Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday
Episode #13795 ~ Gwen and Jake have a tense reunion; Gabi takes action to prove Jake is Stefan; Kate takes her frustrations out on Hope; Nicole questions Allie about her baby's father.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Niki
Hope: Hey there.
Rafe: Hey.
Hope: Hey.
Rafe: Hey. Good to see you.
Hope: Yeah, you, too--I, uh, brought coffee and bagels.
Rafe: Oh, thanks.
Hope: How are you holding up?
Rafe: Well, I spent the morning packing up the rest of David's things. This is
the last box. Send it off to Zoey, yeah. Yeah.
Hope: Before you go, there's something I have to tell you. It's about your

Gabi: [Sighs] You don't realize how much you miss the little things till they're
almost gone. I was so happy about getting Arianna ready this morning.
Will: Yeah, that makes us happy, too.
Gabi: Oh, thank you so much for protecting her while I was being held hostage.
Will: Yeah. You okay?
Sonny: Yeah, what you went through was pretty traumatic.
Gabi: Oh, I'm fine, I'm fine. Now that it's over, I can finally get back to what
I was doing before I got kidnapped.
Sonny: Oh, no.
Gabi: Oh, yes. I can finally prove that Jake Lambert is Stefan DiMera.

[Tense music]
Gabi: You cannot leave me, Stefan, okay? Not again.
Jake: Lady, I don't wanna upset you, but I'm not Stefan. Name's Jake.
Gabi: That can't be. Mm-mm.
Jake: Ah ha, you must be Gabi. Yep.
Gabi: Okay, fine. You say you're not Stefan DiMera. Then how the hell do you
know who I am?
Jake: I know your name because I work in a garage with Ben Weston.
Gabi: You work with Ben.
Jake: Yeah, just hired him. He and his girlfriend had a very similar reaction
when they saw me for the first time. Apparently, I'm a dead ringer for Ben's old
Gabi: And my dead husband.
Jake: Well, maybe "dead ringer" was a bad choice of words.
Gabi: Hmm.
Jake: Anyway, Ben and Ciara, they told me about Stefan. How he took a bullet
that was meant for somebody else, for his old lady. How you donated his heart to
save somebody else's life. He also told me how crazy about the guy you were.
Well, I don't know what else to say, except I'm sorry for your loss.
Gabi: My loss? My loss. You son of a bitch.
Jake: You're good to go.
Gabi: Thank you.
Jake: So, to assume you're not gonna sue me?
Gabi: Yeah. But you do have to mop up the floors.
Jake: Ah. And that you need to get outta here. I gotta get back to work.
Gabi: Yeah, I know you don't wanna talk to me, but I need answers, and there's
really only one way to find out.
Jake: Well, if you think you're gonna swipe my toothbrush in an effort get a DNA
sample, that would be a hard "no."
Gabi: Don't worry. There's a much simpler way to find out what I wanna know.
Jake: Ha--what the hell was that for, huh? Why did you do that? What is wrong
with you?
Gabi: Because you're my husband.
Jake: No, I'm not!
Gabi: Yes, like hell you are not, okay? We exchanged vows! You are the man that
I exchanged vows with, okay? Till death do we part, and you're right here,
standing in front of me, alive, by the grace of God, or Rolf-- whatever--but
you're here.

[Line rings]
Jake: Gwen. This is about the 14th message I've left for you since last night.
Heard you flew the cuckoo's nest. We really need to talk.
Gwen: Talking is what always seems to get us into trouble.

Kate: Good morning.
Lucas: Good morning, and good-bye.
Kate: Okay, wait, where are you off to in such a rush?
Lucas: Where do you think? I have to go talk to Allie.
Kate: I think that's a terrible idea.

Allie: "Allie, sorry "I couldn't have breakfast "with you. "Had to go into work
early. "Feel free to make yourself "at home--see you tonight. Uncle Eric." As
much as I'd like to stick around, better for me and everyone else if I just
Nicole: Oh, Allie. Hi! Oh, thanks.
Allie: I thought you had work.
Nicole: I took the day off and thought I'd get you some breakfast. Are you going
Allie: I'm leaving Salem.
Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of our Lives.

[Soft orchestration]
Lucas: My daughter is pregnant--she's got some very important decisions she's
gonna have to make.
Kate: Okay. Then let her make them.
Lucas: She didn't answer any of my questions yesterday. What do you want me to
do? I have to go see her to make sure she doesn't make a mistake that we're all
gonna regret.
Kate: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Listen to me--she made it perfectly clear
yesterday that all of your questions, they-- they were upsetting her. I mean,
the situation is bad enough without you acting like Sami.
Lucas: I am acting like her father, thank you.
Kate: And I know that you love her. I-- I know that. But if you continue to push
her that hard, you're just gonna push her completely away.

Allie: Are you going to try to stop me from leaving?
Nicole: No. No, and nor would I try to talk you out of doing something that you
think is right. But when Eric gets home, he's gonna wonder why his niece is
Allie: I don't mean to hurt him. I know Uncle Eric loves me and wants what's
best for me.
Nicole: Okay, then why leave?
Allie: I thought about it all night, and I realized it was a mistake for me to
come here in the first place.
Nicole: What makes you say that?
Allie: Everything...I mean, my dad basically hunted me down like I'm some sort
of fugitive. And by now, he's probably ratted me out to my mom, and she's gonna
show up and just make everything worse.
Nicole: Well, I'm not gonna argue about that with you, that's for sure.
Allie: I don't--I don't wanna be around when she arrives.
Nicole: Well, that makes two of us. Maybe you can take me with you. [Laughs]
Allie: See, you get it.
Nicole: Well, can I at least ask you where you're going?
Allie: I'm not really much of a planner. I-- I just figured I'd hit the road.
Just put some distance between me and my parents.
Nicole: And then?
Allie: And then, at least I can decide on my own what I wanna do about my baby.

Jake: I thought you'd be in the wind again.
Gwen: Well, couldn't leave without seeing you, right? You look good. Wow!
[Laughs] You're really moving up in the world, aren't you?
Jake: It's an honest living.
Gwen: Well, that's more than what you can say for your job working for the
family in Philly. But really, Jake, a garage?
Jake: I'm good with this life.
Gwen: Are you? Or are you just trying to hide?
Jake: This coming from the woman who checked herself into a loony bin.
Sorry--mental institution.
Gwen: Aw, look at you being all pc.
Jake: I recently got a lecture from somebody who said I have a lack of
Gwen: Yeah, wasn't really your strong suit.
Jake: Are we gonna talk about what you did?
Gwen: Don't even start!
Jake: I'm not lookin' for a fight, Gwen. I just want my book back, and I know
you have it. So, give it to me, and we never have to see each other again.

Gabi: A DNA sample from Stefan's comb, and one from Jake's toothbrush. I got
these right before I got kidnapped.
Sonny: You kept them the whole time you were in captivity?
Gabi: Yeah, luckily those thugs didn't damage the samples.
Will: So, now what? You're gonna go get a DNA test run?
Gabi: Yep. As soon as I can. You know what, the lab should be open now, right?
Will: Oh, no, no, no. You can't go now.
Gabi: Why not?
Will: Hello, don't you have to be in court?
Gabi: I'm not worried about that.
Sonny: You should be. The charges against you are serious-- poisoning Abigail,
attempting to do the same thing to Jake.
Gabi: I am innocent, okay? I didn't hurt Abigail. I didn't hurt Jake.
Sonny: Because Ben stopped you.
Gabi: I told you, I thought that syringe contained Rolf's serum. He set me up.
And what I'm doing to Jake, he's gonna thank me for it later.
Will: He-- he will? When?
Gabi: When he remembers that he's Stefan DiMera. When he gets his life back. You
know what, I'm gonna head to the lab right now.
Will: No, Gabi, hold on, hold on, hold on. I--look, I understand how much you
wanna prove that Jake is Stefan, but none of that matters if they send you back
to prison.

Rafe: Oh, well, if this is about Gabi's case, I was gonna head by the courthouse
as soon--
Hope: No, this isn't about her case.
[Uneasy music]
Rafe: Something bad?
Hope: The good news is that Gabi-- Gabi is home, and she is safe and sound. And,
by all accounts, totally fine.
Rafe: Yeah, why wouldn't she be?
Hope: Because she had been kidnapped by the mob.

Gwen: How about, in the spirit of honesty, we talk about this book? It's not
yours, is it? You stole it.
Jake: And you stole it from me.
Gwen: Oh, did I? Huh, that's funny, because I know I have it, but I don't really
remember how it came into my possession.
Jake: Okay, this is not funny, Gwen. These guys we're dealing with, they don't
have a sense of humor.
Gwen: Oh, yeah, your old boss?
Jake: Yeah. You stole everything from me-- including that book, which was his.
Gwen: Because you were being an ass, Jake. And I just wanted to teach you a
lesson on how you should treat people.
Jake: I don't care why you took it. But I need it back, and I need it back right
Gwen: Oh, God, look at you getting worked up over it.
Jake: Worked up? You almost got a woman killed!
Gwen: Yeah, let's talk about this woman, shall we? What's her name? Gabi? Who is
she? Who is she to you? Because she's going around and telling people that she's
your wife.

Gabi: I have no intention of missing my own trial. I'm not crazy. I'm not that
Will: Gabi, we are just so happy that you are safe and free, and we just don't
want anything to change that.
Gabi: Oh, believe me, I don't, either. Which is why I'm gonna prove that these
charges against me are nonsense.
Sonny: Why do I get the sense that you're still gonna run the DNA test this
Gabi: It's not gonna take long--I can just, you know, it's on the way over
there. I can just drop these things off and then head home, change, and make it
in time for court. Sounds good, right?
Sonny: Yeah, great.
Will: Yeah, what could possibly go wrong?

Kate: Hey, wait, wait. Sit down for a second. For a second. Allie had good
reason to come back to Salem when she found out she was pregnant.
Lucas: Yeah, right, she was overwhelmed. She didn't know what to do.
Kate: No. I mean, she could have gone straight to you for support, right? But
instead, she hopped on a plane and put an ocean between herself and you and
Lucas: Well, I'm here for her now, aren't I?
Kate: Yes, I know you are. And that's a wonderful thing. It really is. But you
have to let her make her own decisions. You can't do that for her. She's an
adult now.
Lucas: She is barely an adult--what are you talking about; she needs her family
now more than ever.
Kate: Okay, wait, wait! Okay, you stay here, though. I'll go talk to her.

Nicole: You don't have to listen to what I say. Because your decision is yours,
and-- and yours alone. But Allie, do you really wanna be on your own right now?
Allie: You think I'm making a mistake.
Nicole: I think that your uncle would wanna help you, no matter what decision
you make.
Allie: Yeah, but my mom.
Nicole: Okay, but listen to this. I know it sounds impossible, but I'll do
whatever I can to keep Sami away from you-- if...if that's what you want.
Allie: You'd do that for me? Why?
Nicole: Because I love your uncle more than anything. And I feel for what you're
going through. Plus, your mom and I, we don't mix well. And I know she tends to
turn everything into a catastrophe, and I do not want that for you.
Allie: Thank you.
Nicole: You said yesterday that you're not sure if you wanna keep the baby. Are
you... seriously thinking about ending the pregnancy?
[Somber music]

Allie: I know there's still time to terminate the pregnancy. But I feel like
I've come too far, you know? I-- I waited too long to make the decision, and now
it's too late. I mean, look at me. I'm the size of Illinois.
Nicole [Laughs] Oh, honey. You're beautiful. And don't let anyone tell you
Allie: Thanks.
Nicole: Are you okay?
Allie: Yeah. Hormones. Doesn't take much to get the waterworks going these days.
Nicole: I know, I've been there. So... you've decided to have the baby. One
decision made. The biggest one.
Allie: Yeah. Now I only have about a million more to make.
Nicole: Can the father help in any of this?
Allie: My God, why does everyone care about the father? My dad, Uncle Eric, they
keep pushing to tell them who it is.
Nicole: I--I'm sorry. You're right. It is none of my business.
Allie: It's not anybody's business.
Nicole: True. But, Allie, you didn't get pregnant on your own. Shouldn't the
father have some responsibility?
Allie: The thing about the father is...
Nicole: Okay, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. But if you
do, I'm here to listen.

Lucas: Why is it better that you talk to Allie rather than me?
Kate: Because I understand her.
Lucas: You understand her. Really?
Kate: Lucas, I understand her better than you do right now.
Lucas: Listen, I don't wanna be cruel, okay? So, I'm gonna watch what I say.
Don't talk to Allie for me, please, okay?
Kate: You don't trust me?
Lucas: I don't want your parental advice right now. Let me handle this. Let me
handle this on my own, please.

Rafe: My sister is kidnapped by the mob, and nobody says anything to me?
Hope: Rafe, I just found out. I came here as soon as I heard.
Rafe: Yeah, but Abe was here, and he didn't say a damn word.
Hope: I don't blame you for being upset, but honestly, I do believe that Abe was
just trying to protect you. He was, he was giving you time--
Rafe: I'm going to see her, okay?
Hope: He says she's okay.
Rafe: Well, thank you for that, but with all due respect, I'd like to see for
myself. And if you see Abe, would you please tell him I'd like to make my own
decisions when it comes to protecting my sister.

Gabi: You guys have seen Jake, right? Can you honestly say that's a different
person than Stefan?
Will: I-- there certainly are, you know, some similarities.
Gabi: Similarities? That is him!
Will: Okay, Gabi, listen. We know how much you loved Stefan. We're just afraid
that if you get your hopes up, you open your heart to this guy and it turns out
Jake is just Jake, then...
Gabi: You still think I'm wrong.
Will: Well, I mean, he's pretty insistent that he's not Stefan--he has his own
Gabi: But Rolf could've implanted those memories. We know that he can do that!
Look, I heard one of those thugs when I was kidnapped say that--that Jake
arrived to Philadelphia a year and a half ago.
Sonny: And none of them knew him before that?
Gabi: No. Stefan died two years ago and then, all of a sudden, somebody shows up
that looks exactly like Stefan. This Jake person, he gets mixed up with the mob
and he finds a girlfriend?
Will: Wait, what, what, what--girlfriend?
Gabi: This chick named Gwen or something.
Sonny: Okay, well, so even if this is Stefan, he's moved on.
Gabi: Because he doesn't know he's Stefan!
Will: Yeah, but what if he likes being Jake, and what if he likes her?
Gabi: Since when did competition scare me?
Will: I was afraid you were gonna say something like that.
Gabi: Besides, I've heard that Gwen might as well be dead to Jake. Supposedly,
they had this big fight and she just took off.
Sonny: Listen, Gabi, please.
Gabi: I've gotta go. I gotta go turn the samples in and prove to you, to Jake
and to everybody that he's Stefan.
Will: Don't be late to court!

Jake: You know, the last thing I need is to hear this from you, too-- this crazy
talk about how I got this wife that I don't remember.
Gwen: Apparently, she thinks that you're this Stefan person.
Jake: Well, she's outta her mind. And if you believe her, maybe you should check
yourself back into Bayview and deal with your issues.
Gwen: Issue--issues? My only issue is that you were cheating on me!
Jake: That never happened!
Gwen: Oh, you liar!
Jake: Okay, for the millionth time, Gwen, you're paranoid. So, why don't you
come back down to earth, and we can talk about this book situation before it's
too late?
Gwen: Oh, I thought the little wife was saved and that your pal Luca and his
goons were already locked up.
Jake: For now. It's only a matter of time before the boss sends reinforcements.
Gwen: That's not my problem, is it?
Jake: It might be, because you know what? They took Gabi because she thought she
was my wife, which she's not.
Gwen: Okay.
Jake: Really? There's nothing going on between me and Gabi, Gwen. But, you know,
even if there was, it doesn't matter. Because you and me, we're not together.
Gwen: So, she's nothing to you?
Jake: Oh, my God, you know what--fine. Forget it. You can keep the book, and
when the guys come back to get it, I'll tell 'em you have it. It's your funeral.
Gwen: You wouldn't do that, would you?
Jake: In a heartbeat.
Gwen: So, you'd risk your life for this Gabi person that you claim you just met,
but you're ready to just throw me to the wolves?
Jake: All right, as usual, you're turning something very simple into something
very complicated.
Gwen: How is this simple, Jake?
Jake: You give me the book back, I hand it over, and we're done. Is it in your
bag, huh?
Gwen: It's not in there.
Jake: Where the hell is it, Gwen?
Gwen: I don't have it on me. Whoops.
Jake: Seriously?
Gwen: Well, it's okay. If you don't believe me, you can conduct a thorough

Gabi: Rafe? Oh--
Rafe: Gabi.
Gabi: Did you hear what happened?
Rafe: Yeah, I just found out from Hope--are you okay?
Gabi: Yeah.
Rafe: Are you all right?
Gabi: Yeah, I mean, I was a little scared at first, but, you know, I survived.
It's what I do.
Rafe: Yeah. So-- so these mob guys, they didn't hurt you?
Gabi: No, I mean, I just have a few rope burns from where they tied me up. But
I'm good.
Rafe: What the hell were you doing in that garage in the first place?
Gabi: I was, um, stealing Jake Lambert's toothbrush.
Rafe: Gabi!
Gabi: I needed something to prove that he is Stefan. Okay, I had something of
Stefan, right, and I just needed DNA from Jake. And I just dropped it off at the
lab to be tested.
Rafe: You do know that you have a trial starting today?
Gabi: Yes, I do know that. Will and Sonny, they just-- they grilled me about
priorities and not going to prison. It's fine.
Rafe: Okay, good. 'Cause, you know, it's a big day. You need to be focused.
Gabi: Okay, so where're we at--did you, uh, get Rolf to admit he set me up?
Rafe: Actually, I, um... I never saw Rolf.

Hope: Oh, uh, Kate, do you have a minute to talk?
Kate: No, actually, I don't--
Hope: Well, just a second. It won't take long, I promise.
Kate: [Sighs] Okay, uh, what--what's up?
Hope: It's about Abe giving me the key to the city. I just wanted you to know, I
did, I gave some thought to what you said, and thank you but no, thank you.
Kate: Oh, my God, seriously? Seriously? I mean, what the hell is wrong with
people? I do not understand it! How can they be so dense not to take my advice
when it's perfectly clear that I know what's best for them? [Sighs]

Allie: The reason I haven't wanted to tell anyone about the father is that I'm
scared of how they'll react. What they'll do.
Nicole: Well, I won't do anything you don't want me to do.
Allie: I believe you. The thing is...
[Knock on door]
Lucas: Allie? Allie, it's Dad. Come on, I really, really need to talk to you.
Allie: I can't. Please.
Nicole: Okay, I--I'll try to get rid of him.
Allie: Okay.
Nicole: Just stay back here.
Lucas: Nicole, I really need to talk to Allie.
Nicole: Lucas, now is not a good time.
Lucas: I don't care. I don't give a damn. I'm her father, and I wanna see her
now to talk about things. Thank you. Right here. We have to continue our
conversation, okay?
Allie: I don't have anything more to say.
Nicole: Uh, Allie has already made a decision.
Lucas: Really? What does that mean, Nicole?
Nicole: Allie's decided not to terminate the pregnancy.
Lucas: Really? Honey, that's great news. I'm so proud of you. Come on, let's get
you to Kayla, okay, come on, we'll get you checked out.
Allie: Dad.
Lucas: No, it'll be fine. We'll go to the hospital, get you medically cleared,
and then you can hop on a plane and have the baby in Europe.
Allie: Dad, I love you, but there is no way that, that is happening. Back off!

Will: I'm just, um, I'm afraid Gabi is setting herself is setting herself up for
another huge disappointment.
Sonny: You don't think there's any chance?
Will: That Stefan, who had his heart removed, has been living in Philadelphia as
Jake Lambert?
Sonny: You were living in Memphis as EJ DiMera.
Will: Okay, that's a good point, yeah.
Sonny: When Ben first told me that you were alive, I desperately wanted to
believe it, even after everyone told me it was impossible.
Will: Yeah, you never gave up.
Sonny: No, because if there was the slightest chance that my husband was alive,
I wasn't gonna give that up. So, I followed my gut, and I found you.
Will: But you know you're not playing fair.
Sonny: I'm just saying, I understand why Gabi is so driven to find the truth. I
mean, what if Jake is her husband? What if Stefan is living this other life? And
what if Gabi can bring him back?

Jake: You don't have the book?
Gwen: Not on me.
Jake: I left you a million messages telling you to bring it to me!
Gwen: Do you really think I'm that stupid to bring something that valuable and
not get anything for it?
Jake: What are you talking about?
Gwen: I bet your boss would pay a pretty penny for that book, wouldn't he? I
want my cut.
Jake: Cut? The only cut you're gonna get, Gwen, is from these guys across your
pretty little throat!
Gwen: I'm not scared of you. And you know what? As long as I've got the book,
I've got all the leverage, don't I?
Jake: You don't wanna mess with these guys, Gwen.
Gwen: I don't trust you. I think you're just trying to screw me out of a deal.
Jake: What deal? I'm not trying to sell the book, Gwen, I'm going to exchange it
for my safety and freedom.
Gwen: I don't believe you.
Jake: What is it gonna take for you to give that book back to me?
Gwen: I want an apology.

Gabi: You didn't talk to Rolf? What? When you saw me at the police station, you
promised you would. You said you would get him to admit he set me up!
Rafe: I know, but something came up.
Gabi: Something came up? What could be more important than this?
Rafe: David's custody hearing.
Gabi: Oh, Rafe, yes. Oh, my God. Why-- why didn't you tell me sooner? Okay, what
happened? You have custody of David?
Rafe: No, I lost.
Gabi: What?
Rafe: I lost custody of David. Zoey has him now.
Gabi: No, hold on, I don't believe this. What kind of idiot judge gives custody
of your son to-- to Orpheus' daughter?
Rafe: Well, she's his only blood relative.
Gabi: We are his family. No, we have to do something about this. We have to
appeal the verdict. We have to sue--
Rafe: There's nothing to do, okay? The decision has been made. It's been made.
Gabi: I can't believe this, Rafe.
Rafe: Yeah. But now all I can do is hope that Zoey lets me be part of his life.
Gabi: Oh, Rafe, I'm so sorry.
Rafe: I know.
Hope: Why are you getting so upset?
Kate: Upset? Why am--why am I--why am I upset? Because-- because I am sick and
tired of this, that's why. I'm just trying to make people's lives better, and
what do I get for not? I get kicked in the teeth. You know, this--this damn
ceremony, see, I assumed that you and Steve would be, I don't know, honored by
the fact that you're being given keys to the city, so I went ahead and I had the
ceremony funded! And now, not only am I going to be embarrassed, Abe is going to
be embarrassed, and then he's gonna be unhappy with me because I made him look
like a fool.
Hope: Oh, I didn't realize you funded the event already.
Kate: Oh, yeah, I funded it. I sure did. But don't worry about that, because
that's all on me, because I should have known that the whole thing would fall
apart because no one ever listens to me, including my son!
Hope: Your son--Lucas? What does--what does he have to do with this?
Kate: Everything.

Lucas: Honey, you can't have the baby here.
Allie: Why not?
Lucas: Because this isn't your home, that's why.
Allie: Uncle Eric and Nicole invited me to stay.
Lucas: That's very nice of them, but they have Holly, okay? This place is-- is
packed as it is, you know, so...
Nicole: Uh, excuse me, but we've already decided that--
Lucas: Thank you, enough, enough, please. Your mother and I will handle this,
okay--we'll help you every step of the way.
Allie: That's not what I want.
Lucas: Well, if you're gonna be a mother, it doesn't matter what you want
anymore, does it?

Kate: So, that's it. My granddaughter is pregnant, and Lucas is in full-blown
helicopter parent mode. And this whole situation is gonna crash and burn soon.
Hope: Sorry to hear that. So, you're upset because--
Kate: I'm upset because Lucas won't take my advice. But not only that, it's
because he threw it in my face that I was a bad parent, and he certainly
wouldn't want my help.
Hope: Well, he has to know that you only really want what's best for him and
Allie, right?
Kate: Yeah. That sure is true. Thanks for saying it.

Lucas: I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean that.
Allie: Yes, you did.
Lucas: No, I didn't. I ran into your grandmother earlier, and she pushes my
buttons. You know she does! She thinks she can save the world from everything.
Allie: Yeah, well, at least grandma Kate knows that I'm an adult and this is my
Lucas: Well, if you start acting like an adult, I'll start treating you like
Allie: Excuse me?
Lucas: You have to take responsibility. You have to accept the consequences.
You're the one who went out and got yourself pregnant!
Allie: Oh, yeah, is what you and mom did when you had Will?
Lucas: Allie, come on, no, just listen to me--
Allie: Forget it! Just forget it!

Rafe: I'm sorry. I am sorry for dropping the ball and not grilling Rolf.
Gabi: It's okay, it's fine.
Rafe: No, it's not. No, it is not okay. It is not fine, and I am committed to
proving your innocence, and I'm gonna go down to Statesville, and I'm gonna get
in that mad doctor's face.
Gabi: Now?
Rafe: Yeah, now--I'm gonna do what I shoulda done, and I'm not gonna leave there
until I get a--I get a confession out of him.
Gabi: That means the world to me.
Rafe: You're gonna beat this, you know that? You're gonna beat it.
Gabi: Rafe, thank you for believing in me when I've given you a lot of reasons
to doubt me.
Rafe: A few. It's all right. Go get ready, okay? You got a court date. You don't
wanna be late.
Gabi: I know I'm innocent. And in the end, the truth will come out.

Jake: An apology? For what?
Gwen: For what? For what? For that horrible fight that we had back in Philly
that started his entire bloody mess.
Jake: I don't owe you an apology--you're the one who should be sorry!
Gwen: Oh, sorry, really? For you being all over Denise Delvecchio in that dark
corner over at Mike's place?
Jake: I told you, it was business. Nothing happened.
Gwen: Right, yeah, 'cause she was so dressed for business, wasn't she? It's hard
to be successful when you're giving away the whole bloody store away for free,
Jake: Well, maybe she was offering, but I wasn't interested.
Gwen: Wow! 'Cause you're such a stand-up bloke, aren't you?
Jake: Like I said before, Gwen, it's all in your head. The jealousy?
Gwen: I wouldn't be jealous if you didn't give me a reason to be.
Jake: [Laughs] You always do this.
Gwen: You always do this! So, are you going to apologize or not?
Jake: Sure. You'll get your apology... when hell freezes over.
Gwen: Well, then I guess I'll see you in hell. You're not using too much, are
you, Hon?

Will: You know, I was thinking maybe we should drive Gabi to court, you know,
just to make sure she's there on time.
Sonny: It's not a bad idea.
[Doorbell rings]
Allie: Hi, Will.
Will: Allie! Hey! I heard you were in town. Hi. Oh, my God, Allie. You're

Lucas: Don't you dare look at me like that, okay? I'm trying to do what's best
for my daughter.
Nicole: I know. And believe it or not, so am I.
Lucas: Maybe it's time to call her mom and get her involved in this.
Nicole: Oh, Lucas. This should go without saying, but bringing Sami Brady into
any situation, particularly this one, is the worst possible thing you could do!

Kate: Well, I guess I could stay chatting, but I do have things to do. Maybe
next time we can catch up at an, I don't know, a meeting at the chapter of
concerned parents anonymous.
Hope: Sounds like a plan. Okay. You're gonna talk to Lucas, aren't you?
Kate: Oh, I sure am. I have to stop him from being so overprotective before
drives her completely away, and before you say anything, I-- I recognize the
irony in what I'm saying.
Hope: Mm-hmm. Kate, wait. About the key.
Kate: Oh, don't-- don't even worry about it, okay? I know you don't wanna accept
it--that's fine. I mean, I was just upset, and that's why I was pushing--
Hope: I'll accept the key to the city.
Kate: What?
Hope: I'll take it.
Kate: Seriously?
Hope: Seriously. I know your heart was in the right place. And since you've
invested all of this money and made all of the arrangements, and truth be told,
um, I don't want to embarrass or disappoint Abe, so, why not?
Kate: Okay. Okay. Um, what about your roommate? Um, do you think he'll go along
with it?
Hope: I don't know--Steve, um, I can't speak for him.
Kate: Oh.
Hope: But I'll talk to him.
Kate: Okay. That's all I can ask, right? Then, I'll let you know when the
ceremony is.

Gwen: Say you're sorry.
Jake: I'm sorry. I'm sorry you're such a crazy, insecure bitch.
Gwen: No, no. No, I remember our fights.
Jake: Yeah, and I remember how they ended.
Gwen: [Whispers] Oh, God.

Gabi: Don't you worry, old man. I'm gonna prove to the world that I'm right. I'm
gonna bring son home.
Chad: He's already here.
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