Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 6/24/20
Episode #13798 ~ Eli throws a wrench in Brady and Victor's plot; a mysterious person spies on Lani; Will and Sonny inform Lucas of their plan; Allie has a warm reunion with Rafe.
Provided By Suzanne
Lucas: Listen, I decided not to call your mom and tell her what's going on because I feel like you have enough drama to deal with right now.Allie: Thank you, thank you so much.
Lucas: Listen, now that we have time and you're in a drama-free zone, we should sit and talk...have some lunch and figure out how and where you wanna raise this baby.
Allie: Well, I've... actually already made my decision. I don't plan to raise this baby at all.
Lucas: What do you mean, you don't plan to raise this baby?
Allie: I'm sorry, dad. I've decided to give my baby up for adoption.
Will: Do you think we scared allie when we talked about what it takes to be a parent?
Sonny: I just think we were being honest. And that's what she needs right now...the facts she would be facing as a single mom.
Will: I mean, it's a huge commitment.
Sonny: Which she might not be ready to make.
[Soft music]
If allie isn't ready to raise her child... are you--are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Will: That we adopt allie's baby?
Sonny: I mean, it's a thought, right? Here we are, we're going back and forth between surrogacy and adoption, and who shows up on our doorstep? Your pregnant sister. Maybe this is the universe making our decision for us.
[Background chatter]
[Dinner music plays]
Jack: You look deep in it.
Steve: What are you doin' here? I thought you'd be at gabi's trial.
Jack: Oh, court's in recess. I thought I'd get some coffee.
Steve: How's it goin'?
Jack: That is hard to say. I'm, uh, hoping that justice will have its day, but... and that's not just because of abigail. It's because of everybody that gabi has hurt and everything that she's done.
[Ominous notes]
[Soft country western plays]
Lani: What should we have for lunch, little one? How 'bout dessert first? A hot fudge sundae with pickles on the side. Yeah, your brother loved that combo.
[Ominous chords]
Eli: Confession? Sounds serious--maybe we should head down to the station.
Brady: No, that's not necessary.
Eli: Okay, well, then you won't mind if I record it.
Brady: Not at all.
Eli: Okay, go ahead.
Brady: So you remember, um, when my grandfather told you in the hospital that it was kristen that stabbed him, right?
Eli: Yes.
Victor: I lied.
Eli: What are you saying?
Victor: I'm saying kristen didn't stab me.
Lani: Kristen's a fugitive because I helped her. And when we were in that interrogation room, eli, we weren't a cop and a perp. We were two friends. And yes, she was confessing to stabbing victor, but my heart broke for her. And all I wanted to do was give her the chance to have a life with her daughter.
Eli: So if kristen didn't stab you, why did you say that she did?
[Dramatic music]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Jack: [Sighs] Is that coffee?
Steve: Last time I checked.
Jack: Last time I checked, you were elbow-deep in shots.
Steve: Well, this time I'm not.
Jack: What's with all the files? Lookin' a little old-school.
Steve: I'm just trying to get up to speed on all the pending black patch cases.
Jack: Pending. So...john asked you back.
Steve: Well, actually, i asked him. I thought it was time to get back to...having a reason to get up in the morning, you know?
Jack: Sure beats drinking yourself silly...thinking about kayla.
Lani: Kayla, you... you startled me.
Kayla: I'm so sorry. I just saw you sitting over here and I just wanted to see how your pregnancy's going.
Lani: Here, sit down, join me...
Kayla: Thank you.
Lani: I'm waiting on eli.
Kayla: Oh. Thank you. Well, you look great. How are you feeling?
Lani: Good, at the moment.
Kayla: Morning sickness?
Lani: All-day sickness.
Kayla: [Laughs] Well, then you're right on track, huh?
Lani: So far, so good.
Kayla: That's great. Well, I know that you had trepidation about this pregnancy.
Lani: Yeah, I still do. I mean...I love being pregnant. I love talking to my baby. But...I've been here before. I thought everything was good, and then we lost david. So I can't help thinking about all the "what ifs". Thank god for eli.
Kayla: How is eli?
Lani: He's good, he's really excited to be a dad.
Kayla: Well, I think you need to follow his lead. This is a wonderful time, and you should be enjoying it.
Lani: I'm trying. I really am. Especially since we're about to get married.
Kayla: That's great.
Lani: [Softly] Yeah. I am just praying that this wedding goes way better than the last one.
Kayla: Well, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about.
Lani: I really do hope so.
[Ominous notes]
Victor: I said that kristen stabbed me because I wanted that succubus out of my grandson's life.
Eli: Victor, it's not exactly a secret how you felt about kristen. She and brady had been together for a while, and they were happy. Did something happen that made you decide that you wanted to set her up? I mean, did she provoke you?
Victor: The woman's name provokes me.
Eli: Well, I need a better answer than that.
Victor: Well, the only answer that matters is that she didn't stab me. I lied.
Eli: Because you wanted her out of brady's life.
Victor: Yes.
Eli: I don't believe you. When migraine strikes,
Victor: I don't care what you believe, detective. The fact is, I lied about kristen having stabbed me because I was frustrated with her stranglehold on my grandson.
Eli: Can you be a little more specific about what led you up to this lie?
Brady: I'll tell you. My grandfather's a hateful old man who would go to any lengths to destroy what kristen and i had--that's the deal.
Eli: I need to hear that from victor.
Victor: I was hoping... that the relationship would implode like it did every other time, but this time was different. They'd just discovered that their child was alive, and i knew that that miracle baby would...cement their relationship forever. I had to do something drastic to keep her out of brady's life.
Eli: Why are you confessing all this now?
Victor: After a great deal of reflection, I decided it was wrong to keep brady and kristen apart. They loved each other, had a child. So now that you know the truth, you can drop the charges.
Eli: I'm afraid it's not that simple.
Will: Maybe you're right. I mean, w-what are the odds? We want another baby, and allie is having a baby that she may not wanna keep. I mean, it just seems perfect.
Sonny: And I don't wanna get our hopes up, but the timing for us and for allie couldn't be better. I mean, we'd be helping out your little sister. We'd be growing our family.
Will: I mean, the child wouldn't be our biological child, obviously, but he or she would be my blood. Would you be okay with that?
Lucas: You're gonna give this baby up for adoption? I mean, why would you do that when you have a family who's so ready, will, and able to help you take care of this child no matter what?
Allie: Because I don't want to take care of this child. I can barely keep a plant alive. I don't wanna screw up some poor innocent kid.
Lucas: Listen, you're just overwhelmed right now. You haven't thought things through.
Allie: I have thought about this, all right? I don't wanna be mom.
Lucas: What does that mean, you don't wanna be mom?
Allie: She always goes on and on and on about how she was too young and totally unready to be a mom to will when you knocked her up.
Lucas: Wait a minute, allie, take it easy--
Allie: And that whole thing with her tricking uncle austin into being the father--I mean, as if he wanted to be? No. My baby will have parents who care about him from the very beginning. No drama, no games--just what's best for the baby.
Lucas: Your mother's situation has nothing to do with your future--
Allie: Dad, I have made up my you can either respect my decision or back off.
Limu emu & doug
Kayla: It must give you peace knowing that gabi is on trial and may be going to prison. I think she will definitely be a no-show at your wedding.
Lani: Gabi has gotten away with so much. I really do hope that she ends up in a cell where she belongs. Now, talk about a perfect wedding present.
Kayla: You are awfully relaxed for a woman who's about to be married.
Lani: [Chuckles] That's because eli and I are having a small and intimate wedding. I am not gonna let anyone ruin this day.
> Kayla: That's a good idea. You know, justin and I are doing the same thing, actually, just a few friends and family.
Lani: Yeah, I noticed that ring.
Kayla: Yeah.
Lani: Congratulations.
Kayla: Thank you.
Lani: It's so beautiful. I mean, come on!
Kayla: Yeah.
Lani: Have you guys set a date?
Kayla: Um, yeah. Yeah, we have, actually. Next week, july 10th. I mean, so many weddings were popping up this month, we had to hurry and grab a date while we still could. It didn't matter to me, I mean anything would have been fine, as long as it wasn't july 25th.
Lani: Why? I mean, what happened on july 25th?
Kayla: Well, that's when steve and I were first married.
Steve: We've been over this, jack. Kayla is marrying justin, so my only thoughts are for her happiness.
Jack: That's a load of crap.
Steve: Don't you have a trial to cover?
Jack: They're not married yet. There's still time to tell kayla that you're just as in love with her now as you ever were.
Steve: Didn't you listen to anything I said to you the other night?
Jack: Sure, I did, I heard everything--blah, blah, blah, blah--I love kayla so much, i can't tell her how much I love her because I love her so much. Which makes total sense to me not ever in this world.
Steve: I also told you to get off my back and let me be.
Jack: I musta blocked that part out. But I do remember giving you some really good advice about getting the love of your life back in your life, starting with: Talk to her.
Steve: Yeah, well, I did talk to her.
Jack: Good.
Steve: Kind of. After you left the pub the other night...I drank a little bit more...then I ran into her.
Jack: Right, right, right, yeah, she told me. She said, I quote, uh... "he was far from coherent."
Steve: [Small laugh]
Jack: "And...he's lucky I got him home in one piece."
Steve: Mmm-hmm. I'm lucky I passed out before i said something I'd regret.
Jack: That's about the saddest thing I ever heard.
Steve: Okay. I'm not gonna say this again. I have screwed kayla's life up enough. The least I can do is not screw it up now when she's really happy.
Jack: It's not about her being happy. It's about her spending the rest of her life with you!
Steve: I think that must have sounded better in your head.
Jack: Look, look, brother, I'm telling you, I have been where you are...thinking that-- that jennifer was too good for me, that I wasn't good enough for her.
Steve: Come on, don't-- don't, uh, please don't go there again. Don't get into that profit and loss and love and balance sheets and all that crap please.
Jack: You know what I'm thinking--I am thinking magnets. Jennifer and I are like two magnets, you know--things would just pull us apart, but look, look--there's something inside us pulling us back together. Pulling us back together like you and kayla.
Steve: Just stop, man.
Jack: Just pulling us back--
Steve: Dude, you gotta stop it! Now, listen to me. I have made up my mind. I am not going to tell kayla that I still love her, and i would appreciate it, brother, if you would keep that between us.
Jack: Your secret is safe with me.
Steve: Good.
Jack: Sort of.
Steve: What does that mean?
Lucas: You are not thinking things through--you need to listen to reason.
Allie: You mean do what you want. So much for the "no pressure, no judgement, unconditional support."
Lucas: All right, all right, how 'bout we start over, okay? Let's do that, let's just sit, we'll have lunch, and we'll just hang out like we used to--that's it.
Allie: I already ate.
Lucas: How 'bout a sundae? You can't say no to sundaes. No cherries, just chocolate and whipped cream, the way you like it.
Allie: Dad, I'm not a kid anymore. You can't buy me off with ice cream.
Lucas: Can't I try to apologize with it?
Allie: I just wanna be alone, okay?
Lucas: I'm trying to help you, but every time I do, I feel like I'm making things worse. I just want what's best for you and this baby--that's all. I love you--I'm sorry.
Rafe: Allie, is that you?
Allie: Rafe!
Rafe: Oh, my god!
Allie: Oh, my gosh!
Rafe: What are you doing back in salem?
Allie: It'S...a very long story.
Rafe: Uh-huh. Well, lucky for you, I've got some time right now.
Allie: Okay, well...
[Sighs] You asked for it.
Brady: It seems pretty simple to me. Victor said that kristen wasn't the one that stabbed him. The charges go away. Is that not how it works?
Eli: Not exactly.
Brady: Eli, eli, he lied. I mean, he lied--tell him that you lied.
Victor: I don't see how I can make it any clearer. Kristen is innocent... the victim of my self-serving perfidy. I'm sorry if... for any trouble that I caused.
Eli: Okay, here's the thing. D.A. Giddens may not have a suspect in custody, but he does have a suspect--kristen...okay? So if you remove kristen, I guarantee you, he's gonna have a lot of questions.
Brady: Like what?
Eli: Well, for starters, the tiny little detail that victor left out.
Victor: What detail is that?
Eli: If kristen didn't stab you, who did?
[Edgy music]
Lani: So wait, you--you married steve on july 25th? I thought you guys got married on valentine's day.
Kayla: Well, that was our third wedding. The second wedding was in august because, technically, we weren't really married in july the first time. But I'll tell you something. That first one was pure magic.
[Seagull crying]
Steve: [Whispering] Courage.
Kayla: I take you, steve, to be my husband.
[Water lapping]
[Emotional music]
[Exhales] I will love you and honor you...
[Sniffles] And keep you in sickness and in health... forsaking all others. I will be faithful to you as long as we both shall live.
[Both crying softly]
Steve: Oh, baby.
Lani: That sounds really romantic.
Kayla: Yeah, like I said, it was pure magic. The love that steve and I had for each other that day... the bond... it's all history now.
Lani: Are you sure about that?
Steve: So... you told someone that I'm still in love with kayla? Who? Who'd ya tell, jackson?
Jack: I-I... I might have told... jennifer.
Steve: Oh, my god. Why don't you just put it on a billboard? She and kayla are practically like sisters. What if she tells her? Hey, excuse me, can you get me whatever's on draft, please?
Jack: Uh, no, uh, coffee's fine--coffee is just fine, thank you.
Steve: How could you do this? Why?
Jack: It just sort of slipped out, but don't worry--I told her, "steve doesn't want kayla to know."
Steve: Oh, I'm sure that'll button her right up. Did you at least explain to jennifer that I'm doing this for kayla so that she'll be happy?
Jack: Yes--it's gonna be fine! It'll be fine... it'S...just...
Steve: What?
Jack: I--
Steve: There's more?
Jack: Jennifer feels... jennifer feels that kayla has a right to know how you still feel.
Steve: Jennifer didn't already say something to kayla, did she?
Jack: [Sighs]
Sonny: Of course I'd be okay with the baby being related to you and ari. I mean, that makes it even more perfect.
Will: Well, but we talked about you being the biological father, right? Or at the very least, you know, providing our sperm so we wouldn't know who the father is.
Sonny: Yeah, but if we go the adoption route, neither one of us would be related to the child, right?
Will: True.
Sonny: And we also had the discussion that the thing that matters most is providing a home for a child in need. So why not provide a home for your little sister's child?
Will: Have I mentioned how much I love you?
Sonny: Well, I never get tired of hearing it. We could be daddies again soon.
Will: Well, I mean, there is the teensy, tiny detail of discussing it with allie first.
Lucas: Discussing what with allie?
Rafe: Wow.
Rafe: I'm sorry, um... yeah, well, I'm guessing that this is a really long story.
Allie: Yeah.
Rafe: Well, can I get a hug first, huh? Huh, can I-- oh, god, you--
[Both laughing] You can really feel that...
Allie: Yeah.
> Rafe: Baby in there. Oh, my god. I've missed you.
Allie: I've missed you too.
Rafe: you wanna-- come on, let's sit down. Let's have a talk, shall we? Um...
Allie: As much as I'd like to make this all about me, will and sonny told me about gabi's trial. I'm so sorry. If you need to be in court--
Rafe: No, no, no, uh, court's in recess right now. They're actually powwowing, you know, about what to do and so I've got a few minutes to listen. If you wanna talk.
Allie: The magic word: Listen. Why is that such a hard concept for certain people?
Rafe: Right, well, my guess is that there are certain people who really care about you and love you and are worried about you. It's kind of a big deal.
Allie: Yeah.
Rafe: Yeah.
Allie: I get that. I don't know--my dad tracked me down--he's just flipping out.
Rafe: Yeah, yeah. His baby's havin' a baby.
Allie: Yeah, but he needs to understand that I'm an adult.
Rafe: Mm-hmm.
Allie: He kinda cooled off when grandma kate and nicole and uncle eric all piled on. And he said he'd give me some time and space to figure out what I wanna do about the baby. But then I told him I wanted to give it up for adoption and... puuuh! Like...[Scoffs]
Rafe: Adoption, huh?
Allie: Comments? Observations?
Rafe: Oh...
[Laughs] I don't, um... honestly, I really don't know much about it, so...that wouldn't be fair for me to say, but I know you'll do what's best for the baby. I support you.
Allie: That's why you were the best stepdad ever.
Rafe: Yeah, don't forget it, huh?
[Both laugh] Allie: Maybe you could have a talk with my dad about listening and respect.
Rafe: Respec--yeah, well... you know, if there's one thing i know about your dad, it's that he loves you. Like a lot, like to death. And he's a reasonable guy, so... he'll probably come around. There is someone else I'm worried about, though.
Allie: My mom.
Rafe: Yeah. What'd she have to say?
Allie: I mean, she's handling it super well... considering she doesn't know about it. And if it were up to me, she never would.
Rafe: Hmm.
Eli: Victor, your stab wound was very real...okay? It nearly killed you. So if kristen didn't stick the knife through your chest... who did?
Victor: Maybe it's none of your damn business.
Eli: None of my damn-- it's my damn business, okay? It's a crime. So who was it?
Victor: Maybe it was one of my underworld adversaries... who can't be named for retaliation against my family. Or maybe my hand slipped when i was cutting a particularly hard piece of cheese on a cheese board. Or...vivian alamain came back to my house naked, and I knifed myself.
Eli: Unfortunately, I don't think the D.A.'S gonna buy any of those explanations.
Victor: Well, I'm afraid that's all they're gonna get outta me.
Eli: Okay. Well, this is what's gonna happen. I'm gonna tell D.A. Giddens that you lied. He's gonna go back to the original police report, and we both know what's on that police report. Brady was found in your living room with the knife in his hand and the prints wiped clean. Brady, you tell him what happened next.
Brady: I confessed.
Eli: Exactly. If you remove kristen from the lineup, D.A. Giddens is gonna make a beeline for brady, and I'll have no choice but to arrest him. Is that what either of you want?
Rafe: You sure you don't wanna tell your mom...what's goin' on?
Allie: You were married to her--you know what she's like.
Rafe: That is true. That's a good point, yes, uh... hurricane sami can be a little terrifying. But she's your mom. And I know how much she loves you.
Allie: Yeah, but her and dad are just so intense. It's exhausting.
[Sighs] And she would just come in and take over--take over everything like she always does, and I just can't handle it. And my dad promised not to call her, but...what's that worth? David is so lucky to have a chill dad like you.
Rafe: Yeah.
Allie: What's wrong?
Rafe: Um... I lost custody of david.
Allie: Oh, my god! I'm so sorry.
Rafe: Yeah.
Allie: Here I am going on about wanting to give up this child and you just lost the one you loved.
Steve: [Sighs]
Jack: Don't worry. I shut jennifer down telling kayla that... that you still love her.
Steve: For now.
Jack: Look... I told her this is your fight to fight. Which it is, my brother. Hey, if kayla should hear this from anybody, it should be from you, right? But I'll tell you one thing. Time's almost up. She's planning to get married to justin on the 10th.
Steve: Next week.
Jack: Yeah. Clock's tickin'. So, uh...well, I gotta get back the courthouse. Uh, good luck, uh... keeping your focus on what you should be focusing on. And if I could offer another world of advice...
Steve: Can I stop you?
Jack: Maybe you guys should go digital.
Steve: I don't do well with change.
Jack: So I gather.
[Steve chuckles] Uh...put this on his tab. Thank you.
Steve: Please leave.
Jack: Mm!
Steve: [Sighs] Ah...
Lani: I'm so sorry, kayla. That was out of line--I really shouldn't have said anything.
Kayla: No, it was fine. Really, it is. You know, I-I just got off the phone with stephanie today, and she said the same thing. So I will say to you what I told her. And that's that steve and I have a history. We have children together. So the past will never stay completely the past. But justin is my present. And my future.
Lani: So you've never had any doubts or second thoughts?
Kayla: I will always keep those memories close. But steve and I have let go of the past. He's happy for me and... I'm happy for me. And next week, justin and I are gonna start a life with new memories. And I have no intention of looking in the rearview mirror.
Lani: Now, that is some advice that I am gonna take.
Kayla: Well, you really should. Because you deserve this time. You deserve happiness. Everything is going to be perfect. I know it. All right, I need to get back to the hospital, so I'll see you at your next appointment?
Lani: I will see you.
Kayla: Okay.
Lani: And kayla... you are gonna make the most beautiful bride. Justin really is a lucky guy.
Kayla: Yeah. He is, isn't he? I'll see you around.
Lani: See you.
Brady: There's only one problem with your theory. I didn't do it.
Eli: You confessed. Brady, you have a motive. Hell, you were found in the room, the living room, with the murder weapon in your hand and the prints wiped clean. The D.A. Will make a damn good case against you, and they wanna win...bad.
Victor: What if I refuse to testify against brady?
Eli: Then the judge will assume that you're protecting him and you'll be charged with perjury for lying about kristen. You two really need to think your story through. Were you lying then, or are you lying now?
[Dramatic music]
I didn't choose this exact type
Rafe: So the judge chose zoey because she's david's blood relative.
Allie: The judge is nuts.
Rafe: Yeah.
Allie: Any kid would be so lucky to have you as their dad. Especially if there are peas involved.
Rafe: Hmm?
Allie: Do you remember you used to eat all my peas and johnnie's when mom wasn't looking? And you hated them just as much as we did.
Rafe: Oh, my god, well, yeah, sami and the frozen food.
Allie: Yeah, it was all she knew how to cook. Frozen veggies and fish sticks every single friday night. Do you remember?
Rafe: Oh, god, do I remember? I been trying to forget ever since, you kiddin'?
[Laughing] It was awful. Hey, but you know what? We made it through that, right? So...we'll make it through this.
Allie: Yeah. We will. You were the most amazing stepdad ever.
Rafe: Ah...
Allie: I'm really sorry david's gonna miss out on having the coolest parent ever.
Rafe: Yeah. Yeah. Well, I don't know. Guess it just wasn't meant to be.
[Beep beep] Uh-oh. Oh, shoot...I gotta get back to the courthouse. You gonna be okay, kiddo?
Allie: Now that I've seen you, I'm already better.
Rafe: That's what I'm talkin' about. Excellent. Okay. Listen, you have my number. And if you need--if you need help, if you need anything, you just give me a call and i will be there.
Allie: You always have been.
Rafe: I love you, kid. All right. Talk soon.
Lucas: You've seen allie?
Sonny: Yeah, yeah, she was just here.
Lucas: Oh, well, then, uh, guess you know.
Will: Yeah, hard to miss.
Lucas: Yeah, isn't it though? That's why I'm here. I need your help.
Will: Of course. What can we do?
Lucas: Convince allie not to give up her baby for adoption.
Sonny: Isn't that her choice?
Will: Yeah, I mean, if she's not ready to have a child, it's not like you can...force her.
Lucas: Yeah, your sister's made it abundantly clear that she's, uh, not gonna listen to me about anything. I can't force her into anything. That's why I'm here talking to you two. I was hoping you can convince her that this is a very bad idea to give her baby up to complete strangers.
Will: Well, um... what if they weren't strangers?
Eli: Victor, it's pretty obvious that you're trying to protect your grandson. But you both need to think about this long and hard. Look, I'll hold off on filing this until I hear back from you, but once I file it and it goes through the proper channels...there's no taking it back. You both will be charged for what kristen actually did.
[Intense music]
My nunormal: Fewer asthma attacks.
Brady: Damn it.
Victor: I tried, brady. What do we do now? Stick with the lie, you could go to prison. Which defeats the whole purpose of getting the charges dropped against kristen.
Brady: And you could be charged with perjury.
Victor: Well, I don't give a damn about that--I just want this to work out for you.
Brady: You got any miracles handy?
Victor: I don't see any we're clear of this. We're just gonna have to leave kristen hanging on the hook for a crime she actually committed.
Brady: No, no, no. I won't have it.
Victor: I don't know that you have much choice.
Brady: I won't accept it. No.
Victor: Brady, one day you may be able to spend some time with kristen and your little girl. But for right now, there is nothing that we can do.
Lani: Ohh...
Eli: it has started.
Lani: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. That is so good. So good. How'd it go with brady?
Eli: He actually put victor up to changing his story about kristen stabbing him. But of course I knew they were lying because you told me that kristen confessed.
Lani: Wait, you didn't tell them that, did you?
Eli: No, absolutely not. But I did let them know that if they go down this route, it's not gonna end well for them.
Lani: You think they're gonna listen to you?
Eli: I don't know. But--[Scoffs]--Prison for brady and perjury for victor? I think that was enough to curb their enthusiasm.
Lani: Hmm.
Eli: Anyway, how 'bout you share some of that sundae with your baby daddy and we talk weddings and happily ever afters?
Lani: Mmm-hmm.
Eli: Wait.
[Lani laughing] With a pickle?
Lani: It's so good.
Eli: Mm.
[Uneasy music]
Lucas: What are you talkin' about?
Will: Well, um, we--we haven't really told many people yet, but sonny and i wanna have another child. And we've been thinking about, you know, adoption or surrogacy. And, um, we kinda just realized maybe we could...we could adopt allie's baby.
Sonny: If she's open to it.
Rafe: Okay, listen, you have my number. If you need--if you need help, if you need anything, you just give me a call, and I will be there.
Allie: Maybe there is something you can help me with.
Steve: Oh--
Kayla: Oh, oh, I-I'm so sorry--let me help you with that, I--
[Soft, dramatic music]
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