Days Transcript Thursday 6/11/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 6/11/20


Episode #13789 ~ Eli and Lani make a big decision about their wedding; Allie pleads with Eric and Nicole to keep her secret; Hope comforts Rafe in the wake of his loss; Will and Sonny discuss their plans to have a baby.

Provided By Suzanne

Eli: Can I get you anything?

Lani: No, these vitamins just taste like a week-old barrel of fish.

Eli: Well, so then no morning sickness, right?

Lani: No, I haven't had a single bit of nausea this time around. With david, it was morning, noon, and night.

Eli: Well, that's a relief.

Lani: I don't know. Nausea is a sign of increased progesteronewhich makes miscarriages less likely.

Eli: How do you know that?

Lani: The internet.

Eli: Maybe you shouldn't do that, you know, scare yourself. I mean, kayla's not gonna let anything happen to you or the baby.

Lani: How can you even say that? "She's not gonna let anything happen to the baby." She can't stop me from having a miscarriage.

Eli: Right.

Lani: [Sighs] I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. I know that you're just trying to comfort me.

Eli: It's okay.

Lani: No, it's not okay. I really do. I need to calm down. Last night, my dad told me that I was glowing, and I burst into tears. I'm not glowing. I'm hormonal.

Eli: Well, in that case, i think hormonal looks really great on you, like...really, really great.

Lani: [Laughs]

[Tender music]

Sonny: Ari keeps asking me about gabi, and I've run out of excuses. I used 'em all up when she was in jail.

Will: All right, I'm calling abe.

[Cell phone beeps, line ringing]

[Cell phone ringing]

[Cell phone beeps]

Abe: Carver.

Will: Hey, it's will horton.

Abe: Have you heard from gabi?

Will: I was about to ask you that very thing.

Abe: No.

Will: Have you talked to the police?

Abe: It still hasn't been 48 hours since she disappeared, and I can't file a formal report.

Will: I mean, do you think rafe needs a formal report to go looking for his sister?

Abe: I wanted to talk to him, but he's out of the office. I am gonna go by his place and see him. I don't want him to find out on the phone that she's missing.

[Solemn music]

Rafe: I don't know what I'm gonna do without him.

Hope: I can't believe this happened. It's just so wrong, so...just so completely wrong.

Kate: Okay, here we go.

Lucas: What? What? What?

Kate: She got a one-way plane ticket.

Lucas: To where? Mykonos? Ibiza? Where?

Kate: Salem.

Lucas: When does she get here?

Kate: Well, I only have the ticket number, so I'll have to check.

Lucas: Just doesn't make any sense. Why would she borrow money from you just to come to salem and not tell you she's here?

Kate: Because she wanted to surprise me.

Allie: Lay it on me. What are your conditions?

Eric: One, you have to call your mom as soon as possible, and let her know you're staying here.

Allie: If I have to. Next.

Eric: No partying.

Allie: Done.

Eric: That won't be a problem?

Allie: Definitely not into partying these days.

Nicole: Why?

Allie: [Sighs] This.

Nicole: Oh. I could use a drink.

Eric: Allie, um, you're pregnant?

[Dramatic music]

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

[Tense music]

Rafe: I keep telling myself that she's gonna take good care of him and...she's gonna give him a good home...she really loves him.

Hope: I think she does. Really.

Rafe: Yeah. Yeah, I do too...because if i don't, I'm gonna lose my freakin' mind.

Hope: And rafe, you gotta remember, okay--I mean, zoey said that you could visit whenever you want to. You can still be in david's life, still be a part of it. And he'll always know that-- he'll always know that he has you.

Rafe: Yeah. She said I can visit. She said I could--I--I can come any time and good thing zoey never lies.

Hope: I mean, I think that she was being sincere. Really, I do.

Look, um, why don't I...get the rest of david's things in his room, and I'll send them to zoey?

Rafe: You don't have to do that.

Hope: I wanna help. Rafe, and if you wanna vent--i mean, vent, then vent. Do it. By all means, please...feel free to yell, scream, whatever you need. Wanna yell at me, then yell at me. But when it comes--when it comes to zoey--no matter what--calm, reasonable at all times, okay? For david.

Rafe: Oaky. For david. You do my thinking for me, all right?

Hope: If I was in your shoes, I wouldn't be able to think at all. And if I'm being too pushy, please let me know.

Rafe: No, no, you're not. I just...thank you.

[Exhales sharply] I...

Hope: Why don't you, um...i don't know. Get a shower, change, and I'll take a look around and pack up the rest of the things in here, okay?

Rafe: Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you for everything.

Hope: Go, take a breath.

[Door closes]

Kate: Okay, so her flight landed a few hours ago. Why the hell hasn't she called me?

Lucas: Well, did it ever occur to you that maybe she's not here to see you?

Kate: [Scoffs] Hardly. But, you know, even if she wasn't here to see me, I know she adores me. She always tells me that I am her favorite relative, so there.

Lucas: Yeah, it's 'cause you gave her your credit card.

Kate: No, it's not. It's not. It's because we have rapport. Okay? I mean, she's funny. I'm funny. We're smart, and we both are kind-hearted.

Lucas: Kind-hearted, okay.

Kate: What? Yes, kind-hearted, and you can wipe that smug look off your face, all right? Give me a little respect. I still don't understand why she hasn't called me. I mean, that doesn't make any sense at all. I--I mean, I love marlena, but there's no way in hell that she came here to visit marlena. So...

Lucas: Wait a minute.

Kate: What? What, do--do you really think she did come here to visit marlena?

Lucas: No, no, that's not who I was thinking of.

Allie: Got it in one, uncle eric. I'm indeed in the family way.

Nicole: Well, should I say, "congratulations"?

Allie: Doesn't make any difference what anyone says. It is what it is.

Nicole: Uh, well, how are you feeling?

Allie: Fine...huge, freaked out.

Eric: So when you said you had a cold, it was because you didn't want--

Allie: I lied. Yet another matter for confession.

Eric: All right, don't be smart, all right? Why didn't you just tell us the truth from the start? What's going on?

Hope: Abe, come on in.

Abe: So, hope, what are you doing here?

Hope: Rafe. He, um--he didn't get custody of david. He just found out.

Abe: Oh, my god.

Hope: We never expected the judge to rule this way.

Abe: She awarded custody to zoey?

Hope: Yeah, she did, and rafe just found out. I'm just putting, uh, the rest of david's things together in this room. It's all happening so fast, and rafe is kind of in shock, as you can imagine.

Abe: Well, yeah. Of course he is. I mean--I'm just so sorry for him; I...I knew how much he loves that little boy.

Hope: Gosh, abe, I'm sorry. I mean, obviously, you came to talk to rafe.

Abe: Yeah, I did, but, uh--

Hope: He's--well, he's in the shower. Is--well, is there anything i can help with?

Abe: No, no. Um, you know, it's nothing-- nothing he needs to know right now. Uh...

Lani: [Yawns]

Eli: Am I boring you?

Lani: [Snorts softly] I think I'm gonna go back to bed.

Eli: Oh, now that sounds like a plan.

Lani: sleep. Actually, I for--we can'T. Um, I forgot that we were gonna use our day off to make wedding plans.

Eli: Sounds like fun.

Lani: And I was thinking since the first time around was a complete mess, that this time, we would do things quiet and simple. And that way, I don't have to wear a giant tent as a wedding dress.

Eli: A tent?

Lani: Yeah.

Eli: Really?

Lani: I don't wanna wear a tent.

Eli: Why don't we get married before you start to show?

Lani: Okay, but that doesn't give us much time.

Eli: I don't know. I was a thinking fourth of july wedding could be nice.

Lani: That's really soon, and that's not quiet.

Eli: Yeah, okay. Well, look at--look at it this way. We won't have to pay for fireworks.

Will: Do you think it's possible that gabi left to avoid going to court?

Sonny: I mean, when has she ever done anything impulsive, rash, stupid, or bone-headed?

Will: Yeah, she's made a lot of enemies.

Sonny: You think?

Will: I mean, but do you think any of 'em would actually, you know, like, go after her?

Sonny: The revenge of julie williams?

Will: I was thinking more like jake. I mean, I--he was definitely hiding something from us, and we know gabi went over there.

Sonny: Maybe he was just trying to stop her from running the dna test.

[Cell phone rings]

Will: Uh, it's, uh, one of the adoption agencies.

[Cell phone beeps] Will horton. What kind of issue?

Allie: I thought you wouldn't let me stay if I told you I was pregnant.

Nicole: Were you never gonna take your hoodie off?

Allie: I knew if uncle eric said "yes," he'd never go back on his word.

Eric: So if I said that you couldn't stay here, you would have never told us about the baby?

Allie: I haven't told anyone else in the family. Are you mad?

Eric: No, I'm not mad. It's just...I'm--I'm concerned. And obviously--I mean, we don't even know what happened or how it's affecting you.

Allie: I mean, I really don't know that either. I mean, I know how it happened, of course, but not how it's affecting me. I mean, I'm kind of confused right now.

Nicole: Oh, of course, honey. That's understandable.

Eric: Allie, we only have two bedrooms. I mean, four people is really tight, and five, it's just gonna--

Allie: Oh, I get it. Now that you know the truth, you're kicking me out.


Eli: Fourth of july is already a special day for us. It's the day that I proposed to you two years ago, remember?

Lani: How could I forget?

Eli: I have a question for you.

Lani: Shoot.

Eli: Lani price...

[Romantic string music]

Will you marry me?

Lani: [Laughs] Yes, I--yes, eli grant, I will marry you.

[Fireworks whistling, popping]

Eli: Think about it. We'll have free fireworks, and i will never forget our anniversary.

Lani: [Laughs] You better not.

Eli: So?

Lani: So I think it's a great idea, even if that means we only have, like, two weeks to get ready for it.

Eli: Good.

Lani: Okay. Let's make a list.

Eli: A list? For what?

Lani: A list of all of the lists that we need to make: The venue list, the guest list, the caterers list, the florist list.

Eli: Say "florist list" five times fast.

Lani: [Laughs] Eli, we don't have time for your silly, little jokes.

Eli: Florist list, florist list, florist--flor--florist...

[Both laugh] Look, I just think it's crazy that we finally picked a wedding date, and don't start planning "d-day." I think we need to savor the moment.

Lani: I've heard it called a lot of things, but never "savor the moment."

Eli: It's a physical manifestation of our love.

Lani: [Laughs] My, god.

Eli: But, hey, look. You know, if you wanna make your list...

Lani: Mm-hmm?

Eli: Feel free. Don't mind me.

Lani: Eli. We do not have time for this.

Eli: You know what? I think we need to make time.

Lani: Oh, yeah?

Eli: Yeah.

Lani: Okay.

[Emotional music]

Hope: Are you sure you don't wanna talk to rafe? He should be out of the shower any minute.

Abe: No, no, no, it's okay, really. I mean, it's not even official police business, not yet, anyway. And even if it were, we have plenty of people who can look into it. I don't wanna bother rafe now that he's going through such a troublesome time.

Hope: Okay. Well, I'll definitely tell him you were here.

Abe: There's no need. I'll call him soon. I'll tell him what's going on, and, like I said, now's not the time. We have other people who can handle it.

Hope: Right, yeah.

Abe: You know, I'm glad you're here for him.

Hope: Me too.

Abe: Take care of yourself, okay?

Hope: You too. Bye.

Abe: Oh, you know, last thing. If you ever want to return to police work...

Hope: [Laughs]

Abe: There's no pressure. It's just...

Hope: Uh, no. Uh, well--wait a second. Sp--pressure, speaking of that, uh, the key to the city award, kate will not leave steve and me alone about accepting it.

Abe: I am so sorry. I--and I want you to know that this was all kate's idea.

Hope: And believe me, she made sure we both knew.

Abe: And did she tell you that I opposed it?

Hope: No. Um, I didn't know that.

Abe: Oh, now it's not that you two weren't great. It's just that I thought there might be a public backlash.

Hope: I can completely understand that.

Abe: But I do wanna make the point that I changed my mind. I was being stubborn because i was mad that kate went behind my back, but you saved lives: John and marlena, eric and nicole. You deserve that award, and i hope you accept it. And also, it's the only thing that will kate off your back.


Hope: Mm, true that. I'll think about it, but thank you.

Abe: Yeah. My best to rafe, and tell him how sorry I am about his little boy. And--and also, if he--if he ever wants to talk...

Hope: He knows you're there for him always.

Abe: Hey.


Hope: Bye, abe.

Abe: Bye-bye.

[Cell phone beeps]

Sonny: What'd they say?

Will: That our domestic situation is, uh, "sub-optimal," and they mentioned my jail time.

Sonny: Yeah, but you were innocent.

Will: Yeah, I think we both know that's not the problem. It's just they say that 'cause they can't legally say it's 'cause we're gay, but bottom line, they're not gonna help us.

Sonny: Well, then we are gonna find an agency who is not homophobic, okay? I just--I a had friend who just adopted a child, and the biological parents actually requested gay adoptive parents. Okay? And we haven't ruled out surrogacy.

Will: I just--I couldn't stand that woman. I could hear the moral superiority in her voice. People like us shouldn't be allowed to raise a child.

Sonny: I know that you're mad, and I am too. Babe.

Will: Yeah.

Sonny: But in the end, this is all gonna be worth it, okay?

Will: I--it's just...gabi and I, like--we had no business having a child, but no one said that we shouldn't, or we can'T. No one said it was--it would be wrong.

Kate: Hey, it's me! I have a surprise for you.

Will: Dad.

Lucas: Hey, hey.

Will: Hey. What are you doing here?

Lucas: Uh, it's good to see you. Um, we're trying to track down allie. We were hoping she came to see you.

Will: What? I thought she was in london. Is something wrong?

Lucas: That's what we're trying to find out.

Eric: I was saying that there won't be room once the baby--

Allie: Right, you're not kicking me out 'cause I'm pregnant.

Eric: I'm not kicking you out.

Allie: "It's just we don't have the room."

Eric: Would you hold on?

Allie: Okay, great seeing you.

Eric: Wait a minute.

Allie: I shouldn't leave before the sermon, right, father?

Eric: First of all, I'm not a priest anymore, and I'm not about to give you a sermon.

Allie: It's all you've done since I got here.

Eric: Oh, excuse me. Would you just put the bag down?

Allie: Why? You just said there's not any room for me here.

Eric: When the baby comes. So--you're not listening to me, just like your mother never listens.

Nicole: Oh, okay. Hang on a second. Let's not go down that road. Okay? Let's just talk calmly and reasonably. Now, honey, what were you trying to say when you mentioned that there wasn't enough room here?

Eric: That allie couldn't live with us once the baby was born. I was going to say that we need to make a plan for the long-term.

Nicole: All right, well, maybe allie already has a long-term plan.

Eric: Well, do you?

Allie: Not really.

Eric: What a surprise.

Allie: Look, I've been too busy trying to keep my mom from finding out, which is why i freaked out when she said she was gonna come to london and drag me back to italy.

Nicole: Well, she was younger than you when she had will. Do you really think she's gonna judge you?

Allie: Mom is of the "do as i say, not as I do," school of parenting. And if she found out, she'd just wanna take over, raise the kid herself.

Eric: She wouldn't do that.

Allie: Have you met her? 'Cause it would take less than five minutes to figure out that woman cannot help herself from taking over. And I don't want her taking over my baby.

Eric: I don't think she would.

Allie: Oh, come on. You know mom is all about babies. She loves to have them, dress them, correct them. She's crazy about them until they have a mind of their own.

Eric: Listen, I don't think you're being fair.

Allie: Is this how it's gonna be, you sticking up for her every time I say something bad about her?

Eric: I never said she was perfect.

Nicole: Eric, could you just try to listen to what she has to say?

Allie: I'm telling you, i have enough to deal with without her. "How could you let this happen?" As if she doesn't know. "How could you be so irresponsible? Who's the father?"


Eric: Who is the father? I mean, how is he handling all this? These are real people,

Nicole: Really good on the listening thing, honey.

Eric: What?

Nicole: You can't interrogate her. She doesn't owe us an explanation. This isn't our business.

Eric: It's her father's business.

Nicole: I just think that you need to be a little more sensitive.

Allie: Yeah, what she said.

Nicole: I know you're speaking from experience, but you just--you need to listen to yourself. Would you talk that way to someone you don't know, if they walked into the horton center? You're reacting the way she's scared sami will.

Eric: You mean, I'm acting like a brady.

[Dramatic music]

I'm sorry.

Allie: It's okay...just as long as you promise not to tell my mother.

Lani: [Grunts]

[Knocking on door]

Eli: No. Damn you!

Lani: No, no, no.

Eli: Oh, it's that knock.


Lani: My father. Okay. You ready? Perfect timing.

Abe: Well, I'm not sure eli would agree with you.

Lani: We were just making wedding plans.

Abe: Oh, I thought that's what was going on.


Eli: Fourth of july.

Lani: Yep.

Abe: Oh, darn. Now I won't be able to judge the hot dog eating contest.

[Both laugh]

Lani: I know how much you love that contest. Do you want some coffee?

Abe: No, no. No, actually, this is not a social call. I know this is your day off, but I have a job for you.

Eli: Yeah?

Abe: I don't think you're going to like it.

Rafe: Was abe here? Thought I heard his voice.

Hope: Yeah, he stopped by.

[Door closes]

Rafe: What'd he want?

Hope: He said he needed to talk to you, but when I told him about david, he decided that it wasn't that important and didn't wanna bother you with it. Actually, he said that it wasn't even officially a police matter, at the time.

Rafe: Hmm.

Hope: I hope you don't mind that I told abe that you didn't get custody of david.

Rafe: No. No, it's fine. Everyone's gonna find out sooner or later. So...I guess I'm kind of relieved.

Hope: Well, I have, um, everything all packed up here.

Rafe: Thanks.

Hope: So I am gonna head out, and, uh...well, I'm gonna give you some time to yourself, okay?

Rafe: you mind, uh, sticking around for a while? It's the 11:05 endless-orders migraine medicine

Abe: So it's too early to open the case, but--thank you--

Lani: Mm-hmm.

Abe: Will and sonny are really worried.

Lani: Why? Nothing happened to her. She just jumped her bail.

Abe: Well, will doesn't think that she'd leave without ari.

Lani: Are we really gonna pretend that gabi cares about anything or anyone other than gabi?

Abe: I know you don't like the woman, but I promised will and sonny that we would put out some feelers.

Eli: Why us and not rafe?

Abe: I, um--I was going to ask him, but he lost custody of david.

Lani: What?

Abe: The judge award custody to zoey.

Lani: [Scoffs] Rafe loves that little boy.

Eli: So do you.

Hope: Uh, sure. Of course. Uh, no problem. Here, let me put it down. When was the last time you ate?

Rafe: I don't know.

Hope: I'll order a pizza. Pepperoni and mushroom still?

Rafe: No, david doesn't--

Hope: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Rafe: No. No, no. It's not your fault. It's okay...gets better.

Hope: I--I--I know it doesn't seem that way right now--

Rafe: It doesn'T. Because it doesn't get better because I've--I know because I've been through this, okay? Yes, I can go on living, i just--I don't--I don't want to. Gone through this already with sami's kids, you know?

[Exhales sharply] I just--I thought that david was, um...a gift. He was a gift from god, and, um, well, it didn't work out. So maybe I'm just not meant to be a father.

Lucas: So when's the last time you heard from allie?

Will: Um, a while ago. Why? What's--what's going on? What's wrong?

Lucas: Your mom told me she got sucked back up into the party scene, you know. With her genes, with her dna, you know, with my history of substance abuse, um, can't really blame her, but maybe it's a good thing. You know, maybe it's good that she came back here.

Will: Well, I mean, as long as she's here, I'll look out for her, obviously.

Kate: Well, if we find her.

Sonny: Maybe she's at marlena'S.

Kate: No, I was just there, talking to john. I mean, I'm sure if she was there, he would have said something.

Will: Maybe she got there after you left.

Kate: I'll call.

Lucas: Thanks, mom.

[Clears throat] I'm worried. How you guys doing? You guys doing okay?

Will: Uh, yeah, we're great. Dad, do you think we should call mom about this?

Lucas: Not yet. Not yet. Let's try to see if we can locate allie first, you know.

Will: Why? You don't think mom would overreact, do you?

Lucas: No, she wouldn't do that. Your mother? No.

Will: Oh, yeah. What was I thinking?

Lucas: Yeah.

Kate: Hey. Well, I spoke with marlena. She's not there. So if she didn't come to see will or two grandmothers, who--

Will: There's only one person it could be.

Eric: The last time I kept a secret from sami, I, um, was in the third grade, and I vaguely recall waking up in the hospital with a concussion.

Allie: So you're afraid of her?

Eric: Who isn't?

Allie: Point taken.

Eric: It's not just that. I just don't think it's a good idea for you to lie to her.

Allie: It's not lying. It's just not telling her something that's none of her business.

Eric: Yeah, well, she's not gonna see it like that.

Allie: That's why you can't tell her. She'll just take over everything like she always does.

Nicole: But, allie, do you really think she's never gonna find out? And the longer you keep it from her, the bigger explosion when she does. Trust me, I sadly know from experience.

Eric: Allie, she's right. I'm sorry. I just--I don't know how you're gonna keep this from her.

Allie: [Exhales sharply]

Hope: No. You were born to be a father.

Rafe: Well, evidently not. I just--I lost david. I lost touch with sami's kids ages ago.

Hope: Don't--you not remember what I told you about ciara? You played a huge part in her life, and she loves you.

Rafe: Yeah.

Hope: She'll always love you.

[Somber music]

I'm sorry.

Rafe: Why are you sorry?

Hope: Because...when we were talking about having a family, i wasn't ready to start over. And you and I weren't--we weren't in the best place.

Rafe: Well...turns out, you were right. Look at the way things turned out.

Hope: It's not always good to be right. But you know what?

Rafe: Hmm?

Hope: You do know that it's not too late, don't you? You could still be a dad.

Rafe: [Snorts softly]

Lucas: All right, let's go. Mom, come on.

Will: Whoa, whoa. Hold on. I mean, you could just, like, pick up the phone instead of trekking all over town.

Lucas: Really? Ruin the element of surprise? I don't think so.

Will: "The element of surprise"? See, I love that my family uses military terminology to describe our family dynamic.

Lucas: She's gonna take off again if she knows I'm coming for her.

Sonny: Are you gonna send her back to italy?

Lucas: No. No, I'm not, but she probably thinks I will.

Kate: You know, just the fact that she came here without telling anyone says that something is probably wrong.

Lucas: Well, I'm gonna find out what it is.

Allie: Fine, tell my mother. Ruin my life.

Nicole: I know it feels that way now.

Allie: I mean it. I told you, you can tell her that I'm here, and that I'm fine. That's all she needs to know. She's too busy looking after ej to come after me.

Eric: Maybe right now. I mean, did you just hear what nicole said? You can't keep this from your mom forever. In a few months, there's going to be a baby.

Allie: Not necessarily. I wanted more from my copd medicine,

Hope: I know that no one could take david's place. You know, one day, you are going to meet the right woman, and she's going to be a very lucky woman. And you'll have a beautiful family together...because you were born to be a dad. You really were.

Rafe: You don't have to say that, you know.

Hope: I know, but it's true, and I meant what I said.

[Soft music]

I know things have been kind of strained between us...since our divorce and all. I just... I hope we can be friends again.

Rafe: Always.

Hope: Always?

Rafe: Yeah.

Hope: [Chuckles]

Rafe: Yeah.

Lani: As much as I find it hard to give a dam about gabi, we will try to find her for rafe's sake.

Abe: And for her daughter's sake. I'm gonna send you my notes that I took when I talked to sonny and will.

Eli: We'll get right on it.

Lani: Dad, if she skipped bail, which I really think she did, it's gonna be hard trying to find her.

Abe: Maybe. You know what? While I have this out...look at the calendar, and...fourth of july...right here: "Give lani away."

Lani: [Chuckles]

Abe: And cancel everything else.

Lani: [Laughs] Thank you, dad. I know that you're the mayor, and you got so much going on that day.

Abe: Gives me a great excuse to skip out on all that crap, all those "official functions."

[Both laugh]

Lani: You sure? You're okay with the date?

Abe: I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Lani: Mm, thank you. And I love you.

Abe: Mm, love you. Love you.

[Both laugh]

Will: [Sighs]

Sonny: Worried about allie?

Will: Yeah, I mean, I--trust me, I get wanting to get away from mom, but not telling know, what dad said about her partying--I don't know. When she was little, she was such a sweet kid. Maybe she's acting out.

Sonny: [Snorts softly] Yeah, like every kid ever born?

Will: Yeah, I mean, god, i know I did stupid stuff.

Sonny: I actually didn'T. My parents never worried about me once. What if this is a wake-up call? "Dudes, this is more than milk and cookies and little league." Like, are we up for raising a teenager?

Will: Well, I guess we'll find out with ari.

Sonny: Should we just be one and done?

Will: See, that would probably be the smart move, but the thing is--I don't know-- raising ari with you is just so much fun, and I want another kid, this time with my husband.

[Tender music]

Eric: What do you mean by that?

[Knock at door]

Allie: Don't answer it. I don't want anyone to know I'm here.

Eric: I have to see who it is.

Allie: [Sighs]

Eric: It's kate.

Allie: Oh, god, what is she doing here?

Kate: I can hear people talking in there. Why aren't they opening the door?

Eric: I don't know why she's out there, but she has your dad with her.

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