Days Transcript Thursday 6/18/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 6/18/20


Episode #13794 ~ Eli and Lani work together to try to track down Gabi; Xander makes a heartfelt gesture to make things right with Sarah; Jake and Ben's plan goes awry as they try to negotiate Gabi's release; John and Marlena react to Claire's surprise guest.

Provided By Suzanne

 Gabi: So, uh...after jake arrives and gives you what you want, you're gonna set me free, right?

Jimmy: Yeah. After that stunt you pulled before, you're lucky I don't kill you on general principle.

Gabi: What? Wouldn't you be breaking some mobster code of honor or something?

Jimmy: Hey. Don't lecture me about honor after you introduced me to that very bony knee of yours.

Gabi: [Sighs]

[Door squeaks open]

Luca: I bet you deserved it.

Jimmy: Luca, what are you doing here?

Luca: The boss sent me. Wanted to make sure the transaction had went smoothly. Who's this? I thought you said you had jake's girl.

Jimmy: I do. This is the wife.

Luca: His wife?

Gabi: W... well, actually, it's-- it's complicated.

Luca: I bet. So where's gwen?

Gabi: Who the hell is gwen?


Marlena: Oh! Claire.

Claire: Hi, grandma.

Marlena: Hi, darling. I'm afraid we couldn't find gwen at bayview.

Claire: I know. Yeah, that is because she's right here. Gwen?

[Dramatic music]

Marlena: What in the world?

John: How the hell'd you get in here? Claire? What's going on?

Lani: You see anything?

Eli: Ben and ciara are huddled around jake, who's writing something in a book.

Lani: What kind of book?

Eli: Looks like some kind of old novel.

Lani: Why would he-- why would he be doing that?

Eli: I don't know. Damn, I just hope that we're not wasting our time with this stakeout.

Lani: No, you said it yourself: Jake wasn't telling the truth back at the station. He knows something about gabi's disappearance.

Eli: Yeah, but what I can't figure out is how the hell are ben and ciara involved. What are they up to?

[Mysterious music]

Ben: You almost done?

Jake: Working on it.

Ben: Well, can you work a little bit faster? Judging by the last text we got from gabi's kidnapper, this guy is getting a little impatient.

Jake: Well, I gotta make it look legit enough to appear like my old boss's copy.

Claire: You really think this is gonna work?

Jake: This was your idea. You wanna tell me you're getting nervous now?

Ciara: No, I'm just trying to make sure that you can actually pull it off, jakey.

Jake: I don't know who else is gonna be there, but the guy who's holding gabi is a low-level thug. There's no way he's gonna know that these names and numbers are not right.

Ben: Your boss would.

Jake: Okay, but let's hope by the time it makes it into his hands, we have gabi back safe and sound.

Ciara: Then we can find gwen and return the real book back to his boss.

Jake: That's the plan.

Ben: Are we feeling good about it?

Jake: Trying to... considering my life's on the line. And so is gabi'S.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Claire: I am sorry. I did not mean to lie to you again.

John: Didn't mean to, but you did.

Gwen: Oh, no. Please, don't be upset with claire. Honestly, it's me. I... I showed up unannounced when you were making her tea, and, um... I asked her not to say anything until we were alone.

Marlena: Oh. I'm told you checked yourself out of bayview.

Gwen: I did.

Marlena: A lot of people are looking for you.

Gwen: [Laughs] Yeah. I know. That's why I ran. I don't wanna be found.

John: Oh, really? So why'd you come here?

Gwen: [Sighs] Claire's really my only friend in this town. And I'd planned only to visit and then keep running, but... she convinced me to come forward.

Claire: I told her how gabi's life is in danger.

Marlena: Apparently people are going to kill for something that you have in your possession.

Gwen: Uh-huh.

Marlena: Uh-huh.

Gwen: Yeah, I assume that's, um, this.

Jake: All right. That should do it. Let's go make the switch.

Ciara: Okay, then I'll drive.

Ben: No, ciara. You're staying here. It's way too dangerous.

Ciara: Ben, you're gonna need all the help you can get.

Ben: No.

Ciara: Jake?

[Stammers wordlessly]

Jake: What? No, no, no. This is between you two. All I know is the guy told me to come alone. Which reminds me: I gotta find the address.

Ben: Ciara, I can't have you come with us. I can'T.

Ciara: Oh, I know. But I have the book. And let's not forget that without me, you wouldn't even have a plan to rescue gabi. It was my idea to get this--

Xander: Oh, thanks very much. I've been looking for that.

Ciara: Hey! Xander, what are you doing?

Xander: I'm in the middle of reading this.

Ciara: Okay, well, I need it. Now.

Xander: Too bad. I'm tired of people taking things that belong to me.

[Mysterious music]

Sarah: So... that happened. When migraine strikes,

Sarah: So I guess we should just--

Brady: We don't even-- we don't even have to.

Sarah: I'm sorry. I just, like--this whole thing was my idea.

Brady: You know, you don't even--you don't even have to apologize. It kind of just makes the whole thing worse, you know? So--

Sarah: But I made it happen. You know, I thought sleeping with you would be the best way to get back at xander, but I don't think that I really thought that through.

Brady: Yeah. I mean, I think we should just call it what it was. It was probably a mistake, right?

Sarah: Well, it would've been a big mistake, you know, had we been able to actually--

Brady: Ah, ah--yeah, I know. I know. For the record, this has never happened to me before. Ever. You can ask anyone you want.

Sarah: Yeah, I'm--

Brady: I mean anybody.

Sarah: I'm just gonna take your word for it. Like I said, it would've been a m--big mistake if--had you been able to--

Brady: We don't even have to talk about it. We don't even ever have to talk about it ever again.

Sarah: Okay.

Brady: Like, ever.

Sarah: Okay.

Brady: [Sighs] Did I mention to you that it's never happened to me before? This was...

Sarah: Understood.

Brady: Okay. I mentioned that, right?

Sarah: Mm-hmm.

Brady: [Sighs] I just... sarah, I wanted to go through with it. I did, but I just--

Sarah: Brady, no--

Brady: No, you need to--

Sarah: You don't have to--

Brady: You need to hear this. From me. I couldn't stop thinking about kristen.

Sarah: [Sympathetically] Oh.

Brady: She kept popping into my head, and I--it...

Sarah: No--

Brady: No offense.

Sarah: Oh, my god.

Brady: No offense. I mean, I'm--

Sarah: No, no, no, no, no. That's--aww. Of course. No, I totally understand. No, to be honest with you... xander was all I could think about.

Ciara: That book doesn't even belong to you, xander. It belongs to grandpa.

Xander: Yeah, well, I've been reading it for the last few weeks.

Ciara: You've been reading "crime and punishment"?

Xander: Why is that so hard to believe? I'm an avid reader of the classics. And for you to... [Scoffs] You know what? Just... [Grunts] Wow. They're right. You really are a dead ringer for stefan dimera.

Jake: Okay, pal, I don't know who you are, but we need that book.

Xander: Sure, you can have it, fake stefan, after I'm done reading it.

Ciara: You know what? You're just being spiteful. I bet you you haven't even read a single paragraph of that book.

Xander: I've read it enough to know I relate to the main character.

Ciara: How?

Xander: This guy, raskolnikov, he... committed a crime and rationalized it to himself that he did it for the right reasons, and now he has to face the consequences and deal with all this... guilt and remorse.

Ciara: Wow. That's, uh-- that's actually right. He really did read the book.

Ben: Great, so get another copy. Go download it on your tablet or something. Just give me the book.

Xander: Why should i when I have this fancy one?

Ciara: Because it's a matter of life and death, xander.

Xander: Aren't we being just a wee bit dramatic?

Ben: Hand it over.

Xander: Sorry. Get your own.

John: So that's what they've been looking for? Old book?

Claire: You see, it's not just an old book. There are these names and account numbers written inside.

Gwen: I assume jake stole it from the people he was working for and now the boss wants it back.

Marlena: The boss. Are you suggesting that jake works for the mob?

Gwen: [Chuckles] Yeah. He did back in philly. Though I got the impression he kind of low level.

John: How low level?

Gwen: Well, he didn't tell me much. It's not like he was going around killing people or anything-- at least not that I know of.

Marlena: Not that you know of?

Gwen: Anyway, he's lucky I didn't throw the bloody thing out months ago. It was only till recently I saw the notations inside.

Claire: We gotta call ciara and let her know that we have it.

Marlena: I'll do that. Hopefully it's not too late for gabi.

Luca: Did jakey boy not tell you about gwen?

Gabi: No.

Luca: [Laughs] That's not surprising. Probably thought he could keep her and still have you as a sidepiece. So what's your name, sweetheart?

Gabi: Gabriella josephina hernandez dimera, and I am no one's sidepiece.

Luca: She's feisty, ain't she?

Jimmy: You have no idea.

Gabi: So, um, how long were, um, jake and this gwen person together?

Luca: Oh, well, quite a while if memory serves.

Gabi: Oh.

Luca: Yeah, I think they got together right, uh, after he started working for us. So about a year and a half.

Gabi: Wait, uh, so, um, you met jake only a year and a half ago?

Luca: Yeah. Why?

Gabi: That means jake could still be stefan.

[All shouting]

Ciara: Just give us the book! We need it!

[All shouting]

Xander: [Grunts]

[Bellows] What the hell is wrong with you people? This is what I get for trying to embrace some culture?


Eli: Someone's coming.

[Door slams]

Xander: What a freak show. Since when is a book a matter of life and death?

Sarah: Well, this sucks.

Brady: Yup.

Sarah: I thought hooking up with you would get xander out of my system, but now I feel like he has even more power over me, and I hate it.

Brady: And I thought sticking it to xander would make me feel better, and it just feels like one big betrayal of kristen, honestly.

Sarah: You still love her after everything?

Brady: It's not her fault that she had to take off with the baby.

Sarah: Well...

Brady: S--I mean, look. I understand why she did what she did to my grandfather. I really do.

Sarah: Dang.

Brady: And I don't even-- I don't even know if I'm ever gonna see her again, but I'm obviously-- I'm obviously not ready to move on, am I?

Sarah: Maybe pretending to be together was just a giant mistake from the start. Honestly, maybe we should just, like, cut our losses and move on.

Brady: What does that mean? Does that mean you're ready to forgive xander?

[Knock at door]

Xander: Sarah, it's me. Please open up.

Brady: Uh-huh.

Sarah: What is he doing here?

Brady: I don't know. But if you're really ready to stop pretending, now's your chance. Tell him the truth.

Claire: [Sighs]

[Cell phone rings] Is that ciara?

Marlena: Uh--uh, no, no. It's the hospital. Excuse me. I'll be right back.

[Cell phone ringing]

Claire: [Sighs loudly] I really hope she calls back soon.

John: No, I'm sure she will.

Claire: I would hate it if something happened to gabi, especially because of ari. That poor little girl has already been through so much.

John: Oh, don't worry about her. Gabi's a fighter.

Gwen: Who--who is this gabi person-- sorry--and, um, how did she get involved in jake's mess?

Claire: Honestly, I mean, I don't really know what the connection is.

John: Well, I do. From what I hear, jake looks just like stefan dimera.

Claire: He does?

John: Kayla said he's a dead ringer.

Gwen: Who's stefan?

Claire: He was gabi's husband. He died.

Gwen: And he looked just like jake?

John: Well, from what I understand, gabi is convinced that...jake is stefan.

Gwen: That's impossible. Jake is jake.

John: And how long have you known him?

Gwen: A while. At least a year and a half.

John: Let's see. Stefan dimera, gabi's husband, died, what, almost... two years ago?

Claire: Yeah. Well, then it's possible.

Gwen: No! No, no, it's--no. Jake and I were really close before things went bad. He told me all sorts of things about his life and his childhood.

John: And it's possible those memories weren't real.

Gwen: Are you saying that he lied to me?

John: Or they could have been implanted.

Gwen: Implanted?

Claire: Oh, we know this crazy doctor. You know what? Okay. Never mind.

John: Either way, gabi has ended up in a bad place at the wrong time. I hear that she has been hounding jake 24/7 to get him to remember their life together.

Gwen: Oh, really?

Gabi: You two, you think you have everything under control. But you don't know who you're dealing with.

Luca: Oh, you mean gabrielle blah-blah, something, something?

Gabi: No, not me. Nope. The person--the person you think is jake lambert is really stefan dimera. Have you heard of that family?

Luca: Are you telling me that jake's a dimera?

Gabi: He's stefano's son.

Luca: Oh. So if he's so rich and powerful, why is he doing grunt work for us? And why is he getting grease under his nails at a garage?

Gabi: Well, he doesn't remember who he is. See, two years ago, he was shot and declared brain-dead, but then this scientist, he got him back, but he got him back without his memories.

Luca: [Laughs] Is she for real? A mad scientist brought dimera's son back from the dead and turned him into jake.

Jimmy: She's been babbling this nonsense since I met her. Something off with this chick.

Gabi: [Huffs] You know, you are laughing and you think this is funny, but you're not gonna be laughing when stefan remembers who he is, and he's gonna kill you. Both of you--and your boss.

Luca: Oh. Well, if that's the case, maybe we should... kill him before he gets his chance.

Jake: We gotta get going.

Ciara: Okay. I'll come with you.

Ben: Ciara. I know you wanna be a part of this, but I promise you, you will a lot more useful if you stay here.

Ciara: How is me staying behind useful, ben?

Ben: In case something goes wrong with the exchange. If you don't hear from me in an hour, you call the cops and you send them to the location jake texted you.

Ciara: Okay, so what? I'm just supposed to sit around and wait and worry about you?

Ben: No, don't worry. Don't worry, okay? I'm gonna be fine. I'll be fine.

Ciara: You promise?

Ben: I promise you. Honestly, I will be able to think a lot more clearly knowing that you're here safe and sound. Please. It's what's best for everybody.

[Soft music]

Ciara: Just be careful, okay?

Ben: I will be. You see, I have a wedding to attend soon. And nothing is gonna stop me from marrying the woman I love.

Eli: Feeling any better?

Lani: A little. I'll be really glad when this morning sickness stage is gone.

Eli: Are you sure you don't wanna go back home?

Lani: I'm pregnant, eli. I'm not an invalid.

Eli: I didn't say you were, all right, but you did almost vomit in victor's hydrangeas.

Lani: "Almost" is the key word. What do you think xander meant when he said a book was matter of life and death?

Eli: I don't know. But he must have been talking about that book that jake was writing in. Why don't we just knock on the damn door and confront them?

Lani: Mm-mm. No, no, no, no. We do that, and they're just gonna clam up. We're better off just waiting out here.

Jake: Let's go.

Eli: Wait! Someone's coming.

Ciara: Okay, one hour, and if I don't hear from you before then--

Ben: You will. You will. It's gonna go great. Nothing to worry about.

Jake: Yep. Nothing to worry about. Let's do this. Another cleaning tip from mr. Clean.

[Knock on door]

Xander: Sarah, please. Answer the door.

Brady: Your call.

Sarah: Um... okay, we are gonna figure it out later, but for now, just stick to the plan.

Brady: Stick to the plan.

Xander: Have you got a minute?

Sarah: Oh, well, we're kinda busy, as you can see. So...

Xander: Yeah, I understand. But I need to show you something.

Sarah: Now? It's kind of late.

Xander: Sarah, please. I promise I'll stop bothering you if you just come with me this one time.

Brady: Do you want me to escort him out?

Sarah: It's okay. Well, let me get dressed.

Marlena: Oh. Where is everybody? Uh, grandpa went to make gwen some food. She hasn't eaten since she left bayview.

Marlena: All right, well, then that will give us a chance to talk.

Claire: Ooh, why do I feel like I am about to get a grandma marlena lecture?

Marlena: Do not be fresh with me. You haven't been here one night yet. And you have already deceived us twice.

Claire: I know. I know. I am really sorry.

Marlena: If you do it again, I will send you back to your parents.

Claire: Please, please, do not do that! Grandma, like I said, look, I was just-- trying to make things right with ciara. And it actually went okay.

Marlena: Mm. And gwen?

Claire: Well, she needed my help. What was I supposed to do? Just turn her away?

John: [Sighs]

Gwen: Dr. Evans. Dr. Evans, please don'T... don't blame claire. Honestly, if it weren't for her, I... I would still be running. And... I hate to admit this about myself, but when I heard how many people were after this thing, I thought, "well, maybe I could make some sort of a profit." If it weren't for your granddaughter, I wouldn't have realized to do the right thing and step forward and turn it in, truly.

Marlena: Is that true?

Claire: I am trying, grandma. I really am.

Marlena: I'm glad to hear that. And I stand by what I said before. You must be honest.

John: Completely honest.

Marlena: No more sneaking out.

John: Or sneaking people in.

Marlena: That's how it needs to be. Understood?

Claire: Understood.

Marlena: Okay.

Claire: Understood. Thank you. Thank you, grandma. Thank you, grandpa.


Gabi: Look. Look. No one has to get killed. Stefan--jake--jake is coming with that book that you guys keep talking about.

Luca: So he says.

Gabi: He wouldn't lie about that. Nope, and once he gets here and hands it over, we can go our separate ways and pretend like this never happened.

Luca: Only it did. Jake stole from our boss.

Jimmy: Yeah, and he doesn't like that kind of thing or the people who perpetrate it.

Gabi: Well, I'm not gonna let you hurt my husband, okay? I already lost stefan once. I'm not gonna lose him again.

Luca: You're pretty loyal to this guy. I wonder if he feels the same way.

Jimmy: Yeah, his time's almost up. Maybe he's not coming after all.

Gabi: He wouldn't leave me here.

Luca: Right, because if what you say is true, he barely knows who you are.

[Cell phone ringing]

Jimmy: Yeah? Yeah, well this is about time. Who is it? That's fine. Just pat 'em both down and confiscate any weapons and send 'em up. Yeah. Lambert's here. And he brought a friend.

Gabi: I knew he wouldn't walk away from me.

Luca: You shouldn't overestimate jake's feelings for you. Yeah, I saw him and, uh, gwen back in the day, and they were pretty hot and heavy. So even if he is your dead husband... he definitely moved on.

[Dramatic music]

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Sarah: You dragged me out of bed to bring me to a cemetery? What are we doing here?

Xander: I, um... I thought you should see this.

[Stirring music]

Sarah: [Breath catches]

Brady: [Sniffles] Kristen, I don't know how I could possibly miss you more now. More than the day you left. But I do. I hope you and rachel are happy somewhere, wherever you're making a life for yourself. I really wanna be part of that. I do.

[Sighs] I don't know how I'm ever gonna... get over losing both of you.

Marlena: I'm gonna try ciara one more time. Maybe she was away from her phone.

[Knock on door]

John: I got it, sweetheart. Hey, ciara. We were just talking about you.

Ciara: Hi, john. Oh, hi, marlena. I got your message. You're jake's ex.

Gwen: Gwen.

Ciara: And you're here. And you have the book.

Gwen: Yes. Where's jake?

Ciara: He and my fiancé went to meet up with gabi's kidnappers to make the exchange.

Claire: But they don't have the book.

Ciara: Yeah, they, uh-- they're using a different copy and passing it off as the real one.

Gwen: Oh, for god's sake. Really? Whose terrible idea was that?

Jake: Gabi, you okay?

Gabi: Oh, I'm just swell.

Jimmy: I told you to come alone. Why'd you bring that grease monkey with you?

Jake: He's good company. Besides, looks like I'm not the only one who brought a plus-one to the dance. Luca.

[Chuckles] Didn't expect to see you here.

Luca: Long time, no see, jake.

Jake: I gotta say, I'm a little surprised that the boss would send his right-hand man to this little exchange.

Luca: Yeah, well, the book is very important to him. And he wanted to make sure it was handled correctly.

Jake: Fair enough.

Luca: So then get to it. Give me the book.

Jake: Well, as a show of good faith, how about you... cut gabi loose first?

Ben: Is this luca guy well-read? He's not gonna realize this book is a fake, is he?

Jake: Not sure. Too late to turn back now.

Gabi: Thank you.

Jimmy: Uh-uh-uh-uh. Hold your horses. You just stay right here until luca says so. It's your move, jakey.

Luca: What are you trying to pull? This ain't the right book. Presenting downtherecare with cottonelle.

Sarah: [Criyng] I haven't been able to bring myself to come here.

Xander: I understand.

Sarah: You did this.

Xander: I hope you don't mind. I conferred with your mum, and she agreed you'd probably want something simple for mackenzie.

Sarah: [Sniffles] It's perfect.

Xander: Look, I've been wracking my brains, trying to think of some way to try to begin to make things up to you. I just thought maybe I could spare you the pain of having to go through changing the headstone. And mackenzie deserves to be honored correctly.

Sarah: She does. She...

Xander: I'm the one who made the lie happen. So it seemed only right that I should be the one to undo it. I'm just sorry it wasn't this way from the beginning. Hopefully... hopefully, mackenzie can rest in peace now. You can find some peace too.

Sarah: Xander.

Xander: You don't have to say anything, sarah. I'm gonna leave you alone now. The car'll wait for you in the parking lot. Good night, sarah.

Sarah: [Sniffles]

Marlena: No. Wait. I thought ben was going to contact the police.

Ciara: Yeah, but jake thought that was a bad idea.

Gwen: So you gave him a worse one. Typical jake.

John: And you think they're going to get caught.

Gwen: Yes, I do. A fake bloody book.

Claire: Well, ciara, you gotta call ben and tell them that we have the real one.

Ciara: No, I tried. I called him on the way over here, but he wasn't answering.

John: Did--did ben give you and address where he went?

Ciara: Uh, yes, jake texted it to me before they left, but ben also told me that if I don't hear from them within the hour, that I should contact the police, so.

Claire: How long has it been?

Ciara: Well, it's getting close to that time.

John: All right. Gwen, why don't you give me that book? I'm gonna run it over there.

Marlena: No. John. No. Let the police handle this.

John: The police will only spook the kidnapper. It's better if I go alone. Hopefully I'll be there in time.

Jake: Of course that's the right book. "Crime and punishment." It says so on the side.

Gabi: Yeah. Can't you read?

Jake: You're not helping.

Luca: I'm not stupid. These names and numbers are not correct.

Jake: I don't know what you're talking--

Luca: Stop, jake. Stop lying. You're only digging yourself deeper.

Jake: Okay. Okay. You're right. It's not the real book.

Gabi: What? You idiot! What the hell were you thinking?

Ben: Gabi...

Jake: But I can get you the real thing, I just need a little bit of time.

Luca: Sorry. Your time has run out. I'm done with all of you. You three, out back with me.

Gabi: [Yelps]

Eli: Freeze!

Lani: Nobody move!

Gabi: [Yelps]

Jimmy: Drop the gun or she's done.

Eli: Let her go. All right? We have backup outside, and the place is surrounded.

Jimmy: I don't care. Drop the guns, or I kill this bitch.

Gabi: No! Listen, they don't care. They're not gonna listen. They actually--they want me to die--they probably want you to kill me.

Jimmy: Why am I not surprised?

Jake: Come on, man. Just let her go.

Jimmy: No way, pal. She's my only way out of here. Drop the gun, pigs. Do what I say!

Lani: Oh, god.

Eli: Lani, you okay?

Gabi: What?

Lani: I think I'm gonna... I think I'm gonna throw up.

Jimmy: What's going on with her?

Lani: Morning sickness.

Gabi: You're pregnant?

Lani: Yes, and I'm not feeling too well. But I'll better as soon as I lay down.

Gabi: What?

Lani: Everything is always better when I lie down.

Jimmy: [Grunts]

Gabi: [Screams]

Jimmy: Ow! Ow!

Eli: Nice work, lani.

Lani: Thank you.

Jimmy: Ah!

Lani: [Retching] Humira patients,...

Sarah: [Sniffling] My sweet angel. I'm so sorry that I haven't-- I haven't come to visit. I just... I didn't know if I was gonna be strong enough.

[Sniffles] It breaks my heart when I think about, like, what could have been... what you would've been like when you got older... who you... who you would've become. You didn't have enough time on this earth. We didn't have enough time together. I want you to know that I loved you. I fell so in love with you. Even in that-- that short amount of time just in that moment, I-- I love you more than I have loved anything in my whole life. My sweet mickey. I'm always gonna be your mama. I'm always gonna love you.

Brady: [Sighs] Where's sarah?

Xander: She's fine. She just needed some time alone.

Brady: What are you doing back here, man?

Xander: I wanted to, um... I wanted to apologize.

Brady: What? To me?

Xander: That horrible night when everything went off the tracks, I... my only thoughts were about protecting sarah and maggie. I didn't give a single though to how my actions would affect kristen... or you. Frankly, I didn't care. I thought I was justified, that... I was in the right. But I understand now. It was wrong. And I am sorry.

[Cell phone ringing]

Ciara: Oh, my gosh. It's ben. It's ben! Hey, ben. What's going on? Are you okay?

Ben: I'm fine. Things got a little hairy for a second, but... everybody's fine. Well, everybody on our side is fine.

Ciara: What happened?

Ben: They realized the book was a fake. But then eli and lani showed up at the last minute, took 'em down. The bad guys are in custody.

Ciara: All right, and what about gabi?

Ben: She's a little shaken up, but she'll be okay.

Claire: Ciara, what's going on?

Ciara: The cops showed up and everyone's okay.

Marlena: Oh, thank god.

Ciara: Oh, god. Ben, I was so worried about you.

Ben: What did I tell you? Nothing in this world is gonna stop me from marrying the woman of my dreams.

Jake: You sure you're all right?

Gabi: Yeah, I mean, not the best day of my life, but I will live.

Jake: They hurt you?

Gabi: I think I did more damage to them than they did to me. But thank you for coming to my rescue.

Jake: You're welcome.

Gabi: Of course, you almost screwed it up. Uh, the least you could do since you did get me into this mess in the first place.

Jake: Well, I didn't tell you to go snooping around my place, trying to steal my dna.

Gabi: How'd you know that?

Jake: Sonny and will told me. Are you ever gonna let this go?

Gabi: You know, luca told me that you turned up in philly only a year and a half ago?

Jake: So?

Gabi: That means you could still be stefan.

Jake: Oh, you could still be... [Whistles]

Ben: I just called ciara to let her know we're safe. She's over at dr. Evans' and john's place with claire. And get this? Gwen is with them too.

Jake: What?

Gabi: Wait, gwen? As in your ex-girlfriend?

Jake: How the hell you know that?

Gabi: Luca told me.

Ben: She has the book.

Jake: Thank god.

Gabi: What? What is up with this book?

Eli: We'd like to know that too.

Jake: It's a long story.

Ciara: [Sighs] Well, I'm gonna go meet up with ben. Thank you so much for everything.

Claire: I'm just glad that everything worked out and no one got hurt.

Ciara: Yeah. Me too. You know, I'm just so relieved that this nightmare with the mob is finally over.

Gwen: Yeah, about that... not quite.

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