Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 6/15/20
Episode #13791 ~ Claire insists to Ciara she wants to make amends; Ben asks Will to be his best man; Julie is stunned when she sees Jake for the first time; Sarah suggests to Brady they take their revenge a step further.
Provided By Suzanne
Xander: Maggie, what--why so hostile all of a sudden?
Maggie: How could you do that to sarah?
Xander: You said yesterday that you understood that everything I did was to protect her.
Maggie: That's before I found out that you were gonna steal my daughter's embryo and have it implanted in kristen's body.
Brady: Mm, mm--ow, what are you doing? What--what are you doing?
Sarah: Xander thinks this is all an act. Let's prove him wrong. Let's go upstairs right now and have sex.
Brady: Oh, my god.
[Phones ringing]
Lani: Are those the notes we got from that guy?
Eli: Everything will and sonny told him.
Lani: But it's still too early to file a missing persons report. Gabi hasn't been missing long enough.
Eli: True, but we can at least start to try to put the pieces together. Yes, no? What was that look?
Lani: I don't know, eli. I mean, honestly, I think everybody in this town would be better off if gabi just stayed gone.
Julie: Excuse me. I hope that you have a permit to post that. You? Oh, my god. Oh. Ah.
Ciara: Yes, I put a bunch of the flyers up, so let's hope that someone sees them and recognizes gwen. Or else I'm gonna have to go to the police about gabi.
[Knocking] Um, I got to go. Someone's knocking.
Ben: I love you.
Ciara: All right, I love you too.
[Phone beeps]
Claire: Hello, ciara.
Ciara: Um, claire. What are you doing here?
Claire: I had to see you.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Claire: Ciara, relax. It's okay. I didn't break out of bayview, if that's what you're thinking. I was released. Can I please come in?
Ciara: Um, yeah. My mom said that you might be getting released soon. I just--I thought that you would go back to hong kong with your parents.
Claire: Yeah, that's what they wanted, but I refused.
Ciara: Why?
Claire: Because of you.
Jake: Hello? Hi. Are you with me?
Julie: Oh, god.
Jake: Are you okay? You're not gonna faint on me, are you?
Julie: Um, no. I'm light-headed. That's all.
Jake: Right, because I look just like that stefan dimera guy.
Julie: I'd heard about you but seeing you in person, it's a shock. You see, stefan's heart, it's beating in my chest.
Jake: Oh. So you're that lady.
Julie: Julie williams. Yeah, I'm julie.
Jake: Right. Yeah, gabi told me she donated her husband's ticker to save your life.
Julie: Save my life? No. She used that heart to try to blow me up!
Ben: Will, hey. I wasn't expecting to see you again so soon. Any news on gabi?
Will: Um, unfortunately, no. Listen, um, when sonny and i came by earlier, you said that you had not seen gabi yesterday, right?
Ben: Right.
Will: The thing is, she told us that she was coming here to get a sample of jake's dna, and since you work here and jake works here and lives here, it's just kind of weird that neither of you saw her.
Ben: I wish I could be more help, will.
Will: So I think you--you could have been of more help if jake wasn't standing right next to you, but, I mean, we're alone now, so you can speak freely.
Ben: I told you, will.
Will: I know. Listen, I know what you told me, but my question is, were you telling me the truth? I wanted more from my copd medicine,
Xander: You, uh, talked to sarah?
Maggie: It was the first chance I had to see my daughter since I was released from prison. I knew she was fragile, given everything she'd been through, everything you put her through, but I never could have imagined you could have gotten worse.
Xander: The last thing I ever wanted was to hurt her.
Maggie: But then you did! Wasn't switching the babies enough? But this, plotting with kristen to invade sarah's body?
Xander: Look, I hate myself for being involved, but brady should hate himself, too.
Maggie: Oh, for telling her the truth about you?
Xander: He added to her pain for no reason.
Maggie: Well, at least she knows what a despicable creep you are, and now I want to know, what the hell were you thinking?
Brady: Mm. Sarah, sarah, sarah, slow down. Slow down, take it easy.
Sarah: What? Do you not find me attractive?
Brady: Of course I do--no, that's not the--of course I do. That's not the point. The point is, I know you want to hurt xander, but sleeping together? Don't you think that's a little drastic? Do we have to do that?
Sarah: I thought that we were partners working together to make xander and victor pay.
Brady: Yeah, yeah, yeah, we are.
Sarah: Mm-hmm.
Brady: We are.
Sarah: Okay, well, you got xander fired from titan. Now you are in the prime position to take down the entire company and destroy everything that your grandfather built.
Brady: That's right. That's a beautiful thing, right.
Sarah: Okay. What about me, brady? You got what you want. Does my revenge not matter anymore?
Ben: Will, I swear to you, the last time I saw gabi was when I stopped her from jabbing jake with a needle.
Will: Okay. I--damn it. I really hoped you had more information and you just couldn't say anything because jake was threatening you or something.
Ben: No, no, not at all. I mean, yes, he's had it with gabi, but he'd never hurt her.
Will: Well, I'm worried someone has because she would never just leave ari like this.
Ben: All right, will, do not get ahead of yourself, okay? I promise you, ciara and I are gonna keep our ears open for any word on gabi and I will keep an eye on jake, okay?
Will: Okay, thanks. And, um, listen, I'm sorry that--if I made it seem like i didn't trust you. It's just--I don't know. I've just been a little rattled. Like, my--my daughter's mom is missing, so it's, um, tough.
Ben: I get it, man. It's okay.
Will: But I do. Uh, I do trust you, and, um, I'm grateful for our friendship.
Julie: So after the transplant, I needed a pacemaker. My doctor recommended one that was manufactured by a subsidiary of dimera enterprises, and that is when gabi intervened and had her minions rig it.
Jake: What do you mean?
Julie: She had my pacemaker attached to an app on her phone, and this app gave her control of my heart rate. She could either slow it down to where it would stop or speed it up to where I went into cardiac arrest. She literally had the power to kill me, and she very nearly did.
Jake: Why would she do that?
Julie: Because she wanted to break up my grandson and his fiancée!
Eli: I don't get it. I mean, you told your dad that you were on board with trying to help find gabi.
Lani: I know I said that, but when I think about all of the horrible things that gabi has done to people, I mean, seriously, eli, have you ever known anyone to be so ruthless and sadistic?
Eli: I'm no fan of gabi either, okay? You know that, but this isn't just about her.
Lani: I know. I know. We got to think about will and sonny--they're worried--and the fact that she is the mother to their daughter, but you know what? My money still says that she jumped her bail.
Eli: Will and sonny don't think there's any way gabi would just abandon their daughter like that, and I agree with them.
Lani: Yeah, I do, too. No mother would ever just abandon her child unless she was forced to. Speaking of that, I can't stop thinking about rafe and everything that he's going through, and having david just ripped out of his life.
Eli: So let's help him out. Make sure that he doesn't have to worry about his sister missing on top of everything else.
Lani: Yeah, you're right. He does love his sister, and rafe is a good man. And so are you. Thank you.
Eli: For what?
Lani: For reminding me that our friends are more important than some old grudge.
Ciara: You refused to go to hong kong because of me? I'm sorry. I don't understand.
Claire: Well, isn't it obvious? Ciara, we have unfinished business.
Claire: Claire, if you're talking about what happened at the cabin, I, um--
Claire: No, it's okay. It's okay. You can say it. I tried to burn you alive, and I want to make amends for that and for all of the horrible things that I did to you and, you know, I can't do that if I'm halfway across the world. I needed to be here in salem.
Ciara: Yeah, okay. Okay, but doesn't someone have to be keeping an eye on you?
Claire: Yes, yes, that's a condition of my release, and thankfully, my grandma marlena and my grandpa john agreed to be my guardians, so I'm staying with them.
Ciara: Good, good, I'm glad that you have their support. But claire, you don't--you don't owe me anything. I mean, what happened between us, it's--honestly, I don't even think about it anymore. At least, I try not to. You know, it's in the past.
Claire: Not for me. Ciara, we used to be so close. Best friends. Practically sisters, which makes what I did to you even worse because not only did I do horrible things, I did them to somebody I love.
Ciara: Oh, no, claire, please don't do that to yourself. It's okay. I am okay, and I forgive you.
Claire: And my god, that is so kind of you to say, but what I've realized after two years and countless hours of therapy is that I will never be able to truly forgive myself, and never truly heal, unless I can repair our relationship. I know. Maybe we won't get back to being best friends, but I need to at least prove to you that I am not a psycho killer anymore. Will you please give me that chance? When the murray's started using gain ultra flings
Eli: It says here that when gabi left court yesterday, she told will and sonny that she was going to see jake lambert, and that her plan was to get a dna sample from him to prove that he was really stefan.
Lani: Which is impossible, because stefan's heart is now in julie.
Julie: So in a nutshell, gabi turned me into a walking, talking time bomb, and if poor lani had not broken eli's heart, gabi would have exploded my heart.
Jake: Wow. It's bad enough that gabi injected that abigail dimera with this designer lsd and she tried to inject me with it, but the more I hear about this widow dimera, the worse she sounds.
Julie: My dear, you have no idea.
Ben: I appreciate you considering me a friend.
Will: Well, I do, um, even though you did try to kill me. You know, that's water under the bridge, so...
Ben: [Scoffs] If you really do feel that way about me, maybe you wouldn't mind--
Will: Wouldn't mind what?
Ben: Being my best man.
Ciara: I never thought that you were a psycho killer, claire. Just a very, very troubled young girl, but, uh, I mean, you're better now, right? You have to be or else they wouldn't have let you out.
Claire: Yeah, no, i am better. I am so much better and I am beyond grateful to my doctors and marlena for believing in me, but ciara, what you think matters more than all of that, because you are the person i hurt the most.
Ciara: There were plenty of times that I hurt you too.
Claire: It is not the same.
Ciara: No, but I have been unkind and inconsiderate and, uh, I mean, even though we were very close, we didn't always bring out the best in each other.
Claire: Yeah, we competed for attention from our family, then theo and tripp.
Ciara: Yeah. Yeah, but, you know, all of that is over now because I am in love with ben and I have moved on with my life and all of the bad things that happened between us, they are in the past.
Claire: Do you really mean that?
Ciara: I do. I forgive you, claire brady.
Claire: Okay. Then let me be your maid of honor.
Brady: Well, sure-- of course your revenge still matters, yeah. I just don't think having sex is essential to making xander miserable, do you?
Sarah: I am not going for run-of-the-mill misery here. I want to cause maximum pain, so if he finds out that we actually slept together, that will totally do it. It will be a death blow.
Brady: Oh, sarah, ooh.
Sarah: What is the problem, brady? Please do not tell me that replacing him as ceo is enough for you.
Brady: I guess it's not, no.
Sarah: You guess?
Brady: I guess it's not!
Sarah: Brady! For an entire year, that selfish, heartless coward sat by and watched you and kristen mourn a baby that he knew was still alive. What kind of a person does that?
Brady: A bastard does that.
Sarah: That's right! That's right, and I don't care if xander convinced himself that he was doing it to protect me. It was sick and wrong and it caused so much suffering.
Brady: At least rachel is still alive.
Sarah: Right, and thank god. Thank god for that, but she and kristen both should be here with you. You should be a family and xander stole that from you. So it's not just about my revenge. Why not double down on yours? Brady, you owe it to your daughter to deliver this death blow.
Xander: In my defense, kristen did blackmail me into agreeing to her plan.
Maggie: Oh, really? How did she do that?
Xander: I promised sarah I'd keep her pregnancy secret and then I stupidly spilled it in front of kristen. She told me if I didn't cooperate, she'd tell eric and tell him that she found out from me. I was in an impossible position.
Maggie: You put yourself in that position.
Xander: I get that. I've made mistakes--lots of mistakes--and I--broke sarah's heart, and now I have to fix it. I need to make her see that--i need to change her mind about who I am, and that's why I'm here, maggie. I need your help.
Maggie: I gave you my advice. Back off, xander. Give sarah some space.
Xander I can'T. I'm not gonna lose your daughter, maggie. I know I'm on thin ice with you, but you've got to give me something, please, because clearly, my last idea was just terrible.
Maggie: Hmm. I'm afraid to ask.
Xander: I want to see jack devereaux earlier. I went to take out a big "I'm sorry, sarah," ad in his paper, but he told me that that would be an epic fail.
Eli: Okay, so yesterday, gabi storms off to the garage to get a dna sample from jake, and this morning, will and sonny realize that she never came home, so they went and talked to jake, but jake says he never saw her.
Lani: You think he's lying?
Eli: I don't know, but I do know the guy doesn't like the cops.
Lani: Okay, well, what about ben? He works at the garage. He says he hasn't seen gabi for days.
Eli: Yeah, but will and sonny, I mean, they are set that gabi was on a mission to get a dna sample from jake.
Lani: Mm. We're missing something.
Eli: Probably because we're trying to solve the case using just the facts. We need to get more creative.
Julie: Trust me. Gabriella dimera is very bad news.
Jake: Oh, I've heard from a lot of people.
Julie: Smart people.
Jake: But then there are others who clearly love her, like her brother, rafe, right? And her daughters' dads?
Ben: You did hear ciara and i are getting married?
Will: Uh, yeah, yeah, I mean, I got the save the date card. Um, I'm really happy for--for both of you.
Ben: But not happy enough to stand up for me. I get it.
Will: No, no, no, hey, that's not--I didn't mean that. It's just--I mean, if someone told me a year and a half ago that you were gonna ask me to be your--be your best man, i would've said you're crazy.
Ben: Just thought we kind of bonded sharing that prison cell for a year, man.
Will: I mean, no kidding. I'd be dead if you didn't stop your dad from stabbing me.
Ben: You had my back, too. The entire time, ciara was trying to prove that I didn't kill my sister, right up until i almost got that lethal injection.
Will: Yeah, I guess that means your fiancé is the real hero.
Ben: Ciara is the kindest, bravest, most incredible person I've ever met, will. I love this girl with my whole heart. I can't wait to make her my wife, and I would love it if you'd be a part of that. So what do you say, man, huh? Will you be my best man?
Will: Mmm... yeah. I'd be honored to.
[Both chuckling]
Ben: Thank you, man.
Ciara: Um, huh, wow. I--I didn't even--I wasn't even sure that you knew that ben and I were engaged, but, uh--well, i guess, since you moved in with john and marlena, you were--you were bound to find out sooner or later.
Claire: Well, I did. Congratulations. Ciara, I know how much you and ben love each other, and nothing in this world would make me happier than to be by your side when you say "I do."
Ciara: Yeah, you know what? We haven't really thought about the wedding party. Man, there's just so much planning to do.
Claire: Oh. Have you already chosen a maid of honor?
Ciara: Well, no, not officially, but my mom and julie are helping me out with all of that.
Claire: Okay, well, I mean, hope's the mother of the bride, so she's out, and knowing julie, she's probably already launched a full-blown campaign to perform the ceremony.
Ciara: Well, actually, she was a little reluctant at first, you know, given her track record, but eventually, she decided to--to do it.
Claire: Yep, all the more reason you need me. See, I can help keep julie from hogging the spotlight, and I can make sure that this is a wedding no one in salem will ever forget. Ahoyy!
Eli: Okay, let's--let's say gabi shows up at the garage hell-bent on getting a dna sample from jake, and we both know how gabi is when she's not taking no for an answer.
Lani: And jake's not willing to play ball since gabi already tried to attack him with a syringe. They start to tangle. Things get ugly.
Eli: Right. Really ugly, like, okay, let's say that jake accidentally kills gabi.
Lani: Okay, I mean, I guess that's possible, but then what about ben?
Eli: Well, I'm hoping ben's telling the truth about not seeing gabi, but he's also about to get married. The last thing that he wants to get caught up in a murder investigation.
Lani: Which jake knows.
Eli: So maybe jake convinces ben that his best move is to keep quiet and then help him get rid of the body.
Lani: You think jake would really ask ben to help him do that?
Eli: He's the damn necktie killer. Um, again, look, this is--this is all just a theory, so we do have to take extra precaution because we actually haven't opened a full investigation yet, but--
Lani: We may have a murderer on our hands.
Jake: Thanks for the heads up on gabi.
Julie: [Chuckles] Uh, before I got all woozy, you were putting up pictures of this girl. Who is she?
Jake: Uh, my ex.
Julie: Oh. Oh, I see. Well, if you're making such an effort to find her, I assume you want to patch things up.
Jake: No, no. She--she has something that belongs to me, and I need it back now.
Ben: Aww, glad you said yes. Ciara really wanted it to be you and I just want her wedding to be perfect.
Will: Well, in that case, don't ask julie to officiate it because her track record is--
Ben: Whoa, we already asked her.
Will: Oh, oh, yeah. Uh, I mean, I was just--I was joking obviously.
Ben: Ah.
Will: Yeah, so julie's going to be amazing.
Ben: Wow. This is getting real. I'm gonna be a married man in a few weeks.
Will: Yeah, you will. And maybe a dad, you know? Who knows. I mean, do you and ciara want kids? Not that that's, like, really my business, me asking.
Ben: What do you mean? It's fine. You're my friend. You're my best man now, so yeah, it's fine to ask, and yes, since ciara and I both love children, I assume we will eventually. Maybe sooner, and we will definitely be asking you and sonny for parenting tips.
Will: Perfect. You know, if our babies are around the same age, then maybe they'll grow up and be pals.
Ben: Our babies? Something you want to tell me?
Will: Oh, yeah.
[Groans] Um, sonny and I are--we decided to have another baby. Pretty soon, actually.
Ciara: Wow, uh, claire, I'm so touched that you want to be a part of my wedding, but, i mean, you just got out of bayview. Don't you think that, I don't know, you should be taking this time to focus on your recovery and focus on getting your life back together?
Claire: Yes, but, um, like, I'm sure you know this from ben. I just don't want my whole life to revolve around my mental health, you know? And being your maid of honor will--will give me a purpose, you know? Not--not in an obsessive way. It's just--look. I'm not in school right now, i don't have a job, and it would just feel really good to be helpful. No, I--I mean, look, between finding a dress and somebody to do hair and makeup, weddings can be a very stressful thing for a bride.
Ciara: Yeah, yeah, I know, but my mom is gonna help me with all that.
Claire: Okay, well, then you still need someone to throw you a shower and a bachelorette party. Please! Please, ciara, I will do anything.
Ciara: I don't know, claire. I just--I'm thinking that, uh, this might be a little bit too much for you right now.
Claire: Really? Or is it that you don't trust me? It's the 11:05 endless-orders migraine medicine
Brady: No, you're right. No, you're right. I owe--I owe it to my daughter to see that xander is punished for what he did to her. Absolutely.
Sarah: For what he did to her, what he did to me, you, my mom, kristen. I don't want him to just suffer. I want him to be in agony like the rest of us because of all the horrible things that he did. I mean, why else would you have told me that he had planned to help steal my embryo?
Brady: Because I wanted you to see what he was capable of, that's why.
Sarah: Right, and it obliterated any chance that I'd ever take him back.
Brady: I know that.
Sarah: Of course you did. Brady, you want to hit him where it counts? You need to sleep with me.
Xander: Jack made me understand that if I want sarah to even consider forgiving me, then I have to make a more meaningful gesture. Please, maggie. What would move sarah to forgive me? What can I--what can I give her or tell her or--or help her with? What would soften the blow of all the pain I've caused her?
Maggie: What would mean more than anything to sarah? The only thing that I believe she longs for from the depth of her soul is to have her precious daughter back, and since that's impossible, since nothing can make that happen--
Xander: That's it!
Maggie: What? What?
Xander: Maggie, you're a genius.
Ben: Wow. That's exciting. When is this happening?
Will: Uh, I mean, i don't know. I mean, we are still sorting through our options. Uh, we really want one of us to be the biological father, but that means we need an egg donor and a surrogate, which we wouldn't need if we adopted, but, you know, adoption can be a complicated process, you know?
Ben: Yeah, I know that.
Will: Yeah, of course you know. I mean, like, with rafe and your little nephew.
Ben: Did you hear? Rafe lost custody of him.
Will: What? I mean, I heard he was in a--a battle with david's aunt but i never thought there was a chance in hell he would lose. That's awful. I'm--I'm sorry. I mean, rafe must be devastated.
Ben: Yeah, of course he's devastated. I mean, he's been a great father to david for over a year, and then the judge just gives him to zoey, who comes from one of the most unstable families ever. Oh, at least she let me see him before they left town.
Will: I'm sorry, man. That's--that's got to be hard for you and for david. I mean, little kids, they--they can sense when something's wrong. I mean, like--like ari. Sonny and I have been trying to protect her, but she's sad. I mean, she's been anxious.
Ben: You mean because gabi's not around? Stupid question. Of course that's why.
Will: No, I mean, that's fine. She keeps asking about her mom, and sonny and I keep making excuses, but we know she's not totally buying them. I mean, the truth is, we have no idea where her mother is.
Julie: Hmm, whatever your ex-girlfriend absconded with, it must be pretty valuable. May I ask what it was? Car? A motorcycle? A beloved leather jacket?
Jake: I'd rather not say.
Julie: Well, maybe I could help you find her. I'm very resourceful.
[Cell phone rings]
Jake: [Groans]
[Cell phone beets]
Jake: You got jake.
Lani: Detective price, salem pd. We need you to come down to the station.
Jake: Why?
Lani: We'll explain that when you get here.
Jake: I'm, uh, kind of in the middle of something right now.
Lani: Don't make us come get you.
Jake: Fine.
[Cell phone beeps] I got to go.
Julie: Look, if, uh, I see this girl, I'll tell her you're looking for her.
Jake: No, don'T. Don'T.
Julie: I just want to help you.
Jake: No, and you already have--believe me--by being living proof that I am not gabi's dead husband.
Ciara: It's, uh--it's not that I don't care about you and it's not that I don't trust you, claire, because I do. I--
Claire: Fresh out of the loony bin isn't exactly what you're going for in a maid of honor.
Ciara: I told you. Nothing has been decided yet.
Claire: But when you do decide, it won't be me. Guess I can't blame you since i did try to--oh, my god, I can't even say it.
Ciara: No, no, no, no, claire, I--I told you. I--I put that all behind me. It's in the past now.
Claire: That's what you say but it's not what I feel, ciara. It's not what I see in your eyes, and it just hurts. It hurts to know that no matter what I do, you're always gonna look at me that way.
Ciara: How am I looking at you, claire?
Claire: Like you're scared of me, and you just wish that i would go away, and it's just so unfair because, you know, you don't look at ben that way.
Ciara: Oh, please, don't-- don't compare yourself to ben.
Claire: Ciara, how can I not? He--he murdered people and you're marrying him. That proves that you think people can change.
Ciara: I do think that. I--I know that.
Claire: But not me, right? I'll always be crazy claire.
Ciara: No, claire, I don't think that you're crazy.
Claire: Okay, then why won't you just give me a second chance? Ciara, please, we're family. I mean, ben was a stranger--a killer--and you gave him the benefit of the doubt. Can't you just find it in your heart to do the same for me? Come on. I want to be a part of your big day. That's all I want, and I want to be your maid of honor because, ciara, I love you.
Ciara: Uh, okay. I will think about it. I will think about it, and i will talk to ben about it, okay?
Claire: Okay. Okay, thank you. Thank you so much. What is this?
Xander: I think sarah would appreciate that. What do you think, maggie?
Maggie: I think it's a beautiful idea.
Xander: Then I'll get right on it.
Maggie: Xander, I can't guarantee you that it's gonna change sarah's mind about you.
Xander: You were moved by the idea, so--
Maggie: So nothing. When she left you, she was livid. When she gets like that, there's no telling what she'll do. I mean, how she would even react to the kindest gesture.
Brady: You know that once we do this, there's no going back, right? I mean, people are gonna find out. I mean, everyone's gonna know. Not just xander, but I mean, maggie is gonna know. She's gonna find out.
Sarah: I am a grown woman. My mom does not get a say on who I go to bed with.
Brady: People--people are gonna--they're gonna talk. They're gonna--they're gonna make--they're gonna have their opinions. They're gonna make judgments. You got to be ready for all this.
Sarah: I can handle that.
Brady: You also know that I-- I love kristen very much. You know this.
Sarah: Oh, oh, my god, brady, yes, of course I know that. Oh, I know that. This is not about love. No, no, no, no, no, no. This is--this is about hate, and it's our hate for xander, who--who is the reason that you will never see kristen or your daughter ever again!
Brady: You've thought this through, right? I want to make sure that you've thought this through, sarah.
Sarah: Oh, yes, yes, I have thought it through. I have thought about how xander doesn't think that I have it in me to be truly ruthless and how satisfying it is going to be to prove him wrong and the look on his face when he realizes that we actually did sleep together. Now that is what I call revenge.
Brady: Oh, my god. Oh, my god, we're gonna do it. Okay, let's do it. Let's just do it. God, let's just do it.
Sarah: Yes!
Brady: Let's do it.
Sarah: Yes, let's do it!
Brady: Let's go.
Sarah: We're gonna--yeah!
Brady: Let's go.
Sarah: Come on!
[Phones ringing]
Jake: This about gabi's trial tomorrow? You want me to testify?
Lani: What do you know about her disappearance?
Jake: Her who?
Eli: Gabi dimera.
Jake: Sorry, I--i don't follow. How do you know she's missing?
Eli: For starters, the statement from her daughter's father.
Will: Um, yeah, well, anyway, I--I should let you get back to work.
Ben: And I'll be in touch about the best man gig.
Will: Oh, yeah, yeah, and again, I'm sorry if it seemed like I was accusing you of lying earlier. I--I just--I really don't think gabi would just abandon ari like this.
Ben: Well, I'm sure gabi will turn up soon.
Will: Yeah, I mean, me too, especially now that the police are looking for her.
Ben: Wait, what?
Will: Yeah, I mean, normally they have to wait 48 hours until they can start looking for somebody but, um, gabe's a friend so sonny and I called him and asked him for help.
Ben: And he called in the salem pd?
Will: Uh, he called in eli and lani and they agreed to do it on the down low.
Ciara: Oh, that's--that's nothing, claire. Can I just please have it back?
Claire: No, no, no, I--i thought it was, and it is. It's her.
Ciara: I didn't want to be rude before. I was actually right in the middle of something when you came in, so if you could just leave--
Claire: No, no, no, ciara, you don't understand. The woman on this flyer, i know her!
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