Days Transcript Friday 6/26/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 6/26/20


Episode #13800 ~ The morning of her and Eli's wedding, Lani gets a surprise visitor; as Eli gets ready for the ceremony, he and Rafe share a warm moment; Gabi prepares to learn her fate; Ben has reservations about Claire being Ciara's maid of honor.

Provided By Suzanne

Gwen: So, did you get your old job back?

Claire: Nope.

Gwen: Why not?

Claire: Um, it's under new ownership. Well, my old boss fran is still there, but she said that they were looking for a more sophisticated type of employee. You know, saving her from the embarrassment of telling me to my face that they don't want a psycho pyromaniac waiting tables.

Gwen: Oh. Well, that's too bad. You know, you should've told them that you can serve the hell out of bananas flambe.

[Laughs] God, am I boring you or something?

Claire: What? No. No, no. I'm actually meeting ciara here to talk about her wedding. I'm gonna be maid of honor.

Gwen: Oh. Well, you can't say that girl holds a grudge, can you?

Claire: Mm-mm. She's wonderful, really just the perfect human being.

Ciara: Oh. Oh, wow.

[Moans] Oh, baby, that feels so nice.

Ben: Come back to bed.

Ciara: Mm, I wish I could, but I'm actually meeting up with claire after this. Yeah, she wants to talk to me about the wedding.

Ben: I still don't think that's a good idea-- her being your maid of honor.

Ciara: Yeah, okay, but it's gonna be fine, and this means a lot to her, ben.

Ben: Yeah, but it's our day. And although I love you--hey, i love you for being so forgiving and kind--we both know all too well that even when claire wasn't out of her mind, the only time she was happy was when she was the center of attention.

Ciara: That may be true, but you know very well that I was reluctant in making claire my maid of honor at first, but this is all about second chances. And come on, she helped us with the whole jake and gabi situation.

Ben: She tried, but really, that was lani and eli who saved the day. If it wasn't for them, gabi would be dead right now.

Jake: Time to wake up.

Gabi: You?

Jake: Thought you might want a little breakfast in bed. Celebrate the good news.

Gabi: Wha--what good news? What are you talking about?

Jake: Well... dna results are in. You were right all along. I really am Stefan O. Dimera.

[Gabi chuckles softly]

Eli: Dear lani, I'm looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you.

Lani: [Chuckles]

[Phone line trilling]

[Phone ringing]

Eli: Happy wedding day.

Lani: I got your flowers. They're beautiful.

Eli: Well, I wanted to make sure your morning got off to a good start. You know, since I couldn't be there last night.

Lani: We have been over this. You know that you are not supposed to see me before the wedding.

Eli: That is one dumb superstition.

Lani: Given our track record, I am not taking any risk. I want this day to be perfect.

Eli: I don't think that you have anything to worry about.

Lani: Maybe you're right. I mean, after everything that you and I have been through, what could possibly go wrong?

[Intense music]

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Gabi: I can't believe this. I wanted so much for it to be true.

Jake: Now that we know it is, all we have to do is work on getting my memory back.

Gabi: Well, maybe I can help you with that.

Chad: Gabi. Gabi, wake up.

[Dramatic music]

Gabi: What's going on?

Chad: I brought you breakfast in bed. Figured you'd wanna celebrate.

Gabi: What? What are you talking about, celebrate what?

Chad: Jury's ready to deliver the verdict, so this could be your last meal before you head to the slammer.

Jake: Look. I got your damn book. You wanna tell me how the hell to get it back to you?

[Door opens] Sorry, we're not open.

Luca: I'm sure you can bend the rules for an old pal.

[Dramatic music]

Lani: So, what did you and rafe do on your last night of freedom?

Eli: We got, uh, strippers.


Lani: What did you say?

Eli: [Laughs] Nothing, no, I'm just kidding. We just had a few beers, and we went to bed early.

Lani: You guys are lame.

Eli: Yeah, well, you know, i figured I'd save my strength for tonight. I have a feeling that you and i are not gonna be getting much sleep at all.

Lani: Well, before we get to the wedding night, how about we make it through the wedding? So I need to get ready.

Eli: Hey, lani, I just wanna tell you that I cannot wait to be your husband. I love you so much.

Lani: I love you, too, my sweet fiancé.

Eli: I'll see you soon, babe.

Lani: I'll see you.

[Water running]

[Knock at door] Freeze!

Valerie: [Screams] Don't shoot! When migraine strikes,

Valerie: Ohh.

Lani: Oh, my god. Valerie, you scared the hell out of me.

Valerie: You're scared? I'm the one who's staring down the barrel of a gun.

Lani: Why didn't you knock on the door?

Valerie: I did, but no one answered, and julie gave me the key in case no one was home.

Lani: I was about to take a shower. Let me go turn off the water.

Valerie: Okay. Ooh.


Lani: Eli's not here. He went to go stay the night with rafe.

Valerie: I know. I came here to see you.

Lani: Really?

Valerie: Yes. You're going to have a big day, and I wanted to be sure that you start off with a good breakfast to get through it.

Lani: [Chuckles] That's really sweet of you.

Valerie: Well, I love you, and you're pregnant with my little grandchild. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you.

Lani: I love you too.

[Valerie chuckles]

[Knocking at door]

Eli: Hey. Come on in.

Rafe: Hey, sleeping beauty's up. There's coffee in the kitchen, man.

Eli: That's what I'm talking about.

Rafe: Yeah. How'd you sleep?

Eli: Pretty well, actually.

Rafe: On that thing?

Eli: On that thing.

Rafe: Hmm.

Eli: Thanks for letting me crash, man.

Rafe: Mm-hmm. That's what friends are for.

Eli: Well, I'm glad that we're still friends, you know, considering that I testified against gabi.

Rafe: You didn't testify against gabi. You gave impartial evidence, and you did your job. And by the way, I cannot imagine it was easy, considering all the awful things that gabi did to you and lani.

Eli: What do you think her chances are?

Rafe: Hard to say. I think she's innocent, but... gabi, in her own special way, has done everything that she can to make a jury believe otherwise.

Gabi: There's no way that jury's gonna convict me for drugging abigail.

Chad: Drugging abigail again. You know, you're like the poster child for "if at first you don't succeed, then you must try, try again."

Gabi: You are so smug.

Chad: I brought you a mimosa. I figured you would want a little buzz before the verdict comes out that you're gonna get 10 to 20.

Gabi: [Speaks spanish] I'll pass.

Chad: Why, you afraid i drugged it like you drugged abigail's? Okay, suit yourself.


Jake: I thought you were in custody.

Luca: My lawyer convinced the da it was all a big misunderstanding.

Jake: How'd you manage that?

Luca: That's why you have underlings do your dirty work, so when, uh, things go sideways, they take all the blame.

Jake: There were witnesses.

Luca: The point is, I'm a free man. And I'm here to make you pay for what you did, to make it clear to the other employees you don't betray the boss and get away with it.

Ciara: [Sighs] Okay, ben? I keep telling you it's a way for us to reconnect.

Ben: Can't you guys like go to the movies together? Go bowling? Something? Really, does she have to be your maid of honor? What if she... you know, flips out again?

Ciara: Wow, okay, ben, listen, her doctors and marlena seem to think that she's healthy and sane, so I have no reason not to believe them. Now hurry up, get dressed. We're gonna be late.

Ben: Wait a minute, what do you mean "we"?

Ciara: [Laughs] Oh, baby. I'm not gonna let you miss one single detail of this wedding.

Ben: Oh. Baby, really, I won't be hurt.

Ciara: Mm-hmm.

Ben: If I don't, it's okay.

Ciara: Okay, ben. I really want claire back in my life. And that is not gonna happen if you keep avoiding her, okay? She's gonna know that something's up.

Ben: I was having such a nice morning.

[Ciara kisses]

Gwen: So you talked ciara into giving you a chance, did you?

Claire: Yeah, I think I kinda proved myself to her when i tried to help save gabi.

Gwen: You know, claire, you do kind of have me to thank for that.

Claire: Well, I suppose so. Thank you. Now I actually have a chance to, you know, make up for all the horrible things I did to her.

Gwen: Okay, I know I asked you this before, but, um, are you really sincere about making amends with her, or... do you have something else up your sleeve? My nunormal: Fewer asthma attacks.

Gabi: How many times do I have to tell you? I did not drug abigail!

Chad: And you never lie.

Gabi: I'm not lying now, and I did not lie to the jury.

Chad: Well, I wouldn't count on them believing you anymore than I do. I mean, you do have a criminal record as long as my arm, you've drugged abigail in the past, and you were caught red-handed attempting to drug the, uh, the jake guy.

Gabi: Rolf framed me! He told me that would get stefan's memory back.

Chad: That's right, you told the jury that the guy you were trying to drug was actually your dead husband and that a bad man had switched the drugs and set you up so actually you're the victim.

[Laughing] Why wouldn't they believe that?

Gabi: It's the truth.

Chad: Stefan is dead, all right, and as soon as I get those dna results back, I'm gonna be able to prove it.

Gabi: Well, all you gotta do is just go down to that garage, take one look at that man and you will know he is your brother, my husband.

Jake: Cool it, scarface. I got your damn book. I've been trying to get it back to you. You'd think if it was so urgent, someone would pick up the phone, check voicemail. Don't trip reading the pages on the way out.

Luca: You actually came through.

Jake: Yeah. I did. And we're even. You go your way. I'll go mine. I don't want anything more to do with this organization.

Luca: Yeah, I'll pass that along. But you of all people should know... walking away isn't always that easy.

[Tense music]

Gwen: Come on, claire. You can trust me. Do you have something else in mind for ciara?

Claire: Guys, hi!

Ciara: Come on.

[Indistinct chatter]

Claire: Oh, um, ben, do you know my friend, gwen?

Ben: Yeah. Yeah. Hey.

Gwen: Hi. Yeah, right. We met, um, yesterday, didn't we, at the garage?

Ben: Yeah.

Gwen: Okay, well, I'd best be going.

[Chuckles] I reckon you have lots of things to talk about.

Ciara: It's nothing private. You can stay if you'd like.

Gwen: Um... no, actually, you know, I've got lots of things to do myself, so I will see you at your gran'S.

Claire: Okay.

Gwen: And, um... you guys have fun, yeah?

Ben: Hmm.

Gwen: Okay, brilliant, bye.

Claire: Bye.

Ben: Ah, ha, ha, what are the odds?

Ciara: Yeah.

Ben: That you would be friends with jake's ex?

Claire: I know! It's crazy, right? Yeah, we met at bayview and just really hit it off.

Ben: Huh.

Claire: So, um, I'm guessing ciara told you all the good news? You know, that I'm gonna be maid of honor.

Ben: She told me, yes. Wouldn't exactly call it good news, but it's news, hmm.

Eli: I'm sorry that you're going through such a rough time. I mean, losing david and now you gotta worry about gabi.

Rafe: I'll be all right.

Eli: Okay, but if you're ever not all right, you know that you can count on lani and me.

Rafe: Okay, I got it.

Eli: Good.

Rafe: But is it my day?

Eli: No.

Rafe: No, it's not. No, no, it is not my day. It's your day, it's your big day, right? So if you need anything, you just let me know if I can help, all right?

Eli: Actually, there is something that you can do for me.

[Valerie chuckles]

Lani: Are you sure that i can't help you?

Valerie: I am positive. Just sit back and relax, dear.

Lani: Easier said than done.

Valerie: Mm. You're nervous?

Lani: Yeah. After what happened last time... that was such a disaster.

Valerie: I can't say that I'm sorry I missed seeing all that drama. It must have been hell.

Lani: I am very aware of what I did to eli.

Valerie: What? I meant it must have been hell on you, baby girl. Being blackmailed into sabotaging your own wedding?

Lani: Yeah, well, you don't ever want to cross gabi hernandez. That woman takes revenge very, very seriously.

Valerie: I still can't believe that woman isn't behind bars right now.

Lani: She still might end up there.

Valerie: I read about it. I hope they send her back to jail and throw away the key.

Lani: You know what gets me about gabi? Is that she does these horrible things, really horrible things to people, and then when she gets caught, it's "oh, my daughter, my daughter, please, please don't take me away from my daughter."

Valerie: Yeah, was she thinking about her daughter when she commandeered julie's heart and blackmailed you?

Lani: Or drugged poor abigail.

Valerie: Exactly. Well, the best woman has won. She hit you with everything she had, but you got back up and came back swinging, baby.

Lani: Not at first. For a long time, I just hid out in a convent. I was this close to taking my vows.

Valerie: What made you change your mind?

Lani: You know what's weird? The one person who got me through all of that was kristen dimera.

Valerie: Yeah, eli told me you two had become friends.

Lani: We did. And I know some people are disapproving of her, but if it wasn't for kristen, valerie, I wouldn't have come back here and I wouldn't have fought for eli. But I am so glad that I did. Because we are finally getting our happy ending and no one, and I mean no one, can stop us this time.

[Valerie clicks tongue]

[Ominous music]

Lani: Valerie, this is really good.

Valerie: Ah, well, my dad owned a diner, so I've got plenty of practice making breakfast.

Lani: Mm, no wonder.

Valerie: Mm-hmm. In fact, that's how I met david. Yeah, he had an accident and walked into my dad's diner. My dad fed him and gave him a place to live.

Lani: That's a really nice story.

Valerie: Yeah. I'm just so sorry I never told eli david was his father. It's one of the biggest regrets of my life. They should have known each other.

Lani: Yeah. He was dealing with that when we--when we first met.

Valerie: Yeah.

Lani: I had no idea what he was going through. I honestly just thought he was a jerk.

Valerie: Yeah. My son can be a real prince charming sometimes.

[Both laugh]

Lani: Yeah. It wasn't love at first sight, but when I finally got to know him, I realized that he is an amazing man.

Eli: [Chuckling]

Rafe: You see, now I feel like you're just trolling me. You can't iron your own damn shirt?

Eli: Hey, look, I always burn myself, but, man, you are doing a damn good job. Nice work.

Rafe: Well, your praise means everything to me, bro.

Eli: Oh, well, hey, lani will appreciate this, all right? She wants this day to go perfect.

Rafe: Good.

Eli: Right there.

Rafe: I'll burn you.

[Eli laughs] Right now. You know I am doing this for lani, okay?

Eli: Good.

Rafe: And your day should be perfect because you guys have been down a long, long road.

Eli: Yeah, tell me about it.

Rafe: Yeah.

Gwen: Oh, thank god you're not dead.

Jake: Not that I'm aware of.

Gwen: I saw luca driving off, and I just thought... you for sure would have a bullet in your head.

Jake: Yeah. Well, hopefully I've seen the last of him. Gave him his book. He seemed satisfied.

Gwen: So then it's over. Are you out?

Jake: Hope so. But, like he said, sometimes when you're in deep, it's hard to cut ties.

Gwen: Well, that's sort of like us, isn't it? I thought we were over for good, but now we're back together.

Jake: Who says we're back together?

Gabi: I'm gonna get dressed right now and introduce you to jake.

Chad: Not interested.

Gabi: Hey! I know that you and stefan did not get along, but he is still a dimera. You don't care that he's alive?

Chad: Sure, I would be interested in if I thought there was a remote possibility that that could be true.

Gabi: Why shouldn't that be true? Kristen and rolf had a warehouse full of people that were declared dead.

Chad: They all had hearts. Stefan's is presently beating inside julie's chest.

Gabi: There could be a very reasonable explanation.

Chad: Except there isn't!

[Chuckles softly] Look, this could be your last day as a free woman. I mean, can't you think of something better to do with your time?

Gabi: I'm not going to prison!

Chad: Oh. Okay. Enjoy your freedom. While it lasts. It's starting to happen every day.

Chad: Who's winning?

Jack: Uh, well, actually,

[Clears throat] Grandpa owes thomas $3,788 and/or...

Chad: Wow.

Jack: A pony? How about an iou, yeah?

Chad: No, don't take grandpa's ious. You can't trust him. Where's your sister?

Jack: Well, actually grandma took her down to the lake to visit the ducks.

Chad: You didn't want to go with?

Thomas: Ducks are for babies.

Jack: Yes, ducks are for babies. We've been informed of that. Although you'd like to see something bigger, maybe lions and tigers and snakes, oh, my?

Chad: Yeah, you've been lobbying to go to the zoo?

Jack: Yes! Yes. So I thought I'd take him this coming weekend.

Thomas: I want daddy to take me.

Chad: Well, um, I, uh... I don't know if I'm gonna be able to take ya. I think I have to go back to florida, be with your mom.

Thomas: No, daddy, don't go!

Ciara: Wow. Thanks, ben. Yeah, that really sets a nice tone.

Ben: You want me to pretend like this is normal?

Ciara: No.

Ben: It's pretend time?

Ciara: No, no, ben. It's not pretend time. I just--I want you to be civil.

Claire: You know what, ciara? It's okay. I mean, he's right. We can't just pretend like the past never happened. You're worried about me spending time with ciara, aren't you?

Ben: I don't think that's that far out of line. I mean, you tried to kill her. Twice.

Ciara: Damn it, ben!

Claire: It's okay, it's okay!

Ciara: Come on!

Claire: It is okay. Yes. I did do those things. And then I got help, ben, just like you did. Now isn't it a little bit hypocritical to say that you're the only one around here who gets a second chance?

Ben: Claire, you just got out of bayview. When I got out, I wasn't demanding people to trust me. I knew it would take time, a long time to prove to them that they could. Just because you got out of bayview doesn't mean that you're well--do you remember jordan? Do I have to bring up my sister?

Claire: I am not demanding ciara trust me, ben. I'm simply asking her to.

Ben: No, you're pressuring her to let her be a part of the most important day of her life.

Claire: Oh! [Laughs] Oh, that is not egocentric at all.

Ciara: Hey, enough, both of you guys. Just stop it, all right? Just stop.

Claire: Okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Come on, ben, if you and will can get past what you did to him, shouldn't I get the same chance with ciara?

[Ben sighs]

Rafe: Mm, yes. There you are, your highness. I hope it meets your standards.

Eli: It'll do. Thank you.

Rafe: Mm-hmm.

Eli: Mm-hmm.

Rafe: Hey, uh, I got you something.

Eli: No way.

Rafe: Mm-hmm.

Eli: Dude. Thank you, man. It's very classy, thank you.

Rafe: Yeah.

Eli: You sure you don't want to come to the wedding?

Rafe: I did not give you those to get an invitation to the wedding, you know, I... I know it's family.

Eli: Well, lani and I think of you as family.

Rafe: It wouldn't be right, okay? After everything that my sister has done to you and lani, this... it's your day, okay? I want everything to be perfect for you guys, happy, okay?

Eli: Thank you.

Rafe: Yeah.

Eli: All right.

Rafe: Send me a piece of cake though, okay?

Eli: I'll save you a piece of cake.

Rafe: A real piece, not like, you know...

Eli: With the icing, I got you.

Rafe: Yeah.

Eli: Hey, hey, rafe. I've always been, you know, a loner, and, um, I just want to say that it means a lot to me, you know, having you as a best friend. So, uh, look.

Rafe: What are you doing? You getting all sappy on me right now?

Eli: No. No, it's just-- no sap at all.

Rafe: Okay, good.

Eli: My man.

Rafe: [Indistinct] I love you.

Eli: Right.

Rafe: Hey, go get married, man, go on, go. Go get it.

Eli: I will.

Rafe: Although I think lani's making a terrible decision.

Eli: Great.

[Both laugh]

[Door shuts]

Valerie: Well, I'll get out of here so you can get ready. Is your mother coming to help?

Lani: Maybe. She's not here yet.

Valerie: Oh, well do you want me to stay? I was gonna go over and get with eli, but--

Lani: No, no, no, no. No, valerie, it's fine. Thank you for breakfast and just for listening to me today.

Valerie: Anytime. I mean it. Oh, oh, and this is for you.

Lani: [Laughs]

Valerie: My mother had it on her wedding day. Now you have something old and blue.

[Both laugh]

Lani: It's beautiful. Thank you, valerie.

Valerie: No, thank you. You know, I look at eli and i see how happy he is, and that's because of you. You are gonna be a beautiful bride. And your wedding day is gonna be perfect.

Lani: [Chuckles] Thank you so much. Hey. I really do love you.

Valerie: And I love you.

[Both laugh] Daughter! See you soon, yeah.

Lani: I'll see you later.

[Ominous music]

The thing with depression, you get...stuck.

Gwen: I told you yesterday I'm ready to kiss and make up.

Jake: Oh, and I just forget that you almost got me killed?

Gwen: It was a mistake, jake. Plus, I didn't know that stupid book was gonna cause that much trouble.

Jake: Well, you would have known had you returned any of my calls.

Gwen: Well, it's all sorted now, isn't it?

Jake: I-- I just... I don't think it's a good idea.

Gwen: Is this because that girl thinks you're her dead husband?

Jake: No, she's nuts.

Gwen: Bloody right she's nuts. You're not buying it, are you?

Jake: The timeline doesn't rule it out. I'm busy.

Gwen: You really think you're him. Or are you just doing this 'cause you want to for gabi?

Gabi: Hi, this is mrs. Dimera. Hi, yes, I was there yesterday. I wanted to check on a dna test that I submitted. I just wanted to know if the results were done. Well, what is taking so long? Well, okay, would you please just let me know as soon as you have the results? Great.

[Sighs] I know you're stefan. I just have to find a way to prove it.

Chad: You know what? I know this has been really hard on you, big guy. Okay? I know that you--you miss me and mommy very much. And we miss you too. We miss you and your sister so much. But mommy still needs time to get better. Okay? I can't leave her there all alone. I need to be with her. But I promise you we'll be back very soon.

Jack: Until that time, grandma and I are gonna do lots of fun things with you and your sister, including going to the zoo.

Chad: We're gonna call you every day, okay?

Jack: Right. So right now, why don't we go find a big book upstairs and we'll pick out that animal that you want to see first, probably the one with the big...nose.

Chad: I love you.

Ciara: Gosh, this is-- this is just so much fun. You know, in fact, I love planning my wedding with the two of you guys, I just love it.

[Cell phone ringing]

Claire: I'm sorry.

Ben: Ciara, I'm sorry. I shouldn't even be here.

Ciara: Okay, hey, you know what, oh, look, there's my phone and it's work so I should probably get it. In the meantime, how about the two of you grow up. Ciara brady.

Ben: Okay, so right now you have the upper hand.

Claire: What?

Ben: Ciara wants us to work so badly, now I look like the bad guy for pointing out the obvious.

Claire: Huh. More like the pot pointing out that the kettle is black.

Ben: So you win this round. I'm gonna keep quiet. But you know what, claire? Just so you know, I really do hope that you are better. I really, really do, but I'm not just gonna sit here and cross my fingers and wish good thoughts. I'm gonna watch you like a hawk, and if it seems like you could be any kind of threat to my fiancée, I will shut you down. Count on it. When I get my teeth cleaned,

Claire: Hey. Look, ben, ciara is my aunt. She's more like a sister to me. Okay? I love that girl with my whole heart. Now that I'm well, I'm gonna devote myself to doing everything she wants, and i think--actually I know she wants us to get back to the way we were, you know, before I... you know.

Ben: Yeah, I do know because I was there, remember? I was putting out the fires you set to my fiancéE.

Ciara: So...

Claire: Yeah.

Ben: So we worked everything out, cleared it up. Sorry for the scene.

Claire: Like I said, you know, I understand why you reacted the way you reacted and I have no hard feelings, and I hope you don't either.

Ben: Oh? No. No, of course not. I'm just glad we cleared the air.

Ciara: [Laughs] Yeah.

Claire: Okay, um, moving on. Ciara, I know you were already looking at some wedding dresses, but I found a couple more that i really wanted to show you. Ben, do you mind? I think this should be just us girls.

Ben: Sure, yeah, definitely. Have fun.

Claire: Thank you.

Ben: Have fun.

Ciara: Okay.

Ben: I'll see you later.

Ciara: Uh-huh.

Claire: Yeah.

Ciara: Okay, hold on one second--ben. Thank you.

Claire: Okay.

Ciara: All right, let's go.

Claire: Let's go.

Jake: I told you I'm not interested in that crazy woman.

Gwen: Well then... there's nothing standing in our way, is there?

Jake: I need time to think it over.

Gwen: This isn't about thinking.

Jake: [Grunts] I--

Gwen: Jake. It's about feeling. Okay?

Gabi: Get your nasty paws off my husband.

Rafe: Hey, where's gabi?

Chad: I don't know. I think she went out. Why?

Rafe: Just got a call. Jury's reached a verdict.

Valerie: You look so handsome.

Eli: Thank you. Did you get a chance to surprise lani?

Valerie: Oh, boy, did I. It nearly got myself shot. She thought I was an intruder and pulled her gun on me.

Eli: Oh. I'm sorry about that, mom.

Valerie: Yeah, well, she didn't answer the door and she was getting into the shower, so I let myself in. And scared the hell out of her. You know, she said yesterday she had the feeling that someone was watching her.

Eli: I know. She's probably just got pre-wedding nerves.

[Knocking at door]

Lani: Valerie, did you forget something? Oh, my god.

Kristen: Surprise.

Lani: What are you doing?

[Both laugh]

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