Days Transcript Monday 5/25/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 5/25/20


Episode #13776 ~ Steve and Marlena meet with Orpheus to save John; Hope and Rafe desperately search for David; Eric asks Nicole to marry him; Nicole warns Abe he's making a mistake by hiring Kate.

Provided By Suzanne

Orpheus: If you ever wanna see him again... you'll do as I say.

Zoey: Okay. So I--I'll see you soon.


Rafe: Well, what--was that him? Was that your father?

Zoey: No, it was my brother.

Rafe: Thought he didn't want to talk to you.

Zoey: He changed his mind. He wants to see me now, so i have to leave.

Rafe: Okay. Hey, will you ask him about what we were talking about earlier?

Zoey: Of course--if christian can help find david in any way, I will find out.

Rafe: Thanks.

[Edgy music]

Hope: You buy a word of that?

[Soft dinner music]

Abe: Well! Nice ring. Big plans tonight?

Eric: Yeah. I'm planning on proposing to nicole at dinner.

Abe: Ah...

Eric: [Chuckles] You know I planned on doing it a few months ago, but as you know, life got a little complicated.

Abe: I'm sorry to hear about rachel. I know from... personal experience how... painful it is to give up a child you've raised as your own.

Eric: Losses... both of them--they've been very difficult. But I know that I'm truly blessed to have nicole and holly in my life. They're everything to me.

Abe: That's wonderful. That's wonderful, eric.

[Small laugh] Best of luck to you.

Eric: Thank you. Abe, wait, we-- I know you and nicole, you are very close and... well, when we do officially get married, I was...well, I was planning to ask you at some point, and since you're here now... will you do me the honor of performing the ceremony?

Abe: [Light laugh] What a lovely request. It would be my honor to marry you and nicole.

Eric: [Laughs]

Kate: You're marrying nicole? Honey, you are making a huge mistake.

Rafe: That couldn't have been christian on the phone, otherwise zoey would have had to accept the call from the prison, and she didn't do that, so obviously, it was someone else.

Hope: Her father.

Rafe: Let's go.

Marlena: Is that what you think? You think there's no way of getting john back alive?

Steve: No, that's not what i think. It may be what orpheus has in mind, but it's not gonna happen. Because I can outmaneuver him. I'm not gonna let him hurt john.

Marlena: What if he's already hurt john?

Kayla: If steve says that he can bring him back, he'll bring john back.

Marlena: I can't stand this waiting, I--

[Phone rings]

[Beep] Dr. Evans.

[Dark music]

Orpheus: Hello, marlena. It's showtime. I usually like to do this kind of thing in the middle of town in broad daylight. You know that, uh, that small private park just off the town square?

Marlena: Yes.

Orpheus: I'll meet you there in... exactly 30 minutes. No cops. Don't--don't try to pull anything this time, marlena.

Marlena: I won'T. And you listen to me. You are not getting one dime until I know that john is safe.

Orpheus: I dictate the terms. I'll see you in...28 minutes.


[Softly] Let's go.

Kayla: Be careful.

Steve: We will.

Justin: Wait!

Steve: What?

Justin: I'm going with you.

Steve: No. No, you could get in the way.

Justin: He killed my wife! I'm going with you!

Steve: No. No, you're not.

Orpheus: Look alive john-boy. It's time for a field trip.

John: Field trip?

Orpheus: Yeah. Gotta make the exchange. Don't you wanna see your beloved doc again?

[Gun clicks]

John: I know how you operate. This isn't gonna be any simple exchange, so...what do you have in store for me?

Orpheus: That'll be made clear to you... soon enough.

John: Just tell me, damn it!

Orpheus: You got nothin' to worry about, john-boy. Besides... I wouldn't wanna spoil all the fun.

[Intense music]

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Eric: Abe and I were having a private conversation. Not to mention none of this is your business.

Kate: Well, that's not exactly true, because if abe is officiating at your ceremony as mayor, then it certainly is my business.

Eric: What-- I don't understand.

Abe: I recently hired kate. She works for me. She's my new director of communications.

Eric: Seriously?

Abe: Seriously. Yes. Would you...excuse us for a moment? Kate, you will defer to me in this and all other personal matters. And you will apologize to eric for your gratuitous comments about his soon-to-be-fiancéE.

Kate: I was just being protective of a good friend's son... because eric seems to have forgotten his soon-to-be-fiancée's past and the fact that she kept him away from his daughter--or at least the child he thought was his daughter.

Eric: You need to stop.

Kate: Okay, fine, I'll stop. I'll stop, but I still think you deserve better than nicole.

Eric: I said stop!

Nicole: Hey. What's going on here?

[Edgy music]

Justin: Orpheus is the reason adrienne is dead. Now, I need to be there to make sure he is brought to justice!

Steve: I hear you, man, I do.

Justin: No, I don't think you do! Not only did that monster kill the mother of my children, he inflicted unspeakable pain on my entire family!

Steve: Listen, justin, I'm as angry as you are about what that bastard did to adrienne. All right? And I promise you I am gonna make sure he pays the price. But if we wanna get him, we gotta play by his rules. Orpheus was very clear. Marlena has to come alone.

Justin: Then why the hell are you going with her?

Marlena: Orpheus knows that I've already involved steve.

Steve: That's right--he's expecting me to be there. But that's it. Like I said, we can't even involve the cops.

Justin: Even more reason why I should be there--you may need backup.

Steve: No. I-I was trained for this--you weren'T. One mistake, and someone could end up dead. We can't take that chance.

Kayla: Listen, I know how much you wanna be there, but you don't want to risk people's safety. Let them handle it on their own. Come on.

[Suspenseful music]

[Beep beep]

Rafe: It's locked.

Hope: There's gotta be another way in--I'm gonna go this way. Lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose.

Nicole: Well?

[Huffs] Why are you two arguing?

Kate: Well... I was just giving eric some friendly advice which he took totally the wrong way.

Nicole: Advice about what?

Kate: He asked abe to host the horton center fundraiser, and abe is totally booked. So I suggested to eric that if he had something like that that he wanted abe to do in the future that he should run it by me at least six months in advance.

Nicole: Why would he have to run it by you?

Kate: Because I'm the mayor's new director of communications.

Nicole: You hired her? Oh, that was a big mistake.

Justin: Fine. I'll stay here. But once that exchange happens, you're not gonna let orpheus walk, right?

Steve: Like I said, I have no intention of lettin' that psycho get away. But we have to make sure that john and david come home safe.

Marlena: We have to go.

Justin: Keep us posted.

Steve: We will.

Kayla: Be careful. Both of you.

Rafe: I couldn't find another way in.

Hope: Me either--maybe we should call for backup.

Rafe: No. No, if orpheus thinks the cops are here, he could panic--there's no telling what he'll do to david or to john. My god, I cannot believe that zoey did this to us!

Hope: You said earlier you weren't sure we could trust her.

Rafe: I know I did, okay? Obviously, it was all an act.

Hope: No, you know what? We're not gonna get any answers out here. We need to find a way inside. Who are you calling?

Rafe: The it guys at the station--maybe they can figure out a way to short circuit this lock.

Orpheus: I'm gonna miss our time together, john. It's been a while since we've been able to... reconnect, reminisce about the old days.

John: Only because you're still holding a grudge.

Orpheus: A grudge? You killed my wife and left them without a mother. You shot me on that island and left me for dead, depriving them of a father as well. Ha. Yeah, I hold a grudge.

John: Mmph. Those kids were better off without you anyway-- just like david'll be.

Orpheus: Don't utter a word about my grandson.

John: You know if you really cared about that little kid, you'd leave him right here in salem. You know, rafe would be a hell of a lot better a father than you would ever dream of being, so come on, man, just... do everyone a favor and just... just...clean suitcase it.

Orpheus: Haven't you been paying attention, john? I want more than money. I want the family you stole from me all those years ago. And now, finally, with david I'll be able to have that. So that's the plan, old friend. And it ain't up for debate. We need to get goin'.

John: [Snickers] So what are you gonna do? You gonna leave your grandson here all by himself, huh? Yeah.

Orpheus: Of course not. David will be well taken care of--I made sure of that.

[Knock on door] Perfect timing.

[Suspenseful music]

You wouldn't accept an incomplete job from anyone else.

Kate: Oh, are you insinuating that abe made a mistake hiring me?

Nicole: No, I did more than insinuate.

Abe: Ladies, please, listen--

Kate: Hmph. Hiring me was a brilliant move.

Nicole: Oh, right, yeah. A brilliant move to hire the undeniable queen of blackmail, forgery, double-dealing--I don't know, what else is there?

Eric: Okay, nicole. This is abe's decision. Let's respect it.

Abe: And kate, why don't we get to work and let these two enjoy their evening?

Kate: Fine by me.

Nicole: I'm--I'm-- I'm so sorry. I-I shouldn't have said anything. It's just so infuriating how that woman always lands on her feet.

Eric: I know.

Nicole: A-and why would abe want her to work for him?

Eric: I don't know, maybe he thinks that she can boost his image or whatever--who knows?

Nicole: All right.

Eric: But let's, you know...

Nicole: Let's just forget that happened.

Eric: Let's just forget it. You know abe can handle it.

Nicole: Yes. And enjoy the rest of our evening.

Eric: If I didn't say it look beautiful tonight.

Nicole: Thank you. You clean up pretty nice yourself, handsome. Hmm? So why did you want to dress up for dinner? What's the occasion?

Eric: No occasion. Just wanted a night out with the woman that I love.

Nicole: Oh...

Zoey: I'll be right back, david! Get some pudding for dessert.

Rafe: Freeze!

Zoey: Rafe...

Rafe: You lied to me.

Zoey: I can explain.

Rafe: Save it--I'm getting david and getting out of here.

Zoey: Stop! I'm sorry. I can't let you do that.

[Intense music]

Justin: I hate this. Standing around... waiting.

Kayla: I know you don't wanna hear this... but you did the right thing letting steve handle this.

Justin: I just hope he knows what he's doing.

Kayla: He does! Look, it's hard, but you just need to be patient.

Justin: I'm trying. Damn it, kayla, if steve and marlena make this swap for john and orpheus walks away scot-free... I swear, if that happens... I don't know what I'll do.

Steve: Marlena.

Marlena: What--what?

Steve: Listen. It's okay--we got this. All right? Let's stay calm. Follow my lead. I'll do most of the talking.

Marlena: Okay.

[Clattering] Oh! John...oh, my god, are you all--

Orpheus: Step back, marlena.

Marlena: Are you all right?

Orpheus: Step back.

John: I'm fine. Just happy to see you, doc.

Orpheus: Well, I'm not happy to see she brought your bestie patch with her. Although I can't say I'm surprised.

Steve: Well, you knew i wouldn't let marlena meet you alone.

Orpheus: I'll let it slide this time. But now...we do it my way or john dies.

[Dark music]

Zoey: Drop the gun. Drop it! Now kick it over to me.

Rafe: Okay, I did what you said--now let hope go.'re already in enough trouble as it is. You don't wanna hurt anyone.

Zoey: I'm not gonna hurt her. Unless you force me to.

Rafe: What the hell happened to you? What happened--you came to me for help, you gave me this whole story about how dangerous your father is... you were just playing me all along, weren't ya?

Zoey: No. No, I swear, I was completely upfront with you.

Rafe: Right, yeah. Like when you told me it was your brother on the phone when it was actually your father? What'd he want?

Zoey: He wanted me to help with david, and he did not give me a choice.

Rafe: You coulda told me the truth.

Zoey: You don't understand. He has my son, and if I don't do what he says, I might not ever see my little boy again.

Kayla: You know how much adrienne means to steve. I mean, she's his little sister, his rock. And I am confident that steve will do everything in his power to bring orpheus to justice.

Justin: Thank you, kayla... for being my rock.

Kayla: Of course.

Justin: You know what, maybe, uh...maybe I'll get us something to drink--some tea. Maybe that'll calm our nerves.

Kayla: That'd be great.

[Softly] Oh, steve, we're all counting on you. Please be careful.

Steve: Hold on a second. We don't wanna rock the boat here. All we want is to bring john home safe.

Marlena: Please, just--just let him go. You'll have your money.

Orpheus: Nice try. The money's first.

Steve: All right. Let's do this.

Orpheus: Easy, easy, easy...

Steve: Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Orpheus: What are you doing?

Steve: I have marlena's phone in my pocket. Her bank app is all set up to transfer the funds into your account. That okay?

Orpheus: Slowly. No sudden moves.

[Suspenseful music]

Steve: Here we go. Cool 15 mil was transferred into your account. All you have to do is hit accept on your phone and you're good to go. All right. Transaction complete. Now give us john.

[John grunts]

Marlena: Easy. Easy, easy. Let me get this.

Orpheus: Nice doin' business with you. Have a nice life. I know I will.

[Buzzing] Uhh--ah--

Steve: Fry, you bastard.

Kate: Okay, so I hope that you're also free tomorrow morning, because I scheduled another press conference about orpheus.

Abe: Well, we don't have any updates yet.

Kate: I know, but maybe you will by then--and besides that, you need to assure your constituents that they're safe, so...

Abe: Well, I'm sure that rafe and the salem pd are closing in on orpheus as we speak.

Kate: You know, and I'm sure that's wishful thinking, so i will keep my fingers crossed for you. Here, this is a copy of your speech for tomorrow. Take a look at it, then you can advise me if you need any changes.

Abe: You know... I have to say, kate... I'm impressed. You've only been on the job for a few days, and you're already proving to be A... real asset.

Kate: Well, I'm glad that you feel that way. And I'm glad that you didn't let eric and nicole's opinion of me cause you to rethink your decision to hire me.

Abe: No, no, it hasn'T. Although... if we are going to continue to have a decent working relationship, I need you to stop offering your opinions about other people's lives. Think you can manage that?

Kate: [Sighs] Well...I mean, I can try... abe, look, I am sorry that i blurted out what I did to eric, but you know, frankly, when i heard him say he was gonna marry nicole, I was shocked. I mean shocked, horrified, and... you know, in my defense, the only thing I could think of doing is remind him of what he's getting back into with her.

Abe: On the evening that he's proposing to her? Do you actually think that you could talk him out of it by insulting nicole and him? By suggesting that he was a fool to care for her? Kate, it is none...of your... business. All you did was antagonize him. My god, the man... the man loves that woman. And her daughter.

Kate: Okay, fine. Fine. I mean, if--I was just trying to help the poor man, but if he's determined to marry her, then more power to him, and I will keep my mouth shut.

Abe: I do hope so.

Kate: I still say that he's making the worst mistake of his life.

Nicole: Okay, thank you.

Eric: Is holly okay?

Nicole: Yes. The sitter just got her to bed. Oh...and now you have my undivided attention.

Eric: I'm glad. Because there is... something important that i wanted to discuss with you tonight because it can't wait any longer.

Nicole: Sounds serious.

Eric: It is. In a good way. I don't know if you remember, but a couple of months ago, i suggested that we order take-out from here so we could have dinner and talk. And then you had to leave to new york.

Nicole: Oh, eric...

Eric: And when you came back, you told me that mickey was not my daughter... that she was really rachel.

Nicole: Eric, you know how much I hated giving you that news.

Eric: I know. But I'm glad you did. I'm glad that you told me the truth. You were so strong. You've been so patient, supportive. It just reminded me... I still had holly and you in my life, making sure that I knew that you and holly... were my family. Now I wanna make it official.

Nicole: What do you mean?

Eric: I know that this is not the first time that I've asked you, but I'm hoping it's the last. Nicole walker... will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?

Nicole: [Exhales]

[Laughs breathlessly] Meet jim. For jim, comfort is king.

Eric: You're gonna leave me hanging, huh?

Nicole: Oh, no! O-of course! Oh, my god, of course I will marry you! Oh, wow. Oh, my gosh.

Kate: Well, there's no turning back now. That guy is doomed.

Nicole: [Laughs] Mmm!

Eric: That's a yes, right?

Nicole: Absolutely, 1,000% yes! Oh, my gosh! This is beautiful!

Eric: It fits--doesn't that mean it's the right size?

Nicole: Yes, it fits. Ohh... I can't believe this is... happening. When I was trapped in that warehouse... eric, I never dreamed that--

Eric: I did. And I never stopped. My dreams have finally come true.

Nicole: We did it. We defied all odds, triumphed over every obstacle that life threw at us, and there's just been so many, i can't even remember..

Eric: Do you know what i remember? First time that I laid eyes on you... at java cafe.

Nicole: A mere 20 years ago.

Eric: And ever since then, I've only had eyes for you.

Nicole: Even when I didn't deserve it.

>Eric: Don't say that.

Nicole: Oh, it's--it's true. You are the most wonderful man I have ever met, and I'M... so many ways. But I promise you... I will always try to be someone who is worthy of your love.

Eric: You already are. You're all I ever wanted.

Nicole: [Whispers] I love you.

Eric: [Whispers] I love you.

Nicole: Ohh...

Hope: Orpheus has your son?

Zoey: Yes.

Hope: Are you sure?

Zoey: Yes! He sent me a picture. He kidnapped him from my ex-husband.

Rafe: I'll get your son back. I'll get him back, but you-- you gotta let me help you.

Zoey: I can'T. I know my father, and if i betray him again, he's gonna make good on his promise. I tried to keep my son away from orpheus for years, and the only reason I came to salem was to help my brother...and that's all gone to hell. You have no idea what my father is capable of.

Hope: No, no, no, actually, we do. And because we're both so familiar with orpheus's M.O., We know how to help you, zoey. Just let rafe get david, and we'll figure it out.

Zoey: I'm sorry. I adore my nephew, but I have to think about my son. It's--maybe... you two can go now, and when he gets back, I will figure out where he's going, and I will tell you as soon as he gives my son back.

Rafe: You know I'm not leaving here without david.

Zoey: My father can come through that door any minute, and if he finds you two here, he's gonna kill you.

Rafe: Like I said... not leavin'.

Zoey: Please--

Rafe: No, no, no. We have to work together, okay? I promise you, zoey, I will get your son back to you safely, okay? I trusted you... and you need to trust me. Zoey.

Kayla: Oh, no, no...

Steve: Shh, shh.

Kayla: [Crying]

Steve: [Murmuring] Come on--

Kayla: What's wrong with it?

Steve: We have to get out of here.

Orpheus: You're not going anywhere, johnson.

[Tense music]

Steve: Maybe we can just make a little deal. Aaaaaah! Come on, run, run, run, run! Go!

Kayla: Thanks for being a hero.

Justin: It's chamomile. They didn't have your favorite. Hope it's okay.

Kayla: No, it's perfect.

Justin: We should have heard from steve by now. Hope to god nothing went wrong.

Steve: Still breathin', huh? Well, it's a start. Someday... I'm gonna make you pay for killing my sister.

John: What the hell'd you do to him?

Steve: Taser.

John: How?

Steve: Shane hooked me up with a high-tech phone from the isa. Once it interfaced with orpheus's phone, I was able to transmit an electric shock.

John: Well, thanks, partner. You really came through.

Marlena: Are you okay? Did he hurt you?

John: Nothin' I can't handle, doc.

Marlena: I'm just so glad you're safe.

John: Ohh...

Steve: Hey... lovebirds... I could really use some help gettin' this fried piece of crap down to the police station.

John: Yeah, well, we'll be with you in a second, partner.

[Marlena giggles] Introducing new voltaren arthritis pain gel,

Abe: 'Scuse me. I'm sorry to interrupt, but... I wanted to congratulate you. I'm just--just happy for both of you.

Nicole: Aw! Thank you, abe.

Kate: What he said.

Nicole: Wow, kate, not only beautiful words, but so...heartfelt. Nice.

Eric: Hey, I hope you don't mind, but earlier I asked abe if he would perform our ceremony. He agreed.

Nicole: You knew about this?

[Both laugh]

Abe: Maybe.

Nicole: Well, I can't think of anyone I'd rather have do the honors.

Abe: Will be my pleasure.

Kate: Yes, if the mayor doesn't have any prior engagements.

Abe: I will clear my calendar. You two tell me when and where.

Nicole: Well, I can't speak for eric, but this wedding can't come fast enough for me. I-I've been waiting half my life to marry this man.

[Kate and abe chuckle]

Kate: Well, I don't blame you for wanting to lock that down. I mean, who knows what could split you up in this town, right?

Abe: Kate.

Kate: What? I'm just saying "the course of true love never did run smooth." And shakespeare said that, not me.

Marlena: Kayla, kayla! We're all fine. Yeah. And you know what? Steve was masterful. No, we're, uh, we're at the police station. Orpheus is behind bars. Yeah, I will. I'll talk to you very soon. Thanks.


John: Did you talk to kayla?

Marlena: Uh, yes, yeah, she and justin are heading down here right now. And, uh, what's with orpheus?

Steve: He's starting to come to.

Marlena: Hmm. I don't imagine he'll be too happy when he realizes that he's lost.

Steve: Ah, I wouldn't worry about it. Pretty soon, he'll be back in a cage--this time permanently.

Marlena: Ah. What about rafe? Is he up to speed?

Steve: I just left him a message--hopefully he'll be here soon. Why don't you two just go on, head home? I'll keep an eye on orpheus.

John: Yeah, yeah.

Marlena: Mm. So, wait, tell me--how's david?

John: Well, I gave the cops the location of hideout and they're on their way over there now. I don't think the kid's in any immediate danger because orpheus has got his daughter watching him.

Marlena: Zoey. I thought she had turned against her father.

John: You know, I don't have all the details here, but i kinda got the feeling she's an unwilling accomplice. I think we can trust her.

Rafe: Zoey, please, just trust me. Trust me, okay? I will do whatever I can to protect your son.

Zoey: How, rafe? How are you gonna do that? I have no idea where my father is holding him.

Rafe: Yeah, I know you're in a tough spot and you're scared. We both want the same thing, and I can help you. You want orpheus behind bars where he can never hurt your son or my son again, okay? We can do that, but we just have to work together. Zoey, just put the gun down, okay? Put it down. Zoey, just put the gun dow--

[Intense music]

It's the 6:10

Rafe: Zoey, drop it! Drop it--

Steve: So orpheus accepted the wire transfer on his phone, was about to walk away... that's when I zapped him. Too bad it wasn't enough voltage to kill him.

Kayla: Well, thank god that he is no longer a threat and that john and marlena are safe.

Justin: Where's orpheus now?

Steve: The interrogation room.

Justin: I wanna see him.

Kayla: I don't think that's a good idea.

Justin: I just wanna look him in the eye and confront him about what he did to adrienne.

Steve: Yeah, man, I don't have the authority to give you permission.

Justin: Well, at least I'll go talk to the D.A., Make sure he throws the book at the son of a bitch.

Steve: You know... it took everything in me not to kill orpheus on the spot for causing adrienne's death.

Kayla: I'm glad it all worked out.

[Edgy music]

Justin: Do you know who I am?

Orpheus: You're victor kiriakis's ineffectual nephew. The hell do you want?

Justin: Ineffectual? You killed my wife... and I'm here to return the favor.

Abe: Well, just got word. Orpheus was apprehended.

Kate: Super! We have to get you in front of a news camera right away.

Abe: Me? Why?

Kate: Why? To make sure that you get credit, of course.

Nicole: I cannot wait to share our news with the world.

Eric: And it's still early, so why don't we go tell my mom and john?

Nicole: You know what, fiancé? That is a fantastic idea.

Kate: Ughh.

Marlena: Ooph. Thank god you're all right. I was so worried about you.

John: And I'm still worried.

Marlena: Why?

John: Well, because back at the hideout, orpheus made it seem like he's got something else up his sleeve. Some sort of surprise.

Marlena: Well, I don't think he was planning on being outsmarted by steve. And there's nothing he can do to us now.

John: I don't know, doc.

Marlena: Hey. Orpheus is in police custody. He can't get to us anymore.

[Dramatic musical sting]

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