Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 5/27/20
Episode #13778 ~ Eli proposes to Lani. Jack lays into Gabi. Ciara asks Julie
an important question. Abigail shares a heartfelt goodbye with her family as she
leaves for Florida.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Niki
Ben: Thank you.
Ciara: Mm-hmm.
Ben: So I was thinking, maybe after work we could go visit my little nephew.
Ciara: Definitely.
Ben: Yeah?
Ciara: Yeah, I miss that kid so much.
Ben: Good.
Ciara: Oh, and before you head to the garage, there is actually something that I
have to show you.
Ben: Okay.
Ciara: Yeah?
Ben: Mm-hmm.
Ciara: Okay, close your eyes.
Ben: Oh. Mm.
Ciara: Okay. Open. What do you think?
Ben: I think that's a nice picture.
Ciara: [Chuckles] It is actually the save the date.
Ben: Ah.
Ciara: Yeah, you have to give them to anyone that you want to invite to our
Ben: Okay, so clearly you have me mistaken for some super popular guy. Truth is
I can count on probably one hand who I wanna invite. Maybe that's the way to go.
You know, keep it small.
Ciara: Yeah, small would be really lovely and simple, but, baby, you're not just
marrying me. You're marrying into the Kiriakis, the Horton, and the Brady
Ben: Ohh, so small is out.
Ciara: Yeah. Yeah, you're gonna have to get used to big crowds.
Ben: I don't think I wanna share you with anybody else.
Ciara: No?
Ben: Uh-uh, nope. Just mine. [Knocking at door] Really?
Ciara: [Laughs]

Ben: Mm. Hey. Lani, Eli, what's up?
Lani: Hey, Ben. We need to get your statement.
Ben: Uh...
Ciara: About what?
Eli: About what he saw when he witnessed Gabi's attack on Ben's boss, Jake
Jake: Gabi. What the hell'd you do that for?
Gabi: So, you can finally remember who you really are. I need answers. And
there's really only one way to find out.
Jake: Well, if you think you're gonna swipe my toothbrush in order to get a DNA
sample, that would be a hard no.
Gabi: Don't worry, there's a much simpler way to find out what I wanna know. I
know. I know that Rolf was lying when he says he didn't save Stefan. Maybe it's
just-- maybe it's just another one of his sick mind games. Maybe somebody else
saved him. [Sighs] Either way, the love is my life is back. If only he didn't
hate me.
Chad: You're home.
Abigail: Yes, I am. Not for long.
Chad: Are you hungry? Do you want me to have the cook make you something?
Abigail: No, it's okay. I'm not-- not hungry, and I should probably start
packing soon.
Chad: Your mom actually, she knew that... we weren't gonna have that much time
so she threw some stuff in a suitcase for you.
Abigail: Oh. She did? I guess I probably should have expected that she would do
something like that.
Chad: She just wants to help.
Abigail: Yeah.
Chad: So do I. I'm gonna be with you every step of the way on this.
Abigail: I know. I know you will. Just, God, leaving those sweet little babies,
I, um... I think the thing that I'm most afraid of is...
Chad: What?
Abigail: I'm scared that telling them that I'm leaving is gonna trigger a
hallucination, and I'm gonna, you know, go crazy in front of them, and I don't
want that for my kids. I don't want Thomas and Charlotte to see their mom like
that and be afraid of their mom, you know, so... I think that, um, I think
what's best is-- is that I just, you know, it's better if I just leave without
seeing them, and then you can tell them what happened.
Chad: Well, that's not-- that's not what's best. Whatever happens when we talk
to them... I'm gonna be there. I'll protect them. And you. We're in this
together. You and me. That's how we're gonna tell our children. Together.

Ben: And then as soon as Gabi was about to stab Jake with this syringe, I
grabbed her by the wrist and I stopped her.
Eli: That squares with what Chad told us.
Lani: Yeah. That should be enough to put Gabi away for a very long time.
Ciara: No offense, Lani, but I think you're being a little bit biased.
Lani: Meaning what?
Ciara: I don't know, I just-- I don't think that it was Gabi's intention to hurt
Jake. I mean, she was just trying to get her husband back. Look, I know this
isn't the same at all, but the man that I love was on death row for a crime that
he didn't commit and my determination to save him made me do some pretty crazy,
crazy things.
Ben: Hmm, not crazy. It was brave.
Ciara: Yeah.
Ben: Incredibly sexy brave.
Ciara: Um, well, any way that you wanna look at it, it's about loving somebody
so much that you'd be willing to do anything to save them. Or to bring them
back. So, I get it. I get how Gabi's grief drove her to do something really
Gabi: I have to find a way to prove that I'm innocent, and convince Jake that
I'm telling the truth. Jack?
Jack: You ruined my daughter's life again, and now you're gonna pay.
Rafe: I just wanted to say that I think the department should give you a
commendation for what you did with the bomb.
Hope: Oh, gosh, no. Don't be silly. Look, I really have to go. Bye, David.
Rafe: Hey, Hope, it's over. It's over, what happened as-- when you were Princess
Gina, we forgive you. I forgive you. Everyone forgives you, okay? It's okay.
Just let it go. Just move on with your life. Right?
Hope: David's lucky to have you.
Rafe: Okay, yeah, I know. Ciara's lucky to have you. Wish her congratulations
for me, will you?
Hope: I will.
Rafe: Okay.
Hope: But, um, why don't you congratulate her yourself?
Rafe: All right.
Hope: Bye, David.
Rafe: I will. Bye, Hope.
Hope: Bye. Uh, have a great day.
Rafe: You too.
Hope: Bye, David.
Rafe: Bye, Hope.
Lani: Thank you so much for your help.
Ben: Oh, glad we can help.
Ciara: Oh, wait, hang on. I want you guys to have one of these. It's the save
the date to our wedding.
Eli: That's right, I heard you guys were engaged. Congrats.
Ciara: Yeah, yeah, and I would really love it if both of you could be there.
Lani: Yeah, we would love-- love to be at your wedding.
Eli: Of course.
Ciara: Cool.
Lani: Thank you.
Eli: All right, see you later.
Ciara: Bye.
Ben: You are very sweet, you know that, right?
Ciara: Me?
Ben: Yeah.
Ciara: Yeah?
Ben: Mm-hmm.
Ciara: Hmm, why don't you come over here and I can show you how sweet I can
really be?
Ben: Mm. You've already shown me.
Ciara: Hmm.
Ben: Many, many times.
Ciara: Yeah, but it bears repeating, no?
Ben: Oh, definitely.
Ciara: Yeah?
Ben: But I need to get to work. Especially if I'm gonna save up enough money
between now and the date on those cards to buy you a real ring.
Ciara: I don't know, Ben. I think I'm actually kinda getting attached to this
Ben: Yeah?
Ciara: Yeah.
Ben: How 'bout you can wear both then? How's that?
Ciara: Good idea. And here. Don't forget these.
Ben: Oh.
Ciara: [Sighs]
Jake: [Grunting softly]
Gabi: All I wanted was to have my husband back so that he can remember who he
was, who he is. I would never hurt him. I love him. I love you!
Jake: Wow, so you what, you come at me with a syringe? I'm not buying it, and
I'm not this Stefan dude. But you are a bona fide crazy lady.
Gabi: No!
Jack: You may have skated on charges in the past, but this time I'm warning you,
you're gonna find out and you're see what's-- what?

Rafe: Hey! What the hell are you doing?
Jack: What do you think I'm doing? I'm telling her what she has in store.
Rafe: Well, let me remind you of something. You're not the mayor anymore. You
have no right to come in here and harass my sister.
Jack: I have every right, Commissioner! She turned my daughter's life upside
Rafe: What are you talking about?
Jack: The drugs that she gave to my daughter have scrambled her brain, and now
she has to leave town. She's leaving Salem.
Gabi: What, Abigail's leaving?
Jack: She's leaving for Florida today to start a treatment, a protocol that we
don't even know if it's gonna work. She's gonna be separated from her family,
separated from her children for God knows how long.
Gabi: I didn't know that. I'm-- I'm sorry.
Jack: A confession. Right there, you see that? She just confessed.
Rafe: No, no, she did not.
Abigail: Hi, my sweet angels. Hi. Hi, sweet girl. You wanna come to your mama?
[Kisses] There's my girl. Thomas. Come sit with your mama?
Chad: Hey, come on, you're okay.
Abigail: What's wrong? Come here, sit down. What's the matter, buddy?
Thomas: I know you're going away.
Abigail: Did you see the suitcases upstairs? Yeah.
Chad: So... you know when, like, you have a sore tummy, or you sister has a sore
throat, we have to take you guys to the doctor to get better? Well, Mommy hasn't
been feeling well, so we have to go to the doctor, we have to get her better.
Abigail: And this doctor lives in Florida. So, mommy is gonna go to Florida to
see this doctor. A very special doctor.
Thomas: What's wrong with you, Mommy?
Abigail: Well... you know, Mommy is, uh-- Mommy's seeing things that aren't
really there. You know, like a dream. You know when you dream sometimes in the
middle of the night and we come and get you? That's what's happening to mommy,
but she's not sleeping. She's awake. That's what's happening, but I'm-- I'm
okay. It's just a little confusing for Mommy, and-- and sometimes when I don't
know what's real or what's like a dream, you know, then it's a little scary. And
it's okay to be scared, right? What does mama always say? You have to face your
fears and say what you're afraid of, right, so you can get better. So that's
what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna face my fears and be really brave just like I know
you are and you, and I'm gonna go get help and get better. But even though I
don't-- I don't really know what's real or what's like a dream, I do know one
thing that's real. You know what that is? It's that I love you. And I love your
sister. And I love your daddy very much. And I know that's real.
Thomas: I love you, Mama.
Abigail: Oh, Baby, I love you.
Chad: So, I'm gonna take your mom to the doctor. So she can get better.
[Gentle music]
Chad: Of course, I'm gonna come back to you. But not-- not right away. Your mom
is-- she's very strong. She's very strong and very brave. That's why we love her
so much, 'cause she's like a superhero. But even superheroes need partners, and
I'm your mom's partner. So, I have to go with her. I can't let her go off and
work hard and get better all on her own. Right? Just like I would have to be
with you and Charlotte if you guys were sick, because I love you so much. So,
I'm gonna go with mommy and be her partner. And you're gonna stay here with
Charlotte and you're gonna stay with grandma and grandpa.
Thomas: When will you be back?
Chad: I don't know. As long as it takes for mom to get better. But you and
Charlotte, you're just like mom, you're brave. So, you have to be brave while
we're gone. And you have to look out for one another. You think you can do that?
Yeah? And I promise you that our whole family, we're gonna be together again
very soon. Isn't that right, Mommy?
Abigail: Yep, that's right.
[Gentle music]
Gabi: I am not confessing to anything because I didn't drug Abigail. I feel
sorry for her because she's being separated from her children. I have been
through that with my own daughter, and I wouldn't wish it on anybody.
Jack: If the police do their job, you'll be separated from Arianna for a very
long time, which could be a good thing. Maybe will and Sonny will raise that
child to be different from her mother.
Rafe: That's enough. Get out.
Jack: You, cut the nepotism. Do your job. You hear me? Do your job!
Rafe: Get out! [Sighs] Sorry about that.
Gabi: Don't worry about that, okay? I heard about Orpheus. Is David okay?
Rafe: Yes. Yes, thank God. He's great, and he's in my office right now, and he's
got a steady rotation of cops watching him.
Gabi: He's okay. And thank you for defending me just now.
Rafe: Of course, of course. By the way, was I defending a guilty woman?
Ben: Hey boss.
Jake: What's this?
Ben: It's a save the date card for my wedding.
Jake: I can read.
Ben: Oh.
Jake: I'm just more curious as to why I'd be invited.
Ben: Well, first of all, I don't really have many friends in this town, and I
also really appreciate you going out on a limb for me, helping me get this job.
Jake: Oh. Well, put me down for a maybe.
Ben: All right.
Jake: Now that you're done filling up my social calendar, how 'bout you give me
a hand with this carburetor?
Ben: So last time we talked, you were considering the idea that you might really
be Stefan DiMera, full amnesia. Still thinking that's possible?
Eli: Ben and Ciara are getting married.
Lani: It's kind of epic, right?
Eli: What?
Lani: Their love story.
Eli: Oh.
Lani: And now they are finally going to get their happily ever after, after
everything that they've been through. They deserve it.
Eli: We've been through a lot too. I think we deserve our happily ever after.
Lani: Amen to that, brother.
Eli: Mmm. So, when are we getting married?
Lani: What? 
Eli: We were all set to tie the knot a year and a half ago. Right over there.
Damn, can you believe that we'd be husband and wife right now if it wasn't for--
you know, I'm not even gonna go there. I have been carrying this around for
weeks. The same one that I gave you two years ago.
[Gentle music]
Lani... I wanna build a life with you. Family, home. I've just been waiting for
the right time to put this ring back on your finger. And I'm hoping that that
moment is now. Lani Price... will you marry me?
Chad: You guys are gonna have so much fun here with grandma and grandpa while
we're away.
Abigail: Mm-hmm.
Chad: I'm kinda jealous. But you can come to Florida and visit.
Abigail: Yes, you absolutely can come visit.
Chad: Maybe we can go to Universal Studios. The wizarding world of Harry Potter.
Thomas: Okay!
Chad: Yeah! I just read him the first book.
Abigail: Wow.
Jack: And I promised to read my grandson the rest of them.
Chad: How's Charlotte?
Jennifer: Hi, sweetie. She's good. She's finally asleep, yes. She's so good.
Abigail: Come here, mister.
Jennifer: Hi, sweetie. Hi, hi, hi.
Abigail: Hi. All right, buddy. Listen to mama, okay? I wanna tell you something.
When I'm gone, I want you to promise me that you're gonna look after your
sister, right? Because that's what big brothers do. Can you do that? I know
you're gonna be the best boy that you always are for grandma and grandpa. Right?
Who loves you so, so much more than the moon and the stars? Yeah, that's right,
I do. I do. And, you know, I'm gonna be away, but I'm not really gonna be away,
right? Because no matter where I am, I'm always gonna be in your heart, right?
So excited.
Chad: Okay, why don't I-- why don't I take you upstairs and we gotta let mom
talk to her mom and dad.
Abigail: Okay.
Jennifer: Love you, buddy.
Chad: Let's go.
Jack: Just the boys, right?
Chad: Yeah.
Abigail: Ah, wow.
Jake: And I may not be the brightest bulb in the box, but I know who I am and I
know who I'm not, and I'm not this arrogant jerk that this deranged witch doctor
Rolf raised from the dead.
Ben: Just seemed like you were having your doubts.
Jake: If I was having any doubts, they were all washed away yesterday when I
went to the hospital and found out that, that drug you took in, the one that
Gabi tried to inject me with, was some designer LSD.
Ben: A hallucinogen?
Jake: I guess so. Apparently, it's the same drug that Gabi dosed this Abigail
DiMera girl with. Yeah.
Gabi: How many times do I have to tell you? I am innocent. Rolf set me up. He
admitted it when we were alone.
Rafe: Why would he do that?
Gabi: I don't know, he's got some weird loyalty to the person he thinks is
Stefano. Do I need to remind you that Steve had tried to kill me? But it didn't
happen. I'm obviously here. Now he wants to send me to prison for life.
Rafe: It seems like you're reaching to me.
Gabi: I'm not, okay? Rolf set me up, and he led me to that drug so that I could
be the one that took the fall for Abigail. Oh, my God.
Rafe: What?
Gabi: Oh, my God! Where did he get that drug in the first place? Oh, it was
Rolf! Rolf was the one that drugged Abigail.
Gabi: This is totally Rolf. Come on, okay, think about it.
Rafe: Mm-hmm.
Gabi: The drug that was found in Abigail's system, this is an experimental
compound that is being developed by DiMera Enterprises, right? It's not out on
the market yet, but he could have had access to it when he was working with
brainwashed Steve.
Rafe: Okay, but you need to slow down.
Gabi: No, you need to go to Statesville right now and you need to get Rolf to
admit what he did.
Rafe: Yeah. There's one small problem with your theory, which is that Rolf was
already in prison when Abigail was drugged.
Ben: There was plenty of bad blood between Gabi and Abigail, but I don't see why
Gabi would want to hurt you when she thinks you're Stefan.
Jake: I have no idea, but trying to figure out the behavior of the mentally
unstable is a whole brand of crazy in and of itself.
Ben: I know something about crazy. It's not Gabi's problem.
Jake: Fine. Sane with homicidal tendencies.
Ben: No, I don't think so. Not towards you at least. Look, I had a front row
seat to everything that went down between Gabi and Stefan. Those two were head
over heels in love.
[Gentle music]
Eli: Lani. What's going on? I'm getting nervous down here.
Lani: I'm sorry. I'm just-- I'm just thinking about my dad and Julie arguing over
who's gonna perform the ceremony.
Eli: Yes?
Lani: Yes!
Eli: Yes?
Lani: Yes, I will marry you.
Eli: Come here. Right back where it belongs.
Lani: [Laughs] Mm.
Eli: I love you so much.
Lani: I love you with all of my heart. [Chuckles] So when are we doing this?
Jack: I remember teaching this little girl how to ride a bike.
Abigail: [Chuckles]
Jack: Yeah, there we were. You and me. And then I sent you off, first time on
your own, and you wobbled and crashed and burned and skinned both knees, and...
you refused to cry. You would not cry. Because you didn't want to show a tear.
You wouldn't show a tear to me or any of those big boys in that neighborhood.
No. So I had to stop. I couldn't show you mine. I had to hide 'em.
Abigail: Come on, I just skinned my knee.
Jack: I know, I know. I guess I'm a sensitive guy.
Abigail: Yeah, you are.
Jack: So not then but today... I'm not hiding it today.
Abigail: It's okay. Me either.
Jack: And then... [Sighs] Then, Baby, you got up. You got up and you got back on
that bike... and you kept trying and trying. And you never gave up. You kept
trying until you could ride that bike faster and better than any of those big
Abigail: Yeah.
Jack: That is who you are. Never forget that. That is who you are. That is who
you will always be. I love you.
Abigail: Love you too.
Jack: I love you. I love you. Never forget. Riding a bike.
Abigail: Dad.
Lani: Well, July is out since that's when Ben and Ciara's wedding is. And I
heard from my dad that Eric and Nicole are engaged and they're getting married
soon too.
Eli: So, what if other people are getting married soon? Look, we have waited
long enough. All right, I want to marry you as soon as possible.
Lani: [Chuckles] Okay. Okay.
Eli: Yes?
Lani: You're right. Let's see if we can find a date.
Eli: Find it.
Lani: [Chuckles] Oh, my God.
Ciara: You don't want to officiate at my wedding?
Julie: Oh, of course. I'd be honored. But, hmm, I don't have a very good track
record. Well, think back. Your wedding to Rafe. Claire interrupted it. Gabi's
wedding to Eli. Lani broke in. That was the end of that, and thank God she did.
But that leaves me 0 for 2. I think I'm officially bad luck.
Ciara: Yeah, but I think you're forgetting about Chad and Abigail's wedding, and
that, that ended up going very, very smoothly.
Julie: That's true.
Ciara: Yeah.
Hope: So maybe the fourth time is the charm, Julie.
Ciara: Maybe. Maybe. Or maybe all this is just an excuse because you don't
approve of my groom.
Jake: It's cliché, I know, but there's a thin line between love and hate in
Ben: Well, funny you say that, because before Stefan and Gabi were in love, they
hated each other.
Jake: Huh.
Ben: With a passion.
Jake: Heard all about that. How the whole thing started as some crazy revenge
plot that Gabi cooked up.
Ben: Alone they could be ruthless. But together, they were different.
Jake: So, you really think what they had was real?
Ben: I know it was real. That's why if Gabi truly thought you were her husband
back from the grave, there's no way in hell that she knew whatever was in that
syringe would hurt you.
Rafe: You see, Rolf was already behind bars when Abigail was drugged. I've got
guards that can confirm it, surveillance video. He didn't do it.
Gabi: Okay, well, then he had somebody else do it for him. You need to go over
there, talk to him and find out who it was.
Rafe: Gabi, Gabi, I'm not--
Gabi: Rafe, I swear to you, I didn't do this, okay? I would never hurt Stefan,
and I didn't drug Abigail.
Jennifer: And then I don't-- Julie made you these oatmeal cookies; don't laugh.
No, I know.
Abigail: Wait, the cookies.
Jennifer: They're good. I mean, I know you don't like them, but you can't hurt
Julie's feelings and you would never hurt her feelings because you're always
worried about everyone else, and she wants you to take the cookies with you.
Abigail: Oh, the cookies, the cookies.
Jack: Cookies.
Abigail: Thanks, Mom. No, I'll keep them, I will. And, you know, I got it from
you, I, um... don't like to hurt people's feelings because I learned from the
Jennifer: I want you-- I want you to take care of yourself right now. I want you
to get better and to come home really soon. And I want you to know that no
matter where I am... I am always with you.
Abigail: I know. I know you are.
Jack: Aw, sweetie. [All chuckle] Sweetheart.
[Knocks lightly]
Chad: It's time.
Abigail: Okay. Yeah. It's the 6:10
[Gentle music]
Eli: Lani, what's wrong?
Lani: I'm late.
Eli: Late for what? Did you have an appointment or something?
Lani: No, Eli. I'm late.
Ben: Hmm. You better get back to work if you're gonna give your fiancé the
wedding she deserves. [Sighs]
Julie: Ciara, darling, it's no secret I did not approve of you and Ben, but then
he saved my life, then I found out all these wonderful things about him. And
besides, I know how much you two love each other.
Ciara: So, does that mean you will marry us, Grandma?
Julie: Of course. I'm still honored. Besides, what are the odds of something
going wrong the next time?
Ciara: Thank you, Grandma.
Julie: Baby.
Ciara: Thank you.
Chad: Our babies wanted you to have these for your trip.
Abigail: No, no, no, that's-- I can't think those. This is Charlotte's favorite
doll and Thomas's favorite dinosaur. These are their most favorite toys; I'm not
taking those.
Chad: Well, they love you. They want you to have them.
Abigail: Okay, I'll take them.
[Gentle music]
Chad: And I guess I'm taking the cookies, right?
Jennifer: Yes.
Chad: I'll take the cookies.
Abigail: You'll take the cookies. [Sighs] Ooh, well... guys, I'm gonna be fine.
I am. I'm gonna, um... I'm gonna beat this. I am, and... and then I'm gonna come
back, and I'm gonna come back home. So, you don't have anything to worry about,
and by the way, I know that I'm going to beat this because I know that I have
the love and support from such an amazing family. Talking about you too.
Chad: Me?
Abigail: Yeah.
[Gentle music]
Jennifer: Bye, Baby.
Abigail: Love you so much.
Chad: Yep, I'm coming too.
Jennifer: Oh, my gosh.
Chad: Okay, we have to go.
Jack: Yeah, yeah.
Abigail: All right, love you guys.
Jack: I love you.
Abigail: Yeah, okay. All right.
[Gentle music]
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