Days Transcript Tuesday 5/26/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 5/26/20


Episode #13777 ~ Orpheus has one last trick up his sleeve for Marlena and John; Rafe is shot; Justin angrily confronts Orpheus; Will and Sonny share a romantic night.

Provided By Suzanne

Sonny: Sorry to interrupt.

Will: Never apologize for that kind of interruption.

Sonny: What are you working on?

Will: You know, I actually think you're gonna like this story. I have good news for a change.

Sonny: I could use some of that. Hit me.

Will: Orpheus has been caught. The police have him in custody.

Sonny: That's fantastic.

Will: Yeah.

Sonny: How did they get him?

Will: He was holding johnhostage, and he tried to blackmail my grandmother for ransom, but she outsmarted him.

Sonny: Good for marlena. How'd she pull that off?

Will: She brought in someone who is a match for orpheus. Steve. Steve is the one who took him down.

Steve: You know, it took everything in me not to kill orpheus on the spot for causing adrienne's death.

Kayla: I'm glad it all worked out.

Steve: Yeah, so am I. It's strange, though. I mean, I know justin, in his profession, he has to hold it together no matter how angry he gets. But for him to just walk out of here and go see the D.A. After orpheus killed his wife, i mean, how does he do that?

Orpheus: Your brother-in-law let you in here with a gun so you could kill me?

Justin: Steve doesn't know about the gun. He doesn't even know I'm here.

Orpheus: That's my gun, isn't it? How'd you get it?

Justin: I saw it in the evidence bag. No one was watching, so I took it.

Orpheus: Why?

Justin: Because I am gonna make you pay for taking my wife's life by ending yours.

Marlena: Oh, thank god you're all right. I was so worried about you.

John: I'm still worried.

Marlena: Why?

John: Well, because back at the hideout, orpheus made it seem like he's got something else up his sleeve, some sort of surprise.

Marlena: Well, I don't think he was planning on being outsmarted by steve. And there's nothing he can do to us now.

John: I don't know, doc.

Marlena: Hey, orpheus is in police custody. He can't get to us anymore.

John: Ohh.

Marlena: Ohh.

[Dramatic music]

Oh, believe me, doc, nothing I'd love better than to be able to kick my feet up and let down my guard, but there was just something about the way orpheus went down. It was the way he--the way he looked at me when they took him away. I just got this feeling that he had one last card to play.

Zoey: Augh.

Rafe: Zoey, drop it. Drop it.


Hope: Rafe.

Zoey: Augh.

Hope: Rafe. Oh, god. Rafe. Rafe.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Hope: Rafe, wake up. Rafe.

Zoey: How is he?

Hope: Rafe? Oh, my god. Are you okay?

Rafe: I'm okay. Actually, I'm okay. I'M...

Hope: Oh. Ohh.

Rafe: The bullet hit me in the badge, thank god.

Hope. Thank god. Yes, thank god.

Rafe: David, where's dave?

Hope: Go ahead.

Rafe: You got this?

Hope: Oh, yeah. I got this.

Zoey: Okay.

Rafe: Yeah. David. David.

Zoey: I'm so glad he's okay. I'm glad he's okay.

Hope: Really, are you? Because you could have killed him.

Marlena: You all right?

John: Yeah, just working on a headache.

Marlena: Maybe from when orpheus hit you in the head. Do you want me to get you something for the pain.

John: No, no, no, sweetheart, I'll be all right once I figure out what orpheus' strategy is. You know, he's not a quitter, doc. He's not gonna give up. He was so close to getting $15 million, now he walks away with nothing.

Marlena: It was never about the money, you know. It was about his grandson. You know, he just wanted to do something for him. He'd done such a bad job with his own children.

John: Yeah, well, now he's not gonna have any of it, unless he's working on something we haven't figured out yet.

[Tense music]

Kayla: Maybe justin doesn't show the outside world how he's really feeling the inside.

Steve: Well, seemed pretty collected to me.

Kayla: Well, he may seem cool and collected but trust me, he's a very passionate man.

Steve: Okay.

Orpheus: What's your problem, counselor? You don't trust our fine legal system?

Justin: No. Not when it comes to you.

Orpheus: Oh, well, can't say I blame you. After all these years as salem's preeminent attorney, I'm sure you've seen enough to know the system's rigged, corrupt judges, inept police.

Justin: They're not the problem, orpheus. You are. I have watched you skate on the most heinous crimes time and time again. You could be sitting in the electric chair and I would still expect you to find a way out.

Orpheus: [Chuckles] I'm flattered.

Justin: It's not a compliment. You've gotten away with murder, terror, strapping bombs to people. You think you're invincible. You think because of your isa connections that you can get out of anything.

Orpheus: Well, they've never failed me before.

Justin: You're not gonna get away with this. You're not gonna get away with this. Because this time, this time, you are gonna face justice at the hands of the man whose wife you killed.

Orpheus: Well, then you might as well get it over with. Go ahead, justin. Shoot me. Alright so...oh.

Marlena: Say, can we just enjoy the evening and stop worrying about orpheus?

John: Yeah, you're right. It's really a waste of time worrying when I should be doing something.

Marlena: Well, I don't know; what could you do? Honey, let the police handle this.

John: Yeah, well, they might need me.

Marlena: And if they do, I'm sure they'll call you.

John: Well, you really want me to let this go, don't you?

Marlena: I really do, because I want you home. I want you safe. I was worried sick about you, and all I want to do is be with you now, keep you close, and we could even make up for some lost time.

John: Now that is an argument that I can get behind.

[Knock at door]

Marlena: Mm.

John: Mm.

Marlena: Wow. There's some bad timing.

John: You think? Yeah, coming.

Marlena: Oh.

John: Oh.

Nicole: Hi.

John: Hey.

Eric: I hope this isn't a bad time.

John: Um...

Marlena: No, no, of course not.

John: No, of course not. What are you thinking? Get it here, come on.

Nicole: Thanks. Hi.

John: Kissing in the hall.

Eric: Listen, we will not be long, I know--

Marlena: Hi, hello.

Eric: But we have some good news that we wanted to share with you in person.

Nicole: Yeah.

Marlena: Oh.

John: Oh, what's up? What's up?

Marlena: Oh, wonderful.

Nicole: We're engaged.

Marlena: Oh, no. Ha-ha.

John: Congratulations. I could not be happier for the two of you.

Nicole: Thank you. Thank you.

Marlena: Oh, that's wonderful news.

John: Good job, kid.

Marlena: Wonderful news.

Sonny: After everything orpheus has done, it feels great that he's off the street.

Will: That man has caused unspeakable damage to so many people in this town.

Sonny: Especially our family.

Will: You know, now he's finally gonna pay for what he did to your mom. And we are all finally safe.

Sonny: What about david? Did they find him?

Will: John told the police his location, so hopefully by now he is safely in rafe's arms.

Zoey: I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen.

Hope: It didn't just happen. You pulled the gun on us. You shot rafe.

Zoey: I didn't mean to. My father has my son. I have to obey what he says. I know you might not believe me, but when he took my son, he said that he would get his revenge no matter what happened to david.

[Phone rings]

Hope: Go ahead. Slowly. Who is it?

Zoey: Somebody that works for my father. Please, hope, I have to answer it. They might know something about my son.

Hope: Go ahead. Answer it.

Zoey: Hello? Yes. No, I understand. Okay, okay, I can get the money. Yes, no, yes, I can get it in cash. Please, just--please, keep my son safe. I'm gonna be there right away, just..

[Phone beeps] My father's been arrested. And he can't pay the guys that have my son anymore.

Hope: They say he's safe, though?

Zoey: Yes. But I have to go now.

Hope: No, I can't just let you walk out of here. You were involved in a shooting. You shot the commissioner.

Zoey: Please. I don't care about anything else. I just want to get my son back safe. You're a mother. You would do the same thing for your daughter, wouldn't you? Now I'm gonna walk out that door. You're not gonna stop me.

Kayla: You know, I-- I didn't mean that. I...

Steve: No, no, no, don't worry about it.

Kayla: I'm just trying to explain how hard this is for justin.

Steve: It's hard for everyone.

Kayla: But listen, you--you know more than anyone how much justin loved adrienne. And it's just been a nightmare roller coaster with thinking it was will was responsible and then maggie.

Steve: Hmm. So what's going to happen to all that anger? Is it just gonna come pouring out?

Kayla: That's what I'm afraid of. He's kept those feelings locked inside for so long. I don't know what's gonna happen when the floodgates open.

Orpheus: What are you waiting for, counselor? Go ahead. Pull the trigger. Ending me ends all your problems, right? Just like that. Put a bullet in my chest, and suddenly all your pain disappears. Come on. Do it. Shoot me. Yeah, just what I thought. You don't have what it takes. You're a man of reason, not action. Unlike some men we know. Steve johnson, for example.

Justin: Stop talking. Stop talking.

Orpheus: I feel for you, justin. I do. You won steve's wife when she thought she'd lost him forever, but now he's back. And any idiot can see you ain't him. You don't have the killer instinct. And in my experience, a woman like kayla, that's what she wants. That's what she needs, someone who can actually take the enemy out if they deserve it. But look at you. You're practically shaking with rage. I know you want to kill me, justin. I can see it in your eyes. But you just don't have the guts.

[Tense music]

Justin: That's where you're wrong. It's the 11:05 endless-orders migraine medicine

Will: I hope that orpheus admits to the police that he's the one that killed your mom.

Sonny: Honestly, whether he admits or not, they're gonna get their conviction.

Will: How can you be so sure?

Sonny: Because I talked to his son.

Will: You went--you went to see evan?

Sonny: Yeah, I needed to look him in the face and confront him about what he did.

Will: Did he deny it?

Sonny: I mean, he tried, but I wasn't gonna let him get away with it. I pushed him until he admitted that he and his father caused the accident.

Will: Wow, that--that's really--that's amazing. How--how did you do that?

Sonny: Good old-fashioned guilt. I made him see that this is his chance to do one good thing in his sorry life for the sake of his child.

Will: So, I mean, is the confession official?

Sonny: Signed, sealed, and delivered. So in no time, orpheus will be joining his son in statesville.

Will: That is so good to hear, because that means maggie's finally gonna be cleared. I mean, she's suffered so much.

Sonny: So have you.

Will: Well, I mean, I'm just glad that the people responsible for the accident are finally gonna get what they deserve.

Sonny: And my dad is gonna make sure that that happens. He's not gonna rest until orpheus pays for all of his crimes.

Will: Cheers to that.

Sonny: Cheers.

Justin: Adrienne was a beautiful woman, amazing mother, and the perfect wife. She was my whole life, and you took her from me and my boys. You took her, and you can't be allowed to get away with that. Someone should have done this a long time ago.

[Tense music]

Steve: I think justin will be fine once orpheus is held accountable for his crimes. And this time, he will be.

Kayla: How can you be sure?

Steve: Well, because of all this evidence. It's all right here. Uh-oh.

Kayla: What is it?

Steve: Something's missing.

Kayla: What?

Steve: Orpheus' gun.

Kayla: What? How can it be taken right out of here?

Steve: I'm afraid justin didn't go to see the D.A.

Justin: Any last words? You know what? I don't give a damn.

Kayla: Justin, no.

Rafe: Found him.

Hope: Hey, buddy. Oh, david, how you doing? Huh?

Rafe: He's doing good.

Hope: Ohh.

Rafe: He's doing great, actually. Have a seat here for me a sec, all right, champ? Okay, right there. I got something for you, your favorite. Where's zoey?

Hope: She got a call. Orpheus has been arrested.

Rafe: Well, that's great.

Hope: His guys still have her son, but they're willing to return him if she pays them off.

Rafe: You let her go?

Hope: I couldn't keep her from her child.

Rafe: Right. Okay. Um, well--

Hope: How's he doing?

Rafe: How's he--look at him. He's doing great. He's doing great. He keeps asking me about the guy that was tied up.

Hope: John.

Rafe: Yeah.

Hope: Yeah, that must have been so awfully scary for him.

Rafe: Yeah. But luckily, they said they were just playing a game.

Hope: That's good.

Rafe: Yeah.

Hope: It's really over.

Rafe: I'm not so sure about that.

Hope: What is it? What?

Rafe: David told me that right before orpheus left, when he left them here with zoey, he said that he had one last game, his favorite game with john.

Hope: What kind of a game could that be?

Rafe: Nothing good.

Marlena: Ohh.

John: So excited for you.

Marlena: Oh, I couldn't be happier for both of you.

Eric: Thank you. I'm pretty happy myself.

Nicole: Took a long time for us to get here, right?

Marlena: Well, you've had a lot of obstacles to overcome, but you were always each other's first love. And now here you are.

Nicole: Yes. Here we are. And we are gonna try to plan to emulate your relationship, because you seem to have the secret to a great, long marriage.

Marlena: Oh, there's not really a secret. It's just love and patience.

John: And gratitude.

Eric: Well, I have plenty of that. If it hadn't been for nicole and holly these past few weeks, I don't think I would have made it through. I mean, they are my family. Now this will make it legal.

Nicole: And holly will love it knowing that her mommy and daddy are married. Oh. And I'm happy to report...

John: What's that?

Nicole: That holly officially called eric "daddy."

John: Aww.

Eric: As you can imagine, it melted my heart.

Marlena: I can well imagine that. Oh, I'm just so happy for all three of you.

John: Oh, this is great news. Welcome to the family, nicole.

Nicole: Thank you so much. Thank you.

Marlena: You know what? Let's celebrate.

Eric: Yeah.

John: Good idea.

Nicole: Yes.

John: Great idea.

Nicole: Oh, oh, no. Are we interrupting? Were you already celebrating something?

John: Well--

Eric: I mean, we barged in to share our great news, unless you've been celebrating your own.

John: Well, we--we kind of had an eventful day of our own.

Eric: What happened?

John: All right, kids, sit down. We're gonna tell you all about it. This is hal.

Rafe: Yes, I want you to locate zoey burge but hold off on bringing her in. Just keep an eye on her location. Okay. Keep me posted.

Hope: You're doing the right thing letting her find her son.

Rafe: I hope you're right.

Hope: You got david back; you found him. I bet the two of you can't wait to get home.

Rafe: Yeah. I'm bringing my son home.

Hope: Yeah. Well, I'm going to head over and check on john and marlena and share the good news with them.

Rafe: Okay.

Hope. Okay.

Rafe: Hey, thank you for everything. You kind of saved my life, you know.

Hope: Any time.

Rafe: Hey, you ready, david?

Hope: Bye, david.

Rafe: Come on, champ. Hey, I meant it. I really appreciate it.

Hope: I didn't do anything.

Rafe: No, I'm just saying, it was-- it was kind of like old times. Let's go.

Eric: I just don't know what to say.

Nicole: So it wasn't maggie that caused the accident?

Marlena: No, it was orpheus.

Eric: Then he is the one who is responsible for my daughter's death?

John: And adrienne too.

Marlena: Look, I'm so sorry that I couldn't say anything when I first found out, but orpheus was holding john prisoner.

Eric: Of course.

Nicole: You were afraid for john's life.

John: But she made the right decision by telling steve. He used some isa tech to rescue me, and he is the reason orpheus is in custody where he belongs.

Nicole: Well, it sounds like we all have a lot to celebrate. To a bright future.

Marlena: Oh, bright future.

Eric: A bright future.

[Tense music]

Kayla: Justin, please. Put the gun down.

Steve: You don't want to do this, buddy.

Justin: Get out, both of you.

Kayla: No, no, no, you cannot pull the trigger. He's not worth it.

Justin: How many people has he hurt?

Kayla: Too many. That's why you are not gonna let him ruin your life.

Justin: It's already ruined. He killed her. He killed my beautiful wife.

Orpheus: You're gonna let him shoot me in cold blood, johnson, right here in the police station?

Justin: You know I'm right, steve. This is the only way. You work for the isa. You know how they pull strings to let this animal back on the street, and they'll do it again. They'll find some way to let this man beat the charges. He killed your sister, and he's gonna walk away free, and I'm not gonna let that happen.

Kayla: No, justin--

Justin: So it's up to me.

Kayla: Uh-uh.

Justin: It's up to me to make sure that he gets what he deserves.

Kayla: Justin, I am not gonna let you throw everything away for revenge. Think--think of sonny and ari and me.

Justin: He has to pay.

Kayla: But you don'T. If you shoot this man in the middle of the police station, you will go to prison. And you will lose everything. I will lose everything, because I will lose you. I need you. Come on. I love you, justin, please.

Steve: Justin, give me the gun.

Justin: No. No.

Kayla: Come on.

Justin: No.

Steve: You're right. Orpheus has to die. But you don't have to kill him. Let me do it.

[Tense music]

Has asthma pushed you

into a smaller life?

Will: You thinking about your mom?

Sonny: Yeah. It's great that her killer will finally be brought to justice. You're free, maggie's gonna be free.

Will: But your mom is still gone.

Sonny: Sorry. We should be celebrating positive news. I know we don't get too much of that lately.

Will: Well, unfortunately, I--I have some bad news too.

Sonny: Bad news?

Will: Yep. So the story broke earlier. Gabi was arrested again.

Rafe: What?

Will: Yeah, the police think that she is the one responsible for what happened to abigail.

Rafe: They have proof that she drugged her?

Will: The drug that caused abigail's hallucination was found in gabi's possession, so...

Sonny: Does ari know about the arrest?

Will: No, not yet. I mean, I wanted to wait for you so we could tell her together but she fell asleep when I was reading to her.

Sonny: How are we gonna do this again? Ari barely forgive gabi the last time she went away.

Will: I know. But, you know, when that happened last time, she lost me too. So now, this time, she has both of her dads here, who love her.

Sonny: We will always be there for her.

Will: Yeah, always.

Sonny: We'll--we'll talk to her tomorrow. Together. Tonight the night is for us.

Nicole: So rafe must be so relieved to have david back.

Hope: Oh, my gosh, it was such a special moment. He loves that little boy so much.

Eric: More good news to celebrate.

Hope: Were you toasting orpheus' capture?

Eric: They were, until nicole and I showed up and announced our engagement.

Hope: What?

Nicole: Yes.

Hope: How did I miss that? Oh, my gosh. Congratulations.

Nicole: Thank you.

Hope: I wish you all the best.

Nicole: Thank you.

Eric: Appreciate that.

Marlena: I need some of the details, long, short, tea length, hair up, hair down?

Eric: All right, mom...

Marlena: I don't know, backless?

Eric: We just got engaged.

Marlena: Off the shoulder maybe. A few bridesmaids, one or two just close friends.

Hope: Everything okay?

John: Yeah, yeah, yeah, i just--a little uneasy.

Hope: About?

John: Orpheus.

Hope: But he's-- he's been caught. He's locked up.

John: Yeah, I know. It's just that when he had me hostage, he just kept playing all these games, making moves, making counter moves, and I just can't help but feel that somehow he's still playing one.

Hope: Hmm.

John: What you mean, "hmm"?

Hope: It's just--it's something that david said to rafe right before orpheus took you away. He told david that he was gonna play his favorite game one last time with you.

John: With me. His favorite game.

Hope: What's orpheus' favorite game, john?

John: Explosives expert. Got a hell of a kick planting bombs all around salem last time he was here.

Hope: Well, ou don't think...

John: What if he set something in motion before he was even caught to play a game one last time with me?

[Tense music]

Steve: Justin, give me the gun. Let me handle this.

Justin: What are you doing?

Steve: I know you won't rest until the man responsible for adrienne's death pays for what he did. I want that too.

Justin: I can do it.

Steve: I know. I know you can do it. But you shouldn't have to. You have too much to lose.

Justin: I didn't ask for your help.

Steve: I know. Oh. Oh, yeah. I can see by the look on your face that you know I mean what i say. Unlike justin, I've killed before... bad people. All of them deserved it a lot less than you do.

Orpheus: I'm well aware of your history.

Steve: You're the scum of the earth, and I won't let you get away with killing my sister. Don't do it, justin. I can't let you throw your life away.

Kayla: But you can?

Steve: My life? I'm dead to the world. But I came back. Maybe I came back for a reason. Justin, you have too much to lose. When I lost my life, when it was taken from me, I didn't have a choice. But you do. Come on. Come on, look at me. Give me the gun. Give it to me.

[Tense music]

I didn't choose this exact type of metastatic breast cancer.

Marlena: And maybe julie's place would be a good--I mean, she's got several rooms there...

Eric: Right.

Marlena: And has a lovely bar. What in the world? J...john? What are you two doing?

Nicole: Are you looking for something?

John: Yeah, maybe.

Hope: John.

Eric: Can we help you?

Hope: John.

John: Oh, my god.

Orpheus: You may be a killer, steve, but you're not a murderer. You don't want to do this.

Steve: Oh, you know I do. It would give me great pleasure to blow your brains right out of your head.

Orpheus: Let's talk about this.

Steve: There's nothing left to talk about. I'm not gonna do it.

Orpheus: Good call.

Kayla: [Gasps]

Justin: What the hell are you doing? Steve. Why didn't you kill the bastard?

Will: Oh, she looked peaceful, didn't she?

Sonny: I wish we could keep her that way. But, you know, tomorrow she's gonna wake up, and her whole world will have changed.

Will: Yeah. You know what? We'll get through it. And we'll come out the other side stronger than ever, 'cause that's just sort of what we do. I'm happy you're home.

Sonny: Not as happy as I am to be home. Have I mentioned just how much I love you?

Will: I love you too.

John: No time to defuse the bomb.

Marlena: Oh, my god.

Eric: We got to get out of here.

John: Everybody out of here now, let's go. Hope, leave it down. Come on. Hope. What are you doing? What are-- hope, stop it. Give me that.

[Loud explosion] Something great from mr. Clean.

Will: You know, no matter what's going on out there in the world, I always feel safe in here.

Sonny: Me too. She looks so happy.

Will: She was happy. Because she knew that her son had someone who would love him forever.

Sonny: Yeah.

Will: I know how much you miss her.

Sonny: And I always will. But I can rest easy knowing that you're fine and pretty soon maggie will be too.

Will: And I hope that you and everyone else who was hurt by orpheus can now finally find some peace.

Rafe: Okay. Here we are, man. I bet you're happy to back home, aren't you?

David: Yeah.

Rafe: Yeah, yeah. Well, guess what. Guess what. You never have to miss this place again. You know why? I'll tell you why, because this place is your home. It's your home, okay?

David: Okay.

Rafe: Great. This is your home, pal.

John: Hope. Hope. Hope.

Eric: Hope.

Hope: I'm okay.

John: What the hell were you thinking?

Hope: It was too late to call the bomb squad and not enough time to evacuate the building. Either I carry it out myself or--

John: What you did was insane.

Hope: John, I know, believe me. I got rid of it. I threw it away in a dumpster next door, and I closed the lid just in time.

Marlena: Hope. Are you all right?

Hope: Yeah, my ears are still ringing, but I'm fine.

Nicole: I can't believe you did that.

Hope: Yeah, really stupid.

Eric: It was brave.

Marlena: You risked your life to save us, but you saved us.

Justin: I trusted you to do the right thing. He killed your sister. Don't you want revenge?

Steve: You know I do.

Justin: Why did you ask for the gun if you weren't gonna shoot him? Why? Why did you let him live?

Kayla: Justin, come on.

Justin: It's not right.

Kayla: Justin, justin, please.

Justin: It's not right. It's not right.

Kayla: It's okay. It's okay.

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