Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 6/25/20
Episode #13799 ~ Allie tells Nicole and Eric she plans to give her baby to someone in Salem; Sarah is angered by Xander's surprising offer; Kayla and Steve have a heart-to-heart, the night before their wedding, Lani shares a new concern with Eli.
Provided By Suzanne
Lucas: You've seen allie?
Sonny: Yeah, yeah, she was just here.
Lucas: Oh. Well, then, uh, guess you know.
Will: Yeah, hard to miss.
Lucas: Yeah, isn't it, though? Um, that's why I'm here. I need your help.
Will: Of course. What can we do?
Lucas: Convince allie not to give up her baby for adoption.
Sonny: Isn't that her choice?
Will: Yeah, I mean, if--if she's not ready to have a child, 's not like you can force her.
Lucas: Yeah, your sister's made it abundantly clear that she's, um, not gonna listen to me about anything. I can't force her into anything. That's why I'm here talking to you two. I was hoping you can convince her that this is a very bad idea to give her baby up to complete strangers.
Will: Well, um, what if they weren't strangers?
Allie: Oh. Yo, megan rapinoe, practice some other time, would ya? I'm trying to figure out our future here.
Xander: Oh, hi, uh, pardon my appearance. I was just out for a run.
Allie: In this heat?
Xander: Right. Um, so, uh, when are you due?
Allie: I beg your pardon?
Eric: Hey. Holly has been safely delivered to her sleepover. Mm-mm.
Nicole: Oh.
Eric: [Smooching]
Nicole: Oh, my goodness. Wow. Um, I'm an idiot.
Eric: What? Why would you say that?
Nicole: Because I've been obsessing about flowers and wedding favors and music like this is all up to me. But this is your wedding too, your first wedding.
Eric: [Chuckles] Doesn't mean I want to help you pick out pew bows.
Nicole: Come on, be serious! This is a momentous occasion, and I want you to think it's perfect.
Eric: You know what I think? I think it will be perfect regardless of the details because I'm finally marrying the love of my life.
Nicole: Well, when you put it that way...
Eric: Mm.
Nicole: [Giggles]
Will: So we haven't really told many people this, but, uh, sonny and I want to have another child. And we've, you know, considered adoption or surrogacy. But we--we just realized that we could adopt allie's baby.
Sonny: If she's open to it.
Lucas: Well, you just took me by surprise is all.
Sonny: Oh, yeah, I didn't mean to spring that on you. It just all of a sudden seemed like it might work.
Will: And, you know, we've explored other options, and... they're all pretty complicated, dad, so I mean, like, if we went to an adoption agency, there are a bunch of hoops we gotta jump through.
Sonny: And with surrogacy, we'd have to find the right woman to carry the baby. Uh, we would have to decide who the biological father should be.
Lucas: I know. I get what you mean. I get it.
Will: But if we adopt allie's baby, the baby would be biologically related to me and arianna.
Sonny: So it's kind of the perfect solution.
Lucas: For you two, yeah. But you just said you didn't talk to allie yet. Are you sure she's gonna feel the same way?
[Tense music]
Steve: Oh!
Kayla: Oh, oh! I--I'm so sorry. I'm such a klutz.
Steve: It's okay.
Kayla: Black patch.
Steve: Yeah. Man's gotta make a living. You know, keep myself out of trouble.
Kayla: Well, you and john always were a good team.
Steve: Yeah, when it comes to teammates, I've been... I've been pretty lucky.
Kayla: Yeah. Uh, I gotta go.
Steve: Kayla?
Kayla: Mm.
Steve: Could you hold on a minute?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Maggie: There. You're unpacked, and you're really here to stay.
Sarah: Right.
Maggie: And you're not gonna mind living under the same roof as xander?
Sarah: Oh, I mind, but as he pointed out, this is a very large house.
[Sighs] He even offered to move out, but I didn't take him up on it.
Maggie: But you will run into him.
Sarah: I can handle it. Just seeing him used to make my blood boil. I blamed him for every horrible thing that went wrong but...much more than i blamed victor, so...
Maggie: Maybe because you weren't planning on marrying victor. I'm surprised that you held on to this dress.
Sarah: I held on to it 'cause it's a beautiful dress... not because I'm still in love with xander.
Maggie: If you say so.
[Dramatic music]
Allie: When am I due? Why would you ask me that? For all you know, I could just be...pudgy.
Xander: True, but I did just hear you talking to your brother about being pregnant, so...
Allie: What, were you listening at the keyhole or something?
Xander: I live at kiriakis house, just like will. I'm xander. Xander kiriakis? Victor's nephew?
Allie: Will told me about you.
Xander: I'm sure he gave me a glowing recommendation.
Allie: He said to stay away from you.
Xander: Well, you don't seem like the kind of person who believes everything she hears.
Allie: Look, mr. Kiriakis... I don't care about you one way or the other. I just don't want my mom to find out I'm pregnant.
Xander: Please, call me xander. And no worries, allie. Your secret is safe with me.
This is what's worth protecting
Eli: What, are you saving it for a midnight snack?
Lani: I'm eating for two.
Eli: [Sighs] Something wrong? You feel sick?
Lani: No, it's, uh-- it's not that. I've been having this really creepy feeling.
Eli: About what?
Lani: I don't know, like... someone is watching me or something.
Eli: Lani, you better get used to it, okay? I catch people watching you all the time. Just can't believe how beautiful you are.
Lani: Mm, smooth.
Eli: Yeah.
Lani: So smooth.
Eli: Hey, but enjoy it while you can, because this time tomorrow, you and I will be husband and wife.
Lani: So, what, no more sweet talk?
Eli: What? I will be in another room watching football, yelling at you to bring me another beer.
Lani: [Laughs] And what is different about that?
Eli: Really?
Lani: [Laughs]
Eli: You okay? What, you tired?
Lani: You know, this whole first trimester stuff is a real drag.
Eli: All right, well, tomorrow's a big day.
Lani: Mm-hmm.
Eli: What do you say we hit the hay?
Lani: Yes, but, um, you're gonna have to hit the hay somewhere else.
[Dramatic music]
Eric: Mm.
Nicole: [Laughs]
Eric: Are you reassured about the wedding plans now, hmm?
Nicole: Um, yeah.
Eric: I hope I didn't distract you from picking out the wedding favors for our guests.
Nicole: Jordan almonds it is.
Eric: Mm.
Nicole: [Laughs] So... holly and rebecca were getting along when you left?
Eric: Mm, famously.
Nicole: And do you think holly will call us in a few minutes to come pick her up?
Eric: Not this time.
Nicole: Hmm. Well, then... round two?
Eric: Hmm, don't mind if I do.
[Both laugh]
[Tender music]
Allie: Just what did you hear exactly when you were hanging out at the keyhole?
Xander: That you weren't sure if you wanted to be this baby's mum.
Allie: Oh, well, I'm sure now. I'm not ready to be anybody's mother.
[Sighs] If I'm lucky, I'll be able to hand this kid off to someone who is ready. And my mom will never know I was pregnant.
Xander: Didn't she have will when she was your age?
Allie: Why do you think she's like this?
Xander: I think you're doing something very brave for the... the sake of the wee bairn that's swimming around inside you.
Allie: Do you always talk like this?
Xander: Some woman who does want a baby is gonna be so grateful to you for this choice you've made.
Allie: It doesn't have to be a woman, you know.
Xander: Right. Absolutely. I-- hey, it was so nice to meet you, allie, but I've got another five miles to go.
Will: I think there are a lot of advantages to keeping this baby in the family. And I mean, I hope allie can see it that way too.
Lucas: So you're planning her baby's future? You're just talking to me before you talk to her?
Will: Well, okay, we'll-- maybe we should just calm down--
Lucas: Wait. Wait. Hold on. Hold on. Wait a minute. She wasn't even sure she wanted to give up the baby until everybody started leaning on her to make a decision.
Sonny: Who's everybody?
Lucas: Eric says that he's worked with girls like allie at the center and we should just back off and give her time right now. And if you guys push her just because it's good for you, that's not okay.
Sonny: We would never do that.
Will: Yeah, dad, we're only telling you this 'cause we thought you'd be supportive. I mean, truth is, one adoption agency already gave us the runaround because they don't like our domestic situation. So I mean, surely that's not your problem with us adopting allie's baby, is it?
[Dramatic music]
Steve: I hear you and justin set a date.
Kayla: Yeah. Next, um--next friday afternoon. There were a lot of other weddings to schedule around.
Steve: Well, I just wanted to say, uh, I hope you're both really happy. I wish the best for you.
Kayla: Thank you. So was it one of the kids that told you about the wedding?
Steve: No, jack mentioned it. I guess he got an invitation.
Kayla: [Stammers] Well, you know, we were trying to keep the wedding small, and, you know, just friends and family, and jack's gonna be there because, you know, he's-- he's justin's brother-in-law.
Steve: [Chuckles]
Kayla: Oh. Okay, that's completely idiotic. Of course, you are justin's brother-in-law too. I--
Steve: It's okay.
Kayla: No, no, it's not. It's not. I--I just didn't--I didn't want to put you on the spot. But I can see now that i should've let that be your choice, so... you know, I mean, if you're free... you--you want to come to the wedding? It's starting to happen every day.
Steve: Kayla, you don't seriously want me to come to your wedding.
Kayla: You're family, steve. If you'd like to come... we'd be happy to have you.
Steve: Don't you think you better run it by justin?
Kayla: He'll be fine with it.
Kate: Ah, great, the man I was looking for. I'm not interrupting anything, right?
Steve: Well, depends. If it's about that stupid key to the city...
Kate: Aha. Well, see, your friend hope, she doesn't think it's stupid. In fact, I'm sure she's told you by now that she's going to accept it, right?
Steve: Wrong.
Kate: She was supposed to tell you she's accepting the key.
Steve: Well, she didn'T.
Kate: [Sighs] Okay, then. Will you? Will you do it?
Steve: No. I'd feel like an idiot.
Kate: Why? Why would you feel like that? I mean, you and hope, you rescued john and marlena. You sent orpheus back to prison. I mean, don't you-- don't you think you'd want some recognition for that? I mean, he's a hero, right? Don't you think?
Kayla: Yeah. He's definitely a hero.
[Soft dramatic music]
Lucas: I cannot believe you would even say that to me.
Will: I'm--I just asked the question, dad. I mean, you--you took a while to support me when I came out, so...
Sonny: And since then, your dad's been nothing but supportive.
Lucas: That was ancient history. I couldn't be prouder of you. And you, sonny, I think of you as one of my own. When you guys got back together, there was no one happier than I was. I think you guys are fantastic parents; I really do. You're great parents to arianna, and I'm sure you'll be great parents to your next child too.
Will: Thanks for saying that. So I mean, then what's the problem?
Lucas: The problem is allie, okay? What if--what if you adopt the baby and one day, she's okay with it and the next day, she just changes her mind out of nowhere?
Will: I--I understand you want to be protective, you know, of all of us, but I--I really don't think that's gonna happen.
Lucas: Well, there's something else you haven't thought about yet. I mean, we don't even know the birth father's name. We don't know what he thinks about all this. I mean, have you thought about that guy yet? Have you? Because you need to. You really should.
[Both laughing]
Eric: Ah!
Nicole: Oh.
Allie: Don't mind me. I know how babies get made.
Eric: How you doing?
Allie: Good. I've done some thinking.
[Sighs] And I realized that I do want to have a kid someday... but not right now. So you'll be happy to know that I've decided to give my baby up for adoption.
Eric: Really?
Nicole: Oh, well, I mean, we're only happy if you're at peace with it.
Allie: I am. Didn't stop dad from flipping out when I told him about it.
Eric: What's lucas upset about?
Allie: He's afraid that I'll be unhappy knowing that I have a baby out there being raised by some stranger. So I was thinking, why does it have to be a stranger?
Eric: Well, do you have somebody in mind?
Allie: I ran into rafe today, and he was such a great stepdad. And I was thinking maybe he'd want to adopt my baby.
Sarah: I am finally able to look at xander without wanting to kill him with my bare hands. That is light-years away from wanting to be in a relationship with him again.
Maggie: I am not trying to push you into taking him back.
Sarah: I know he talked to you before he bought mackenzie's headstone.
Maggie: Yes, he did.
Sarah: It meant a lot to me. It reminded me how much he really actually did love my daughter.
Maggie: He loved you. He still does.
Sarah: God, mom, why are you defending him? It doesn't matter what xander feels about me. He still does things that are unforgivable, just like victor. Maybe you can make peace with that, but I can'T.
Maggie: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you.
Sarah: Well, you did. Xander makes these grand gestures like offering to move out, but he never really changes.
[Knock at door]
Xander: I, uh, picked these up in the square, just a welcome-home present.
Sarah: Thank you. That's very thoughtful.
Maggie: Well, now that you are unpacked, um, I think I'll go and check on victor.
Sarah: Did you stand in the hallway and listen to my mom and me talk about you?
Xander: No.
Sarah: I told her you offered to move out.
Xander: Sarah, before you say anything else... I understand that there's nothing I can do to ever make up for all the pain I've caused you. You do have to go on with your life. You have to believe you can be happy again.
Sarah: I haven't figured out how to do that yet.
Xander: What if I could give you another baby? Copd makes it hard to breathe.
Eli: You didn't ask me to leave. Lani, you told me to leave.
Lani: Because, babe, I thought you understood that it's bad luck to see the bride on the wedding day. And the wedding day is at midnight.
Eli: Lani, but didn't we do this bit the first time around already? I mean, you remember what happened that time.
Lani: You know that I had to do exactly what gabi said.
[Sighs] Look, I just--I really don't want anything to jinx us.
Eli: Nothing is going to jinx us, okay? We are in love. We have a baby on the way. Everything will work out just fine.
Lani: I know that you think I'm crazy, okay? But I just--I really don't want to take any chances.
Eli: So that feeling that you have that somebody's watching you, you're really that scared?
Lani: I'm not scared. I just--I don't want to tempt fate. That's it. Okay?
Sarah: So the flowers were just you laying the groundwork to say that you think that we should have a baby?
Xander: That's what you thought I meant?
Sarah: Isn't it?
Xander: No, no, no, no.
Sarah: Then what did you mean?
Xander: I happen to know someone who's pregnant and looking to give up their child for adoption, and I just couldn't think of a more amazing mum for her child than you.
Eric: You really want rafe to raise your baby?
Allie: He was so great to us when he was married to mom. He--he used to say we were the kids he always wanted. And then she got back with ej and she took us with her.
Nicole: I remember that.
Allie: And I--I just ran into him today, and he was so sad about losing custody of little david. He's always wanted to be a dad, and it's just never worked out for him.
Eric: And that doesn't really mean you have to give him your child.
Allie: I know. But he's a good guy, and I think it could work out.
Nicole: Does rafe know you feel this way?
Allie: No. I didn't think of it until after he left.
Nicole: Well, you are right about him. Besides your uncle, he is one of the best men I know.
Eric: Yeah, yeah, he absolutely is. Listen, I--I hate to say this, but can you imagine how your mother's gonna feel, knowing her ex-husband is raising her grandchild?
Lucas: Allie won't even tell anybody who the birth father is. For all we know, he doesn't even know she's pregnant.
Sonny: So what? The father's probably just some horny kid who doesn't even care.
Lucas: [Sighs] Well, you know, I don't know about that. I don't know, because when sami was pregnant with will, I cared, believe me. I was that age, and believe me, I cared. Do you realize how much time I lost with him that I'll never get back?
Will: We--he knows. He's heard the story.
Lucas: That's not the point. The point is, is when I found out the truth, what did I do? I sued sami to become your legal father.
Will: Yeah, I--I get-- I get what you're saying.
Lucas: Right, so if you guys adopt this baby and everything seems fine, what happens when that guy shows up? What happens when the father shows up and he wants a custody suit? I don't want that for my grandchild and I--I sure as hell don't want that for the two of you.
Will: [Sighs]
Kate: There you go. Kayla agrees with me.
Kayla: Well, no, I said I think that yes, steve is a hero, but it's for him to decide whether he wants to accept an award at a public ceremony.
Kate: Well, who wouldn't want to accept an award at a public ceremony? I mean, why is he being so damn stubborn?
Kayla: 'Cause that's how he is.
Steve: Okay, okay, uncle.
Kate: What does that mean?
Steve: You win. I'll do it.
Kate: Good! Thank god, because the ceremony is next week. I thought I was going to have to get a bomb-sniffing border collie in there for you. But no, salem's gonna have a real hero.
Steve: Hmm. I feel so honored.
Kate: Great.
Steve: I'm all choked up.
Kate: Good! So I'll send you the particulars. It's next friday afternoon. See you there.
Steve: Okay.
Kayla: Well, I guess you're busy next friday afternoon. Mm.
Steve: Sweetness, I-- sorry, just slipped out.
Kayla: You don't need to be sorry.
Stressballs gummies have
Lani: I packed up the rest of your stuff.
Eli: Mm, well, you're being so sweet now that you've kicked me out.
Lani: For one night. One night, babe. That's it.
Eli: You know, this is your idea.
Lani: Mm-hmm.
Eli: Why aren't you leaving?
Lani: Because I have the dress and the makeup and the hair products. And you just have that bag over there.
Eli: Fine.
[Sighs] Okay, so do you have any suggestions of where I'm supposed to go?
Lani: You have friends. I'm sure someone will take you in.
Will: Well, I mean, we haven't even talked to allie yet, so maybe it's a little early to worry about a custody battle.
Lucas: I get it. Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, but...
Sonny: Well, maybe we shouldn't have told you what we were thinking before we talked to allie.
Lucas: Listen, I understand why this is so appealing to the both of you. And I am sorry, okay? I'm sorry for what the adoption center said, and I understand that you want to cut through the bureaucratic red tape. But I have a lot I have to think about right now. I have to think about allie, I have to think about both of you, and I have to think about that baby she's carrying inside.
[Dramatic music]
Allie: Uncle eric, I don't give a damn what mom thinks or does.
Nicole: Honey, I don't think allie should base her choice on what sami is willing to accept. Now, I've been friends with rafe for a long time. I saw him with david. And allie's not wrong about this.
Eric: I don't disagree with that, but--
Allie: Why do you keep saying "but"?
Nicole: You don't have an issue with a single father adopting a child, do you, babe?
Eric: No, of course I don'T. I just--but--
Allie: There it is again.
Eric: Just let me finish my first sentence.
Allie: [Sighs] Sorry.
Eric: You just chose adoption. I just think it's a little soon for you to decide who and what person is going to adopt the baby.
Nicole: Okay, I know what you mean, but I think it would be wrong to reject this idea out of hand.
Allie: Thank you.
Nicole: And I think it's important for allie to know that she's giving her baby to someone she can trust, someone who will allow her to be part of her child's life.
Allie: Yeah, and there's not a whole lot of people who fit that bill.
Nicole: And if this is what allie wants... I think it's worth pursuing.
Sarah: Are you seriously proposing that I adopt a baby now?
Xander: I know there's a hole in your heart since you lost mackenzie, and I've seen the kind of mother you are. If I know of a child that needs a home, why wouldn't i tell you about it?
Sarah: How do you know this pregnant lady?
Xander: You'll have to keep it to yourself. It's allie horton.
Sarah: Allie? Sami and lucas' daughter?
Xander: Yeah, doesn't that make you, like, cousins or something? I'm sure she'd be interested if you were to--
Sarah: If I were to what, make a deal? Replace mackenzie with her baby?
Xander: No, that's not what I was saying.
Sarah: Xander, I can't just replace mackenzie with another baby. She was my daughter. She's my child, my little girl.
Xander: I'm sorry. I... well, I blew this, didn't I?
Sarah: You knew that the baby that you delivered and put into my arms was not the same baby that I took home from the hospital. You let me fall in love with a child that belonged to someone else. And then you come waltzing in here with flowers, suggesting that I fall in love with another baby that isn't mine!
Xander: It was just an idea.
Sarah: God, screw your idea, xander, and screw you!
And that protects our customers 24/7.
Lucas: Listen, allie has to be at peace with whatever decision she makes. And if you guys tell her you want to adopt the baby, it could put pressure on her.
Sonny: We would never do that.
Lucas: [Sighs] Look, whether you adopt this baby or another one, I just want you to know that I am beyond thrilled at the possibility of having another grandchild.
Will: Thanks, dad.
Lucas: And it means the world to me that this baby would be so wanted. Thank you. I love you guys. I'm gonna go, okay?
Will: Okay.
Lucas: Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute. I do think that allie's judgment is being clouded by her fear of sami's reaction, so...
Will: Yeah, that makes sense to me.
Lucas: Listen, if allie rushes into this and--and she changes her mind... I don't want to see the two of you get hurt like that. It would kill me.
[Dramatic music]
Sonny: [Sighs]
Eric: Approaching rafe about adopting your baby is definitely worth considering. Do it carefully. He's still a little raw after his whole custody battle with david.
Allie: Yeah, I could tell.
Eric: Also know your options. I mean, there's--there's private adoption. There's open adoption. There's closed adoption. And--
Allie: Wow.
Eric: I know. It's a lot. If you want to use an agency, I can help you with that. I have many years in the field with it.
Nicole: We're a one-stop shop: Food, warm bed, adoption counseling all under one roof.
Eric: Yeah. And then if you finally decide you want rafe to adopt your baby...
Allie: Then mom would never have to find out it was my kid.
Eric: No, she'll find out.
Allie: She never leaves ej.
Nicole: She'll find out.
Allie: She might not even care. I mean, her and rafe are friends.
Eric: But that was before aunt carrie.
Allie: Aunt-- aunt carrie and rafe? Are you kidding? Why does everything have to be so complicated?
Nicole: Because that is life, kiddo. But we have seen it all, and we are here to help you through.
Xander: Sarah, I-- I didn't mean to hurt you.
Sarah: You can't just go up into the attic and get the crib and bring it down and plop another baby into it and expect everything to be okay. You think that you have me all figured out, and you don'T. You're still playing the same game.
Xander: Look, I may be bad at it, but it's not a game. I'm grieving too. She-- I was her dad. I loved her too!
Sarah: You loved rachel. 'Cause you didn't know mackenzie. Neither did I.
Xander: You're right. I loved rachel. And I'm every bit as worried as you are that kristen has her now. And I know that no other baby can replace that sweet, precious girl that I helped bring into the world. But life goes on, sarah, and maybe you and I handle that in different ways, but all I know is, there's a child out there who needs a home and--
Sarah: Then you adopt her yourself and leave me the hell out of it!
Kayla: Sweetness is what you've called me for almost our whole life together. It brings back a lot of good memories when I hear you say it.
Steve: Yeah, well, you asked me not to call you that, so... and I doubt justin would appreciate it. I know I wouldn't if i was in his shoes. You know, it's probably best that I can't make the wedding. I don't want to make people uncomfortable.
Kayla: Why would we be uncomfortable? You're all for justin and me, right? Our biggest cheerleader?
Steve: I want you to be happy. I see now that you are.
Kayla: Thank you. There's just one thing that doesn't make me happy. When our daughter and her kids moved in with us...
Kayla: I never would've accepted justin's proposal if I didn't love him.
Steve: I know.
Kayla: But the thing is... it's just--it's just the kids. They are having a hard time with me marrying their uncle justin. In fact, stephanie said that she can't even face coming to the wedding.
Steve: Well, I'm really sorry about that.
Kayla: Well, I mean, I understand why it's so hard for them. They all love you so much.
Steve: I'll tell you what. I'll talk to them.
Kayla: I wasn't angling for that.
Steve: I know. You don't angle. I'm their dad. And I hope, uh...
Kayla: What?
Steve: I hope we can still be friends.
Kayla: Of course. Always.
[Dramatic music]
Steve: I want only the best for you, sweetness.
Kayla: I want the same for you.
Lucas: Hey.
Kate: Hey. You're alone.
Lucas: Yes, I am. Why wouldn't I be?
Kate: Well, I don't know. I thought maybe that you'd have allie manacled to your wrist by now.
Lucas: No, no. Um, everyone says I should let her make her own decisions about this, and she has. Um... she wants to give the baby up for adoption.
Kate: I see.
Lucas: But fear not. You could smother another grandchild with your undying love, because it looks like sonny and will want to adopt the baby.
Will: Well, sorry my dad wasn't, uh, all that enthusiastic.
Sonny: [Sighs] You know, when he started talking about what he went through with sami after you were born, it made me realize that he knows a lot more about what could go wrong.
Will: Yeah, I still don't agree with him about allie, though. I mean, I don't think she'd change her mind. You know, I still think we should just-- we should let her know that we would love to adopt her baby if she wants, you know, and let her make her own decision.
Sonny: I mean, I'm still in if you are.
Will: You know, I think it's probably still early enough to go over to eric and nicole'S.
Sonny: Well, I mean, allie's had kind of a long day. Why don't we-- why don't we go tomorrow?
Eric: You understand what I'm saying, right? You do have time before you decide what you really want.
Allie: I'm not going to sneak off to my room and call rafe, if that's what you're worried about. He was on his way to court when I saw him.
Eric: Well, when you do see him, keep in mind that he might not think it's a good idea for him.
Allie: I know.
Eric: Just want you to know you have other options. And when you do make a decision, it'll be your decision to make.
Nicole: And I have a feeling you're gonna make the one that feels right to you.
Xander: I'm sorry I upset you.
Sarah: I can't take you meddling in my life. I can't believe I just told my mom that-- that I thought I'd be all right living in the same house with you. I want to take you up on your offer. I want you to move out.
Xander: What, because I just suggested that--
Sarah: Xander, I'm being serious. I keep trying to set up boundaries, and you keep keep trampling them. And I am not going to give you the chance to do it again.
Xander: Sarah, I--
Sarah: Just please, just go.
Eli: So am I allowed to kiss the bride before she kicks me out of our own home? Or is that inviting bad karma too?
Lani: I think it's worth the risk.
Eli: Hey, I promise you... tomorrow is gonna be the first of all the best days of our lives.
Lani: [Chuckles]
[Laughs] Okay.
Eli: Wait. Wait!
Lani: Okay, you gotta go. I love you. Okay?
Eli: You too.
[Suspenseful music]
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