Days Transcript Friday 6/5/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 6/5/20


Episode #13785 ~ Marlena discusses Claire's request with John. Claire confides in her new friend and fellow patient, Gwen. Jake reveals to Ben and Ciara that Gabi has been kidnapped. a drunk Steve is tempted to tell Kayla the truth.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by Niki

John: You got a bill. You got a bill. You got...junk, junk, junk, and a politician looking for more money.

Marlena: Hey, handsome.

John: Whoa, now there is something worth looking at.


Marlena: Oh, hi.

John: Oh, you've had yourself a long day.

Marlena: Mm-hmm, so, have you. Did you see Brady?

John: Yeah, he's... man of few words.

Marlena: Do you think he's up to something over at Titan?

John: Yes, I do. In fact, I came to your office to talk to you about it, but you weren't there.

Marlena: Oh, right. Yeah, I had a-- had a call from Bayview. Claire wanted to see me.

Ciara: Okay, so, we have narrowed it down to three venues. We already know that my grandma Julie is gonna be marrying us, so, now we need to talk about wedding outfits.

Ben: Mm. Wait. Do I have to wear a tux?

Ciara: [Laughs] Yes, but trust me, it's not gonna be a picnic for me either, okay? Imagine running around in a strapless bra for six hours.

Ben: Gotcha.

Ciara: Yes, so, me and my mom are shopping for a wedding dress today, and I figure you could use that time to find a tux.

Ben: How much do these things cost?

Ciara: No, you don't need to buy one. You can rent one, and there's actually a place to do it in the square, so...

Ben: Oh. [Exhales]

Ciara: Oh, my God. Do you have any idea how hot you're gonna look in a tux?

Ben: I know how hot I'm gonna feel in July.

Ciara: Oh, come on, baby. It's a tradition, okay?

Ben: Oh, okay.

Ciara: And do you know what? Typically, the best man is supposed to go with you, and then you guys get really, really drunk afterwards.

Ben: My best man?

Ciara: Mm.

Ben: Who is gonna want to do that for me?

Jennifer: So, Steve was drinking.

Jack: Without any sign of stopping.

Jennifer: Clearly upset about Justin and Kayla.

Jack: No, "upset" didn't really catch it.

Jennifer: Right, so, the whole note about, "I hope you and Justin are happy together" and all of that, it was just--

Jack: That-- that was-- that was bull. It was total bull.

Jennifer: Right.

Jack: I mean, the fact is, I don't care what he thinks, says, does, or writes. There's no way that Steve is letting go of Kayla, not yet.

[Light music]

Kayla: [Clears throat] Hello.

Steve: Sweetness. [Laughs] Hi.

Kayla: I take it that's not your first drink.

Steve: Oh, no. It's one of many.

Kayla: Ah.

Steve: I am very happy to see you.

Kayla: So, I can get you another drink?

Steve: No. There's something... very important... I need to say to you.

Like sands through the hourglass, so, are the "Days of our Lives."

[Soft orchestration]

John: Is Claire all right? She have some kind of a setback?

Marlena: No, no, no, no, nothing like that.

John: So, what's going on?

Marlena: Our granddaughter wants to be released. She thinks that she's ready to be back in the real world.

John: I see. And so, what do you think? You think she's ready?

[Light mystical music]

Gwen: Hey, Claire. You weren't in the rec room.

Claire: Oh, if I have to play another freaking game of bingo, I might actually go crazy.

Gwen: Yeah, I know what you mean. I was actually hoping that you might sing for us again. It's a lot more fun than bingo.

Claire: You really think so?

Gwen: Are you joking? Your voice, it's-- it's-- it's lovely. That-- that song you say the other day. Oh, it's-- oh, it's just right there stuck in my head. I mean, I just love your singing, Claire.

Claire: Oh, thank you. But I don't know if the other residents really like it.

Gwen: Really? Why do you say that?

Claire: I don't know. I guess it's just that no one claps very hard, comes up to me afterwards to give me a compliment. Yeah, and then when I'm singing, all I hear is just this talking and laughing. It's like no one's even paying attention.

Gwen: Yeah, I know. That's 'cause everybody here is a bloody whack job. Except you and me, of course.

Claire: Oh, yes, of course.

Gwen: What's that?

Claire: Oh, nothing important.

Gwen: Then why are you staring at it so, hard?

Claire: I wasn't staring at it. Hey, what the-- give me that back.

Gwen: Who are these people? Who is that? Who's this one and that one?

Claire: Well, that's Ben. And that's Ciara. She's my dad's little sister.

Gwen: so, she's, like, your aunt?

Claire: Well, yeah, but I never actually called her that. I mean, we're practically the same age.

Gwen: Were you friends?

Claire: Yeah, she was my best friend.

Gwen: Was?

Claire: Yeah, she and I kind of had a falling out.

Gwen: Mm.

Ciara: You have guys that would stand up with you.

Ben: Name one.

Ciara: Um, Will. You guys are friends now.

Ben: Ciara, the only thing Will and I have in common is a cellblock and Statesville. Seriously, I could see it in "The Spectator" now. "The best man, Will Horton, whom the groom once attempted to strangle to death." Mm, no, no. Ciara, all these traditions that you have and mean so much to you, I don't fit in to any of them.

Ciara: All right, well, I'm not eloping. That's like running away, and no, I-- I am so, proud to be marrying you, and I want the whole town to know it, okay? Plus, I really doubt that Will is gonna say no.

Ben: I'm not putting him on the spot like that, Ciara. I'm-- I'm not asking him.

Ciara: All right, fine.

Ben: Okay, maybe I have one possibility.

Ciara: Who?

Ben: Jake.

[Phone beeps]

Jake: [Sighs]

[Phone beeps]

Jake: Oh, damn.

[Tense music]

Kayla: What is it? What do you want to say to me?

Steve: I didn't get... [Sighs] I didn't get the chance to properly congratulate you on your engagement. so, let me buy you a cocktail.

Kayla: I'm on call. And, uh, you don't need another drink.

Steve: Come on, baby. You know I can hold my liquor. Okay. I'm gonna have another one.

Kayla: Oh, you are hammered.

Steve: Ohh.

Kayla: You don't usually get like this. What's wrong?

Jack: I don't know why Kayla loves you. I don't know why Jennifer loves me. I don't know. You don't question it. You thank God for it.

Steve: I do love Kayla. And I won't tell her that, because I love her. I'm trying to do the right thing here, man. You see, the thing is...

Kayla: What? Oh, oh. Uhh.

Steve: I'm sorry. Ohh. I'm sorry.

Ciara: [Chuckles] Jake? Jake? Babe, you barely even know Jake.

Ben: Mm.

Ciara: You just started working for him, and honestly, what I know of him I don't even like.

Ben: Guy's been good to me.

Ciara: Good to you? Good to you? Babe, he got you beat up.

Ben: Ohh.

Ciara: He almost got the two of us killed. I...

Ben: You want me to have a best man? Yeah?

Ciara: Yeah.

Ben: Yeah? That's who I have. I mean, the guy-- he gave me a job when nobody else would. I told him what I did. He didn't have me fired.

Ciara: And he's a dead ringer for Stefan DiMera.

Ben: That's not his fault. And besides, Stefan was the only other person in this town I did consider a friend.

Ciara: Okay, fine. Fine. It's your wedding too. so, you can ask whoever you want. But will you just promise me that you will think about asking Will, please? Please, baby, please. For me?

Ben: Okay. Okay, for you I will think about Will. What about you? Who's gonna be your maid of honor?

Ciara: [Laughs] That is a really good question. Because for so, long now my life has been all about you, which kind of challenges me in the friend department. And before everything happened, Claire was my best friend.

Gwen: so, and your aunt...

Claire: Just call her Ciara, okay?

Gwen: Fine, Ciara. You were BFF’s until this falling out happened?

Claire: Yeah, we don't really talk to each other.

Gwen: Must have been some falling out.

Claire: It was.

Gwen: Wait. Is this the girl that you talk about in group? This is the one that you tried to torch, which is what landed you in here.

Claire: Yes.

Gwen: Oh-ho-ho. And even after you tried to kill her, she still invited you to her wedding?

Claire: Uh...not exactly.

Gwen: Ooh, what does that mean?

Claire: She didn't really give me that card.

Gwen: Then where did you get the card, Claire?

Marlena: You know, after I saw Claire, I went ahead and met with her doctors. They feel she's making amazing progress. She's learning to pinpoint her issues and deal with them. She's al so, been able to-- to confront her own destructive impulses.

John: Okay, but does that mean that she's ready to leave Bayview?

Marlena: They are suggesting a supervised release. That's if I agree, and if I don't, if I think it's too soon, then-- then it won't happen.

John: Mm. so, is it too soon?

Jennifer: Wait, Steve wants Kayla back? Since-- since when?

Jack: Well, it seems that my brother has had some sort of an epiphany. I mean, he has finally decided to let go of the guilt that he had over all the things that he did to Stefano.

Jennifer: Well, that's good, Jack.

Jack: Yes, it's good. It's good. He told me that Hope helped him realize that-- that it was guilt that caused him to keep Kayla at arm's length. so, that's when he decided he wanted Kayla back.

Jennifer: Jack, Kayla doesn't know this.

Jack: Ah, no, that's why he went to the hospital to tell her.

Jennifer: Yes, she told me that she saw him, but she got called away before she had a chance to talk to him.

Jack: so, he didn't get a chance.

Jennifer: But wait a minute. If he wants her back, why would he leave a note wishing them well, Jack?

Jack: When he finally got to her, she was being proposed to by Justin in the middle of the nurses' station.

Jennifer: And she said yes.

Jack: She said yes. She said yes, and then he just-- like something out of Jane Austen, he wrote a little note, and he ran away.

Jennifer: No, what is he gonna do?

Jack: I don't know. I don't know. But he doesn't want Kayla to know.

Steve: [Groaning]

Kayla: Okay, all right, all right. I gotcha. Take that off. Okay. All right. Here. Why don't we just lie down over here, all right? There you go.

Steve: Oh, ahh.

Kayla: You got it?

Steve: Ohh. Oh, yeah.

Kayla: Okay, okay, okay.

Steve: No, do not tuck me in. Do not.

Kayla: Wouldn't think of it.

Steve: It's bad enough you had to drive me home.

Kayla: Well, it's not like it's the first time.

Steve: You're right. You've always been there for me, sweetness whenever I needed you, always.

Marlena: I would be curious to hear your opinions about this. I mean, you've known Claire her whole life. You love her with all your heart. So... do you think she's ready to be released? You certainly have spent time with her at Bayview.

John: Doc, all I can say is what my gut feels, and... I think she's doing much better.

Marlena: Yeah. But is she the old Claire, that little girl that we loved and adored so, much, hmm?

John: I feel like she's my buddy again.

Marlena: Oh, my gosh. You know what? I do too. I do too. I mean, she's-- she's so, affectionate. She's so, not wrapped up in herself.

John: Right.

Marlena: And she understands all the harm she's done and heartache she's caused. And she-- and she wants to make reparations to everybody she's hurt, even--

John: Those are good signs, aren't they?

Marlena: They are good signs.

John: Yeah.

Marlena: They are, and I-- I'm thinking that maybe even there's a way to-- to resume the friendship between the girls, you know, between Claire and Ciara. I don't know.

John: Yeah, me neither. Um, I was thinking that Hope and Ciara need to weigh in on this, where Claire can come home or not, right?

Marlena: Well, whatever happens, Claire needs to be supervised. You know, she's always had this-- this jealousy towards Ciara. Goes back to when they were little girls, and I wouldn't want to see anything happen that would-- that would set her back right now.

John: Really? You think that would?

Marlena: Well, I mean, Ciara is engaged to Ben. That certainly could trigger her, don't you think?

John: Does she even know about the wedding?

Marlena: Well, I don't-- I don't know. We didn't discuss it.

Gwen: Come on. You can trust me. How did you get your hands on that card, Claire?

Claire: Well, um, I saw it on Dr. Morris' desk, and I sort of borrowed it.

Gwen: You mean you took it, huh? Okay, so, then how did-- how did he get it? Why would this Ciara person invite your doctor to her wedding?

Claire: Well, the guy she's marrying was a patient here for a very long time, so, I guess he invited his old shrink.

Gwen: And why did you take it?

Claire: I don't know, okay? It was an impulse. I was just curious.

Gwen: Curious? Are you thinking about crashing that wedding?

Ben: Please do not tell me that you miss Claire. Ciara, she tried to burn you to death twice.

Ciara: No, I know. Trust me, I have not forgotten that. I just--

Ben: Yeah, but you already your life, and that's me. You don't need another one around, please.

Ciara: I don't want her around. No, I don't-- I don't even want her around, not the way that she was when-- when she left. I mean, if anything, I miss the way that she was when she was younger when she was the old her, you know? Like, I would get so, excited for Shawn and Belle to show up and visit us, because I knew Claire was coming, and she was so, much fun, and then when we got older, she helped me get through some really awful stuff, Ben.

Ben: I know.

Ciara: That's the kind of friend that she was. She was always there for me. She always had my back, always.

Ben: I can be your best friend now.

Ciara: I know. I know. Hey, you know what? Maybe I can hire myself a maid of honor.

Ben: Oh, my God. Look, all I care about is that when this whole wedding thing is over, is that I am gonna become your husband.

Ciara: God, I could hardly wait.

[Knock at door]

[Knocking continues]

Ben: Hey, what are you doing here?

Jake: Hey, I've got to talk to you.

Ben: I told her everything. She's good.

Jake: All right, it turns out you don't know everything.

Ben: You got some news on your ex?

Jake: I got news, but it's about Gabi DiMera.

Ciara: Wait, what about Gabi DiMera?

Jake: She's been kidnapped.

[Dramatic music]

Kayla: How are you feeling?

Steve: I'll be okay.

Kayla: Okay, then, I'm gonna go.

Steve: No, not yet. I've got to tell you something.

Kayla: Why don't you wait till you're sober, all right?

Steve: No, I've got tell you now. I know you're with Justin and you're engaged.

Kayla: That's right.

Steve: But I still love you.

Kayla: Don't do this.

Steve: I wasn't going to. I didn't want to mess-- I didn't want to mess you and Justin up, but I...

Kayla: You couldn't.

Steve: I changed my mind. You know, in vino... what is it?

Kayla: Veritas? Truth.

Steve: The truth is, I want you back. (Pirate girl) ahoy!!!!!

Jake: And then he dragged her out of the garage at gunpoint.

Ben: These goons mean business.

Jake: Ahh.

Ciara: Why do they even want to take Gabi in the first place?

Jake: She gave the guy the idea that she's my wife.

Ben: What was she even doing at the garage?

Jake: I don't know. I thought she was locked up.

Ciara: No, I actually heard that she made bail.

Jake: Well, now this guy has her, and he's not gonna let her go until I give him back what he wants.

Ben: Well, do you have proof that these guys even have her?

Jake: Yeah, I got this just before I came here.

Ben: Let me see.

Ciara: Oh, my God.

Jake: Yeah.

Ciara: All right, that's it. I'm calling the police right now.

Ben: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, no, no.

Ciara: [Scoffs]

Gwen: That's what you mean, right? Crash the wedding.

Claire: No. I am not the person I used to be.

Gwen: Oh, yeah, well, we all say that, darling.

Claire: Yeah, okay, well, I mean it. Ciara used to be my best friend. And I want to be one of her bridesmaids. Or maybe even her maid of honor.

Gwen: Well, I do believe you mean that.

Claire: Well, why shouldn't I mean it. You know, we talk a lot in here about making amends, and that is all I want. I would give anything to prove to Ciara how sorry I am.

Gwen: Right, but-- but just hang on. Do you really think that "sorry" is going to cut it after you tried to light the woman on fire?

Claire: Well, if I could just make her see how messed up I was back then and how different I am now...

Gwen: You really think she'd let you be in her wedding then?

Claire: Maybe. You know, a lot of people hate the idea of her marrying Ben, so, I could show my support. Oh, and I could rock a bridesmaid's dress. I know that for a fact.

Gwen: Yeah, well, you know, it's really kind of hard to show your support when you're, um, locked up in this place. Last time I checked, we residents don't really get field trips now, do we?

Claire: Like I don't know that, but if things go my way, I may be blowing this joint real soon.

Jack: Steve pretty much admitted to defeat when he saw Justin propose to Kayla.

Jennifer: Yes, of course, which is why he left the note saying that he was so, happy for the two of them.

Jack: The point is, he doesn't want to stick it to Justin. I mean, think about it. Justin has been through so, much. That guy--

Jennifer: No, I know, Jack. He has, but--

Jack: Yeah, so-- so, think of this. What if Steve screws everything up between Justin and Kayla? My sister would haunt him the rest of his life. She would. Think about it. I mean, think about how much she came after me because of me and Eve.

Jennifer: Jack, Steve and Kayla are soul mates. And Rolf tore them apart. Don't you think Kayla deserves to know how Steve feels?

Jack: Why? Really, why? She's happy now. She's happy with Justin. She's engaged to Justin. They're gonna get married. Steve does not want to burden her with any more information or the knowledge that he still loves her.

Jennifer: Mm-mm, no. No, I think I'm right about this Jack.

Jack: Yeah, right, of course you're right. You're always right, but you're-- wait a minute. What-- where are you going?

Jennifer: If Steve is not gonna tell Kayla the truth, then I'm gonna tell her the truth.

Steve: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that.

Kayla: No, I'm-- I'm so glad you did. It changes everything.

Steve: It does?

Kayla: Yes, because I love you too, and I never stopped. And I just-- I just let things get serious with Justin because I thought that you didn't want me anymore.

Steve: That was a lie. I'm sorry you had to go through that. That was such a lie. Sweetness, you are and always be the only woman I ever wanted.

[Romantic music]

Hope: Steve. Steve, wake up.

Steve: [Exhales] Hope?

Hope: Sorry to startle you, but you were muttering in your sleep.

Steve: Where's Kayla? She was here. Where'd she go?

Hope: Oh, I got here just as she was leaving. She said you got pretty drunk at the pub. so, she drove you here and got you settled.

Steve: And then she left?

Hope: Yeah. You gonna be okay?

Steve: I just thought she was still here. Must have been a dream.

John: I don't understand why Claire would be upset about Ciara's wedding. I mean, it's not like she ever had a thing for Ben or anything.

Marlena: No, no, not at all, but...oh, you know Claire. She's always thought that some man's undying love would solve all of her problems. And now Ciara is getting that before she does.

John: Oh, I see what you're talking about. It's kind of like the job at Titan. Now Ciara has that also. Ciara's got a bright future. Claire now has a blot on her record that may never go away.

Marlena: Yeah. You know when Claire comes home, we're gonna have to be like parents to her. I don't want anything to happen that could cause her to regress.

John: Yeah. Well, Ben got a second chance. And he found someone that believes in him. You know, he's making the most of that. Maybe Claire will also.

Marlena: [Chuckles] She said exactly the same thing to me.


John: Doc, I'm telling you, sometimes-- sometimes I find myself daydreaming, just, you know, the day that Claire comes back to us, and she's still the sweet little girl she always was, all full of life, just ready to go.

Marlena: I know; I think about it too.

John: Sounds like you're on board with this.

Marlena: Oh, I am. All we have to do now is get her parents' approval.

Gwen: so, you're thinking your big-shot granny is just gonna pull some strings and get you right out of here.

Claire: Well, she's consulted at this place for forever. She has clout. so, I told her that I'm better and ready to make it up to the people I hurt. And now way can I do that from in here. What? What? You don't believe me?

Gwen: You know, you talk a good game. But I can bet you always did, didn't you? Tell me, do you really want to make things right with Ciara? Or do you want to just finish off what you started?

Jake: Please do not bring the cops into this.

Ciara: Why?

Jake: Hang up the phone, and I'll tell you. Please. All right, Ben says you know everything, so, you must know we're dealing with the mob here. If they find out that the cops are in on this, Gabi's as good as dead.

Ben: You don't want to risk that, Ciara.

Ciara: Yeah, okay, but, Ben, I'm not risking anything. Listen, Rafe is the police commissioner. He is Gabi's brother, all right? That means that we can trust him. He's not gonna let anything bad happen to her.

Jack: Jennifer, whoa, whoa, hold-- hold on a minute.

Jennifer: Why?

Jack: Are you really ready to upend Justin and Kayla's life? Because that's what you're going to do.

Jennifer: Don't you think Kayla deserves to know the truth, Jack?

Jack: Of course, she does, but not from you and me. Steve can fight his own battles.

Jennifer: You just said he's not going to.

Jack: Yes, because-- he wrote that note because he realizes that his time is over with Kayla. It's over. She is engaged to be married to someone else. He has finally recognized that.

Jennifer: No, Jack, we have all of this information. I won't even be able to look Kayla in the eye. Don't you think she can choose who she wants to spend the rest of her life with? Don't you think that's important?

Jack: I think it's--

Jennifer: I think we need to give her that right to do that, Jack.

Jack: We can give her--

Jennifer: No, we can, which... come in.

Kayla: Hey.

Jake: No, I'm begging you. Do not bring the cops into this.

Ciara: Okay, did you not just hear me say that the police commissioner is Rafe, and Rafe is Gabi's brother?

Ben: Rafe is in court today.

Ciara: What?

Ben: I said Rafe is in court today; today is the day of David's custody hearing, and-- and listen to me. He's not gonna answer his phone.

Ciara: All right, so, what are we gonna do?

Ben: The person these creeps want is your ex. Our best chances of stopping them from hurting Gabi is to find her.

Hope: You want to tell me about that dream you were having?

Steve: Didn't seem like a dream. It was so, real.

Hope: It was about you and Kay, wasn't it?

Steve: Yeah. I told her I wanted her back. I guess I was just drunk dreaming.

Hope: You'll be sober by morning. And you can try again.

Steve: No, I can't. I know I keep saying this, Hope, but Kayla knows her own mind. She's happy with Justin. I wish it wasn't true. I wish I could go back and change things. But she's made a life with someone else. I need to respect that.

Jennifer: Kayla, I am so, surprised to see you. I-- I thought you were meeting with Justin tonight.

Kayla: Well, he's stuck in court, and he's gonna get a bite there, but you invited me for dinner, so, I'm hoping that the invitation still stands.

Jennifer: Yes, absolutely.

Jack: Absolutely, especially with one of your legendary pies.

Kayla: Well, I had a little insomnia baking last night.

Jennifer: Well, I'm sorry for you, but Thomas and Charlotte will be ecstatic.

Jack: Yeah.

Kayla: Where are those little love bugs?

Jennifer: Oh, well...

Jack: Oh, um, in the nursery.

Jennifer: They're actually up in the nursery.

Jack: They're in the nursery...

Jennifer: With the nanny.

Jack: With the nanny, and, you know-- you know the way up there. You want to go see them?

Kayla: Yeah.

Jack: Yes, I'll grab the pie, get some ice cream for them, and maybe get us a nice big glass of wine. How about that?

Kayla: Oh, that part I really like. Okay.

Jennifer: Okay.

Jack: Yes, great. You know the way.

Kayla: Yeah, no problem.

Jack: Great.

Kayla: Don't worry about me. I got it.

Jack: Great. If you think for one second that you're gonna talk to her about this tonight, don't. Please. Don't.

Kayla: Thank you.

Jack: You're very welcome.

Kayla: Well, your grandkids continue to be adorable.

Jack: They are.

Jennifer: Well, I'd have to agree.

Kayla: I'm sure they're really missing their mom and dad, right? I mean, that's a stupid... that's a stupid statement, because of course they are.

Jack: Well, they-- they get a chance to talk to them every day. I mean, they-- they video chat.

Jennifer: Yeah, with the video chat.

Kayla: Oh, yeah, that, right? Oh, but I'm sure they're so, happy with their grandma and grandpa.

Jack: Oh, yes, because we keep them so, busy, and vice versa. They keep us busy too.

Kayla: Yeah.

Jack: [Clears throat]

Kayla: I saw Steve today.

Jack: You did?

Kayla: Yeah, at the pub. He was pretty drunk.

Jennifer: Uh, did he say why?

Kayla: Well, he tried, but, you know, he was really pretty incoherent. I managed to get him in my car and get him to Hope's den to the sofa, but then he basically passed out.

Jennifer: Poor guy.

Kayla: Yeah, he's not a happy drunk either. I think he's still beating himself up over Rolf messing with his head.

Jennifer: Look, Kayla, that was so, long ago, and I just think that--

Jack: You know, I-- I saw him just before you did at the pub, and I think you're absolutely right.

Hope: Coffee wasn't the answer. Well, you haven't had any. I thought maybe these would be.

Steve: Yeah.

Hope: I'll put them here for you.

Steve: Thanks. Sorry you have to put up with all this.

Hope: You're going through hell. I totally understand. And, Steve, you know, I want you to know that I am in this for the long haul with you. We're family. You know I'll always have your back, don't you?

Steve: I know that, sweet thing. I appreciate it.

[Gentle music]

Jake: I appreciate your help, but your fiancé, she doesn't look too happy.

Ben: It's up to you.

Ciara: so, you told Ben that you found you your ex flew to Chicago and then took a train to Salem?

Jake: Uh-huh.

Ben: And then nothing. It's like she disappeared.

Ciara: All right, well, do you have any idea why she might have been headed here?

Jake: No, she never even mentioned this town. so, I need somebody who knows this place inside-out.

Ciara: Well, you're in luck. Because you've come to the right people.

Jake: You sure?

Ben: If Ciara says we're in--

Ciara: Then we're in. so, do you think that there's a possibility she might still be hiding out somewhere near here or...

Jake: All I know is there's no proof that she left this place.

Ciara: Well, do you at least have a picture of her?

Jake: That I do. Uh, that's her. That's Gwen.

Gwen: You didn't answer my question. Are you really planning on making things right with Ciara? Or do you have other plans for her?

Claire: You know, I am offended that you can even say that to me.

Gwen: What? It's just a question, bloody hell. You know how many people leave this place thinking they're all better, and then they come back, and they realize--

Claire: Look, I am not a vindictive bitch, which is what I was before. No, once I get out of this place, I am never coming back.

Gwen: Well, when you say it like that...

Claire: Oh, I do.

Gwen: Well, then, good for you. And I really hope it all works out for you. I do.

Claire: Thank you, Gwen. That really means a lot to me. Come on.

Gwen: Okay.

Jake: Now all we have to do is find her.

Ciara: Before it's too late for Gabi.

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