Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 6/2/20
Episode #13782 ~ Sarah lays into Victor for what he did to her. John questions Brady's motives. Jake comes clean with Ben. Marlena gets a surprising call.
Provided By Suzanne
Ciara: Wow. You know, I hope this treatment isn't gonna stop once we're married.Ben: Uh-uh. It's only gonna get better.
Ciara: Mm. [Laughs] Wow, you know, there's so much. I-I don't even know where to start, ben.
Ben: Why don't you start with that leftover fortune cookie from last night?
Ciara: Oh, okay. That's a little unconventional, but all right.
[Laughs] "You are gonna have an incredible first day back at work."
Ben: What?
Ciara: Wow.
Ben: That's so strange. What are the odds?
Ciara: What are the odds? You know what? How do you get the message inside of the cookie, ben weston?
Ben: Hey, that wasn't me.
Ciara: No?
Ben: That was the universe...
Ciara: The universe?
Ben: Telling you that you are going to knock it out of the park today.
Ciara: Uh-huh? All right, then. Let me show the universe my gratitude.
Ben: I don't want to make you late for work.
Ciara: Oh. [Laughs] Well, then, you better hurry up and get busy.
Will: To new beginnings.
Sonny: And new babies.
Will: Mm. You know, um, on a not-so-good note, I was thinking that before ari goes to school, we should probably...have that talk with her.
Sonny: Yeah, we definitely should. Ari, you just about ready?
Will: Hey, there you are.
Sonny: Want to, uh, grab a bagel?
Will: Yes, grab a bagel, then, uh, have a seat, please. So, um, daddy sonny and I, uh... wanted to talk to you about something.
Arianna: Is it about mommy?
Will: Yeah, it is about mommy. Um...she--
Gabi: She's right here. Hi! Aww! So good to see you!
[Uneasy music]
Maggie: Oh, xander.
Xander: You were expecting someone else?
Maggie: Uh, well, I thought justin might be, uh, bringing me some news.
Xander: No, he's--he's in court today, arguing that your conviction should be overturned. Evan frears confessed that he and his father were responsible for the accident that killed adrienne.
Maggie: [Sighs] Well then, today is the day. Ah, well. If justin can pull this off, I might actually go home.
[Somber music]
Victor: Oh, it's about time. I've been waiting for hours to get released.
Sarah: You in a rush to go somewhere, victor?
Victor: Sarah, what are you doing here?
Sarah: I'm back at work. I heard my stepfather was about to be released, so I thought I'd come check in on you.
Victor: Oh, that's not necessary. My doctors have been very thorough.
Sarah: Oh, come on. It's always good to get a fresh set of eyes on a patient. You know, it's a miracle that you survived being stabbed by kristen.
Victor: Yes, I was very lucky.
Sarah: And had she just been centimeters closer to your heart, you'd be a dead man. It's a shame her aim isn't more accurate.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Brady: 9:00 A.M., Executive meeting.
[Laughs] 9:45, conference call with titan asia. Oh, my god. This is gonna be too easy. Better prepare yourself, titan. I'm gonna take you down brick by brick, and I'm gonna take my... I'm gonna take victor right down with you.
[Futuristic intrigue music]
John: Well, well, well. Look who's back in the big office.
Brady: Hey, what are you doing here?
John: Well, I just heard you got your old job back.
Brady: Yeah, yeah. You here to congratulate me?
John: No, I'm here to find out what the hell you're up to.
Victor: Sarah, I know you're upset.
Sarah: Oh, well, that's awfully big of you, considering you let me fall in love with a baby you knew wasn't mine.
Victor: I was trying to protect your mother, just as xander was trying to protect you.
Sarah: I am so sick of hearing that excuse!
Victor: Sarah--
Sarah: No, I lost my baby. My daughter died the night that she was born, and I didn't get to hold her. I didn't get to bury her, and you knew, and you kept your mouth shut about it.
Victor: I'm sorry for what happened to you.
Sarah: Oh, my god, just shut up! I don't want to hear it. I don't want another feigned word of sympathy out of your lying mouth. I mean, look at you. You're just sitting here, ready to go home like nothing happened, and all of us, we all have to pay the consequences for all the stupid, selfish, horrible things that you do. I've half the mind to finish the job that kristen started, 'cause you don't deserve any of this. You don't get to walk--
Marlena: Sarah, sarah! What's going on here?
[Dramatic music]
Brady: Isn't it obvious what I'm doing?
John: Not really.
Brady: [Laughs] Dad, this was my job before xander stole it from me. I just finally got it back.
John: Yeah, I see that.
Brady: Yeah. This office, this position as ceo of the family business. It's where I belong. It's what I deserve, period.
John: And xander?
Brady: That xander? Xander stole my daughter, and he deserves to rot in hell. I hope he's somewhere miserable.
John: Yeah, yeah. Well, you know, that all sounds reasonable, except I don't believe a single word of it.
Brady: What don't you believe, dad?
John: Oh, come on, kid. This is your old man you're talking to here. I know you, and I don't think this has anything to do with xander at all.
[Uneasy music]
Xander: Well, I hope you're right.
Maggie: Thank you.
Xander: I hope today is the last day you have to spend in this hellhole, but you know how slowly the wheels of justice can turn.
Maggie: Well, I suppose i waited this long. What's a little more time?
Xander: It'll be over soon. I believe that.
Maggie: So why are you here?
Xander: Fine. I just thought you'd be anxious. I didn't want you to be alone, but...if you don't want me here, I'll understand.
Maggie: No. I have a lot of reasons to be angry with you.
Xander: You and half the town. I've done a lot of terrible things, starting with letting will languish in prison for something he didn't do.
Maggie: Yeah, that was pretty rotten, but I understand that you did it to protect me and sarah. And you saved my life.
Xander: I'm just glad I could be there, and I'm so glad that you now know for sure that you weren't responsible for killing adrienne or your grandchild. I'm sorry I thought you did.
Maggie: I thought I was responsible, too. I appreciate you coming here.
[Laughs] You don't look so good. How are you?
Xander: Me?
Maggie: Mm-hmm.
Xander: I've lost everything: My love, my job, and this time, I have absolutely no idea how the hell I'm gonna get any of it back.
Victor: The woman should be fired. A doctor should know better than to threaten a patient, one with high blood pressure, no less.
Marlena: Victor, you don't have high blood pressure. Sarah, I'd like you to come with me, please. Uh, your nurse will be right in, and you'll be released. You can go home very soon. Dr. Horton.
[Somber music]
Ciara: What are you working on?
Ben: Looking for a job. I told you, I am not going back to work at that garage with jake until I get an explanation of why those goons were there.
Ciara: Mm, yeah. I hope neither of us ever has to see those monsters ever again.
Ben: Which is why I plan on spending the day job hunting. I intend to be fully employed by the time we get married.
Ciara: Yeah, but it doesn't matter to me if you are.
Ben: Well, it matters to me. Seriously.
[Sighs] I know just about every employer's gonna have a problem with my history, but... I'll find something.
Ciara: Yeah, but baby, we have a honeymoon coming up. I mean, can't it wait until we-- we are back?
Ben: When we get back?
Ciara: Yeah!
Ben: No, no. I'm not getting into a marriage needing you to support me, ciara, like...
Ciara: All right, well, that's a little old-fashioned, isn't it?
Ben: Well, maybe it is. You know I want you to be successful at titan. Are you kidding me? I hope you are the damn ceo one day. But I also think that you deserve to have a successful husband, one you're proud of.
Ciara: Yeah, but I'm already so proud of you. I'm so proud.
[Tender music]
See you after work, okay?
Ben: Okay.
[Mysterious music]
Gabi: I am so happy to see you and to finally be back home.
Arianna: Where have you been, mommy?
Will: Uh, she's been, um...
Gabi: The business trip, the one--your daddies didn't tell you about the business trip?
Sonny: We--we were actually just about to, yeah.
Arianna: Did you bring me a present?
Gabi: Of course! Of course. I always bring my girl something back, and I got us, uh, matching bracelets. It's stretchy.
Arianna: I love it.
Sonny: Sweetie, why don't you go put that in your jewelry box, and then you can head to school, okay?'re back.
Gabi: Surprise.
Will: But how? Did you bust out of jail, gabi? These are real people, not actors,
Gabi: I am not an escaped fugitive. I'm out on bail.
Will: That's a relief.
Gabi: And rafe is working on proving that I'm innocent.
Sonny: Are you innocent?
Gabi: Of course I am. Rolf set me up. I did not hurt abigail, and i wasn't trying to hurt jake.
Will: Okay, so are you ready now to admit that jake isn't stefan?
Gabi: Hell no! Okay, so maybe rolf didn't bring stefan back, but maybe somebody else did.
Sonny: Okay, somebody else can raise the dead.
Gabi: Do not take that tone with me, okay? I know in my heart that jake is stefan.
Sonny: Yeah, but you have to be careful with this obsession. It has gotten you into a lot of trouble.
Will: You are lucky to be free right now, and we managed to protect ari, but if you get sent away, what-- what are we gonna say? What are we gonna tell her?
Gabi: No, I'm not gonna-- I'm gonna leave her. I'm--not now, not ever, okay? I'm gonna drive her to school, and then I'm gonna spend the rest of the day proving once and for all that jake is stefan. Mm-hmm?
Jake: Ben, I need to talk to you alone.
Ciara: It's okay. I have to get to the office, anyway.
Ben: Good luck. You're gonna be great.
Ciara: Thank you.
Ben: What can I do for you?
Jake: You didn't show up for work.
Ben: Told you I wasn't going to. Looking for a new job. Don't worry, I'm not expecting a letter of reference after i walked out on you.
Jake: You don't need to look for a new job.
Ben: Jake, I made it very clear to you that I am not coming back until I get some answers on--
Jake: I can give you answers.
Ben: Now?
Jake: Yes. It's why I came here. Give you my whole story and why those guys are coming after me.
[Dramatic music]
Sarah: Thank you. I'm sorry that I lost my cool like that. I just--seeing victor triggered me.
Marlena: Well, he affects a lot of people like that.
Sarah: It's just--it-- it was the first time that I've seen him since I found out about all the lies, and when he started apologizing to me, i just lost it.
Marlena: That's understandable. You're in a lot of pain, and victor was partly responsible for that.
Sarah: So much suffering has happened. I mean, eric, kristen, brady, my mom. How can someone who loves you betray you like that?
Marlena: You feel that's what it was? You feel that was a betrayal?
Sarah: Among other things.
Marlena: But not only by victor?
Sarah: No. Xander too, a man I... stupidly almost married and raised a child with. I think that's the hardest part, because I...
Marlena: Because you what?
Sarah: Nothing. It doesn't matter.
Marlena: It matters. Were you about to say because you still love him?
[Tender music]
Xander: Victor fired me, put brady back in the ceo position.
Maggie: I'm surprised. I mean, you and victor were partners in crime. You helped him with--well, with everything.
Xander: Yeah, well, I wish i never did. Victor just uses me to do his dirty work. It's--it's brady he really loves.
Maggie: If you recall, victor fired brady back when this whole ugly mess began, right after making him think that he had lost his child.
Xander: I blackmailed victor for the job. Now it's brady's, and I'm gone.
Maggie: I mean, you can see, can't you, why brady would want you out of there. Brady is the victim in all this.
Xander: I wonder if you'd be so understanding if brady told you that he's sleeping with your daughter.
Brady: Dad, I am here because of xander. Do you think after losing my daughter a second time, that there'd be any other reason why I would be here? I want xander out on his ass.
John: Hmm, I see.
Brady: You still don't believe me, do you? I can see it.
John: No, it's not that i don't believe you hate xander. It's just that I don't see you changing your whole life just to get revenge on him. I think this is about victor. You see, vic has always had a way of making you feel like you never measured up, even after you thought your daughter had died. Let me ask you something.
Brady: Mm-hmm.
John: What kind of a man would fire his own grandson right after making him believe that his baby daughter was dead? Who would do that?
Brady: Victor kiriakis.
John: Exactly. Now, you ask me what I believe. I believe the one you want to punish is vic, but yet here you are. You're running his company. So what exactly do you have planned for him?
Brady: Dad, let me ask you something. If I wanted grandfather to suffer just a little bit for what he did to me, would you blame me?
John: No. I'm just curious about how you're gonna go about it.
[Knocking at door]
Brady: Hey.
Ciara: Hi. Hey, sorry, am i interrupting anything?
Brady: No, no, no, not at all. My dad just came by to wish me luck it's ciara's first day back as well.
John: Oh, congratulations. They are so lucky to have you.
Ciara: Well, thank you.
John: And you're gonna keep an eye on this guy, right?
Ciara: Well, I mean, I'll try. Hey, um, did you and marlena get the save the date card for my wedding? Ben really wanted her to be there.
John: You know we did, and we wouldn't miss it for the world. We are both so happy for you.
Ciara: Aww, thank you.
John: You're welcome. You're welcome, and you, kid-- I'll talk to you later. Bye-bye.
Brady: Absolutely.
Ciara: Wow. Look at you in the big office.
Brady: Yeah, look at me.
Ciara: Yeah, look at you. You know what? You have no idea how psyched i am that you are back in charge so I don't have to report to xander anymore. He's not coming back, right?
Brady: No, no, and, uh, I made sure of that.
Maggie: Sarah and brady? That doesn't make any sense.
Xander: Well, I agree with you. I think it's all an act. I think they want me to believe that they're together to punish me for what I did, keep me away from sarah. But real or fake, the end result is the same. She hates me. I--I don't know I'll ever be able to change her mind.
Maggie: Do you blame her?
Xander: No. I know how much I hurt her. But if she'd just give me a chance, I'd do anything to make it up to her.
Maggie: Maybe you don't deserve a chance.
[Tense music]
Xander: Yeah, maybe not. But I've never loved anyone the way I've loved sarah. I... the idea of trying to live the rest of my life without her now just... maggie, you know her better than anyone. What can I do to change her mind? How--how can I make sarah understand that everything I did was to protect her?
Sarah: How could I be in love with someone who would do something like this to me?
Marlena: Er, I wasn't-- I wasn't defending him, not--not at all. But I had understood he was trying to protect you.
Sarah: He went about it in the worst possible way.
Marlena: Well, sometimes people that are in love go to extremes.
Will: Gabi, please don't tell us that you're going to try to inject jake again.
Gabi: Of course not. What would that accomplish, now that I know that rolf gave me a drug that isn't the one that you had?
Sonny: I don't think that's really the point.
Gabi: Of course it's the point. I'm trying to make jake see he's stefan, and I'm gonna run a test.
Will: What kind of test?
Gabi: A dna test, of course.
Sonny: You would need a sample from both jake and stefan.
Gabi: First of all, they're the same people, but I know what you mean, and I'm on it.
Will: Okay, no, you're not on it. You're gonna make the situation worse, okay? You're lucky to be out on bail right now.
Gabi: I'm not gonna do anything illegal.
Sonny: Of course you are, because you always do. Can you please just chill for a minute? Let rafe clear your name, please.
Will: Think about it. Ari needs you right now. She needs you to be there for her.
Sonny: So unless you want to go back to prison, let it go.
Gabi: Oh, you, you, of all people, are telling me to let it go?
Sonny: What does that mean?
Gabi: What does that mean? Well, you believed that will was dead, and it turns out he wasn'T. Think about it. Think about what you went through to convince him that he was your husband. And now you have your life back, and you want me to stop doing what you were doing?
Will: We're just trying to keep you safe, gabi.
Gabi: I want my husband back, all right? And I'm gonna prove it. I'm gonna prove it once and for all.
Sonny: Wait, gabi--
Gabi: Arianna, come on. It's time for school. V*monos!
[Tense music]
Sonny: What are we supposed to do? Chase after her? Confront her in the parking lot at ari's school?
Will: We're not gonna be able to get her to give up this whole jake thing. She's made up her mind.
Sonny: What about ari?
Will: I--you know, I have to hope that she wouldn't do anything to risk being separated from ari. Should we warn jake?
Sonny: No, no, jake--he's not our problem.
Will: Okay, well, I should tell rafe what's going on, at least.
[Cell phone rings]
Sonny: Uncle vic? Everything okay?
Victor: Wonderful. I got my release papers from the hospital.
Sonny: Oh, that's great news.
Victor: Except I need somebody to come get me. You wouldn't make me hire a damn car service, would you, to get out of this godforsaken place?
Sonny: Of course not. I will come get you.
Victor: Thank you.
Sonny: Ah, see you soon. I gotta go to the hospital and pick up uncle vic.
Will: I will come with you.
Sonny: Are you sure?
Will: I mean, as long as i get to push victor in the wheelchair.
[Suspicious music]
Gabi: Okay. Oh, gabi, you need-- you need to focus, okay? You have a mission.
[Frustrated hiss]
Now I need something of jake'S.
Ben: This organization that you worked for back in philly-- you called them the family. We're talking about organized crime.
Jake: You can say that.
Ben: But you got out.
Jake: Sort of. As I was trying to leave, i panicked, and I did something stupid.
Ben: How stupid?
Jake: I took something valuable. I was hoping to use it as a bargaining chip.
Ben: Okay, so why not just give it back to them now?
Jake: I don't have it anymore.
Ben: Where is it?
Jake: I don't know.
Ben: Jake, I think I'm gonna need to know a little bit more than that.
Jake: Hey, the woman I was seeing at the time-- our relationship was rocky at best. All right? We had one last bad fight, I stormed out, spent the night out of the house. When I came home in the morning, everything was gone.
Ben: Including what you took from...the family.
Jake: Yes.
Ben: So where is this woman now, the ex?
Jake: I have no idea.
Maggie: The best advice I can give you is to give sarah space. I know my daughter. She's headstrong. I mean, the more you push, the more she's gonna dig in her heels.
Xander: So I'm supposed to sit back and do nothing?
Maggie: I told you what i think. What you choose to do with my suggestion is up to you.
Xander: Of course. I'm sorry; you're right. I... well, I've turned this visit into something selfish, haven't I? I said I was here to comfort you, and I spent the whole time talking about myself.
Maggie: Still, it's better than no visitor at all.
Xander: I know this is torture for you, waiting to hear if you're gonna be released or not.
Maggie: Having hope-- it makes it both better and worse.
Xander: I'll tell you what. Why don't I go and call the court, see if I can get some updates?
Maggie: Would you?
Xander: Of course. I'll be back as soon as I can.
[Melancholy music]
Sarah: Of course I know that xander wasn't trying to hurt me when he switched the babies, but...I can't forgive the pain that he and victor have caused, and I want them to pay. In fact, it's all I think about: Making xander pay, making victor pay.
Marlena: What about the other part?
Sarah: What other part?
Marlena: Grief of losing your child.
Sarah: I don't think I'll ever get over that.
Marlena: You won'T. What you have to do is learn to live with it, and the way that you're going about it, trying to turn your pain into anger, trying to blame other people for your loss-- that isn't going to work. You won't get satisfaction that way. What you're looking for is some kind of peace of mind.
Sarah: That just--it just seems so far out of reach.
Marlena: I know it does. Hey. You will find love again. You might even have another child. You just need to focus on what's right in your life.
Sarah: How do I do that?
Marlena: Well, you do it by admitting what is real.
Sarah: Do you mean admitting that I still love xander?
Marlena: I don't know. It's all about how you feel.
Sarah: Are you saying that i should forgive him?
Marlena: No, I'm not saying that. I think forgiveness is entirely your decision. Back off!
Sarah: I don't know what i want.
Marlena: You don't have to decide right now. You can think about it. We can talk about it, if that helps you at all.
[Cell phone rings]
Sarah: Oh, I'm sorry. I have to take this. I think it might be about my mom.
Marlena: Oh, please, yes. Yes, go ahead.
Sarah: Thank you.
Marlena: Mm-hmm.
[Cell phone rings] Dr. Evans. Oh, uh, of course. I'll be right there.
Ciara: So how exactly did you get rid of xander?
Brady: It doesn't really matter. I mean, look, it's my first day. It's your first day back. I think we have better things to discuss than that loser, don't you think?
Ciara: You know what? Agreed, agreed. And I wanted to let you know that I apologized to grandpa for taking time off the job to deal with, uh, ben's situation.
Brady: Yeah, um, no apology necessary. I'm glad you're back.
Ciara: Good, because I have been thinking a lot about the company's future.
Brady: Okay, uh, what is this?
Ciara: Well, I've just--I've put together some spreadsheets, some projections for all the divisions, and suggestions on how to allocate titan's assets, and it looks to me like we should be focusing most of our attention on asia.
Brady: [Clears throat] Yeah, uh, you know, I appreciate your hard work, ciara. I really do. I just don't think this is the right approach.
Ciara: Well, why not? I've laid out a comprehensive plan to cut costs and increase revenue at the same time. It's a no-brainer.
Brady: Uh, it's good. I just have other ideas. As a matter of fact, I think we might be selling the asian division.
Ciara: Now? It's been the biggest profit-driver for years. The whole company would take a huge hit. I don't understand. Why would you do that?
Jake: Been trying to track down my ex-girlfriend ever since I got here. It's actually how I ended up in salem in the first place.
Ben: You thought she was headed here?
Jake: All clues pointed this direction. I... as soon as I got to town, the trail ran cold, I ran out of money, and I needed a place to stay, so I took the job at the garage.
Ben: So why don't you just tell the guys who came after you that, that you don't have what they're looking for and that your ex took it?
Jake: 'Cause I don't know where she is, but even if I did, I wouldn't say a word. I know what these guys are capable of. Now you do, too.
[Uneasy music]
Gabi: Hello? Anyone here? Jake?
Victor: Thank you.
Will: Home sweet home.
Victor: I think I'd rather have my nephew pushing me.
Will: Oh, what's the matter? You don't like my driving?
Victor: Uh, just seems to me you hit every bump on the way in here.
Will: Oh, did I?
Sonny: Must be nice to be home, huh, uncle vic?
Victor: Well, it's better than being in that hospital, although the place still seems sort of empty without...
[Door closes]
[Soft dramatic music]
You may not see them, but your
itchy eyes know
[Tender music]
Victor: You're really here.
Xander: The judge overturned her conviction. I tried to call with the good news, but I couldn't get through. I should go. I have, uh, things to do.
Maggie: Thank you.
Sonny: It's good to have you home. Oh!
Maggie: Mm.
Will: Congratulations. I'm--I'm really happy for you.
Maggie: Oh! Thanks, will...for everything.
Will: Yeah.
Victor: You're a sight for sore eyes, maggie. Don't you have anything to say to me?
Maggie: No.
[Tense music]
Brady: Everything you've suggested makes sense. I just think the situation is a little more complicated than you realize.
Ciara: Well, how so?
Brady: [Sighs] I can't really divulge it right now, but it's a judgment call. I need some time to think about it. First day and all.
Ciara: Yeah, yeah. You know, I'm sure you have a ton on your plate right now, so why don't you just look over my proposals when you have some free time?
Brady: I promise you, I will.
Ciara: Great. I should probably get back to my office, so we will talk later?
Brady: We will talk later.
Ciara: Awesome.
[Sinister music]
Jake: Been trying to lie low ever since I got to salem, hoping these guys wouldn't find me, but now that they have, it's only a matter of time before they're back.
Ben: But you are still trying to find your ex.
Jake: Yes, I need to find her before they do. You saw what they were capable of when they threatened ciara. I'd hate to think of any woman threatened by them or at their mercy.
Gabi: Oh, gross. Oh, what a slob. Stefan, what have they done to you?
[Dramatic music]
Goon: Going somewhere?
Marlena: Oh!
Claire: Grandma!
Marlena: Hi, darling. Good to see you. I got your call.
Claire: Uh, yeah, I know you usually visit on fridays, but I needed to talk to you right away.
Marlena: Oh, all righty. What's going on?
Claire: I want to get out of here, grandma. I'm ready to come home.
[Dramatic music]
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