Days Transcript Thursday 7/2/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 7/2/20


Episode #13804 ~ Jake and Gabi reel over his DNA test results; Vivian is stunned to learn about Jake; Allie makes Rafe an unexpected offer; Ben and Ciara confront Claire about the damaged wedding dress.

Provided By Suzanne

Eric: Hey.

Allie: I don't know what happened. I was in the middle of a chapter, and then all of a sudden, I completely zonked out.

Eric: [Chuckles] Well, I know pregnant women really need their sleep and eat healthy food, so I made some snacks. I hope you like nuts and apple slices.

Allie: Great. Thanks. Where's nicole?

Eric: She took holly to a mommy and me playdate at the park.

Allie: Mm, sounds fun.

Eric: Mm, actually is. I've been with 'em a few times. Holly really loves it. Nicole and I, we love watching her dance and jump around. It's very sweet.

Allie: [Chuckles] I can picture rafe doing that kind of stuff with my little guy or girl. I mean, he'll probably wanna coach every team this kid is on, right? Me, I'd screw up the first week I was snack mom.

Eric: Don't sell yourself short.

Allie: Do you think it's a mistake that I want rafe to raise my child?

Ciara: I've tried on practically every dress in this entire town, and the wedding is so close. How could this happen, ben? How could nail polish get all over my dress? How? How is that possible?

Ben: I don't know.

Ciara: How?

Ben: I don't know.

Ciara: I mean, the dress was in perfect condition when I gave it to claire to give it back to the dress shop.

Ben: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. Claire brought it back?

Ciara: What? She saw that I was busy, and she offered to take it. She insisted, actually.

Ben: Yeah--my god, ciara. I knew it. I knew it.

Ciara: What?

Ben: The way she worked on you to be your maid of honor, obviously she was up to something.

[Tense music]

[Door clicks open]

Claire: There you are. Where have you been?

Gwen: [Sighs] What do you care?

Claire: Whoa. I was just asking.

Gwen: Sorry. I d-- I didn't mean to snap. I'm just not in the most jolly mood right now. That's all.

Claire: Oh, did you go to see jake?

Gwen: [Sighs] Yes I did, and, claire, we were just about to go upstairs when that bloody gabi hernandez showed up and told me to stay away from her husband, which is absolutely mental because he's not her dead husband, no matter what she bloody thinks. You know, I just thank god that she's about to go to prison for drugging this abigail person.

Claire: Um, well, I actually just got an alert on my phone...

Gwen: What? Did the jury come back?

Claire: Mm-hmm. Gabi was actually cleared of all charges. So looks like you might have some competition when it comes to jake.

[Suspenseful music]

Vivian: That's stefan. Why are you--why are you doing this to me?

Rafe: Vivian, what I'm showing you is not a picture of stefan. That, that's a mug shot of jake lambert.

Vivian: No. It's stefan.

Rafe: Well, my sister gabi believes the same thing. In fact, she believes that jake lambert is stefan dimera and thus your son is very much alive.

Jake: Well, you gonna open it?

Gabi: Yes. Yes.

Jake: So what does it say?

Gabi: Hold on; it's bunch of symbols and numbers. It's some scientific gobbledygook. Okay, wait.

Jake: Well, it's gotta just say somewhere in there whether it's a match or not, right?

Gabi: Yes, it does somewhere, but hold on. I am reading as fast as I can.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Gwen: I can't believe it. That--they actually let gabi off?

Claire: Yeah, I know. Um, it says, "the evidence against her was circumstantial."

Gwen: Cir--circumstantial? My god, she was caught with a drug that landed a woman in the bloody mental ward.

Claire: Yeah, I guess that wasn't enough proof.

Gwen: Well, great! God, now--now she's just gonna be-- she's gonna be free to just harass jake as much as she likes.

[Spits] Do you know she actually stole his toothbrush to run some dna test on him?

Claire: What?

Gwen: Yeah, to prove that he's the husband. I mean, you have to be completely deranged to believe that you can bring someone back from the dead, don't you?

Claire: Actually...

Gwen: Actually what? Wha--are you saying you believe that? You actually think it's possible?

Claire: Okay, look. I know it sounds crazy, but in salem, you would be surprised how many people survive death.

Gwen: [Scoffs]

Will: Sonny.

Sonny: Hey. I left you a message. I wanted to see if you wanted to get dinner later, but I figured your phone was off 'cause you were in court.

Will: It was, and I was too excited; I didn't even check it.

Sonny: Wait, excited? So does that--does that mean--

Will: Yeah, gabi's been cleared.

Sonny: Oh, thank god. I bet you she was so relieved.

Will: I know--I guess. I mean, I didn't get a chance to see her 'cause I had to, you know, file the story.

Sonny: That's okay. We'll see her later when she checks on ari.

Will: Man, I was so afraid that we'd have to tell ari that her mom's going to prison again.

Sonny: You know, now we can actually share some great news with ari, that we might be adopting allie's baby.

Will: Yeah, might be jumping the gun a little bit, especially since we haven't even talked to allie about it yet.

Eric: Allie, it's not my place to judge whether or not you should ask rafe if he wants to adopt your child. This has to be your decision.

Allie: But you're my uncle, and you're this super compassionate guy who counsels people for a living. Your opinion, it would mean a lot to me.

Eric: Okay. Well, I--I think rafe is a great guy, and if you do decide to do this, I think rafe would be a very loving and devoted father.

Allie: I completely agree. He was such a good stepdad to johnny and me. And when I saw how much he misses david, I just realized that this would be the perfect solution for both of us.

Eric: It may very well be. But before you do this--before you ask rafe to raise your child, you need to be 100% sure because there's no turning back.

Vivian: It's impossible. Stefan can't be alive. I was in the hospital when they pronounced him brain-dead.

Rafe: Yeah, kind of boggles the mind. I know, but despite all that, gabi's convinced that jake lambert is stefan, her husband, and she's even having a dna test run to prove it.

Jake: How about you give those to me? Maybe I can read it faster.

Gabi: Shh! Oh, my god.

Jake: What?

Gabi: It's a match.

Jake: What?

Gabi: It's a match! You're him! I kept telling myself not to get my hopes up, but you're him! You're him!

Jake: Hang on. Hey. Just hang on a second. Let me see those.

Gabi: Okay, look. Here, here. Look, it's in black and white, and you can see right there. The match from your toothbrush and stefan's comb: 100% match.

Jake: But I don't get it. But it's right there in black and white.

Gabi: Mm-hmm.

Jake: According to these results, I really am...

Gabi: My stefan, my love.

[Dramatic music]

Is now a good time

for a flare-up?

Gabi: I knew it. I knew it was you. My husband, my hero, the only man who's ever accepted me, the man that's made me feel safe and happy--happier than I've ever been. I knew the minute I laid eyes on you--

Jake: Yeah, you made that pretty clear.

Gabi: Okay, fine. I didn't go about it the right way, but you wouldn't let me. I w--I had to get that dna test result, and now it doesn't even matter because we have the proof. And I am so happy. I'm so happy to have you--to have you here and not--not in my dreams, where I can actually touch you.

Jake: So what? I still don't get it, because if these results are actually legit, then my last two years in philly are the only real memories I have. Everything else... what is it, fiction?

Gabi: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. But dr. Rolf, he's fully capable of implanting somebody with false memories.

Jake: Of an entire life?

Gabi: Yeah, I'm afraid so.

[Tense music]

Jake: Just all seems so real.

Gabi: I know. I know. And I hate--I hate that you remember this whole other life. I hate that you remember being with that other woman, gwen, and not me, but I'm gonna fix this. I'm gonna fix this, okay? And very soon, you're gonna remember exactly how much we loved each other.

Gwen: I'm actually glad they let gabi off, because now she won't think that I just won jake by default.

Claire: Oh, you ask me, a win is still a win.

Gwen: You know? And I'm not scared of her. She should be scared of me. What are you doing here anyway? Aren't you supposed to be out with ciara?

Claire: Oh, I did. Yeah, we went wedding dress shopping all afternoon.

Gwen: Ooh, that sounds like a lovely time.

Claire: It was a great time, actually.

Gwen: Are you serious?

Claire: Well, why wouldn't i be?

Gwen: I--I don't--I don't know, claire. Um...maybe because pretending to be her best friend is an easy way to pull out the rug from under her and ruin her life. I know I asked you this before, but we were interrupted by the very happy couple. What do you plan to do?

Ciara: Okay, ben, that is not fair--I mean--to assume that claire would wanna ruin my dress. You should have seen how happy she was about it.

Ben: How happy?

Ciara: Yeah.

Ben: So she faked being excited, like she couldn't fake every other emotion in the book, like we didn't watch her fake every other emotion in the book right before she set you on fire?

Ciara: Okay. Fine. That's true. But she's also a different person now, ben, just like you were when you got out of bayview. Do you remember? Okay, and look, you just--i mean, you should have seen us today, ben. We had so much fun. I mean, she helped me pick out a wedding dress. We confided in each other. We laughed. I-- ben, it was like I had my best friend back. Finally, you know? I mean, ben, she was so sweet and kind and caring and helpful.

Ben: Yeah, which is exactly how she would act if she's trying to gain your trust back. And then when you finally do trust her, she's golden, and then she can infiltrate and sabotage our wedding from the inside. Look, I don't mean to be cynical; I just...

Ciara: No.

Ben: Don't trust her at all.

Ciara: It's okay. I understand. I understand why you're being cynical, and look--okay, let's say you're right, right?

Ben: Okay.

Ciara: Why would she do something so obvious as to pour nail polish all over the dress that she helped me pick out? I mean, wouldn't she have known that she would have been the prime suspect?

Ben: Yeah, or she would assume that's what you would think so that you would not suspect her.

Ciara: [Sighs]

Ben: Hmm?

Ciara: Okay, well, now I'm all sorts of confused, okay? So how about this? You and I, we go together and we talk to claire and see if she has any theories about what may have happened to my dress.

Ben: That's a great idea, except if she is the one who ruined it, she's gonna lie. Why would she admit to it? Does she wanna be sent back to bayview?

Ciara: Look, let's not talk about what she may or may not do; just--just... just come with me. Okay? Just come with me, and for now-- for now, please, baby--please, just give her the benefit of the doubt, okay? For me, can you do that? Please.

Ben: [Exhales deeply] Sure. For you, I will go with you.

[Scoffs] God.

Sonny: Yeah, you're right. We should talk to your sister before we spring this on ari.

Will: Yeah, I mean, I just don't wanna get ari's hopes up about having, like, a--you know, a baby brother or sister if we're just gonna disappoint her.

Sonny: Yeah. Well, I don't know if she would actually be that disappointed, though. 'Cause last time we brought it up, she seemed more interested in getting a puppy.

Will: Mm.

[Laughs] True.

Sonny: But I think once she experiences having, like, a sweet little baby in the family, she's gonna fall in love. And honestly, it's like, the way that allie's been praising us on how we're raising ari, I think she's gonna be on board with us adopting her child.

Will: I think you're right. I mean, I don't know why she'd say no.

Allie: This wasn't some snap decision, okay? It's not like I couldn't figure out what to get rafe for his birthday so I decided to hand him my baby.

Eric: I know that, allie, and I'm sorry if I su--I suggested that it was some snap decision. I guess it's just that I can't think of--I can't help but think of my own situation.

Allie: You mean what happened with mackenzie?

Eric: Uh, rachel. Yeah, I, um--I didn't even know she was my daughter. And when I learned that she was, I felt like I missed out on so much. I felt like--I was so glad that I found out when I did.

Allie: When she was sick?

Eric: Yeah, because I got to be there when she needed me most. I held her, and I comforted her. I let her know that she wasn't alone. And there were some nights, you know, it was just baby and me.

Allie: And then you found out she wasn't yours, and you had to give her up. I'm really sorry.

Eric: Don't be. I'm only telling you this because rafe--rafe just went through something that was very similar, and you can't put him through that again. So if you do decide to offer rafe your child... you can't change your mind.

Will: You know, however we do this, we just gotta make sure that allie does not feel pressured.

Sonny: Right. Yeah, I mean, absolutely not. We'll agree to the terms, whatever makes her comfortable, of course. Um, and, you know, she's part of the family, so it's not gonna be a closed adoption. I mean, she's gonna be able to watch her child grow up.

Will: Yeah, well, what if she wants more than that? I mean, like, would--how would you feel if she wanted to play, like, a role in the baby's life?

Sonny: I think I'd be okay with it. I mean, what about you?

Will: I mean, yeah, definitely.

Sonny: Right, 'cause we're not exactly strangers to the untraditional custody arrangements. I mean, we have--I mean, think about what we've done with gabi over the years. It's working out great.

Will: Yeah, true. Although there is another issue. I mean, my dad doesn't want allie to give the baby away at all.

Sonny: Well, I think the more he keeps pushing her, she's just gonna rebel against that.

Will: Yeah, you're probably right. Well, there's one way to find out.

Allie: [Sighs] I hear what you're saying, but you don't need to worry about that. I'm not going to jerk rafe around. I want him to have this child.

Eric: You do now.

Allie: You think something's going to change my mind?

Eric: Well, after the baby's born, are you gonna stay here in salem, or are you gonna go back to europe?

Allie: I--I don't know. I'll probably move back home. I hadn't really thought about it.

Eric: Okay, well, let's just say that you do move back to europe. You have family here, and I'm sure you'll come back to visit. And when you do, I'm sure you're gonna wanna visit that little boy or girl. So would you plan on telling this child that you're their mother?

Allie: [Sighs] I hadn't really thought about that either.

Eric: Well, those are some of the things that you do need to think about, because that decision will change this child's entire life.

Claire: Well, uh, my day has officially started to suck. I can't believe you actually think I wanna hurt ciara.

[Knock at door] Oh, sorry. Looks like we've got some company.

[Gasps] Hi. What's up, guys? How are ya? Come on in. Um--oh, I was just telling gwen how much fun we had today wedding dress shopping. And do not worry. I took great care of the dress.

Ben: We know you took care of it.

Vivian: Gabi had dna tests run on this man?

Rafe: Yeah, she stole his toothbrush. She's having it compared to stefan's comb. We're currently waiting on the results.

Vivian: When does she expect to get them?

Rafe: Gabi's checking with the lab as we speak. They just came in.

[Suspenseful music]

Jake: I'm sorry, but even if these results prove that I'm stefan dimera, gabi, nothing else has changed for me. I still don't feel anything for you.

Gabi: That's not your fault. You said it yourself. You remember an entirely different life. But all that matters is that i love you. And, uh...I actually know a way to help you remember just how much we meant to each other.

Allie: Okay. So, obviously, I still have some things I need to figure out. But no matter what, I still think rafe would be a much better parent than I would.

Eric: [Sighs]

Allie: Especially because, well, there are so many things i wanna do with my life, and to give all that up to raise this baby...

[Sighs] I'm sorry.

Eric: For what?

Allie: For being a terrible person.

Eric: Allie, why would you think you're a terrible person for not wanting to raise a child at this time in your life? I mean, it is a huge, life-changing responsibility. I mean, it's completely understandable that you're not ready for it.

Allie: I'm not. I'm really not. None of this is definite. I haven't even asked rafe if he wants to adopt my baby.

Eric: Then I think that's something that you need to do.

Claire: I'm sorry. Uh, I'm not quite sure what you're talking about.

Ciara: Claire, the dress shop called, and when they opened the garment bag of the one that i wanted, the one that you and i picked out together...

Claire: Uh-huh.

Ciara: It was covered in nail polish.

Claire: No! No, no, no! What?

Ciara: Yeah.

Claire: Oh, my god, that is awful!

Ben: Huh. Would you look at that? I wonder if we should compare this to the stains on the dress.

Claire: Really? Are you serious?

Ciara: Look, claire, no one's blaming you for anything. Okay? If you happened to accidentally get some nail polish on the dress before you returned it, that's fine. You can tell me.

Claire: I didn'T. I didn'T. Ciara, I didn't even take the dress out of the bag, okay? I literally just took it back to the shop with the other dresses. And then I came home, and I did my nails. Ciara, I didn't ruin it. I swear.

Ben: Right. And we're just supposed to take your word for it?

Gwen: Look, mate, if she says she didn't do it, then she didn't do it, okay? So let it go, yeah?

Vivian: Oh, my god. If my son's alive, I'll get my life back. I've been so miserable without him.

Rafe: Right. Well, before you get too excited about getting your life back, you should probably get a lawyer.

Vivian: What for?

Rafe: What for? You just tried to kill lani price. It wasn't that long ago. Clearly, you couldn't have forgotten.

Vivian: Where are you going?

Rafe: To do your paperwork. I'll be back.

[Phone rings]

Vivian: Oh, my god. Stefan. Please be alive. Please.

[Phone rings]

Gabi: Rafe! Rafe, rafe, rafe! I was right. I was right. Jake really is stefan.

Rafe: What? Seriously?

Gabi: Yeah, check it out yourself. The dna results--100% match.

Rafe: Oh, my god. Honestly, I would have never thought that this was possible 'cause your heart is in julie williams' body.

Jake: Yeah, I don't really get it either.

Gabi: Well, I do. I do, and once you remember everything, our life is gonna fall into place, and you're gonna remember our love. Rafe, I need you to talk to rolf and get that serum, okay?

Rafe: Yeah, gabi, we talked about that.

Gabi: Yeah, but that was before I had the proof that jake is stefan.

Rafe: Yeah, I don't see how that makes any difference. Rolf wants to make you suffer. What better way to make you suffer than to keep you from the man you love?

Gabi: You're wasting my time. I want my husband back.

Rafe: Yeah. Yeah, I get that. Well, if it turns out that jake is actually stefan, which will appear is the case, there's someone in there that you might wanna see.

Gabi: Who? What?

Rafe: Vivian alamain.

Gabi: Vivi? You finally caught her?

Rafe: Yeah, she was at eli and lani's wedding. She tried to kill the bride.

[Dramatic music]

If your gums bleed when you

brush you may have gingivitis.

Gabi: Not really surprising that vivian would crash that stupid wedding. Lani is a murderer, and everybody treats her like she's a saint. So it's understandable that vivian would wanna get revenge.

Rafe: It's actually not understandable, because lani was just doing her job, whereas vivian is a homicidal maniac.

Jake: All right, so I take it stefan was close with this vivian, this homicidal maniac?

Gabi: Yeah, you were close with vivian, but it wasn't exactly your choice. Well, she's your mother.

Allie: You're right. I need to talk to rafe. Thanks again for working through all this with me, uncle eric.

Eric: I'm happy to help. So you can stop thanking me now, okay?

Allie: I guess I'm just not used to having someone around who's so kind and rational.

Eric: Mm.

Allie: Are you sure you and my mom are twins?

Eric: [Laughs] Your mom can be kind and rational as well-- when she wants to be. I know she'll be just as supportive as I was when you tell her.

Allie: But you haven't told her, right?

Eric: No, I haven'T.

Allie: I'm sorry. I know I put you in kind of a weird position when I showed up on your doorstep.

Eric: It's what uncles are for, right?

Allie: You're the best, you know that? Not just at being an uncle...the way you are with nicole and holly. I hope, one day, I find someone who loves me as much as you love nicole.

Eric: I hope so too.

[Sentimental music]

Allie: Okay.

[Both laugh] Well, I'm going to go brush my teeth and comb my hair before i ask rafe if he wants to raise my baby. Okay.

Ben: Why don't you stay out of this? Yeah.

Gwen: Why should I? Claire is my friend, and I don't like people accusing my friends of lying.

Ben: Right...

[With english accent] Because you're such an honest bunch.

[Normally] Why were you in bayview again?

Gwen: [Forced laugh] You're so funny, aren't you? That's right.

[Whispering] I'm perfectly sane.

[Normally] Actually--oh, that's right. You're the one who needed psychiatric help, aren't you? In fact, you're so fiercely protective over your girlfriend here, I'm--I'm scared you might strangle me right here.

Ciara: Okay, you listen here.

Claire: Gwen, that is enough. Ben. Okay, look. I get why you're protective of ciara, especially considering the past. Come on, the past is the past. Ciara, look, I am telling the truth. You looked so beautiful in that dress, and I know how excited you were for ben to see you in it on your wedding day. Please, you have to believe me. I did not ruin your dress. At philadelphia, we know what makes the perfect schmear

Claire: Come on, ciara. Please say that you believe me.

Ciara: Uh...if, uh-- if you say you didn't do it, then I believe you.

Claire: Oh, good. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you! Ugh. Oh, I'm still your maid of honor, right?

Ciara: Um, yes.

Claire: Oh, great.

Ciara: Yes, you are.

Claire: Thank you. And this isn't a total loss. I mean, look, yes, the dress was beautiful, but there are lots of beautiful dresses out there. And I am gonna help you find the perfect one again, okay? And I'm gonna pay for the dress that was ruined.

Ciara: No, claire. You don't have to do that, really.

Claire: Well, I want to. Look, I can borrow the money and then pay it back when I get a job.

Ben: Why are you even offering? If you didn't ruin the dress, why would you pay for it?

Claire: Ciara asked me to take care of it, and the dress was my responsibility.

Ciara: Please, claire, you really--you don't-- you don't have to do that.

Claire: I know, but I want to, okay? Please let me handle this.

Ben: You know what? Let's just figure this whole thing out later, huh? We gotta go.

Ciara: Right, um, we will talk later.

Claire: Okay.

Ciara: Okay.

Claire: I'll see you soon.

Ciara: See you soon.

Claire: I love you.

Ciara: I love you too. Bye, gwen.

Gwen: Bye-bye. Bye, now.

Claire: Whew.

Gwen: Well, that ben really does have a screw loose, doesn't he?

[Clears throat] But, uh, you know, claire, he kind of does make a good point. Why would you offer to pay for the dress if you didn't ruin it? Unless you have a guilty conscience.

Eric: Will, sonny, come in.

Will: Thank you.

Eric: Hey, I, uh--I heard gabi was acquitted. You must be so relieved.

Sonny: Definitely.

Will: Oh, yeah. I mean, we did not know how we'd break it to ari if gabi had to go back to prison again.

Eric: Yeah, that'd be tough. But the good news is, you don't have to. So what brings you by?

Sonny: Well, we were hoping we could talk to allie.

Will: Yeah, is she here?

[Phone rings]

Jake: So my mother just tried to kill a police detective?

Rafe: Yup.

Gabi: It wasn't her first offense.

Jake: What else has she done?

Rafe: How much time you got?

Gabi: The last time, she fled town because she shot kate roberts and buried her alive.

Jake: Holy--

Rafe: Yeah, I'm guessing the da is gonna be out for blood on that one. Sorry.

Jake: Ah, it's okay. Considering I never met the woman, it's not really a huge blow.

Gabi: Yeah, but you did love her very much. You were shielding her when lani shot you in the neck. Wait, so maybe if you see her, that will spark up a memory. Yeah, we can't count on dr. Rolf and his serum, so maybe this is the next best thing. Rafe, could--could he--could stefan possibly see vivian?

Rafe: It's worth a shot.

Allie: Rafe.

Rafe: Hey.

Allie: Could we talk?

Gabi: Allie? Is that you? Oh, my god! You're so big! Are you pregnant?

Allie: Looks like it.

Gabi: Oh, does will know?

Allie: Pretty much everyone knows.

Rafe: Hmm.

Allie: Rafe, do you have a minute? It's important, and it's private.

Rafe: Right. Uh, well, looks like it's gonna be a long night, so I was just gonna grab some food. You wanna come with me?

Allie: Sounds perfect.

Rafe: Okay.

Gabi: Okay, but--yeah, could stefan please see vivian, though? Is that okay?

Rafe: I don't see why not. Uh, she's handcuffed to a chair. There's a guard on duty. Good luck.

Gabi: Thanks.

[Phone rings]

Jake: All right, look, gabi. I don't really feel right about this.

Gabi: No, no, you have to try this, because if you see vivian, maybe it will jog your memory and you'll remember who you really are. You're gonna remember how much you love me... and--and how much I loved you and want you.

Eric: Well, I'm sorry, guys, but you just missed allie. I mean, you could leave her a message.

Will: Uh, thanks, but, you know, I think we kind of need to talk to her face-to-face.

Eric: It sounds important.

Sonny: It is. Uh, we wanna ask her...

Will: Yeah, if we can adopt her baby.

Eric: Wow.

Will: Yeah, we know it's kind of a big decision.

Eric: I, uh--I wasn't expecting that. And to be honest, I'm sure allie isn't either.

Rafe: Okay, order should be up in a minute. I got you something.

Allie: Thanks. I'm actually kind of starving.

Rafe: Yeah, figured. So, anyway, what's this important, private thing that you wanna talk to me about?

Allie: Okay. Well, first, I just wanted to say how great it was to talk to you the other day. You were so supportive and sweet, just like you were when I was growing up.

Rafe: Well, of course. You know I'm here for you, right? Anything.

Allie: Yeah, I know.

Rafe: Okay.

Allie: Even though you're not my real dad, you've always been such a great dad--the best. And I know you would have been just as great to david. It was really unfair for the judge to take him away from you.

Rafe: Yeah. Yeah, it was, but, uh... I'm gonna be okay.

Allie: I know you will. And actually, I think I have something to help, something to make you even more okay.

Rafe: Oh, yeah? What's that?

Allie: Do you want to adopt my baby?

Ciara: [Sighs]

Ben: Ciara, no matter what you--

Ciara: Ben, please don'T. Please just...

Ben: Don't what? You don't even know what I'm gonna say.

Ciara: You're gonna say that the fact that claire was just polishing her nails and the fact that she offered to pay for the dress proves that she's the one who ruined it. And why am I here, being so trusting and naive for absolutely no reason?

Ben: Actually--actually...

Ciara: What?

Ben: What I was going to say is that I stand by what I said before and that no matter what you wear on our wedding day, you are going to be the most beautiful bride I have ever seen. And I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

Ciara: Oh.

Ben: Oh.

Ciara: Oh, well, in that case, I agree with you completely.

[Tender music]


Claire: Gwen, you just told ben that you believed me that i didn't ruin ciara's dress.

Gwen: He was just being a stupid jerk. I wasn't gonna just sit back and watch you take that. But look--look. Lo and behold, we're alone again now. So tell me, claire. Did you ruin the dress?

Claire: Of course not.

Gabi: So are you ready?

Jake: Well, your brother did say she's handcuffed, right?

[Phone ringing] You coming?

Gabi: Oh. Well, vivian and I, we're not really friends, so I was thinking you would do this alone.

Jake: Okay. Fine.

Gabi: Hey. Uh, just remember she loves you very, very much.

[Uneasy music]

[Phone ringing]

Vivian: S--stefan. You're alive. My son!

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