Days Transcript Wednesday 6/10/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 6/10/20


Episode #13788 ~ Eric and Nicole get an unexpected visitor; Lucas comes to Kate with distressing news; Kayla questions Steve about his behavior; Rafe is dealt a huge blow.

Provided By Suzanne

Nicole: You really wanted to get married today?

Eric: Well, the whole "surprise" thing didn't go quite as I planned, and as hard as it will be, I will be patient.

Nicole: Well, I just-- I just wanted it to be special for you.

Eric: For us, it will be special, 'cause I'll be marrying the love of my life. And yes, we can wait for everyone to join us, including sami.


Nicole: [Laughing]

[Doorbell rings] Oh.

Eric: Oh, my goodness. Allie.

Allie: Uncle eric. Surprise.

John: [Sighs] Well, come on in, kate.

Kate: Okay, look, I'm busy, so I'm gonna get straight to the point.

John: I would expect nothing less. What can I do for you?

Kate: Hope and steve, they're making a huge mistake, and i want you to talk some sense into them.

Kayla: Justin, I know that you're still in court, but i thought maybe if you were free for lunch... well, let me know if we can meet up, okay? I love you. Oops.

[Tense music]

Rafe: What the hell is taking justin so long to get here?

Hope: Hey, you just got off the phone with him.

Rafe: Yeah, but the courthouse isn't that far. And why didn't he just tell me the decision over the phone? It's--I mean, because it's bad news, 'cause over the phone you tell good news; that means it's bad news, right?

Hope: Rafe, rafe, stop, stop. The judge is not going to award zoey custody of david.

Rafe: Okay. Okay. I hope you're right, 'cause if they try and take that little boy away from me--

Hope: They're not going to. It won't happen. I think it's gonna be okay. Really.

Rafe: Okay. Justin, hey. All right, so what's the verdict? Do I get to keep david or not?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Steve: Well, just the doctor I came to see.

Kayla: Walking and talking. Glad to see you made it through the night.

Steve: Thanks to you. Drunk as a skunk. You helped me out.

Kayla: Well, I have a little experience in that department.

Steve: Yeah. Shouldn't have had to do it. So...I want to apologize.

Kayla: How are you feeling?

Steve: Well, aside from my brain trying to leap out of my skull, not bad. Hey, I didn't say anything stupid last night, did I?

Kayla: You were the perfect gentleman.

Steve: Good to know. So...thanks for getting me home safe.

Kayla: No thanks necessary. After all, you did the same for me once. Wait, no! Wait!

Steve: Kayla, don't hold on there now. Come on, I gotta get you down. Do you want me to drop you?

Kayla: I want to go to your place with the candles and the-- and the--the roses and the...

Steve: Kayla.

Kayla: The champagne...

Steve: I'm gonna put you down now, baby.

Kayla: I wanna go...

Steve: Okay.

Kayla: I wanna go to your place. I wanna go-- I wanna go to your place.

Steve: Will you shut up?

Kayla: You shut up.

Steve: Shh! Oh, baby, come on now. Come on. Stop that. Come on.

Kayla: I got an idea.

Steve: Yeah, I bet you got plenty of ideas.

Kayla: I do.

Steve: I think we ought to save 'em for when you're fully conscious, you know.

Kayla: Uh-uh.

Steve: Yeah.

Kayla: Um...


Rafe: Justin, please don't keep me in suspense here.

Justin: I am so sorry, rafe.

Rafe: No, no, no, hold on. No, this is not possible. What are you talking about?

Hope: The judge ruled against him?

Justin: I'm afraid so.

Rafe: No.

Justin: She awarded custody to zoey.

Hope: Zoey? Zoey held us at gunpoint. She threatened to shoot us.

Rafe: Yeah.

Justin: When the judge learned that orpheus was holding zoey's son hostage, she believed that zoey had no choice but to follow orpheus's demands in order to save the life of her son.

Hope: So david's gonna be handed over to a woman who's-- who's practically a stranger?

Justin: I'm afraid so.

Rafe: [Groans]

Hope: Rafe's the only parent david's ever known. They can't just tear them apart.

Justin: Believe me, I argued that very point. The judge's mind was made up.

Rafe: And when... when does this all start?

Justin: You have to relinquish custody immediately.

Rafe: Oh, come on. It's the 11:05 endless-orders migraine medicine

Rafe: Okay, there must be something that we can do, some way to stop this. We file an appeal.

Justin: I'm afraid we don't have the grounds to file one. The ruling is final, rafe.

Rafe: But jordan trusted me to look after her son. She entrusted me to know what was best for him. Does that not count for something?

Justin: Sadly, jordan is dead, and christian is very much alive. And he is david's father, and he made it very clear that he wants his sister to raise david.

Rafe: But jordan is dead because he's the one that killed her. Who cares what he wants?

Justin: The court does, and since zoey is a blood relative and has a child of her own, the judge believed that david would be better off with her.

Rafe: Better off? Better off? Does zoey know what david's favorite meal is? It's mac and cheese, by the way. Was zoey there when david took his first steps or was going through teething, or does zoey know what his first words were?

Justin: Rafe--

Rafe: His first word was "dada," okay? Do you know who he said that to? He said that to me... 'cause I--I am his father. This can't be happening. This can't be happening. Justin--

Justin: I'm sorry. I wish I could've done more. Zoey and a court-appointed official will be picking up david soon.

Rafe: What do you mean, soon?

Justin: So you need to go back to your house and have some time to say good-bye.

Rafe: When?

Justin: I'm sorry. Soon. You better leave now. I'm sorry.

Rafe: Oh, my god.

Hope: Rafe...

Rafe: [Muttering] What is happening? How do I do this? How do I say good-bye? How do I say good-bye to my son? What is going on?

Steve: So I guess I should go, let you get back to saving lives.

Kayla: You know, I um, I asked you last night why you got so drunk.

Steve: What did I say?

Kayla: You didn'T. So what's bothering you that you had to drink yourself silly?

Hope: You want to tell me about that dream you were having?

Steve: Didn't seem like a dream. It was so real.

Hope: It was about you and k, wasn't it?

Steve: Yeah. I told her I wanted her back. You know, sometimes a man doesn't need a reason to make a fool of himself with liquor.

Kayla: Or maybe you're still beating yourself up on the things that you did when you thought you were stefano.

Steve: Well, I'm happy to report that I'm trying to let go of all that crap now.

Kayla: You are? That's wonderful. It's about time. So if it wasn't guilt that you were drowning in, what's going on with you?

John: Kate, if steve and hope do not want to accept the key to the city, that's their decision.

Kate: But I--the invitations have already gone out, okay? The arrangements have been made. The press--if it falls through, abe is gonna end up with egg all over his face.

John: And you, too, right?

[Squish noise] Hmm?

Kate: It has nothing to do with me, john.

John: Oh, of course not.

Kate: I--what is it with you guys? I mean, I don't understand it. Why don't people understand that this is a good thing for hope and steve? I mean, it's a genuine honor.

John: Not everyone likes to have a fuss made over them.

Kate: [Sighs] What about money? I bet they'd like some money. I'm sure steve could use some money, and I've arranged for there to be a cash reward for orpheus's apprehension.

John: Well, that's great.

Kate: That means you're gonna talk to them?

John: If it comes up.

Kate: Is that a yes?

John: More a maybe.

Kate: [Groaning] Why do I even bother with you people? Why do I bother?

Marlena: Oh, hi, there.

Kate: Oh, hi. Uh, you know, I would really love to chat, but your husband just wasted all of my time.

Marlena: Oh--[Stammers] I'll call you.

John: Bye, kate. Mm.

Marlena: What was all that about?

John: Just kate being kate. Well, you're back sooner than I expected. What's going on with claire?

Marlena: Oh. Well, uh, we have confirmed that claire will be staying here with us.

John: Yes! Oh, that's great. And how lucky for her that she has the best shrink in the whole world to help her with this transition.

Marlena: Well, hope that's true. Anyway, her parents are at bayview right now and helping her pack her things.

John: Nice. I am so looking forward to having claire around again. I'm telling you, doc, these last few years, we just haven't seen enough of our grandkids.

Marlena: [Sighs] Yeah.

Eric: Allie, I can't believe you're here. Give me a hug.

Allie: No, and give you my cold? No way I'm sharing my germs.

Eric: Nicole, you remember allie?

Nicole: Yes, of course I do. I mean, it's been a while. It's good to see you.

Allie: You too.

Eric: You know, the crazy thing is that we were just talking about your mom, and here you are.

Allie: What did mom do now?

Eric: Uh, nothing.

Nicole: Oh, please. It's never nothing with sami. She--never mind.


Eric: Nobody told me you were gonna be here. What's going on?

Allie: It was a last-minute decision.

Eric: Well, so how long are you here for?

Allie: That kind of depends on you.

Eric: Me? I--

Allie: If it's not too much trouble, I was hoping I could crash here for a while?

Nicole: [Scoffs]

Eric: [Scoffs]

[ Snoring, indistinct talking on tv ]

[Somber music]

Hope: Whatever you need...

Rafe: Thanks.

Hope: I'm here, okay? Whatever you need.

Rafe: [Grunts] So I should go upstairs and relieve the sitter.

[Somber music]

How am I gonna have the talk with david? How the hell do I find the words to tell him?

Hope: Hey, want me to go with you?

Rafe: No. No, no, no. That's my boy, you know? I...[Sighs] Tell him one-on-one.

Hope: I know.

Rafe: Maybe--yeah, maybe you can, um... it's good to--

Hope: I got it.

[Murmurs indistinctly]

[Somber music]

Zoey: Hi.

Hope: Zoey. What are you doing here?

Zoey: I came to get david. I assume that justin told rafe the news.

Hope: He did. It's not too late, you know. You don't have to do this. Please, don't take david from rafe.

Justin: Oh. Hi, steve.

Kayla: Hi.

Steve: Hey.

Justin: I got your message about lunch. Are you still free?

Kayla: Uh, yeah, but you know, if you could just give me a minute, because steve and i were just--

Steve: No. No, no. We're all done. You two enjoy your lunch. I'll see you around.

Justin: What was that about?

Kayla: Um, he came by to apologize.

Justin: For what?

Kayla: Well, I ran into him in the pub last night. He was drunk, and so I took him home and put him to bed.

Justin: [Laughs] You did what?

Eric: I don't understand. Aren't you living in london?

Allie: I'm not really feeling london anymore.

Eric: Why? What happened?

Allie: My mom happened. That woman is out of control.

Eric: Sami's in italy taking care of ej. You're living in two separate countries.

Allie: That's the problem. She's demanding I move home.

Nicole: Why?

Allie: Because she's a control freak. Because she refuses to see that I'm an adult, that I'm in charge of my life and thoroughly capable of making my own decisions.

Eric: I'm guessing she's not liking some of the decisions you've been making?

Allie: As if she didn't party when she was my age. Now she's all about keeping an eye on me, like I'm irresponsible or something.

Eric: You know what? Sami did mention you haven't gotten a job since you graduated college.

Allie: Have you seen the job market? It's impossible. I've sent out tons of résuméS. Tons. A zillion people apply for every job. And does mom even try to understand?

Eric: You know she only wants the best for you.

Allie: She cut me off financially. Does that sound like what's best for me? And then she booked a flight to london to drag my ass home, like I'm a child.

Nicole: What happened when she got there?

Allie: I don't know. I got the hell out.

Eric: And you came here?

Allie: Nice place.

Eric: Allie, there-- there's one thing that I don't understand. How did you buy a plane ticket if sami cut you off?

Allie: I have my ways.

Kate: Hey, abe, it's me. I'm still working on getting steve and hope to accept the keys to the city. For what it's worth, I've enlisted john's help, so hopefully we will get this damn ceremony scheduled and we can get--correction, you can get the good press that you deserve. So talk to you soon.

[Phone beeps]

Lucas: [Sighs]

Kate: Sweetheart! Hey. What are you doing here?

Lucas: Don't do that. Don't "sweetheart" me. (Avo) do you push through four or more migraine days a month?

Kate: So. Nice to see you too. Uh, did you just fly in from italy?

Lucas: No, actually. London. It was great. 9 1/2 hours of turbulence.

Kate: Oh, okay. Well, see, that's why you're so cranky. That's the reason. So were you visiting allie?

Lucas: I was trying to.

Kate: What do you mean, "trying to"?

Lucas: Listen to me. Allie is going through a thing right now, she's having some problems, and sami thought it would be a good idea for her to move back to italy. The only problem is, when allie heard that, she refused, so sami and I hopped on a plane to go get her, but guess what, mom. When we got there, allie was gone.

Kate: Oh. Gone where?

Lucas: I don't know. Parts unknown.

Kate: Um, and you're angry with me because...

Lucas: Do you remember last time we spoke? Do you remember what I told you? I told you we were cutting allie off--no more funds, no more money. She's partying too hard. She's shopping like a madwoman. It's got to stop.

Kate: You know, I do remember that conversation.

Lucas: Right, well, according to her roommate, allie is traveling the world, living it up, because her grandmother gave her a bunch of money!

Kate: Oh. Oh. And you think that's me? I mean, could've been marlena.

Lucas: Really? Could've been marlena? No, no, no, no, no. Marlena knows better. She wouldn't do that.

Kate: Okay, fine. I might've helped allie out a little bit.

Lucas: I knew it. I cannot believe you. I can't believe you did that. Now my daughter is god knows where doing god knows what. She's getting into all kinds of trouble right now, probably because of you.

Allie: Mom is so pissed. The second I landed, my phone blew up.

Eric: You haven't called her back?

Allie: So she can yell at me? Not even try to understand? No way.

Nicole: Does she even know you're in salem?

Allie: It was so much more fun to have my roomie tell her I'm on a grand tour of the world.

Eric: Allie, the first thing you need to do is call her and let her know you're here.

Allie: I will, but first, I'm hoping you'll let me stay. If mom knows that her very responsible ex-priest twin brother is looking out for me, maybe she'll get off my back.

Eric: How long are you thinking of staying?

Allie: A couple months, maybe, just until I figure out what's next.

Eric: You couldn't do that at home with your parents?

Allie: I definitely couldn'T. I'd be spending all my time and energy fighting with mom. Besides, she needs to focus on taking care of ej. I'd just be in the way.

Eric: I--I doubt that.

Allie: Please, uncle eric. Please tell me I can stay.

Eric: Let me discuss it with nicole.

Allie: Cool. I'll just freshen up while you're discussing how fun it'll be when I live here.

Nicole: [Laughs]

Allie: Um, bathroom?

Eric: Um, yeah. It's that way.

Allie: Did I ever tell you you're my favorite uncle?

[Tense music]

Eric: So what do you think?

Nicole: Well, I think we're not getting the full story... uncle.


Marlena: Well, if claire's coming, I better get her room all ready.

John: Yeah. Hey.

Marlena: Hmm?

John: I'm thinking about getting some fresh flowers. Do you think she'd like that?

Marlena: I do think she'd like that. You are so sweet.

John: Ahh...


Marlena: Mm. Oh. Hurry back.

John: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Steve: Oh!

John: Hey, buddy.

Steve: Whoa, whoa, whoa.

[Laughs] Just take it down a notch.

John: Hey...buddy. You don't look so hot. You have a rough night?

Steve: Yeah, something like that. You headed out?

John: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Claire just got released from bayview, and she's coming to live with us, so I thought I'd shoot out and get her some fresh flowers.

Steve: Congratulations, man. That's great news.

John: Yeah, it is. Thanks, man. So what brings you by?

Steve: Well, I thought we could talk, but uh, I can catch you another time.

John: No, no, no, no, no, no. No, let's--let's walk. We'll talk on the way.

Steve: Okay.

Kayla: I don't think I like the way you said that.

Justin: I'm sorry. I just didn't realize you went home with steve last night.

Kayla: I didn't "go home with him." I ran into him, and he was drunk. I was concerned, so i difficultly got him to hope's house and got him on the couch, and then I left.

Justin: You never mentioned it to me.

Kayla: Well, when I got home, you were sleeping, and then you got up and left early.

Justin: [Sighs] Now I sound like a jealous jerk, don't I?

Kayla: Mm. I think I'll take the fifth.

Justin: You still want to have lunch with me?

Kayla: I do, but I have been concerned about rafe all morning. How did the custody case go?

Justin: Unfortunately, not the way we wanted.

Zoey: I'm sorry, but the judge made her ruling.

Hope: You could tell her you changed your mind.

Zoey: I haven'T.

Hope: Rafe has always wanted to be a father... his whole life, so when david came into his life, it was-- it was a dream come true. Rafe loves david so much, and david loves him just as much. You see how happy david is when he's with rafe. Zoey, please, I'm begging you. If you really want what's best for your nephew, please don't tear them apart. Please.

Kate: Well, allie didn't say anything about partying to me. She just said that she needed money for food and for rent, so I thought, what's the big deal?

Lucas: I cannot believe you fell for that. I explicitly told you not to give her any money. I told you that. You're enabling her, mom. You know that's what you're doing, right?

Kate: Well, I don't know. I think you're being too hard on her, really. I mean, she deserves to have a little fun.

Lucas: "A little fun"? That's all she does. She has a lot of fun, believe me. She's a master at having fun. But you--you of all people, I think that you would want her to straighten her act out, you know, get her act together, because after all, when you were her age, you were working pretty hard, weren't you?

Kate: Yeah, well, I work hard to have a better life because I had nothing. Allie doesn't have that problem, so she can afford to be a little adventurous.

Lucas: Why, because she has all that blood money from the dimeras that sami stole? Great.

Kate: Oh, come on. Seriously? I think you're overreacting.

Lucas: My daughter could be anywhere in this world right now. I think my level of concern is warranted.

Kate: [Scoffs] Is sami overreacting as well?

Lucas: Well, she's freaking out, yeah. That's what she does. That's her thing. And she's by ej's side, of course. Ej had another setback, so she's in italy while I'm here trying to track down my daughter.

Kate: Oh. Well, have you tried calling her?

Lucas: [Sighs] That's a good idea. Maybe I should try that. Yes, I've tried. I've tried texting, calling, email--everything. She doesn't respond to me, okay? She doesn't respond to sami, either. Have you heard from her?

Kate: Nope. Not a word.

Lucas: All right. Well, at least you only gave her enough money for food and rent. How far can she get on that?

Kate: Well, she might be able to get farther than you think.

Lucas: Why? Why would you say that, mom?

Kate: Well, because I might have given her my credit card.

Lucas: You did, didn't you? You gave her your damn credit card. I cannot believe you! You know what? That'S... that's not only great for allie. That's great for you. You're gonna love that. When you get that bill and you see that amount that she runs up, you're gonna have a heart attack.

Kate: [Stammering]

Lucas: Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute. That's all we have to do, don't we? If you gave her your credit card, all we have to do is get on the computer and look up the charges and find out exactly where she's been. Thank you.

Kate: Lucas, she's a grown woman. You have to let her live her life now.

Lucas: What? Is that coming from you? Because you let your children live their lives and make their own decisions, really? No, I don't think so. Let's get on that computer and access those charges. I want to know where my daughter's been right now.

Eric: So what makes you think we're not getting the full story?

Nicole: Well, I look at allie, and I listen to her, and I hear echoes of sami, a wild child who's used to getting what she wants and wrapping her wise, kind uncle around her cute little pinky finger.

Eric: So we should turn her away?

Nicole: No, not at all. Look, I--I don't blame her for not wanting to live with sami. I mean, it's obvious she is bound and determined to control allie's life.

Eric: So you're okay with letting her stay here?

Nicole: Honey, she's your niece. I'm fine with it if you are.

Eric: Couple of months. It's a big commitment.

Nicole: Mm.

Eric: I mean, we don't have a lot of space.

Nicole: No, that is true. It's tight in here, but I think holly would love having allie around. Look, we'll make it work.

Eric: Thank you. You know what? You're right. I think it's gonna work out for the best, and allie, she'll still be here with sami comes for the wedding. Maybe I can help heal their relationship.

Nicole: I love your optimism, but it is easier said than done, even for you.

Eric: Yeah.

Nicole: I know firsthand that mother-daughter relationships can be very... complex.

Zoey: I appreciate everything that rafe has done for my nephew, but I am going to respect the wishes of my brother. Despite the mistakes that he has made, christian is still david's father.

Rafe: Oh. You're here already.

Zoey: I'm sorry. It's time. There's a court-appointed officer outside to make sure that the handoff goes smoothly.

Rafe: Right. Well, okay. All right. Hey, uh, all right, buddy. Listen, uh, when we were talking before about how you were gonna go live with your aunt zoey, right?

David: Yeah.

Rafe: Yeah, and um, well, guess what. She's--she's here to pick you-- pick you up now and take you home, okay? But guess what. You know what I didn't tell you? She's got a son, and he's about the same age as you are, and i hear he's a great kid, so you guys are gonna--you're gonna have a lot of fun together. Although, I hear her pancakes aren't as good as mine, so...

David: Yeah.

Rafe: Yeah. But you know I'm gonna call you, and I'm gonna come visit you as often as I can, 'cause you're my guy.

David: Yeah.

Rafe: Yeah, that's right. You're my guy. I love you so much. Depression.

Justin: [Sighs] The look on rafe's face when i told him he lost custody of david, I might as well have stuck a knife into his heart.

Kayla: I'm so sorry.

Justin: I was sure we had a win. I feel like I let him down.

Kayla: Justin, you did everything you could.

Justin: Well, it doesn't make it any easier.

Kayla: I wish there was a way I could cheer you up.

Justin: I can think of a few things, but I don't think we have time during lunch.

Kayla: No, I don't think we do, but we can do this.

Justin: Oh. Mm. Here's another option. Why don't we set a wedding date? There are a boatload of nuptials about to take place, and I think we better stake a claim as soon as possible.

Kayla: Okay, let's do it.

Justin: Okay. Small wedding. Not too much to plan. Why don't we get married next month?

Kayla: July?

Justin: What's wrong? You already booked that month?

Kayla: No, it's just, um...

Justin: Oh, right. You and steve were married in july.

John: So what do you want to talk about? Kayla?

Steve: Anything but.

John: Hold on. What's happening about you getting her back?

Steve: [Sighs] It's off the table.

John: Hey, come on, man. Since when do you give up when it comes to the love of your life?

Steve: Since justin put a ring on her finger.

John: He did?

Steve: Mm-hmm.

John: So what are you gonna do about that?

Steve: I thought I said i don't wanna talk about kayla.

John: Oh, yeah, I'm sorry, buddy, but you know, I was so damn sure that--

Steve: Dude. Dude! Can we move on?

John: Yeah.

Steve: [Sighs]

John: What the hell you want to talk about?

Steve: Black patch. I wanna come back to work, if that's okay.

John: Are you kidding me, partner? You are the "patch" part of black patch.

Steve: Yes, I am.

John: I'd love to have you back. Besides, you can't live on reward money forever.

Steve: Reward money?

John: Kate paid me a visit. She wants me to convince you and hope to accept the key to the city, and if you do that, they're gonna throw in some cash.

Steve: Wow. That woman really doesn't give up, does she?

John: No, she doesn'T. So will you do us all a really big favor and just take the damn key?

Eric: [Laughs]

Allie: So what's the verdict? And just so you know, I make awesome smoothies.

Eric: How can I say no to that?

Allie: So I can stay?

Eric: [Laughs]

Nicole: Welcome to your new home.

Allie: Oh, thank you so much. Oh, god, thank you so much, uncle eric. You're the best. You, too, nicole. I really don't know why my mom doesn't like you.

Nicole: Well, uh, that's probably because we are two totally different people.

Allie: Yeah, you are so much more chill and ten times more fun.

Nicole: That's because I'm not your mother, which makes it a lot easier to be fun and chill for you.

[Both laughing] And not to mention you are eric's niece, which makes me love you unconditionally.

Allie: That is so sweet. Thank you, and I promise I will do everything I can to be a good house guest. I will keep my room clean. I'll water the plants. I'll do whatever you want me to.

Eric: Listen, I know you're excited, 'cause nicole and i are, too, but there are gonna be a few conditions while you're staying here other than just, you know, keeping your room clean and watering the plants. There are some things that are non-negotiable.

Hope: Why don't I take david for, pick out some snacks, okay? For the drive. Come here, big guy. Oh, my goodness. You got so heavy.

Rafe: [Sighs]

[Somber music]

[Sniffs] This is his favorite, okay? So you-- you read that to him at least twice before he goes to bed every night. Okay?

Zoey: I know how hard this is.

Rafe: No, you don'T. Just--okay.

Zoey: Rafe, I only live a few hours from here. You can see him whenever you want.

Rafe: Yeah. Thank you.

Zoey: I hope you know that i find no pleasure in this. You are--you're a good man. You're a decent man, and you've done a terrific job of taking care of him.

Rafe: Yeah.

Zoey: And if it's any consolation, I--I promise you, I'll be the best mom to david, and I--I'll love him like my own son.

Rafe: I know.

Zoey: I'm sorry.

[Somber music]

Behind this mask is a grandfather of 14.

[Somber music]

Rafe: That's it. He's gone.

Hope: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Rafe: Yeah.

[Somber music]

I don't know what I'm gonna do without him.

Kayla: Steve's and my first wedding was in july. But then again, we did have weddings in august and february, so I guess it doesn't really matter.

Justin: Are you sure?

Kayla: Positive.

Justin: Okay, then how about july 10th?

Kayla: Okay. I'm counting down the days.

Justin: Then it's settled. In less than a month, you and i will be husband and wife.

Lucas: Did you find anything yet? Anything at all?

Kate: Well, she wasn't using my credit card just for rent.

Lucas: Told you.

Kate: Wow. She bagged a birkin bag.

[Laughing] Good for her.

Lucas: Yeah, thanks. Focus. Come on, mom, please.

Kate: Okay, all right. Oh. Here it is. A one-way plane ticket.

Lucas: Where? Where? To mykonos or ibiza? Where'd she go?

Kate: Salem.

Allie: Lay it on me. What are your conditions?

Eric: One... call your mom and let her know that you're staying here.

Allie: [Groans] If I have to. Next?

Eric: Two, no partying.

Allie: Done.

Eric: You sure that won't be a problem?

Allie: Definitely not into partying these days.

Nicole: Why?

Allie: [Sighs] This.

[Dramatic music]

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