Days Transcript Wednesday 7/1/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 7/1/20


Episode #13803 ~ Chaos erupts at Lani and Eli's wedding; Lani attempts to diffuse a dangerous situation; Gabi and Jake eagerly await his DNA test results; Claire and Ciara bond over wedding planning.

Provided By Suzanne

Ciara: Oh, claire brady.

Claire: [Laughs]

Ciara: I absolutely cannot believe that you pulled this off. I mean, this boutique is so exclusive. They don't just let dresses leave the shop like this. This is amazing.

Claire: Yeah, well, all i really had to do was explain that you had some bride-to-be jitters, and you'd just feel a lot more comfortable if you could try 'em on at home.

Ciara: Yes. Yes, you are a total life-saver, because this decision is gonna be a lot easier to make without some random sales lady staring at me.

Claire: Hey, whatever you need, I'm gonna make it happen. You have my word that I'm gonna do everything I possibly can to make sure that you and ben have the most memorable wedding ever.

Jake: Hey, hand me that wrench over there. The middle, will ya? Damn it. [Grunts]

Ben: What's up with you, man?

Jake: I don't know. I guess I'm a little distracted.

Ben: Anything to do with a particular woman?

Jake: Well, gwen says that she might wanna get back together.

Ben: The jealous, possessive, roller-coaster-from-hell that you can't quit?

Jack: Yeah, that's the one.

Ben: Uh-huh.

Jake: You know, with her, it can be really, really good. But eventually, something always messes it up.

Ben: Huh. Well, at least you got over your most recent problem, right? She returned the book to you, got you off the hook with your ex-boss.

Jake: We got past that problem, but then--

Ben: But then what? Something else happened?

Jake: Yeah. Gabi.

Gabi: Yes, I know I called ten minutes ago, and I'll call in another ten. Damn it, they said the dna results would be done within the hour.

Rafe: It hasn't even been an hour yet, gabi. You gotta be patient.

Gabi: Patient?

Rafe: Yeah.

Gabi: Do you realize what this means? When I get these results, my life is gonna change.

Rafe: If you get the results you want.

Gabi: No, it has to be. Okay, these results have to confirm the truth that my husband is really, truly still alive.

[Glass shatters]

Lani: What was that?

Eli: I have no idea.

Marlena: It sounds like it came from the kitchen.

Abe: I'll go check it out.

Valerie: I'll go with you.

Julie: No, no, calm down, everybody. Take it easy. As a restaurant owner, I know exactly what that sound was. My good dinner plates hitting the floor.

Marlena: Oh, no!

Lani: Are you sure?

Julie: I know a clumsy caterer when I hear one.

Vivian: Who are you calling clumsy?

Julie: Oh!

Lani: Oh, my god.

Eli: Vivian?

Julie: How did you get in? What are you doing here?

Vivian: Sorry for the noise, but I wasn't invited to the wedding, so I had no choice but to crash.

Lani: This can't be happening.

Vivian: But it is.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

[Soft orchestration]

Abe: Vivian--

Vivian: Did you really think I'd miss this day? A chance to give the bride my very best?

Julie: You are not welcome here, vivian, and you are not going to stop the wedding.

Vivian: Seems I already have. Oh, and there's the blushing bride. Did you really think i was gonna let you get away with killing my son?

Abe: My daughter did not murder your son.

Vivian: Oh, you're all complicit in this, every one of you, celebrating the wedding of a killer to a callous bastard who exonerated her.

Julie: Somebody get her out of here.

Vivian: But the only one who will pay the ultimate price is the woman who put a bullet in my son.

Eli: There's no way in hell--

Vivian: You just stop right there, I swear to god. The thing with depression, you get...stuck.

Ciara: [Sighs] You know, I just--I love the way it feels and it looks. I mean, it's really beautiful, isn't it?

Claire: Yeah, well, if you like it, that's what matters.

Ciara: Yeah, okay, but what do you think? I mean, you are the fashionista, the one with the blog and all the followers.

Claire: Do you want my honest opinion?

Ciara: Yes. Yes, I do.

Claire: Ciara, I hate it. I think that it's basic, and i think it looks like something that belongs on top of a wedding cake.

Ciara: Um-- okay, yeah. Okay, yeah, I guess you're right.

Claire: Look, I'm only trying to help you make the perfect choice. 'Cause if I do anything to screw up your wedding, we both know your fiancé will kill me.

Ciara: What? Claire, please don't say that.

Claire: It's true. Ciara, ben actually threatened me, so I'm not taking any chances.

Ben: Gabi slugged gwen?

Jake: Oh, yeah, and then gwen went right after her on the desk right there, and if gabi's brother hadn't shown up to take her to court, god knows what would've happened.

Ben: Wow.

Jake: Wait a minute. What if that's what this whole thing is about? Gabi's nutso idea that I'm her dead husband-- maybe it's to game the judge into thinking that she's bonkers so that he'll send her to the looney bin instead of prison. Sorry, do you want me to say mental institution or hospital?

Ben: I don't care what you call it.

Jake: Okay, so--anyway, hopefully the pain in the ass gets what she deserves.

Ben: Look, man, as you know, I'm not a fan, but gabi's had it rough. Well, when she and stefan fell in love, he looked past all her crap. He understood what made her tick. Made her feel safe.

Jake: I can't figure out if that makes him brave or stupid.

Ben: No, man, I saw it up close. It was the real deal, and they weren't even together that long before he died, and now gabi's looking at you, and she's so desperate to believe that you're her real husband so that it makes her life make sense again.

Jake: But it's crazy.

Ben: Yeah. Well, if you haven't figured it out yet, gabi's not one to let crazy stop her.

Rafe: I know how much you want stefan to be alive, but you have got to remember the facts. Okay, the facts. He was declared brain dead. His heart was given to julie.

Gabi: I know. I know all that. You just don't want him to be alive. Admit it, rafe.

Rafe: No, that is not true. I just don't want you to be gutted all over again if you find out he's just a guy named jake who is a mechanic.

Gabi: No, rolf, admitted that he brought stefan back to life.

Rafe: Rolf. You are putting your trust in rolf, in that psychopath, after everything that he has done to you?

Gabi: No, I--I trust what i feel--what I feel in my soul, and when I saw jake, I knew it was stefan. When I kissed him, i kissed stefan. I kissed my husband, not some stranger. You can't fake chemistry. Stop-- don't look at me like I'm crazy. Stop. Don't--don't--

Rafe: I just don't want your heart to be broken all over again.

Gabi: It's gonna be the opposite of that. It's gonna be whole again. Look, when I get these test results back, I'm gonna prove you wrong.

Rafe: Okay.

Gabi: I'm gonna prove jake wrong, and I'm gonna prove everybody wrong.

Vivian: That's better.

Marlena: Vivian, I know you're mourning the loss of your son, but this is not the way to handle this.

Vivian: It's the only way, and you of all people, dr. Marlena evans, should understand the psychology of vengeance. Look at your faces. Such disappointment, such horror. Oh, it's understandable. You thought you were coming to a wedding, to a joyous event, when in fact you're at an execution. -That's how a home and auto bundle is made.

Vivian: Are you ready to give your daughter away for keeps, mr. Mayor? Ah--

[Screaming] I thought you were smarter than that, detective. Pity, "till death do you part" will come before the wedding night.

Abe: Vivian... I almost lost my son to a bullet. I understand your pain. I know how hard forgiveness is. This-- this kind of revenge, it won't end your suffering.

Vivian: Actually, I'm feeling pretty damn good right now.

Abe: Please, vivian, I'm begging you to spare the life of a young woman who meant your son no harm. Please, let my daughter live.

[Phone beeps]

[Phone beeps]

Rafe: It's from eli.

Gabi: Maybe that bitch dumped him at the alter again.

Rafe: Something's up. I gotta go.

Ciara: Ben threatened you?

Claire: Yeah, yeah, when we were in the square, you know, when you went to go take that work call, he let me have it.

Ciara: Yeah, okay, but he couldn't have said those words exactly, that he was gonna kill you.

Claire: Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit. I'm sorry, but ciara, he was really intense. It freaked me out.

Ciara: Well, you said that he told you he was gonna give you a second chance, and he told that to me, too.

Claire: Yes. Yeah, he did. Look, I'm sorry for even bringing up that other thing. It is so not important. And like i said, it's understandable he doesn't fully trust me. I get it. Look, I'm just determined to show him and you and my grandparents and everyone that all I really wanna do is make everyone's life better and happier. Okay, back to you. You need to try on some more wedding dresses 'cause you're getting married soon, and if the other gowns are as hideous as this one, I just don't know what we're gonna do. [Laughs]

Ben: So are you taking gwen to the wedding as your date or what?

Jake: Hell no. Look, even if we did get back together, marriage is not on the table for us. I don't want her getting any ideas.

Gabi: Oh, good, you're here.

Jake: Shouldn't you be, i don't know, in prison or in a psych ward or an ice skating competition?

Gabi: Oh, for your information, I was acquitted.

Jake: Acquitted?

Gabi: Mm-hmm. Yeah, there's no proof that I did anything wrong.

Jake: Other than try to fry my brain.

Gabi: I told you that rolf lied to me and framed me. Obviously, the judge believed me, too.

Jake: Oh, yeah, you, you're free. At least until the next looney tunes crime you commit. Enjoy the fresh air, but for now, we gotta fix this thing.

Ben: She's still here.

Jake: Go! Shoo! Skate away, nancy, I got work to do.

Gabi: You might wanna come with me.

Jake: Why the hell would i wanna do that?

Gabi: Hm. Dna test results are in. I'm going to the hospital to get them.

Jake: Why would I give a damn?

Gabi: Because you could find out that you're about to be a very rich and powerful man with a very amazing wife, and not some stupid mechanic.

Jake: Whoa!

Ben: Hey!

Gabi: Look, I know you don't believe me, but once these results are in, and you find out that you're my husband, you're gonna have to accept it, finally.

Vivian: Let your daughter live? I don't think so.

Lani: Vivian, I know that you hate me, blame me, and will never forgive me for what I did to your son, and I get that. And I am so sorry for your loss. And I deeply regret that I am the one who was responsible for it. But vivian, please, please think about what you are doing. If you pull that trigger, you won't just be getting your revenge on me. Vivian, I'm pregnant. So you wouldn't just be killing me... you would be killing my unborn child. Is that really, really what you wanna do?

Ciara: Claire, this is totally the one. It's perfect. I'm so, so happy that you insisted that I try it on.

Claire: You looked like an angel in it. It's so beautiful. Oh, my god. When ben sees you, it is gonna take his breath away.

Ciara: Gosh, I really hope so.

Claire: I know so. Hey, do you wanna get boba tea or something and just celebrate?

Ciara: Oh, I would love to, but I have a quarterly report due in the morning, and I have a zillion other things to do. I mean, I don't even have enough time to bring all these dresses back to the shop.

Claire: I'll take them.

Ciara: Really?

Claire: Yeah. Yeah, it's not like I have anything better to do. I can only play so much "uno" with my grandfather.

Ciara: Right. I mean, if it's really not a problem.

Claire: Not at all. No.

Ciara: Well, then, that would be great. And claire, I-- I wanted to thank you for everything.

Claire: Hey, come here. You do not have to thank me. Please, after all, what is a maid of honor for?

Ben: Thank you for the invite, but I'll pass.

Gabi: Oh, you don't wanna see the results?

Jake: Not really.

Gabi: But this could change your whole life.

Jake: I like my life the way it is.

Gabi: Oh, with that skank, gwen?

Jake: Will you stop calling her that? And if anybody's a skank around here--

Ben: Okay, know what, guys? I'm gonna take a break. I'm gonna be back in a little bit.

Jake: Well, there you go. You scared him off.

Gabi: You're the one that's scared. You're the one that's scared that those results are gonna be out there in black and white, and you're not gonna be able to laugh at me anymore.

Jake: Unless you paid somebody to give you the results you want.

Gabi: What?

Jake: Then I'll have plenty to laugh about.

Gabi: I didn't pay anybody, damn it. Those results are legitimate.

Jake: Unless they're not.

Gabi: I would never do something like that. Bribe somebody for something so important? That would be beneath me.

Jake: Beneath you? [Laughs] Gabi, nothing is beneath you. And because I look so much like your dead husband, and your great, big bed is, well, empty, then maybe you really want a nice, warm body to lay next to.

Gabi: Huh.

Jake: Or beneath you--maybe you think waving the dna results will land--ah--

Rafe: Damn it.

Valerie: Oh, god. Lani and eli have already lost one baby. Please, have mercy.

Julie: We're begging you, vivian. Spare the life of this girl and the life of my unborn grandchild.

Vivian: You dare to ask me for anything. You took my son from me. You think that empty words and excuses are gonna save your sorry soul?

[Cocks gun]

Valerie: Oh!

Vivian: This is the end.

Abe: Vivian! No. Back off!

Ciara: [Chuckles] You should've knocked.

Ben: Why?

Ciara: Well, because I was trying on wedding dresses, and what if you had seen me in one? I mean, that's bad, bad luck, ben weston, don't you know that?

Ben: There's no such thing as bad luck. Not for us. Mm, so, did you say yes to the dress? Yeah?

Ciara: Yeah, and it's pretty incredible. Claire actually found it. And ben, this dress, it's one of a kind. It's like a friggin' dream.

Ben: Yeah. Well, I'm glad claire came through for you. It's good.

Ciara: She really is trying, ben, and she's been so sweet. So I just wanted to thank you for giving her a chance.

Ben: Oh, yeah, whatever my fiancée wants.

Ciara: Mm-hmm. Your fiancée is actually kinda wondering why you're at home in the middle of the day.

Ben: Jake got a little sidetracked. I figured I'd give him some time, maybe help you with the wedding favors.

Ciara: Sidetracked with what?

Ben: Gabi came by making noise about being acquitted.

Ciara: She was?

Ben: Mm-hmm, yeah. But i think she was mostly there to tell jake that the dna results are ready. And soon he's gonna actually find out if he really is good old jake lambert, garage mechanic or the hugely formidable and powerful stefan dimera.

Ciara: Do you think he even cares, or is he just chalking it up to gabi being crazy and obsessive?

Ben: I mean, I know he pretends not to care, but deep down, I think he wants to know the truth. Why wouldn't he?

Jake: Ah. What the hell'd you do that for?

Gabi: You are completely deluded if you think that i would fake some dna results because I'm attracted to some grease monkey. I don't want you. I don't want anything to do with you, jake lambert. I want my husband back. So I'm going to that hospital, and I'm going to get those results, and if you are not--stefan, that's a big if--I will never step foot in this place again. All right? But if you are, I will be back.

Jake: Ahh, damn it.


Vivian: Oh, no. No!

Rafe: It's over, vivian.

Vivian: No, oh, no!

Rafe: It is over.

Vivian: Oh, damn you! Damn all of you.

Rafe: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

Vivian: Don't worry. I have plenty to say.

Rafe: Good. You can say it on the way down to the station.

Vivian: This isn't over. You think you've won. You think you're safe. You'll never be safe. I'll find you and send you to hell.

Rafe: Shut up, okay? Just shut up. Threats of violence? You realize you almost murdered someone for no reason? It appears as though your son might actually be alive.

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Vivian: Alive? But that's impossible.

Rafe: Well, you would think so, but apparently not.

Vivian: Is this some sick joke?

Rafe: No, no, this is no joke. We don't know for sure if it's stefan, but we are currently in the process of determining his identity.

Julie: I saw him myself. The resemblance was amazing, so much so, I nearly fainted dead away.

Vivian: Alive? Tell me about my son.

Rafe: I will, down at the station. Thank you.

Julie: Oh.

Eli: God, lani, I am so sorry.

Lani: You texted rafe. That's why he showed up. I'm alive because of you.

Julie: I don't think I'm gonna book weddings here anymore. They don't seem to go well.

Marlena: Eli, lani, I will completely understand if you don't want to do your vows at this point.

Lani: [Sighs] I don't know. With everything that has happened today, my mom fainting, gabi crashing the wedding, vivian trying to kill me-- this was supposed to be a happy day. What do you think?

Eli: I'll do whatever you want.

Lani: I don't know. If I could just get some sort of sign.

[Door closes] Oh, my god.

Ciara: [Laughs] Okay. You know, I thought you said that you wanted to help.

Ben: This isn't helping?

Ciara: Not exactly.

Ben: Mm.

Ciara: Oh. But you know, I do find you so irresistible.

Ben: Well, I'm sure your maid of honor will have no trouble finishing up the swag bags.

Ciara: Oh. You know, she did offer to take care of everything.

Ben: Perfect.

Ciara: [Laughs]

[Phone rings]

Ciara: Mm, oh, maybe this is the bridal shop. I should probably take this.

Ben: Ohh.

Ciara: Hello? What? No, no. That makes no sense. Are you sure? Oh, my god. Um, all right, well, there's nothing that you can do, like, at all? All right, then. Thank you. Bye.


Ben: What's wrong?

Ciara: My dream wedding dress, it's ruined.

Jake: Hey.

Gabi: What are you doing here?

Jake: I have extra time on my hands.

Gabi: You don't trust me.

Jake: No, actually, I don'T.

Gabi: What, you think that i would actually alter the results or pay somebody to alter them?

Jake: I think you'd do whatever it takes to get what you want.

Gabi: Stefan love that about me.

Jake: How about you go get the damn results?

Gabi: Why don't you wait right here?

Jake: Fine.

Lani: Oh.

Julie: Oh, tamara's back.

Tamara: What's this? Tears? And they don't look happy. Are you all right?

Lani: Yeah, I'm fine now that you're here. Are you okay?

Tamara: Oh, I had a good meal at the hotel.

Lani: Okay.

Tamara: Billy finished his call, and he offered to bring me back. But what happened?

Julie: I'll tell you what happened. Two women--miserable, selfish women who don't understand the meaning of love wanted to destroy our joy today, but abe disposed of one of them--gabi hernandez--and rafe arrived in the nick of time and managed to wrestle that damn gun away from vivian alamain.

Tamara: Oh! Stefan's mother? A gun? Oh, my baby.

Billy: A gun? I--you okay?

Valerie: Yes, yes. We're all safe now--and fine now that lani is safe. And what julie said is true, darling. You are surrounded and protected by all the love we have for you.

Tamara: And what better way to show it than to be here and to watch the two of you get married.

Abe: You know, after all that's happened, lani and eli aren't sure that they wanna continue with the ceremony.

Marlena: Eli? Lani?

Eli: Looks like you got your sign.

Lani: Okay. Let's get married.


Valerie: Yes. Yes.

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Ciara: [Sighs] There are nail polish stains all over the gown, ben, and they can't get them off.

Ben: Ciara, I'm sure there's something they can do, don't worry.

Ciara: No, ben, it's completely destroyed. And you know what, I don't understand it. There wasn't a single mark on the dress when I tried it on, and I put all the dresses back in the garment bags myself. I just don't get it.

Ben: Well maybe you can just get another one.

Ciara: Another one?

Ben: Yes.

Ciara: Another one?

Ben: Yes.

Ciara: Ben, that was a one- of-a-kind dress that's--that's all I got.

Ben: Ciara, there's still time to get another dress. It's okay.

Ciara: I've tried on practically every gown in this town, and the wedding is so close, I--I just don't understand. How could this happen? How could nail polish get all over my dress? How?

Vivian: Well? Where is he? Tell me about my son.

Rafe: Well, it all started when a man named jake lambert came to town.

Vivian: Jake lambert--I don't know anybody by that name. Who is he?

Rafe: He's a mechanic.

Vivian: A mechanic? Oh.

Rafe: Yeah.

Vivian: My son was not a mechanic. He was the heir to a fortune. He went to the best schools. He spoke four languages.

Jake: Well? You gonna open it?

Gabi: Yes. Yes.

Marlena: Well, all righty then.

[Laughter] Why don't we pick up where we left off?

Julie: Yes.

Marlena: Eli, would you like to say your vows?

Eli: [Exhales] Lani, we have been through so much these past two years. Hell, these past few hours.


Eli: That's funny?

Valerie: Yes.


Eli: Honey, I will never regret one second of our life or our love. We fell in love because of the child that we shared and lost, david abraham, and we will love him and remember him every single day. We will also make sure that his little brother or his little sister, that they know how brave and beautiful he was, like his mother. Last time we were here, lani, you sacrificed everything that was dear to you to save my grandmother's life. You even let me blame you for breaking my heart, when the truth is, your heart was breaking, too. But you don't have to sacrifice anymore, 'cause you will never be alone again. Lani, I love you, and I can't wait to be your husband, now and forever.

Lani: Eli, you are the love of my life, and my dream come true. It took every bit of strength that I had in me to walk away from you that day. And I never got to say the vows that I wanted to say. But I knew that I could never live with myself if I didn't do everything that I could to save your grandmother because I love who you love. Your friends are my friends. Your family, my family. David abraham will always be a part of us, but our heartbreak over losing him will only make us appreciate and care more deeply for the new child that we are about to bring into this world, a world that you make bigger and brighter every day. Eli, you are my world, you are my everything. You are the best person that I know. I love your kindness, your gentleness, your humor. [Laughs] You make me feel so special and safe, and I promise that I will be the best wife to you and mother to our child. Eli, you make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. And I can't wait to love you for the rest of my life.


Marlena: Wow. Now that eli and lani have exchanged vows, it's time to exchange rings.


Abe: It's here, it's here.

Eli: Thank you, sir.

Marlena: Eli, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love.

Eli: I give you this ring as a symbol of my love.

Marlena: With all that I am.

Eli: With all that I am.

Marlena: And all that I have.

Eli: And all that I have.

Marlena: Lani.

[Laughter] I give you this ring as a symbol of my love.

Lani: I give you this ring as a symbol of my love.

Marlena: With all that I am.

Lani: With all that I am.

Marlena: And all that I have.

Lani: And all that I have.

Marlena: I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.

[Laughter, cheering]

Lani: We did it. I love you.

Marlena: Now, eli and lani would like to celebrate their union by honoring a tradition called jumping the broom, which is a symbolic way of sweeping away all the old, bad energy.

Julie: Halleluiah to that!

Valerie: Yes!


Marlena: And welcoming in all the positive in your life. Abraham?


Eli: Okay.

Lani: Ready? [Laughs]

Julie: Yes, yes!


Marlena: Now, this ceremony is also a call for support from the community, so let's show this young couple our love as they start their life together. Let's help them make the transition by counting to three. And a--

All: One, two, three!


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