Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 6/29/20
Episode #13801 ~ Lani receives help from someone unexpected; Valerie has a surprise for Eli; Marlena comforts Brady, who longs for his family; Gabi's verdict is delivered.
Provided By Suzanne
Rafe: Where's gabi?
Chad: Uh, I think she went out. Why?
Rafe: Because I just got a call. Jury reached a verdict.
Chad: Okay. So this is it, then. Gabi's gonna finally get what she deserves.
[Dramatic music]
Gabi: [Scoffs] Get your nasty paws off my husband.
Gwen: [Chuckles] Well, you must be gabi.
Gabi: That is right.
Gwen: Well, I'm actually glad that you're here, gabi, 'cause now is the perfect time to tell you to stay the hell away from my boyfriend.
[Sentimental music]
Julie: Ah! The father of the bride has arrived. I'm so glad to see you, abe.
Abe: Oh, because you're so excited to see me or because you need help setting up?
Julie: Well, both, but mostly the second 'cause, as you see, I'm running a little behind here.
Abe: Sure, so what can I do?
Julie: Oh, uh, you can start by folding these napkins for the reception.
Abe: Well, I'm very glad to pitch in.
Julie: Good, I hope you have some skill at that, 'cause we don't want a messy look.
[Both laugh] And, uh--oh. Um, could you first move those flowers to the table there? Just to that little red table.
Abe: Oh, yeah, sure, sure, sure.
Julie: Yeah, fine.
Abe: Yeah.
[Playful jazz music]
Julie: No, a little to the right. No, I'm sorry. To the left. Not that much.
Abe: So did I get it?
Julie: Uh, it'll do. Don't forget about these napkins, okay?
Abe: Uh-huh, yeah. Of course.
Julie: On second thought, please put it up at that table.
Abe: Okay.
Julie: Now, uh, you can run to the back and bring out the champagne. I have it cooling in a silver bucket. You can do that right this minute, and don't, uh, linger back there.
Abe: Julie.
Julie: Yes?
Abe: How about you get it yourself?
Valerie: Come on, big smile.
Eli: Okay, cheese. There. Okay, we're done here now, mom. Thanks.
Valerie: No, no, come on. What's one more selfie?
Eli: Because it's never just one more. All right.
Valerie: Oh, brother. You know, you always hated getting your picture taken, even when you were little. I can't tell you how many shots I have of you with your hand covering your big, beautiful angel face.
Eli: Are you trying to make this worse on me?
Valerie: [Laughs] Okay. Okay, I know. You're all grown up now and about to start your own family.
Eli: And it'll be my turn to torture my own kids.
Valerie: Exactly. So it'll serve you right if they hate getting their picture taken as much as you do.
[Cell phone camera snaps]
Eli: Really?
Valerie: Uh-huh. [Laughs]
Eli: Oh, god.
Valerie: I'm gonna go freshen up my makeup, and when I get back, I've got some great ideas for some other shots.
Eli: Yeah, I can't wait.
Valerie: Mm-hmm, be ready.
Eli: Mm-hmm.
[Doorbell rings] I wonder who that could be.
[Knock at door]
Lani: Valerie, did you forget something? Oh, my god.
Kristen: Surprise.
Lani: Kristen, what are you doing here?
Kristen: Oh, my god, come here. Did you really think that i would miss my dear friend's wedding?
[Both laugh] Oh.
Lani: What?
[Both laugh]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Lani: Come inside already.
Kristen: Oh, my god.
Lani: What?
Kristen: Look at you. Look at you! I love this hair. You look so beautiful.
Lani: Thank you. My god, I cannot believe that you're here. I mean, kristen, why do you have this outfit on?
Kristen: Okay--
Lani: Did you go back to the convent?
Kristen: No, no.
Lani: Did you take your vows?
Kristen: Nope, I did not. Nope, I did not. I just--I needed a disguise to sneak into town.
Lani: [Scoffs] So you are aware that there is a warrant out for your arrest?
Kristen: Yes, yes. I have been keeping tabs on salem since I left.
Lani: Kristen, you are taking a huge risk coming back here.
Kristen: Yes, I know that, but it is your wedding day, my darling, and I had to come here to congratulate you. Oh, my god, and I wanted to thank you in person for helping me escape and helping me track down my daughter. I mean, I wouldn't be with her right now if it wasn't for you. I mean, after all these years, I'm finally a mother. Oh, my god, and it is... even more wonderful than I've ever dreamed of.
Brady: Buddy, do me a favor. You have fun on your trip, okay? All right. I love you too, man. Okay. Bye.
[Cell phone beeps]
Marlena: Tate?
Brady: Tate.
Marlena: Mm.
Brady: He sounds really good. He does.
Marlena: I know how much you miss him...and rachel.
Brady: I do. Why are you so dressed up?
Marlena: Oh. Oh, I'm, uh--I'm officiating at eli and lani's marriage today.
Brady: That's right. That's right. Well, tell them I said congrats, okay?
Marlena: I will do that.
Brady: Thank you. And tell eli--tell him thank you from me.
Marlena: All right. Why?
Brady: [Sighs] He stopped me from making a very big mistake.
Eli: Well, it's good to see you, billy.
Billy: You too, and congratulations.
Eli: Thanks. I, um--I didn't know you were coming up for the wedding.
Billy: You didn't think I'd miss your big day. And here's hoping it goes smoother than last go-round.
Eli: Yeah, yeah. Um, so did lani invite you?
Valerie: Actually, I did.
Eli: Oh. I see.
Billy: Is that a problem?
Eli: No. No, no, no, no, no. It's not a problem. It's just that lani and I, we, um, only invited close family members. But hey, I would be thrilled to have my old fbi mentor there.
Valerie: Well, I'm glad to hear you say that, because billy isn't here as your former mentor. He's here as my date. Something great from mr. Clean.
Julie: Oh, abe. I'm so sorry. I didn't realize I was being--
Abe: Pushy? Uh, demanding? Rude?
Julie: All of the above. I'm just used to giving orders to doug, poor darling, and i really didn't realize. I'm sorry.
Abe: Oh, so doug's not coming to the wedding?
Julie: Well, he's feeling a little under the weather today, so we decided he should stay home.
Abe: So all of the wedding setup falls on you.
Julie: You could say that. I know I've given many, many events here, but I want everything to be just perfect for lani, for eli.
Abe: Amen to that.
[Both laugh] But, you know, you shouldn't drive yourself or anyone else crazy. They were very clear. They wanted this wedding to be nice and simple.
Julie: Yes, yes. I know. I know. I must not let the stress get to me, and I do want to apologize and thank you for setting me straight.
Abe: Well, I know you're under a lot of pressure. So why don't you just sit down and relax, and I'll go in the back and get the champagne?
Julie: No, how about I go in the back, I get the champagne, and you sit down and get started on those napkins?
Abe: Deal, deal.
Julie: Okay, great.
[Curious music]
That how you gonna do 'em? Lovely. Perfect. Couldn't do better myself.
Abe: That's good to know.
Tamara: Well, you certainly are a full-service mayor.
[Both laugh]
Abe: Tamara, oh. I am so glad you could make it.
Tamara: Are you kidding? Would I miss our daughter's special day?
Abe: Oh. Didn't go so well last year.
Tamara: That's true, but I--i just know it's gonna be different; I feel it.
Abe: Well, let's hope we don't have any surprises.
Lani: I am just so happy that you get to be with your little girl.
Kristen: Oh, god. Like I said, I wouldn't be raising her right now if it-- you hadn't helped me. Tell me that you--you didn't get into trouble after I left.
Lani: Well, eli did find out about what I did.
Kristen: God, he must have been upset, yes?
Lani: Yeah. At first, he was really upset, and I hated putting him in that position. I was even ready to turn myself in to protect him. And then he stopped me.
Kristen: He protected you.
Lani: He did. And look at us now.
[Both laugh]
Kristen: Well, I'm so glad nothing happened to you, and i am so, so sorry that--that...
[Sighs] That I put you through all that.
Lani: No, mm-mm. No, kristen, I don't blame you at all, okay? I made my own choices.
Kristen: I know, and then I'm doing it all over again. I'm putting you in danger on your wedding day. You know, I can leave if you want me to.
Lani: What? No, no. Kristen, sit down.
Kristen: Really?
Lani: Yes. I want to enjoy this day with you. Okay? You are my best friend. But nobody saw you come in, right?
Kristen: No, no, no, no, no. I made sure I came in at the right time. I mean, I almost knocked--i knocked on the door earlier, but eli's mother arrived. Tell me--tell me how that went.
Lani: You know, valerie was really sweet.
Kristen: Yeah.
Lani: She made me breakfast.
[Both laugh]
Kristen: That's lovely.
Lani: Yeah.
Kristen: I mean, I know that she wasn't a fan.
Lani: No, she has definitely come around.
Kristen: Oh.
Lani: She wanted to make sure that I had enough energy for today and especially since I'm pregnant.
Kristen: You're what?
Lani: Oh, I didn't mention that?
Kristen: No, you didn't mention that.
Lani: Yeah, I'm pregnant.
[Both laugh]
Kristen: Ah! Oh, my god! Get over here! Congratulations.
[Both laugh] Oh, god, I'm so happy.
Lani: Oh.
Eli: Billy's your date?
Billy: And lucky to be so.
Eli: Hmm. You two hardly know each other.
Valerie: Oh, we ran into each other at a charity event in D.C. A while ago.
Billy: We chatted away the entire night.
Valerie: And then he asked me out to dinner, and we've been dating ever since.
Eli: Ever since when? When was this event?
Valerie: Um, like, three months ago.
Billy: And it's been the happiest three months of my life.
Valerie: Aww. Mm.
[Both laugh]
Eli: Hmm.
Rafe: Well, my sister says she's innocent, and I believe her.
Chad: She drugged abigail.
Rafe: Nope. Nope, swears she didn'T. In fact, she says the whole thing's a setup.
Chad: Come on, man. Look, I know you love her, but you don't really buy this whole thing about rolf framing her.
Rafe: Yeah, I do, actually, because I went to see rolf yesterday in prison, and he basically admitted it.
Chad: I can point out that gabi has tried to destroy my family over and over and over again, but I don't wanna argue. So...the jury's already made their decision.
Rafe: And we're gonna have to live with that decision no matter what.
Chad: Yeah, I'm gonna go tell jack the good news.
Rafe: Okay, great. And so you haven't heard from her? You don't know where gabi is?
Chad: Last I saw, she was, uh, telling me about this jake guy who she thinks is stefan.
Rafe: Have you seen him?
Chad: No, she was trying to convince me to go, and, uh, I'm guessing she went on her own.
Rafe: Oh, great.
[Tense music]
Gabi: Listen, gwen.
[Laughs] So sorry to tell you that your little boyfriend here, he's my husband.
Jake: No, I'm not.
Gwen: He seems pretty sure, love.
Gabi: [Scoffs] Don't worry. Yeah, don't worry. Very soon, I will have proof.
Jake: What kind of proof?
Gabi: [Snorts softly] I sent your toothbrush and stefan's comb to a lab to have the dna compared.
Abe: You know, I've had a lot of proud moments in my life, but nothing--nothing compares to walking my daughter down the aisle.
Tamara: Oh.
Abe: I think, uh, they seem so precious to me because of-- because of all the years i missed being with her.
Tamara: I understand.
Abe: Well, I try not to, uh-- try not to think about that anymore. I'm just grateful for the relationship she and I have.
Tamara: Well, she's so lucky to have you.
Julie: Abe?
Tamara: So am I.
Julie: Abe, how's it going out there?
Abe: Uh-oh. Um...I think I'd better get to work.
Tamara: Why do you suddenly look terrified?
Abe: [Laughs] Well, "terrified" might be too strong a word, but julie's coming, and she needs to have these napkins folded properly.
Tamara: Okay.
Abe: [Chuckles] Well, you know, I understand why she seems to be so overbearing. She wants to have this day perfect.
Tamara: Of course. Her grandson's getting married.
Abe: Yeah, and she is very specific about her ideas of how to accomplish that goal.
[Laughs] As lovely a person as she is, she can be a huge pain in the-- julie! Look who's here.
Julie: Ah.
Valerie: In a lot of ways, i guess today is our coming out as a couple.
Billy: Not to take away any of your thunder as the groom.
Valerie: Oh, no way. Eli's got plenty of thunder. Oh, you know what? Let's take a picture together to post.
Billy: Uh, I think I left my phone in the car.
Valerie: What?
Billy: I'll go grab it.
[Door clicks shut]
Eli: So you're dating my mentor.
Valerie: I am seeing billy, yes.
Eli: Hmm. Mm. Wow. Why didn't you tell me about that?
Valerie: I--well, we wanted to wait until we were sure there was something really there.
Eli: Well, it definitely looked like there was something really there to me.
Valerie: Yes, I like him a lot, and I think the feeling is mutual. Are you gonna be all right with that?
Brady: So once I'm done with titan, I'll watch it sink into the ocean, and victor will sink along with it.
Marlena: Oh.
Brady: Yeah.
Marlena: That's why you took the job as ceo. You wanted to get back at your grandfather.
Brady: After what he did to kristen and me, that man deserves nothing but regrets.
Marlena: Hmm. John thought that was the reason.
Brady: So did grandfather, unfortunately. He confronted me, and then he-- he asked me if there was anything he could do to make things right between us.
Marlena: Oh. What did you say?
Brady: I asked him to tell eli that it was not kristen who stabbed him.
Marlena: That's not true.
Brady: I know. Technically, it's not true. Eli saw through it, and he--he warned me that victor would probably be charged with perjury for changing his story and they would return to their original suspect.
Marlena: You?
Brady: Not that I wouldn't take the fall for kristen. I would. Just kind of defeats the whole purpose of my plan, marlena.
Marlena: What is the plan?
Brady: To be reunited with my daughter and with kristen. That's what I want. All I want is for them to come back to town, to come back home to me. I just--I don't know how it's ever gonna be possible.
Kristen: Lani, you're having a baby! This is amazing! Congratulations.
Lani: Thank you. Thank you.
Kristen: Oh, my god. Well, you should be jumping up and down right now. Come on.
Lani: I know. I'm just--I'm really nervous, you know, after everything that happened the first time around with david abraham.
Kristen: Yeah. No, I--I know. I know. It's--it's--it's hard to get your hopes up and have all these dreams for your child, just to have them ripped away again. I--yeah.
Lani: So you know how scary this is for me.
Kristen: Oh, god, of course. And I know when you go through something like this, it is so hard to open your heart again, but you have to. You have to for your sake and the baby'S.
Lani: I'm--I'm trying. I--I really am, and eli is just being so supportive and wonderful and...
Kristen: He is such a good guy.
Lani: I really wish you could be at the wedding. You deserve to be there.
Kristen: Well, I'd love to. But I might not be able to attend the ceremony, but I can definitely help you get ready. So come on. Let's get you looking like the most beautiful bride there ever was.
[Both laugh]
[Smooches, laughs]
Lani: Oh, my goodness.
Kristen: I can't wait!
[Both laugh]
Jake: You did not have my permission to run that test.
Gabi: [Scoffs] You're gonna thank me when the results come in and your dna matches stefan'S.
Gwen: Wow. You really are delusional, aren't you?
Gabi: You met jake, what, just under two years ago?
Gwen: Yeah, so?
Gabi: Before you got your claws into him, he was living in salem as stefan dimera. You wanna see our wedding photos? Here.
Gwen: Okay. You know what? How about just for giggles, shall we, let's say that jake was your husband at some point.
Jake: What are you doing?
Gwen: Hang on; I just wanna show her something. Even if you were married before, he's my boyfriend now. So the past doesn't matter.
Gabi: You're saying "boyfriend." I thought he was your ex-boyfriend.
Gwen: Oh. Oh, that's funny, isn't it, darling? Do, um--do exes do this? We're back together.
Gabi: Is that true?
Jake: It's complicated.
Gabi: [Exhales sharply] Oh, you see that? He's walking away from you because he is still in love with me, his wife.
Gwen: Oh, god, really, you're such a bore. Come on, jake. Let's go back upstairs and finish what we started before this lunatic walked in and disrupted us.
Gabi: You're not going anywhere with him.
Gwen: Really?
Gabi: Mm-hmm.
Gwen: You try and stop me.
Gabi: [Grunts]
Gwen: I can't believe you--
Gabi: [Screams] Get off! Get off!
Julie: Tamara! Oh, it's so good to see you! Oh, ho, ho, ho.
Tamara: Oh, it's so good to see you too, julie. It's been way too long.
Julie: Way too long, and at their last wedding, I was in the hospital--the wedding that didn't happen. Oh, let's not go there. It's a miserable memory. You're here. I'm here. I'm so happy about that.
[Both laugh]
Tamara: Me too. It's going to be a beautiful wedding, I'm sure.
Julie: It is. It is. And on that note, how are the napkins coming?
Abe: Well, they are all folded and accounted for, ma'am.
Julie: I see.
Abe: Is there a problem?
Julie: No. No problem.
Abe: Is there anything else I can disappoint you with?
Julie: [Laughs] I think I'll handle the rest by myself.
Abe: Well, in that case, I'm going to go and make a quick phone call.
Julie: Fine. Let's sit down.
Tamara: Okay. Well, you scared him off.
Julie: Oh. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but, really, at a party, who folds a napkin like this?
Tamara: Is it really about the napkins?
Julie: What do you mean?
Tamara: Well, I mean, we're all overly excited about making this day perfect for lani and eli.
Julie: That's so true.
Tamara: Mm-hmm.
Julie: You know, the last one was such a nightmare, and I-- I do feel some responsibility for that.
Tamara: You? Why? Gabi hernandez is the one who should take the blame.
Julie: Yes, I do know that, when I'm thinking clearly. But it's such an honor for me to be hosting this. I don't want anything to go wrong, and... well, truth to tell... I wasn't sure I'd live to see this day.
Tamara: Ah. Then treat it like just what it is: A gift. It's going to be wonderful and joyous and life-affirming, even if the napkins are a little messy.
Abe: I heard that.
Valerie: Do you have a problem with me seeing billy?
Eli: Oh, mother.
Valerie: [Sighs]
Eli: No, okay? It's totally fine, okay? If you two make each other happy, then I'm happy for the both of you.
Valerie: Thank you. That's wonderful.
Eli: It is good to see you smile, though.
Valerie: Mm, and you too. I cannot tell you how thrilled i am that you and lani have found your way back to each other.
Eli: Yeah.
Valerie: And you're giving me a little grandbaby too.
[Both laugh]
Eli: Thank you.
Valerie: Yeah.
Kristen: Oh, my god, you look stunning, lani.
Lani: Thank you. Oh.
Kristen: What? What is it?
Lani: Valerie, she, um--she gave me her mother's handkerchief--something old and something blue. Now I just need something borrowed and something new.
Kristen: Well... I have something new.
Lani: For me?
Kristen: Yes, for you. Go ahead and open it. [Laughs]
Lani: Oh, kristen. It's beautiful.
Kristen: Well, it is a little gift to remind you of our old times at the convent.
Lani: I'm gonna cherish it.
Kristen: All right, now... something borrowed. What do I have here? Oh! Lipstick?
Lani: Oh, no, no, no.
Kristen: No?
Lani: That's not my shade. Mm-mm.
[Both laugh]
Kristen: Um... how about this? This was mine when I was little, and I gave it to rachel.
[Exhales] But I want you to borrow it for today and for your little baby.
Lani: You sure?
Kristen: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, she played with it for about a week, and then she lost interest.
Lani: Okay, but only because this ensures that you and I will see each other again.
Kristen: Oh, my god, of course we will. After what we've been through together, oh, god, lani, we're friends for life.
Lani: Yeah, friends for life.
Kristen: [Breathes deeply]
Gabi: Get off!
Jake: Stop it. Stop it, both of you. That's enough.
Gwen: You are gonna lose!
Gabi: [Grunts]
Rafe: Whoa, whoa. What the hell, gabi?
Gabi: You don't know who you're messing with.
Rafe: What the hell is going on here? Oh, my god.
Jake: Yeah, yeah, the resemblance to her dead husband, right? I get it. Who are you?
Rafe: Rafe hernandez, her brother.
Gwen: Why don't you get control over your psycho sister?
Jake: Stop.
Rafe: Yeah, that's not the plan.
Gabi: Rafe, what are you doing here?
Rafe: I've been trying to get ahold of you. I left you, like, a dozen messages.
Gabi: My phone died. What's going on?
Rafe: The verdict is in. We need to go.
Gabi: Oh, my god, right now?
Rafe: Yes, you need to get to the courthouse immediately.
Gabi: Okay. Okay, fine. Hey, listen. I know that you are my husband, and deep down, I think you know it too, okay? So until we have those test results back, why don't you stay away from this skank?
Jake: Hey! Hey!
Gwen: Don't let the door hit you on the way out! Psychopath. The thing with depression, you get...stuck.
Marlena: I know how much you miss kristen and rachel.
Brady: I really do.
Marlena: Oh, brady, you're so dear to me. I hate to see you suffering.
Brady: I'm gonna be all right.
Marlena: Yeah, I know you are.
Brady: Yeah. Well, thank you-- thank you for listening.
Marlena: I'm always here for you; you know that.
Brady: Yeah, I do.
Marlena: Oh, darling.
Brady: Thank you.
Marlena: Mm.
Brady: Bye.
[Soft music]
[Cell phone beeps]
Abe: Well, I think it's safe.
Tamara: I think so, but i don't think she wants your help anymore.
[Both laugh]
Abe: Well, that's okay. I'm on my way to pick up lani. She asked me to escort her to the wedding.
Tamara: That's very sweet. Maybe I can come along and help her get ready or...
Abe: Yeah, uh--oh, yes. That's marlena right there. You know what? Why don't you stay here and catch up with her, and then you'll see her soon?
Tamara: Okay. Give our daughter a kiss.
Abe: You can do it yourself very soon.
Tamara: Uh-huh.
Abe: Oh, my goodness. Don't you look lovely?
Marlena: Oh, aren't you sweet? Thanks, and aren't you handsome?
Abe: Thank you.
Marlena: Uh--
Tamara: [Gasps]
Marlena: No!
[Both laugh] Oh, my darling friend. You must be so thrilled to get your daughter married. Oh, my gosh, you must be so proud of her.
Tamara: More than you can ever know.
Gwen: Ugh, god. That gabi woman, she's bloody mad.
Jake: Obviously.
Gwen: [Exhales sharply] You know what? Maybe it's a good thing she's gonna get these dna tests done.
Jake: How do you figure?
Gwen: Well...if she's wrong, then she'll just stop badgering you.
Jake: Let's hope so.
Gwen: Yeah. And if she's right...well, you just tell her you don't care anyway, and then that's how we get rid of her.
Jake: Yeah.
Gwen: What's with this verdict, anyway? Is she on trial or something?
Jake: She could end up going to prison.
Gwen: Yeah, I'm not surprised. What did she do?
Chad: Hey, I'm glad to see rafe tracked you down. I didn't want you to miss your moment of truth.
Gabi: Are you kidding me? Nothing was gonna stop me from seeing the look on your face when that jury declares me innocent.
Chad: I think you're gonna end up like that store of yours: Locked up.
Rafe: That's enough, chad.
Gabi: Let's go. I'll see you in court. Let's go, rafe.
[Tense music]
Is now a good time
for a flare-up?
Valerie: It's so nice to finally meet you.
Tamara: It's wonderful to meet you too.
Eli: Tamara, I don't remember; did you meet billy at the first wedding?
Tamara: We sure did.
Billy: I just loved your rendition of "ave maria." Absolutely beautiful.
Tamara: Oh, thank you for saying that. You know, I was hoping I'd get a chance to see you today.
Eli: Oh, uh, billy is actually my mother's date.
Tamara: Oh. How nice.
Valerie: Thank you.
Julie: Hello, dear.
Eli: Hello. The place looks great.
Julie: Oh, I'm so glad you're pleased. I'm still not certain about those napkins. Never mind.
Eli: [Laughs]
Julie: Well, I said it before, and it bears repeating. I'm so happy for you and for lani, and--actually, I'm thrilled.
Eli: Well, I am pretty damn thrilled myself.
Julie: Oh.
Eli: I wanna thank you, not only for letting us use your place but for always having our backs. I don't know what I'd do without you.
Julie: I feel the same. You know, today I've been thinking about your dad a lot. He'd be so proud of you, eli. I wish he was here to see you get married today.
Eli: He is, grandma. I know he is.
Julie: Oh.
Lani: Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
Kristen: What? What is it?
Lani: My dad, he just texted me two minutes ago, saying that he was parking and he will be up here any second. Kristen, you have to go.
Kristen: All right. Lani, good luck. I wish you and eli all the happiness in the world. I love you so much.
Lani: I love you too, and please give that sweet little girl a kiss for me.
Kristen: Mm. Mm, I will. Oh.
Lani: All right, now go.
Kristen: Okay. Bye.
Lani: Bye.
[Knock at door]
[Exhales sharply]
Abe: Hey.
Lani: Hi, dad.
Abe: Hey, did I just see a nun run down the hallway?
Lani: Yes, that was sister mary elizabeth from the salem sisters of saint joseph. The convent back in italy asked if they would send over a gift.
Abe: Well, that's very thoughtful.
Lani: Yeah, very, very, thoughtful.
Abe: You know, you look just beautiful, sweetheart.
Lani: Thank you, dad. So how is everything at julie's?
Abe: Oh, everything's all set, and julie and marlena are keeping your mother company.
Lani: You know, I'm really surprised that she didn't stop by here first. Is she okay?
Abe: Oh, she's great, as wonderful as ever.
Lani: All right, good. I'm really happy that she was able to make it.
Abe: Yeah, me too.
Lani: [Chuckles softly]
Abe: Oh, gosh, I just-- I hope you know how proud I am to be your father.
Lani: [Laughs] Not as proud as I am to be your daughter.
Abe: [Chuckles] All right. All right, we don't wanna make you late for your wedding, now, do we?
Lani: No.
Abe: Okay, let's get this-- get you married, girl. Come on, let's get you married. Let's go.
Lani: Okay. Oh, wait. Hold on, dad. Hold on. Hold on.
Abe: Oh, okay, that's good. That's good. Let me get your train.
[Both laugh] Whoo-hoo. Great. Here we go.
[Emotional music]
Brady: God, I miss you, and I love you so much.
Presenting downtherecare with cottonelle.
Marlena: And there's the bride. You look...fabulous!
Lani: Thank you, marlena. And thank you again for doing this.
Marlena: My pleasure. You ready to get married?
Lani: More than ready.
Marlena: Okay, I will check on eli and make sure everybody else is in place.
Abe: All right, we'll see you inside.
Marlena: Yes, you will.
Lani: [Breathing deeply] Dad, I am so nervous.
Abe: Oh. Hey, that's just natural.
Lani: Yeah.
Abe: You're gonna be surrounded by people who love you, and they're very, very happy for you and eli.
Lani: [Chuckles]
Abe: I promise you, everything will be perfect this time.
Lani: I love you.
Marlena: All right, everybody, the bride is ready.
Valerie: Oh.
Marlena: Eli, will you join me?
Julie: We can begin, tamara.
[Both laugh] You gonna sit here?
Valerie: Mm.
[Indistinct chatter]
["Bridal chorus" playing]
[All gasp]
Tamara: Lani.
Julie: Beautiful. Beautiful.
Abe: [Chuckles]
Lani: [Laughs]
Abe: [Exhales sharply] All right.
Valerie: Oh.
Lani: [Laughs]
Marlena: All right.
Lani: Dad. [Laughs]
Eli: [Laughs]
Marlena: Thank you, abe. Always helpful. All righty.
Lani: [Laughs]
Marlena: Dearly beloved--
Lani: [Gasps]
Julie: Oh, my god.
Marlena: Tamara.
Lani: Oh, my god, mom. Mom. Mom, are you okay? Mom, can you hear me?
Gwen: Are you saying she actually tried to inject you with a mind-altering drug?
Jake: She almost succeeded too. She claims she thought it would bring back my memories.
Gwen: Oh, my god. Wow, she really is a deranged menace, isn't she? Sounds like she's gonna go to prison, then. So that means she won't be bothering us anymore.
Mr. Dimera, mr. Dimera, can I get your reaction to the gabi hernandez verdict?
Chad: No comment.
Gabi: Oh, you have nothing to say about the fact that I was completely and totally exonerated.
[Poignant music]
Brady: Kristen? Is that you?
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