Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 6/17/20
Episode #13793 ~ Ben and Marlena go to Bayview in search of Gwen; Ciara comes up with a plan to help Jake; Gabi tries to escape; Jennifer and Jack set aside their worries for a night to share a romantic dinner.
Provided By Suzanne
Jennifer: Hi.
Jack: Good evening. May I show madam to her table?
Jennifer: Oh, yes, you may! Did you do this, jack?
Jack: Well... I had a little help from my friends.
Jennifer: Thank you.
Lani: I have to say, as far as stakeouts go, this one isn't half bad.
Eli: It was very thoughtful of jake to go inside the salem inn so we can sit out here and watch him in comfort.
Lani: [Laughs] Who do you think he's visiting in there?
Eli: I don't know. Whatever he's doing...he knows more than he's telling us.
Lani: Hopefully, that means it's just a matter of time before he leads us right to gabi.
Gabi: Can you at least tell me what this thing is that you want and that jake has?
Jimmy: Why would I tell you anything?
Gabi: Considering you kidnapped me at gunpoint, i think I deserve to know why.
Jimmy: It's business. As in none of yours.
Gabi: Just making conversation.
Jimmy: Yeah, I'll pass. Either you sit there quietly while we wait for hubby or whoever he is to come through...
Gabi: Or?
Jimmy: Or I stick the gag back in your mouth.
Gabi: You know, I have never been the kind of woman that just waits around for a man to save her.
Jimmy: You don't say. Good to know.
Gabi: I built my business from nothing, which means I know how to make a deal. If you let me go, I will really make it worth your while.
Jimmy: I don't need your money.
Gabi: I'm not talking about money. See, there are plenty of other things that I can offer.
Marlena: Oh. There you are.
Ben: Hey. Did you find gwen?
Marlena: No.
[Ben sighs] But I spoke to a member of the staff. Turns out, claire was telling the truth. Gwen was admitted here a couple months ago.
Ben: Great, where is she? Can we talk to her?
Marlena: No, we can'T. I'm afraid that she's gone.
Ben: What do you mean, she's gone--claire said that she was here earlier today. What happened to her-- where'd she go?
Jake: All right, what do you mean ben has a lead on gwen?
Ciara: Well, someone told us where your ex has been hiding, and turns out she's in bayview.
Jake: Who told you?
Ciara: My niece, claire brady.
Claire: Look, I-I'm sorry for sneaking out, but...can you really blame me? I mean, what I did could end up saving gabi's life.
John: Sweetheart... the ends...don't always justify the means.
Claire: I know, I was just trying to make things right with ciara.
John: I understand all that, but...[Sighs] I'm gonna make this simple. We need to be able to trust you. And you need to know that you can always trust us.
Claire: I do, and, gramps, i hope you know that I am so grateful for the both of you. Really, it means the world to me that you're letting me stay here.
John: We love you, sweetheart, and we would do anything for you--you know that.
Claire: I do...I do. I love you too. And right now, um... I could settle for a cup of tea before bed.
John: Yeah, like I'm not wrapped around your little finger. I think I can swing the tea.
Claire: Thank you, gramps.
John: I'll be right back.
Claire: I love you.
John: Love you too.
[Knock on door]
Claire: Gwen?!
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Gabi: [Sighs] I know these are some... unfortunate circumstances, but...well, why couldn't we make things a little more pleasant? I've seen you checking me out.
Jimmy: [Chuckles] I'll admit... you're not hard to look at. But what I need from jake right now is... more important than...this.
Gabi: Well, who says you have to choose? I told you, I will help you with jake. And after we get to know each other a little better, I will be even more inclined to do so.
Jimmy: Uh, you said jake's your husband. Where's your loyalty?
Gabi: Oh, jake? Please. He's been pushing me away for weeks. If a man can't deliver, a woman has every right to go elsewhere to have her needs met. Don't you think?
Jimmy: [Chuckles]
Jake: Ha. Wow.
Ciara: Yeah.
Jake: Ah, I can't believe gwen was in the loony bin all this time.
Ciara: Okay, jake, I really don't like that term. 'Cause ben also spent some time in an institution. Yeah, it's a hospital for people with mental illness. It's a sickness just like any other kind of illness.
Jake: Whatever.
Ciara: Okay, where are you going?
Jake: I'm going back to the-- psychiatric hospital to get back what my psycho ex took from me.
Ciara: Okay, and if you spook her and she finds a way to run off again?
Jake: Well, what's the alternative, do nothing?
Ciara: How 'bout we just sit tight and, uh, let dr. Evans and ben handle this, huh?
Ben: Are you saying gwen just busted outta the hospital?
Marlena: No. No, she was a voluntary patient. It just means that she admitted herself, so she can leave whenever she wants to--as long as she's not a danger to herself or anybody else.
Ben: Did she tell any of the staff where she was headed?
Marlena: No, she didn'T.
Ben: Okay. Thank you for your help.
Marlena: Uh, what are you doing now?
Ben: I'm gonna go try to pick up on her trail.
Marlena: You know, maybe you should tell the police what's going on with gabi. Her life could be hanging in the balance.
Ben: Maybe you're right. Ciara's been wanting that from the start.
Claire: What are you doing here?
Gwen: You gave the address when you--
Claire: Shh!
Gwen: Sorry.
Claire: Shh! My grandfather's in the kitchen.
Gwen: I didn't know.
Claire: I didn't expect you to show up here. I didn't even know you were leaving.
Gwen: Well...I left when i overheard somebody phoning the hospital looking for me. Now, you wouldn't know something about that, would you, claire?
Marlena: You came here to make amends--why don't you do that?
Claire: Gwen's at bayview. Gwen, my grandfather is in the kitchen making hot tea, and he will be back as soon as he's done. I'm in enough hot water as it is--you need to go, please!
Gwen: I'm not going anywhere until I get some answers. Now, I think that you know something about who it was that's looking for me.
Claire: Gwen, look, I'm serious, he cannot see you, okay?
Gwen: That's not my problem, babe.
Claire: Okay, fine! Fine, get in here. I'll tell you what I know.
Gwen: This is a nice place.
Claire: Shh, shh, shh! Go to my bedroom...
Gwen: Okay!
Claire: And wait there. Second door on the left. Do not--do not make a sound!
Gwen: Don't push--okay!
Claire: Go!
John: You just talkin' to someone? Back off!
Gabi: You can't tell me you're not interested. You can't take your eyes off me. And I been thinking about you too. You know, this whole kidnapping's kinda hot.
Jimmy: [Laughs] No reason we can'T... have a little fun while we're waiting around, right?
Gabi: That's what I'm talkin' about.
Jimmy: Maybe I should leave you tied up.
Gabi: Oh, well, I like the way you think, but...I'm not into bondage. Besides, I can do so much more for you if my hand's free. You know what? What tying you up.
Jimmy: [Laughs. I am into that. But I'm not stupid.
Gabi: Your loss.
Jimmy: Aah!
[Coughing] Oh, god...oh, that hurt.
Claire: Uh, nope. No, just me out here, gramps.
John: Huh. Coulda sworn I heard another voice.
Claire: Well, I-I was working on a new song, and sometimes it helps me to just talk out the lyrics, you know?
John: Oh.
Claire: Yeah.
John: Okay. Can't wait to hear it.
Claire: Should be a good one. Aw, thank you for the tea. I think I'm, uh, gonna just take it to my room.
John: That's a good idea. Get some rest because it's been an eventful day.
Claire: Oh, it sure has. All right, night. I love you.
John: Love you. Hey.
Claire: Hmm?
John: No more secrets, right?
Claire: No more secrets.
Marlena: Hey.
John: Hey, hey. Any luck finding gwen?
Marlena: Well, she was at bayview she's gone.
Jake: Where's gwen?
Ben: She's gone.
Ciara: Wh--but claire said that she was at bayview.
Ben: She was at bayview, but she admitted herself voluntarily. She checked herself out today. Got there too late.
Jake: Damn it, we were so close!
Ciara: And while we were busy tracking down gwen, time has been running out for gabi.
Ben: I know.
Jake: I don't have any ideas left on how to find her.
Ben: Jake, it might be time you call the cops to help us.
Jake: No! My god, that's the one thing we can't do unless you want gabi to end up dead for sure.
Ciara: Okay, fine. No cops yet. But jake, if you want us to help have to tell us everything. You need to tell us exactly what it is that gwen took from you. Now.
Claire: Hey, what are you doing with that?
Gwen: I thought we had a deal. I wouldn't tell anyone that you swiped that off of dr. Morris' desk, and you wouldn't tell anyone I'm hiding from my ex.
Claire: Gwen, I didn't--
Gwen: Don't you even try to pretend it wasn't you.
Claire: Okay. Okay. Yes, I told some people, but look, I didn't have a choice.
Gwen: Why not?
Claire: Because it was a matter of life and death. You told me how you took your ex's stuff, right?
Gwen: Yeah, so?
Claire: So... apparently, some very dangerous people want it...and they came to salem looking for what you have. And if your ex doesn't give it back, they're gonna hurt somebody I know.
Gwen: [Sighs]
[Suspenseful music]
I'm guessing this is what they want.
Lani: I spoke with the clerk at the front desk. She said that ben weston went straight up to his room, and apparently, that's where jake is too.
Eli: He's with ben. Which means that we could be here for a while. Wanna get something to eat? I was thinkin' about some fish tacos or some chili cheese sliders with extra chili--
Lani: Mm-mm, mm-mm, no, no.
Eli: You're not hungry? You're usually starving on stakeouts.
Lani: Yeah, well, the thought of all of that is making me nauseous.
Eli: You're not feeling well?
Lani: Remember when I told you that I hadn't experienced any morning sickness?
Eli: Mm-hmm.
Lani: Well, I guess it was just waiting for the right moment to strike.
Eli: Morning sickness in the nighttime.
Lani: Mm-hmm. Whoever named it has never been pregnant.
Eli: Anything I can do to help?
Lani: In my experience, there's only one thing that helps pregnancy nausea... and that is goldfish crackers.
Eli: Okay. Well, then, I'll go to the store and get you some goldfish crackers.
Lani: Nope, nope. This is not my first rodeo.
[Both laugh]
Jennifer: Hmm... popcorn for dinner.
Jack: Well, not just popcorn.
Jennifer: Oh!
Jack: Microwaved popcorn, topped--whoa! With a special chocolate sauce, sprinkled with peanuts...
Jennifer: Yes.
Jack: Potato chips, a few more peas, and did I happen to mention...gummy bears?
Jennifer: You did, just now. Wow, this is-- this is, um... this is sugary, this is salty--
Jack: Savory. Perhaps I should explain.
Jennifer: Please.
Jack: Well, I was planning our dinner and thomas and charlotte came in and they wanted to help make us a very special dinner, so this happens to be their own special... recipe.
Jennifer: Our grandbabies made this?
Jack: Uh...I supervised.
Jennifer: If our grandbabies made this, we are gonna eat it. We are gonna dig in and eat this.
Jack: Oh, no, jennifer, they're asleep--they're already asleep, so we don't have to--
Jennifer: No, no, our grandbabies made this. So if they took the time to make this, we are gonna eat it.
Jack: "We"? We, kemosabe?
Jennifer: Yep. Fork. We.
Jack: Whee, whee, whee...
Jennifer: Cheers, dig in.
Jack: All the way home.
Jennifer: Here we go--ready? You have to eat the whole bite. Got it?
Jack: [Crunching]
Jennifer: That's pretty good.
New tide power pods one up the
cleaning power of liquid.
Jack: [Sighs]
Jennifer: Wow. That--that--whoops.
[Laughs] That was something.
Jack: It still is something. Yes, it is.
[Clears throat]
Jennifer: You know, look out, "master chef junior."
Jack: Look out, stomach. Mm. Sss.
Jennifer: Maybe we could, um, just give our digestive tracks a little break until we assault it again.
Jack: Assault--yes. That's a very good--that's a very good word, a very good idea. So, uh, tell me, what's the news from the front? How was work today?
Jennifer: Ah, well, it seems that gabi hernandez has disappeared. My sources say that she most likely skipped bail.
Jack: She did?
Jennifer: Mm-hmmm.
Jack: Well, let's hope that they can track her down. Did you talk to the police?
Jennifer: Uh...I saw justin at the police station.
Jack: Okay, of course you did. And, uh, how is justin?
Jennifer: He's great. He's super excited to marry kayla.
Jack: Well, I knew that. I know that.
Jennifer: Right. And we also know how steve feels about kayla, so if we could just tell kayla how steve feels, that would probably change the--
Jack: I'm thinking--I'm thinking, jennifer...
Jennifer: What are you thinking, jack?
Jack: We have so many wonderful friends and family, and they're all involved in so many things, but tonight, this moment is about us. It's about you and me and, of course, thomas and charlotte, who made us this amazing meal. And--and I feel obligated to-- to share it with their wonderful grandmother, my wife.
Jennifer: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we do. We need to finish it.
Jack: Let's focus on this, yes.
Jennifer: If we're gonna finish it, we need to start now and get, uh, get to work.
Jack: So, um...[Ahem] After you.
Jennifer: I mean... I mean, we gave it a shot. We--we ate...
Jack: We did.
Jennifer: We ate probably a quarter--I have an idea!
Jack: What?
Jennifer: Oh, my goodness, jack, look, look, look. Okay, hold your fork.
Jack: Oh, oh, oh, oh!
Jennifer: Get a gummy bear. Hold it up. Okay, ready?
Jack: Okay, wait a minute.
Jennifer: Pretend it's in your mouth.
Jack: It's right here.
Both: Cheese.
Jennifer: Hi, kids!
[Lens snaps] We ate it.
Jack: We ate it, did it.
Jennifer: There you go.
Jack: Done.
Jennifer: Excellent. Let's have a real dinner.
Jack: Good! I'm so glad you came up with this, because I, uh, I had a backup plan, and it's all ready to go.
Jennifer: You always do.
Gwen: [Groans] God... got anything to eat around here? I left bayview before dinner and I'm starving. I didn't think I'd miss the nuthouse chicken parm.
Claire: Um...let's see. Yeah, here.
Gwen: Well...
Claire: It's the best I can do without alerting my grandfather--sorry.
Gwen: Thanks.
[Paper rustling]
Claire: So, gwen? You were about to tell me why that book is so important.
Gwen: I'm starving. When I left jake... i really wanted to hurt him, 'cause I was so pissed, you know? And so I just took everything i could get my hands on, but I had no idea this book was so special.
Claire: What makes it so special?
Gwen: When I first started reading it at bayview, I thought this is a bit...highbrow for jake, you know.
[Both chuckle] And then I, um, I noticed all these names and numbers written on the margins. So I think it's related to his boss.
Claire: His boss?
Gwen: Yeah. His mob boss.
Jake: Among other things, gwen took a book from me, a leather-bound edition of "crime and punishment."
Ben: Why would your boss be willing to kill over a book?
Jake: It's not about what's printed in some dusty old novel. It's about what's written in the margins.
Ben: What's written in the margins, jake?
Jake: All right. So this book belonged to my old boss. In it, he wrote all kinds of names and numbers...all of which could be very damaging to him and the entire organization if this "classic" fell into the wrong hands.
Ben: Why would you take this book in the first place?
Jake: I was just trying to get out of the business--I took it as an insurance policy. I had every intention on giving it back once I knew I was safe. I had no idea gwen was gonna grab it when she left.
Ciara: Right, and now that she's disappeared again, we may have just lost our only chance to get this book and save gabi.
Jimmy: You bitch!
Gabi: First rule of business--always protect your assets, no matter how limited they are. Oh, come on! Oh, how do I open this?
Jimmy: [Coughing, laughing] You can'T. Oh!
Gabi: Ohh! It's the 11:05 endless-orders migraine medicine
Jennifer: No popcorn gummies, chocolate sauce...
Jack: No!
Jennifer: Potato chips--
[Gasps] So much better. Jack, wait.
Jack: Wait what? What, is something wrong?
Jennifer: This plate.
Jack: Well, what about this plate?
Jennifer: It's so sweet. It's shaped like a fish. Do you know what it makes me think of? Remember when we were on the cruise on the S.S. "Loretta" and remember I had that fish, and I was...hitting you over the head with it.
Jack: I believe it was...
Jennifer: Every time I see--
Jack: A cod, yes.
Jennifer: That's it--that's what I think of--I'm sorry.
Jack: I wasn't fishing for that, and I didn't have to hit you over the head either. But the fact is...that ship, the S.S. "Loretta," that's one of the first...first memories that came back to me... before...before the flood gates opened and then everything came back. And I wanted to remind you of that and, uh, and more importantly, I wanted you to know that I am looking forward to... a whole life of new memories with you. So...after all that, a toast.
Jennifer: Yes.
Jack: To us. And to memories... old... and new.
Jennifer: To memories, jack deveraux. Old and new.
Ben: We tried it your way. We need to bring the police into the search for gabi.
Jake: That would be a tragic mistake, ben.
Ciara: Jake, her brother is a cop--he can really help find her.
[Phone rings]
Jake: You got jake.
Jimmy: I've run out of patience, jake. And gabi's run out of time. Do you have what you promised?
Jake: How do I know you haven't hurt her?
Jimmy: Say hello to your husband, gabs.
Gabi: Damn you, jake, this is all your fault, okay? You're the reason I'm away from my daughter--
Jimmy: There's your proof of life. And I can't wait to get rid of her.
Jake: Can't say I blame you there.
Jimmy: Look, do you have what I need... or am I making you a widower?
Jake: I have what you want.
Jimmy: The boss'll be very happy to hear that.
Jake: You just tell me where and when we're gonna make the swap.
Jimmy: The book for your wife. You have one hour. I'll text ya the address. And jake...I don't have to remind you to come alone. If I see one hint of the cops, the deal's off. And you'll be burying the missus.
Claire: Let me see.
Gwen: Ah, ah, ah, I'd rather you didn'T.
Claire: Gwen, come on, we have to get that book back to jake so that he can save gabi.
Gwen: Who told you that? Who said that you have to swap this book for someone's life?
Claire: Ciara and ben.
Gwen: As in "save the date" ciara and ben?
Claire: Mm-hmm. Yeah. I went to see her.
Gwen: Oh! Did you really? That's interesting. Tell me everything. Was she happy to see you, or did she slam the door in your little face?
Claire: Ciara to rebuilding our relationship.
Gwen: Splendid--did she ask you to be in the wedding?
Claire: Look, I need to... take things slow right now.
Gwen: Claire, do you think that it's possible, because you're so eager to be in her good graces, you might just believe anything she tells you?
Claire: You don't know ciara. She wouldn't lie about something like that.
Gwen: No, I don't know her. But I do know jake...and he would lie about anything.
Claire: Well, okay, but why does it even matter? Look, gwen, you don't need that book. So let me just give it back to jake so he has no reason left to bother you, okay, and the both of you can just move on.
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To america's frontline
responders, thank you.
Jennifer: We need to do this more often, just the two of us.
Jack: Agreed.
Jennifer: I mean, really, jack, we have barely had any time just to be together.
Jack: Life has a knack of getting in the way.
Jennifer: But we can't let that happen. I mean, I was in that coma for a year, jack. Do you realize we never even had a honeymoon.
Jack: Honeymoon? W-what's a honeymoon?
Jennifer: Right! That's exactly what I'm talking about--we need a honeymoon. We need to go on some incredibly romantic honeymoon.
Jack: Uh...when?
Jennifer: Well, I mean, if we can get julie and doug to take care of thomas and charlotte, which I know they will in a heartbeat, we could--we could literally leave right now. Immediately. We could go on a honeymoon.
Jack: What about "the spectator"?
Jennifer: I mean, the staff could run the paper. It's just a couple of days.
Jack: So just get on a plane and just go.
Jennifer: Yes! As long as we have the kids covered, we can just go!
Jack: All right. All right!
Jennifer: Okay!
Jack: Mrs. Deveraux, it's a done deal--wherever you wanna go anywhere in the world, I will take you.
Jennifer: Okay. Let's think.
Gwen: God, you know, if someone's willing to kill for this, it must be worth a lot of money.
Claire: Ha ha ha. You cannot be serious.
Gwen: Well, why should I give away something so valuable and not get something back in return?
Claire: Um, maybe, gwen, because somebody's life is at stake?
Gwen: Yeah, according to jake.
Claire: And ben, and ciara.
Gwen: Well, maybe he's lying to them, too. Who is this gabi person anyway. Is she your best friend or something now?
Claire: No. Honestly, I don't really know her that well.
Gwen: Well, then, what's the urgency to save her?
Claire: The urgency is before I went into bayview, gwen, three people almost died because of my actions.
Gwen: What does that have to do with anything?
Claire: I swore that if they let me out...I would do better and I would be better. I can't have gabi's death on my conscience.
Gwen: [Chuckles] So, what, you want me to just... hand over the book?
Claire: Look... my grandparents are right down the hall. Let's just go ask them to help us, okay, to do the right thing.
John: Hey. She's gonna be okay.
Marlena: I hope so. You know, it's hard enough finding your way in the world without all these complications.
John: I know. But she's not goin' through this alone. I made it clear to her that she can trust us. But I also let her know it's important that we can trust her too.
Marlena: Yeah. I hope she doesn't feel like a prisoner here.
John: You know, doc, I'm not all that concerned with her leaving. It was just...the way she did it.
Marlena: You mean because she lied.
John: [Huffs] Hey, I'm not the shrink in the family here, you know, but I just... I just got the sense that she was so make amends to ciara that...
Marlena:'s become an obsession?
Ben: Bluffing...was a bad idea.
Ciara: Jake, what the hell were you thinking?
Jake: I don't know, all right, I heard gabi yellin' in the background, she talked about her daughter, she sounded scared. I told the goon what I thought he wanted to hear.
Ben: Yeah, well, now they're gonna be expecting you to show up with this book. What do we do now?
Ciara: I have an idea.
Ben: Let's hope this plan of yours works.
Ciara: What choice do we have, ben?
[Suspenseful music]
Nyquil severe gives you powerful relief
Jake: Anybody tell me what we're doin' here?
Ciara: Well, this is my grandfather's house, I am always welcome here, and so are my friends.
Ben: [Small laugh] Her grandfather once tied me to this chair right here while his nephew tried to choke the life outta me.
Jake: Sounds like a lovely guy.
Ben: Hmm. He's a real sweetheart--although I do have his blessing to marry his granddaughter now.
Jake: Congrats?
Ciara: Got it! Got it, got it, got it! Okay, check it out.
Jake: "Crime and punishment."
Ben: Victor's got an old copy too.
Ciara: Mmm-hmm, and if it's not the same edition, I mean, it must be close enough, right?
Jake: This looks almost exactly like it.
Ciara: Enough to fool the thug that's holding gabi?
John: Claire's intent may be different, but it was her... obsession with ciara that got her in all this trouble in the first place.
Marlena: Well, I think she's had enough time at bayview, so she out her issues.
John: Okay, then, so you're not...really concerned that she could have a recurrence.
Marlena: Well, I think we have to manage our expectations. Claire is still claire, you know? I mean, she's--she's a bright, creative young woman...
John: Bright, creative... and impulsive.
Marlena: Yes. But I do think she has a sense of what's right and what's wrong.
Gwen: You want to go and ask granny and granddad to help us deal with the mob.
Claire: Oh, you don't know my grandparents. They are capital b bad-asses.
Gwen: Okay.
Claire: No, I'm telling the truth. Look, my grandma marlena is a brilliant psychiatrist who basically spent her whole life fighting off supervillains. My grandpa john worked for the isa. Back in the day, he was the closest thing salem had to a real life james bond.
Gwen: Now I see where you get it from.
Claire: Okay. Look, I'm just gonna go ask them to help us, okay?
Gwen: Claire.
Claire: Yeah.
Gwen: If you do meet jake, he'll tell you that when I don't want to be found, I'm very good at not being found.
Claire: Are you saying you're just gonna take off?
Gwen: I'm saying that if you do go get your grandparents, there's a big chance I'll be out that window and in the wide world by the time you get back.
Jack: How 'bout... a honeymoon cruise?
Jennifer: No. We have terrible luck with cruises. I do not wanna be on a ship that could possibly blow up.
Jack: Right. Ditto. Bummer.
Jennifer: I know! We went to universal studios hollywood for our first honeymoon, so we should go to universal studios florida for our second honeymoon.
Jack: Oh, wait a minute, you want to tell charlotte and thomas that we're...we're gonna see harry potter without them?
Jennifer: Yeah. Excellent point.
Jack: Yeah. Say, you know, we should make this about us and us alone. I'll make up a list of things, and we'll see...we'll see what strikes your fancy.
Jennifer: You know what, jack, now that I think about it, I mean, we--we-- we do have so much going on here right now, and I really have enjoyed this time with thomas and charlotte...
Jack: Yeah...
Jennifer: And I remember that my suitcase, it has that bad wheel, and I kind of have this inner ear thing going on, so i just don't even--
Jack: What are you--am i hearing that you don't wanna travel?
Jennifer: No, I love to travel, and I know I'm the one who brought this up, this whole honeymoon thing for this marriage anyway. But when I think about it, we have been around the world and back together, jack, but when i really think about it... there is no place that I would rather be than right here with you.
Jack: So... should we, say, uh...cut out the middle man? No security lines, no packing. What do you say we have our honeymoon right here, right now?
Jennifer: Right here? Right now?
Jack: Right now, yes! I mean, look, we're in a mansion. We got servants. Have this wonderful night, our honeymoon night, in old world splendor? Right in uptown salem.
Jennifer: I say yes. Because wherever we are together, jack, is where we're gonna make our memories. New ones.
Jack: Hear, hear.
[Soft music]
[Offkey notes]
You may not see them, but your
itchy eyes know
[Both chuckle]
Jack: Better?
Jennifer: Much better.
[Both laughing]
John: Sorry. I am just so exhausted taking care of a wildcard like our granddaughter.
Marlena: Yeah. Yeah. Are you, um... completely exhausted?
John: Not that exhausted.
Marlena: Good. Oh.
John: Hey.
Marlena: Hey.
Claire: Hi, grandma.
Marlena: Hi, claire. Uh...I-I'm sorry, we, uh, we couldn't find gwen at bayview.
Claire: I know. Yeah, that is because... she is right here. Gwen.
[Dramatic music]
Lani: Why would ciara bring ben and jake back to victor's house?
Eli: I don't know. Maybe it's all connected to gabi's disappearance.
Lani: Why don't I look inside the-- oh.
Eli: What's wrong?
Lani: Ooh. What would victor feel about me puking in his bushes right now?
Ben: So we show up, trade the book for gabi, and we hope that whatever thug is holding her isn't a--
Jake: Literary critic?
Ciara: You know, I seriously doubt that he's gonna notice.
Jake: Especially if i scribble some names and numbers here in the margins.
Ben: Go for it.
Jake: All right.
Jimmy: Okay. I just sent your hubby a text with a location for the meet. If he's smart, he'll play this straight.
Gabi: If he's smart.
Jimmy: You better hope he's not as big a tease as you. Because if he doesn't deliver... I'll kill you both.
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