Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 6/9/20
Episode #13787 ~ Claire privately anticipates Ben and Ciara's wedding; Hope reassures Ciara about Claire's impending release; Will and Sonny press Ben and Jake to tell them what they know about Gabi's disappearance.
Provided By Suzanne
[Knock at door]
Marlena: Oh, nicole. Hi. What a surprise. Come on in.
Nicole: Oh, thank you, marlena. I'm so sorry I didn't call before coming over, but i desperately need your help.
Marlena: Of course. What's going on?
Nicole: I want to surprise eric.
Eric: Abe.
Abe: Hey, hey, hey.
Eric: Hey, thank you for making it over on such short notice.
Abe: Yeah, well, you said it was urgent and you needed my help, so... what's going on?
Eric: I want to surprise nicole.
Claire: Mom? Dad?
Belle: Hi, baby.
Claire: Hi.
Shawn: Hey, hey, hey. Oh, we missed you so much.
Belle: Oh, we missed you.
Claire: I missed you too. What are--what are you guys doing here?
Belle: Well, um, we have spoken with your grandmother, and we have really great news. You're coming home.
Claire: I am?
Shawn: Yes, you are. You're coming home.
Claire: Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And thank you. I have been waiting so long and just hoping and praying that this day would come. Look, I am myself again. I swear I'm gonna make both of you so proud of me. How soon can I go home?
Belle: Well, there's still a little bit of red tape to work through, but our hope is that we can get you out of here later today and on a plane to hong kong tomorrow.
Claire: Wait. What are you talking about? No, there's no way I'm going back to hong kong with you.
Belle: But I thought that's what you wanted, to come home.
Claire: Please. Grandma, look, I've done the work. I swear I have. And I know that I can lead a good and decent life now if only I can just have the chance.
Marlena: I'll talk to your doctors.
Claire: Oh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Ohh. Ohh.
Marlena: Claire, claire, take it easy.
Claire: Okay.
Marlena: Look, I just want to talk with them and see how they feel about your case. And there are no guarantees here. It doesn't mean that you're gonna get what is--
Claire: No, I know. I know. Just please tell them how well I'm doing. They'll listen to you.
Marlena: All right, I will talk to them, and I--I'll get back to you.
Claire: I love you, grandma. I love you. I love you. I love you.
Marlena: Okay, honey, okay. There you go.
Claire: Okay.
Marlena: Bye.
Claire: Bye. Ohh. Who knows, ciara, maybe I'll make it home in time for your wedding. Well, that is what I want. But hong kong isn't my home. Salem is my home. I need to stay in salem.
Ciara: What?
Hope: Something you're not telling me.
Ciara: Mama, it's nothing. It's nothing. I'm just--I'm really tired. That's all.
Hope: No, no, no, no, not so fast. There's more. Ciara alice, I can tell when you're keeping something from me. Yesterday you were so happy, practically walking on air, and today--
Ciara: I just--I didn't get enough sleep last night. And I have so much work to do in the office that I just...
Hope: Okay.
Ciara: Yeah.
Hope: All right.
Ciara: Yeah.
Hope: Planning a wedding, work, adding claire to the mix, it is a lot.
Ciara: Yeah, it can be. But like you said, when she gets released, she will go to hong kong, and I don't really have to worry about it. Mm. Hey. Any leads?
Ben: I've spoken to security at the airport, the bus station, train station, no sign of gwen coming or going.
Ciara: Well, okay, she has to be somewhere, right? I mean, isn't there anybody else that you can call?
Ben: Ciara, I've got my feelers out to everybody I know. It's gonna take some time to track this woman down.
Ciara: Okay, but we don't have--we don't have time, ben. Those guys told jake that we have 24 hours to give them back whatever jake took from them, or else gabi is dead. She's already been gone all night. And even if we do find this gwen girl, we don't even know if she even has jake's stuff, whatever that stuff may be.
Ben: Ciara...
Ciara: I don't know.
Ben: Ciara, breathe. It's gonna be all right. I got this.
Ciara: Okay, look, I know that you are a lot better than jake at this kind of stuff, but jake's been looking for his ex for months, and he still has no idea where she is, and we don't even know that she was ever in salem in the first place, ben.
Ben: Jake said that there were clues that she was headed in this direction.
Ciara: Yeah. Yeah, and he also said that the trail ran cold.
Will: Not a hard question, ben. Did you see gabi yesterday? Do you know where she is?
Jake: [Silently]
Nicole: Eric wants to get married as soon as we can. He doesn't want anything fancy. But this is eric's first wedding, and I want it to be special, and I want to show him that I will do anything and everything I can to make him happy.
Marlena: That's so sweet. I'm glad to hear that. So what are you thinking?
Nicole: I want to invite sami.
Abe: Well, must be something in the air.
[Laughs] You and nicole getting married.
Eric: Yeah.
Abe: Lani and eli, ben and ciara.
Eric: It's a trend.
Abe: Well, it's a very happy one. So have you and nicole set a date?
Eric: Not officially. But I do have one in mind. I hope you can make it.
Abe: Well, I wouldn't miss it for the world. So what are you planning?
Eric: I was hoping you'd marry us today.
Hope: Are you sure you're gonna be okay?
Ciara: Yeah, sure. Um, like I said, I'm just-- I'm just gonna give claire the benefit of the doubt. And, um, you know, all I want is for her to get better. Just like ben did. Yeah, but I have to get to work now, so...
Rafe: Well, hello, bride-to-be and bride-to-be's mom.
Hope: Hi. Any news on david's custody?
Rafe: No, no, not yet, but I'm hoping to hear--nope, still nothing--something soon. Thank you, by the way, for yesterday.
Hope: You don't need to thank me.
Rafe: Uh, I disagree, actually. So your mom testified yesterday in front of the judge, and zoey tried to rip her to shreds, but nope. She laid it all out for the judge.
Hope: All I did was tell the truth. What judge in her right mind would allow that woman to become david's legal guardian anyway?
Ciara: Yeah, ben and I are really hoping that you get to become his guardian. I mean, he loves you so much, and you're just, like, the best dad ever to that little boy, so...
Rafe: Oh, thank you.
Ciara: You're welcome.
Rafe: Thank you. Okay, well, if I am lucky enough to officially become his father, i foresee a lot of playdates with you and with ben and maybe a little babysitting in your future.
Ciara: Yeah, yeah, you know--
Rafe: Yes?
Ciara: Yeah, ben and I would really love that.
Rafe: Okay, great, excellent.
Ciara: Yeah.
Rafe: So now that that's settled, I was supposed to meet my sister for breakfast, and she blew me off, and she's not answering her cell, so... either of your seen her?
Ben: The last time I saw gabi she was trying to jab a needle in jake. Sorry I can't be more help.
Will: I mean, you know it wasn't like she was attacking him, right? She was trying to help jake, because she's convinced that--
Jake: I'm her dead husband resurrected by dr. Quack?
Sonny: Well, it's happened before. She was just trying to restore your memory.
Jake: My memory is just fine, thanks, and no offense to you. You seem pretty sane. But I'm convinced whatever gabi was trying to inject me with would have made me as loony-tunes as she is.
Claire: I just don't see what the big deal is. I'm an adult. If my doctors think that I'm well enough to be released, I should be able to choose where I live, right?
Belle: Well, claire, this is, um, it's like a trial, supervised release, which means the doctors won't discharge you without being in the custody of a legal guardian.
Shawn: Which would be us.
Claire: So...what? So my doctors, marlena, they-- they think I'm still a little nuts?
Belle: What? No. No. Honey, they wouldn't let you out if that's what they thought. They just want you to have the support that you need to navigate what's ahead.
Claire: Yeah, getting back to my life.
Shawn: Yeah, and that's all we want. Hey, we want to be there, be there for you every step of the way, all right? Whatever's best for your recovery we will do.
Claire: Well, that's great. I mean, how soon can you guys move back to salem?
Belle: Claire, it--it's just not that easy, you know? Your dad and I have a home and a job in hong kong.
Claire: Yeah, but salem is where my friends and family are.
Shawn: And we understand that, but maybe for now it might be best for you to go someplace to have a fresh start, someplace that's away from where everything happened when you got sick.
Claire: Okay, would that not just defeat the whole purpose of me getting out?
Shawn: Okay, what exactly does that mean?
Abe: Well, I understand that you're eager to tie the knot, especially given all the years you've had to wait. But today?
Eric: This is what I want. I want nicole to be my wife. You're not saying no, are you?
Abe: Oh, no, no, no, definitely yes, but, you know, other people may not be available on such short notice. Don't you want your mother and your father and your family and friends to, uh, to witness this big day?
Marlena: Sami at your wedding. Look, if you want to have fireworks, wouldn't it be easier just to buy some?
Nicole: [Laughs] I know. I know. But sami and eric are twins, and they love each other. And I know as impossible as sami can be at times, it would really make my groom happy if his sister were there.
Will: Gabi is as sane as any of us. Yeah, she's passionate. She's impetuous. She goes after what she wants.
Sonny: And she was completely in love with stefan. So if there's a chance that he's alive or that you are him, she is not gonna stop till she gets he answers. That's why she took your toothbrush.
Ben: Wait, excuse me?
Jake: Yeah, according to these two, gabi broke in here and stole my toothbrush for a dna test, and it's definitely gone.
Will: Which means she was definitely here.
Jake: Well, I don't know anything about it.
Sonny: You know what? I really want to believe you.
Jake: Look, guys, I'm sorry gabi's having such a hard time with the death of her husband that she decided to try and jab a needle into my arm. But the good news is, if she's telling the truth and she was set up, then she'll be cleared. I hope she is.
Will: It's gonna be a little difficult for gabi to be cleared if she doesn't show up for her day in court.
Jake: Well, then maybe you should start your search somewhere else.
Sonny: We're obviously wasting our time.
Will: Hey, ben, if you hear anything at all about gabi, can you--I mean, can you let us know, please?
Ben: Yeah, absolutely.
Will: Okay, thank you.
[Tense music]
Hope: No, I haven't seen her.
Rafe: I hate when I can't reach her.
Ciara: [Exhales] We should call rafe. You know what? We should have called him yesterday when we found out that gabi was kidnapped in the first place.
Ben: Jake said no cops. And if you remember, rafe was in court all day yesterday with david's custody hearing. He couldn't just drop everything he was doing to help us, ciara.
Ciara: Okay, well, someone has to help us, ben. Because if we don't find gwen, those goons are gonna make good on their threat.
Ben: Naw, I don't think so. They know they're not gonna get what they want if they hurt gabi.
Ciara: Yeah, but they had no problem hurting you when they thought you were jake.
Ben: Ciara, they roughed me up, but it was a warning sign. We call the cops on them, and these guys panic? Might be a different story.
Ciara: Okay, well, I mean, there must be someone else who can help us, right? Like my mom or john and steve and all their isa contacts.
Ben: Cops, isa--same thing.
Ciara: Okay, but then gabi is in danger!
Ben: Ciara, it's gonna be okay, all right? I got this. You need to go to work.
Ciara: Okay, but, ben, i can't--
Ben: No, there's no reason for you to lose your job over this. I'm going in too...okay? And with any luck, maybe jake came up with something by now.
Rafe: I know that gabi isn't exactly a fan of rules, but disappearing like this the day before her court date, how am I supposed to help her if I don't even know where she is, right?
Ciara: Rafe....
Ben: Damn it. This whole thing is such a mess. Gabi's not my favorite person in the world, but we're running out of time here.
Jake: I know that.
Ben: No, we need to find her. Ciara's having a real hard time keeping quiet about this. She almost told her mother earlier.
Jake: Whoa, whoa, whoa, no,, no, we agreed that there would not be--
Ben: I know what we agreed. No cops, no isa, but ciara's worried, and so am I.
Jake: Look, ben, I know this is hard. You have to trust me when I say the cops cannot be involved in this. These guys we're dealing with, they are going to harm gabi if we don't give them exactly what they want.
Ben: We can't give them exactly what they want, because we don't have it until we get it back from your ex. So what is the plan, boss?
Rafe: What is it, ciara?
Ciara: I just--I feel so bad that you're so worried about gabi. I just--I really hope that she's okay.
Rafe: Yeah.
Ciara: Yeah.
Rafe: Me too.
Ciara: Mm-hmm.
Rafe: Okay. Okay, well, if you see her or hear anything, please--
Ciara: You know what? I am--I'm so sorry. I'm--I've got to go. I'm super late for work. So, mom, I love you.
Hope: Oh, I love you too, sweetheart.
Ciara: Bye, rafe. I love you.
Rafe: Okay.
Ciara: I'll see you guys later.
Hope: Have a good day at work.
Rafe: Tell that groom-to-be I say hello. Okay. Uh, is it just me, or was ciara acting very strange.
Hope: No, it's--right before you joined us, we were talking about claire.
Rafe: Claire.
Hope: Well, she could be released from bayview soon.
Claire: Okay, look, I did some horrible things to people I care about, okay? I can't just move on like nothing happened. How can I ever heal completely if I don't make amends and own what I did and make it up to the people I hurt?
Belle: Honey, you know that tripp left salem, and haley passed away.
Claire: Yeah, and it kills me that I'll never actually get to look them in the eye and apologize. But ciara and ben, I need to not only just ask for their forgiveness but show them that I'm sorry and show them that I'm better.
Shawn: Claire, you don't have anything to prove. Everybody understands that you were sick when you did the things that you did. I mean, ben and ciara, they both understand. I mean, they've moved one. I mean, they're en--
Belle: Shawn, maybe we shouldn't do that.
Claire: Engaged? Are ciara and ben getting married?
Belle: Yes, sweetheart, they are.
Claire: Ohh. Well, that's--that's great. Wow, I'm happy for them. I'm super happy.
Belle: You are?
Claire: Yeah. Yeah, I just, um, I wonder...
Shawn: Wonder what?
Claire: I don't know. I was just kind of hoping that someday somehow ciara and i could get back to the place we used to be, best friends. Do you think that's ever possible?
Shawn: Listen, I think that we just need to focus on your recovery and taking it one step at a time.
Claire: From hong kong? Are you--dad, I can't fix my relationship with ciara from halfway across the world.
Belle: Claire--
Claire: Please, please. Look, my doctors want me to take responsibility for what I've done, okay? And if I just went to hong kong, I would feel like I was running away, and I will not run from this, from doing the right thing. Can you please just tell me you understand how important this is to me.
Shawn: Look, I--listen, i find it admirable that you want to repair your relationship with ciara, but, claire, we cannot just leave you alone in salem, all right? Supervision is a condition of your release.
Claire: What if I lived with grandma?
Marlena: I think it's so generous of you to want to make something special happen for eric on your wedding day, but ooh, golly, inviting sami?
Nicole: I know it sounds strange for me to want her there given how strained things are between us, and that is putting it mildly. But thanks to your son, I have learned forgiveness, acceptance, and compassion, and I am not the same woman that stole sami's baby all those years ago.
Marlena: No, you're not. You have become a woman of kindness and grace. I think eric is very lucky to have you.
Nicole: So does that mean you'll help me?
Marlena: All righty, I'll do whatever I can.
Eric: I know it sounds a little crazy, the biggest day of my life, I want to marry the love of my life with no family and friends, but honestly, the only thing that matters is that nicole and I become husband and wife. We've waited for so long for this moment, and I just can't wait any long.
Abe: [Laughs]
Nicole: Oh, hi, abe.
Abe: Hey.
Nicole: To what do we owe the honor of your honor honoring us with your presence?
Eric: Abe is here to marry us.
Jennifer: All right, kids are on the slide loving it. Thomas is just having a ball. And guess what. Charlotte, she's all over it. She's not even afraid.
Jack: Oh, that's great.
Jennifer: Yeah.
Jack: I just got a text here from chad saying that he and abigail are doing just fine.
Kate: Oh, that's so great. Oh, that's wonderful. Would you do me a favor? Next time you speak to them, will you give them both my best?
Jack: We certainly will.
Jennifer: Hi.
Kate: Hey. Well, this is such a rare occurrence running into you. I mean, we're living under the same roof, and yet we seldom cross paths, right?
Jack: Well, it's not that strange. I mean, it's not like we serve breakfast or anything. I mean, it's a four-story house with 20,000-some bedrooms, right?
Kate: I suppose. I suppose.
Jennifer: Yeah, anyway, it's really nice to see you, kate.
Kate: Well, it's--it's so good to see you, to see both of you, really.
Jack: Yes.
Kate: And I have to be frank. If I didn't run into you, I was thinking of trying to schedule a meeting.
Jack: A meeting.
Kate: Yes. I'm sure you both heard about the key to the city ceremony that's coming up, and I want to get as much press coverage as possible, and I'm really hoping that "the spectator" will take part.
Absolutely. I mean, "the spectator" would love to cover that. But I thought that steve and hope--
Kate: Oh, I know. You thought that they were...
Jack: Ambivalent.
Kate: Ambivalent, yes, ambivalent about accepting the award. You know, that's another area where I would really appreciate some help. Um, you know, in my work, with abe, within mayor, it's my job to enhance his public image. And I know this ceremony is really, really gonna do that. So I would super appreciate your help in making the event a success, you know, in support of abe.
Nicole: Marry us? Wait, wait, I don't know what you're talking about. What--
Eric: Well, I just wanted to show you how much I loved you and how much I want you to be my wife, so as soon as holly gets home from school, abe here can pronounce us man and wife.
Nicole: Yeah, but I'm--
Eric: It'll be perfect, because we've already got the license, so I can go shave, put on a suit, and you can put on one of your beautiful dresses, and we can finally be mr. And mrs.
Nicole: I'm sorry, but that's not gonna happen.
Claire: I mean, how can my doctor say no? Grandma marlena is on board with my release. And I would have a live-in shrink to monitor my return to the real world. It is perfect.
Shawn: Claire, I don'T... I'm not so sure it's a good idea.
Belle: Yeah, neither am I.
Claire: Okay, can you just at least ask her, please?
Shawn: I mean, it doesn't hurt to ask. I...I mean, yeah, we'll ask.
Belle: Uh, okay. If that's what you really want.
Claire: It is.
Hope: So if marlena vouches for claire's recovery, she could be released as early as today?
Rafe: Wow, under shawn and belle's care?
Hope: As far as I know, that's the plan, yeah, and given everything that's happened between the girls, i think it's best, at least for now.
Rafe: Yeah.
[Phone beeps]
Rafe: Oh.
Hope: Is it justin?
Rafe: Oh, damn it. No, it's work. I was hoping it was gabi.
Sonny: You don't think gabi decided to skip bail and run, do you? I mean, with her record, if she's found guilty for poisoning abigail and trying to do the same thing to jake, she's gonna go to prison for a very long time.
Will: I--no, I don't think-- not possible. For one thing, you heard gabi before she left. She's not gonna leave ari, not now, not ever, and also, if she thinks jake is stefan, there's no chance she would purposely inject him with something weird, you know, which means she innocent.
Sonny: Which means she's gonna dig in and fight to prove she's innocent and to prove to jake and the world that he is stefan.
Will: So if she didn't run, where is she?
Jake: Called gwen's cell again.
Ben: That's it? That--that's the plan. Jake, you said she hasn't returned any of your messages. I think we need to do a little bit better than that.
Jake: This time I told her somebody's life is in danger.
Ciara: And that is exactly why I don't want to keep this secret anymore.
Eric: So you don't want to get married?
Nicole: Oh, of course I do. I just wasn't expecting for it to happen today.
Eric: Well, that's why they call it a surprise.
Nicole: Yeah, well, there's surprises, and then they're surprises.
Eric: Which kind of surprise is this?
Abe: You know what? I think it is time that I get back to the office, so you let me know what you decide, and...
Eric: But--
Abe: No, either later today or whatever date you pick, but it will be my honor to perform the ceremony.
Eric: Okay, um, abe, wait. Um...
Abe: I'm--I'm a phone call away.
Eric: [Sighs] You said you were good with getting married soon...
Nicole: I am, but not today.
Eric: That the most important thing is, was just being married, not getting married, simple, nothing fancy.
Nicole: Yeah, I know, I did, absolutely.
Eric: Okay. Just give me one reason why you don't want to get married today.
Nicole: [Sighs] Sami.
Eric: I'm so sorry if sami pitched a fit about us getting married. I just don't want to put you through something like that.
Nicole: No, I invited sami to the wedding. That was my big surprise.
Eric: You invited sami? But you hate her.
Nicole: Yeah, but you love her. That's why I did it. I wanted our day to be perfect for you.
Eric: All right.
Nicole: [Laughs] Or I'm completely out of my mind.
Eric: And generous, always putting other's needs before yourself. I'm truly touched. I am.
Nicole: Well, listen, don't you worry about me, okay? I'm gonna be fine. Because any kind of grief that sami gives me will be worth it to see the look on her face when I call her sister.
Rafe: Well, I know the evidence is against her. But I think that gabi's argument is solid. She thinks jake is stefan. She loves stefan. Why would she try and hurt him?
Hope: Let me ask you this. Have you questioned rolf?
Rafe: No, not in person. He's denied framing gabi, but if she's right--
Hope: Then he must have had access to the drug used on abigail. I mean, he's always been involved with the dimeras. He could have walked into any one of the labs.
Rafe: No, no, no, the problem is, he was locked up in jail at the time that abigail was drugged.
Hope: Doesn't matter. Rolf has always had plenty of minions to do his bidding. He could have directed someone else to poison abigail, then set gabi up to take the fall.
Ciara: Blood on my hands? You know, you have some nerve putting that on me when it was because of you and your secrets and your lies that gabi got kidnapped in the first place, jake!
Ben: Ciara, okay, listen. I'm am just as worried about gabi as you are, but I think we can trust jake's judgment on this.
Ciara: And you're just okay with that? Gabi's life can be measure in hours. If she dies because we kept rafe in the dark, how--how can you live with that?
Jake: What the hell don't you understand about no cops?
Ciara: Do you not want to involve the police because you're afraid of gabi's blood being spilled or yours?
[Tense music]
Claire: [Inhales and exhales]
Shawn: So what do you think about claire living with you?
Marlena: Well, as a psychiatrist, I do see the benefits of claire staying here and taking responsibility and making amends.
Belle: But as her grandmother?
Marlena: I'd be thrilled. I mean, I'd love to have her. I would have to check with john, but he adores her, so I think it would be fine with him too. The real question is, is it all right with both of you?
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