Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 5/28/20
Episode #13779 ~ Justin visits Adrienne's grave to ask her permission to
marry Kayla; Eli and Lani receive shocking news; Ciara helps Ben out of another
dangerous situation; Jake pushes Gabi away.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Niki
Eli: Lani, what's wrong?
Lani: I'm late.
Eli: Late for what? Did you have an appointment or something?
Lani: No, Eli. I'm late.
Eli: So, you're pregnant?

Kayla: You know, you have not looked up from that phone and your coffee and I
are starting to feel ignored. What is so engrossing? Come on.
Justin: Steve and Hope are on the front page of the Spectator. "Bona fide heroes
bring Orpheus to justice."
Kayla: Well, they did risk everything. They brought John and Marlena back safely
and they made Salem a safer place.
Justin: But where's the damn justice? Steve had the chance to make Orpheus pay
for killing Adrienne. He had the gun. Orpheus was right in front of him but he
backed down. Why didn't he kill the bastard when he had the chance?
Steve: "Without the extraordinary courage and quick thinking of Steve Johnson
and Hope Brady, two of Salem's most beloved citizens could have lost their
lives." Yeah. That's us, all right. Real superheroes.
[Unsettling music]
Ben: What the hell do you want?
Man: We just wanna finish our conversation, but this time we want answers.
Gabi: Oh, thank God you're here. There is so much I need to explain.
Jake: Well, first you can start by explaining why you tried to fry my brain.
Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "Days of our Lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Ben: I already told you. I'm not Jake.
Man: We figured that out already, so just tell us where your boss is and we
won't have a problem.
Ben: I have no idea where Jake went but I'll be happy to let him know that you
guys stopped by.
Man: Either you tell us what we wanna know or we do this the hard way.
Ciara: Hey, hey, stop it! Don't you dare touch him!
Gabi: I never wanted to fry your brain. I honestly thought that drug was gonna
bring back your memory.
Jake: Except it's the same drug you used on that Abigail DiMera girl.
Gabi: I didn't drug Abigail.
Jake: You're in cuffs. You're inside the police department. I'd say the cops are
pretty sure you did it.
Gabi: I was framed, okay? I swear to you. I would never want to hurt you. I love
Lani: I'm not saying that I'm pregnant, Eli. I'm just-- I'm late and I'm not
usually late, and that-- that doesn't necessarily mean anything. It could be the
crazy hours. It can be stress. It could be my s--
Eli: No, wait, hey, wait, wait, no, no, no. Or it can mean that you are pregnant
with our baby. Lani, there I-- there-- there's a drug store right around the
corner. We can go there and we can pick up a test and we can see if we're
Hope: Hey.
Steve: Hey.
Hope: Wow. I forgot how exhausting wedding planning can be, and Ciara is
definitely in the wedding planning mode. You know, she even persuaded Julie to,
um, perform the ceremony.
Steve: Well, glad someone's happy.
Hope: What is it?
Steve: You see the Spectator this morning? They're making us out to be heroes
for capturing Orpheus and thwarting that bomb that he planted to kill Marlena
and John.
Kate: Well, if it isn't the duo who saved Salem.
Hope: Uh, how did you get in?
Kate: Well, I knocked, and no one answered, so I let myself in.
Hope: Well then, you can show yourself out.
Steve: What she said.
Kate: Aww, come on, guys. Is that any way to treat your former partner in crime?
Justin: Steve made all that noise about being the tough guy but he couldn't pull
the trigger. He convinced me to give him the gun. I gave him the gun and what
did he do? He did nothing. What the hell, Kayla? I mean, why convince me to hand
over the gun if he wasn't gonna shoot the maniac?
[Exhales sharply]
Kayla: I know why he didn't. 
Kayla: Steve did what he did for you.
Justin: For me? I wanted Orpheus dead. That didn't happen.
Kayla: He wanted you to give him the gun because he knows that you're not a
killer and he doesn't want you to become one.
Justin: I don't want or need Steve Johnson to save me.
Kayla: Well, I'm glad he did.
Justin: Orpheus taunted me. He said I didn't have the guts, the killer instinct
like Steve.
Kayla: You are a kind and compassionate man and that is why I fell in love with
Justin: I just want Orpheus to pay for what he did to Adrienne.
Kayla: And he's going to. You trust the legal system, don't you? You have to
believe that he is not gonna wiggle away this time.
Justin: Well, I pray you're right but Steve had the perfect chance to remove all
doubt of justice being done and he didn't take it. I think I know why.
Steve: You think this is funny? You want to joke about how Stefano and Rolf
hijacked our lives? So, what's the punch line? You keeping your mouth shut
because it was all about what you could get out of it?
Kate: Oh, come on. Now, that's hardly fair.
Hope: Hardly fair? Really? Because you said nothing, Steve and I hurt a lot of
Kate: Okay, you know, seriously, the two of you need to get over this, all
right? So, you're not Gina, you're not Stefano, and Salem is free of Orpheus
because of the two of you. You're heroes. You didn't read the Spectator this
Steve: Ah, that purple piece of prose courtesy of my brother?
Kate: Yeah, well, every single word of it was true, and as the mayor's new
director of communications...
Hope: You've gotta be kidding me.
Kate: I encouraged Jack to give credit where credit's due.
Hope: That's why she's here. You expect us to thank you.
Kate: No, I am here because Mayor Carver wants to give each of you a key to the
Steve: [Laughs] Oh, boy.
Eli: Okay, well, I was gonna buy some champagne to celebrate our new engagement,
but if my fiancé is pregnant with my future child, that idea is gonna have to
Lani: You are getting ahead of yourself.
Eli: I'm excited.
Lani: [Chuckles] Like I said, there are other reasons why I could be late, and
besides, Eli, we-- we're not even trying and we're always careful.
Eli: I don't know. You remember that time at the lake? Or that other time that
we took a really, really long lunch break?
Lani: Okay.
Eli: Yes, mm-hmm.
Lani: Okay, okay. Not always.
Eli: So? Let's do this! You-- oh, you know what? You do it and I'll wait here.
Lani: [Exhales]
Eli: I love you. Go, go.
Lani: [Chuckles]
Ben: Ciara, you need to get the hell out of here!
Ciara: What, so they can just beat you up again, Ben? No, not a chance! Listen,
he is not Jake, okay? So, you need to leave him alone.
Man: We will as soon as he tells us where his boss is. Then you can persuade
your boyfriend to cooperate.
Ciara: Just go to hell.
Man: You're a real spitfire, aren't you?
Ben: Hey, get your hands off of her!
Man: Here's the deal. Either you start cooperating or we're gonna have ourselves
some fun with your pretty little girlfriend here.
Ben: Okay, whatever you wanna know about Jake, just let her go.
Man: As soon as you tell me where Jake is.
Ben: I already told you I have no idea where he is. I would have already told
Man: Where does he live?
Ben: No clue.
Man: Looks like we're gonna have ourselves some fun after all.
Ben: You son of a bitch!
Ciara: Ben, don't!
Ben: Get your hands off of her!
Ciara: Listen, you know what? Actually, I actually really feel bad for you guys
because you have absolutely no idea who you're dealing with.
Man: A loser who's about to get his head bashed in.
Ciara: The necktie killer.
Man: No way.
Ciara: Oh, you don't believe me? Google it.
[Suspenseful music]
Man: Holy crap.
Ben: So why don't you go ahead and let her go? 'Cause if you don't, I'll find
you and I will end this.
Man: We don't want trouble. We just need back from Jake what he took from our
Ben: Well, that's between you and Jake. I'm out of it.
Man: We're out of here but tell Jake we'll be back and he better give us what we
Ben: Are you okay?
Ciara: I'm fine.
Gabi: This is all Rolf's fault. He hates me.
Jake: Oh, well, you'll understand why I'm not surprised.
Gabi: He set me up, okay? He lied to me about the drug so that I would get
caught with it and be blamed for everything that happened to Abigail.
Jake: Oh, so Rolf did it? What, in the study with a syringe?
Gabi: Oh, my God, please, okay? I thought that it was him but he was in prison
when it happened.
Jake: So, who was it, Gabi? Was it Rolf? Was it was-- was-- was it Gonzo?
Gabi: Forget it, forget it. Forget that, okay? The point is I was trying to help
you when I tried to inject you with that drug.
Jake: If Rolf set you up then he obviously lied to you about me being your dead
Gabi: Just because he said he lied doesn't mean you're not Stefan.
Steve: So, giving us the keys to the city, I suppose that was your idea, too?
Kate: Yes, of course it was, because the mayor should acknowledge citizens who
have gone above and beyond to benefit the community.
Steve: Because we saved the lives of people we nearly killed not so long ago.
Hope: No, no, no. Absolutely not.
Kate: Okay--
Hope: We don't deserve it, no.
Kate: Why can't you just let that go?
Steve: Well, some of us have a thing called a conscience.
Kate: Oh, well, believe me. My conscience is doing just fine because I live in
the present. I mean, you should try that sometime and then you'll stop berating
yourselves for things that Stefano and Gina did-- not you-- because they're the
villains. You're the heroes, and we're going to acknowledge you in the
appropriate way, and I will send details shortly.
Hope: Do we have a choice?
Kate: Only if you wish to appear ungrateful.
Steve: Wow. She is some piece of work.
Hope: Yeah, agreed. Steve, maybe-- maybe it is time to try to let go of our
Justin: Maybe Steve realized that killing Orpheus would mean prison. Being
locked away in prison would mean he would lose any chance of reconciling with
Kayla: You don't really believe that. Come on. I'm-- I'm with you now. Come on.
Justin: [Chuckles] Maybe you'd like a guy with killer instincts.
Kayla: Oh, man. Orpheus really got in your head, didn't he? Okay, then. I am
going to set the record straight. I like a guy who makes me coffee every
morning, and I like a guy who brings me flowers for no reason, and I especially
like a guy who spoons me every night to sleep. I choose you and I have no
[Both moaning]
Justin: I was wrong yesterday and I am sorry that I put you through that, and I
probably owe Steve a thank you for stopping me from pulling the trigger, but a
part of me just felt like I owed it to Adrienne to punish the man who killed
Kayla: I think I can say with absolute certainty that Adrienne would not want
you to throw everything away to avenge her death. In fact, I think, I'm pretty
sure that she would want you to enjoy this life that we have now. Got it?
Eli: Okay. Four, three, two, one. Baby. Oh, my God. Baby, we're having a baby!
Oh, my God! 
Ben: That whole spitfire thing could have gotten you into a lot of trouble.
Ciara: Yeah, well, I had you to protect me, so I wasn't even that worried, you
know? I, um, I hope it's okay that I outed you as the necktie killer.
Ben: You did what you had to do. It obviously worked.
Ciara: Those guys are gonna be back, Ben. They're coming back for Jake. But what
do you think he's hiding, anyway?
Jake: You still think I'm your dead husband? Well, if your lawyer can't think up
a good defense, at least you can plead insanity.
Gabi: I know. I know it sounds crazy but Rolf said somebody else could have
brought you back from the dead.
Jake: First off, I've never been dead, so nobody can bring me back. Secondly,
your husband had his heart ripped out from his chest, and while I'm on a roll,
it's not like there's a gaggle of mad scientists running around town
resurrecting people.
Gabi: When it comes to Rolf, I don't know what to believe, okay? But when I look
at you, I just-- I can't lose hope that you're my husband.
Eli: Oh, my God. I-- I didn't think I could be more excited or-- or-- or more
happy than when you told me that we were getting married, but having our baby?
Are-- are you okay?
Lani: Yeah, um, I just-- I just wasn't expecting this, and, you know, sometimes
those-- those tests can give you a false positive. You know, how about we just
go get a blood test done? Just-- just to be sure.
Eli: Yeah, no, yeah-- yeah, that's a great idea. We can go down to the hospital
right now with Kayla.
Justin: Adrienne always told me that Victor's way of doing things shouldn't be
my way. I needed to embrace the law and not break it.
Kayla: I couldn't agree more. [Chuckles]
Justin: So today I am gonna focus on making sure that Maggie doesn't spend one
more day in prison for a crime she didn't commit.
Kayla: Do you have enough evidence to clear her?
Justin: Yes, thankfully. Sonny was able to get a full confession out of
Orpheus's son that states that he and his father were responsible for the
Kayla: So not only trying to blow up Marlena and John. He could be prosecuted
for the accident.
Justin: And I'm gonna prosecute the hell out of Orpheus. I'm gonna bury him so
deep behind bars, he'll never see the light of day.
Kayla: Mm. I love it when you get all legal eagle.
[Both laughing]
Justin: Yeah?
Kayla: Yeah. You know, I-- I have to get to work.
Justin: I'll go with you.
Kayla: Okay.
Justin: Go visit Victor. Um, Kayla... thank you for reminding me of who I am.
Kayla: It's easy 'cause I love the man you are. Let's go. What do you say?
Steve: You know, someone once told me that guilt is the most wasted emotion.
Maybe it's reason enough to put what we did behind us.
Hope: I have an even better reason. Your guilt is the only thing holding you
back from trying to be with Kayla.
Ben: I'm going to have a serious sit-down talk with Jake as soon as he gets back
here about what the hell is going on with him and these thugs and the whole
situation here. Like-- what are you even doing here, anyway? I thought you were
gonna be working on wedding plans with your mom.
Ciara: Oh, I am. I just-- I came back because I have an update.
Ben: Even better than Victor's blessing?
Ciara: Well, it's just about as good. Um, my Grandma Julie is gonna marry us.
Yeah, yeah, she was really reluctant at first but that's only because she has
such a terrible track record. I mean, look at, you know, my mom and Rafe, and
then Eli and Lani. She just--vI don't know. I guess she doesn't wanna jinx us.
Ben: So, she doesn't know that we are un-jinxable?
Ciara: We are so un-jinxable. [Laughs]
Ben: All I care about is you becoming my wife. That's it.
Ciara: Good. Then you won't mind quitting your job.
Jake: You ever thought about taking up a hobby? I don't know, pumping all this
energy into knitting, scrapbooking. All the crazy ones are doing it. Or maybe
I'll get lucky enough that you'll get slapped with a couple years hard time and
you can't stalk me anymore.
Gabi: I am not a stalker! I am your wife, okay? And you just have to remember
that. Look, what Stefan and I--
Jake: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Gabi: What we had--
Jake: I heard, I heard, and nothing says love more than revenge and power plays,
throwing a couple double crosses here and there.
Gabi: It was complicated, but it was real love. Real true love.
Jake: Not to Brady. She told me that Stefan ruined her life and he ruined her
relationship with her true love. So, it sounds like you and your beloved
deserved each other.
Gabi: Kayla hates me.
Jake: Imagine that, given what you did to her niece.
Gabi: What do-- what do you want? What are you doing here?
Jake: I came here because it doesn't add up that you would inject me with some
dangerous hallucinogen if you claim to love me.
Gabi: Great, okay. Now-- well, now you know. I was framed.
Jake: No, there's only one thing I know for sure, Gabi, and that is that you are
nothing but trouble and I hope to God I never see you again.
Gabi: You're wrong about me. I'm not the terrible person everyone tells you I
Steve: Kayla is with Justin.
Hope: Yeah, because you pushed her away, Steve.
Steve: Yeah. I should have come home instead of trying to fix the damage that
was done when my bionic eye was hacked.
Hope: You were trying to do the right thing.
Steve: Yeah, I couldn't let it go. I should have come home when Kayla begged me
to come, and I didn't. Of course, she made a new life with Justin, and she's
happy. She's moved on.
Hope: Steve, given how much I know you still love Kayla, the question is, can
you move on?
Justin: Eli. Hey.
Eli: Hey.
Justin: Everything okay? Julie hasn't had a problem with her heart, has she?
Eli: Oh, no, it's Lani. I brought her in to see Kayla.
Justin: Oh. Is she sick?
Eli: No, no, it's nothing like that.
Justin: Okay.
Eli: Lani might be pregnant.
Lani: The home pregnancy test came back positive but I just-- I thought we
should be sure.
Kayla: I didn't know that you and Eli were trying.
Lani: We're not. Or, we weren't. Um, it-- it was unplanned, like last time.
Kayla: Well, I know that the loss of David weighs on you so why don't we hold
off discussing all this until we find out for sure if you're pregnant?
Gabi: You only know one side of the story. Yeah, I did terrible things to
Abigail, but that started after she framed me for murder.
Jake: Abigail framed you? For murder? Well, Gabi, why isn't she in prison?
Gabi: [Scoffs] Because she's got this cute little personality disorder look,
it's a very complicated, long story, but short version is, I ended up in prison
for a crime that she committed, and I-- I almost lost the relationship that I
had with my little girl, and at the same time, an inmate beat me so badly that I
could never have another child.
Jake: Sorry to hear that.
Gabi: You, you loved me and I loved you and you loved my little girl. We were so
good together but then a bullet ended everything and-- and now someone is trying
to frame me, okay? And-- and I could go to prison and lose my daughter all over
[Chair drags across floor]
Jake: I'm sorry for your child. And I'm sorry for what you've been through. But
I'm not your dead husband, so leave me the hell alone.
Gabi: [Breathing heavily]
Kate: Wow, I still can't get over how much--
Jake: Don't say it! You know, I'm getting tired of hearing you and everyone in
this town-- especially Gabi-- saying that I look like her dead husband. Well, I'm
not him! I'm me, not him.
Ben: Quit my job?
Ciara: Yes, Ben. Quit your job. Look, whatever that Jake guy is mixed up with is
way too dangerous, all right? You've already been beaten up once and they're
gonna come back for Jake, and I don't want you here when they do.
Ben: Do you remember how hard it was for me to get a job? Now we have a diamond
ring to buy. Now we have a happily ever after to fund.
Ciara: All right, Ben, but what good is a diamond ring, and where's my happily
ever after gonna be if my fiancé ends up dead?
Lani: [Exhales]
Eli: Lani, I-- I'm sorry.
Lani: No.
Eli: There were complications in-- in the operating room. They did everything
they could.
Lani: No! Eli, no! [Crying]
Eli: I'm sorry, Lani,
Lani: No!
Eli: Our baby didn't make it. He's gone.
Lani: No! [Crying]
Kayla: Lani?
Lani: So?
Justin: If Lani is pregnant, well, that's great news! Congratulations.
Eli: Yeah, thank you. Let's, uh-- thank you. Let's keep it on the down low for
now. I mean, we don't even know for sure if she is. We took one of those drug
store pregnancy tests and it came back positive, but she wanted to see Kayla
just-- just to verify.
Justin: Okay, yeah, yeah. I get it. Cool. So, a wedding and a baby.
Eli: Hey, that's the dream. Don't leave me hanging.
Justin: [Laughing] Yeah, well, congratulations again.
Eli: Thank you.
Justin: I hope Kayla has some good news for you.
Eli: Yeah, well, listen. Whatever news she has, that wedding is going down soon.
That much I know for sure.
Justin: Okay.
Eli: You know, I realize that I've wasted too much time waiting to spend the
rest of my life with her. I don't wanna waste another second.
Justin: [Gasps] You are a very wise man, Eli Grant. And now if you'll excuse me,
I realized that I have something very important to do.
[Elevator door dings]
Steve: Of course, I still love Kayla. That's why I pushed her toward Justin.
He's the better man. As far as I can tell, he puts her first always. She
deserves that.
Hope: You practically made that decision for her, Steve.
Steve: She did accuse me of that. Really pissed her off. I've always had a bad
habit of making decisions without consulting Kayla. Always got the Irish
fireworks. I'd hurt her when I never meant to. Well, that's never gonna happen
again. [Exhales]
Hope: When did you become such a coward?
Steve: Excuse me?
Hope: Bowing out. Tip-toeing away. Okay, look, Kayla may be very happy with
Justin. I mean, he's a great guy. He is, but you... this isn't how you live your
life, Steve. This isn't how you love. Talk to her. Tell her how you feel. For
God's sake, let her make her own decision.
Steve: Wouldn't blame her if she turned me down.
Hope: It would hurt like hell, but you know what? At least you would have tried.

Kate: Have to say, I just ran into that Jake guy. He is the spitting image of
Gabi: Because he is Stefan.
Kate: Yeah, well, clearly, he doesn't think so.
Gabi: Not yet, but I'm gonna prove it to him.
Kate: Honey, it looks like you have bigger problems than proving that he's the
man that you love.
Ben: Your fiancé has no intention of dying.
Ciara: Good, so you're gonna quit your job.
Ben: No, but I am gonna find out what the hell is going on between Jake and
these goofballs and put an end to it.
Ciara: Dangerous goofballs.
Ben: That are now afraid that a dangerous guy like your fiancé is gonna come
after them.
Jake: That engine you promised Mr. Lumarka by noon's not gonna fix itself with
you two just standing around like this.
Ciara: You're lucky Ben's alive.
Ben: Ciara, just--
Ciara: No, Ben. Look, when I showed up, those thugs were back here and this time
they threatened the both of us.
Jake: Are you okay?
Ciara: No!
Ben: We're fine. We're fine. Ciara scared them off by mentioning they were
messing with the necktie killer. Whatever they want, you have. Jake, they're
coming back.
Jake: I'm sorry you got mixed up in this.
Ben: I need an explanation. [Tools clinking] I'm out. I'm not coming back until
you can give me some answers on what's going on between you and these goofballs.
Eli: Hey.
Lani: Hey.
Eli: You don't look happy. Was the kit a false positive?
Lani: No. Um, it was right. I'm pregnant.
Eli: [Exhales sharply] Then-- then what's wrong?
Lani: Eli, I don't think I can have this baby. [Exhales sharply]
[Door closes]
Kayla: How is your uncle? Is he still giving my staff a hard time?
Steve: I wouldn't know.
Justin: [Exhales] You won't believe what I did yesterday. I almost shot the man
that killed you. Kayla said that you wouldn't have wanted that and of course
she's right. What good would I be for our family if I was behind bars? So, I'm
gonna do what I do best and use the legal system to take him down and get
justice for you. Kayla kept me from making a horrible mistake. She's also helped
me to find joy again. Joy that I thought I'd lost forever when I lost you, and
I'd like to think that I've given her joy as well. I was reminded today that
life is seizing moments and committing to the people who you love, and I'd like
to commit to Kayla. Some people never find love. Others find it and hang on for
a lifetime, and I have been blessed-- so blessed to love two incredible women,
and so that's why I'm here because I need to ask you if you're okay with me
asking Kayla to be my wife.
Kayla: I wasn't expecting you.
Steve: I know, but, um, can we talk?
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