Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 6/22/20
Episode #13796 ~ Chad and Gabi get into a heated exchange; Jake gets hot and heavy with Gwen; Rafe attempts to strike a deal with Rolf; Claire apologizes to Hope for hurting Ciara.
Provided By Suzanne
Hope: Sorry to drop by without calling.
Marlena: Well, in fact, john and belle have gone out for breakfast. Sort of a father-daughter bonding moment. And you've missed shawn.
Hope: Well actually, I'm not here to see shawn. I'm here to visit claire. I haven't seen her since she left bayview.
Marlena: All right. I'll tell her you're here.
Hope: No, hold on a second. Just... before you do, please tell me, is claire really okay?
[Ominous music]
Gwen: Say you're sorry.
Jake: I'm sorry. I'm sorry you're such a crazy, insecure bitch.
Gwen: No, no. No, I remember our fights.
Jake: Yeah, and I remember how they ended.
Gabi: Don't worry, old man. I'm gonna prove to the world that I'm right and bring home your son.
Chad: He's already here.
Gabi: Chad. Chad, what are you doing here? I thought you were in florida with your wife. What could possibly take you from abigail's side?
Chad: Your trial, actually. It starts today, and I wouldn't miss that for the world.
Rolf: Commissioner hernandez. And what can I do for you today?
Rafe: Well, for starters, you can admit what you did to my sister.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
[Soft orchestration]
Rolf: And, uh, what is it you think I did it to your sister?
Rafe: Cut the crap, wilhelm. All right? You told gabi that you saved stefan's life. Pointed her towards a drug you claimed would get stefan his memory back. But you knew the drug was merely a hallucinogen.
Rolf: Ooh, an hallucinogen?
Rafe: And you knew she was desperate. You knew she would try and inject the man that she is convinced is her husband. And yet what we'd find in the syringe wasn't the miracle drug but rather the same drug that scrambled abigail's brain. In other words, you set her up.
Rolf: That's quite an accusation.
Rafe: I'm not leaving here until you tell the truth. Because my sister is not going to jail for a crime she didn't commit.
Gabi: It's really interesting--you came all this way just to watch me fight for my life when I did nothing wrong.
Chad: I can't wait to watch the D.A. Rip you to shreds. I'm not just here as a spectator, though.
Gabi: Oh, so you're having your in-laws, they're gonna smear me in the press?
Chad: Better. I'm being called as a witness. I'm gonna be the final nail in your coffin.
Gwen: [Laughs] I knew the minute we started fighting this would happen.
Jake: It always does.
Gwen: [Laughing] Oh, god, is it gonna happen right here?
Jake: I have a bed upstairs.
Gwen: You do? Okay, darling.
Gwen: Let's go upstairs, darling.
Ben: Hey, sorry I'm late, boss, I was talking to ciara... am I interrupting something?
Gabi: You can't be a witness. You didn't witness anything!
Chad: Yeah, but I did. At julie's place. Abby and I were celebrating shin reinstating me as ceo when you barged in, ranting like a lunatic.
Gabi: Because you locked me out of my own store.
Chad: Which we had every right to do. Then you went off, you insulted my wife, you threatened to sue us for wrongful termination. Then you tried to grab that bottle of champagne.
Gabi: You grabbed it right out of my hands.
Chad: Which you were using as a distraction so you could poison my wife's glass.
Gabi: That's not true. That's not true.
Chad: Well, then, how come you were going after jake lambert with the exact same drug?
Gabi: I didn't know what was in that syringe, okay? Rolf told me that it was the same drug to get stefan's memory back.
Chad: Oh, you're blaming a mad scientist?
Gabi: Rolf told me to my face that he set me up.
Chad: Can anyone corroborate that?
Gabi: No. But my brother's in statesville right now and he's trying to get the truth out of rolf as we speak.
Rolf: I have no earthly idea what you're talking about. Why should I try to frame gabi? I have no ax to grind with your sister.
Rafe: But stefano did. He couldn't stand gabi and if he told you to get rid of her, you'd do it in a heartbeat.
Rolf: I am not some flunky.
Rafe: Oh, well, actually, when it comes to stefano, you are. Everyone knows about your twisted loyalty to the man. It's no secret.
Rolf: And why would it be? Stefano was very good to me. I am proud to have served him for all those years.
Rafe: But despite your black magic, he's not coming back. So if you think that you're gonna get some sort of a bonus for setting up gabi, it's not gonna happen.
Rolf: I will say it again. I did not harm your sister.
Rafe: You understand that my sister already went to jail for a crime she didn't commit. And if she goes back to jail, the child she has is gonna be traumatized all over. Don't punish an innocent little girl.
Rolf: Well, perhaps gabi should have prioritized her daughter's well-being over her dead husband's memory.
Rafe: If you agree to tell the truth to the court, I guarantee you no new charges will be brought against you and you will serve no additional prison time.
Rolf: Setting aside what would be perceived as a gigantic conflict of interest, do you actually have the authority to make me such an offer?
Rafe: The D.A. Does. And I can talk to him. Make him agree to take some heat to avoid a miscarriage of justice. Think about it. You know what else I can do? I'll get you transferred to a better facility, a better room--a room with a view. All you have to do is tell the truth. Sweet deal, what do you say?
Rolf: Ha. Hmm.
Ciara: Ha ha! Shawn.
Shawn: Hey.
Ciara: Hey, how are you?
Shawn: Good.
Ciara: What brings you by?
Shawn: I'm just checking up on my little sister. I heard the last 24 hours were pretty nuts.
Ciara: So marlena told you.
Shawn: Well, she told claire to fill belle and I in on the whole story. You've got mobsters, leather bound books, you've got everybody scrambling to try to find some woman named gwen.
Ciara: Oh, gwen. Gwen, gwen. Yeah, who happens to be the ex-girlfriend of ben's new boss and claire's best friend from bayview.
Shawn: Okay. Well, I read about the shootout with the cops and ben's okay, right?
Ciara: Yes, yes, thank god. And gabi's okay, too.
Shawn: What about you?
Ciara: I'm fine.
Shawn: Even after seeing claire? I know that she stopped by here after she snuck out right before the whole mom drama went down.
Ciara: Yeah, you know, I'm just... I'm glad that everyone's okay. And hopefully this entire mess is behind us.
Shawn: Come on. It still had to be hard, though. Having claire just show up here at your door, unannounced.
Ciara: Yeah, I'll admit that I was a little freaked out. But you know, she apologized and she kept insisting that she wanted to make things right between us. But I...
Shawn: But what? You don't believe her?
Marlena: You know, I never would've recommended that claire be released if I didn't think she was ready to be home.
Hope: I didn't mean to suggest otherwise. I just wanted to check in. How are things going so far?
Marlena: Well, john and i couldn't be happier about having her here with us. But given the complicated relationship, I just thought, I don't know, you wouldn't be especially comfortable having her back in salem.
Hope: I'm concerned, of course I'm concerned. But I am trying to keep an open mind. To believe that claire is genuinely contrite about everything that happened. That she's sufficiently healed to live a normal, happy life and that she really does want to repair and mend her relationship with ciara.
Marlena: Good. Do you have any other worries?
Hope: Well, given how happy and very much in love ciara is right now, planning her wedding and all, I can't help but wonder, has claire, well... if she's expressed any jealousy at all about that.
Claire: Were you two talking about me? I've lost count of how many asthma attacks I've had.
Marlena: Of course we were talking about you. Hope hasn't seen you since you got back from bayview and she wanted to check on you.
Hope: Oh, baby, it is so good to see you. I am so happy that you're home.
Claire: Do you really mean that?
Hope: Of course I mean it.
Claire: Even after what I did to ciara?
Hope: You know what, I'm going to tell you the same thing that I told you in that cabin and what I have told you every time I visited you at bayview. I could never, ever hate you. I love you.
Claire: I know, I love you, too. Look, I just need everyone to know how sorry I am for what I did. I apologized to ciara, I apologized to you but it all just feel so lame and inadequate, you know? Look, I know you're my grandmother but I honestly wouldn't blame you if you never forgave me and if you never wanted to see me again.
Shawn: So when you saw claire, were you worried? That maybe she shouldn't have been released?
Ciara: No. No, no, no. That is not what I meant at all. She actually seemed a lot better and I even told her that I forgave her. I just... you know what? Never mind. Never mind.
Shawn: No, ciara, come on. Listen, whatever it is, you can tell me.
Ciara: Okay. Well, claire just asked me to do something that I'm not really sure I want to do.
Shawn: Which is?
Ciara: She asked if I would make her my maid of honor.
Shawn: Really?
Ciara: Yeah. And you know what? It seems really selfish of me to be saying this, but I just have this feeling in my gut that if I ask her to be my maid of honor and she ends up being it, then she's gonna make my wedding all about her.
Shawn: Listen, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that she put you on the spot like that. And you know, I'm also sorry because I'm also partially to blame here because belle and i are the ones that told her that you were engaged.
Ciara: Oh, no. Shawn, please don't worry about that. She would've figured it out sooner or later.
Shawn: True. But I wasn't expecting this. So how did you leave it?
Ciara: Well, I told her that I would think about it. But you want me to say yes, don't you?
Shawn: I just... I want you to be happy. Do I want claire to be happy, also? Of course I do. I love my daughter and I believe that she has been healed after everything that's happened and that her heart is in the right place. That she genuinely does love you and she wants to be there for you. She wants to show you how important you are to her. But at the end of the day, this is your wedding, sis. So you've got to do it how you want it done. There's no pressure here. All right? The decision is entirely up to you.
Ben: I recognize you. From your picture.
Jake: Ben, meet gwen. He's the guy who helped me track you down.
Gwen: Pleasure.
Ben: I assume you're here to return the book.
Jake: We haven't quite gotten to that part yet.
Ben: Really? Why the hell not? Does gwen know what the hell we went through with that damn thing? That my fiancé was in danger? That I got a little beaten up, that jake here is lucky to be alive--that an innocent woman was taken hostage.
Gwen: Okay, back up, mate. All right? I never meant to hurt anyone by taking that book and I didn't know how valuable it was to anyone.
Ben: Okay, well, now you do. So why the hell haven't you returned it to jake so we can end this?
Gwen: We were just discussing that. We just got a little distracted, didn't we, darling?
Ben: Fine. Whatever. We need the book back right now. It's a matter of life and death.
Rafe: I can put you in a facility with a library. A good one. You can spend your time doing research which, remember, will not increase, not even by one day and all you have to do is tell the truth.
Rolf: Well, I suppose in theory one could think that I inadvertently lead gabi into believing that the drug furthered her agenda. And I also believe that by doing so I would get her in trouble with the law.
Rafe: Yeah. That's not good enough.
Rolf: Oh.
Rafe: I'm gonna need something more to save my sister. Who really drugged abigail? The name.
Chad: You think that rolf is gonna save you?
Gabi: No. No, I think my brother's gonna save me. Once he gets that confession out of that lying dirtbag.
Chad: Give it up. You're going down.
Gabi: The hell I am. No, everybody in this town knows that I was wrongfully convicted before. And anybody that they pick for that jury is gonna have some moral obligation to make sure that never happens again.
Chad: I know you think the world revolves around you but I'm sure that they can find 12 people who have never heard of you before. I wish I was one of them.
Gabi: Yeah, but you're not. So you're just gonna get up on that stand and tell lies about me.
Chad: No, I plan to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth which is that you poisoned my wife. I am gonna give the jury means, motive, opportunity, and I'm gonna tell them all about your history of trying to destroy my wife's life.
Gabi: Oh, please!
Chad: You hate her. You can't stand to see her happy. Your pathological jealousy drove you to create some elaborate plan that made people think that she was nuts when in reality you were torturing her. Because of your sick desire for revenge, abigail was separated from her family, her newborn child, and was sent to an institution when she wasn't even crazy.
Gabi: Once again, you are completely wrong about all of your facts. See, it was you that created this elaborate plan. You had your pregnant wife kidnapped! You shipped her off to some island. She gives birth and then five minutes later you ship her off to the loony bin.
Chad: Which would have happened if you hadn't gaslit her.
Gabi: I had no authority over abigail--you had her involuntarily committed. No, no, actually, I'm wrong about that. It was stefan, because he was married to her at the time. But you set up that plan with your brother. You gave him that newborn baby and you locked abigail up.
Chad: And if I did that to my own wife, imagine what I would do to you.
Ciara: I know it would mean a lot to claire if I just said yes.
Shawn: I'm sure it would.
Ciara: Shawn, I feel so much pressure. Like, I know that claire stayed in salem to rebuild her relationship with me. I know that and I want her to get better...I want her to get better so much, I just...
Shawn: You're just not sure that you want her to be your maid of honor.
Ciara: Yeah. I'm torn because I really don't want to hurt her feelings.
Shawn: Well, is there anybody else that you could ask? Because I'm sure that claire would understand.
Ciara: I haven't exactly been killing it in the friend department lately. I've been so involved in helping ben that I haven't really had time for a social life.
Shawn: So there's no other candidates, then?
Ciara: Honestly, claire was the closest friend that I ever had. Ever since what happened happened. Wow, sorry, shawn, I shouldn't be talking to you about this. I mean, claire is your daughter.
Shawn: And you're my sister. And I just want you to just be honest with me about what you're feeling.
Ciara: Okay, well it goes without saying that I care about claire. I care about her very much. So I guess the question that I'm asking myself is, can I really let her be that close to me again?
Hope: Of course I want to see you. Claire, that's why I'm here.
Claire: I know. But I still don't expect you to forgive me.
Hope: Well, you know what? I am a huge believer in forgiveness. I know how powerful it can be.
Claire: I just, I feel like I need to do more, you know? I want to make amends to every single person who has suffered because of me but I don't even know if that's really possible.
Hope: It is. It is, I promise. It's gonna take some time, okay? I know how determined you are. But it is a process and you need to be patient. We love you, we all love you so much. We're all here for you. Okay?
Claire: Okay. Thank you.
Rafe: I know you didn't drug abigail--you were locked up when it happened.
Rolf: Indeed.
Rafe: But you knew the drug existed. It was just an experimental drug being developed at dimera enterprises. So theoretically, you could have easily got your hands on it and then had one of your minions poison abigail. Just tell me the name. That's all you gotta do. Tell me the name, you get your deal.
Jack: What's going on?
Gabi: He's threatening me!
Jack: Chad? Come on, back off.
Gabi: Oh, my god, jack. If you hadn't shown up, he would've killed me. I'm gonna have you arrested for assault and you're my witness.
Chad: I didn't lay a finger on you, but you know what? You should--you should call the cops. I'm sure eli and lani will believe every word you say.
Gabi: You're not worth it. I'm out of here.
Chad: See you in court!
Jack: Welcome back, kid. You know how to make an entrance.
Chad: I'm sorry you walked in on that.
Jack: Yeah, well, I take it you're not really going to kill gabi.
Chad: I wanted to kill her. She just has a way of getting under my skin.
Jack: I know. I know. I ran into her at the police station, I nearly lost it. Rafe hustled me out of there but not before I looked her in the eye and told her I was going to make her pay for what she did.
Chad: And she will pay. I just wish abby was here to see it.
Jack: Yeah. So how is she? I mean, before you left florida. We talked to her but it's hard to tell on the phone.
Chad: Abby's a fighter. She has a great attitude, terrific doctors. It's a great facility.
Jack: And how are you doing?
Chad: It's not easy watching her go through this. But...I'm grateful she has top-notch care. We're just not out of the woods yet, so...
Jack: So she's still having the hallucinations?
Chad: There will be good days and then, you know, she's optimistic and it looks like the treatment's working but...then she starts seeing things again.
Jack: That's gotta be so tough.
Chad: The drug that gabi gave her altered the... altered the chemistry of her brain. So you know, the doctors are trying to reverse it but they don't know if they can.
Jack: Well, we have got to stay positive.
Chad: I'm trying but the truth is that the abigail that we know and love may...never... she might never come back to us.
Ben: What exactly did I just walk in on?
Jake: Well, we were having a conversation about the book, like I said. But that spiraled into the same argument we always have where she accuses me of cheating.
Ben: Did you?
Jake: I may have turned my head a few times but...
Ben: Ah.
Jake: Ah, ah, but I did not cheat on her the entire time we were together, not once. Stop.
Ben: So she's just the jealous type?
Jake: Jealous, possessive, completely paranoid. I mean, if I opened a door for another woman or so much as smiled at a waitress, she'd freak.
Ben: So not the most stable relationship of all time?
Jake: More like a roller coaster from hell. The attraction between the two of us... if you hadn't showed up we'd probably be upstairs right now.
Ben: So you're still into her?
Jake: Are you still into those loaded nachos they sell across the street?
Ben: God, yes. Are you kidding me? I know they're horrible for me but I can't help myself.
Jake: Exactly.
[Knock on door]
Marlena: Oh, come in.
Gwen: Thanks.
Marlena: This is claire's other grandmother. Gwen, hope.
Claire: Yeah, she's a friend from bayview--grandma let her stay here last night.
Gwen: Yeah, sorry to interrupt--I just need to get the book to return to jake.
Marlena: I thought you'd done that already.
Claire: Yeah, me, too.
Gwen: Yeah, well, I wanted to see where jake and I stood first.
Claire: Gwen! This is very important! You need to get that book back to jake now. You know, people could still get hurt, actually, including ciara, and that is the last thing I would ever want. You believe me, right?
Shawn: If you are reluctant to let claire get close to you because you're afraid that she might hurt you again, she won'T. Her doctors can attest to that.
Ciara: No. No, that is not what I'm worried about at all. She actually really impressed me yesterday when she helped us find gwen. She was pretty awesome.
Shawn: One of the things that she's working on is trying to be more generous. So I'm sure that it made her really happy that she was able to help.
Ciara: Yeah. And it will make her really happy to be my maid of honor.
Shawn: Look. If you need to draw some boundaries with claire, and make it very clear what you're comfortable with and what you're not, that's perfectly okay. I mean, whatever those boundaries are, claire is gonna have to accept them.
Ciara: Right, right. I just...I don't want her to think that I'm judging her because she was sick. Because that would make me the world's biggest hypocrite.
Shawn: Because of ben?
Ciara: Yeah. I spent two years defending him to anyone who would listen. I mean, I was convincing everyone that he was better and that he had gotten over his mental illness and that he deserved a second chance. What kind of person would I be if I didn't give the same chance to claire?
It's starting to
happen every day.
Jack: Chad, I know. I know how hard this is. When I think about my little girl suffering--
Chad: It's horrible.
Jack: That's why we have to keep the faith. That's what this family, the hortons, that's what they're all about. I mean, when everything was falling apart for me, jennifer, she just stood right by me. When I was so horrible to her, she never gave up on me and I know that's what you're gonna do for abigail. Just stay right next to her, stay close.
Chad: She doesn't want me there.
Jack: W-what do you mean?
Chad: She doesn't want me to stay in florida, jack. She wants me to come home. She wants me to be with the kids and I haven't been able to leave yet because I-- I can't watch her face that alone.
Jack: If you're worried about the kids...
Chad: I'm not worried about the kids.
Jack: We take them to the museum, we saw the dinosaurs.
Chad: The titanosaur--I know, I heard all about it.
Jack: They had such a wonderful time. And yes, they asked about mommy and daddy, I know.
Chad: I get it. And we miss them, too, and we're grateful that you guys are keeping things normal for them.
Jack: You being there for our daughter means everything to us. And I want you to know that we are there for you, too.
Chad: I appreciate that.
Jack: I mean it, chad. You're like A... you are my son. You are our son.
Rafe: Hey, gabs.
Gabi: What happened with rolf?
Rafe: Well, uh, in a very roundabout way with a lot of hot air thrown in, he basically admitted to setting you up.
Gabi: Oh, my god, that is amazing. I knew you could do it!
Rafe: Unfortunately, it's not enough to help you.
Gwen: Hello, boys. Look what I have.
Jake: Damn it, gwen, I need that book.
Gwen: Nuh, ah--not so fast. Now repeat after me. "Gwen, I'm sorry."
Ben: For god's sake, jake, apologize!
Marlena: Oh, there you are, come on in.
Hope: Oh, if it isn't two-- oh, my, stunning.
Ciara: Hi.
Hope: Honey. Oh, my goodness, you look gorgeous. Two of my favorite people.
Shawn: Hey, you.
Hope: Hey, sweetheart, very handsome. I'm sorry, are you looking for me, huh? I know you wanted to do some more shopping.
Ciara: Yeah, um... actually, I came by because I was looking for claire.
[Lightly uneasy music]
Marlena: Uh, why don't we give them some privacy?
Ciara: Oh, no. Actually, everyone should probably hear this. So claire asked me to be my maid of honor.
Claire: Ciara, it's okay.
Ciara: No, please let me finish. Seeing claire after all this time caught me off guard, and her request really caught me off guard. But she asked me to think about it and I did. I thought about what it truly means to be a maid of honor and to me, that means friendship. And friendships can be very complicated. Everyone knows that claire and I have had a really complicated one. But, well, she knows me and I know her. And she has had a really rough couple of years. But I know in my heart that at her core she is a very, very good person. Somebody who has comforted me and supported me and you know, honestly, just made me laugh harder than anyone has ever made me laugh in my life. And I know there hasn't been much to laugh about recently, but I am really helpful that all of that is gonna to change. And you know, I figured, my wedding is the perfect place to start to help us find the joy again and the fun and that friendship that meant the world to me. Claire, you mean so much to me. So, um, if you would like to... I would love it if you would be my maid of honor. If you still want the job, of course, you know...
Claire: Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? Ciara, thank you, thank you. Thank you so much. You will not be sorry.
Jake: Okay. I'm sorry.
Gwen: No. Say it like you mean it.
Jake: Sorry, gwen, that I flirted with those other women. But I didn't sleep with any of them and there hasn't been anybody since you.
Gwen: Even your little wife?
Jake: No. That's all in your little head. But clearly the nutcases are always very attracted to me.
Gwen: Okay. Now... apologize for calling me a crazy bitch.
Jake: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Now give it to me.
Gwen: Ah-- well, now that you've apologized and I've returned that book, we can get back together.
Jake: What?
Gwen: Oh, relax, darling. You'll have time to return your book. Maybe we can talk about it... upstairs. Nice to meet you.
Jake: I told you she was crazy.
Chad: Yeah, you're like a father to me, too.
Jack: I'm glad you feel that way. Jennifer and I are so glad that abigail chose you. No one could be a better husband to our daughter.
Chad: I've got to go--I gotta go to the courthouse, jack. So, you know, I'll come over after and I'll spend some time with the kids.
Jack: Hey, we'll video chat with abigail.
Chad: Yeah. Yeah, hopefully we have some good news to give her, we can, uh... that bitch will finally get what she reserves. Gabi.
Rafe: Unfortunately, rolf wouldn't give me the name of the person who really drugged abigail.
Gabi: Without that, I'm still screwed.
Rafe: I'm sorry, I tried.
Gabi: I know, you always do. You know, you're the best big brother in the whole wide world. Thank you for helping me--I know you're going through a lot.
Rafe: Of course.
Gabi: It doesn't look too good for me, rafe. Given my track record.
Rafe: Yeah, but that is not admissible.
Chad: Yeah, but chad's out for blood--he's gonna go there.
Rafe: You know what? If he tries, it's going to be stricken from the record.
Gabi: But the jury's still gonna hear it.
Rafe: Okay. Yeah, they might. But listen, they'll probably give you the chance to stand up there in front of the court and prove your innocence. Yeah. Yeah.
Gabi: I'm scared, rafe. I don't want to lose ari again. I don't want to go to prison for something I didn't do.
Rafe: I know.
Gabi: Okay.
Rafe: Yeah. I'm sorry,'s time.
Gabi: Okay.
Rafe: All right.
Rolf: Hello. It is I, dr. Rolf. Commissioner hernandez just paid me a visit. Yes, he made me a rather tempting offer, but I turned him down. No, no, no, not to worry, I refused to implicate you in what happened to abigail.
[Chuckling] Oh, rolf.
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