Days Transcript Friday 5/29/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 5/29/20


Episode #13780 ~ Xander confronts Brady about stabbing him in the back; John rips into Victor for what he did to Brady; Sonny and Justin have a heart-to-heart at Adrienne's grave site; Steve prepares to tell Kayla he wants to be with her.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Niki

[Machines beeping]

Victor: John?

John: How you doing?

Victor: You're up. Walking around. Thought you'd be laid up a lot longer after what Orpheus did to you.

John: [Grunts] I'm fine.

Victor: How'd you let that poor man's Stefano get to you in the first place? Must be slipping.

John: [Grunts] And what about you?

Victor: Oh, I'm fine.

John: Really? After you and Xander let my son think his baby daughter was dead?

Victor: Oh, I knew you were gonna start with that.

John: You're damn right, I'm gonna start with that. You handed over my granddaughter to Sarah to raise as her own? If you thought for a second that-- that you were gonna get away from it, you must be the one who's really slipping.

Xander: Oh, you bastard.

Brady: You sound upset.

Xander: You got Uncle Victor to fire me.

Brady: No, uh, that was actually his decision.

Xander: You put him up to it. You twisted his arm and stole my job.

Brady: How upsetting for you, being the upright and honest man that you are.

Xander: That job was mine.

Brady: You took it from me. I took it back. Xander, face it. I mean, karma's just a bitch, isn't it?

Sonny: All right, well, I'm gonna take off.

Will: Everything okay?

Sonny: I'm good. You two just need, you know, some time to talk alone. I'm really glad John's okay.

Marlena: Oh, I am, too. Thank you. Mm, thank you.

[Both sighing]

Will: Can you believe we are sitting here eating club sandwiches and yesterday there was a bomb under your sofa?

Marlena: I mean, I am so glad that nightmare is over.

Will: And I'm so glad that Orpheus didn't get someone else that I love.

Justin: I was reminded today that life is seizing moments, making a commitment to the people you love, and I wanna make a commitment to Kayla. Some people never find love, and others find it and hang on for a lifetime, and I've been blessed to love two-- two incredible women, so that's why I hope it's okay if I ask Kayla to be my wife. Now, I remember you telling me that I could get married again if anything ever happened to you as long as she was not a lot younger than you or a redhead. [Laughs] We thought we had the whole world ahead of us, and we laughed about that. To my everlasting sorrow, we were wrong. Adrienne, I don't know whether I'm asking for your blessing, for your permission to propose to Kayla. I just wish I had some way of knowing that you were at peace with this.

Kayla: I wasn't expecting you.

Steve: I know, but, um, can we talk?

Kayla: Okay. Sure. Um, would you like to take a seat? So, what do you have on your mind?

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "Days of our Lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Kayla: Before you say anything, I just-- I just want you to know how grateful I am for what you did.

Steve: What do you mean?

Kayla: You know what I mean. Talking Justin out of shooting Orpheus. I mean, you not only kept him out of prison, but saved his soul.

Steve: Well, let's not go overboard.

Kayla: I'm serious. I know Justin and he never would have been able to live with himself if he killed another human being. So, again, thank you.

Steve: You don't need to thank me. I didn't do it for Justin. I did it for you.

Xander: I've been more of a grandson to Victor than you ever thought of being.

Brady: Oh.

Xander: You were always being in his face. I stood by him.

Brady: You were never a grandson to him. You were just his favorite fixer, Xander. That's all you ever were.

Xander: Can you get it through your thick skull? We were only thinking of Maggie and Sarah.

Brady: By stealing my baby and handing her over to Sarah. I think you've underestimated what you did to Kristen and me and what we went through. You had Sarah convinced that her baby was alive when it was actually, dead and then you used my precious little girl to see your little plan through.

Xander: If your little girl is so precious to you, then why the hell did you give her up?

Victor: Don't tell me you love the idea of your son being tied to Kristen for the rest of his life.

John: No, I didn't love it, but you know what, Vic? It never occurred to me to make them think their baby was dead!

Victor: Well, what about Maggie's happiness? What about her peace of mind?

John: Oh, come on! What are you talking about? You're-- you assumed that Maggie was responsible for that accident and you were dead wrong, and then you assumed that she would never remember that night, and you were wrong again. Hell, the only thing you did to Maggie was you put an innocent, grieving woman in prison!

Victor: And I regret that. I regret taking Brady's child, too. I never would have done it if it hadn't been that Kristen was involved, too.

John: What? So that makes it easier?

Victor: I'm making it up for Brady to Bra-- for Brady now.

John: I-- you know, I highly doubt that's possible, Vic.

Victor: I fired Xander. Brady's the new CEO.

John: So-- are you serious? You think a damn job is gonna fix what you did to my family?

Victor: Brady insisted on the job.

John: Thank God your daughter Isabella isn't alive to see what you have done to her son. You promised, Vic. You promised her that you would take care of him, and now you have made him your patsy, and you're gonna rot in hell for that, Vic. I swear to God, you're gonna rot in hell for that.

[Monitors beeping rapidly]

Victor: [Gasping]

Marlena: I am so happy to see you. I've missed our time together.

Will: So have I. You know, I think we should see each other a little more often.

Marlena: I think we should make a regular schedule.

Eric: Hey!

Will: Yeah.

Marlena: Like, work it out on Tuesday.

Eric: Hello, you two.

Marlena: Oh, hello. Hello.

Eric: Hey.

Nicole: Wow, I don't know how you look so beautiful the day after you had to negotiate your husband's life. It's amazing.

Marlena: Look who's talking about being beautiful. Thank you. I guess it's just a lot of sleep.

Eric: Yeah. Is dad here? Is he in the kitchen?

Will: I asked, and no he's not, but I heard that you two are engaged. That's-- congratulations.

Nicole: Thank you.

Will: That's awesome.

Nicole: We're pretty excited.

Eric: Yeah, we're just really happy to hear that other people are happy for us.

Marlena: Mm-hmm. Does your dad know?

Eric: No, I thought I'd tell him in person.

Marlena: He'll be thrilled.

Eric: Mm.

Nicole: Well, I know one family member who won't be throwing a wedding shower.

All: Sami

[Heart monitor beeping rapidly]

John: Well, it looks like there's nobody down at the nurse's station. So, I guess you're just gonna have to hang in there, you old coot. I'll get you some help whether you deserve it or not.

Kayla: You say you talked Justin down for me?

Steve: Yeah. I know how much he means to you. I didn't wanna see you lose him.

Kayla: Otherwise, you would have just let him shoot Orpheus?

Steve: Listen, it happened, okay? It's over.

Kayla: Right. So, I still haven't heard what you came here to tell me.

Steve: I've been doing a lot of thinking since yesterday, and I've realized--

John: Hey, Vic-- Vic's crashing, I think.

Justin: So, I have been, uh, sitting here for a while and, um, it's absolutely still. No wind in the trees. Not even a bird flying over. Kinda reminds me of the times when you were really, really mad at me. You'd turn around and cross your arms and go silent. That was scarier than when you were yelling. Adrienne, if you think this is the wrong move, oh, I just wish you had some way of saying it. I-- I know it's not about Kayla, 'cause I know you're crazy about her, but then again maybe you loved her as a sister-in-law and not as my next wife. I just wish I knew for sure. Okay, so I am just going to say it flat out. I'm asking for a sign here.

[Footsteps approaching]

Sonny: Dad?

Justin: Hey. [Chuckles] Thank you.

Brady: I didn't give Rachel up. She's with her mother.

Xander: Her mother killed a nurse.

Brady: Mm-hmm.

Xander: She stuck a knife in Victor's chest.

Brady: And what-- what drove her to do those things, huh? You. You made her believe that her child was dead, for God's sake.

Xander: Oh, did we drive her to put a gun to Marlena's head? Did we also drive her to wear a bloody mask and pretend to be Nicole? You're absolutely right, Brady. She's mother of the year material.

Brady: A child is the only thing that she has ever wanted in this world.

Xander: Oh, I know. I was at the Brookville Clinic when she tried to steal Sarah's fetus. That's one of her best tricks. She used it on the mother of your son. How do you sleep at night? You have no idea what she's doing to that poor little baby right now.

Brady: You know, if you hadn't played God, we would be together. Rachel, we would be raising her together. That's where we would be.

Xander: Why are you still sticking up for that maniac?

Brady: She's not a maniac. She's a woman that was lied to. She's a mother who had her heart broken, and I love her with all my heart. Now why don't you get the hell out of here?

Xander: Even after she stole your daughter?

Brady: She didn't-- that's not how it happened, Xander. You just don't get it, do you? I let her raise Rachel. That was my choice.

Xander: Why?

Brady: 'Cause I love her. It's called love. I would do anything to make Kristen happy. She deserves to be happy.

Xander: If you're so devoted to Kristen, how come you're already in the sack with Sarah? Maybe you're not.

Nicole: I thought Sami and I made peace before she left Salem, but then I ran into her the day that Brady forced me to leave Salem and she had just seen Eric and she knew the shape he was in, and she made it crystal clear that the era of good feelings was over for good.

Marlena: Wow. We all saw what happened when you broke up with him.

Eric: And that was before any of us knew that Brady was behind it.

Nicole: Yeah, but we-- we moved through that, right? We forgave Brady. Or I guess Sami's not ready. But I know that she's gonna think this engagement is a disaster. I mean, I just refuse to go to her and beg for forgiveness when I was blackmailed for something, you know? I can't. I'm sorry. I'm--

Eric: Wait a minute. We have to tell her that we're engaged.

Nicole: Well, can't you just text her?

[Both laughing]

Eric: That'll go over like a lead balloon. So, I was kinda hoping that you would kinda talk to her for us.

Marlena: Me?

Eric: Yeah.

Marlena: I'm not telling her.

Eric: What?

Marlena: No, no.

Eric: Come on.

Marlena: You know what? If I told her, she'll know it came from you. So, I think you should tell her.

Will: Me? No, no, no, no, no.

Marlena: Yes, you could be in conversation with her and just casually drop the information as though you-- you thought she knew it already.

Will: You know what? Let's draw straws with that.

Nicole: You're all really scared of her.

Eric: No, it's not that we're scared. It's just that--

Will: It's time consuming, is what it is.

Marlena: Yes, and then there's the whole tirade you have to go through.

Will: Yeah, and you have, like, 500,000 follow up phone calls and-- yeah.

Eric: E-mails and--

Nicole: Okay, team. This is ridiculous.

Eric: What are you-- what are you doing?

Nicole: Well, I'm calling her myself.

Marlena: [Gasps]

[Phone beeps]

[Phone trilling]

Nicole: [Exhales sharply]

Steve: How's Victor?

John: I don't know. Kayla's still in there with him.

Steve: Were you with him when it happened?

John: Yeah. I just found out what he did with Brady's daughter and I just couldn't let it slide.

Steve: Oh, so you let him have it, huh?

John: With both barrels. Next thing you know, he's gasping for air, he turns white as a sheet, and all those alarms just start going off on him.

Steve: I wouldn't worry about it. Guys like Victor don't die from getting upset.

John: Yeah. I mean, this year alone he made it through a-- a stroke and a knife to the chest. I just kinda figured he ought to survive me laying into him, right?

Steve: Right.

John: Yeah? Yeah. Hey, I'm sorry I broke in on your conversation with Kayla. Everything all right?

Steve: I think so.

John: You two seemed pretty serious. Anything you wanna talk about?

Steve: I was just about to tell Kayla I want her back.

Kayla: I think that you were having a panic attack. That should bring your blood pressure down, though, and you'll feel better, all right?

Victor: Mm.

Kayla: Am I gonna have to restrict your visitors?

Victor: Just John. Keep John out of here.

Kayla: Did the two of you have some words? Hmm, well, he does have some issues with you. Well, how about this? If someone upsets you, why don't you just ask them to leave, all right?

Victor: When do I get out of here? I wanna be there when Maggie gets out from prison. It should be soon, thanks to Justin.

Kayla: Well, are you sure about that now that she, uh, knows about what happened?

Victor: You mean now that she knows what I did?

Kayla: Well, it should be stressful.

Victor: I know you think I-- I’m an interfering old codger who doesn't care what his family needs or wants.

Kayla: It's not that I don't think you love your family.

Victor: Maggie, Brady, Justin went through hell this past year.

Kayla: True.

Victor: Thank God Justin has you. He would have never survived after losing Adrienne. Don't know what he would have done without you. So, thank you.

Justin: What made you come here today?

Sonny: I just woke up this morning thinking about mom.

Justin: Hmm.

Sonny: Must have been, you know, finding out that Maggie didn't cause the accident.

Justin: Right.

Sonny: You know, I think it would give mom peace knowing it wasn't someone she loved who was responsible.

Justin: I bet your mom has known that all along.

Sonny: I bet you she has. Maybe that's why this whole mess finally got sorted out.

Justin: Yeah, maybe.

Sonny: [Sighs] How about you? What-- what made you come by today? Same reason I did?

Justin: No, no, I came here, um, because I had something else to talk to her about. Turned out to be kind of a one-sided conversation.

Sonny: Wanna tell me about it?

Justin: Well, I was eventually gonna ask you what I asked your mother, so might as well be now.

Sonny: Okay.

Justin: Sonny, what would you think of me proposing to Kayla?

Xander: Yeah, Sarah told me you two had sex, but maybe she was just trying to get under my skin. What did I really see? Her in your bed wearing your shirt. That can mean a lot of things.

Brady: What Sarah and I do is actually none of your business. Oh, by the way, she hates you so much.

Sarah: Oh, my God. What are you doing here?

Brady: Oh, Xander's under the impression-- get this. He thinks that we're lying about sleeping together or something.

Sarah: Are you kidding? You found me in his bed.

Xander: Doesn't really prove anything.

Sarah: Oh, okay, you want proof? All right.

Xander: Do I have to throw cold water on the two of you?

Brady: No.

Sarah: You believe me now?

Xander: Why are you doing this?

Sarah: Kissing Brady? Well, it's kinda simple. As opposed to you, Brady's a kind and decent man who would never con the people that he loves. Oh, and he's really good in bed.

Brady: Thanks.

Xander: You're just saying this to get to me.

Brady: He's-- he's a little cranky.

Sarah: Mm.

Brady: I think he is. Didn't you lose your job today or something?

Sarah: Mm. Poor baby. Get out.

Xander: I don't care what you say. I love you. I'm not giving up on you.

John: [Clears throat] You really serious about this?

Steve: Yeah. You know, there's never been anyone for me but Kayla.

John: Yeah. But, you know, part of me kept saying over and over again that all the stuff you did when Stefano was in control made it impossible for the two of you to get back together.

Steve: Well, I decided it was a problem, but not impossible.

John: Well, what made you decide that?

Steve: Well, in a way, you did.

Kayla: Uh, Victor, you do not need to thank me for being with Justin.

Victor: Oh, I beg to differ. He would have never survived the way he lost Adrienne so suddenly if it weren't for you.

Kayla: [Exhales] I think that you don't give him enough credit. He's stronger than that, and he helped me as much as I helped him. You know, I was in a pretty bad place.

Victor: Look how much better off you are with Justin instead of that aging delinquent.

Kayla: Victor, don't talk about Steve like that. We had many great years together and two beautiful children.

Victor: Yeah, and a boatload of heartache. How many times did he run off on one of his missions to leave you holding the bag? Justin would have never done that. He was always strong and steady. He's been my right arm all these years and all I know every time I see the two of you together, it's obvious how happy he makes you. You know I'm right. Caroline would agree with me.

Justin: You're not saying anything.

Sonny: [Exhales] How long have you been thinking about getting married?

Justin: Not long. It's kind of in the air. Eli Grant proposed to Lani and as you know Eric and Nicole are engaged.

Sonny: So, it's like what all the cool kids are doing?

Justin: [Laughs] Well, thank you for making me sound 17. No, I just look at them and see how happy they are and life is short and it can change in a heartbeat.

Sonny: We both know about that.

Justin: Yes, we do. I love Kayla and she loves me. What are we waiting for?

Sonny: Is that what you wanted to talk to mom about?

Justin: Mm-hmm. And I know this may sound really weird but I asked her for a sign and you showed up, like, a second later.

Sonny: Me? I'm your sign?

Justin: Well, you said you woke up with this need to come visit your mother. Maybe that was her sending you here. Maybe she did it because she can't answer my question, but you can. Would you approve of me asking Kayla to marry me?

Nicole: So now you know. Eric and I are engaged. Go ahead. Give it to me. Oh, well, uh, thank you. Uh, so kind of you to wish us well. I really appreciate that. I-- I will. You take care, too, and give my love to the kids. Okay, bye.

[Phone beeps]

Eric: [Snickering] It sounded like it went really well.

Nicole: Sami was completely gracious and she congratulated us.

Marlena: Wow. I think we may have underestimated her.

Will: Yeah, maybe. I mean, she's with EJ now. Maybe he, like, mellowed her out or something.

Nicole: Yeah.

Marlena: There it is.

Nicole: What's that?

Eric: It's a text from Sami.

Nicole: Well, what does it say? Oh.

Sami: [Laughing] "You proposed to that bitch? Are you out of your mind?"

Nicole: Well, so much for that. [Sighs]

Brady: [Chuckles]

Sarah: Sorry about that.

Brady: No, that was great. I mean, sticking it to Xander was great.

Sarah: Yeah, but I-- I more so meant that, like, I didn't consult with you before starting this whole ruse.

Brady: It's all right. I mean, I've done it before. I mean, Nicole and I pretended to be together for Kristen's sake, so... I gotta say that did not depress me, making him flip out like that.

Sarah: Oh, me either.

Brady: Yeah. I mean, forcing Victor to fire him, that was good, but-- but watching him-- watching him hurt a little bit, that felt good. I like that.

Sarah: Yeah. I get how this is revenge against Xander, but the only thing I don't understand is how sticking it to Xander will help you get even with Victor.

John: You wanna walk me through how I made you decide you want Kayla back?

Steve: Well, it was in kind of a roundabout way but, uh, Kate showed up and said she was arranging some kind of ceremony to give me and Hope keys to the city for saving you and Marlena from Orpheus, so that's when--

John: Wait, wait, wait. Back up here. I've been gone. Um, how could Kate give the keys to anybody, any city?

Steve: Well, Abe made her his spokesperson.

John: Why the hell would he do something like that?

Steve: I don't know, man. You should ask him. I thought we were talking about me.

John: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry, sorry, man. Go on, go on, go on.

Steve: Well, I know the, uh, key thing is a little bit silly, but it made Hope and me realize that maybe we've been beating ourselves up long enough.

John: That's a good thing.

Steve: You see, we didn't choose to be Stefano or Gina. Our free will was taken away from us.

John: That's a fact.

Steve: So why should we let that dictate the rest of our lives? That's what I'm trying to do. Get on with my life.

John: So, what about Kayla's life? You said you have disrupted it enough.

Steve: Well, Hope said that was just me wallowing in guilt, and that my guilt was the only thing keeping Kayla and me apart.

John: Not the only thing, partner, and you know it.

Sonny: Sounds like you're asking me permission to propose to Kayla.

Justin: I say it's more like a blessing, since your mom can't speak for herself, and since the two of you were so close, you would be speaking for her too. And there's also the fact that you are my son, one of the most important people in my life, and your approval means everything. So, give it to me straight. What do you think?

Sonny: [Inhales and exhales] I want you to be happy, and I'm sure that's what mom wants too. And obviously Kayla makes you happy, so what I think is you should go for it.

Justin: [Laughing] Oh, Sonny. I love you.

Sonny: I love you, too.

Justin: Mm.

Will: You know, I think you have to admire how Nicole's not afraid to stand up to mom.

Marlena: Well, I think Sami knows that Nicole is no pushover. That's why she was venting to Eric instead.

Will: Yeah. Eric and Nicole. They've been through a lot, but they seem really happy together.

Marlena: Oh, they seem very happy together.

Will: I hope mom doesn't try anything.

Marlena: I hope that, too.

Will: Yeah.

Marlena: By the way, I'm so glad to see you and Sonny so happy together.

Will: Well, thank-- thanks for saying that. I mean, it-- it feels like it's finally smooth sailing, you know? Except for Gabi's current predicament, of course.

Marlena: Well, you and Sonny will handle that together, and you'll also take care of Arianna.

Will: Right. Right, yeah. I'm just so glad that the truth came out about the car crash. I mean, for Ari's sake, for Maggie's sake, and for my sake, obviously, um, it just feels like Sonny and I are finally back to where we were before that horrible night. You know, I remember rushing to get home to him. I-- I wanted to tell him I thought he was right about wanting another baby.

Marlena: [Gasps] [Chuckles] I'm sorry. Another baby?

Will: Oh, yeah, well, I mean, it's a big decision. Um, uh--

Marlena: Um? Um? Oh. [Laughs] Oh, darling, that's wonderful. That's wonderful news.

[Inhales and exhales sharply]

Nicole: Oh.

Eric: What's got you laughing?

Nicole: Oh, you do realize we poked a hornet's nest?

Eric: And what's with the we?

Nicole: Okay, I poked it.

Eric: You didn't poke it. You took a bat to it.

Nicole: Yeah, I know, I know, and if Sami weren't so consumed with caring for EJ, she'd be on a plane right now.

Eric: Well, there's one thing I can say. No one, not even Sami's, ever gonna come between us.

Nicole: Oh. [Chuckles]

Xander: Hey, I need to talk to you.

Nicole: What do you want?

Xander: Tell your brother to back the hell away from Sarah.

Eric: Brady and Sarah? What are you talking about?

John: You know that Kayla's with Justin, though.

Steve: I know that.

John: All right, then think about what you'll be doing if you make a play for her.

Steve: I know we can't exactly pick up where we left off, but they only got together because Justin was bereft after losing Adrienne, and Kayla was led to believe that I didn't want her anymore.

John: Doesn't really matter how they got together. The bottom line is she's basically off the market.

Steve: Well, I said that to Hope, and she said that Kayla should decide who she wants to be with, and I shouldn't just take myself out of the equation.

John: Well, she's got a good point. I mean, after a while, if it weren't for Rolf and Stefano, the two of you would still be back together.

Steve: Can I count that as a vote of confidence?

John: I owe you, partner. You saved my life. By the way, I think you and Hope ought to accept that key to the city. So, there'll be a parade?

Steve: To hell with all that. All I want is Kayla. I'm gonna get her.

Sonny: Hey. I thought you were going to the Spectator.

Will: Uh, no. Working from home today. Where'd you run off to?

Sonny: I was visiting my mom's gravesite, and my dad was there, too.

Will: Is he okay?

Sonny: He's fine, yeah. Um, but he said something about life being too short and never knowing what's gonna happen. Got me thinking about--

Will: Having another baby. Let's do it.

Nicole: [Scoffs]

Eric: Why would you want me to warn Brady to stay away from Sarah?

Xander: Because I think maybe he's sleeping with Sarah and I don't like it.

Eric: Well, I don't know anything about that.

Xander: I just told you. You're his brother. Get yourself inside the Salem Inn and tell him it's a bad idea.

Nicole: Go do your own dirty work.

Xander: Fine. I will.

Nicole: Brady and Sarah?

Eric: That doesn't make any sense.

Nicole: And after everything we told Brady about Kristen, he's still committed to her. He loves her enough to let her go on the run with the baby, and after Xander let them believe that the baby was dead.

Eric: Do you think that Brady is trying to get even with Xander by making him think that he and Sarah are having an affair?

Nicole: Well, it's been done before by me.

Eric: Well, if you're right, Brady's plan is obviously working.

Sarah: Oh, come on. I'm your partner. Tell me how we're gonna get even with Victor.

Brady: It's pretty simple. Titan Industries is his-- everything. That man built that company from the ground up. It is his baby. Since he killed my baby, it just seems right that I would return the favor.

Sarah: Cool. What are you gonna do?

Brady: I'm gonna slowly rip that company from the inside out, and that's just the beginning. Then we're gonna bring Victor to his knees, and then I'm gonna take that son of a bitch for everything he's worth.

Kayla: Mm-hmm, well I--

John: Hey, Doc.

Marlena: Oh, hi. Uh, Victor was just telling me how you tried to kill him.

Victor: Good of you to come back and make sure I'm not dead.

John: Yeah, well, I had to have a little talk with Steve.

Victor: [Chuckles] When are you gonna stop wasting your time with that loser?

John: [Chuckles] Well, Vic, that loser saved my life yesterday, right along with Doc.

Victor: After letting himself be turned into Stefano for God knows how long. All that street smarts, Kayla's lucky to be rid of him.

John: Well, I wouldn't count my buddy out of it just yet.

[Elevator door dings]

Justin: Hello.

Kayla: Justin, what are you doing here?

Justin: This.

Kayla: Justin, I--

Justin: Now, I know this is sudden and I know we're in the middle of a hospital, but I just can't wait any longer. I love you, Kayla Brady, and I wanna share the rest of my life with you. Would you me the honor of becoming my wife?

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