.
Jack: That is true. I do know this. Sonny told me you just requested a private chat with justin.
Steve: Yeah.
Jack: It's okay. You don't have to tell me what you said.
Steve: It's all right. I wished him well. I told him I'm happy for him and kayla.
Jack: In other words, you lied through your teeth.
Jennifer: Okay, let me text kayla really quick, let her know I have justin's gift, and then we can--
Hope: I'm sorry but can we talk first?
Jennifer: Yeah, about what?
Hope: I'm feeling guilty about kayla's situation.
Jennifer: About missing the wedding? She totally understands--
Hope: No, no, no, no, no, no. Not that, not that. Jen, steve isn't being honest about his feelings. He still loves kayla. I know jack told you.
Jennifer: Yes, I didn't know you knew. I'm so glad that you know because now I can talk to you about it because I feel as guilty as you do, but jack said it is not our place to say anything, and I don't know. I--I guess I understand. I don't know, but then we were just with kayla and she was telling us how much she loves justin so I don't wanna mess that up.
Hope: Do you think she'd be getting married today if she had all the facts?
Jennifer: I honestly don't know, but I do think it's a mistake if we don't tell her the truth.
Mr. Kiriakis?
Xander: Call me xander. You come highly recommended.
Well, invite me in and I'll live up to my recommendation.
[Dramatic music]
Sonny: Will, why aren't you at work?
Will: Oh, uh, well, I was just telling victor that the justice of the peace can't do the wedding, so I got ordained online.
Sonny: You're kidding me.
Will: No. I'm gonna marry your dad and kayla.
Sonny: You're--wait, you're really ordained?
Will: Yeah, you can call me reverend will, if you want. Or pastor.
Sonny: Uh, I think not.
Victor: And maggie's sick and she can't come to the wedding. Hope nothing else goes wrong. I know how important this day is to justin.
Steve: I wasn't lying, jack. I do want the best for them. Still, if you had your druthers, you'd be the one marrying kayla today.
Steve: Don't start.
Jack: I won'T. Still, gotta say, justin and kayla are getting married in a few hours, which means that if you're the least bit inclined to fight for her, this would be your last chance.
Kayla: [Snarls]
Hope: I see steve every single day and I know this is killing him. It's just been so hard not to say anything to kay, but he swore me to secrecy.
Jennifer: Right, that sounds just like jack, but I hate the thought of kayla and justin getting married when she has no idea how much steve wants her back.
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