Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 6/16/20
Episode #13792 ~ Eli and Lani demand the truth from Jake; John and Marlena realize Claire tricked them; Gabi fears her time is running out; Claire provides key information to Ben and Ciara.
Provided By Suzanne
Marlena: Thank you.
John: That was some good work tonight, doc.
Marlena: I wasn't too aggressive?
John: It wasn't easy. I mean, you had to convince our daughter to stay with hope tonight, and the same time, had to convince her that claire was gonna be all right here with us. I thought you handled it very skillfully.
Marlena: Thanks. As much as I would have loved to have belle with us, I think it's more important that claire get a good night's sleep. She is exhausted.
Claire: No, no, no. I thought it was, and it is. Yeah, it's her.
Ciara: Okay, look, claire, I didn't want to be rude before, but i was right in the middle of something when you came in and I'm just gonna have to ask you to leave, like, now.
Claire: Ciara, no, no, no, you don't understand, the woman on this flyer, I know her.
Ciara: No, claire, that is-- that is really impossible.
Claire: Well, I'm telling you the truth.
Ciara: Okay.
Claire: Why are you looking for her?
Ciara: Look, I know that you want to be helpful, right, but the woman that you're talking about probably just looks a lot like this one and the situation is very, very serious. We can't waste our time going on a wild-goose chase, okay?
Claire: Do you think I'm making this up?
Ciara: No, I didn't say that--
Claire: "Have you seen this woman? Call 555-0190." Well, I have seen this woman, ciara--actually, more than seen her, I know her, and I can tell you exactly what she's been up to: Hiding out from her ex-boyfriend!
Jake: This about gabi's trial tomorrow? You want me to testify?
Lani: What do you know about her disappearance?
Jake: "Her" who?
Eli: Gabi dimera.
[Dramatic music]
Jake: Sorry, I--I don't follow. How do you know she's missing?
Eli: For starters, this statement from her daughter's father.
Jake: Her daughter's father?
Eli: Will horton. He and his husband sonny reported that gabi dimera was headed over to see you. That was the last time somebody saw her.
Lani: Unless you saw her.
Eli: Want to give us the details? Did gabi show up at your place?
Jimmy: Oh, what's shaking, jake?
Jake: What the hell are you doing?
Jimmy: I--I wouldn't--i wouldn't do that.
Gabi: He's got a gun, okay?
Jake: Let her go. Your business is with me.
Jimmy: Well, you know what I'm after, so hand it over.
Gabi: Whatever it is, just give it to him.
Jake: I don't have it.
Gabi: What the hell's wrong with you?
Jake: I am telling you the truth--I don't have it.
Jimmy: Well, then you better go get it, or I'm gonna off your little wife right here, and now.
Gabi: Jake, jake, just--just tell him to let me go. I have nothing to do with this.
Jake: She's right. She doesn'T.
Jimmy: Well, she was in your apartment.
Jake: Why?
Gabi: I--just let me go, okay! I have a daughter waiting for me at home.
Jimmy: Yeah, and I have a boss waiting for answers.
Jake: Okay, look, I don't have what you want but I can get it and I promise you I will. Just don't hurt her, all right? She's right; she has nothing to do with this.
Jimmy: Okay, fine. I'll give you 24 hours to bring me what I need.
Jake: All right, you got yourself a-- hey!
Gabi: [Shouting]
Jake: Hey, hey, come on! Don't hurt her! What are you--hang on!
Damn it! Like I told will and sonny, I didn't see gabi. But you two already knew that because you took their statements.
Lani: You could have lied to them.
Eli: But now you're gonna tell us the truth.
Will: Well, anyway, I should let you get back to work.
Ben: And I'll be in touch about the best man gig.
Will: Oh, yeah, yeah. And again, I'm sorry if it seemed like I was accusing you of lying earlier. I just--I really don't think gabi would just abandon ari like this.
Ben: Well, I'm sure gabi will turn up soon.
Will: Yeah, I mean, me too. Especially now that the police are looking for her.
Ben: Wait, what?
Will: Yeah, I mean, normally, they have to wait 48 hours until they can start looking for somebody, but abe's a friend, so sonny and I called him and asked him for help.
Ben: And he called in the salem pd?
Will: He called in eli and lani, and they agreed to do it on the down low.
Jake: Please do not bring the cops into this.
Ciara: Why?
Jake: Hang up the phone and I'll tell you. Please!
[Phone beeps] All right, ben says you know everything, so you must know we're dealing with the mob here. If they find out that the cops are in on this, gabi's as good as dead.
Ben: You don't want to risk that, ciara.
Ciara: Yeah, okay, but ben, I'm not risking anything. Listen, rafe is the police commissioner. He's gabi's brother. All right? That means that we can trust him. He's not gonna let anything bad happen to her.
Jake: No, I'm begging you, do not bring the cops into this.
Ciara: Okay, did you not just hear me say that the police commissioner is rafe and rafe is gabi's brother?
Ben: Rafe is in court today.
Ciara: What?
Ben: I said rafe is in court today. Today is the day of david's custody hearing.
Ciara: Right.
Ben: And listen to me, he's not gonna answer his phone.
Ciara: All right, so what are we gonna do?
Ben: The person these creeps want is your ex. Our best chances of stopping them from hurting gabi is to find her.
Jake: I appreciate your help, but your fiancéE... she doesn't look too happy.
Ben: It's up to you.
Ciara: So you told ben that you found out your ex flew to chicago and then took a train to salem?
Jake: Uh-huh.
Ben: Then nothing. It's like she disappeared.
Ciara: All right, well, do you have any idea why she might've been headed here?
Jake: No, she never even mentioned this town. So I need somebody who knows this place inside out.
Ciara: Well, you're in luck because you've come to the right people.
Jake: You sure?
Ben: If ciara says we're in...
Ciara: Then we're in. So do you think that there's a possibility she might still be hiding out somewhere near here or?
Jake: All I know is there's no proof that she left this place.
Ciara: Well, do you at least have a picture of her?
Jake: That I do. That's her. That's gwen. Now all we have to do is find her.
Ciara: Before it's too late for gabi.
Will: Ben, is something wrong?
Ben: What? No, nothing's wrong. I'm just surprised you wanted the police involved.
Will: Why wouldn't I?
Ben: I mean, gabi jumped bail, didn't she? And if eli and lani are the ones who find her, they're not exactly impartial. They're gonna throw the book at her, will. I didn't think you'd want that happening to your child's mother.
Will: Well, I wouldn't, but, I mean, first of all, I don't believe she jumped bail. And even if she had, she would--she would have been in touch by now.
Ben: Are you sure about that? Maybe she knew you'd call the cops.
Will: It's not about me. It's not about the cops. She would never stay away this long without checking in on ari. That's why I'm really afraid something bad happened to her.
Gabi: Help! Help me! Somebody, help me! Help! Help!
Jimmy: Will you shut the hell up already?
Gabi: No, I'm not gonna shut the hell up, okay? Because you were stupid enough to take my gag off, so I'm gonna scream as much as I want. Help!
Jimmy: I'm the stupid one? We're in the middle of nowhere and these walls are three feet thick. That's why I took your gag off. Nobody can hear you.
Gabi: Why the hell do you care if I scream?
Jimmy: Because you're annoying the hell out of me and you're breaking my eardrums. No wonder your husband dumped you.
Gabi: He didn't dump me! He died, okay? But then he came back.
Jimmy: Whatever you say.
Gabi: I am telling you the truth.
Jimmy: Yeah, really, I don't give a damn about who dumped who or anything else about your pathetic little life. All I really care about is it's been 24 hours and still no word from jake, looks like your time's up.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Sweeping orchestral music]
Gabi: Look, there's no reason for you to jump the gun. Like I told you, jake is not my husband. I mean, it's possible. Even if he--he just-- he doesn't realize, okay? Stefan--stefan could be buried inside that lame mechanic, but I was trying to do that, I was trying to reach him, but then if you hadn't interrupted--
Jimmy: Sorry for the inconvenience, but jake has something my boss wants, and I need it back.
Gabi: Okay! Okay, good, yes! Maybe I can help you get it.
Jimmy: Yeah? How are you gonna that?
Gabi: I ran an international conglomerate, okay? I can help you find whatever it is you're looking for. My husband--my late husband, he left me very well off, and I can find the cash to finance that search.
Jimmy: Thanks. But I got more than enough cash and I'm very well paid too, by someone who wouldn't like it very much if I crossed him, so thanks for the offer, but I'm not interested.
Gabi: Well, there must be something I can do.
Jimmy: No, the only thing I'm interested in is finding out what jake's gonna do. So you better hope you didn't turn him off like you probably do everybody else. Because your fate is in his hands.
Jake: I'm telling you the truth. Sonny and will say gabi was on her way to my place but she never showed.
Eli: That's all there is to it?
Jake: All right. I did leave out one part, and that is the part where gabi tried to get my dna. Does that sound normal to you? The lady's obsessed with me.
Lani: Okay, so she didn't show up to your place. When is the last time you actually did see her?
Jake: Well, actually, it was right here a couple of days ago, when she tried to inject me with that deadly hallucinogen, and she claimed that it was to get me to remember that I'm her dead husband, which I'm not, and thank god she didn't inject me with that crap or I'd have lost my mind!
Eli: But she didn't drug you.
Jake: Lucky for me, she did not. And, hey, I suggest you stop wasting your time with me and go find that lunatic before she hurts somebody else. Hell, I heard she doesn't like you two very much. She could be waiting to jab one of you next.
[Phone rings]
Ciara: Okay, so this girl, she said she was running away from her ex-boyfriend, but do you know why?
Claire: Well, I know the two of them fought a ton, so she finally got fed up with him and left, and I know she took off from philadelphia.
Ciara: Philadelphia?
Claire: That's what she said.
Ciara: Yeah, that's where her ex-boyfriend's from, too.
Claire: How do you know that? Wait, do you know him?
Ciara: Yeah, yeah, ben is actually working for that guy.
Claire: Oh, my god.
Ciara: Yeah, all right, but, look, claire, you have been at bayview for two years and this woman only left philly a couple months ago. How is it possible that you know her?
Claire: You seriously still don't believe me? Ciara, I just told you where this woman is from, where her boyfriend's from, and I know that her name is gwen.
Ciara: [Scoffs]
Ciara: Okay. Okay, so you know her name. It's clear that you know a few things about her. But the important thing is, do you know where she is? It's the 6:10
Will: So you're reading dostoyevsky, huh?
Sonny: Yeah, I read "notes from the underground" a few years ago, but haven't tackled this one.
Will: Yeah, me neither.
Sonny: One of these days. So how did it go? Did you talk to ben?
Will: Yeah, yeah, I figured it'd be better to do it in person just in case jake was strong-arming him or something.
Sonny: Well, yeah, it's much easier to cover something like that up on the phone.
Will: Exactly.
Sonny: So was he covering?
Will: Not as far as I can tell. He stuck to his story, said he had no idea where gabi is.
Sonny: And you believed him?
Will: I did. And then...
Sonny: Then?
Will: We sort of just, like, got to talking.
Sonny: About anything special?
Will: Yeah, kind of. He asked me to be his best man.
[Phone rings]
Lani: You're not thinking about answering that, are you?
Eli: We're not done with you yet.
Jake: Look, I told you everything I know. Gabi went over to my place, I don't know anything about it. I got to say, I'm a little surprised that you two even give a damn about what happens to her.
Eli: Why wouldn't we care?
Jake: Well, maybe because she had her dead husband's heart transplanted into your grandmother's chest only to threaten to blow her up, and at your wedding no less, all to get you to dump this guy at the altar. So if gabi really did decide to lam it to avoid her court date tomorrow, I'm surprised you two don't just relax and enjoy it instead of sitting here and hounding me about it. And hey, I told you everything I know. I haven't done anything wrong, so I'd like to get going. That is unless you're gonna arrest me.
John: Hey, hey, hey, hey, everything's fine, belle. I promise you. Claire is in bed asleep. In fact, mom just went in to check in her just now. Yeah, yeah, yeah, all right, all right, you and shawn try to get some sleep. We'll see you first thing in the morning. Yeah, love you too. Belle just called again. She's checking in on-- what's wrong?
Marlena: Claire's bed is empty. She's gone.
[Tense music]
Ciara: Okay. Claire, do you know where gwen is now? If you do, you gotta tell me. Okay? Please. Ben, hi.
Ben: Claire.
Claire: Hi.
Ben: Hi. What are you doing here?
Claire: Oh, oh, I guess nobody told you. Yeah, I was--I was released from bayview.
Ben: Ciara said that was in the works, yeah, I just--I thought you were gonna be going back to hong kong with your parents.
Ciara: Yeah, there's been a change of plans.
Ben: I see that.
Claire: Yeah, I'm actually gonna be staying here in salem with my grandma marlena and my grandpa john.
Ben: Oh, right. Well, I hope that works out well for you.
Claire: I'm sure it will, thanks.
Ben: Yeah.
Claire: Yeah. So you look good. How have you been?
Ben: I've been okay.
Claire: Yeah.
Ben: Yeah.
Claire: I mean, I know how happy you and ciara are together, and that makes me super happy, too.
Ben: Thank you.
Claire: Yeah. Oh, I am just relieved to be here, not at bayview. And I know you of all people can understand that, right?
Ben: I do, I do, yes.
Claire: I mean, no, I was glad to get the help I needed, but the whole atmosphere there is kind of depressing, right?
Ben: Oh, yeah.
Claire: Oh, my god, the food is just so bland and disgusting.
Ben: I know.
Claire: Worst part is definitely some of the residents. I mean, ben, there is mentally ill and then there is completely off the rails, you know what I mean? So there was this one guy who just kept shouting these profanities at the top of his lungs, like, all day long. And there was this one woman-- I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Oh, wow, I am rambling. I--I'm just really happy to be here and to see y'all so happy together, like I said.
Ben: Right, right, yeah, no, we are. And, claire, I don't really mean to be rude at all, but would you mind maybe going back to your grandparents' place? I just--I need to talk to ciara alone. It's really important.
Claire: Oh, is it about gwen? I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.
John: Nope, nowhere to be found.
Marlena: Oh, dear, same here.
John: We need to call belle and shawn.
Marlena: You know, hold off on that. I mean, let's just not worry them unnecessarily, okay?
John: Doc, they entrusted us with their daughter.
Marlena: Yes, we are her legal guardians. She's not being held hostage here. She can come and go as she pleases.
John: Yeah, I know that, doc. But this is her first night here, and what she do? She sneaks out.
Marlena: I-- I just--"sneaking out" is an odd phrase to use for a grown adult.
John: Okay, so if she's a grown adult, why didn't she telling us where she's going?
Marlena: Well, because--oh. Because she knew we wouldn't go along with it.
John: What do you mean?
Marlena: I think I know exactly where she is.
Ben: How would you know anything about gwen?
Ciara: Claire saw the flyer and she recognized her.
Claire: Because I know her.
Ben: What--how?
Ciara: I didn't believe it at first either, but I just--I figured that the person that claire is talking about looked like gwen, but then claire knew that she was from philadelphia, she knew that she was running from her ex-boyfriend, and she even knew gwen's name without me even saying anything, so I'm--I think this is pretty legit.
Ben: Yeah, but it doesn't make any sense. How would you know who this girl is when you've been locked up in bayview for the past two years?
Ciara: Hey, is she one of your followers? Did she reach out to you online? Because I that know sometimes your fans can get really attached and they think that they're your friends, so if that's how you know her--
Claire: You know what, you know what, I think I've said too much already. Look, she's a really good person; I don't want to get her in trouble.
Ben: Claire, listen to me, this is really important. Somebody's life is at stake here.
Ciara: And finding gwen may be the only chance we have to save her.
Claire: What are you talking about? I'm sorry, whose life is at stake?
Ciara: Gabi'S. Look, please, claire... gabi is... the mother of will's child, and that makes her family. You said you wanted to rebuild our relationship, so... go ahead. Tell us everything that you know.
Sonny: So ben asked you to be his best man. Wow, that's one for the books, huh? Did you find a polite way to get out of it?
Will: Um, no. Actually, I said yes.
Sonny: Seriously? Will, ben put us through hell. For god's sakes, I thought he killed you. We lost so much time because of him.
Will: Yeah, I know, I know. I mean, it's strange, but he and I are friends now.
Sonny: You're friends?
Will: Yeah. I--we went through so much together at statesville. I mean, he saved my life in there, and he's a different person now. He's a good person. I truly believe that. And trust me, I know it's hard to understand, but can you--can you try?
Sonny: I mean, I guess I can. I definitely admire you for being so forgiving and opening your heart to the guy. But that's just who you are. That's one of the reasons I love you.
Will: Well, I love you too.
Sonny: And, I guess, I will happily be your date to the wedding.
Will: Sweet.
Sonny: But we do have a big problem that we need to focus on.
Will: Gabi.
Sonny: Yes. If she does not show up to court tomorrow, she's gonna be in a lot of legal trouble.
Will: I'm afraid she's gonna be in a lot more trouble than that.
Arianna: Daddy, I can't sleep. I miss mommy.
Will: Oh, sweetheart, come here. Yeah, I know. I know you do.
Lani: You're not under arrest, jake.
Eli: Not yet anyway.
Lani: But we do have a couple things that we need to check out, so if you don't mind waiting.
Jake: Actually, I do mind.
Eli: Oh, well, don't worry. We won't be gone long. You never know, the time alone may give you extra time to think and jog your memory. We'll be back.
[Tense music]
Ben: Hey, jake, it's ben. Listen, man, I just found out the cops know gabi's missing. We got to do something, because if those guys who took her find out the cops are onto them--
[Phone rings]
Jake: You got jake.
Jimmy: Looks like your 24 hours is up. So do you have what you took from us or do I kill your wife? Hmm?
Will: You know, I think I know why you can't sleep. It's because tonight is supposed to be the night you're at mommy'S.
Sonny: But we asked you to switch because we wanted to spend time with you.
Will: Yeah, mommy's fine with it, too.
Sonny: So why don't you go back to bed, and before you do, we will read you another story.
Will: Or hey, maybe I can sing you a song. Would you like that?
[Laughter] But, okay, go up, read a book, and afterwards, you have to promise you're gonna go back to sleep.
Arianna: I can'T. Daddy will, can you please call mommy for me?
Will: Call mommy, right now?
Sonny: It's a little--little late, sweetheart.
Arianna: That doesn't matter. Mommy always wants to talk to me.
Jake: Look, don't hurt her, okay? You're gonna get what you want, I promise you that.
Jimmy: Yeah? And when do you promise you'll get it?
Jake: Soon, very soon.
Jimmy: Sorry, not good enough.
Jake: Look, I'm gonna do everything you want. I just can't do it right now or this whole thing will go south.
Jimmy: Why? What happened?
Jake: We hit a bit of a snag.
Jimmy: What kind of snag?
Jake: All right, I'm gonna tell you everything I know. Just so we can understand that we both want the same thing here.
Jimmy: All right. I'm listening.
Ciara: Okay, please, claire, anything that you know about this girl, it can help us find gabi. Please.
[Knock at door]
Marlena: Ben, it's dr. Evans. Are you there? I'm looking for claire.
Claire: Uh-oh.
Ben: Dr. Evans.
Marlena: Yes.
Ben: Come on in.
Marlena: Oh, hi there, I-- oh. There you are. I'm glad to see you. John and I were a little worried about you.
Claire: Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't think that you were--
Marlena: You--what? You didn't think that we would notice you were gone?
Claire: Well, I thought maybe you had gone to sleep.
Marlena: No. No, in fact, I went to check on you and then you weren't there. I'm just gonna text to john and let him know that you're all right.
Claire: How did you even know I was here?
Marlena: Well, that wasn't too hard to figure out. I knew that you wanted to make amends. I just--I wish you had said something to us before--before you left.
Claire: I know, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I hope you're not too upset. I just--I wasn't sure if you'd want me going out on my first night back home, and I just really needed to see ciara.
Marlena: Okay. You've seen her. Let's go. Good night, you two.
Claire: Good night.
Ciara: No, no, no, wait, wait, not yet.
Ben: Dr. Evans, we really need to talk to claire. She might have some information that could save gabi's life.
Marlena: Gabi? What's wrong with gabi?
Ciara: Yeah, gabi's in danger. Look, it's a really long story and we promise that we're gonna tell you everything, but if we don't find this girl, then we can't help gabi.
Marlena: What does claire have to do with this?
Ciara: Well, claire told us that she knows her and we've been trying to convince claire to tell us where she is.
Claire: But, see, I'm not sure if that's a good idea. See, I really like this woman. She's been very friendly to me, and I just don't want to get her in trouble.
Marlena: Well, look, if gabi's in trouble... well, if her life is at stake, just--somebody else being in trouble is not a big deal, don't you think? Not when you can save a person's life.
Claire: I guess.
Marlena: Okay. Well, you came here to make amends, why don't you do that?
Claire: [Sighs] Gwen's at bayview.
Marlena: Hmm, I don't recognize this person. Are you sure you've seen her at bayview?
Claire: Oh, yes. But she is kind of private. She mostly keeps to herself.
Marlena: You can't exactly hide from the doctors there. I'm on staff. I would know if somebody would try to do that.
Claire: Oh, I didn't say she hides, but makes sense that you haven't seen her there because, um, she's not really sick.
Marlena: What does that mean?
Claire: It means that she was trying to get away from her boyfriend. She needed a place to lie low for a while, so... she faked a breakdown. And see, when she left him, she was very upset with him, so she took some of his stuff. And ever since, he's been calling her constantly, you know, totally harassing her.
Marlena: Is he dangerous?
Claire: I don't know. Well, she did say that he was mixed up with some very scary people. That's why she needed to hide out for a while. She couldn't take the chance of anyone coming after her.
Ben: And now these people have gabi. That's it, we have to go to bayview. We have to find gwen, we gotta talk to her, and see what she knows.
Claire: You can't do that. It's past visiting hours.
Ben: Well, not for everybody. Right, dr. Evans? Could you maybe come with us? They will definitely let us in if you come with us, especially if we tell them it's an emergency.
Claire: Okay, well, I need to go, too. Look, I'm the only one here that gwen knows. If she's gonna open up to anybody, it's gonna be me.
Marlena: No, no, no. The only place you're going is home.
Claire: Grandma, please, I just--
Marlena: No, no, no. We're done here. I promised your parents I would take care of you.
Ben: Dr. Evans, what about you? Would you come with us?
Ciara: Yeah, will you help us?
Eli: That guy definitely knows more than he's letting on.
Lani: You think he's hiding something.
Eli: We let him stew for a while, he might give us something we can use.
Lani: Well, I guess that's all we can hope for. We still have another 24 hours to go before gabi is officially considered a missing person, and then we can charge anyone with her disappearance.
Eli: So the best thing we can try to do right now is try to intimidate jake. I mean, make him believe that if he doesn't give us the information we want, things can only go from bad to worse.
Jake: Okay, first off--and I wanted you to hear this from me-- I'm at the police station.
Jimmy: You're talking to the cops?
Jake: No, I haven't said anything, nothing.
Jimmy: So why the hell are you talking to them?
Jake: You think I came here voluntarily? Listen, I think it'll be best for both of us if the cops believe that I'm cooperating, okay? But they've got nothing to hold me on so I'll be getting out of here pretty soon, and I can give you back what I took from your boss, and you can let gabi go, and our business will be done. I just need a few hours.
Jimmy: You've got three. But you better not be bluffing.
Jake: Oh, no, believe me, I'm not. I got as much to lose here as you do.
Eli: Who were you talking to? When migraine strikes,
Marlena: All right. I will go to bayview and see if I can find gwen.
Ciara: Oh, thank you so much.
Ben: I'm going with you.
Ciara: So will I.
Ben: No, actually, ciara, would you mind staying here? I left a few messages for jake. He hasn't gotten back to me yet.
Ciara: Okay.
Ben: I think he might come back here instead.
Ciara: All right, so you want me to bring him up to speed on gwen?
Ben: Do you mind?
Ciara: Not at all.
Marlena: Okay. I will drive. I'll drop you off at home.
Ciara: Oh, wait.
Claire: Hey, it was so, so good to see you. Think about what we were talking about before, okay?
Ciara: Okay. Okay.
[Tense dramatic music]
Will: Well, you're right again. You know, mommy always does want to talk to you.
Sonny: Yeah. But she knows that we wanted to spend time with you, and that's why she said it was okay for you to hang out with us.
Arianna: Okay. But I'm still not sleepy.
Sonny: Well, you know what? Why don't we let you stay up a little later than usual because daddy will and I actually have something we want to run by you.
Arianna: What is it?
Will: Well, you know, we have been thinking about our family a lot lately.
Sonny: Yeah, like, how happy we are, what a great kid you are.
Will: And so we were thinking--I mean, not that it's definitely going to happen--but we were wondering how you might feel about, you know, having a little sister or little brother?
Sonny: What do you--what do you think about that?
Will: Well, we personally think you would be, you know, the best, best big sister in the world.
Sonny: Yeah.
Arianna: Maybe, but I'd rather have a dog.
[Quirky music]
Jake: I called a lawyer, since you're asking me all these questions.
Eli: Why call a lawyer if you haven't done anything wrong?
Jake: You ever heard of entrapment?
Lani: All we want is some information.
Eli: Jake, just tell us what the hell you know, man.
Jake: Okay. I'll tell you everything I know for a fact. Gabi's not officially a missing person yet. So you can't hold me or anybody else here until she's been missing what? Huh? Forty-eight hours. So you got no choice but to let me go.
Eli: Fine. Just make sure you stay in the jurisdiction.
Jake: Where would I go?
[Dramatic music]
Will: You'd rather have a dog?
Arianna: My friend suzy got a puppy and he's so cute. I want one, too!
Sonny: Well, you know, sweetheart, I mean, taking care of a dog is a lot of work.
Will: Yeah.
Arianna: So is taking care of a baby.
Will: That is a very good point. You know, yeah, a baby is a big decision, just like a dog, so maybe it's not something that we can decide tonight.
Sonny: Right.
Will: Yeah.
Sonny: But we did get the discussion started, which is a good thing. And now we can all sleep on it. All right, so how about daddy will and I go upstairs with you, and you can pick out a book that we can read to you.
Will: Yeah, how about "where the sidewalk ends"?
Arianna: No, I want "paper bag princess."
Sonny: You got it. "Paper bag princess" it is. All right, let's go.
Will: All right.
John: Oh, sweetheart, I am just so glad that you are safe. All right, as long as you're living underneath this roof here, we need to get the ground rules straight. It's called communication. For safety reasons, if you're gonna take off somewhere, you have to let us know, okay?
Claire: Okay!
John: Okay!
Claire: I am sorry. I am so sorry. Look, I really didn't mean to scare you or grandma. I just wanted to see ciara and I wanted to prove to her that I'm not the same girl who tried to hurt her.
John: Sweetheart, there will be plenty of time for all of that.
Claire: That's true. But I think I got off to a pretty good start.
John: Oh, yeah?
Claire: No, no, I'm not ever gonna do something like this again, I promise! But, you know, when it's all over, I think you're gonna be proud of me. See, thanks to me, they are about to find the person who could save gabi's life!
Jimmy: Here, drink this. So you heard me on the phone before? I'm guessing you figured out that jake wants to keep you alive. Smile. It's good news for you. Yeah, that's better. It's good news for me, too. See, 'cause he says he has what I want. I gave him three hours to bring it to me. You better hope that he can make that deadline, because if he doesn't, he's gonna find out what deadline really means.
[Chuckles] And so will you.
Lani: Jake just went into the salem inn.
Eli: What's he doing there?
Lani: I don't know. But whatever it is, we need to stick close to him.
Eli: Yeah, because he's our only lead for finding gabi.
Jake: Hey, is ben here?
Ciara: Nope, just me.
Jake: Where is he? Okay, look, I just got questioned by the cops, and if I don't have what these thugs want in the next three hours, they're gonna hurt gabi.
Ciara: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, just relax, all right? I've got some good news 'cause we have a lead.
Jake: What kind of lead?
Ciara: Well, we think we know where gwen is, and ben is on his way to her as we speak.
Marlena: Oh, ben.
Ben: Hey, did you find gwen?
Marlena: No, but I spoke to a member of the staff. Turns out claire was telling the truth. Turns out gwen was admitted here a few months ago.
Ben: Well, that's great. Where is she? Can we talk to her?
Marlena: No. No, we can'T. I'm afraid she's gone.
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