Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 6/1/20
Episode #13781 ~ Steve witnesses Justin's proposal to Kayla. Will and Sonny make a life-changing decision. Lani grapples with her fears about her pregnancy. Rafe is surprised by Zoey's news concerning David's custody case.
Provided By Suzanne
Sonny: Hey, I thought you were going to "the spectator."
Will: Uh, no, working from home today. Where'd you run off to?
Sonny: I was visiting my mom's gravesite, and my dad was there too.
Will: Is he okay?
Sonny: He's fine. Yeah, um, but he said something about life being too short and never knowing what's gonna happen got me thinking about--
Will: Having another baby. Let's do it.
[Sentimental music]
Eli: Good, you're here. I just came from the station. I've been--I've been calling you all day. Why haven't you returned any of my texts?
Lani: So you used your detective skills to find me here where we live?
[Solemn music]
Eli: Lani, why did you run out on me earlier? And please explain it to me. Why did you say that you--you didn't think you wanted to have the baby?
Lani: Because I'm afraid of losing it... the way that we lost david.
Hope: Hey. Hi.
Rafe: Hi.
Hope: Hope it's okay. You left the kitchen door open again.
Rafe: Huh.
Hope: You really need to stop doing that.
Rafe: It's all right. Mi casa, su casa. What's up?
Hope: Oh, I stopped by the station to drop off a baby gift to luanne, and she mentioned that you went home early. Well, you haven't done that since you had a 103 fever and were flat on your back.
Rafe: Right.
Hope: Well, I just thought i would check up on you.
Rafe: I'm fine. Yeah.
Hope: Good.
Rafe: I'm good--uh, david, he was a little worn out, long day at work, you know, needed a nap. So...yeah. Well, thank you.
Hope: [Scoffs] Actually, I think I should be thanking you.
Kate: So on monday, there at 9:30, you meet with the rotary club.
Abe: Okay. So what's--what's this: "Key to the city ceremony"?
Kate: Yeah, well, I thought in light of the heroics necessary to rescue to john, you know, stop orpheus, that we should, well, we should honor hope and steve.
Abe: "We"?
Kate: Yeah, I mean, they haven't accepted yet, but i still--I put it on the schedule. So...
Abe: Why the hell would you do that?
[Elevator bell dings]
Justin: Hello.
Kayla: Oh, justin, what are you doing here?
Justin: This.
Kayla: Justin, I...
Justin: I know this is sudden and we're in the middle of a hospital, but I just can't wait any longer. I love you, kayla brady, and I wanna share the rest of my life with you. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?
[Dramatic music]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Eli: Lani, I did some research. The odds of you having placenta previa on your second child are like 2%.
Lani: We don't even know if that's why I went into early labor the first time.
Eli: Okay, then--then let's go down to the hospital. We'll talk to kayla, get more information, statistics and--
Lani: No, eli. No, they don't know. It doesn't matter about the stats. Okay? There is no way for them to possibly know what could happen, and there are so many things that can go wrong with the pregnancy.
Eli: And what about everything that can go right, like having a healthy, happy baby?
Lani: I can't even think about that because if I have to... if I have to go through losing a child again, eli, it will kill me.
Sonny: You thought I was gonna say I wanted to have another kid?
Will: Uh, well, yeah. I mean, last year, before the car accident, we talked about growing our family, and I was just telling my grandma that i feel like now we're finally back to the place that we were then.
Sonny: Yeah, and I--I feel-- I feel that way too.
Will: Yeah, so I guess when you said life was short, I just assumed that that's what you're talking about, but clearly, I--i made a leap.
Sonny: Well, actually, that's exactly what I was gonna say.
Will: Seriously?
Sonny: Seriously. Let's have a baby.
Rafe: You wanna thank me? For what?
Hope: I decided to take your advice and try to forgive myself...for the horrible things that I did as princess gina.
Rafe: Good. Good. I'm, uh, glad to hear that. Huh, I guess I have more power than I thought.
[Both laugh]
Hope: Well, to be honest with you, uh, when I saw julie and ciara after we spoke, they said the same exact thing.
Rafe: Oh, so it wasn't just me?
Hope: Mostly you.
Rafe: Really? It's all right. You know what, I am happy either way. It's time. It's time for you to move on with your life, right?
Hope: Yeah.
Rafe: Yeah.
Hope: I'm gonna do my best.
Rafe: Good.
Hope: I really am. Hey, um, last night, uh, working together to go after zoey and find david and john, it'S... it was the first time in forever I--I truly felt like myself.
Rafe: Yeah. Yeah. Thank you, again, by the way. But, um...yeah, I know, uh... I know how you feel.
Hope: Well, I--I'll--
Rafe: Zoey?
Zoey: The door was unlocked. Sorry to interrupt.
Rafe: What are you doing here?
[Suspenseful music]
Kayla: It's beautiful. I--I don't know what to say. Do you think that maybe we could just go talk somewhere privately?
Justin: Sure. I wanted more from my copd medicine,
[Suspenseful music]
Kate: So you don't think that steve and hope deserve recognition for their actions?
Abe: That's not what I'm saying.
Kate: Okay, so what exactly are you saying?
Abe: What I'm saying is that you--well, it's not your place to make the offer. You don't speak for me. In fact, you don't do anything that I haven't first approved.
Kate: Okay, abe. I'm trying to help you.
Abe: Are you? Or are you trying to assuage your guilt over not helping hope and steve because you knew they were being brainwashed?
Kate: [Scoffs] Trust me, guilt doesn't have anything to do with this.
Abe: Does it?
Kate: No, it doesn't, and frankly, I expected a little gratitude. I mean, in light of how bad your pr has been lately, I thought it was a perfect opportunity to showcase a crime in salem that's actually getting solved for a change, where the correct felon is being brought to justice.
Abe: So this is about making me look good?
Kate: Of course it is. It's my job, abe.
Abe: No, actually, it's not.
Hope: I'm glad to see you didn't run.
Zoey: I told you I wasn't going anywhere.
Rafe: You took off last night.
Zoey: To find my son. Thank you, hope, for letting me go to him.
Hope: How is he?
Zoey: He's fine, thank god. He was a little shaken up, but he doesn't really understand everything that happened.
Hope: I'm so glad you got him back safe and sound.
Zoey: I appreciate that. Would you mind if I spoke to rafe privately?
Hope: [Laughs] Um, I don't know if that's such a good idea. Last time you were with him, you held us both at gunpoint and hit him with a bullet.
Zoey: That was an accident.
Hope: He's still lucky to be alive.
Rafe: It's okay. I can handle it.
Hope: I know. Okay, all right. Bye.
Rafe: Thank you.
Zoey: She's very protective of you.
Rafe: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't arrest you right now.
Kayla: I'm sorry, but you know how the hospital gossip mill is, and I just felt uncomfortable having a moment like that right in the middle of the nurses' station, you know.
Justin: Right, well, I should have picked a more romantic spot to get down on my knee and propose anyway. I was just so eager, and, um...
Steve: Dear, kayla, I just wanted to tell you I'm glad everything worked out the way it did and that you and justin are happy. Love, steve.
Justin: Kayla. What is it?
Kayla: Um, nothing important. I'm sorry. What--what were you saying?
Justin: Well, I guess it's not a great sign that you didn't wanna answer me out there. Is that why you brought me inside, to spare me the humiliation of publicly rejecting my proposal? These are real people, not actors,
Lani: You really wanna have this baby?
[Somber music]
Eli: Because I love you...and I know that we can give a child a really great home.
Lani: You probably think I'm being irrational.
Eli: No, I don'T. Lani, I know it's taking a big risk, and I know that you opening up your heart to another child is a giant leap of faith, but I'm willing to--I'm willing to--to take that leap of faith with you.
Lani: I understand that. And I know that losing david was really devastating for you too. But he wasn't inside of you, eli. He wasn't a part of you. You didn't get to feel him. You don't know what this feels like.
Eli: Yeah, you're right, and I would never pretend to. But does this mean that you would never wanna have a kid with me?
Will: How crazy is this? Like, we both decide we wanna have a baby at the same time.
Sonny: Be a lot less crazy than what we've been through the past few years.
Will: So what? Are we ready to settle down, then, become boring suburbanites and, like, shuttle the kids back and forth from soccer to ballet?
Sonny: Um, I mean, I can live with that. I just think we need to talk about how we're gonna go about having a kid.
Will: Yeah, what do you think, adoption?
Sonny: I mean, my family, they had a good experience with vic and joey. My parents gave them a home, and they fit right in, so...
Will: Yeah. I mean, adoption is an amazing gift for everyone, but, you know, sometimes it can get a little complicated. Like, look at what's happening with rafe and david.
Zoey: I feel horrible about what happened, and I'm just--I'm so glad that you weren't hurt.
Rafe: Mm. Me too. What are you doing here?
Zoey: I wanted to apologize. I hated lying to you, and if you would have been killed when that gun went off, I wouldn't be able to live with myself.
Rafe: Yeah, well, I know you didn't mean for the gun to go off. So let's just, uh, try and put it behind us...
Zoey: Yeah.
Rafe: Along with this custody battle with david.
Zoey: Um, I think there's a misunderstanding. I'm still suing for custody of my nephew. I intend to win.
Rafe: Hmm.
Steve: [Sighs]
Hope: Hey. I was just picking up some dinner for us.
Steve: Oh, didn't wanna take another stab at cooking, huh?
Hope: [Laughs] Do you really want me to? Seriously? We just escaped that fiasco with our lives. I say, why push our luck now?
Steve: Good thinking.
Hope: Sit down, steve. Buy you a beer while we wait.
Steve: Yeah, I could use one on a day like today.
Hope: Does that mean things didn't go so well when you talked to kay?
Steve: I didn't really get a chance to talk to her. Got interrupted, kayla rushed out. When I went to find her, to finish our conversation, justin was in the middle of proposing to her.
Hope: Pro...posing? As in marriage?
Steve: As in down on one knee with a ring.
Hope: Did--did she say "yes"? Did you see him put the ring on her finger? Was she crying? Was he crying?
Steve: I wasn't gonna hang around and torture myself. I went back to kayla's office, wrote her a note, and I got the hell out of there.
Hope: What was in the note?
Steve: I just told 'em I was happy for 'em both. What else could I say at this point?
Hope: Well, how about the truth, steve?
Steve: Truth is, I got there too late.
Hope: You don't know that. She could have said "no."
Steve: Why would she? She loves him. What? What's with the look?
Hope: She loves you. She loves you, steve.
Kayla: Justin, I don't--i don't think that either one of us take the idea of marriage lightly. I think that both of us thought that our previous relationships would be the last, and I know that neither one of us think that a decision this monumental should be taken impulsively.
Justin: I'm not.
Kayla: But where is this coming from, then?
Justin: What do you mean? I love you. Earlier today, I, um...
Kayla: What?
Justin: I went to visit adrienne's grave, and I asked her for a sign, a sign that she was okay with me asking you to be my wife.
Kayla: Justin--
Justin: And a second later, sonny showed up, and he gave me his blessing because he knows how happy you make me. And I know that I make you happy too.
Kayla: Of course you do.
Justin: We have endured so much heartache. It's what brought us together in the first place, and we helped each other through that. But Joy is what I want in my life right now. It's what sonny wants for me and what adrienne would want for me, and most importantly, it's what I want for you. So I guess the only question left is, what do you want? The thing with depression, you get...stuck.
Kate: So what does that mean, that it's not my job--not my job to make you look good? Does that mean that you're firing me?
Abe: [Laughs] No. No. I am setting clear expectations, which I should have done when i took the considerable risk of hiring you in the first place.
Kate: Okay, look. Abe, I know that all of the sane people told you that I would stab you in the back in the end.
Abe: Kate, I know that you're used to being the boss and giving orders, but this job, it's important that you learn to follow them.
Kate: I understand that.
Abe: I'm not sure you do.
Kate: [Scoffs]
[Laughs] Need I remind you that I spent the last year working as a waitress at the pub? I literally took orders from people for a living.
Abe: Well, then it seems like you have a problem taking them from me, and if you think that problem's going to continue, then maybe we should part ways.
Rafe: After everything that you have done, you're still suing me for custody? Oh, I--I get it. It's 'cause you can't be with your own kid, so you're going after mine.
Zoey: You haven't adopted him yet.
Rafe: I will.
Zoey: Well, he is my flesh and blood, my family.
Rafe: You don't even know him. You--I have raised him for over a year, which was his mother's wish, who is no longer with us because of your brother.
Zoey: You know, we don't have to be adversarial. We--we both love david. If I get custody of him, I'll let you see him.
Rafe: "See him"? Will you? Oh, really? You're gonna let me "see him"?
Zoey: Look, do you wanna try and work this out, or do you wanna take it to court? Because if you do, I guarantee you, you'll lose.
Rafe: Mm.
Sonny: Rafe's situation with david's pretty unusual.
Will: You mean, the fact that one biological parent got arrested for murdering the other?
Sonny: It's like the worst-case scenario. If we do adopt, I'm sure we're not gonna have to go through a nightmare like that, okay?
Will: Yeah. Of course, we, you know--we could always try to have a baby of our own.
Sonny: Surrogacy?
Will: Yeah. I mean, we'd have to find an egg donor and a gestational carrier.
Sonny: And then we have to decide which one of us is gonna be the biological father.
Eli: Wait, is the idea of you losing another child so terrifying that you would never wanna try again?
Lani: I don't know. Maybe I would wanna adopt. There's so many children out there who need homes.
Eli: Adopt.
Lani: I guess we should have talked about this before now.
Eli: I guess so.
Lani: Eli, if not having a biological child is a deal breaker for you, I understand. And if it's that important to you, then...we probably shouldn't get married.
Eli: Lani, I have been waiting years to marry you. In some ways, I've been waiting my entire life.
Lani: But you've also been waiting to have a child. And eli, I don't know if can give that to you. So if you have to move on, or--
Eli: Wait, wait, wait, wait-- hey, hey. Stop. When it comes to you and me, there is no such thing as a "deal breaker."
Lani: But if you wanna have a baby...
Eli: Yes...okay, I would be thrilled to have a baby with you because I think it would make our love even stronger. But if you don't wanna go through with this pregnancy, it's your choice.
Lani: And you would support me?
Eli: If that's the decision you make... then yes. I'll support you 100%.
Will: You should be the bio dad.
Sonny: Why me?
Will: Well, because, you know, I already have a biological child, and plus, i would not be mad if our kid had your smile.
Sonny: Well, patrick and damian at the gym actually mixed their sperm together before ivf. This way, they wouldn't know who the biological father was.
Will: Well, I mean, except the kid had red hair and freckles, so it was pretty obvious that damian was the father. Yeah.
Sonny: Well, you knows? I mean, what--maybe we--maybe we'll have twins. I just--I--I just want to leave it up to fate.
Will: Well, all I care about is providing a loving home for our kid, and of course I'm biased but I think no family has more love to share than ours.
Kayla: Um, I know it's been tough on us since steve--the real steve came back. But I have told you over and over again that I love you.
Justin: Sweetheart, if you're not ready, you don't need to answer me right now. I know it's sudden, and I don't wanna rush you. So I'll long as it takes. You're worth it.
Hope: I've known kayla my whole adult life, and when you pushed her away, she was shocked, steve, humiliated, and she was angry, and she had every right to be.
Steve: You're saying she went to justin to get over me?
Hope: Deep down in her heart, I know that she still loves you, and that is why you can't give up on her.
Steve: But still, it's her decision, not mine.
Hope: Oh, my gosh, steven! Still? Yet again, you are still trying to make the decision for her. We decided--you decided...kay deserves the chance, the opportunity to make her own decision.
Steve: I'm sure by now, she has.
Hope: Oh, but she doesn't have all the facts. When justin proposed to her, she didn't know how you felt.
Steve: Well, she knows how she feels.
Hope: Wow. You're tough. Loving justin and committing to marriage, they're two completely different things. And the kayla that I know would never give her whole heart to another man when a huge part of it still belongs to you. When our daughter and her kids moved in with us...
Kate: Abe. I know you enjoy the trappings of being mayor.
Abe: The trappings?
Kate: Yeah, you know, the best places to park, $500 shoes, the custom suits. I mean, come on. It's all a power trip, right?
Abe: You know, actually, I'm trying to make a difference in this town.
Kate: Well, you and I are going to be out of a job after the next election if you don't do what's necessary to rehabilitate your image.
Abe: My image is fine.
Kate: Yeah? Really? Would you like to see the latest polls? Because you are down. You are under 40%. That's somewhere between damp socks and salmonella.
Abe: You know, polls are fickle.
Kate: Face it--your popularity is in the toilet. I mean, this demands drastic measures.
Abe: This will take care of itself.
Kate: It's not going to take care of itself. Abe, honestly, I mean, can you honestly tell me that there's anything wrong with you basking in the reflected glory of steve and hope's actions? I mean, what's the downside of that?
Abe: The downside? Giving the keys of the city to a woman who pushed her cousin off of a rooftop? And to a--to a man who kidnapped his own wife?
Kate: Everyone knows that they weren't in control of their actions.
Abe: You sure about that?
Kate: Oh, yeah, I'm sure of it. You're sure of it. You're just being stubborn.
Abe: [Laughs] I'm being stubborn?
Kate: Uh-huh, uh-huh. You wanna see? Because 67% of your electorate think that. Now I know why sheila quit.
Abe: You offering to resign?
Kate: Hell no, because I'm not a quitter. But I'll tell you what. I mean, if you really object to honoring steve and hope, that's fine. I'll just call it off, you know, and you can sit back, and you can watch your numbers go: Whoo...
[Imitates explosion]
Eli: Baby, if your mind is made up that you don't wanna have this child... then I'll support you.
Lani: [Sighs] I haven't even had time to process it. I just know how I felt when i saw that test.
Eli: You're allowed to have doubts. I mean, we all--we all do.
Lani: Yeah, but these were more than doubts.
Eli: I know, but you got--you have time. And whatever you decide, I'll be there for you.
Lani: Thank you. And know that I would never make this decision lightly. I know that there are so many people out there dying to have a child, and they can'T.
Will: You know what? If you want, I can call kayla right now and get some recommendations for fertility clinics.
Sonny: Well, I mean, maybe we're getting just a little ahead of ourselves.
Will: Oh. Are we moving too fast?
Sonny: No, I was just thinking about ari. Given what gabi's going through right now, I don't know if ari's gonna be open to having another sibling. I mean, we haven't even told her that gabi was arrested.
Will: [Sighs] Well, you know, a couple years ago, ari was all about being a big sister...remember?
Sonny: Yeah.
Will: She was upset that gabi couldn't have more kids.
Sonny: I know, but a lot has changed. I think ari likes being the center of our universe.
Will: Well, I think it would be good for her if she were a little bit less the center of everyone's universe. But the point is, I think ari would be so excited about being a big sister, but you're right. That's a long ways off, and we don't wanna get her hopes up before, you know, we're sure it's gonna happen.
Sonny: Agreed. Because whether we go the route of adoption or surrogacy, it's gonna be a--a long road.
Will: Oh, yeah, totally. I mean, there's gonna be a lot of decisions that we have to make along the way, but...
Sonny: But the most important decision has already been made. We are having a baby together.
Rafe: I can't believe you think you're gonna win custody of david.
Zoey: You know, you better start believing.
Rafe: Mm, if you persist in bringing this case, you leave me no choice but to use everything I have against you.
Zoey: And what does that mean?
Rafe: Well, for starters, you already have a kid that you can't look after.
Zoey: That is not true.
Rafe: Oh, isn't it? And I'm sure that the judge would be interested in knowing that you were an accessory to a kidnapping, that you pulled a gun on me, and that you almost killed a cop.
Zoey: You know that that was--
Rafe: Facts are facts. It doesn't matter if you were looking for your son or not. I'll tell ya, shooting a cop is not a good look in court.
Zoey: Well, I know my way around a courtroom.
Rafe: Mm, well, then you should know you're gonna lose. And if you don't stop now, you're gonna leave me no choice but to tear you apart. Back off!
Abe: I am not going to renege on the promise you made. It will only make me seem weak.
Kate: Weaker.
Abe: Solid and dependable... that's part of my brand, right? 71%.
Kate: Oh, my god, you actually read my research.
Abe: All 273 pages.
Kate: Oh, well, you should have seen the first draft.
Abe: Look, kate, you should know that I care a lot more about policy than pr, but I will admit that your idea about honoring hope and steve is not without merit.
Kate: "Not without merit"? That's such a glowing compliment.
Abe: Just don't do anything like that again.
Kate: Yes, sir, mr. Mayor. Your wish is my command.
Zoey: I wouldn't be so cocky if I were you. Your background isn't exactly squeaky-clean either.
Rafe: Well, I'd put mine up against yours any day.
Zoey: Wasn't your sister just arrested? And your father, he's a criminal too, if I'm not mistaken. And what about your brother?
Rafe: Not involved in this.
Zoey: Hmm, we'll see. What I do know is, judges almost always rule in favor of a biological relative, and the wishes of david's only living parent are a huge consideration.
Rafe: Yeah, well, it just so happens his parent is in prison. I'm the only father that david's ever known. You don't stand a chance in hell.
Zoey: I guess we'll find out in court, won't we?
Eli: If I never have a biological baby of my own, it's okay. A baby is a blessing, and to raise a child with you would be a dream come true, but... I don't wanna sway you. Whatever decision you make, i want it to be your choice... and I will be with you no matter what.
Lani: Eli...
Eli: I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong?
Lani: No, no. You are wonderful. And I just...
[Gasps] I love you so much.
Eli: Come here. Come here.
[Melancholy music]
I don't want you to cry. Everything's gonna be okay.
Lani: [Sighs] I'm crying because as scared as I am--and I'm scared-- I know deep down in my heart that... I wanna have this baby with you. There's nothing more that i want.
Eli: Really?
Lani: Yes. Yeah, really. I do. I--I want this baby. I do.
Eli: I love you so much.
Lani: [Cries]
Hope: Hey, why don't I drive you back to the hospital? I'm sure kay's still there.
Steve: Uh, don't think that will be necessary.
Kayla: Hi.
Justin: Hello.
Steve: Hey.
Hope: How's it going?
Kayla: Um, well, I guess the two of you will be the first to hear our good news. Justin and I are engaged.
Steve: All right. Great. Well, I'm happy for you both.
Justin: Thank you, steve.
[Emotional music]
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