Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 7/3/20
Episode #13805 ~ Eric gives Will and Sonny disappointing news; Jake is rattled by his encounter with Vivian; Eli and Lani have a romantic wedding night; Gabi attempts to enlist Vivian's help.
Provided By Suzanne
Eli: So we are officially husband and wife.Lani: Uh-huh, and baby makes three. Now, I am not saying that i didn't enjoy the reception--
Eli: But?
Lani: I'm so glad to finally be alone with you.
Eli: Me, too.
Lani: Uh, although I was hoping to be alone with you in the--the house, not here in the hallway. Yeah?
Eli: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, no, I--I was just thinking.
Lani: Okay. About what?
Eli: Okay, should I open the door and then pick you up and carry you over the threshold, or should I pick you up and then open the door? But listen, here's the thing. I--if I open the door and you just walk right in because you don't know what I'm about to do then the moment's gone forever.
Lani: I knew what I was getting myself into. I knew you were a stickler for logistics. You're sitting here thinking about this like it's a drug bust.
Eli: And now the element of surprise is gone.
Lani: [Laughs] Okay, how about this? I'll open the door and then you will take it from there.
Eli: On my count?
Lani: Mm-hmm.
Eli: One. Two. Three.
Lani: [Laughing] Take that, starsky and-- oh, my god. Who did this?
Eli: I think I have a pretty good idea.
Lani: [Chuckling]
Hope: Julie, I'm not too late to help, am I?
Julie: Perfect timing. I just finished.
Hope: Oh, what? I--I told you to wait for me.
Julie: You know i never listen.
Hope: No, you don'T.
Julie: Hello, sweetheart.
Hope: Hi. Oh. How's daddy?
Julie: Much better. It's just a chest cold, sweetie.
Hope: With a little side of crankiness, perhaps?
Julie: Crankiness, uh, heartbrokenness. You know, he didn't get to make the toast. Didn't get to sing at eli and lani's first dance, and you know how stoic he is about missing family gatherings so, hmm, such a cheerful patient.
Hope: Aww, poor daddy.
Julie: I saved him a big piece of wedding cake and it will cheer him up.
Hope: Yes. I'm almost afraid to ask. How did the wedding go?
Julie: Well, in this case, your fears are well-founded.
Hope: Uh-oh.
Julie: Uh-oh. Uh-oh, indeed. You will never guess who walked through that door to surprise us.
[Phone ringing]
Jake: So my mother just tried to kill a police detective?
Gabi: It wasn't her first offense.
Jake: What else has she done?
Rafe: How much time you got?
Gabi: The last time she fled town because she shot kate roberts and buried her alive.
Jake: Holy--
Rafe: Yeah, I'm guessing the da's gonna be out for blood on that one. Sorry.
Jake: No, it's okay. Considering I never met the woman, it's not really a huge blow.
Gabi: Yeah, but you did love her very much. You were shielding her when lani shot you in the neck. Wait, so maybe if you see her, that will spark up a memory. Yeah, we can't count on dr. Rolf and his serum, so maybe this is the next best thing. Rafe, could--could--could stefan possibly see vivian?
Rafe: It's worth a shot.
Allie: Rafe, could we talk?
Gabi: Allie? Is that you? Oh, my god, you're so big! Are you pregnant?
Allie: Looks like it.
Gabi: Oh, does will know?
Allie: Pretty much everyone knows.
Rafe: Hmm.
Allie: Rafe, do you have a minute? It's important and it's private.
Rafe: Right. Uh, well, looks like it's gonna be a long night, so I was just gonna grab some food. You wanna come with me?
Allie: Sounds perfect.
Rafe: Okay.
Gabi: Okay, but yeah, could stefan please see vivian, though? Is that okay?
Rafe: I don't see why not. Uh, she's handcuffed to a chair. There's a guard on duty, so good luck.
Gabi: Thanks.
Jake: All right, look, gabi, I--I don't really feel right about this.
Gabi: No, no, you have to try this because if you see vivian, maybe it will jog your memory and you'll remember who you really are. You're gonna remember how much you love me. And--and how much I love you and want you.
Jake: Well, your brother did say she's handcuffed, right? You coming?
Gabi: Oh, well, vivian and I, we're not really friends, so i was thinking you would do this alone.
Jake: Okay, fine.
Gabi: Hey. Uh, just remember, she loves you very, very much.
[Tense music]
Vivian: S--stefan! You're alive. My son. Please tell me you remember me.
Eric: Um, I'm sorry, guys, but you already missed allie, but I can leave a message for her.
Will: Oh, uh, thanks, but you know what? I think we need to talk to her face to face.
Eric: It sounds important.
Sonny: It is. Yeah, we--we wanted to, uh, ask her--
Will: Uh, if we could adopt her baby.
Eric: Wow.
Will: Yeah. I know, it was kind of a big decision.
Eric: I didn't see that coming. To be honest, I don't think allie did, either.
Will: Well, I mean, why--why would she? It didn't really even occur to us until after she left.
Eric: That's not what I meant. I think actually allie's already decided to give her baby to somebody else.
[Dramatic music]
Rafe: Hey. Order should be up in a minute. I got you something.
Allie: Thanks. I'm actually kind of starving.
Rafe: Yeah, figured. So anyway, what's this, uh, important private thing that you wanna talk to me about?
Allie: Okay, well, first i just wanted to say how great it was to talk to you the other day. You were so supportive and sweet, just like you were when i was growing up.
Rafe: Well, of course. You know I'm here for you, right? Anything.
Allie: Yeah, I know.
Rafe: Okay.
Allie: Even though you're not my real dad, you've always been such a great dad--the best--and I know you would have been just as great to david. It was really unfair for the judge to take him away from you.
Rafe: Yeah. Yeah, it was, but uh, I'm gonna be okay.
Allie: I know you will, and actually, I think I have something to help. Something to make you even more okay.
Oh, yeah? What's that?
Allie: Do you want to adopt my baby?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Rafe: You want me to adopt your baby?
Allie: When you were telling me about david, it made me remember you when I was little.
Rafe: Yeah.
Allie: How fun you were, but also how safe I felt.
Rafe: Right.
Allie: Rafe, I can't think of anyone who'd be a better dad. So what do you think?
Rafe: Hmm.
Will: Who? I--I mean, allie just decided yesterday that she wanted to give up her baby, and--and now she already has parents picked out?
Sonny: Well, will, she didn't know that we were interested.
Will: Yeah, yeah, you're right. Well, I mean, we should call her. Good thing we didn't wait till tomorrow.
Eric: Wait, will. Um, you know, you can--you can call her. It's just--I just want you to know I think she's already made up her mind.
Will: [Stammering] What? I--I mean, if she's working with an adoption agency, I mean, my god, sonny and I are a way better option. Well, I mean, one, I'm her brother. Like, we're family, and we're not strangers.
Eric: Well, yeah, it's--but it's not a stranger.
Sonny: Oh, it's--it's not A... wait, d--do you know who it is?
Eric: Yeah, it's rafe.
[Soft music]
Rafe: Wow. I, uh--I really wasn't expecting that.
Allie: I know, and I'm sorry to blindside you, but like i said, you kind of gave me the idea.
Rafe: I did?
Allie: When--when you were talking to me about david, the way you talked about him as a person, not "my son" but... just david.
Rafe: Mm-hmm.
Allie: You weren't trying to make him into something. You just wanted him to be him.
Rafe: Right.
Allie: And it just reminded me of how you were when i was little. The way you always listened, like what I had to say mattered. My parents loved me, wanted the best for me. I know that, but they never really listened. I guess there was always too much drama for that.
Rafe: Yeah.
[Chuckles] Yeah, I, um--you know, I r--I-- I really don't know what to say.
Allie: I mean, you still want kids, right?
Rafe: Well, um, yeah.
Allie: Well, you're in luck because it just so happens I've got one in stock.
Jake: Look, ma'am--
Vivian: Oh, please. Please don't call me that. I'm not some random person. I'm your mother. I'm your flesh and blood. I know you've been through a lot, and it's a miracle that you're standing here, but if rolf used that serum on you, that's why you can't remember. Please let me help you.
Jake: You don't look like you're in much a position to help yourself, let alone help me, so I'm gonna save you the trouble.
Vivian: Stefan, please.
Jake: Name's jake, not stefan, and I never seen you before in my life. If I had, I'd tell you.
Vivian: Stefan, take my hand. Close your eyes. You'll feel my blood coursing through your veins.
Jake: Oh, I'm so getting the hell out of here.
Gabi: Nope, nope, no, no. You're not done here. The thing with depression, you get...stuck.
Lana: You think julie did this?
Eli: It makes sense. My grandma is all about love and romance, and that will possibly confirm it. "Dearest eli and lani, I wanted to make sure your wedding night was as special as the two of you are. Here's to finding your way back together. Love, julie."
Lani: That's so sweet.
Eli: She's very happy for us, to state the obvious.
Lani: [Laughs] Well, I am grateful for her love and support.
Eli: She thinks that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
Lani: Mm.
Eli: She's right.
Lani: You know, she was talking to me about doug the other day, and after all these years, it was still like a young girl just going on and on about her fabulous new boyfriend. They really have had an amazing life together.
Eli: Just like we will.
Lani: Mm-hmm.
[Romantic music]
Hope: What? Gabi crashed the wedding?
Julie: To gloat over her exoneration.
Hope: Oh, my gosh. What was she thinking?
Julie: What was the jury thinking? To let her walk free, what is wrong with those people?
Hope: Yeah, well, how horrible was it?
Julie: It was pretty horrible. It was nothing compared to what happened next.
Jake: Oh, I'm definitely done here.
Gabi: Oh, I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to her. You get over here. What kind of a mother are you?
Vivian: What kind?
Gabi: Yeah!
Vivian: Exemplary!
Gabi: Really? Really? So you ask your son if he remembers you once, and when he tells you he doesn't, you just leave it there? You don't do anything else to jog his memory?
Vivian: What am I supposed to do? I'm chained to a chair. Am I supposed to pull out the family album?
Gabi: You wouldn't be chained to a chair if you didn't crash lani's wedding and tried to kill her!
Vivian: Oh, now we have to play the blame game?
Jake: It's like watching a car wreck. You can't look away.
Gabi: You know, you want to know what a really good mother does? My mother, when I see her, she tells me, "gabi, do you remember when you did that, or do you remember when you did this?" So why don't you try to remind him of things that you two did when you grew up together?
Vivian: I can't!
Gabi: Okay, all right. You're right. How about you tell him about when you two met?
Jake: You had to meet me the day you gave birth to me, right?
Vivian: It--it's-- it's complicated. I wanted more from my copd medicine,
Will: Allie wants to give her baby to rafe? When did she even decide that?
Eric: Well, she ran into rafe yesterday and he told her about losing the custody battle with david, and so that's when the idea came to her.
Will: [Sighs] I mean--I mean, look, don't get me wrong. You know, rafe's a great guy, he's a wonderful father to david, but I mean, he's not family.
Sonny: I know, but will, she--she decided on rafe without knowing that we--that you wanted the baby. She didn't know that anyone in the family was interested.
Will: You're right, which is why we should tell her and, you know, talk to her about that. Do you know where she is?
Eric: Actually, she said that she was gonna go talk to rafe. She's probably with him right now.
[Somber music]
Rafe: Allie, I cannot tell you how much this means to me. I mean, really, it's--but i think that you should talk to your mom about this first. I mean, imagine how she's gonna feel.
Allie: Who cares how she feels? It's not her business.
Rafe: Okay, I get it. You two, you have issues.
Allie: That's putting it mildly.
Rafe: Right, but this is different, okay? You--your mom is gonna have some very strong feelings about her ex-husband adopting her grandchild.
Allie: Why should she care? She's got her hands full with ej and her other kids. Besides, this is my decision and she'll just have to suck it up.
Rafe: Okay, but I think that we're getting a little ahead of ourselves here because there's someone else whose feelings matter a lot.
Allie: And who's that?
Rafe: Me.
Hope: Thank you.
Julie: So after gabi left, we thought things would calm down.
Hope: Well, that's because things usually do calm down once gabi leaves.
Julie: Yes, well, not this time. We all told ourselves everything was going to be fine. We started the ceremony again, and then there was this terrible crash. I thought it was the caterers. I thought they dropped some of my plates, but before I could get back there to find out what had really happened in the kitchen, vivian alamain came walking out.
Hope: What? Vivian?
Julie: Yes.
Hope: Wha--
Julie: To avenge the murder of her son.
Hope: Oh, my god.
Julie: She's pointing a gun at lani. We're all terrified, and there didn't seem to be anything anybody could do to stop it.
Hope: Well, since you cleaned up after the wedding, I'm guessing something did stop it.
Julie: Not something. Someone. Vivian was ranting and raving about how evil lani was, how we were all complicit because lani was free to roam the streets. While that's going on, eli manages to text rafe. He got here just like that. He disarmed vivian. He carted her off to jail. He not only saved the day. Your ex-husband saved lani's life.
Vivian: I know this is hard to take in, but I am telling you the truth.
Rafe: So you didn't raise me.
Vivian: I had no choice. I was told you died in childbirth, which wasn't true, and then you were given up for adoption without my knowledge, and I--I only met you as an adult.
Jake: Did you go looking for me?
Vivian: No, because I thought you were dead, and then you showed up on my doorstep as sam maitlin, and I told you who your father was, and you went after your birthright, and you took the name I gave you--stefan octavius dimera--and then we came back to salem and we proceeded to take over dimera enterprises. Is any of this familiar to you?
Jake: Yeah. As a matter of fact, it is. Back off!
Hope: Rafe took vivian to jail?
Julie: Kicking and screaming. Well, by that time, lani and eli are pretty traumatized.
Hope: Well, yeah. I can imagine.
Julie: You know, of course marlena said, "you don't have to go through with this now. You can take some time and recover from the events."
Hope: But I bet they didn't want to, right?
Julie: No. No, bless their brave, sweet hearts. They pulled themselves together and they tied the knot.
Hope: And now they are a happily married couple, right?
Julie: Yes, and god willing-- and I'm sure god is willing-- they're finally gonna get their happily ever after.
Lani: Your grandmother covered all of the bases, right down to the craft beer for you and the sparkling cider for me.
Eli: She must have snuck out of the reception at some point to do all this.
Lani: [Laughs] Well, it was very sweet of her to do this.
Eli: To us. To the perfect ending to a very, very interesting day.
Lani: You know, for a moment there, I didn't think I would see the end of this day.
Eli: Yeah, well, I tend to shy away from armchair psychology, but that damn vivian alamain is bat-crap crazy.
Lani: You don't say?
Eli: No, I do say. Shoot, she out there where the buses don't run.
[Both laughing]
Lani: Well, god knows that i am not gonna defend that woman. You know, in fact, I will go on to say that she is evil to the core, but in spite of all that, she loved her son with a vengeance, and I think she just can't accept the fact that he's dead.
Gabi: So you--you do remember?
Jake: Oh, yeah.
Gabi: [Gasps]
Rafe: I remember. I remember reading about it in an article online when I was first looking up this stefan guy, so you may be his mother, but you're not mine.
Gabi: Okay, but the dna matches his.
Vivian: You can't ignore dna results. We have scientific proof that you're my son.
Stefan: You know, the same article also said you donated the guy's heart to that julie williams lady, which I've also confirmed by chatting with a couple of your acquaintances. Well, I do have a heart! That is scientific proof that i am not your son, and I'm getting the hell out of here because between the two of you loony nebby noses, I'm starting to question my own sanity!
Gabi: Okay, wait!
Jake: No!
Gabi: Don't, don't, wait! Can you just please...
Jake: We're done.
Gabi: Listen to us for once!
Vivian: No, you wait!
Gabi: Just let go of me! Get off! Crazy.
[Shouting] Wait, jake! Stefan!
Will: Well, I guess we were too late.
Sonny: Hey, we don't know that.
Will: Yeah, you know how bad rafe wants a kid, right? Obviously he's gonna say yes.
Sonny: And if he does, we'll be happy for him, and we'll keep looking for the kid that we're meant to have, okay? This could work out great for everyone. Let's keep the faith, okay?
Will: Okay. You know, sometimes it bugs me that this guy's right all the time.
Eric: I think he is this time, at least. There's a social worker I work with at the center who works with the foster adopt program at the, uh, salem family services. How about I introduce you two?
Will: I mean, yeah, that'd be great, but can you tell her or him that we're a same sex couple first? 'Cause I don't wanna hear that we're sub-optimal.
Eric: No worries. You know what? She places a lot of children into, uh, gay families.
Will: Okay, that's great. And, look, I mean, I'm sorry. I don't mean to sound down on rafe or anything, but I just thought that adopting allie's baby would be the perfect solution for allie and us, but you know, looks like it's too late so...
Allie: I just don't understand. You were so good to me and johnny and sydney, and you loved being david's dad. I could hear it in your voice when you talked about him.
Rafe: You're right. Yes, I did. I loved being david's dad. I also think that that's part of the problem. I'm still grieving over losing him and I'm just--I'm not sure I'm ready to go down that road yet.
Allie: So are you saying no? You won't adopt my baby? Something great from mr. Clean.
Rafe: Yeah. Yeah, what I'm trying to say is I need time. I need time to think. I mean, to really think about this, because, um, if I am gonna be the baby's father, I need to make sure that I'm gonna be the father that baby deserves.
Allie: [Sighs] That's so you.
Rafe: [Chuckles]
Allie: You're already thinking about what's best for the kid.
Rafe: Ah.
Allie: But just so you know, I'm not having this baby tomorrow.
Rafe: Right.
Allie: So you can take all the time you need to figure out if it's what you really want.
Rafe: Yeah. What about you? Is it what you really want?
Allie: To know my baby is being raised by the best person I know? Kind, sweet, funny, completely amazing? Yeah, I'm sure.
Rafe: Yeah. Well, when you put it that way.
Allie: [Laughs]
Rafe: That makes sense.
Allie: I love you.
Rafe: I love you.
[Emotional music]
Lani: You know, I was really happy to see that your mom was dating again.
Eli: Yes, that--but it's a little awkward that she's dating my mentor.
Lani: [Laughs] You know, I think my dad was taken aback by that too.
Eli: Yeah, well, with all the other crazy and weird things that have happened at our wedding...
Lani: Mm-hmm.
Eli: You can't say that we don't have enough--oh--can't say we don't have enough crazy stories to tell.
Lani: You can't, but I think that we're gonna have to wait until our kids are--are grown before we tell them about any of the wacky stuff that happened at our wedding.
Eli: Definitely.
Lani: [Laughs] Oh.
Eli: Oh.
Lani: In that case...
Eli: Where you going?
Lani: Your grandmother wasn't the only one with a surprise up her sleeve.
Eli: [Chuckles]
[Phone ringing]
Gabi: He's gone.
Vivian: Where to?
Gabi: How the hell should I know? You know, vivian, if you wouldn't have grabbed my hand, I probably would have been able to stop him.
Vivian: Look, I know my son. He just needs time to digest this. It--don't you realize how overwhelming this is for him?
Gabi: That is an understatement.
Vivian: Well, harassing him is gonna push him further away. Oh, my god, I can't believe it's my son.
Gabi: I told you. I told everybody, and the dna test proves it.
Vivian: Yes, but he's--he seems different. He's changed.
Gabi: Yeah, he thinks he's a mechanic that works in a garage.
Vivian: Well, that's why we have to help him. M--maybe--maybe there's another way.
Gabi: Yeah. Another way. You're right.
Vivian: What do we do?
Gabi: Actually, it's, "what are you gonna do?"
[Dramatic music]
Jake: Look, gabi, I don't wanna hear it. Just get the hell out.
Gwen: Gabi? It's me. I heard gabi beat those charges. Is she still trying to convince you you're this stefan dimera person?
Jake: Apparently, I am. This is my body of proof.
Eric: This is my friend's name, and so they have a web site at the department, and it's pretty cool, so why don't you check it out, and if you like it I'll introduce you?
Will: Thank you, and--and thanks for--for listening. You're--you're definitely still the cool uncle so--
Eric: Well, at the risk of losing my cool status, I'll be praying for you. There's a baby out there somewhere for you.
[Door opens]
Allie: Well, I talked to rafe and--what are you guys doing here?
Will: Um, we actually came to talk to you about your baby.
Gwen: You are joking, right?
Jake: No. I saw the results with my own eyes. It's a complete match.
Gwen: So what? No, you know what this gabi's like. She probably doctored the results.
Jake: The results are legit. I was there when she opened up the envelope. They were done by a reputable lab.
Gwen: She's dimera's widow. She could buy the whole bloody lab if she wants and dictate the results. You're going to get another test done.
Jake: You know, I also met the woman who's supposedly my mother.
Gwen: What?
Jake: Hmm.
Gwen: Did you know her?
Jake: [Sighs] The thing is, I don't remember the first thing about her.
Gwen: You're not--you're not seriously starting to believe all this, are you?
Jake: I don't know what to believe.
[Exhales] I don't remember a damn thing about being this stefan guy, but everyone says I'm him.
Gwen: So what are you going to do about it? How are you going to hold on to who you are?
[Dramatic music]
Gabi: Rolf won't listen to me but he will definitely listen to you. You have to talk to him and get him to help you to get stefan's memory back.
Vivian: [Groans] I don't know.
Gabi: What do you mean, you don't know? Vivian, you--you lived with him. He brought you back from the dead when kate shot you. You've played dominoes with him.
Vivian: He cheats.
Gabi: Right, I'm not surprised. He seems like a despicable human being, but you are stefan's mother. If rolf still has any loyalty to stefano's memory, he's gonna wanna help his bastard heir as long as I'm not part of the equation. So you have to go to statesville and just talk to rolf.
Vivian: Oh, well, that would be a brilliant idea if I were at liberty to do anything. Maybe you could help me with that.
[Phone ringing]
Hope: Hey, rafe.
Rafe: Hey.
Hope: Julie just told me what happened at the wedding, that you saved the day.
Rafe: Yeah, wasn't a big deal.
Hope: Right. Stopping a mad woman from killing the bride. How mundane. Um, I'll see you around, okay?
Rafe: Hey, hope. You got a second?
Hope: Yeah, sure.
Rafe: Yeah, um--uh, yeah, something just happened. I just was hoping to talk to you about it. Allie horton, um, she just--she just asked me if I wanted to adopt her baby.
Allie: You wanna talk to me about my baby?
Will: Yeah. Well, uh, eric told us that, um, you wanted rafe to adopt him. Or her.
Eric: I hope that's all right.
Allie: Sure.
Will: Did you--did you talk to him?
Allie: Just now. He said, "I'll think about it."
Sonny: So he hasn't agreed yet?
Allie: No, not yet. Why?
Will: Um, well, the thing is that, uh, sonny and I were hoping that you would let us adopt your baby.
Eli: Oh, my god. That is a--a great surprise.
Lani: Mm. Yeah?
Eli: Yeah.
Lani: [Laughing] You like?
St. Hollywood: Every
fantasy that's in my head
starts with a curve of
your body every inch
we come undone
let's come undone
with every breath
we just let go
let go
[St. Hollywood's "lost in the glow"]
Allie: You want to adopt my baby?
Will: Sonny and I, um, have been, uh, talking for a while about, uh, having another child, so like, when you showed up...
Allie: Wow. It--it never even occurred to me.
Sonny: Well, we don't wanna put you on the spot or anything.
Will: Yeah, I mean, of course not, especially since you, you know, already talked to rafe about it, but um, we just thought it would be really nice if the baby we've been wanting was yours.
Allie: [Exhales]
[Phone ringing]
Hope: Allie wants you to adopt her baby?
Rafe: Yeah. Sure didn't see that one coming.
Hope: How do you feel about it?
Rafe: Well, to be honest, I'm not sure. I mean, after losing david, it's, uh--it's a lot to think about.
Gabi: What--what the hell am I supposed to do?
Vivian: Uh, your brother's the commissioner. Maybe he can get me out of this mess.
Gabi: You tried to murder the mayor's daughter in front of her family, and I--I totally get where you were coming from, but I don't think the mayor's gonna let you go.
Vivian: My son has to get his memory back somehow.
Gabi: [Sighs] Believe me, I'm gonna make that happen, one way or another.
Gwen: Mm. Oh, my god. What are you doing?
Jake: I'm holding onto my past.
Gwen: [Moans]
[Dramatic music]
[Romantic music]
Lani: [Chuckles]
Eli: We're gonna have a great life together.
Lani: We are, and we're gonna be a family soon.
Eli: I can't wait.
Lani: [Chuckles] Well, you're gonna have to.
Eli: I know, I know, but as long as you're waiting with me, I can handle it.
Lani: Me, too.
Eli: Thank you. Thank you for not giving up on me.
Lani: Of course. Thank you for not giving up on me.
Eli: I love you, mrs. Grant.
Lani: [Laughs] I was thinking price-grant.
Eli: Hmm.
Lani: [Laughs]
Eli: Well, whatever you want. As long as you love me.
Lani: I will always love you.
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