Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 6/4/20
Episode #13784 ~ Jack gives Steve advice about Kayla. Lani and Eli share exciting news with Abe and Julie. Zoey gets into it with Orpheus; Hope goes to bat for Rafe in his custody battle with Zoey.
Provided By Suzanne
Claire: I want to get out of here, grandma. I'm ready to come home.
Marlena: Honey, I wish that you were well enough to come home. The whole family wants you home.
Claire: Great! Let's make it happen. And if anyone can do anything about it, it's you. I mean, you do so much good work here at bayview, and everyone really respects you and your professional opinion, right?
Marlena: I'd like to think so.
Claire: Oh, well, I know so. So now it's just a matter of you saying the right thing to the right people, and before you know it, I will be out of here and back home where I belong.
Ben: Well, I appreciate you telling me the truth about your involvement with the mob.
Jake: It wasn't fair keeping you in the dark anymore. I mean, these guys, they knocked you around with a crowbar 'cause they thought you were me.
Ben: That was only run-in number one, pal. The second time, I thought they were gonna hurt ciara.
Jake: [Sighs] I'm just glad you two made it out.
Ben: Me too. At least now I know who they are and what you're dealing with.
Jake: So does that mean you'll consider coming back to work?
Ben: These guys are gonna come back after you again, jake. The violence is only gonna escalate.
Jake: I know, and I need to be ready, but on top of all that, I got all this work at the garage. Couple of thermostats to replace, some ignition coils. I'm in over my head, man, and I need your help now more than ever.
Gabi: Oh, gross. Ooh. What a slob.
[Sighs] What have they done to you?
[Suspenseful music]
Going somewhere?
Gabi: I was just--I was just gonna get out, just--
I don't think so.
Ciara: Well, I'm sure you have a lot on your plate right now, so why don't you just look over my proposals when you have some free time?
Brady: I will.
Ciara: Great. I should get back to my office now, but we will talk later?
Brady: We will talk later.
Ciara: Awesome.
Brady: Go team.
[Mysterious music]
[Sighs] I'm sorry, ciara. I can't have you building up titan when I'm gonna rip it down.
[Cell phone beeps] Maggie's free. That's good. That's good. She deserves it after what she's been through. That son of a bitch victor that doesn't deserve to have her as a wife...
[Knock on door]
Nicole: Oh, look at that. It is true. I suppose I should congratulate you on getting your old job back. Too bad you had to screw me over to do it.
Xander: Sarah...
Sarah: I'm just here to talk to my mom.
Xander: Please, sarah, wait.
[Dramatic music]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Xander: Sarah, please, let's talk.
Sarah: The only person that i want to talk to is my mom. Mom! She said she was coming home today.
Xander: She was here a minute ago. She and victor must have gone upstairs together.
Sarah: Victor's here?
Xander: Yeah, sonny and will brought him back from the hospital. I suspect maggie and victor wanted some time alone.
Sarah: Okay, well, I don't want to interrupt their... reunion. Plus, I might lose it on victor again, so...
Xander: Again?
Sarah: I saw victor at the hospital, and he and I might have had words about what you two did to me.
Xander: Only words?
Sarah: If marlena hadn't turned up, I don't know what I would have done.
Xander: I don't blame you, and look, I--I know you're still upset with me too.
Sarah: You think?
Xander: Sarah, if you want to vent some anger at me, go ahead. If you want to punch me, hit me--whatever you want to do, I deserve it. Just let me have it.
Eric: Well, hello, there.
Ciara: Hi. I'm actually really happy that I ran into you. This is for you and nicole.
Eric: What is this?
Ciara: It is a save the date, 'cause I wouldn't want you missing my wedding.
Eric: [Laughs] Wow. I'm very happy for you.
Ciara: Yeah, thank you. I really hope that nicole can make it too.
Eric: Of course.
Ciara: Yeah.
Eric: I don't know if you've heard, but we got engaged.
Ciara: What?
Eric: Yeah.
Ciara: Really? That's amazing. Wow.
Eric: Thank you. You know, kind of crazy to say, but I think things are turning around for this family.
Ciara: You know what? I hope that you're right. We should really catch up or something later, but right now, I have to get back to the office.
Eric: Yeah, I heard you're back at titan.
Ciara: Yeah. Yeah. And brady is actually back as ceo.
Eric: I heard. Nicole, when she showed up at basic black this morning, she found out he was gone. Never even bothered to let her know.
Nicole: I can't believe that I had to find out from the janitor that you quit basic black.
Brady: Nicole, it happened fast. It happened really quickly. I had the opportunity to take charge again. I took it. I'm sure you understand.
Nicole: No, actually, I don'T. I'm your friend, and I've had your back through some pretty dark times.
Brady: And I've had yours.
Nicole: I know, but we were partners, and you at least owe me the respect to tell me to my face that you were leaving.
Brady: I know what I'm doing.
Nicole: All right, before you give me any excuses, wait a minute. Brady, I--I know that you've been through a lot. Kristen left you, and she took your baby with her. But now xander's telling me that you're making the moves on sarah?
Brady: I don't see how that would matter to you at all.
Nicole: You don't? Because I don't understand. Don't you still love kristen? I know how crushed you were when she left you.
Brady: Look--look--look, I know what I'm doing. This is just the beginning. It's just the beginning of my plan. Please.
Nicole: Your plan. Okay, so then why wouldn't you talk about your plan to your family or your friends or maybe go to a meeting?
[Sighs] Okay, so you quit your job, and now you jump into bed with your brother's ex.
Brady: Nicole, kristen's gone, all right? I couldn't be at basic black anymore. There was too many reminders of her everywhere. I needed a fresh start, okay? If you can't understand that, then I'm sorry.
Nicole: Is that your attempt at an apology? Because if it was, you failed miserably.
Marlena: Claire, you know, you--you have your own doctors here, and it's for them to decide when you're going to be released.
Claire: Yeah, but dr. Grantham said I'm doing really well, and I'm sure he would be open to talking to you. I mean, all you really have to do is tell him that you think I'm well enough to come home.
Marlena: Claire--
Claire: You're on my side, aren't you?
Marlena: Oh, of course I'm on your side. I'm always on your side. It's just that this--
Claire: What? What? Just that what?
Marlena: [Sighs] This seems a little bit rushed and a little bit desperate, and it makes me wonder what's happened, why it's so urgent for you to get out of here right away.
What did you stash in your bag just now?
Gabi: That's none of your business. I mean, who are you?
None of your business.
Gabi: I gotta get going, so--
Uh-uh-uh, let's see what we have and why we're hiding it.
Gabi: Don't touch that. You're going to contaminate that.
What the hell is this?
Gabi: Just don't touch it.
Whatever. Where is it?
Gabi: Where's what? What are you looking for?
Never mind. I'm not gonna waste any more time on you. Just tell me, where's your little boyfriend?
Gabi: My boyfriend?
You're in jake's apartment by yourself, going through his stuff, stealing his toothbrush. He's got to be somebody to you.
Gabi: Yeah, he is, but he's not my boyfriend. He is my husband.
Jake: What, you have a better offer than coming to work for me at the garage?
Ben: [Scoffs] Not at the moment.
Jake: That's what I thought.
Ben: But I am gonna need to know what your plan is when it comes to dealing with these old friends of yours, because I'm definitely not looking to get beat up again.
Jake: Those guys are gonna be gone once I give them back what I took from their boss.
Ben: But you said to me that you can't give back what you took from their boss because your ex took it from you when she cleaned you out.
Jake: [Sighs] Gwen. Her name is gwen.
Ben: Gwen, okay. Do we have any way of tracking gwen down?
Jake: I've given it some thought.
Ben: Well, you said you came here because you thought she was headed here to salem.
Jake: Right. She left philly, took a flight to chicago, then she took a train to salem, but that's where the trail went cold.
Ben: So why do you think she wanted to come to salem?
Jake: I have no clue. As far as I know, she doesn't have any friends or family here, and I told you, I was gonna leave myself, but I ran out of money, so I took the job at the garage.
Ben: Okay, so what? We're just gonna forget about tracking down gwen?
Jake: No, I--I can't go back on the hunt until I get paid for the work I'm doing at the garage, and this whole thing with the gabi lady has been quite a distraction.
Ben: So she's still hounding you about being stefan?
Jake: Let's hope she's taking a break.
Ben: Sounds like you're stuck.
Jake: Yeah, I can't move until I give these guys what they're looking for, but I can't give them what they're looking for because I don't know where gwen is.
Ben: I told you I've done some security work for stefan dimera, but I also have some skills that might help you track down your ex. You said you needed my help. Why don't you let me help you find her?
Brady: Look, nic, I really am sorry for leaving you in the lurch at basic black. That was not my intention.
Nicole: But you didn't think of me at all, did you?
Brady: Honestly, my head has been all over the place since kristen left with rachel. This--this--this job was an opportunity to get control again.
Nicole: Control of what?
Brady: Everything. Everything. I just need you to back off a little bit and let me do what I need to do, please.
Nicole: Mm-hmm. But you haven't told me what that is. Making the moves on sarah?
Brady: Nic, I know what I'm doing.
Nicole: No, I don't think you do.
Brady: Yes, I do.
Nicole: I think you're going off the rails. Oh, you know, you're just pissed off at xander, and this is your way of getting back at him. So you take his job at the same time you're taking his girl.
Brady: Xander deserves to have everything taken away from him.
Nicole: I couldn't agree more, but what about his partner? Your grandfather?
Brady: What about victor?
Nicole: He lied to you. He took away your job, your child. Isn't there a part of you that wants to see him suffer too?
Brady: Oh, you know, I-- I can't do this. I'm not gonna do this right now. Maggie--I got a text. Maggie is free. She's out of prison. I'm gonna go see how she's doing.
Nicole: Wait. You're not just gonna leave, are you?
Brady: I need to check on her.
Nicole: Hey, wait a minute. Brady!
[Scoffs] Well, I guess you are.
Xander: Look, I--I know it's hard for you to be around me right now.
Sarah: It makes me sick.
Xander: I understand. I betrayed your trust. When your mom and I were waiting to hear back about her case, we had a long talk about it.
Sarah: You know what? She should hate you as much as I do.
Xander: Well, she--she's pretty furious, but she understands that everything I did was for you. She knows that I still love you.
Sarah: I am so sick of hearing that.
Xander: If your mother can understand it, why can't you?
Sarah: Oh, I do. I get it. When marlena saw me losing it on victor, she pulled me out of the room, and she talked me down and called me on my anger. And then she suggested that it wasn't just because the fact that you had lied to me that I couldn't get over.
Xander: Then what was it?
Sarah: How can someone who loves you betray you like that?
Marlena: You feel that's what it was? You feel that was a betrayal?
Sarah: Among other things.
Marlena: But not only by victor?
Sarah: No. Xander too. The man I...stupidly almost married and raised a child with. I think that's the hardest part, because I...
Marlena: Because you what?
Sarah: Nothing. It doesn't matter.
Marlena: It matters. Were you about to say because you still love him?
Xander: Sarah. Are you gonna tell me?
Xander: Sarah. Look, I know there's a lot you need to get past. I'm not asking you to forgive me today, but maybe someday. I love you, sarah. You're everything to me, and i really do believe that deep down, some part of you still loves me too. Am I right?
[Door opens]
Brady: Oh, baby, what's going on? This guy still bugging you?
[Tense music]
Ciara: I, uh, I understand why nicole would be upset with brady for bailing on her, but i don't know, I think he's focused on other things. He's kind of off his game.
Eric: Yeah? How so?
Ciara: I don't know. He was acting all powerful and in-charge, but I mean, he barely listened to any of my ideas. It was like he had already decided to reject them.
Eric: I'm sure he's got a lot on his mind as the new boss.
Ciara: Yeah, all right, but I don't know, how long is grandpa gonna let him stay on as ceo if he's already gonna tank the company?
Claire: You think me wanting to go home is sudden? Grandma, I have been locked up here for almost two years. That's like 10% of my life.
Marlena: I know, I know, and I never would've wished that for you, but claire, you were sick. You needed this help.
Claire: Yeah, I know, and my doctors and therapists have given me that help. You know, they've actually told me that my progress has exceeded all their expectations.
Marlena: Aw, I'm so happy to hear that.
Claire: I have done everything asked of me: Individual therapy, group therapy, exercise class, meditation. I try to be as welcoming as i can to newcomers. I'm even helping out the leader of the musical therapy group, and whenever I sing after dinner, the whole entire place comes to watch.
Marlena: Oh, that makes me so happy.
Claire: Everyone says that i am the perfect patient. What else am I supposed to do to prove myself?
Marlena: Well, you don't have to do anything, darling. You've already done everything that was asked of you.
Claire: Then why am i still here? If ben weston can be released from bayview, why can't I?
Jake: I can't have you help me track down gwen. It has nothing to do with you.
Ben: I was attacked. Twice. So whether I like it or not, I'm already involved, and it seems to me like it would be in my best interest if I just found these guys, gave them what they wanted, and sent them on their merry way.
Jake: [Sighs] Fine. If you believe you can help me out, I'm glad to take the assist.
Ben: Well, good. I'll see what I can find on gwen, but first, I'm gonna need to drop in on ciara.
Jake: Everything all right with her?
Ben: Yeah, yeah. It's her first day back at her job, and I thought it'd be nice if I dropped some flowers to the fiancéE.
Jake: Ah.
Ben: FiancéE.
Jake: [Laughs] Still not used to calling her that?
Ben: Nope, but I kind of like it.
Jake: Well, tell her I said congratulations.
Ben: I will.
Jake: I'm gonna get back to the garage. Those ignition coils are calling my name.
[Tense music]
Jake's your husband. Oh.
Gabi: Oh!
This is gonna work out well for me. That means you're gonna make the perfect hostage.
Gabi: Hostage?
Yeah, well, let's just call you a solid bargaining chip.
Gabi: Wh--what? What do you want?
Well, your husband has something that belongs to my boss. Little jakie's been playing hard to get, but now that I have his lovely wife, I'm sure he's gonna want to hand it over.
Gabi: Look, I'm sorry to spoil your plan, but I don't think that's gonna work.
Oh...I do. I do.
Chances are you know us.
Why don't you give your hubby a call?
Gabi: Okay. Let me be honest. There's been a misunderstanding. He--he's not my husband.
You just said he was.
Gabi: No, I know, I know. But it's--it's complicated.
It doesn't sound that complicated.
Gabi: It is, though. It is. He's--okay, my real husband, his name is--is stefan dimera.
Save it, girl.
Gabi: No, really. Okay. Look, if I call this jake person, he's not gonna care. He hates me. I'm basically a worthless hostage. You should just let me go right now, okay?
And then what?
Gabi: Well, then I'll go talk to jake, and I'll make sure he cooperates any way that you would like. Actually, give me your information, I'll jot it down, and then I'll find him and--
Let's just keep it simple. Either you call your husband or whoever he is and get him to give me what I came for, or I'll blow your pretty little head off.
Ciara: Hey, brady, I brought you Well... hmm.
[Tense music]
Ben: Hey, you.
Ciara: [Sighs] Hey. Ben, what are you doing here?
Ben: What am I doing here? Well, I'm certainly not here to give you these.
Ciara: Oh, wow, they're beautiful.
Ben: You're beautiful. Something's wrong. What is it?
Ciara: [Sighs] I'm not really sure.
Eric: Hey.
Nicole: Hi.
Eric: You know, I stopped by basic black to check on you, and you weren't there.
Nicole: No, I was visiting brady at titan.
Eric: Oh. And what'd he have to say for himself?
Nicole: [Sighs] You know, he was all over the place. He was acting strange, and then he just took off.
Eric: Really? You know, I ran into ciara earlier, and she said something similar. He seemed to be a bit off his game.
Nicole: That's a nice way of putting it. I just want to know what the hell game it is.
Brady: Xander, why don't you just--why don't you just go?
Xander: Sarah and I are in the middle of a conversation.
Brady: Well, sarah's with me now, so you need to back off and just go.
Xander: Yeah. I believe that. I believe this is all just an act intended to scare me off, but I'm not scared, and I'd like to finish what we were talking about.
Brady: She doesn't want to talk to you.
Xander: Stay out of this. Sarah and I have a lot to straighten out, alone.
Brady: I'm not gonna leave you alone with her, not after what you did to her.
Xander: I made a lot of terrible mistakes, but everything's out in the open now.
Brady: Everything? Everything? Are you sure about that?
Xander: Of course I'm sure. I let sarah fall in love with a baby that wasn't hers, and I'm deeply sorry for that.
Brady: Well, that's nice. Hey. Are you also deeply sorry about trying to take her baby away before it was even born?
[Dramatic music]
I wanted more from my copd medicine,
Sarah: Brady, what are you talking about?
Xander: It's just nonsense, as usual. Come on, sarah, don't listen to him. Let's go somewhere private and work all this out.
Brady: Private? Yeah, private, maybe like the brookville clinic. That's private.
Sarah: Why would you bring that up?
Brady: Well, they--they really value privacy there.
Sarah: Yeah, but that has nothing to do with what we're talking about.
Xander: Sarah, please, let's just find somewhere where we can talk.
Brady: Why? Because you don't want to talk about what happened at the brookville clinic when she went to get an abortion?
Sarah: How do you know about that?
Brady: Hmm, how do I know about that, xander?
Xander: Nothing happened at brookville. I should know. I took sarah there myself.
Brady: Because she didn't want eric and nicole to find out that she was pregnant with eric's baby because she didn't want to do anything to dismantle their happiness, right?
Xander: Right. It was the most selfless thing I've--I've ever seen anyone do, and I told sarah that I support her no matter what decision she made about her own pregnancy.
Brady: Did you tell her how you were going to help rolf steal her embryo out of her body and have it implanted into kristen's womb?
Ciara: And after all the hard work I put into filing these reports, he just--he what? He throws them in the trash? I--
Ben: Ciara, he's probably threatened by you.
Ciara: Why, ben? He's the ceo.
Ben: Because he knows victor's in your corner. He knows you're the rising star. You're brilliant, and everybody here knows you're gonna do great.
Ciara: Yeah, well, obviously brady doesn't think so.
Ben: Who gives a damn? You keep doing what you're doing.
Ciara: How is it that you know exactly what to say to make me feel better?
Ben: Because seeing you happy is the only thing that makes me happy.
[Romantic music]
Ciara: So how did things go with jake after I left? Is he still stonewalling you about the guys who attacked us in the garage?
Ben: Actually, no. He told me the whole story.
[Foreboding music]
Jake: Whoa.
What's shakin', jake?
Jake: What the hell are you doing?
Ah-ah-ah-ah. I wouldn't--I wouldn't-- I wouldn't do that.
Gabi: Yeah, don'T. He's got a gun, okay?
Jake: Let her go. Your business is with me.
Well, you know what I'm after, so hand it over.
Gabi: Whatever it is, just give it to him.
Jake: I don't have it.
Gabi: What the hell's wrong with you?
Jake: I am telling you the truth. I don't have it.
[Sighs] Well, then you better go get it, or I'm gonna off your little wife right here and now. Hmm?
Marlena: Come here. Honey, you can't compare your situation to anybody else'S.
Claire: Well, why not? Ben weston is the necktie killer, grandma. He murdered people, and now he's free to walk the streets of salem.
Marlena: He's not the same person that he was. I know that because I treated him myself. I vouched for his recovery.
Claire: Okay, well, can you do the same for me? Look, I just don't see how anyone can look at what I did and say that I deserve to be punished more than he did.
Marlena: This is not punishment. Claire, it's a hospital. You're here because you did some very bad things.
Claire: Oh, I am not saying that I didn't deserve to be in here. No, I know how wrong it was of me to set those fires. But I wasn't myself then, either. Grandma, I would never, ever do something like that again.
Marlena: I'd like to believe that.
Claire: Well, please, please, grandma, believe it. Look, I've learned everything there is to learn in here. Now I--I want to make amends to the people that I hurt and the people that I love. You know, you and grandpa and my parents. Well, you guys have come here to visit me a lot, and so you know how much I've changed and how hard I've worked, but since I haven't seen ciara the whole time I've been in here, she's just obviously still too upset with me to want to visit, so i want to make amends to her. Actually, I need to make amends to her more than anyone else, okay, and if I get out of here, I know that I can do that, okay? I just let her down so badly.
Marlena: You didn't just let her down.
Claire: I know, I know. She wasn't just my family. She was my best friend before all this happened and before i lost control.
Marlena: Before you tried to kill her.
Claire: And I regret that every single day. I miss her. I want to get back to the way we were when we were close. I need her to know that I still love and care about her, and look, if I get out of here, I know that I can do that, but you're the only person who can help me.
Claire: Please, grandma. Look, I've done the work, I swear I have, and I know that I can lead a good and decent life now, if only I can just have the chance.
Marlena: I'll talk to your doctors.
Claire: Thank you, thank you, thank you so much! Oh! Oh...
Marlena: Claire, claire, take it easy.
Claire: Okay.
Marlena: Look, I just want to talk to them and see how they feel about your case, and-- but no guarantees here. It doesn't mean that you're gonna get what it is you want.
Claire: I know, I know, I know. Just please tell them how well I'm doing. They'll listen to you.
Marlena: All right, I will talk to them, and I--I'll get back to you right afterwards.
Claire: Okay. Okay. I love you, grandma. I love you, I love you, I love you. Oh...
Marlena: Okay, honey. There you go.
Claire: Okay.
Marlena: Bye.
Claire: Bye. Ooh.
Eric: I know how you must feel to think that brady walked out on you, but you don't need him. You can run basic black on your own.
Nicole: [Scoffs]
Eric: All right, I just want you to set some company goals and see them through without anyone standing in your way.
Nicole: You know what? You're right. I'm gonna kill this.
Eric: Of course I'm right.
Nicole: [Laughs]
Eric: And of course you are.
[Romantic music]
Sarah: You were gonna help kristen and rolf take an embryo out of my body and put it into her?
Brady: Pretty sick.
Xander: Sarah--
Sarah: I--how could you do something so--I don't even have the words for what that is.
Xander: I didn't go through with it, obviously.
Brady: Right, only because rolf found out that kristen was already pregnant.
Xander: Exactly. It never happened. It was all just talk.
Sarah: Talk?
Xander: Yeah, th-- rolf never laid a hand on you.
Sarah: But he would've, and you were gonna help him do it.
Xander: Come on, sarah. I mean, you were there to have an abortion. It's not like you actually wanted the baby.
[Dramatic music]
Nicole: [Laughs] Wow. Thank you for the vote of confidence.
Eric: Yeah, well, I'm not really sure you needed it, because I already think you know what a terrific businesswoman you are.
Nicole: Yes, I do, and I also know how damn lucky I am to be the fiancée of the most wonderful man in the world.
[Romantic music]
[Sighs] Oh, what's that?
Eric: Oh. Um, ciara, she gave that to me earlier. You know what she said? That she would really like you to be there.
Nicole: Aww. Oh, their wedding's in july. We don't want to have our wedding at the same time.
Eric: Yeah, I guess not.
Nicole: So I guess ours will have to be in august or maybe september.
Eric: Or we can get married before ciara and ben, or why not right away?
Nicole: Well, that's-- that's not enough time to plan.
Eric: [Chuckles] Who needs a plan? As long as I got you and holly and the justice of the peace, I don't really care about the hoopla.
Nicole: I--I--I guess, but baby, don't you want your friends and family to be there?
Eric: Honestly, I really don't care who's there. We can have a party anytime.
Nicole: [Scoffs]
Eric: I just want to be married to you. We've waited a lifetime to be together. My marriage is important, not the wedding.
Nicole: You are so amazing.
[Both laugh]
Eric: Okay. So what do you say?
Nicole: [Sighs] I say that sounds wonderful.
[Romantic music]
[Both laughing]
Xander: That came out the wrong way.
Sarah: Oh, I think you made it very clear. You believe that it's okay to take an embryo out of me because I didn't want the baby?
Xander: This whole insane idea was kristen'S.
Sarah: That's even worse.
Xander: It was a terrible idea, but I was a different person then, and what matters is it didn't happen.
Sarah: But you were gonna sit by and do nothing while they violated my body.
Xander: It wasn't like that. Come on, sarah, you know me. I--I stood by you through your pregnancy. I wanted to marry you. I--I delivered your little girl. I brought her into this world.
Sarah: Yeah, and then you lied to me for months when you knew that she died that very night.
Xander: Because I couldn't bear to see you hurt.
Sarah: I am so sick of your justifications and your rationalizations. You think that you can get out of this just because you say that you love me.
Xander: I did. I do.
Sarah: It's meaningless. It is meaningless, xander. What matters are your actions, so in case I didn't make this any clearer earlier, you and I are done.
Xander: Sarah, please.
Sarah: Come on. Let's go.
Brady: You got it.
[Dramatic music]
[Tense music]
Claire: Who knows, ciara? Maybe I'll make it home in time for your wedding.
Ciara: [Sighs] Wow. Okay, um, well, I'm really glad that jake finally told you why those guys were after him, but ben, I don't know, are you sure you want to help him search for this gwen chick? I mean, why get yourself involved with dangerous people?
Ben: Come on. I've taken on dangerous people before.
Ciara: [Scoffs] Yeah, I know you have. But now you have a fiancée to stay safe for, ben, and you have a wedding to plan.
Ben: And I promise you, nothing is going to keep me from walking down that aisle. But the way I see it, the sooner that we find jake's ex and we get her to hand over what she stole, it's a lot better for everyone.
Gabi: Jake--jake, just-- just tell him to let me go. I have nothing to do with this.
Jake: She's right. She doesn'T.
Well, she was in your apartment, jake.
Jake: Why?
Gabi: I--just let me go, okay? I have a daughter waiting for me at home.
Yeah, and I have a boss waiting for answers.
Jake: Okay, look, I don't have what you want, but I can get it, and I promise you I will. Just don't hurt her. All right? She's right. She has nothing to do with this.
Okay, fine. I'll give you 24 hours to bring me what I need.
Jake: All right, then you got yourself a deal--wait!
Gabi: [Shrieks] No, no! No, jake! Stop it!
Jake: Hey, hey, come on. Don't hurt--what are you-- I got-- damn it.
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