Days Transcript Friday 6/12/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 6/12/20


Episode #13790 ~ Allie drops a bombshell on Lucas; Claire is released from Bayview; Ciara confronts Brady about his true intentions; Xander seeks advice from Jack about Sarah.

Provided By Suzanne

Xander: You got time for a talk?

Jack: I... a-are you following me?

Xander: Yeah.

Jack: Why? Whatever could I possibly do for you?

Xander: Actually, mate, it's what I can do for you.

Sarah: Mom? Oh!

Nicole: Really good on the listening thing, honey.

Eric: What?

Nicole: You can't interrogate her. She doesn't owe us an explanation. This isn't our business.

Eric: It's her father's business.

Nicole: I just think that you need to be a little more sensitive.

Allie: Yeah, what she said.

Nicole: I know you're speaking from experience, but you just... you need to listen to yourself. Would you talk that way to someone you don't know if they walked into the horton center? You're reacting the way she's scared sami will.

Eric: You mean I'm acting like a brady. I'm sorry.

Allie: It's okay. Just as long as you promise not to tell my mother.

Ciara: Well, at least you got to say good-bye to david. Is, uh, is zoey gonna let you visit him? Oh, good. Good, that's good. Yeah, she doesn't live too far from here. No, I am at the square right now. I've actually had a bunch of missing person flyers printed out, but--ben, I meant what I said, okay? If we don't find gwen soon, then I'm gonna tell rafe what happened. I'm gonna tell him that a bunch of goons have his sister, and she told him that she's jake's ex. No, I know, I know it's risky to get the cops involved, but I don't know, ben, maybe we don't have to. Gwen came into salem and then she just dropped out of sight. Someone must have seen her before she did.

[Knock on door]

Shawn: Hey, you ready?

Claire: Oh, I am so ready. I was packed last night. I already said good-bye to gwen. She's like my best friend here. Where's mom?

Shawn: She's in court. She's informing the judge of your release, and, uh, she's getting him to sign off on all the conditions.

Claire: I am so lucky to have you guys in my corner.

Shawn: You're our girl. We love you. She said that she might be with the judge for a little while, but you are free to go. I've already, uh, dealt with everything with the administrator, so whenever you're ready, we can go.

Claire: Yes, yes, yes, yes! Let's blow this joint!

Shawn: Here we go!

Claire: Ohh!

John: All right, are they here yet?

Marlena: No, oh, no. No, they're not here yet. Shawn sent me a text. They're just getting ready to leave bayview now.

John: All right, well, they better hurry, because I can't wait to get my arms around that girl.

Marlena: Well, while we're waiting I've got something for you to think about.

John: Yeah, what's that?

Marlena: Kate just called.

John: Oh, no, don't tell me she's still pushing that key to the city thing.

Marlena: No, no, no, no, no, this was about our mutual granddaughter.

John: Ah. So, have they tracked allie down yet?

Marlena: They have. She's right here in salem.

Eric: The last time I kept a secret from sami, I, um, was in the third grade. And I vaguely recall waking up in the hospital with a concussion.

Allie: So, you're afraid of her.

Eric: Who isn't?

Allie: Point taken.

Eric: It's not just that. I just don't think it's a good idea for you to lie to her.

Allie: It's not lying. It's just not telling her something that's none of her business.

Eric: Yeah, well, she's not gonna see it like that.

Allie: That's why you can't tell her! She'll just take over everything, like she always does.

Nicole: But, allie, do you really think she's never gonna find out? And the longer you keep it from her, the bigger explosion when she does. Trust me, I sadly know from experience.

Eric: Allie, she's right. I'm sorry, I just--I don't know how you're gonna this from her.

Allie: Fine. Tell my mother. Ruin my life.

Nicole: I know it feels that way now.

Allie: I mean it. I told you you can tell her that I'm here and that I'm fine. That's all she needs to know. She's too busy looking after ej to come after me.

Eric: Maybe right now. I mean, did you just hear what nicole said? You can't keep this from your mom forever. In a few months, there's going to be a baby.

Allie: Not...necessarily.

Eric: What do you mean by that?

[Knock on door]

Allie: Don't answer it. I don't want anyone to know I'm here.

Eric: I have to see who it is. It's kate.

Allie: Oh, god, what is she doing here?

Kate: I can hear people talking in there--why aren't they opening the door?

Eric: I don't know why she's out there, but she has your dad with her.


Lucas: Eric and nicole, stop playing games. Come on, open the door.

Nicole: They're not gonna go away, you know.

Allie: They'll have to. Eventually.

Eric: You're talking about kate here.

Allie: I don't care! If they see this bump, my life is over.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

[Soft orchestration]

Brady: Who is that?

Ciara: Oh, I don't know her. Ben and I are just trying to track her down for a friend of his. He said that she made it to salem and then she just disappeared.

Brady: That's kind of scary.

Ciara: Yeah, a little bit.

Brady: Something wrong?

Ciara: Yeah, I guess you can say that. Brady, you know those proposals that I asked you to read?

Brady: Yes.

Ciara: Yeah, I know that you threw them in the garbage as soon as I left your office.

Marlena: Well, kate authorized allie to use one of her credit cards.

John: You mean after sami cut her off?

Marlena: Yes. Because she wanted to be able to track allie--that's how she knows that allie's in salem.

John: Has will heard from her?

Marlena: She asked him; he hasn'T.

John: So she's back in town and she hasn't contacted us, she hasn't contacted kate and her big brother.

Marlena: Yeah, there's only one relative left.

John: That would be her favorite uncle.

[Knocking continues]

Allie: I'm serious!

Lucas: Open the damn door, eric.

Allie: You let them in, and they'll find out I'm pregnant. Then they'll call my mom, and she'll flip out! You know how she is.

Nicole: Yes, I do.

Eric: Allie, there's no sense in you trying to hide your pregnancy.

Allie: Can you please try to get through to him?

[Knocking continues]

Lucas: Come on, eric, open the door, man. I'm not going anywhere. Your neighbors are gonna start to complain, okay? It's my daughter we're talking about!

Eric: Allie, I'm sorry. He's right--I have to let him in. I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.

Sarah: I came as soon as I heard that you were released, but you were up talking with victor, so...

Maggie: Yeah. He and I had a lot to talk about.

Sarah: Are you all right?

Maggie: I'm fine. How are you? You must be aching inside.

Sarah: Um... yeah, I mean, it's--it's not easy. I'm really missing rachel... and mourning mickey. But you're home! You're home, and I can't tell you what that means to me. And at least the man that caused all this misery is... out of my life, so...

Xander: I want to take out a full two-page ad in your paper. What would that rate? Like, 3,000? 5,000? Whatever it is, I'll pay.

Jack: That's a very big ad. What does it say?

Xander: Oh, well.

Jack: "I'm sorry"? Hmm, well, knowing you and your history, that could apply to a lot of people. Are you going to address the entire town?

Xander: I don't give a damn about the entire town--it's meant only for sarah horton.

Jack: Ah, yes, sarah. I heard about that. You know, of course, I'm married to a horton woman myself. They're, um, they're not really impressed with big, grand, flashy gestures. In fact, you could probably stand under sarah's window at dawn with a boombox singing "in your eyes," and she'll probably just dump a big bucket of ice-cold water on your head, and you'll be glad that's all it was. So, let me save you a lot of money and quite a bit of humiliation. Let the lady go... mate.

Xander: Forget it. I'm never gonna give up on sarah.

John: You're calling eric, right?

Marlena: You bet I am.

John: All right, all right!

[Knock on door] There it is, there it is, there it is! Aw, that's my girl!

Claire: Grandpa! It is so, so good to be here with you and grandma.

John: Oh, honey.

Claire: Hi!

Marlena: I'm so glad this worked out! Oh...hi, honey.

Claire: Thank you for going to bat for me.

Marlena: Of course. But of course. Is your mom still at court?

Shawn: Clearing up the red tape is one of her specialties.

Claire: Are those for me?

John: Oh, come on. They're your favorite flowers, aren't they?

Claire: Oh, I can't believe you remembered! Oh, my gosh.

Marlena: Just wanna make sure that you feel how happy we are to have you here.

Claire: Not as happy as I am. I can't believe it. I am back home, in salem.

[Light laughter]

Brady: Ciara, I don't know what you're talking about.

Ciara: Sure, you do, brady. Because I went into your office to ask you a question and give you a cup of coffee, but you were already gone. So, I went to your desk to put down the cup of coffee, and that is when I saw those proposals that I knocked myself out on in your wastebasket. You promised me that you would read them carefully.

Brady: Ciara. Ciara, I did. I did.

Ciara: Okay, and you--what, you just threw them in the trash? Brady, those were excellent ideas.

Brady: They were excellent ideas--they were, they were. They're just not the right kinds of projects for titan right now.

Ciara: Okay, well, I don't see why not. They are forward thinking, and they provide an incredible opportunity for long-term growth, and you just, you what--if you actually paid attention to them, instead of just throwing them in the trash can--

Brady: Ciara, with all due respect, you don't have the experience to see the big picture. I'm just trying to do what's best for the company.

Ciara: Are you sure about that, dude?

Lucas: What the--allie! My god, what are you doing? What the hell is going on? Why didn't you call me?

Allie: What are you doing here, dad?

Lucas: I'm looking for you, that's what I'm doing here.

Allie: How did you find me?

Lucas: Thanks to that credit card your grandmother never shoulda given you, all we had to do was look up the charges, and we could find out where you've been. What's going on?

Allie: Grandma?

Kate: Sweetie, I didn't want to do it--he insisted.

Allie: I can explain about the birkin.

Kate: You have good taste, no explanation needed.

Lucas: Would you forget about the bag for a second? I wanna know what's going on. What are you doing here? Why did you run away from your mother?

Sarah: It has been forever since we've sat and had tea together.

Maggie: Seems that way to me, too.

Sarah: Victor and xander stole that time from us.

Maggie: Yeah, what they did, it had terrible consequences. And I'm still trying to come to terms with it.

Sarah: Good luck with that.

Maggie: What I think, in their misguided way, they were just trying to protect us.

Sarah: Yeah, xander keeps trying to feed me that line, as well.

Maggie: Well, neither one of them profited from what they did. They were just thinking of us. And they made such a horrible judgment.

Sarah: And that makes it okay? I'm never going to forgive them for what they did, and you shouldn't, either!

Maggie: I talked to xander. He's lost without you.

Sarah: Did you talk to sonny? 'Cause he was lost without will when will was in prison for a year.

Maggie: All I'm saying is that xander can barely live with himself. After what he did to you.

Sarah: It wasn't the first time.

Maggie: What does that mean?

Sarah: It means you wouldn't be going to bat for xander if you knew what else he did to me.

Jack: You're stubborn. You're used to getting your way. But if you want to see a change, you better start learning to listen.

Xander: To you? How many times have you dumped your wife and kids?

Jack: And from all that, what I've learned is that words are cheap--they're meaningless. It's what you do that matters.

Xander: You make your living with words.

Jack: But in my life, I'm trying to walk the walk. You try to publish this ad, and sarah will not only be humiliated, she'll see it for the empty, flashy gesture that it is.

Xander: So what am I supposed to do then, huh?

Jack: I don't know. What do I look like, dear abby?

Xander: Come on...we were friends back in nashville.

Jack: Friends? When one person holds the key to a locked door and the other person is behind that locked door, that's not friendship.

Xander: I got you out of the warehouse before it exploded.

Jack: Strapped to a wheelchair. Barely able to... and then you sold me to eve.

Xander: Now, you two had a good run.

Jack: A good run? Not even knowing my previous life, with eve filling it all in for me. And all of it being...a lie. So all I had was hardness, coldness, talking to my children, talking to my wife, telling them things that, well, now I just thank god they've forgiven me for it.

Xander: You see? You are the perfect person to give me advice. Just tell me how you got your horton woman to take you back.

John: Okay, okay! Suitcase is in your room, and doc, she's looking around for a lighter blanket to put on your bed.

Claire: Oh, no, no, no, you don't have to make a fuss over me, gramps--I can make my own bed.

John: Oh, no, no problem, no problem.

Shawn: Hey I think I'm gonna go find my mom and I'm gonna let her know you're back in salem.

Claire: I hope she doesn't get too upset.

John: No, no, no, no, no, you wouldn't be here if she didn't okay it.

Claire: Yeah, but still, I--

Shawn: Claire, she's your grandmother. She is happy that you're doing so well.

Claire: Okay.

Shawn: I'm gonna go find your mom, pick her up at the courthouse, and I'll see you a little later, okay?

Claire: Okay. Thanks, dad. I love you.

Shawn: Oh, I love you, too.

John: See you, kid.

Shawn: Good to see you. Yeah, all right, see you later.

Claire: Bye! Okay, be honest. Do you really want me here? I mean, the last thing you and grandma need is a houseguest, especially one like me.

John: No, no, no, it's gonna be like old times! Except I'm pretty sure you've probably outgrown uno.

Claire: No, not true, actually--my friend gwen and i used to play all the time. Oh, I'm warning you, I'm pretty now.

John: Oh, that's not a good thing. Maybe I should teach you pinochle then, huh?

[Both laughing]

Claire: I've missed you so much!

John: I've missed you, too. We are so thrilled that you're here, sweetheart. And you know the doctor. She never would've released you if she didn't feel you were well. You know that? Speaking of the doctor. Hey, who's up for a game of uno, hmm?

Marlena: Oh, maybe a little later. Um, can you tell me about this? I mean, why you have it?

Ciara: Was I being too pushy or something?

Brady: No. No, ciara, I just decided to take the company in a direction that didn't include those kinds of projects.

Ciara: And what direction is that?

Brady: What are you getting at?

Ciara: I see you selling properties and changing policies that grandpa and xander put into place, and, you know, everyone in this town knows about all the terrible things that they did to you.

Brady: And what is your point?

Ciara: If someone told me that my baby daughter was dead when she was actually alive, and then they fired me from my job, I would never wanna look them in the eye ever again. But you actually made it a point to get your old job back.

Brady: Ciara, it's not like victor and I hugged it out, or anything, okay? Xander...he had my job, and I wanted it back, so I took it. He deserved to get the axe.

Ciara: And that's it?

Brady: That's it.

Ciara: That it.

Brady: That's it.

Ciara: All right, okay, well, what about grandpa? He was in on it with xander all the way, and there are only two ways to get back at grandpa. A, you go after his family, which is something that you would never do. And b, you go after the company that he built from the ground up.

Brady: [Laughs] I'd have to be pretty insane to do something like that, wouldn't I?

Ciara: I'm just thinking out loud here. I mean, it seems to me that a sure way to get back at grandpa would be to destroy his company. Doesn't it seem that way to you, brady?

Lucas: Answer me, young lady. Why did you leave london without a word to anybody?

Allie: Why do you think? I'm sick of dealing with mom, and I wasn't about to live with her. You know what she's like.

Kate: I sure do.

Lucas: Enough, please.

Allie: Look, I don't know what the big deal is. I came back here, didn't I? It's not like I'm spending up a storm in tahiti or something.

Kate: Okay, look, allie is more than welcome to come and stay with me at the dimera mansion.

Allie: Actually, uncle eric and nicole already said I could stay here.

Lucas: Uncle eric said that, really? Wow.

Eric: Well, yeah, but there were conditions.

Lucas: Okay, what were the conditions? Is there another reason why you left your mother? Obviously, there's something going on here that you're not telling me about, right? This is my daughter. I have a right to know.

Allie: Dad, leave him alone. I'll tell you myself.

Lucas: Okay, that would be great--I'm waiting.

Allie: I'm pregnant. Never run dry of...

Claire: You went through my stuff?

Marlena: I was unpacking for you. Did ciara send you this?

Claire: No.

Marlena: Well, then how did you get it?

Claire: I saw it on dr. Morris' desk, and I sort of borrowed it. Mom and dad gave it to me.

Marlena: Why?

Claire: Well, they told me about the wedding--they didn't want it to come as a surprise to me; they wanted me to be okay with it.

Marlena: And are you okay with it?

Brady: Look, don't let your imagination run wild, okay? My motivations are not that dramatic. I wanted my job back; I went after it. Forcing xander out, that was--that's really the only payback I was interested in.

Ciara: I really hope that's true, because titan isn't just victor's pride and joy. It employs thousands of people all over the world. You run that company into the ground, brady? Those people will lose their paychecks.

Brady: I know that.

Ciara: You're not the type of person that would ruin lives to make a point. Well, at least, you didn't used to be.

Brady: You don't plan on mentioning this little theory to, uh, victor, do you?

Sarah: So, xander knocked out the doctor, and then, kristen's doctor was going to come in and take my embryo out of me and put it into her.

Maggie: Oh, I can't believe this.

Sarah: No, I couldn't believe it, either. I mean, xander had known that I was pregnant for weeks. I mean, he had been my friend. He had been my confidant. And he was still going to do that to me. And, when I brought it up to him, he said, well, you were just gonna get rid of the baby anyway. Why not give it to kristen?

Maggie: Oh, my god!

Sarah: Yeah. I mean, luckily, kristen's plan didn't work out, and when I came out of the anesthesia, xander told me that the doctor hadn't performed the abortion, and... and I was glad. You know, 'cause I had realized that I--I really did want the baby.

Maggie: Kristen's done this before. The only thing that I can say is that I'm sure that she didn't--she didn't even give xander another choice in the matter.

Sarah: Mom, come on. That is not an excuse. I mean, since when is xander afraid of anyone, even kristen? I trusted him, and he sold me down the river, and he wouldn't have done that if he actually cared about me.

Maggie: So...he interfered in the most important event in your life--twice.

Sarah: Do you know what the worst part is? Before I found out what he and kristen had planned to do... I was gonna forgive him. God, what's wrong with me?

Maggie: Oh! Honey.

Xander: So? How'd you do it? How'd you get jennifer to take you back?

Jack: Well, mainly I just got my memory back, stopped acting like a jerk. Tried to undo all the horrible things I'd done. Resigned as mayor, endorsed abe. Divorced eve. And I let my family know and see that they were the most important people in my life.

Xander: None of that really applies to me.

Jack: Mm. I understand that you were very devoted to sarah when she was pregnant. You were willing to raise her baby with her.

Xander: Then the accident happened, and...I couldn't stand to see her find out that her baby died.

Jack: You know, the hardest thing about watching someone that you love go through something that bad is realizing how powerless you are.

Xander: That's it. I just couldn't stand that feeling. She hates me now.

Jack: Maybe you should just give her some space.

Xander: I know she likes jewelry.

Jack: Forget the jewelry. Try thinking long and hard about what it is that sarah really wants, really needs.

Lucas: You're pregnant? How could you do this? How could you let this happen, allie, what were you thinking?

Allie: Oh, my god! You're as bad as mom!

Kate: Honey...lucas, listen, you and sami are hardly the ones to be moralizing about an unplanned pregnancy. Just calm down.

Lucas: I am calm! I'm calm, all right? Don't I seem calm to you?

Allie: No, dad, you look like you're about to have a stroke.

Lucas: Well, I'm not, okay? I'm fine! I'm fine right now! I just--I didn't see this coming, okay? And I have a lot of questions.

Lucas: Like what?

Allie: Like who's the S.O.B. Who got you pregnant, damn it? These are real people,

Claire: How can i pass judgment on ciara's life? I mean, I wish she was marrying someone other than ben, but she isn'T.

John: Well, you know, he's--he's working pretty hard to overcome his past.

Claire: And I would be such a hypocrite to hold his past against him. I mean, who am I to judge anyone? If I can be rehabilitated, so can he.

Marlena: Are you jealous of ciara's happiness?

Claire: No! No, I--I want her to forgive me. I wanna be her friend again someday.

Marlena: Well, that really would be up to her. That would have to happen on her own timetable. You can't--you can't rush someone's forgiveness.

Claire: No, I know. I know, but I don't wanna think that I've ruined her life. I want ciara to be happy, and... if marrying ben makes her happy, then I am fine with it.

Ciara: Granddad's not getting any younger, and he's recovering from a knife wound to the chest. If I told him that I thought you were trying to bring down his company, he might just stroke out on the spot. I don't want that.

Brady: So this conversation can stay between us, right?

Ciara: If you're really sincere about taking titan into the future, why don't you take a second look at my proposals?

Brady: Well, that sounds a little bit like blackmail, ciara, don't you think?

Ciara: Think of it as more of a negotiation.

Brady: Mm.

Ciara: As a matter of fact... ah. I happen to have an extra copy right here.

Brady: You want your ideas to be heard, I don't know if this is the best way to go about it.

Ciara: Mm. You know, granddad told me that if I ever wanted to run anything by him that he'd be more than happy to listen.

Brady: Okay.

Ciara: I'll see you tomorrow morning in the office.

Sarah: If brady hadn't told me what xander and kristen had planned to do, I could've made the biggest mistake of my life.

Maggie: So, brady told you all of that?

Sarah: Yeah, thank god he did.

Maggie: That bothers me a little.

Sarah: It doesn't bother me at all.

Maggie: Brady's in a lot of pain--he's lashing out. What he told you destroyed any chance of happiness that you and xander had.

Sarah: Wait, you think that he should've kept it to himself?

Maggie: Well, he didn't do it for you. He did it out of revenge. I wouldn't put a lot of stock in what brady has to say these days. I mean, he'S...he lost kristen. His child. He's acting like a wounded animal.

Sarah: Yeah, but I'm the same way right now.

Maggie: Well, then you and brady are a bad combination.

Sarah: So you would rather your son-in-law be xander? You'd rather him be a thug?

Maggie: All I'm saying is that I know brady very well. And when he's in this kind of pain, he goes to a very dark place.

Sarah: Are you worried he's gonna rub off on me?

Maggie: I just don't think that you and brady are good for each other right now. See, he should be going to meetings daily. He should be confiding in his sponsor, not you! And maybe you should think about seeing a therapist, as well.

Sarah: Brady understands what I am going through better than any therapist ever could!

Maggie: And is that why you're sleeping with him?

Allie: I'm not going to tell you anything when you're acting like this.

Lucas: Okay, I'll call your mom and get her involved, how about that?

Kate: Oh, my god, lucas!

Allie: You call her and I'll run away again.

Lucas: Perfect.

Eric: Lucas, can I have a private word with you for a minute?

Kate: Honey, whatever you need, you know you can come to me, okay?

Allie: Thanks, grandma.

Kate: I love you.

Eric: Look, when allie told me, I acted the same way. It doesn't work.

Lucas: Well, it's easy for you to say--it's not your daughter who's pregnant.

Eric: Yeah, but I'm telling you for your own good, you need to get control of yourself. Threatening to bring sami in and putting allie on the defensive--that's not doing your cause any good.

Lucas: I get it, okay? You're right. I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry that I reacted the way I did. I just--I didn't see this coming.

Allie: Neither did I.

Lucas: I didn't even know you had a boyfriend--

Allie: Dad it doesn't matter. The father of the baby is not important.

Lucas: It is important. Whether you want him in your life or not, he needs to know, he needs to take responsibility--

Allie: Will you just stop-- will you stop talking like this? I don't even know if I wanna keep the baby! I'm bad.

Marlena: I don't know. Eek, eek.

John: No, no, no, no, no!

Claire: I told you I was good now.

John: Five in a row!

Marlena: You have gotten better, oh, my gosh!

Claire: Uh-huh.

[Phone beeps]

Marlena: Wow.

John: Saved by the bell.


Marlena: Literally.

John: It's your mom. She's, um, she's gonna be held up a little while longer.

Claire: That's okay. You know what, I'm, um, I'm actually pretty beat. Is it okay if I go lie down?

John: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Marlena: Of course it is. Take your tea up with you.

Claire: Y'all are the best.

John: Five in a row.

Marlena: Oh, you're the best.

John: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Claire: Look, I'm gonna prove to you and everyone that I am a different person now. I love you.

Marlena: I love you.

John: I love you, too, sweetie.

Sarah: Xander told you that brady and I are sleeping together, didn't he?

Maggie: Well, he wasn't sure, but he suggested it might just be an act. So, for your sake, I hope he's right.

Sarah: Oh, my god, well, thank you so much for your support and confidence in my judgment!

Maggie: Wait a minute, now. You know how much I love you and brady. I just don't think this is the right time for either of you to start an affair. Because if you get involved, it's gonna be all for the wrong reasons.

Xander: I can't think anything sarah needs. You're sure this ad isn't a good idea?

Jack: What do you think?

Xander: Fine. I'll--I'll work on it. Thanks for the advice. You know, we should do this more often.

Jack: Hey. You got me through that locked door. Maybe we should do this more often.

Lucas: You're not sure you're gonna keep this baby? I mean, how far along are you? Is it even possible?

Allie: According to what I read, I'm right at the edge. But I'm not just talking about abortion, dad. There are other options.

Lucas: What, you're gonna give this baby away?

Allie: God, you're driving me crazy! This is exactly why I didn't want you or mom to know. Grandma, please, will you help me out?

Kate: Yes, honey. Okay, lucas, we need to give allie some time, okay? Let's go.

Lucas: No, no, you go. You go, I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here. You probably think all pads are the same

Kate: I'm going to have to insist. You need to give allie space.

Lucas: She doesn't even know what she's planning to do.

Kate: Hey, listen to me. You listen to me! You know she's safe. You know she's here. But if you stay here and keep giving her a hard time, you're only making things worse.

Lucas: All right, fine. Fine, I'll go. But I'm coming back tomorrow, and I have a lot of questions for you. Do you understand that?

Allie: Fine. But you have to promise to not tell mom.

Lucas: I can't make that promise.

Allie: He's going to tell her. I know he is.

Xander: Ah, maggie. So glad you're here. I need your help with something.

Maggie: Xander, why would I lift a finger to help you after what you did?

Sarah: Thanks for meeting me.

Brady: Hey, sure. So, what's up?

Sarah: Well, I finally saw my mom.

Brady: How'd it go?

Sarah: Uh...good. At first.

Brady: At first? What happened?

Sarah: Well, xander told her that we're having an affair.

Brady: Did you tell her that it wasn't true? Did you tell her that?

Sarah: Well...[Ahem] She said that she doesn't think it's "healthy" for you and me to have any kind of a relationship, so that made me realize that, uh, we gotta make some changes.

Brady: Changes?

Sarah: Mm-hmm.

Brady: Like what do we need to do?

Marlena: Yeah, thank you for filling me in, kate. I appreciate it.

[Phone beeps] Well, we were right. Allie is with eric and nicole.

John: Oh, that's a relief. And I presume eric is going to contact samantha, right?

Marlena: I assume he will.

John: Good. Hey, kid!

Shawn: Oh, hey!

John: Did you see your mom?

Shawn: Uh, yeah, yeah, I did.

Marlena: And how did she--how did she take it?

Shawn: Well, she's, uh, she's thrilled for claire, but she's also protective of ciara. She said she's gonna let ciara know that claire is in town. I think, uh, I think I should probably fill claire in, also. Is she around?

John: She kind of got tuckered out and went in for a nap.

Shawn: Okay, I probably should go check on her, then. Um, you know what? On second thought, I don't want her to accuse me of hovering.

Ciara: Yeah, I put some of the flyers up, so let's hope that someone sees them and recognizes gwen. Or else I'm gonna have to go to the police about gabi, ben.

[Knock on door] Okay, I gotta go. Someone's knocking. Yes, I love you, too. Okay, bye.

Claire: Hello, ciara.

[Intense music]

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