Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 5/22/20
Episode #13775 ~ Steve confides in Kayla and Justin about the Orpheus situation; Zoey keeps a secret from Rafe; Orpheus reveals to John he has big plans; Abigail and Chad make difficult decisions about their future.
Provided By Suzanne
[Tender music]
Abigail: Hi.
Chad: Hi.
Abigail: Mm, I fell asleep.
Chad: You sure did. Did you have a nice nap?
Abigail: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I did. I was--I was dreaming that we were, um--we were at the beach with the kids.
Chad: That sounds like a nice dream.
Abigail: Yeah, it was.
Chad: Any hallucination?
Abigail: No. No, right now, I just see you and only you.
Chad: Well, I am very real, very here.
Abigail: I know.
Chad: I'm not going anywhere.
Kayla: How much of that did you hear?
Justin: Just enough.
Kayla: Just enough for what?
Justin: I assume the stefan look-alike doesn't know steve?
Kayla: Says he doesn'T.
Justin: I was a little surprised to hear him refer to your ex-husband as the love of your life.
Marlena: Why doesn't this thing ring?
Hope: 'Cause orpheus is playing hard to get.
Steve: Think he'd be anxious to know that you were able to get your hands on that extra five mil.
Marlena: You know, I shouldn't have called the police. He told me not to involve anybody.
Hope: No, he said he was gonna kidnap david. Of course you had to involve rafe.
Marlena: He did kidnap david. God knows what he's doing to john right now.
Steve: Marlena, listen. Without that $15 million, orpheus is stuck where he is right now. He needs john alive to get his hands on that money.
Marlena: He blames john for everything that's gone wrong in his life. Do you really think that that money is going to keep him from hurting john?
[Dramatic music]
Orpheus: Specialty of the house: Pheasant under glass. And for dessert, we have a nice sponge cake. Come on, eat up. Can't have you dying on me, now, john.
John: Bite me.
Orpheus: Don't tempt me. And don't even think of screaming, 'cause if you do, first of all, nobody will hear you, and second of all, if you wake my grandson...
John: You'll what? You'll kidnap me? You'll tie me up? You'll gag me? You'll extort $15 million from my wife?
Orpheus: Oh, how I'll miss your droll wit.
John: So why haven't you called doc already? I'm sure she's come up with the money. What the hell's taking you so long?
Orpheus: Well, now that you've finished your repast, we might as well get this show on the road.
[Dials phone]
[Line trilling]
Rafe: Who're you calling?
Zoey: Anyone that has ever known my father.
Rafe: That must be a distinguished list.
Zoey: Right? No one has heard a word from him. What about you? Any luck?
Rafe: No. Old man was very careful. Trail's gone cold. And as soon as he gets the money from marlena, he's gonna disappear with david. Assuming he hasn't contacted her yet, 'cause...haven't fr her.
[Phone rings] Is that your old man?
Steve: Not hearing from orpheus--it's just him playing with you. He's letting you imagine the worst so you'll show up alone with that money.
Marlena: Well, it's working.
[Phone rings] Unknown caller. That's what it said last time he called.
Steve: Answer it.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Marlena: This is marlena evans. Oh, hello, doctor. Um... I just--I wanted to thank you for finding a bed for abigail at the clinic. Uh... sure. Sure, I've got a minute.
Jennifer: Hey.
Jack: Hello!
Chad: Hey, scrabble!
Jack: Yes.
Chad: Yes!
Jack: Uh, I gotta warn you. You may have never played with us, but the deverauxs have a very serious sense about our word games.
Abigail: I don't want to play scrabble.
Jack: Oh.
Jennifer: Abigail, it's just to pass the time.
Abigail: I don't want to, mom. I don't want to play scrabble, okay? I don't want to play a game. I don't want to pass the time. I don't want muffins. I don't--I don't want to do that, okay? I don't want to pretend like everything's normal, because it's not normal, okay? It's not. I'm seeing things that aren't really there again, and--
Jennifer: I know, it must be terrifying.
Abigail: It is terrifying. Do you have any idea how scary that is for me? Just this morning, I thought i saw gabi coming at me with a syringe.
Jack: Well, that's not gonna happen.
Abigail: Dad, you don't know that.
Jennifer: We didn't just come here to bring a game. We came here with some news.
Jack: Really good news.
[Tense music]
[Phone rings]
Zoey: No, it's not my father. This is zoey. Yes, I'll accept the call. Hey, chris. I am really sorry, but-- you did what? Okay, I will be right down there. Just... are you sure? Okay. Okay, but just call me back when you can, please. I...
Rafe: What happened? What's wrong?
Zoey: My brother just confessed to his part in the accident that killed adrienne kiriakis.
Kayla: Sorry about that. Listen, um... that stefan look-alike's name is jake lambert, and you heard him call steve the love of my life because that's what I called him. Steve was the love of my life, just like adrienne was the love of your life. I mean, that's one of the reasons I want to be with you, because I thought that we both understood that. Was I wrong about that?
Justin: No, you weren't wrong then.
Kayla: But I am now?
Justin: I heard you say something else that just makes me wonder if things have changed.
Kayla: What are you talking about?
Justin: You told that guy that no one could ever take steve's place. If that's true, what am I doing here? 60% of women are still wearing pads that leak.
Kayla: I'm--I'm not even really sure what to say.
Justin: I didn't mean to put you on the spot. You don't have to answer that.
Kayla: No, no, I want to. You know, look, it just really threw me to see this man look exactly like stefan dimera. I mean, stefan really put steve and me through hell, and I-- I thought that I had closure when he died, and then to have this guy show up--it just-- you know, it just brought all this stuff back, and... I mean, I should've taken my anger out on him.
Justin: Were you so angry that you said something you didn't mean? So you don't really think steve is irreplaceable?
Kayla: I shouldn't have told him something so personal when he doesn't even know me, but I meant what I said.
Marlena: Yes, uh, i understand, doc, but thank you-- thank you so much for your time. Yeah, bye. I, uh--I've got to get to the hospital and make arrangements for abigail's treatment.
Steve: Oh, wait a minute. Listen. You know how much I appreciate everything you're doing for my niece, but you should not go into work today.
Marlena: My patients need me when they need me, and I'm going stir-crazy waiting for this phone to ring, so I will have it with me when and if it rings.
Steve: Okay, but you're not going alone.
Hope: Steve, you go with marlena. I'll check in with rafe, see if, uh, the police have any new information on orpheus' location.
Steve: Okay.
Marlena: Hope to god rafe has some information.
Steve: Let's go.
[Pensive music]
Rafe: Good. He did the right thing. Now maggie will be exonerated. And maybe--by the way, maybe orpheus was intending to take maggie wherever it is he has john and david, and christian might know where that is, so we should go to the prison and talk to him.
Zoey: Oh, wait, he won't talk to you.
Rafe: Uh, he will if you're with me.
Zoey: He doesn't want to see me. That's what he just told me.
Rafe: Why?
Zoey: Christian confessed because I forced his hand. I was planning on going to see him today to tell him what I... damn. I...was hoping that I could smooth things over with the da before he made any kind of statement, and... but sonny kiriakis got to him first.
Rafe: So sonny knows?
Zoey: Apparently. I just--I feel-- feel so guilty. This confession might double his sentence.
Rafe: You know that he caused the deaths of two innocent people, right? He kidnapped an innocent woman and set her up to make it look like she had committed crimes. In fact, until he spoke up today, will and maggie were in prison for crimes that he had committed. You want him to get off with a slap on the wrist?
Zoey: And my father forced him into doing this.
Rafe: Oh, my god.
Zoey: You saw the real christian when you hired him to be the nanny for david.
Rafe: Did I?
Zoey: When he lived here for a year, yes. And you know that christian and david adore each other, and christian might not ever get to see david again.
Rafe: Well, no one's gonna see david again if we don't find him soon.
Orpheus: Getaway car awaits.
[Hangs up]
John: For you and david.
Orpheus: Correct.
John: You know, milo, you've done some reprehensible things, a lot of them to doc and me.
Orpheus: Well, you had it coming.
John: But I always knew what drove you was your love of family. So I'm really hoping that that same love will keep you from putting little david's life on the line by doing something really stupid.
Orpheus: Such as?
John: [Scoffs] Oh, come on, man. Just take the money and run.
Orpheus: You know, you missed one thing in your...analysis of my motives.
John: Yeah?
Orpheus: It's not just my love for family that drives me. It's also my hatred for you.
John: [Snorts] Come on, man. We had a deal. We had a deal, and I held up my end.
Orpheus: Oh, is this the part where you tell me how much pride you take in being a man of your word?
John: Defuse that damn bomb now.
Orpheus: John, you're in no position to give me orders, partner. My only regret is that i couldn't get roman lured into that pub, but at this point, I really can't be greedy, can I?
John: 20 million. $20 million. You could slip out of town here and start a whole new life.
Orpheus: Yeah, I agree with you there. That kind of money could underwrite a whole new existence. But for me, real currency, if you will, is the taste of retribution, to subject you and everyone who caused me pain to as much hurt as I've felt. You have no idea what it was like to be left for dead on that island. Death itself would be easier to endure than what I've had to go through. Losing my wife at your hands was bad enough. For my children, for them to reject me is unbearable.
John: I understand that.
Orpheus: And even when I had a chance to reconcile with them, they would have nothing to do with me, their father. Why? Why, john? Because you and those hypocritical slags at the isa painted me as some kind of irredeemable monster, evil.
John: Because that is what you had become. Your kids are better off without you.
Orpheus: As yours will be without you. Get down. Get down on your knees, now.
[Dramatic music]
Tell me, john black... are you prepared to die?
I've waited my whole life to destroy you, john black. Compared to that, money's just another means of exchange. Now, I have the perfect opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. This is hal.
Abigail: God knows we could use some good news.
Abigail: What is it?
Jennifer: Eli just called. Gabi was arrested today.
Abigail: What?
Jennifer: Yeah.
Jack: Yep.
Chad: I thought rafe didn't have enough evidence to arrest her.
Jack: Well, well, rafe didn't know about this.
Jennifer: No, he's still trying to find his foster son.
Chad: What changed?
Jack: Well, gabi was caught in possession of the same drug that was found in abigail's system.
Chad: I knew it.
Abigail: Wow. Uh, at least now we know that she can't hurt me again and I can just focus on getting better.
Chad: Speaking of, we should tell them.
Jennifer: Tell us what?
Jack: What, what?
Abigail: It's not--'cause we're still talking about it. We're not ready to... no.
Chad: We found a--a doctor who's had a lot of success in treating cases like abigail'S.
Jennifer: Okay, that's great. Who is it? Where is this doctor?
Jack: Yes, where?
Chad: It's in florida. Yeah, I'm gonna go with her.
Abigail: No, chad. Chad, we... we did not decide that.
Justin: Well, I guess it's good that you laid your cards out on the table. Happy to be of service.
Kayla: Justin, come on. You can't take steve's place, because no one can. You're not him, but I don't want you to be him. I'm with you. I'm not with him. And the love that I had for him in the past does not diminish the love that I have for you right now.
Justin: Okay. I'm a jackass.
Kayla: No, you are not. My... you had every reason to be upset for what you heard, and I know that these last 24 hours have really taken a toll on you.
Justin: I just came from seeing maggie at the prison.
Kayla: How'd it go?
Justin: Oh, I told her I was gonna do everything I can to get her out of there. And knowing that she wasn't responsible for adrienne's death is a big relief, but it doesn't change the fact that adrienne is gone and that hideous day is now all fresh and new again for me.
Kayla: I'm so sorry. Listen, I am here. I'm here to help you through it. I love you.
Justin: I love you too.
[Elevator bell dings]
[Tender piano music]
Zoey: Thank you for reminding me we might not ever see david again. I just really needed that right now.
Rafe: I'm afraid he's gonna get caught in the cross fire during the exchange.
Zoey: My father's not gonna do anything that's gonna hurt david.
Rafe: He's not, huh? Well, I'm sorry if I don't share in your confidence, considering your father's a monster.
Zoey: I know that in my head, but he's still my father. So I'm gonna lose my father. I've lost my father, and now my brother. I can't lose david, too.
Rafe: We're not gonna lose him. We're not gonna lose him, all right? We're not gonna lose david. We're not.
[Tender music]
Orpheus: Gonna go make sure everything's in place so that david and I can make a nice, clean getaway. Try not to miss me too much, huh?
[Synth music]
John: Come on, come on, come on, come on.
David: Where's grandpa?
John: Hey, tiger. Bet you're wondering where your grandpa is, huh?
[Laughs] Well, we got tired of playing cops and robbers, so now we're playing hide and seek. Hey, hey, tiger, what's your bunny's name?
David: Bunny.
John: [Laughs] Yeah, yeah, that's a good name for him. Yeah. Hey, your grandpa is off hiding somewhere, and you know what? I can't look for him because he forgot to untie me.
[Laughs] So hey, david, you think you could help me out and untie my hands?
David: Yeah.
John: You untie my hands. Then me, you, and bunny-- we go look for grandpa, okay? Is that a deal? Come on, help me out.
David: Okay.
John: Okay, come on. Attaboy. Yeah, just grab-- grab that--those knots. That's it, grab those knots there and just... that's it. Pull as hard as you can.
John: Oh, yeah, you're doing a great job with that knot, david. I'm looser than I was already, and now... you see that one end sticking straight up? Right there, right there, yeah. Grab that. Grab that with your hand. Grab that with your hand and pull it really hard. Come on, let's see how strong you are. Give it a big jerk. Right there, go ahead. Come on, buddy, you can do it.
Orpheus: Hello... well, what are we up to?
John: Well, we are playing hide and seek. David's hiding behind the chair.
Orpheus: Good thing I came back. I can join the game.
[Tense music]
Justin: Hey.
Kayla: Hi.
Marlena: Hi there, uh...
Steve: Hello.
Marlena: I'm just here to check on abigail.
Kayla: Is that why you're here?
Steve: Uh, yeah. I ran into marlena. She told me where she was going. I thought I'd tag along and say hi to abigail.
Kayla: Hmm.
Marlena: Um, if you don't mind waiting here for a minute, I'd like to talk to chad and abigail privately. It's fine.
Kayla: Everything okay?
Steve: Sure. Why wouldn't it be?
Justin: Actually, steve, I'm glad I ran into you.
Steve: Why's that?
Justin: Well, we got some shocking news last night. I don't know if you've heard.
Steve: Heard what?
Justin: Turns out, maggie was not responsible for the accident that killed adrienne and the baby.
Steve: Well, who was responsible?
Justin: Orpheus.
Steve: What? How do you know that?
Justin: His son was in on it. He told his sister, and his sister told rafe.
Steve: Well, what'd they do? What happened?
Justin: Maggie was in the car because they were in the process of kidnapping her.
Steve: Kidnapping her?
Justin: She was out cold when the accident happened, so they put her behind the wheel, put a bottle of vodka next to her. You know the rest.
Steve: I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch. I'm gonna do it with my bare hands!
Kayla: Come on, steve. Keep your voice down. It's a hospital.
Steve: That rat bastard killed my sister!
Justin: You're gonna have to find him first, 'cause he's on the run right now with his grandson.
Steve: Well, don't you worry. We'll find him.
Kayla: Who's "we"?
Steve: I meant rafe. Rafe--he's all over that case.
Kayla: You know something, don't you?
Hope: The door was open. So...
Rafe: Zoey just got some bad news.
Hope: About david?
Rafe: No. No, thank god, no. But her and I were kind of working on this together.
Hope: Does that mean the custody suit's off?
Zoey: No, it's still on.
Rafe: Are you here because marlena heard from orpheus?
Hope: No, no, uh, nothing. Nothing yet. She went to the hospital to see abigail. Steve went with her. I came here hoping you'd heard something.
Rafe: No, no. I wish I had.
Hope: Okay, um, keep in touch.
Rafe: I will.
Hope: Yeah, I-I have to say this. You two may share a common interest in finding david, but are you sure you know whose side she's on? Can you trust her?
[Uneasy music]
Rafe: No. No, I can't say that I can.
Orpheus: Hey, david. Why don't you go play with your toys for a little while?
David: Okay.
Orpheus: Okay? And then later, the three of us can play games together again. Is that good?
David: Yeah.
Orpheus: Okay, thanks, buddy. I'll see you in a bit. You want to play some cat and mouse? You know how that game ends.
John: This isn't a game.
Orpheus: Oh, no? What do you call cottoning my grandson into helping you untie your knots?
John: Well, I call that desperation, because I would do just about anything not to hear your damn voice.
Orpheus: Did you actually think a two-year-old could undo these? I was an eagle scout, you know.
John: They gave badges for future sadists?
Orpheus: Oh, he did manage to loosen these a bit. You know, I'm about as sick of you as you are of me. So why don't we just make this easier on both of us?
[Tense music]
I had a heart problem.
Chad: I thought you said you had hope that the treatment would work. You don't want to do it anymore?
Abigail: I didn't say i didn't want to do it anymore. I do. I just--I don't want you to go with me. I want to go--I want to go alone.
Chad: She's just worried-- she doesn't want to leave the kids here alone.
Jennifer: Well, abigail, we'll look after the kids. Please don't worry about that.
Jack: We'll keep them at the house. They won't see a dimera the whole time--no offense.
Abigail: That's the other thing: Dimera. I mean, it's not the right timing with the company, so...
Chad: The only thing I'm worried about is you.
Abigail: I don't want you to worry about me. That's the whole point. That's what I'm trying to say. I don't want you worrying about me. I don't want you to see me there, okay? I don't want you to see me go crazy again.
Chad: Don't say that!
Jennifer: He's right.
Abigail: Look, you guys, stop, please. This drug altered my brain chemistry.
Chad: Not permanently.
Abigail: Chad...please. Could you please just let me do this my way, please?
Chad: You are not going to that clinic alone. You're not. I'm going with you.
Jack: Uh, you know, I'm just thinking, uh, maybe you don't have to make a decision about this right at this moment.
Marlena: I'm sorry. I'm afraid you do.
[Melancholy music]
Kayla: I saw that look that you just gave marlena. You didn't just run into her. Something's going on, something that you don't want the two of us to know about.
Steve: Kayla, listen--
Kayla: Yeah, I'll listen to you if you tell me the truth. You know exactly what's going on with orpheus right now, don't you?
Steve: I can't talk about it.
Justin: Steve, if you have more information on him, I have as much right to know it as you do.
Steve: Shh.
[Hushed] All right. This can't go any further. You understand me? Lives are hanging in the balance. You can't tell anybody. Not sonny, nobody.
Kayla: We won'T.
Steve: Orpheus is holding john.
Kayla: Oh, my god.
Steve: He's holding him for ransom. And marlena called me and hope and asked us to help her with the situation.
Kayla: Hope, too?
Steve: Yeah. We're gonna bring john home, and I'm gonna make orpheus pay for what he did to adrienne.
John: You shoot me, you can kiss that $15 million goodbye.
Orpheus: Did I say I was gonna shoot you?
[Discordant music] Don't ever try to trick me.
Rafe: It's true. I can't prove you're not working with your father.
Zoey: What a stunning defense of character.
Rafe: You begged me to look after david. A couple hours later, he's been kidnapped by your father.
Zoey: I tried to stop him. I told you that. The only reason he got away with david is because I was tied up.
Hope: Were there witnesses?
Zoey: Hordes of them. I invited in all the neighbors for cake.
Hope: She could've been involved with this from the beginning.
Zoey: Then why would I be here, trying to help him find david?
Hope: To keep an eye on rafe for your father.
Rafe: I am not in a position where I can turn down help right now.
Hope: Help? What help?
Zoey: I'm hoping that my father reaches out to me.
Hope: If she's on the level about what happened when orpheus took david, if you really did try to stop your father, why would he confide in her now?
[Uneasy music]
[Phone rings]
Zoey: This is zoey.
Orpheus: Don't speak. Just listen to me very, very carefully.
Unpredictable crohn's symptoms following you?
Marlena: I spoke to the doctor. The beds at the clinic are in very high demand, so if you're not able to check in by tomorrow, they'll have to give your spot to the next person on the list.
[Melancholy piano music]
Abigail: Yeah, uh, I'll be there.
Chad: As will I.
Abigail: Chad...
Marlena: I'm glad to hear that. I think your support will do a lot for abigail's recovery.
Jack: Thank you for pulling strings and making this happen.
Jennifer: Yes, absolutely. We are so grateful.
Marlena: My pleasure. My pleasure. Um, so I will confirm that you're checking in tomorrow. Uh, I will check back with you later on today, and... if you need anything at all, just call me. I'll be right here.
Chad: Thank you.
See, marlena thinks it would be a dandy idea that I go with you.
Abigail: Chad... I heard marlena. I don't want you there. Okay? I don't want you there. I don't want you seeing me go crazy again. I don't want you to be spending your life taking care of your sick wife. Um, it's a burden on you.
Chad: Stop. It's not--you're not a burden. Stop. I love you. I abandoned you once. I told you I would never do it again. I'm not going to.
Jack: Chad, just remember, this is the same woman who fell out of a tree house because she refused to let her little brother help her down.
Jennifer: Abigail, you love chad. Love him enough and let him help you.
Chad: Maybe we won't be in florida that long.
Abigail: Oh, damn it, chad. All right, listen. I'll let you come with me, but if we find out that it's going to take longer than we think it is, then you have to promise me that you're gonna come home and be there for our kids.
Chad: So I can go with you?
Abigail: Yes, I would like you to come with me. I would love that.
[Tender music]
Orpheus: If you ever want to see him again, you'll do as I say.
Zoey: Okay. So I--I'll see you soon.
Rafe: Well, what? Was that him? Was that your father?
Zoey: No, it was my brother.
Rafe: Thought he didn't want to talk to you.
Zoey: But he changed his mind and he wants to see me now, so I have to leave.
Rafe: Okay. Hey, will you ask him about what we were talking about earlier?
Zoey: Of course. If christian can help find david in any way, I will find out.
Rafe: Thanks.
Hope: You buy a word of that?
Kayla: Look, I know that you are dealing with what we just told you about adrienne, and you want to rescue john, but you are recovering from brain surgery. Can't you get the police to handle this?
Steve: No, no, no. Orpheus said no cops. Absolutely not. Now, marlena had to tell rafe. I had to fill him in because of david. But if he shows up at the ransom drop, john is a dead man, and marlena can't do this on her own.
Justin: He's right.
Steve: Because of what orpheus has put us through and what he's doing to my best friend right now, this is my fight.
Justin: Can you stop him from getting away? Because I want that son of a bitch back in prison.
Steve: So do I, and I am gonna stop him, and I'm gonna get john and that little boy home safely.
Kayla: Well, it's not gonna be easy.
Steve: No, it's not. 'Cause if I know orpheus, he's not planning on giving john back to us alive.
Your migraine strikes,
and the struggle is real.
Abigail: I just wish the hospital wasn't so far away. You know, I... I think about how difficult it was for you, mom, when grandma was institutionalized.
Jennifer: Abigail, I had so much love and support, and so will thomas and charlotte.
Jack: They love it at our house.
Abigail: Yeah, of course they love it at your house, dad. You let them do whatever they want.
Jack: That's the grandfather's prerogative.
Chad: The kids will be okay. We'll be as honest with them as we can. We'll video chat with them every day.
Jennifer: Yeah, and we will just keep reassuring them that everything is gonna be just fine.
Jack: We're all behind you, kiddo.
Abigail: Wow, I am so lucky, 'cause that's all I could ask for. Right?
Jennifer: Yeah, family.
Abigail: Family.
Jack: Family, ah.
[Gentle music]
Marlena: Is that what you think? You think there's no way of getting john back alive?
Steve: No, that's not what i think. It may be what orpheus has in mind, but it's not gonna happen, because I can outmaneuver him. I'm not gonna let him hurt john.
Marlena: What if he's already hurt john?
Kayla: If steve says that he can bring him back, he'll bring john back.
Marlena: I can't stand this waiting.
[Phone rings] Dr. Evans.
Orpheus: Hello, marlena. It's showtime.
[Dramatic music]
Hope: Rafe.
Rafe: No, that couldn't have been her brother on the phone. She was lying.
Orpheus: I usually like to do this kind of thing in the middle of town in broad daylight. You know that, uh... that small private park just off the town square?
Marlena: Yes.
Orpheus: I'll meet you there in exactly 30 minutes. No cops. Don'T...don't try to pull anything this time, marlena.
Marlena: I won'T. And you listen to me. You are not getting one dime until I know that john is safe.
Orpheus: I dictate the terms. I'll see you in... 28 minutes.
Marlena: Let's go.
Kayla: Be careful.
Steve: We will.
Justin: Wait.
Steve: What?
Justin: I'm going with you.
Steve: No, no, you could get in the way.
Justin: He killed my wife. I'm going with you.
Orpheus: Look alive, john boy. Time for a field trip.
John: Field trip.
Orpheus: We gotta make the exchange. Don't you wanna see your beloved marlena again?
John: I know how you operate. Won't be any simple exchange. What do you have in store for me?
Orpheus: That will become clear...
[Cocks gun] Very soon.
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