Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 6/8/20
Episode #13786 ~ Belle and Shawn arrive in Salem to discuss Claire's future. Will and Sonny realize Gabi is missing. Claire asks Gwen to keep her secret. Ben, Jake, and Ciara try to track down Gwen.
Provided By Suzanne
Will: Y--please, uh, call me if you hear anything. And, yeah, I'll do the same. Okay. All right, thanks.[Phone beeps]
Sonny: Everything okay?
Will: Uh, that was harold wondering if we'd heard from gabi.
Sonny: Why, what's goin' on?
Will: I'm not sure. I mean, when gabi forgot to pick up ari from school, I mean, i wasn't that worried, but--
Sonny: Since she was totally preoccupied with getting a sample of dna from jake.
Will: Exact, but harold said that gabi never came home last night.
Jake: Gwen, me again. Jake. Look, I know you don't wanna hear from me, but I'm hoping you at least get this message. I'm desperate...all right? I...I need my stuff back. Now. Somebody's life depends on it.
Ben: Nothing? And you're sure about that? This is a very impor-- okay. All right, thank you.
[Phone beeps]
Ciara: Hey.
Ben: Hey.
Ciara: Any leads?
Ben: I've spoken to the heads of security at the airport, bus station, train station... no sign of gwen comin' or goin'.
Ciara: Okay, she has to be somewhere...right? Isn't there anybody else that you can call?
Ben: Ciara, I got my feelers out to everybody I know. It's gonna take some time to track this woman down.
Ciara: We don't have time, ben! Those guys told jake that we have 24 hours to give them back whatever jake took from them, or else gabi is dead. She's already been gone all night, and even if we do find this gwen girl, we don't even know if she has jake's stuff, whatever that stuff may be! I don't know--
Ben: Ciara...breathe. It's gonna be all right. I got this.
Ciara: Okay, look, I know that you are a lot better than jake at this kind of stuff, but jake's been looking for his ex for months, and he still has no idea where she is, and we don't even know that she was ever in salem in the first place, ben.
Ben: Jake said that there were clues that she was headed in this direction.
Ciara: Yeah. Yeah, and he also said that the trail ran cold.
[Unsettling music]
Claire: Gwen! Hi!
Gwen: You're still here? I thought granny the wonder shrink was getting you out.
Claire: Oh, she is, she is. Yeah, I'm sure my grandma marlena convinced my doctors that I'm ready to go home and I'll be hearing the good news any minute now.
Gwen: You think so, hey?
Claire: Oh, I know so. Today's the big day, gwen. The day I finally get my life back.
John: Hey, here you go.
Marlena: Oh, honey, thank you so much.
John: Yeah, well, I figured you could use it--what time did you turn in last night?
Marlena: Oh, I was up until the wee hours going over claire's chart.
John: You said that her doctors at bayview were willing to explore a supervised release if you were on board with it, and last night it seemed like you were.
Marlena: [Stammers] Yes, yes, I--look, I'm just so grateful they're letting me weigh in at all, I mean, you know, being her grandmother and being a psychiatrist, so... ultimately, the answer is the decision has to be up to her parents.
John: I see...and shawn and belle were gonna discuss it and get back to you asap, right?
Marlena: Right, they were, except that, uh, you know, with the time change, I don't expect to hear from them for another two hours.
[Knock on door]
Belle: Knock-knock.
John: Oh ho ho ho!
Marlena: Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh!
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
John: Oh, baby girl, it is so good to see you, honey.
Belle: Oh, you too, dad.
Marlena: We're surprised. We thought we were doing this on the phone.
John: Yeah.
Belle: Well, it's a pretty big decision, and, you know, it's claire's health. That's her future. So shawn got a flight for both of us to come in from hong kong.
John: So have you seen claire?
Belle: No, not yet.
Marlena: Is--is shawn there with her?
Belle: No, no, he went straight from the airport to go see his mom. You know, things have been, uh, a little fraught. I've been praying for so long for claire to be well enough to come home, so when I got the call, I mean...I was over the moon. But, uh, you know, shawn's response was...a little more measured.
Marlena: Well, because he's concerned about ciara.
Belle: Yeah. He insisted that she and his mom be looped in before any decisions are made.
John: Hey, I get that.
Belle: Yeah, I know, I do too. I don't wanna exclude them or blindside them. I'm just terrified that they'll do something to keep claire from coming home.
Hope: Oh, I was so excited and thrilled when I got your call--I wasn't expecting to see you for a few more weeks. Wait a minute. You're still coming to ciara's wedding, right?
Shawn: Yeah, of course I am.
Hope: Okay. Oh. Something's wrong.
Shawn: No, no, actually, there's actually good news. I was just told that claire might be released from bayview. As soon as today.
Hope: Wow. Wow. That's wonderful.
Shawn: Yeah, yeah, but it's-- look, mom, it's like it's complicated because I know-- listen, I know there's a part of you that's probably thrilled... but then there's also a part of you that probably is a little bit--probably a little bit worried about what that means for ciara.
Hope: I just wasn't expecting it to happen so soon.
Shawn: Claire's been there for two years. And they said that she's made some real progress.
Hope: I know, I saw her last week. She just didn't mention that... she was being released.
Shawn: So if it--it happened, how would you feel about that?
Hope: Claire's my granddaughter, and I love her. I love her very much. And of course I wanna see her come home, but I just-- honey, are you sure she's ready? Will ciara be safe?
Ciara: We should call rafe. You know what, we should have called him yesterday when we found out that gabi was kidnapped in the first place.
Ben: Jake said no cops. And if you remember, rafe was in court all day yesterday with david's custody hearing. He couldn't just drop everything he was doing to help us here.
Ciara: Okay, well, someone has to help us, ben. Because if we don't find gwen, those goons are gonna make good on their threat.
Ben: Naw, I don't think so. They know they're not gonna get what they want if they hurt gabi.
Ciara: Yeah, but they had no problem hurting you when they thought you were jake.
Ben: Ciara, they roughed me up, but it was a warning sign. We call the cops on them, and these guys panic? Might be a different story.
Ciara: Okay, well, I mean, there must be someone else who can help us, right? Like my mom or john and steve and all their isa contacts.
Ben: Cops, isa--same thing.
Ciara: Okay, but then gabi is in danger!
Ben: Ciara, it's gonna be okay, all right? I got this. You need to go to work.
Ciara: But ben, I can't--
Ben: No, there's no reason for you to lose your job over this. I'm going in too...okay? And with any luck, maybe jake came up with something by now.
Sonny: Wow, they weren't kidding.
Jake: Can I help you?
Will: Yeah. Where the hell is gabi hernandez?
How would I know where gabi hernandez is? And who the hell are you two anyway?
Will: I am will horton. I'm the father of gabi's daughter. And this is my husband sonny.
Jake: Ah. Yeah, gabi mentioned you two.
Sonny: Yeah, well, she mentioned you to us as well. But here's the thing: Gabi's been missing since yesterday.
Jake: I'm sorry to hear that. What makes you think I know anything about it?
Will: She told us she was coming here yesterday. And she hasn't been seen since.
Gwen: Well, I hope granny does come through. I know how much you want to be a part of ben and ciara's big day.
Claire: Okay, come on.
Gwen: What are you doing?
Claire: Look, could you actually, um, keep it on the down low that I know about the wedding?
Gwen: [Whispers] Why?
Claire: Because, uh, I didn't exactly tell my grandma that i found the "save the date" card on ben's doctor's desk.
Gwen: So what?
Claire: So...I am this close to getting released, and I just don't wanna mess anything up.
Gwen: Why would your grandmother knowing about the card mess anything up?
Claire: Look, you already know some really bad stuff went down between me and ciara. It goes back to when we were kids. We were always best friends, but there was always this competition between us where ciara always won and I always lost. You know, whether it was a contest or a guy, whenever something good happened for me, ciara just had to take it away. And I, um, I didn't react well.
Gwen: You mean like when you tried to set her on fire?
Claire: Look, gwen, I told you I am not that person anymore. I have been here for two damn years working on my obsessive tendencies and thoughts, all right? And I do not want anyone to think that this wedding is the only reason I wanna get outta here, because it's not. And I do not want anyone to think that I'm not better, because I am!
Gwen: Claire! Hang on. Don't take this the wrong way, love, but you're starting to really sound like you're not better right now.
Marlena: Darling, we all want what's best for claire. A-and you know, ciara's doing very well right now.
Belle: Does...claire know that ciara's getting married?
John: We haven't told her.
Belle: And you're worried about how she'll react.
Marlena: Well, we were just concerned that, um, you know, when she hears about the engagement, it might set her back a little way.
Belle: Well, I was under the impression when we talked last night that you were on board with her release. I mean, you said that you would support whatever shawn and i decide.
Marlena: I absolutely will. The thing is she--you know, she's made so much progress at this point, a-and she's doing so well, but, um... I think you need to know that if she's released and she's triggered... well, it could set her back a ways. So if she comes home, you and shawn are gonna have to be aware that she'll need enormous support.
Belle: Well, of course. We'll do whatever our daughter needs. I mean, I'll quit my job if i have to. don't think that'll come to that, do you?
Marlena: No! Oh, no, I hope not.
Belle: No, mom, you don't think it'll come to that because you don't think claire's ready to leave bayview.
Shawn: So apparently, claire's doctors said that, uh, she's doing really well and she's exceeding expectations and, uh, claire latched on to that and she made a case to marlena and said that she's ready to come home. But obviously, I mean, it's for the doctors to decide. It's not for claire. But I want to assure you that the doctors will not release her if they feel that she is a danger to anybody.
Hope: Do you think they're being thorough?
Shawn: Yes, I do. I mean, they even reached out to marlena to help make the determination.
Hope: And what did marlena think?
Shawn: Well, belle's with her right now...but we wanna do whatever the doctors say. But if the consensus is that claire's ready... how would you and ciara feel about that?
Hope: There's no one I trust more on this than marlena. So yes... yes.
Shawn: Okay, I just wanna make sure that ciara's prepared, that's all.
Ciara: [Small augh] I'm prepared for what?
[Tense music]
You probably think all pads are the same
Shawn: Ciara! Hey, sis!
Ciara: Hey!
Shawn: Good to see you. And I hear you and i are gonna be brothers.
Ben: I'm a lucky man.
Shawn: Hey, congratulations to the both of you.
Ciara: Yeah, thank you. So, um, why are you in town?
Shawn: Uh...[Stammers] Spur of the moment sorta trip. But, hey, don't worry. I already told mom that I'm gonna be back for the wedding, so, uh...wait, how is the planning going, by the way?
Ben: Good, good. Hope's been a huge help.
Ciara: Yeah, can we go back to why shawn is in town?
Shawn: I mean, like I said, i was--
Ciara: Yeah, it's a spur-of- -the-moment thing. I heard you say that, but I also heard you and mom talking about me before.
Hope: Hey, why don't you tell your brother who's officiating, 'cause it's very exciting.
Ben: Ah!
Ciara: Okay, all right. First shawn changes the subject, and now you change the subject. What is going on here?
[Phone beeps] What is this thing that I need to prepare for--what is it?
Shawn: I'm sorry--
Hope: No, honey, it's okay, it's all right, you go ahead. I know you have things to do.
Shawn: Are you sure?
Hope: Absolutely. I'll fill in ciara and ben.
Shawn: Okay, perfect. I'm sorry.
Ciara: All right.
Shawn: All right, hey, I'll see you--all right, see you.
Hope: Sorry.
Ciara: Bye.
Hope: Drive safely.
Shawn: I will.
Ben: Huh.
Ciara: Huh. All right, so this thing that you and shawn were discussing. Obviously, I'm not gonna like it, right? So what is it about, mom?
Hope: Claire.
Belle: So you don't think claire should come home, do you?
Marlena: I did not say that.
John: No one's saying that, sweetheart.
Belle: Well, the way mom's talking about setback and triggers, I mean, it sounds like claire hasn't made any progress at all.
Marlena: No, but she's made tremendous strides. I-in fact, um, every time we go to see her, we've always commented on the flashes of growth we see in her.
John: Yeah, last week we were at bayview. Claire wrote us the most beautiful song for us.
[All chuckle]
Marlena: Kind of a cross between a mother's day, father's day--
John: It fell right in between both of 'em--anyway, she was so on point, so inclusive--
Belle: I can't remember the last mother's day that I spent with claire. You know, it's always a video chat or an ecard. You know, I just feel like if i would have been here, if I would have been more present for her over the last few years, I would have been able to notice that she was sick and I could have gotten her the help she needed sooner.
Marlena: You listen to me. I was here. I'm a psychiatrist. I didn't see it.
Belle: I am her mother! I'm supposed to know that!
John: No, no, no, no, stop right there, sweetheart. You're a wonderful mother.
Belle: Well, the evidence would indicate otherwise.
Marlena: You did nothing to cause this to happen to your daughter.
Belle: I just--I still feel terrible.
Marlena: Well, feeling terrible won't solve it. What we need now is a plan going forward.
Belle: As long as it leads to claire being healthy and back home.
Claire: Are you calling me crazy?
Gwen: Now, claire, you know we don't use that word in here.
Claire: Oh, fine. Are you calling me disturbed?
Gwen: I don't know, you're just kind of being a little bit intense right now is all.
Claire: Yeah, because I need you to keep quiet.
Gwen: Okay, yeah, got it. Don't talk about the wedding.
Claire: I swear to god, gwen, if you say a single word to anyone--
Gwen: What is there to say? That you want to be a part of your bff/aunty-whatever-her-name is ciara's big day to make up for what you did? It's kinda sweet, actually.
Claire: Oh ho. I should have never trusted a psycho with my secret.
Gwen: Do you wanna know my secret? I'm actually not a psycho. Or crazy. Or deranged. In fact...
[Whispering] I shouldn't even bloody be in here.
Claire: W-where...where have I heard that before? Oh! Oh, yeah, that's right. Everyone else in this place.
Gwen: [Giggles] Except in my case, it's true. Okay? I faked a breakdown to get myself committed.
Claire: Ho ho! Ho ho! Now, that crazy.
Gwen: Uh-huh. Well, why not? Look at this--I've got a roof over my head and free yoga and green jell-o every night. Ah, what more could a girl want? Perfect hiding place, really.
Claire: Hiding place? Who are you hiding from?
Gwen: My ex-boyfriend.
Jake: Gabi told you she was coming here?
Will: Did you see her?
Jake: I did not.
Sonny: Sure about that?
Jake: Think I'd remember.
Will: You know... gabi told us that you look a lot like her dead ex-husband.
Sonny: We just didn't realize that you look exactly like him.
Will: Gabi's been kind of obsessed with the idea that stefan is still alive.
Jake: No kiddin'. I've told her a million times I'm not him, but she refuses to believe me. And apparently, this dr. Rolf guy is turning this town into the walking dead. But bringin' back a heartless guy--come on.
Will: You're the heartless one. Gabi was destroyed when stefan died, and you couldn't help her out. You couldn't give her a little piece of mind by agreeing to a simple dna test?
Jake: I hate needles.
Will: Gabi doesn't need your blood--your hair, your saliva will do just fine. But you already know that, don't you? You caught her in the act yesterday, didn't you? Yeah, you were so desperate to stop her from getting a dna sample that you--
Jake: That's where my toothbrush went!
Will: So gabi was here. I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. At humana, we believe your healthcare should evolve with you. And part of that evolution means choosing the right medicare plan for you. Humana can help. With original medicare, you're covered for hospital stays and doctor office visits, but you'll have to pay a deductible for each. A medicare supplement plan can cover your deductibles and co-insurance, but you may pay higher premiums and still not get prescription drug coverage. But with an all-in-one humana medicare advantage plan, you could get all that coverage plus part d prescription drug benefits. You get all this coverage for as low as a $0 monthly plan premium in many areas. And humana has a large network of doctors and hospitals, so call or go online today. Find out if your doctor is part of the humana network and get your free decision guide. Discover how an all-in-one humana medicare advantage plan could save you money. There is no obligation, so call or go online right now. Introducing new voltaren arthritis pain gel,
Ciara: I knew that claire would be released one day. I just--I-- I didn't know that that day would be now.
Hope: It might not be.
Ciara: Who's making the call?
Hope: Claire's doctor's and marlena.
Ben: Dr. Evans is involved?
Hope: She's consulting. At bayview's request.
Ben: But she's not pulling strings because claire's her granddaughter?
Hope: Absolutely not. You know that the last thing marlena would ever want is for claire to be released unless she was absolutely ready.
Ciara: Yeah, yeah. But is she ready, mom?
Hope: To be honest with you, they haven't made that determination...yet. But shawn has assured me that there is no way her doctors would ever allow her to be released...unless she was 100% okay. Okay?
Ciara: Yeah.
Hope: Baby... claire's my granddaughter, and i love her. I love her very much. But you... my priority is protecting you, ciara. You never have to see her again if you don't want to. You don't, okay?
Ciara: Wow, ben, I'm sorry.
Ben: For what?
Ciara: My reaction... I mean, yes, I'm freaked out by the news, but I am also a firm believer that one can recover from a mental illness.
[Sniffles] Just like you did.
Ben: I know.
Ciara: And I only want the same thing to happen for claire.
Ben: So do I... but after what happened with jordan tricking her doctors into thinking she was well, I--
Hope: Yeah, but that's not going to happen with claire. Not with marlena involved.
Ben: I hope not. I hope they're not rushing this. 'Cause what happened with my sister caused a lot of people pain. A lot of people.
Marlena: Darling, what I'm saying is that claire has made amazing progress. And she may well be ready to come home. But she's not cured. And she may require... outpatient therapy a better part of her adult life.
Belle: And I am prepared to make that happen whenever she's released. But I-- if you're not 100% sure that claire's ready, I mean, maybe this shouldn't happen.
Marlena: Well, there are drawbacks... to continue inpatient therapy.
John: Yeah, like what?
Marlena: Well, if claire feels that she's not making progress, she could feel defeated and she could regress.
Belle: So we're damned if we do and we're damned if we don'T. You know, if we leave her in there, she could just get fed up and backslide and know, I think about jordan ridgeway and she was released before she was ready, and she wound up dead.
Marlena: And for every jordan, there is a ben.
Belle: Oh! Okay, so we want claire to end up like ben weston? He's a pariah! I don't want that.
Marlena: Now, you listen to me...ben made it. Ben is fine, and he's fine... because he listened to his doctors. He listened to me. He followed instructions. He had therapy. He took his meds, and he is thriving.
John: A true success story, honey.
Belle: Okay, so in your professional opinion, which one is claire? Is she a jordan or is she a ben?
Claire: You're hiding from your ex? Did he...
Gwen: Hit me? No. But he did hang out with some seriously scary blokes.
Claire: Is that why it ended between you?
Gwen: [Laughs] No, that's not why it ended between us. It ended between us because a, he's scum, and b, we fought too much. And... one night we...really went at it. And... he stormed out and...he said he didn't know when he was coming back. And... I didn't want to deal with that, so I left.
Claire: Well, good for you.
Gwen: Yeah, not exactly, though. 'Cause, um, then he started phoning me and texting me and he was basically stalking me.
Claire: Oh, well, maybe that's his way of saying he wants to get back together?
Gwen: No. He just wants his stuff back.
Claire: What stuff?
Gwen: Well... when I left, I wanted to make him suffer for what he did to me, so... just helped myself to a few of his favorite things.
Will: You did see gabi. I knew it. I knew it.
Jake: No, I did not see her. I also didn't see my toothbrush when I woke up this morning. Clearly, the crazy bitch broke in here and--
Will: Do not talk about the mother of my daughter that way.
Jake: Oh, I'm sorry. Uh...lying thief? Is that better?
Sonny: So wait, you have a toothbrush here at the garage?
Jake: I live in the apartment upstairs.
Will: You live here. And you work here. So how could you not have seen gabi come through here?
Jake: Well, I'm not a hermit. I do get out sometimes. Gabi must have broken in here when I was gone, took my toothbrush and took off.
Will: You're lying.
Claire: I can't believe I've known you for a couple of months. I mean, I know that you hate ketchup and I know that you bite your nails when you're nervous. But I am only just now figuring out why you're really here.
Gwen: You never asked.
Claire: Yeah, that's one of the things I'm working on in therapy, actually. Giving more thought to the people around me.
Gwen: Does this mean I can have your jell-o tonight, then?
Claire: Oh, sure. Because I will not be here.
Gwen: [Laughs] Hey... don't forget me when you're on the outside. Yeah?
Claire: Hopefully, you'll be out soon too. How long are you planning to hide out here for?
Gwen: Mmm... don't know. I haven't really thought about my next move yet. Claire.
Claire: Yeah?
Gwen: Promise me you won't say anything.
Claire: Of course. You keep my secret, and I'll keep yours.
Marlena: No, no, no, claire is not a ben or a jordan. Claire is her own person with her own therapeutic trajectory.
Belle: Oh, my god, mom, all the shrink-speak is making me insane.
Marlena: Okay, I'm sor--all i want I--I don't want you to have too unrealistic an expectation.
[Knock on door]
John: Hey, shawn. Good to see you, man.
Shawn: Good to see you.
Belle: Hey.
Shawn: Hi.
Belle: So? What'd your mom say?
Shawn: Basically that, uh, she trusts whatever marlena thinks is best for claire.
Belle: Okay, well, that's great except my mom doesn't know what that is.
John: Sweetheart, she's doing the best she can--she just can't predict the future.
Belle: All right, okay. All right, I have one question then. If claire weren't your granddaughter, if she were anybody else...what would you do?
Ben: I know they're saying claire's okay...but she tried to kill ciara. Twice, hope, so if there's any doubts that this could go wrong--
Ciara: You know what, ben, I...I love you so much for being so protective of me. But I really think that I should treat claire the same way that i treated you. That I need to give her the benefit of the doubt. I do.
Ben: And I love how loyal you are and your support, ciara, i do--I wouldn't be alive without it. I'm grateful for it, but... you and claire... you have a lot of history. And her envy and her rage--
Ciara: I know.
Ben: Runs so deep.
Ciara: I know, and I know that it is hard to see that she might be able to get over that, but... I don't know, ben. I think that maybe we should trust her doctors.
Ben: Can you do that?
Ciara: I can try. But I meant what I said yesterday when we were talking about our bridal party. I do miss claire. I miss her. I miss having a best friend. I-I miss it and...I know that things may never get back to what they used to be, but... in spite of all of that, ben, i still love her. And I really want what's best for her.
Hope: I know you do.
Ciara: Yeah.
Hope: Because you have a very kind a forgiving heart, ciara alice. Baby, this is such a special time in your life-- getting married. I don't want anything that's happening with claire to dim that happiness in any way.
Ciara: It won'T.
Hope: Okay.
Ciara: I won't let it.
Hope: Okay. I'm looking forward to shopping for dresses this weekend with you.
Ciara: Oh, I am too.
Hope: Yeah?
Ciara: Yeah.
Hope: Why don't you seem very excited about it, hmm?
Ciara: Oh, no, I am excited, mom.
Hope: You don't need to pretend that you're okay with claire being released if you're not.
Ciara: Um...ha. It's actually not that. I, uh... I actually have something else on my mind.
Hope: What is it?
Jake: Why do you think I'm lying?
Will: I'm a reporter, and in my experience, when people lie, they squirm. They also sweat like you're doing right now.
Jake: It's gotta be 90 degrees in here.
Will: You know, another thing liars do is, uh, they avoid eye contact.
Jake: Oh, okay, clark kent. Well, if you're such an expert on body language, you should be getting the hint right about now I want you to leave.
Will: We're not going anywhere until you tell us where gabi is.
Jake: For the last time, i don't know where she is, so if you really wanna find her, you should stop wasting my time and--
Sonny: You know what, he's obviously not gonna tell us anything, so why don't we just call the police and report gabi as a missing person?
Jake: No, no, no--don'T.
Will: Hmm. Why shouldn't we go to the police?
Jake: Because then you'd have to tell them the circumstances of gabi's disappearance.
Sonny: So?
Jake: So, gabi broke in here. That's a crime, right? She's out on bail, isn't she? You don't want her to go back behind bars.
Will: How do you know gabi's out on bail?
Jake: Ben told me, all right? She's probably out there right now harassing some lab tech. So maybe try--I don't know-- a hospital, a lab, maybe a cheap motel. How about the gutter?
Will: Okay. Yeah, you're right, this jerk is useless.
Jake: I told you everything i know.
Will: Sure. But y-you know what? Before we leave, do you mind if we take a look around?
Claire: Sorry. It's just i thought I would have heard from my grandma by now, you know, that I'm leaving.
Gwen: You know what you need? You need a distraction. Come to arts & crafts with me.
Claire: Ugh.
Gwen: Come on. You know you wanna make one of these--boop, boop, boop.
Claire: Thank you but, uh, I think I'm gonna have to pass.
Gwen: Okay. Say good-bye before you leave, yeah?
Claire: Yeah. Promise.
Gwen: Bye.
[Uneasy music]
[Sighs] I'd better be leaving.
Hope: So...what is it? Ciara. What's on your mind?
Ciara: Yeah, um... you know, working at titan has been a lot more stressful than i thought it was gonna be.
Hope: It's your first day.
Ciara: Yeah.
Hope: What's going on over there?
Ciara: No, I know, um, brady is back as ceo, and I thought that was gonna be a great thing, but it turns out it's not. It's a terrible thing. We really didn't start off on the right foot, but, uh...don't worry. It'll figure itself out.
Ben: Speaking of work... I've gotta run.
Ciara: Mm-hmm.
Ben: I'll see you later.
Ciara: Yes, I will see you tonight.
Ben: Okay.
Ciara: Okay.
Ben: Bye, hope.
Hope: Bye.
Ciara: What?
Hope: Something you're not telling me.
Belle: So come on, mom. If claire wasn't family, what would you do?
Marlena: Well, I think I'D... I'd recommend proper support. And then I... I think I would ask for a supervised release on a trial basis. Could you live with that?
Belle: Yes.
Shawn: Absolutely.
Marlena: All right, well, then I will call her main doctor and tell her that's what we recommend.
Shawn: But what if, uh, what if he doesn't go along with your recommendation?
Marlena: He will.
John: I think it's the right call.
Shawn: Thank you, marlena. Thank you so much.
Belle: Yes, we are so grateful. When can we tell claire?
Marlena: I think as soon as i iron out the details.
Belle: [Laughs] Our daughter's coming home!
Shawn: This'll be great.
Will: So, can we look around?
Jake: This is an auto shop. Hazards everywhere. I'd hate to be responsible for you getting hurt.
Will: Ah, you won't be.
Jake: Fine. Knock yourself out. But you're not gonna find anything.
Will: Okay...we'll see.
Ben: Hey, jake, I put a call in about that transmission. Hey, will.
Will: Hey, how you doing?
Ben: Sonny. What are you guys doing here? Got a car you need fixed?
Will: Uh, no, uh, gabi is missing and we know she was here yesterday, but your boss claims that he doesn't know anything about it. Do you?
[Tense music]
John: You're not second-guessing yourself, are you?
Marlena: Oh. I'm always second-guessing myself.
John: Hmm. Well, doc, I trust your instincts all the way. Claire's gonna be okay.
Marlena: Mm. In my heart of hearts, I hope that's true.
Ciara: Mama, it's nothing. It's nothing, I'm just--I'm really tired, that's all.
Hope: No, no, no, no, no. Not so fast. There's more. Ciara alice... I can tell when you're keeping something from me. Yesterday, you were so happy, practically walking on air, and today...
Ciara: I just didn't get enough sleep last night. And I have so much work to do in the office that I just...
Hope: Okay.
Ciara: Yeah.
Hope: All right. Planning a wedding, work-- adding claire to the mix... it is a lot
Ciara: Yeah, it can be. But, uh, like you said, when she gets released, she will go to hong kong, and I don't really have to worry about it.
Claire: Mom, dad? Hi!
Belle: Hi, baby.
Shawn: Hey. Oh, we missed you so much.
Claire: I missed you too! What--what are you guys doing here?
Belle: Well, uh, we have spoken with your grandmother and we have really great news.
[Laughs] You're comin' home.
Claire: I am?
Shawn: Yes, you are, you're coming home.
Claire: Oh, my god, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! I have been waiting so long and just hoping and praying that this day would come. I am myself again, okay? I swear. I'm gonna make both of you so proud of me. How soon can I leave?
Belle: Well, uh, we still have some red tape to deal with, but our hope is that we're gonna get you outta here later today and get you on a plane to hong kong tomorrow.
Shawn: Yeah!
Claire: Wait, wait, what are you talking about? Oh, no, there's no way I'm going back to hong kong with you.
[Intense music]
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