Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 6/30/20
Episode #13802 ~ A shocking guest crashes Lani and Eli's wedding; Kristen and Brady reunite; Rafe and Hope share a nice moment; Gabi and Chad face off.
Provided By Suzanne
Gabi: You really have nothing to say about the fact that I was completely and totally exonerated?
Chad: It's a travesty.
Gabi: It's justice. And now your wife--your wackadoodle wife is locked up in an institution, and I am free, free, free, free, free!
Rafe: Well, I'm just glad gabi finally took my advice and hired you as her lawyer. I cannot thank you enough for everything you've done, man. No, no, no, thank you. Okay, bye.
Hope: Knock, knock!
Rafe: Hey.
Hope: Hi [Laughs] Surprise. I brought pizza.
Rafe: Yeah. Well, you sure did. This is a nice surprise.
Marlena: All right, everybody, the bride is ready.
Valerie: Oh!
Marlena: Eli, will you join me?
Julie: We can begin, tamara.
[Both giggling]
["Wedding march" plays]
[Women oohing and ahhing]
Tamara: Lani.
Julie: So beautiful.
[Abe chuckles]
Abe: All right, my dear.
Valerie: Ah!
[Music ends]
Marlena: All right.
[Laughter] Thank you, abe.
[Low chatter] All right. Dearly beloved...
Julie: [Gasps] Oh, my god!
Marlena: Tamara!
Lani: Oh, my god, mom! Mom, mom, are you okay? Mom, can you hear me?
[Emotional music]
Brady: Kristen? Is that you?
[Stirring music]
Kristen: Hello, brady.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
[Kristen laughs]
Brady: God, what--what are you doing here? Did you go back to the convent? What did you do?
Kristen: No, no, no. I-I needed a disguise so I could sneak into salem so no one would recognize me. I'm still salem's most wanted, as I'm sure you know.
Brady: I took a hell of a risk by coming here to see me.
Kristen: Well...
Marlena: Tamara.
Tamara: Oh, thank you, marlena.
Lani: Mom, are you okay? What happened?
Tamara: Sweetheart, it's nothing--I'm fine.
Lani: Fine? Mom, you fainted.
Julie: I'll call an ambulance.
Tamara: Julie, no. No, that's--no, don'T.
Eli: Mom can you examine her?
Valerie: Absolutely, of course, of course.
Abe: Okay, everyone, let's just step back and give valerie some space.
Tamara: Look, everyone, it's--I'm okay.
Valerie: Are you having any chest pains? Blurred vision?
Tamara: No.
Valerie: Trouble breathing?
Tamara: No, look, I'm fine, everyone. It''s just my blood sugar. If I haven't eaten--
Julie: Oh, a cookie! She needs a cookie. I'll just go to the back and see if we've got a cookie--
Billy: Actually, here you go.
Julie: Oh--
Tamara: Oh, thank you, billy. Thanks to all of you. And I'm so sorry for this interruption. And I appreciate your concern. But I really am fine. I-I just need to go lie down for a little while and get some rest.
Lani: Okay, yeah, we'll put everything on hold.
Tamara: No. No, don't be silly.
Lani: Yes, it is okay. We'll postpone the wedding until you feel better, okay?
Tamara: No, no, you have waited too long for this moment, for this special moment in your life to become husband and wife. So here's the deal. I'm going back to my hotel room and lie down and get some rest. And you are going to marry the love of your life. No arguments.
Lani: Okay. As much as I wish you would let us wait. You know that you are a part of this wedding no matter where you are, right?
Tamara: Yes. You're in my heart...always.
Lani: Always.
Tamara: I love you.
Lani: I love you too.
Eli: Here I kept promising lani that nothing would go wrong.
Abe: Yeah. I did the same thing. But if, uh, if it doesn't get any worse, I think we're in pretty good shape.
Chad: The jury was corrupted. You were caught red-handed with the drug that abby ingested. I don't what more they could have wanted.
Gabi: How about some actual proof--the entire case was circumstantial.
Chad: Well, just because you weren't convicted doesn't mean you're innocent--I'll have justice for abby one way or another.
Gabi: Good, good, you could go after rolf because he basically told rafe and me that he set me up.
Chad: Rafe heard what he wanted to hear--you're his sister.
Gabi: Believe whatever you wanna believe...but the truth is I'm not a danger to abigail. I'm a danger to you, chad. Because now I'm free. Free to take back dimera. From sweat-breaking dances...
Rafe: You didn't have to do this.
Hope: Well, I know, I know, i just--I wanted to come by and check up on you and see how you were doing.
Rafe: Great, actually, uh, i am, um...I'm keeping it together for the most part. In fact, you know what, today I had my first video chat with david.
Hope: Oh, rafe, that's great.
Rafe: Yeah, yeah, it was. Till I hung up the phone, and then I kinda fell apart, but...
Hope: Oh, rafe, I'm sorry. It'll get a little easier each time. It will, I promise.
Rafe: Okay.
Abe: You know, since valerie has given the all clear, I'll escort tamara over to her hotel across the street.
Billy: I can do it. I just got a text about a case i been workin' on, and, uh, I need to make a few calls anyway. I'd be happy to escort ms. Price.
Valerie: Oh, honey, that is so sweet of you.
Billy: Hopefully, I'll be back for cake.
Lani: Mom, I just have to ask you one more time. Are you sure?
Tamara: Yes, sweet girl. Now, you go get yourself hitched.
[Both chuckling]
Lani: I love you.
Tamara: I love you too.
Julie: Feel better. Good evening.
Marlena: All right, everybody, I think we should proceed with the ceremony.
Valerie: Okay.
Marlena: All right. Yes? Yes?
All: Yes, yes!
Marlena: All right. Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of eli grant and lani price in holy matrimony. Now, I have said those words before but I was not able to pronounce you husband and wife. I believe that the person officiating it in this sort of program needs to be completely honest. Marriage isn't the stuff of fairy tales. It's about sweat, tears, and sometimes an occasional diaper.
[Lani laughs] But after all those setbacks and obstacles, if you really hang in there... something magical happens. What you find is a love that is strong... a love that is deep... a love that is enduring. And that is what eli and lani are looking forward to today. So the last time we tried to do this, fate stepped in--
Julie: Fate. A euphemism for gabi hernandez.
Valerie: Oh...
[Light laughter]
Chad: You're a joke.
Gabi: If anybody's a joke here, it's you. Instead of paying attention to the multinational conglomerate you should have been running, you were off in florida taking care of your mentally ill wife. And when you weren't playing go fish...or making sock puppets with her specialist or whatever the hell it is you're doing, you're here, trying to destroy my life.
Chad: What's your point?
Gabi: My point, mr. Ceo, is that the board has seen that you have been distracted and, quite frankly, negligent.
Chad: Even if that were true, which it--which it isn't--you really think they're gonna turn to you? They don't want you anywhere near them.
Gabi: Oh, well, took you back, didn't they?
Chad: I'm not a psychotic criminal.
Gabi: Neither am I. I actually created and ran the biggest subsidiary of this company, and now that I've cleared my name--
Chad: You were booted before you were arrested. The sham of a trial has nothing to do with it--it's not gonna change anything.
Gabi: Jake lambert's dna results will. I'm expecting them any day now.
Chad: Oh, good, then we can finally prove that, uh, this jake guy is not my reincarnated brother.
Gabi: But he is, he is. There is no question about that. And once I prove it, I'm not gonna be the widow dimera anymore. I'm gonna be mrs. Stefan dimera. And together, we're gonna have as much claim to the company as you do--actually, more! More, because unlike abigail, I am successful and sane.
Chad: Stop talking about my wife.
Gabi: Places to go, people to see. Bye, loser.
Brady: You came here to see lani?
Kristen: Brady, lani is the best friend I ever had.
Brady: I know.
Kristen: And it's her wedding day and I wanted to congratulate her and thank her for helping me escape so that I could find our baby.
Brady: But if--if you hadn't run into me, we...we wouldn't have seen each other.
Kristen: The only reason i didn't plan on seeing you is that I-I couldn't bear the... I couldn't bear to say good-bye to you again, brady.
Brady: Hey, hey. But here I am.
Kristen: Here we are.
Brady: Like fate just wanted us to be together.
Kristen: Maybe.
Brady: You mind if I--if I do this?
Kristen: No.
Brady: 'Cause I...I need to do this.
[Stirring music]
As a caricature artist,
Brady: I didn't know when-- I didn't know when I was ever gonna see you again. Or rachel. Wh--wh--how is she? Tell me about her.
Kristen: Brady, brady, brady, she is amazing.
Brady: Yeah?
Kristen: Yeah, she'S... she's cutting two teeth and she's learning to sing.
Brady: She sings.
Kristen: She sings, and she loves the sound of her own laughter. It is the sweetest, sweetest sound in this world, brady.
Brady: Where is she? Where is she?
Kristen: I, um, I couldn't risk bringing her to salem with me, so I-I left her with somebody I trust. God, brady, you should see her.
Brady: I want to.
Kristen: I do, I have pictures.
Brady: Pictures?
Kristen: I do.
Brady: Let's see her.
Kristen: [Laughing]
Brady: Oh, there she is.
Kristen: Ohh...
Chad: Kristen?
Rafe: Ah, yes.
Hope: Looks good.
Rafe: Yeah. I will say it was definitely a relief to see david looking healthy, happy.
Hope: Someone's taking good care of him, huh?
Rafe: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so that was good to see and, um... definitely good staying busy. Eli actually crashed here last night. Thank you. I, um, I pressed his entire wedding outfit.
Hope: No, you didn't! You ironed it? Oh, my gosh.
Rafe: I did--I didn't say it looked great, but I did and--
Hope: Well, if I did it, it would have been ruined. That's amazing.
Rafe: Yeah, it was pretty good. You bummed not to be going to the wedding?
Hope: Well, yeah, of course. Of course I am, but I understand eli and lani wanting to keep it small, given everything that happened last time.
Rafe: Yep. Understandable. They should be getting to the i dos right about now, huh?
Hope: Mm-hmm.
Rafe: As much as I love my sister, I still cannot believe that she...tried to destroy them.
Hope: Well, at least in the end... true love won out this time.
Rafe: Let's hope so.
Eli: Grandma!
Julie: I know, I know. I promised I wouldn't say gabi's name. Eli joked that if we said it three times out loud, she might magically appear, but I've only said it twice, so...
[Ahem] Moving right along. This is not going to be about she who cannot be mentioned. This is about love. A love so perfect, so powerful, so complete, so selfless...takes my breath away. Now you're gonna have a beautiful life together. And as for gabi hernandez, she's in court today. And if there's any justice in this world, that woman is--
Gabi: There is justice in this world, julie. Because I am free.
Julie: No!
Gabi: Oh, yes. You have said my name three times, and poof--I have magically appeared.
[Ominous music]
I'm a performer.
Rafe: Well, enough about me. Tell me about you.
Hope: Oh. Well, um, okay. I finally...caved and decided to accept the award. The key to the city.
Rafe: Oh, well, yeah. About time. You deserve it.
Hope: Except, there's more to the story. I'm almost regretting saying yes to kate because she failed to mention that it's-- the ceremony's at the same exact time as kayla and justin's wedding.
Rafe: Oh, boy. Guess it's a little too late to back out.
Hope: Oh, that's funny. You're hilarious. And endure the wrath of kate roberts till the end of time? No, thank you, but look... the real reason I finally decided to accept the award was because I didn't want to disappoint or embarrass abe.
Rafe: Mm-hmm.
Hope: Since kate had already funded the event. But, well... let the truth be told, um... I kind of...kinda felt bad for her.
Rafe: For kate?
Hope: Mm-hmm. She was upset about her family situation.
Rafe: Oh. I'm assuming you're talking about allie.
Hope: Yeah.
Rafe: I ran into her. I know she's pregnant. Sami, on the other hand, does not.
Hope: Oh!
Rafe: Mm-hmm.
Hope: Oh. Oh!
Rafe: Yeah.
Hope: Well, whoever allie decides to tell or not tell is entirely up to her, but... if sami finds out through the grapevine, there will definitely be hell to pay.
Rafe: Well, I think there'll be hell to pay either way knowing sami.
Hope: Oh, yeah, I do know her...very well.
Rafe: Listen... I just wanna say I'm sorry again... for screwing things up... the night that sami and I, uh...
Hope: Slept together?
Rafe: [Softly] Yeah.
Hope: It's the past.
Rafe: Yes, but, uh, still. Can't help but wonder.
Hope: What?
Rafe: Well, maybe things would have ended up differently if I wasn't such an idiot.
Abe: Gabi, please--
Gabi: I'm sorry to interrupt. Not.
Julie: How did you get in here?
Gabi: I told you, julie-- magic! A door.
Marlena: Gabi, don't do this.
Gabi: Oh, please, marlena, relax--this is a public service. See, I thought you all would wanna know the outcome of my trial--especially eli and lani. Since they did take time out of their busy wedding preparations to come and testify against me.
Abe: And then they saved your life...after you'd been kidnapped by those mobsters. Because they are good people. And good people don't hold grudges.
Lani: No, I hold a grudge.
Julie: Yes, and I hold a bigger one, and you're on my territory--now, this is my place, and it happens to be trash night. It will be my great pleasure to escort you to the curb.
Gabi: Try it lady. Watch what happens.
Julie: Oh, threats of violence--perfect! We have two police officers here and the mayor of salem.
Gabi: Wow, so nothing's getting done in this town today, huh? Would it be too much to ask law enforcement to look into who really drugged abigail since they can't pin it on me?
Lani: I feel sick.
Eli: Listen to me. Everything is gonna be okay.
Lani: Mm-mm, no, because i knew that she would find a way to ruin it again.
Eli: Nothing is ruined, lani. Nothing. Gabi, when we were together, you told me that you really cared about me and it wasn't about revenge. So if you meant that, leave!
Abe: She's going. Now.
Eli: Go!
Gabi: Don't you dare touch me!
Julie: This way out.
Eli: It's okay. Everything from this moment on will be perfect.
Lani: [Exhales] Yeah. From this moment on.
Chad: When did you come back?
Kristen: I'm not back. You never saw me. I was never here, chad.
Chad: Are you, um...
Kristen: No, no.
Chad: A nun?
Kristen: I'm not a nun, I-- oh, god, brady, I shouldn't have turned around when you called my name, because now I've been caught.
Brady: No, hold on, chad's your brother--he's not gonna turn you in to the police.
Kristen: Please, chad. Please, just--will you please just walk...walk away and pretend that you never saw me?
Chad: No, I-I'm sorry. I can't do that.
Hope: I will just say this.
Rafe: Okay.
Hope: I am really, truly so happy that even I have been able to put the past in the past and be friends again.
Rafe: Me too. Me too, I really am, and... honestly, I just wanna say thank you again for helping me with this whole thing with david.
Hope: Yeah, I'm glad I could help.
Rafe: Well, you have. I mean, you really have. I-I think you actually have helped me... you have helped me more than you know. Yeah.
Hope: Rafe.
Rafe: Can I just--
Hope: It's okay.
Rafe: Thank you.
Gabi: Rafe, I, uh--oh!
Rafe: Gabi...hi.
Gabi: Hi. I was just bringing some champagne to celebrate my victory in court, although i don't think it goes very well with pizza.
Hope: Well, you know, I, uh, s-should go.
Gabi: I would offer you some, but I know you're team abigail.
Hope: I just hope whoever, um, poisoned my cousin's brought to justice. That's my wish.
Gabi: Yeah, me too, and i keep telling everybody it's rolf, and I know he was in prison when the crime occurred, but he was the mastermind, okay? He had the idea, and he had one of those dimera minions do the dirty work.
Kristen: You're really gonna turn me in? I-I thought we were on the same side, chad.
Chad: No, we are. I'm not gonna turn you in. I'm just saying that I can't just leave and pretend i didn't--I didn't see you. I need a favor.
Brady: Chad, she's a fugitive. What could she possibly do for you?
Chad: I just found out that gabi was acquitted. She got off scot-free for drugging abigail.
Kristen: Oh, god, I am so sorry.
Chad: Even more--she said she's coming for our father's company.
Kristen: Okay...that is nuts. She doesn't have a legitimate claim.
Chad: Well...
[Laughs] I can't believe I'm saying this, but there, um, there's a small, extremely small chance that, uh, our brother stefan is alive.
Kristen: What?
Chad: It's--it's a long story, but if our brother is among the living, that strengthens gabi's position considerably. And that's gonna put us, real dimeras, against wannabe dimeras who have--don't even know our father.
Kristen: You know, I despise gabi, and I will do anything in my power to help you, but... I mean, like brady said, I am on the run, and I-I can't stay here and fight.
Chad: But I don't--I don't need you to fight.
Brady: Then what is the favor?
Chad: I need her shares of dimera.
Eli: I don't remember seeing that necklace before. Where'd you get it?
Lani: It was a gift from a friend. A really special friend.
Eli: It's beautiful.
Lani: Thank you.
Eli: Feeling better now?
Lani: Yeah. Now that gabi is gone.
[Lock clicks]
Valerie: Yes.
Abe: Julie.
Julie: Yeah.
Abe: Now, I've locked all the doors, so there should be no further interruptions.
Julie: I should have thought of that sooner. I should have set out rat traps!
[Light laughter] Ladies and gentlemen, places!
Valerie: Oh, thank goodness we are back in business.
Eli: Can we cut to the chase this time, grandma?
Julie: Oh, of course, darling.
Eli: All right.
Marlena: All righty. I believe julie has a poem for us.
Valerie: Oh!
Julie: My grandfather, dr. Thomas horton, was a wonderful poet, and he introduced me to poetry, and many years ago, he read these lines to me. And I thought they would be perfect for this festive occasion. They're by christina rosetti. "My heart is like a singing bird whose nest is in a watered shoot. My heart is like an apple tree whose boughs are bent with thick set fruit. My heart is like a rainbow shell that paddles in a halcyon sea. My heart is gladder than all these because my love is come to me."
Marlena: [Exhales] Lovely, julie. Thank you so much. All right. The union of husband and wife in heart, mind, and body is for their mutual joy; for the help and comfort given one another in prosperity and adversity and for the procreation of children.
[Soft music]
Therefore, marriage is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly but reverently and deliberately in accordance with all the purposes for which it was instituted. Into this sacred union, lani and eli come to be joined. You know, I was going to skip the next part, but... hey, gabi's gone, so, uh, so if anybody has any just reasons that this couple should not be joined in matrimony, well, you can speak now or forever hold your peace. Whew!
[Laughter] People used to care. Heck, they'd come
Marlena: Are there any objections?
Valerie: Ah...
Julie: No.
Marlena: Good!
[Light laughter]
Eli: Lani, you can exhale now.
Lani: [Laughs] Right, uh...I'm sorry if I'm still a little rattled. It's just that after everything that has happened today, I guess I was just kind of expecting someone else to... interrupt the ceremony.
Valerie: Oh, no, your father has locked all the doors.
Abe: It's gonna be okay, honey. I promise.
Lani: Thank you, dad. And I know that we're in the middle of the ceremony, but i just wanna say that I am so thankful that you guys are here sharing this day with us... a day that I... wasn't sure would happen.
[Exhales] Sorry. Hormones.
[Laughter, chatter] Um...truth is, um, I have been holding my breath ever since eli and I got engaged.
Eli: We made it. We did it, we're here.
Julie: Yes! You're here! Although I'm sure when you heard gabi's voice, you must have thought that this wedding was cursed too, but... the ding-dong witch is gone. I understand how you feel. You're not cursed. I know in my soul you are blessed. And when you make your vows to each other, you will be sanctified and you'll be protected and surrounded by all the great love we feel for you.
Marlena: Julie's right. No more negativity. We are here in this room, family, dear friends, come to celebrate your marriage. And, uh... everything's fine. Nothing to be afraid of.
[Glass shatters]
[Tense music]
Gabi: What are you two doing sitting out here eating pizza? Thought you'd be at eli and lani's wedding.
Rafe: They wanted to keep it small. Probably to deter uninvited guests.
Hope: Well, I should go. I really should.
Rafe: W--ok-well, thanks for the pizza.
Hope: Yeah, sure. Uh, enjoy the rest.
Gabi: So you and hope... what's goin' on there?
Rafe: Nothin'.
Gabi: You've been spending a lot of time together lately.
Rafe: Mm-hmm. Yeah, we're friends again. Which, uh, I didn't foresee happening, and I'm glad it did.
Gabi: Hmm. I walked in on you two hugging. Are you sure it isn't more than just a friendship?
Brady: You want kristen to give up any claim that she has to dimera.
Chad: No, um...not at all. I-I'm just asking for you to help me consolidate power. I already have kate's shares. If I can get kristen's, I can put them together, and I'll be able to fight off any challenge from gabi or this reincarnation of stefan.
Kristen: If I want a life with my daughter, I'm not gonna be able to come back to salem or dimera. So... I will gladly give you my shares if it will keep gabi from destroying father's legacy.
Brady: Hey. Are you sure about that?
Kristen: Yeah. I want you to have them.
Chad: Thank you.
Kristen: My lawyer will be in touch. It's so good to see you.
Chad: You too. Take care of yourself. And, uh, and my niece.
Kristen: I will, and you take care of abigail. I have been praying for her to be able to come home soon.
Chad: How would you know?
Kristen: I've been keeping tabs on what's going on here in salem.
Chad: Right. Um... thank you for your thoughts and your prayers. I appreciate that. Be careful.
Kristen: [Softly] Okay. Okay, you know what, I really, really need to go before someone else sees me, brady.
Brady: Listen, you need to know something first. I've been working hard to try to get the charges dropped.
Kristen: How?
Brady: I made grandfather tell eli that it wasn't you that stabbed him. And then eli made me rethink that story as to whether we want to take that to the D.A. Or not--
Kristen: I know, because if I'm innocent, they'll point the finger at you. Because you already confessed.
Brady: Yeah.
Kristen: Brady... I couldn't let you take the fall for me then, and I'm not gonna let you take the fall for me now. I'm sorry. I really, really have to go.
Brady: I'm goin' with you. At philadelphia, we know what makes the perfect schmear
[Dark music]
Chad: Why do I care so much about protecting your legacy? I do know that I can't let gabi take anything else from this family. I was so sure that gabi was the one making abigail sick. Why did I...want so badly for it to be her? Because I'M... what, because I couldn't face the alternative? Which was that it was someone else going after my wife, maybe...someone following your orders? You wouldn't do that to your own son... would you, dad?
Rafe: Yes, I am sure. Hope and I are just friends. All right?
Gabi: [Laughs] So there's no chance you two'll get back together?
Rafe: Nope. Zero.
Gabi: If you say so.
Rafe: Just said it.
[Phone rings]
Gabi: Oh. Gabrielle dimera. Yes, yes. Thank you. Okay. Okay, that was the lab.
Rafe: Yeah?
Gabi: Jake's results are gonna be done within the hour. Rafe, I'm gonna find out if my husband is alive.
Kristen: Oh, god, brady. I want more than anything for you to come with me. What about tate? You can't just abandon your son.
Brady: I won't, I won'T. I have no intention of abandoning my son. But I don't know my daughter. I don't know my daughter. I want rachel to be in my life. I can't get used to the two of you not being in my life. Everyone's telling me, "just give it some time, it'll be okay." It's not okay.'s getting harder. It's getting tougher. Do you understand what I'm saying?
Kristen: I do. I do, I do understand.
Brady: I don't know--I know it probably can't be forever. I don't know what the future's gonna hold, I don'T. I only know one thing.
Kristen: What?
Brady: I need to be with you again. Okay?
Kristen: Okay...okay.
Brady: Let's go, let's go. Come on.
Lani: What was that?
Eli: I have no idea.
Marlena: It sounds like it came from the kitchen.
Abe: I'll go check it out.
Valerie: I'll go with you.
Julie: No, no, calm down, everybody, take it easy. As a restaurant owner, I know exactly what that sound was. My good dinner plates hitting the floor.
Marlena: Oh, no!
Lani: Are you sure?
Julie: I know a clumsy caterer when I hear one.
Vivian: Who are you calling clumsy?
Julie: Oh, my god!
Eli: Vivian?
Julie: How did you get in? What are you doing here?!
Vivian: Sorry for the noise, but I wasn't invited to the wedding, so I had no choice but to crash.
[Intense music]
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