Days Transcript Thursday 5/21/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 5/21/20


Episode #13774 ~ Brady plays hardball with Victor; Xander pleads with Sarah to give him a second chance; Lani arrests Gabi; Sonny appeals to Evan to come clean.

Provided By Suzanne

[Machines beeping]

[Unsettling music]

Victor: I deserve this. Everything you want to say, every bit of your anger.

Brady: That's not why I'm here.

Victor: Don't want your forgiveness. Don't expect it. Not gonna ask for it. I do hope that one day you can see in your heart to let me make it up to you, especially now that you have your daughter back.

Brady: I don't have rachel back.

Victor: I don't understand. Is kristen in jail? She's not in jail. Kristen and my daughter are gone and it is your fault.

Victor: You just let that woman run off with your daught--

Brady: That woman--that woman--that woman deserves to be with the daughter she thought was dead because of you. That woman, if she comes back to salem, she goes to prison because of you. I let kristen go be with her daughter and be the woman and the mother that she's always wanted to be because it was the least I could do for the woman that I love, given the crap that you and xander put her through.

Victor: I admit we made mistakes.

Brady: Mistakes?

Victor: Out of love. I do love you, brady.

Brady: You got a hell of a way of showing it.

Victor: Well, I'll prove it to you. Tell me what I can do to make it up to you and I'll do it. Anything.

Brady: Anything? Fire xander.

Victor: Fire him?

Brady: Fire him. Fire him as ceo, and what does he like to do? Oh, oh, you like to say, "do it by the end of business."

Sarah: What are you still doing here?

Xander: You did this to hurt me, right? Sleeping with brady?

Sarah: [Scoffs] Don't flatter yourself. You are out of my life. Now get the hell out of this room.

Xander: [Exhales] While you were having sex with my cousin to punish me, I saved your mother from committing suicide.

Sarah: No. You're lying. She wouldn't do that.

Xander: I got to her cell just in time. She tried to hang herself. She was almost gone when i got there.

Sarah: She wanted to die?

Maggie: Sarah. Sarah, I love you.

Sarah: No. You're lying again. You're lying.

Xander: Sarah, five more minutes and she would have been dead.

[Door opening]

Justin: The nurse said it was okay to come in.

Maggie: Justin.

Justin: [Exhales] Kayla told me what happened. I know that you weren't responsible for the accident. I know you didn't kill adrienne.

Evan: What are you doing here?

Sonny: Wanted to see the animal who killed my mother.

Gabi: Where's my drug?

Kayla: Well, I have the results of the analysis. We know what was in the syringe.

Gabi: Of course you do. Rolf's serum to get stefan's memory back.

Kayla: Actually, it's the same compound that was used to drug abigail.

Gabi: What?

Kayla: Our lab did a complete chemical analysis on the drug that ben weston gave marlena evans for testing and it is identical composition to what was found in abigail's system. The drug that has caused her hallucinations.

Gabi: No, no, no, that--that cannot be.

Lani: Yet somehow it is.

Eli: Care to explain that, gabi?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Brady: I think I'm letting you off easy. Of course, kristen let you off easy, too, because when she stuck that knife in your chest, she--she didn't torture you beforehand.

Victor: You're enjoying this, aren't you?

Brady: Not really. I'm not, but let's not get off topic. Let's talk about xander. He needs to be fired because he's a son of a bitch and because it's good for business, granddad. What do you think the titan shareholders are gonna think when it's revealed that the ceo's qualifications are not an mba, not experience, not an impressive resume--he got his job because he switched a dead baby with a live baby and did your sick, disgusting work for you, hmm?

Victor: It was for maggie.

Brady: [Scoffs] I'm gonna give you my phone. I want you to call xander and i want you to fire him, and I want to hear you do it.

Victor: No, I won'T.

Sarah: If my mother tried to kill herself, then why didn't anyone call me?

Xander: Oh, I tried, but your phone was off. I guess you were otherwise engaged.

Sarah: I don't believe you.

Xander: Call the prison. She's in the infirmary right now.

Sarah: She's not suicidal. She wouldn't do that.

Xander: She wrote victor a letter. A good-bye letter. It's the only reason I got to her when I did.

Sarah: Oh, my god.

Xander: What?

Sarah: What if she tries to do it again?

Xander: No, she won'T.

Sarah: You don't know that!

Xander: Yes, I do. There's more, sarah. Maggie now knows the truth. She didn't cause that accident. She didn't kill adrienne. She didn't kill your baby.

Gabi: [Scoffs] Listen, th--there is an explanation. Rolf told me that was the serum he used to get will and jack's memory back.

Lani: Right.

Gabi: No, that's what he said. He said that--

Lani: Gabi, have you ever heard of priors?

Gabi: Listen, all I wanted was--was to have my husband back so that he could remember who he was--who he is. I would never hurt him. I love him. I love you.

Jake: Wow. So, what, you come at me with a syringe? I'm not buying it, and I'm not this stefan dude, but you are a bona fide crazy lady.

Gabi: No!

Eli: Cuff her, dan-o

Lani: That is not funny!

Eli: Oh, yeah, you got me.

Gabi: But--are you serious?

[Handcuffs clicking]

You may not see them, but your

itchy eyes know

Brady: So you would do anything for me--anything-- anything to make it up to me except fire the pig that ruined my life?

Victor: I can't fire... I won't fire him. I owe him.

Brady: You owe him? You owe me. I had--I had kristen. I had rachel. I had a family. I had a family and you took it from me. You took it all from me and you're telling me you owe xander? What the--what the hell do you owe him for? For what?

Victor: For saving maggie.

Justin: I am so sorry for what you went through.

Maggie: Justin, not like you and sonny. You lost adrienne. I know how much you loved her and sonny loved her.

Justin: I think there's more than enough pain and misery to go around, don't you?

Maggie: Yeah. Yeah, I do.

Justin: You know, after i learned about everything that happened, really absorbed it, i thought about you believing that it was all your fault and i found myself thinking about this--this one time--one of the many times--that you had smacked victor down for some rotten thing that he did. He did it so many times it's hard to keep them all straight.

Maggie: Tell me about it.

Justin: And then you moved out of the house or something. I don't know, but I was talking to adrienne, and I told her that--that you were one of those people for whom right and wrong was real. It was palpable like her. Like adrienne, and I told her that she was also one of those people.

Maggie: Yes, she was.

Justin: Because you hold yourself to the highest standards. You judge yourself, maggie, mercilessly, so when you believed that you had caused that accident, that you had killed adrienne, that you had killed sarah's baby, it must have been hell for you. Literally hell.

Maggie: When I found out what victor did, that I had--that it was sarah's baby who died--

Justin: I know, I know, i know, I know. You played judge and jury, and you sentenced yourself to death for something you didn't do. This morning I woke up. I couldn't get out of bed, just thinking about the pain and the lies and all that we have lived with for so long, and I thought, "what does it even mean?"

[Chuckles] And then as if adrienne were lying right next to me, I heard her say, "what it means, pal, is for your to go and get maggie out of there," and that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

Maggie: [Gasps]

Sarah: Mom wasn't driving that night?

Xander: No, she wasn't even drinking. She'd been chloroformed.

Sarah: What--who--did summer do that? Because I will kill her.

Xander: No, no, no, it--it wasn't her. It was orpheus. He waited until summer left and he kidnapped maggie.

Sarah: Why?

Xander: He wanted to ransom her back to victor, but his whole plan fell apart when they drove you and adrienne off the road.

Sarah: Wait. They?

Xander: He was working with his son, evan.

Evan: That--that was maggie.

Sonny: Save it. Your sister gave you up. The cops know everything.

Evan: She wouldn't do that.

Sonny: She had to to protect david from your father.

Evan: D--did she tell you i wasn't driving the car?

Sonny: Really? You weren't driving? So that makes it all better? My mother is dead, will went to prison for a year, and maggie-- one of the most wonderful people in this entire world--tried to kill herself.

Evan: What?

Sonny: But you weren't driving, so does that excuse letting all these people go through hell? Does that excuse you sitting in my living room nodding while i told you I couldn't look my husband in the face because i thought he killed my mother?

Evan: I was thinking about david.

Sonny: You were thinking about david? Were you thinking about him when you consoled me? When we grew close? When you tricked me into thinking you were a decent human being? God, I hate you.

Evan: Not as much as i hate myself.

Your migraine strikes,

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Brady: Maggie.

Victor: I had maggie's letter in my hand saying she was going to kill herself, and when i called the prison, they put me on hold. Then I called the warden and they put me on hold. I swear to god, heads are going to roll. So I sent xander.

Brady: She was--she was unconscious. She--she hanged herself.

Victor: Doctor said if he didn't get there when he did... don't you see? I can't fire him. He saved maggie. Brady, if it wasn't for xander, we wouldn't have maggie. She'd be lost.

Brady: Do you think that makes everything okay? Do you think that that wipes out what you and xander did to me? Did to kristen? Did to sarah?

Victor: Didn't you hear what I said?

Brady: I heard what you said. You need to hear what I'm saying. Fire him or you're never gonna see me again.

Xander: Then they put her in the driver's seat with a bottle of vodka next to her.

Sarah: So everything that you and victor did really was just for nothing.

Xander: We didn't know that then. We had to protect maggie. Had to protect you from finding out what she'd done.

Sarah: What you thought she did. What she thought she did. Oh, my god, mom!

> Xander: No, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Sonny: You're not struggling with issues of self-worth, are you? You think you can hate yourself more than I hate you? It's not possible.

Evan: [Scoffs] Well, I think so. You don't know how much I hate myself and for how long I have. You think that night was the first night I caved to my dad blindly? Knew what I did was wrong, knew it was contemptible?

Sonny: Contemptible doesn't even come close to what you did. You didn't call the ambulance! You didn't call the cops. You were too busy moving maggie's body and a bottle of vodka behind the driver's seat. While you were covering your own ass, my mom was in the other car dying.

Evan: I--

Sonny: Or did your daddy make you do those bad things? Did he make you come on to me, or is that something kinky that you came up with? To make out with a guy after you killed his mother? After you sent his husband to prison?

Evan: No! I can't--can't explain, and i sure as hell can't justify anything, but that... I fell in love with you.

Sonny: Well, doesn't that make me all warm and fuzzy inside?

Evan: I am so sorry.

[Inhales and exhales deeply]

Sonny: [Sniffs] Do you wanna make it up to me? For once in your worthless life, act like a man. Put down what you just said in writing.

Jake: Uh, doctor.

Kayla: Brady?

Jake: I just wanted to ask, uh, you're certain about those, uh, test results? That crazy lady was trying to inject me with some sort of designer lsd?

Kayla: Yep, I'm sure. Now, if you'll do me a favor and, uh, just go away, all right?

Jake: Do I smell?

Kayla: No, I just don't wanna look at you anymore.

Jake: Why's that?

Kayla: Because you look just like the bag of garbage that ruined my life.

Gabi: You wanna know more information, you can ask rolf about it.

Rolf: Oh, did someone mention my name?

Gabi: What are you doing here?

Rolf: I'm waiting for my lawyer. I have a court hearing today. And you? You, uh--you jaywalk or something?

Gabi: I am so happy that you are here. You can tell him. You can tell him what happened. How you told me that jake was stefan. How you saved him. Tell him.

Rolf: Excuse me?

Gabi: You can tell him that we're gonna find the drug, right? And--and--and how you can get stefan's memory back.

Rolf: Detectives, I have no idea what this young woman is talking about. This is hal.

Brady: You really are something. You let xander steal my daughter from me, let me believe that she was dead, and then sit around and watch kristen and I grieve over it. Did you get a good chuckle over all of that?

Victor: No.

Brady: And here you are lying here ready to manipulate me one--one more time by using the fact that I love maggie, too, to get me to let you screw me over again. I won't do it. I'm not gonna let you do it this time. Xander is a crap human being. He stole my daughter. He stole my job. He practically stole my grandfather. He's out! You need to make me the ceo again. That's what's right, and you need to do it now.

Sarah: Don't touch me! I need to go see my mother.

Xander: No, I know. I just--I want you to know that she's fine and justin's already working on, you know, getting the conviction overturned.

Sarah: Great. Good-bye.

Xander: No, listen! Sarah, I need you to promise me, you and brady, that--that can't happen again, right?

Sarah: Oh, my god. Everyone is right about you. You are unbelievable. After everything that you have done to me, I don't have to promise you anything ever!

Xander: It's not about me. It's about you. You--you don't love him. He's--he's not good for you.

Sarah: Then kidnap him. Lock him in a cage. Kill him. Do whatever pops into your head to run my life. Or how about this? You stay out of my life. You don't think about me, because I'm never gonna think about you again.

Justin: Adrienne had this amazing way of just cutting to the heart of the matter. "You go get maggie out of there and then you can contemplate the meaning of life."

Maggie: Ah. Oh, justin, it's not being here that's the worst. It's--it's thinking.

Justin: I know, I know. I know, and, you know, this isn't just for you. We need you back, maggie.

Maggie: [Whimpers] Well, I can't wait to see sonny. I mean, you and sonny are family to me.

Justin: We both know that. But I have to be honest with you. I'm gonna do everything I can to get you out of here, but it's not going to be smooth sailing.

Maggie: Ah. Oh, justin, I haven't had smooth sailing since the day that victor showed up at my back door. So...what's the problem?

Justin: Right now, all we have is zoey's word that it was orpheus and his creep son who were responsible. We need a confession, and orpheus has taken off.

Maggie: And what about his creep son? He's not going anywhere, right?

Justin: Yeah.

Maggie: Oh, I see. He's too afraid of his father to come clean.

Justin: Yeah. Sonny's talking to him right now and I just pray he can get through to him.

Sonny: You wanna stop hating yourself? Give yourself a reason not to, okay? Do the right thing. Write down what you just said so maggie doesn't have to keep paying for it.

Evan: [Breathing heavily] I'm sorry. I can't do that.

[Inhales sharply]

It's totally normal

[Door opening]

Victor: [Grumbles] Did you find sarah?

Xander: Yeah. Told her about maggie.

Victor: Tell her you were the one that saved her life?

Xander: Oh, yeah. She says she forgave me everything and we walked off into the sunset together. She hates my guts. It's a permanent condition.


Sarah: Mom? You're okay? You're okay?

Maggie: I'm fine. I'm gonna be fine.

Sarah: How could you do that?

Maggie: I couldn't bear what I'd done to you.

Sarah: You didn't do anything, though, and even-- even when I thought it was you, I forgave you. Mom, you are what I hold onto, so I can't lose you.

Maggie: Well, it didn't happen. Thank you, god. Ah.

Sarah: [Sniffs] Xander thinks I'm supposed to thank him.

Maggie: Oh, you're not implying that a kiriakis male could be self-absorbed, are you?

[Both laughing]

Sarah: You're back.

Maggie: Oh, I'm not going nowhere.

Gabi: [Scoffs] He is lying! He told me that he saved stefan. He even told me where to find the drug to--to get stefan's memory back.

Rolf: Ms. Hernandez has always had a very vivid imagination.

Gabi: Are you kidding me? Okay, check the prison logs, okay? I had to sign in to see him.

Rolf: No, no, no, I never said that you didn't come and visit me. She asked me if I had saved her husband and I pointed out that that was impossible as she'd given his heart to your dear, sweet little granny. I'm a doctor, not a miracle worker. That's what he said until I told him that I could get him out of there. Then he admitted the truth!

Rolf: I think I would have remembered if she'd proposed a prison break.

Gabi: That is not what i said, you lying son of a bitch. Okay, you told me that you saved stefan, that he never got his memory back, the same way that will and jack deveraux couldn't remember.

Rolf: Could you please try and control her? I'm beginning to feel a little threatened.

Eli: You can wait here until we find an officer to take you down to booking.

Lani: You two play nice.

[Door closes]

Gabi: What the hell are you doing, huh? Why are you lying?

Rolf: Because I don't like you.

Gabi: [Scoffs] You set me up.

Rolf: Yes, and you fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

Gabi: [Exhales sharply]

Jake: So stefan dimera ruined your life?

Kayla: He was part and parcel of a grand scheme to destroy my marriage.

Jake: Ah. I'm beginning to dislike my look-alike.

Kayla: Well, maybe you're him. Maybe rolf worked his magic just one more time.

Jake: A frankenstein muppet guy?

Kayla: Well, now that you know, I sincerely hope that i never see you again.

Jake: It's a little harsh, isn't it?

Kayla: I don't care. Because of stefan dimera, I lost the love of my life and no one can ever take his place. I wanted more from my copd medicine,

Victor: Well, you know what they say about the course of true love.

Xander: You're so warm.

Victor: And you're so stupid. Think about what you did to her.

Xander: What we did to her.

Victor: I'm not the one trying to get her into my bed.

Xander: I love her.

Victor: Semantics. You saved her mother's life. Fine. That's a start but it's just a start.

Xander: It's over. There's no hope.

Victor: Oh, so now you're gonna go sulk in your tent?

Xander: Damn it, she slept with brady last night.

Victor: Oh, I thought he was feeling his oats this morning.

Xander: You saw him?

Victor: Oh, yes. He gave me a laundry list of my transgressions and I pulled out that patriarchal, "forgive me. I did it all for love." Then he said he would forgive me.

Xander: Really?

Victor: Yeah. Long as I fired you.

Maggie: Brady. Ah. I'm very popular today.

Brady: Victor, um, told me what you tried to do, maggie. Don't you understand how much i need you? How much we all--all of us need you?

Maggie: Well, I guess god had other plans for me.

Sarah: Mom.

Maggie: No, I'm--I'm really happy. Justin came to see me. I can face sonny again and my darling sarah. And you, brady. Do you know what you mean to me?

Brady: [Exhales sharply]

Maggie: I have my life back. You're all in my life. And brady...

Brady: Yeah? What is it?

Maggie: I hope it's all right, but I'd love to be a part of rachel's life, too. So do--do you think it'll be all right with kristen?

Brady: You didn't tell her, did you?

Sarah: I didn't have the chance.

Maggie: Tell me? What?

Sonny: You really are a worm.

Evan: I have to think about david. I'm facing 20 years in here but I still have a shot at getting out and making things up to him. If I--if I do what you want, i may never see the light of day again.

Sonny: Yeah. What a loss for david. Tell me again, daddy, about when you killed mommy.

Evan: [Scoffs] You're right about what I did, but he is my son. He means everything to me.

Sonny: Sarah's daughter meant everything to her, and you killed her. Ari means everything to will, and you sent him to prison. My mother is still dead, and maggie... you know what? I am not gonna catalogue the people that you hurt and the damage that you caused 'cause i don't think it's gonna penetrate that little brain of yours, so I'm gonna use a different tactic. If you don't confess, if maggie keeps paying instead of you, my dad, rafe, sarah, and will and myself will show up to every one of your parole hearings and remind the court exactly what you did. I will make it my life's work to make sure that david--your son-- in detail knows exactly what a weak, pathetic piece of garbage you are. You will not get away with what you did to the people I love.

Gabi: No. No, no, no. You didn't want me to know that you saved stefan. You kept denying it until I told you that I would get you killed.

Rolf: It's called playing the mark 101. You know, would you have believed me if right off the bat I said, "oh, yes, yes, i saved him?" No. I had to make you think that you had outsmarted me. Can you spell gullible?


Gabi: I don't--

Rolf: Don't you remember i had to lead you into realizing the, uh--the memory serum? No, you were so oblivious. It was like pulling teeth. Then finally I got you to demand it of me. What? You think that I got mixed up? No. I led you right to a stash of that drug that put chad's wife right back into the bin knowing that for you it would all end up in tears and, um, handcuffs.

Gabi: What have I ever done to you?

Rolf: You disrespected mr. Dimera.

Gabi: I loved him!

Rolf: No, no, not that cheap knock-off! Stefano dimera, seventh son of the seventh son. The phoenix. He tried to use his son chad to help get you out of the way but, um, that plan never really worked. This one did.

Gabi: Wait, hold on. Are you saying that--that jake isn't stefan?

Rolf: Ah, little one. That's not what I said at all.

Your migraine strikes,

and the struggle is real.

Maggie: Brady, I'm so sorry. You've lost your baby twice.

Brady: I don't look at it that way. She's with kristen and I know she's safe and I'm--I'm really hoping that I'll see her again soon. This one, however, she, um--

Maggie: Yeah. Yeah, it's gonna be hardest on sarah. We're just gonna have to take very good care of her.

Gabi: Damn it, tell me! Is stefan alive or not?

Rolf: All I'm saying is that if the man you described to me is stefan dimera, then I'm not the one who brought him back, which is not to say that someone else didn'T.

Justin: Everything okay here? Wow. You really do look like--

Jake: The guy who ruined dr. Brady's life, but I'm not. Name's jake. I'm sorry that, uh, you lost the love of your life.

Kayla: How much did you hear?

Justin: Just enough.

Evan: No, you're wrong. You did get through to me. Not--not--not the threat, the-- the fact that it does matter to me more than--than anything that david does not grow up with a father like mine. If I never see my son again, will you please tell him--will you please tell him that for once his father did the right thing?

Sarah: I almost lost my mom.

Brady: I know.

Sarah: I think that just would have been too much. I need her.

Brady: Sarah, we all do.

Sarah: Did you hear her? I mean, after everything, after the hell that she has been living through, she said that she needed to take care of me.

Brady: That's maggie.

Sarah: Yeah, that is maggie. And this is me. Sarah 2.0. So great, mom. You can take care of me. Brady and I will take care of victor and xander.

Xander: So he slept with sarah and then came here and told you to fire me and hire him?

Victor: Then I told him that you saved maggie's life.

Xander: And he backed down?

Victor: No. An ultimatum. Fire you, reinstate him as ceo, or lose my grandson.

Xander: But you told him to take a hike, right?

Victor: I didn't tell him anything. I thought it was only fair that you hear it first. You're fired.

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