Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 6/23/20
Episode #13797 ~ Nicole and Lucas clash over Allie; Victor confronts Brady about his true intentions; Sarah makes a confession to Xander; while speaking with Will and Sonny, Allie has a realization about her baby.
Provided By Suzanne
Lucas: Give me my phone.Nicole: No, not a chance, not until you promise not to call sami.
Lucas: You could have asked nicely.
Nicole: I did ask nicely, and I didn't like your answer.
Lucas: You know what?
Nicole: Oh!
Lucas: Sami deserves to know. Ha-ha! Game over. Give me the phone.
Nicole: Hmm.
Lucas: You did not just do that.
Nicole: No, lucas.
Lucas: Unbelievable; you are a child!
Nicole: You're a child! Oh! Ah! Get your--
Lucas: I'll get it.
Nicole: Get out of there!
Eric: What the hell is going on?
Will: So mom has no idea where you are or that you're pregnant?
Allie: You know what a freak she is. No way I'm gonna tell her I got knocked up. These are so yum.
Sonny: You can have as many as you want.
Allie: I kind of am.
Will: Um, also, grandma kate gave you the money to run away?
Allie: I like to think of it as "conflict avoidance." It was better than money; it was a credit card that she thought i was using for rent and food. Too bad she and dad used it to track me down.
Will: Well, you know, I'm glad that at least dad knows you're safe.
Allie: I don't feel safe, not with him being all about calling mom, and--I don't know--being all on my case to figure out what I'm gonna do about this baby.
Will: Yeah, well, I don't know--that--I mean, to me, that kind of sounds like a reasonable concern.
Sonny: [Clears throat]
Xander: Let me.
Sarah: No, I've got it. It's--thank you.
Xander: Moving out, are we? Bit of a lovers' spat?
Sarah: [Sighs] Brady and I aren't lovers. We never were.
Brady: Excuse me.
Victor: Hope you don't mind.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Lani: I am so glad that gabi's trial starts today because the sooner it starts, the sooner she is found guilty as hell and put away for a very long time. What do you think?
Eli: I vote for the slip.
Lani: Of course you do. Well, I don't think that's gonna go over well with the judge.
Eli: Well, I think it goes over very well with the fiancé.
Lani: [Chuckles] How 'bout I just wear the pants while I can still fit in them?
Eli: We don't even know if we're gonna be called as witnesses today.
Lani: Yeah, well, I hope we are, okay? Because I wanna bury gabi so hard that there is a prison wall between her and our wedding.
Eli: Hey, no one--especially gabi--is gonna ruin our wedding. All right? It's on the fourth of july. Okay? It'd be unpatriotic.
Lani: [Chuckles] Kind of ironic, getting hitched on independence day.
Eli: Maybe, but think of it this way. We get to tell our kid that the fireworks on the fourth of july celebrate us too.
Lani: [Chuckles]
Eli: And I am so happy that this little bun in your oven is gonna be a part of our big day.
Lani: So am I, but there's still one person that I really wish could be at the ceremony.
Eric: Someone mind telling me what my fiancée is doing?
Lucas: She stole my phone.
Nicole: [Scoffs]
Eric: How 'bout a landline?
Lucas: Look, she ripped it out; lookit. Look.
Nicole: Honey, I was trying to protect allie.
Lucas: No, I am trying to help allie. I am her father, and you who are you to try and tell me how to handle her?
Nicole: Oh, so you're gonna "handle her" by calling sami? That's exactly what she begged you not to do.
Lucas: Sami is her mother. She has a right to know, nicole. For god's sakes.
Eric: All right, enough. Can we just try to talk through this calmly, like grown-ups? It's not too much to ask, is it?
Nicole: [Scoffs]
Allie: Great, so you're on dad's side.
Will: No, no, I'm not on anybody's side.
Allie: You know, I really thought that you of all people would know what it's like to be bullied and harassed by our parents when we do what they don't think--in their great and unmatched wisdom--is best for us. Sorry I bothered you.
Will: No, no, no, hold on. Hol--wait, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. And, yes, I get where you're coming from--trust me. When mom is lasered in on something, she's--
Sonny: She--like, a hand-- handful, yeah.
Will: Yeah, right? I mean, that's a nice way of putting it. And I also know that dad's probably super freaked out that his baby girl is having a baby herself, so, yeah, you feel overwhelmed. Of course. But I'm here, always. No judgment, just big-brother love and...sandwiches.
Allie: Are there any more of those sandwiches?
Will: Oh, yeah, there's more. There's as much as you want.
Sonny: Yeah. I'll get you some.
Will: Yeah.
Allie: [Sighs, chuckles] Sonny is great.
Will: Yeah. Um, I'm actually really glad you're hanging out because you'll get to, you know, know him a little bit.
Allie: Yeah, well, I already know I'm gonna love him, especially because he obviously makes my brother so happy.
Will: [Laughs] Have I mentioned how good it is to see my little sister?
Allie: Even with all the drama?
Will: Yeah, unfortunately, it kind of, you know, comes in the genes, but I am really, really glad that you're here.
Allie: Me too.
Brady: Well, I'm glad you're feeling well enough to come to titan. Although I bet maggie wishes you were at home, enjoying your second honeymoon given the time that you've spent apart.
Victor: Well, I appreciate your concern for the state of my relationship with maggie, but i can assure you I'm more than capable of balancing the family business with my personal life.
Brady: And I can assure you that, on my watch, the company's doing just fine.
Victor: Really? Because from what I've seen, you're running it into the ground. I wanna know why.
Xander: I knew it! You just did it to hurt me.
Sarah: After what you did to me, of course I wanted to hurt you.
Xander: And I deserved it.
Sarah: Yeah, you sure as hell did. My bag, please.
Xander: If you and brady weren'T...then why are you moving out?
Sarah: Well, I was never living with brady. I always had my own room, but i can't afford to live at a hotel forever.
Xander: Right, but just yesterday, you made such a big show of being in the sack together, and today--done-zo. What happened?
Sarah: You know, not that it's any of your business, but i was gonna go through with it. I was gonna have sex with brady so I could look you in the eye and tell you it was awesome and mean it. It turns out, neither of us can go with through with it. I--brady's still in love with kristen, and I...
Xander: And you what?
Sarah: I have somewhere to be. So...
Xander: The last thing I ever wanted was to hurt you. I don't blame you and brady for hating my guts.
Sarah: Brady said that you apologized to him. What's that about?
Xander: Look, I know it might shock you, but...I genuinely regret everything I did and all the pain I caused you and so many other people.
Sarah: You grew a conscience suddenly?
Xander: I learned I should think before I act, and I should definitely think before i blindly obey whatever order victor gives me.
Sarah: It's a shame you didn't have that epiphany last year.
Xander: Um, I'll let you get where you need to be.
Sarah: Xander, wait. For most patients that have
Xander: What is it?
Sarah: Mickey's headstone... it's beautiful...and perfect. You left before I got a chance to properly thank you. So...
Xander: Giving mickey a proper headstone is just something I wanted to do for you and your sweet little girl.
Sarah: It means more than you know.
Nicole: After I talked allie down from leaving, she opened up to me. She told me her fears and what she wants because I treated her like an adult.
Lucas: Except she's not an adult. She keeps making mistakes, okay? And I'm trying to protect her.
Nicole: Well, maybe protecting her means listening and not doing all the talking and yelling.
Lucas: If I was yelling, it's because my daughter's pregnant and I'm upset and I don't know what to do. I don't know what the next step is, and now I scared her away.
Eric: Enough, all right? Do we know where allie is?
Nicole: No, but her things are still here, so she hasn't left salem.
Lucas: Well, then I should find her, talk to her--calmly, respectfully, adult-to-adult. Can I have my phone back now, please?
Eric: Nicole, give lucas his phone back.
Nicole: Do you promise not to call sami?
Lucas: I wanna check on allie; that's what I wanna do.
Nicole: That's not a promise.
Eric: All right, nicole.
Nicole: Okay. Okay. Fine.
Lucas: Thank you, eric. Thank you, nicole.
[Tense music]
[Cell phone rings]
Allie: Hmm. Dad. That man is relentless. Ugh.
[Cell phone continues ringing] Sweet digs, big brother. Ari must love it here; the pool, the tennis courts, gardens, a cook.
Will: Well, the best part about living here isn't all that stuff. It's that ari is surrounded by family that loves her. Maggie is teaching her how to embroider.
Allie: Is that still a thing?
Will: And victor never misses a weekly tea party with her. So...
Sonny: With everything that's going on with gabi, like, ari needs all the love and support she can get. So we're very grateful for that.
Allie: What's going on with gabi?
Sonny: Well, the short version, um...she's on trial, and she could end up going to prison again.
Allie: That's terrible.
Will: Um, and, you know, we're struggling a little bit with, you know, what that means for ari. Um, when gabi was framed and sent to prison, a couple years back, ari was devastated. She really felt abandoned, and it took a long time for their relationship to heal. So if gabi goes back to prison-- I don't know--ari's gonna be gutted all over again.
Eli: I'm sorry that theo can't make it too, okay? But we did promise to visit south africa after the baby was born.
Lani: Actually, uh, I was talking about kristen.
Eli: Kristen?
Lani: Hey, look, I know people don't trust her, but, eli, she was a real friend to me, and if she hadn't insisted that we come back to salem, you and I wouldn't be back together. I honestly would make her my maid of honor if I could.
Eli: A little hard to do seeing that she's on the run for stabbing victor.
Brady: Did this come from ciara...her crazy theory that I'm trying to destroy the company to get back at you?
Victor: Are you?
Brady: Trust me. Titan is in very good hands. Ciara is just upset because i denied some of her business proposals. That's all. So she ran to grandpa with a silly accusation just because i didn't give her a gold star.
Victor: Ciara never said a word to me. I've been monitoring your business decisions, brady. Not only are they unsound, they're reckless.
Brady: Based on what?
Victor: Well, for starters, you substantially overpaid for a company that couldn't possibly be integrated into titan.
Brady: No, that's your opinion.
Victor: No, that's fact. Also, you got your revenge against xander when I handed you the company. That wasn't enough for you. You had to get revenge against me as well by imploding the company that I built from the ground up.
Brady: So what? So what? What? Are you firing me again? To be honest a little dust it never bothered me. At humana, we believe your healthcare should evolve with you. And part of that evolution means choosing the right medicare plan for you. Humana can help. With original medicare, you're covered for hospital stays and doctor office visits, but you'll have to pay a deductible for each. A medicare supplement plan can cover your deductibles and co-insurance, but you may pay higher premiums and still not get prescription drug coverage. But with an all-in-one humana medicare advantage plan, you could get all that coverage plus part d prescription drug benefits. You get all this coverage for as low as a $0 monthly plan premium in many areas. And humana has a large network of doctors and hospitals, so call or go online today. Find out if your doctor is part of the humana network and get your free decision guide. Discover how an all-in-one humana medicare advantage plan could save you money. There is no obligation, so call or go online right now.
Lucas: Allie, it's dad. Call me when you get this, okay? We really need to talk. And, uh--and I need to listen. So, um, call me so we can work this out together, okay? I love you.
[Cell phone beeps] Think that was calm and respectful enough?
Eric: I think it was great, and I think allie will respond to that.
Lucas: I hope so. I hope so, but you said earlier that allie opened up to you. I mean, what did she say-- without, you know, breaking the confidence?
Nicole: Allie is taking this one step at a time. She realizes it's too late to end the pregnancy. So what she wants--her priority right now is the time and space to figure out what's ahead. No pressure, no judgment, no drama, which means no sami.
Eric: And allie, she was ready to run when she heard that sami was headed to london. She was ready to run this morning. She can be vanishing at any moment and be gone for good. So is there really any harm in keeping allie's pregnancy on the dl until she figures out what she really wants to do?
Allie: Poor ari and gabi and you. Where's my little niece? I was hoping to see her.
Will: She's at day camp. Um, you know, with gabi's trial, we figured she could use something to keep her busy.
Allie: Does she know what's going on with her mom?
Sonny: Well, not exactly, but she does know something's up. She's a smart little girl, and she's, you know, aware of what's going on.
Allie: Hmm. So instead of going with the truth, you're sending her to day camp and lying to her?
Will: Um, ye--yeah, pretty much sums it up.
Allie: And the fabulous brady-horton parenting continues...not that I'm judging. I mean, I don't even know what I would do if I was where you are. Must suck.
Will: Totally.
Sonny: At this point, we're just really trying to protect ari, you know, 'cause she's been through enough recently.
Allie: Eric and sarah's baby, eric told me about it. It's so horrible.
Will: Yeah, and, you know, ari considered herself to be like a big sister to mickey. And now mickey's gone, and, um, you know, ari has to deal with that. And yesterday, she was just staring at her phone for a while, and it turns out, she was just looking at photos of mickey.
Allie: [Sighs] This whole parenting gig sounds a little crazy.
Will: It's the hardest thing we've ever done, right? But also the best thing.
Sonny: Yeah, absolutely, you know, and at this point, it's just making sure that ari feels loved, you know, in a stable, happy family. Um...which is why we're actually considering--
Will: You--oh. want some more milk? I feel like you need a milk refill, yeah?
Allie: Definitely. I need something to wash down the rest of these sandwiches. Just show me the way to the kitchen.
Will: Oh, yeah, it's just-- yeah, uh, back there. Okay, see you soon.
Sonny: Way to end the conversation.
Will: Allie is so confused about her pregnancy and what that means, that--I mean, it's not--I didn't think it was the best time to bring up our plan to have another child.
Xander: And so we're clear, i didn't arrange for mickey's headstone to get back in your good graces. I--I just wanted your daughter to have a proper resting place, you know.
Sarah: And now she does...and I have a place that I can visit her. I went back, took her some flowers. I think maybe next time, I'll maybe bring some grass clippers and tidy up a bit.
Xander: Well, you know, you are talking to the kiriakis family's former gardener. So if you need any help, I have plenty of free time now that victor's fired me. Although I am a little surprised, now that I've fallen from grace, that the old man hasn't got me mowing the lawn again.
Sarah: Well, careful. He might still.
Victor: Using guilt to leverage your way back into titan so that you can destroy it...that's pure kiriakis. But destroying the company because you wanna hurt me... that doesn't solve the problems between us...or take away your pain.
Brady: You know what? Then do it. Do it! Fire me.
[Mumbles] I don't give a damn anymore, granddad. I don'T. I don't give a damn. I stopped giving a damn the day I lost kristen and rachel, okay?
Lani: Kristen's a fugitive because I helped her. And when we were in that interrogation room, eli, we weren't a cop and a perp. We were two friends. And, yes, she was confessing to stabbing victor, but my heart broke for her. And all I wanted to do was give her the chance to have a life with her daughter.
Eli: That big heart of yours.
Lani: Eli, you covered for me. You put your job on the line, and you didn't have to do that. Are you sure that you have totally and completely forgiven me for helping kristen escape?
Eli: Totally and completely. In fact, why don't I show you how totally and completely...i am in love with you?
[Tender music]
Allie: I have never seen so much refrigerator art. Ari's really good.
Will: Yes, we are raising a little artist.
Sonny: She also wants to be a computer programmer.
Will: Yeah, and a mermaid.
Allie: Aww. You know, maybe I could do this, be a mom...just me and my baby loving each other and making our own little family. And the clothes are so cute.
Will: Yes. [Laughs] The clothes are very cute. Um, you know, but they're also not free, you know, and there's daycare and school and camp--
Allie: Yeah, so I'll just have to get a job.
Will: Have you ever had one?
Allie: Okay, so that's not my strong point, but I can change.
Will: Dare I ask if the--if there's any chance the father's gonna be--
Allie: No. No, you don't get to ask. And, for the record, he won't be. I'll be flying solo.
Will: That might be why dad wants to help you raise the child.
Allie: I know he means well, but I am old enough to make my own decisions and take responsibility.
Will: Yeah, I--I understand that, but it's not just about you anymore. You now have a responsibility to the child you're carrying. You know? So...the question you have to ask yourself is, are you truly ready to be a single mother?
[Dramatic music]
Victor: I'm not going to fire you, brady. I love you. I want you in my life.
Brady: You love me? You understand that kristen's out there somewhere, raising our daughter by herself because of you? You understand that I'm not a part of raising my own daughter with the woman that I love because of you? Every morning, I wake up, and i wonder if they're happy, if they're safe. I go to bed wondering if they're--if my daughter even knows that I love her. You understand that?
Victor: Because of me. What I did to you, brady, in the name of protecting maggie, is the regret of my life. I can't turn back time, I can't make different choices, but there must be something that i can do to help you.
Brady: If you mean that--i mean, if you really mean that... they're might be something you can do.
Victor: Name it.
Xander: So, um, where do you plan to live? Do you have an apartment lined up?
Sarah: No. I mean, I haven't even started looking. So I'm gonna crash in the on-call room at the hospital until I find something.
Xander: Why don't you just move back into the mansion? It's starting to happen every day.
Sarah: You and I living under the same roof again doesn't really seem like the best idea.
Xander: No agenda, I promise. I--it's just practical. The house is huge, and your mum misses you like crazy. Look, if it'll help your decision, I'll--I'll even move out.
Sarah: You'd move out?
Xander: Maggie misses you terribly. You could do so much good for each other. I wouldn't wanna stand in the way of that.
Sarah: I don't know. I was really happy living there with mickey. But now...all those memories. It...
Xander: I know it wouldn't be easy at first, but...maggie needs you, and you need her too. What harm could it do to take your bags over and just have a little chat with your mum and sort it all out?
Sarah: [Sighs] All right, maybe you're right.
Xander: Well, I'm headed there right now. Just let me help you, yeah?
[Soft music]
Allie: The last thing I'd want is for me to screw up my kid because I'm still a kid.
Will: Yeah, I mean, look at mom and me. She had me when she was a teenager, and that's part of the reason why we butt heads all the time, you know. We sort of had to grow up together.
Allie: Yeah. Thank god you had grandma marlena. I mean, at least you had some stability. I got dragged around everywhere, and I don't want that for my baby. I want him or her to grow up in a real home, like the one that you and sonny and gabi have made for ari. It's do I make that happen?
Will: Well, the good news is, you have--we have time to figure it all out. And, uh...the better news is, sonny and I are here to help, you know, whatever you need.
Lucas: Well, I guess you're right; calling sami right now would only make a bad situation worse. I just hope that allie calls me back when she gets my voice message so we can talk.
Eric: I think that'd be great for both of you.
Lucas: I'm not gonna stand around here and wait. I gotta go look for her.
Eric: Listen, if you do find her, let her know she's welcome to stay here as long as she needs.
Nicole: And we will take good care of her.
Lucas: I know. I know. I'm sorry about messing up your place, arguing the way we did. I know that we're all on the same team. We're all in allie's corner. I just hope that she realizes that.
Nicole: [Scoffs]
Eric: So what do you say we clean this place up?
Nicole: [Sighs]
Lani: [Moans softly] I am definitely feeling the love.
Eli: Mm-hmm, and abe didn't show up, so there's that.
Lani: [Laughs] I know. I should definitely get up and get dressed.
Eli: Uh--or we can stay here naked for the rest of the day.
Lani: [Chuckles softly] You know, there's not gonna be much laying in bed naked when this baby comes.
Eli: Girl, I don't care if the baby has colic and wakes up five times in the middle of the night. I will always find ways to make you happy.
Lani: Mm.
[Cell phone rings] Mm, do you have to answer that?
Eli: It could be the courthouse letting me know if we need to testify at gabi's trial.
[Cell phone beeps] Hello?
Brady: I'm glad I caught you. I have a police matter I need to discuss with you.
Eli: Brady? Look, this--man, I'm not even on duty. If this is an emergency, call 911.
Brady: It's not an emergency, but it is very important. Can you come to titan?
Eli: I'll be there.
[Cell phone beeps] Duty calls.
Lani: [Groans softly] I was hoping I could steal you for a lunch date.
Eli: You wanna meet me there after I'm done?
Lani: [Laughs] You're on.
Eli: You know, um...brady didn't say it was an emergency. You picking up what I'm putting down?
Lani: Mm, you're trying to get nasty.
[Both chuckle]
[Mischievous music]
Brady: Detective grant is on his way. I'm phil mickelson.
Brady: Thanks for coming.
Eli: What's this important matter?
Brady: My grandfather has a confession to make.
[Suspenseful music]
[Birds chirping]
Xander: Hey, why don't you head upstairs and get settled in? I'll grab what's left in the car.
Sarah: Thank you.
[Birds chirping]
Allie: You've been a huge help already. You've really made me think about what I want and not just for me, but for my baby. This baby deserves the best chance at a happy life. Maybe that's with people who would give anything to welcome him or her into their home.
[Dramatic music]
Will: Well, you don't have to decide anything today. The important thing is gonna be taking care of yourself and your baby, which is gonna be a full-time job. If you need anybody to go with you to appointments or--I don't know--like, deliver whatever you're craving in the middle of the night, that's what big brothers are for.
Allie: You are the best.
Sonny: Yeah, he kind of is, yeah.
Allie: Yeah, especially considering you were such a brat growing up.
Will: Oh, is this, like, a pot-kettle situation?
Allie: Yeah, maybe.
Sonny: I am so happy you've come to salem. Ari will be thrilled to have another aunt around to spoil her, but within reason.
Allie: I can't wait. And you are just as amazing as will has said you are. Thank you for making my brother so happy.
Will: Oh, bring it in. Bring it in, you two.
Sonny: Group hug?
Will: Yeah.
Eric: You know, when I walked in, you know, found you and lucas on the couch, kind of threw me for a loop.
Nicole: Oh, yes. Lucas was so freaked out.
Eric: No, you were on top of him.
Nicole: Oh, that. He was trying to get his phone.
Eric: Huh. From your blouse?
Nicole: Jealous?
Eric: Actually, it looked kind of fun.
Nicole: [Chuckles] Really?
Eric: Hmm, really.
Nicole: Mm. Did you know that feeling sluggish or weighed down
Nicole: [Chuckles] You know, allie could come back any minute, so maybe we should take this into the bedroom.
Eric: Works for me.
Nicole: Mm-hmm. Oh, and then you...can find this in here.
Eric: Oh, really? You can--
Nicole: Mm-hmm.
Eric: You can bet I'll find that for sure. You can bet--
Nicole: I love your confidence, sir.
Eric: You like? You like?
Nicole: Yeah!
Lucas: Oh, no, no, allie.
Allie: Dad.
Lucas: Did you get my message?
Allie: I saw that you called. I figured it was just more of the same.
Lucas: I wanted to apologize. Look, I know sometimes I can be a little bit overbearing.
Allie: A little?
Lucas: Okay, a lot. I'm just--I'm really worried about you and this baby.
Allie: You wanna make decisions for me?
Lucas: No, I'm willing to go along with whatever you decide.
Allie: What's that supposed to mean?
Lucas: Well, I've decided not to tell your mom for now. I mean, you don't need that extra kind of stress in your life.
Allie: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much.
Lucas: And now, listen--now that you're in a stress-free zone, we should talk, okay? Why don't we sit and have lunch or something? And we can talk about how and where we're gonna raise this baby.
Allie: Well, I've actually already made up my mind. I don't plan to raise this baby at all.
[Exhales sharply]
Will: Do you think we scared allie when we were talking about what it takes to be a parent?
Sonny: I just think we were being honest, and that's what she needs right now, you know, the facts of what she's gonna be facing as a single mom.
Will: That is a huge commitment.
Sonny: Which she may or may not be ready to make. You know, if she's not ready to raise her child...are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Will: That we should adopt allie's baby?
[Curious music]
[Dramatic music]
Sarah: You're the best man ever. I mean, you've proven how many times that you'll--you'll do anything for mickey and me. I mean, you even--you went and spoke to a man who hates you and convinced him to marry us just so I wouldn't--so I wouldn't miss my mom so much.
Xander: You're not gonna call me "dopey" again, are you?
Sarah: I'm gonna call you "husband" tomorrow, and I can't wait. I'm so lucky to have you in my life.
Xander: Hey, uh, where'd you want these?
Sarah: Anywhere is fine.
Eli: Confession? Sounds serious, maybe we should head down to the station.
Brady: No, that's not necessary.
Eli: Well, then you won't mind if I record it.
Brady: Not at all.
Eli: Okay, go ahead.
Brady: You remember that night in the hospital when victor told you that kristen stabbed him?
Eli: Yes.
Victor: I lied.
Lani: Mmm. Everything looks so good.
[Sighs] How cool is it that your mama doesn't have to worry about fitting into her dress next week, when she marries your dad? Mm. The bigger I am, the happier he'll be.
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