Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 5/20/20
Episode #13773 ~ Eli and Lani question Gabi about her attack on Jake; Victor asks Brady for forgiveness; Ciara begins planning her wedding to Ben; Chad tells Abigail about a possible treatment for her hallucinations.
Provided By Suzanne
Ben: Cake for breakfast?Ciara: Hey.
Ben: Hey.
Ciara: Not just any cake. Wedding cake.
Ben: Oh, man. Serious business.
Ciara: Yes. Yes! You have no idea. And I totally need your help, so help me.
Ben: Okay, um... that one.
Ciara: Yeah, you don't even know what that is.
Ben: Doesn't even matter.
Ciara: Uh-huh, yeah.
Ben: 'Cause whatever you want, I want.
Ciara: Uh-uh, no, no, no, no. You are not getting out of this so easily, here. Try it.
[Chuckles] Oops, got a little bit right there. Let me get it.
Ben: Mm. Delicious.
Ciara: Yeah, so you like the butter cream?
Ben: Butter cream's okay.
Ciara: Yeah.
Ben: But that's not what I was talking about.
Victor: I want maggie out of that damn prison now. I don't care how you do it, justin, just get it done.
[Beep] Bust her outta there myself if I have to.
Xander: It's all right, uncle. I just came from the prison infirmary. Maggie's okay. Learning that she didn't kill adrienne or her granddaughter has taken a weight off.
Victor: Yes, well, lucky thing that you came along, saved her life.
[Monitor beeping] She needs to heal now at home where she belongs. Did you tell sarah the good news? That maggie's not responsible for the baby's death or adrienne's?
Xander: I spent most of the night looking for sarah. Couldn't find her anywhere.
Sarah: [Groans softly]
Brady: Good morning.
[Quirky music]
Gabi: Good morning, sunshine. It is time for your medication.
Abigail: No. No, you're not real, no.
Gabi: Ah.
Abigail: No, you stay back.
Gabi: Come on, abby.
Abigail: No, no, no, no! No! Stop, stop! Stop, please, stop, stop!
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Abigail: No, stop, stop, stop, no, no, no, no.
Chad: Hey, hey, hey. Hey.
Abigail: Oh, thank god.
Chad: You okay?
Abigail: No, I'm not. I'm not okay.
Chad: What was it?
Abigail: Gabi was just--she was here, and she was trying to jab me with a needle in my arm, but I-- I know that it wasn't-- it wasn't real, right?
Chad: No, gabi wasn't here. But she did do the same thing to someone else last night.
Gabi: It's up to you. Decide what you wanna do and who you wanna be.
[Elevator dings] I need your help.
Kayla: I'm in the middle of something, gabi. Excuse me.
Gabi: Listen, okay, your hospital has something that belongs to me, and I want it. You are the chief of staff, so I need your help.
Kayla: We stole something from you?
Gabi: No, ben weston did.
Ben: Definitely the praline.
Ciara: Praline?
Ben: Mm-hmm.
Ciara: Yeah, okay, so praline with the butter cream frosting.
Ben: Mm-hmm.
Ciara: Okay. Um, next thing is the date. Do you have any requests?
Ben: I say we do it tomorrow. But there is no way that I'm letting you walk down that aisle until I get you a real diamond and a band.
Ciara: No, come on, I love this diamond. This is enough diamond for me. I love it.
Ben: Not happening.
Ciara: Baby, I love it.
Ben: Uh-uh, you will be my one and only wife, and my one and only wife is getting a real engagement ring.
Ciara: Okay, so ballpark on the ring then?
Ben: Well, according to my research, it's apparently about two months' salary.
Ciara: Two months, okay. Two months, two months. That means we are getting married at the end of july.
Ben: [Heavy exhale] I'm counting down the days already.
Ciara: Yeah, me too.
Ben: I am.
Ciara: Yeah.
Ben: I really am.
Ciara: Mm-hmm.
Ben: I really hate to leave, but I have to get to work.
Ciara: Leave me or the cake?
Ben: Cake's pretty good.
Ciara: Yeah.
Ben: But you. Definitely you.
Ciara: [Gasps, laughs] Wow.
Victor: We were trying to protect maggie, and we broke sarah's heart. What we put her through. It wasn't even necessary. Damn orpheus. If we'd known what was going on from the beginning, if we'd known the truth...
Xander: I just hope once sarah knows that maggie wasn't responsible for her baby's death that, I don't know, it'll just bring her some comfort.
Victor: If you ever get to speak to her again.
Xander: I have to find her first. Looked all over salem, I-- hmm. Maybe there is one place I didn't look.
Brady: Here. This is gonna help you.
Sarah: Thanks. I'm an idiot.
Brady: You're not an idiot. You're just in pain because of your loss, sarah. That's it.
Sarah: Yeah. But still, drinking isn't the answer, which is what I was preaching to you right before I drank myself stupid.
Brady: I tried to slow you down, you weren't having it. Do you remember anything? Like, anything? At all?
Sarah: Yeah, I remember... I remember us toasting to getting even with victor and xander, and then I ordered a bottle of champagne and drank it all.
Brady: Every last bubble, and I offered to drive you home.
Sarah: No, home is the last place that I'd ever want to sleep. Being under the same roof as xander is--
Brady: Yeah, I figured that. That's why I brought you here.
Brady: Oh, my god, did we--
your migraine strikes,
and the struggle is real. no, I slept here.
Brady: Did we sleep together? Um, no. No, I slept here. And I even turned my back when I gave you my shirt to put on, so...
Sarah: Ooh, thank god.
Brady: Yeah.
Sarah: No, it's not you. It's just--it's-it's-- I-I have... a personality flaw? When I get overwhelmed, I just-- I tend to jump into bed with whoever's kinda standing in front of me. Like, when I found out that rex cheated on me, I jumped into bed with xander, as if rando sex that you regret ever makes the pain go away.
Brady: Yeah, well, xander and victor made you fall in love with a baby that wasn't yours, so...that kinda pain doesn't just go away, sarah. So it's okay.
Sarah: Neither does the pain of giving up the chance to raise your daughter with the woman you love.
Brady: You know, we're not the only victims. Maggie, uh--I mean, they set out to protect maggie, but they ended up just compounding her guilt and her grief.
Sarah: I told my mom i forgave her. She still seems sad though.
Brady: It's all gotta end. Just victor and xander, their lies, their games, all their crap, it's gotta end. And look, I know you and i decided to team up last night to take 'em down, but I know maggie is your mother and you love her, and she happens to be victor's wife, so if you want out, I get it. It's okay.
Sarah: My mom deserves so much better than a man who's as toxic as victor. Even things that he does in the name of love hurts her, so count me in because there is nothing that I want more than for victor and xander to pay for what they did to us.
Xander: Maybe sarah reached out to brady about seeing the baby again. I can only imagine how much she misses her.
Victor: I doubt brady's gonna let sarah anywhere near that little girl since she ran off with her.
Xander: Still, it's worth a try. Sarah needs to know her mother's innocent.
Victor: Yeah, and I'm sure you're hoping that it'll bump you back into her good graces.
Xander: What you said was true, we broke sarah's heart and I--and I can't forgive myself for that. So I'm never gonna stop trying to make it up to her. I'll never stop proving to sarah how much I love her.
Gabi: I had the drug that was going to get stefan's memory back.
Kayla: Stefan?
Gabi: Yeah, and I just needed one more minute, and I was gonna do it, and everything was gonna be all right.
Kayla: Gabi, stefan, um... stefan is dead.
Gabi: Kayla, no he's not.
Kayla: I was his attending physician. I know that he was brain dead, and you donated his heart to julie. Do you remember?
Gabi: You don't understand. I saw rolf, he told me he saved stefan.
Kayla: That's not possible.
Gabi: Okay, this is wilhelm rolf we're talking about. Anything is possible with that man. He told me--he swears he saved stefan.
Kayla: Gabi, you know grief manifests itself in many different forms.
Gabi: Kayla, this is not grief, and this isn't a hallucination.
Gabi: I've seen him. He's alive. And that was the drug to restore his memory.
Kayla: So how does ben weston fit into all this?
Gabi: Okay, well, I was about to inject him, and then ben took the syringe. He refused to give it back to me, he brought it back here, and I want it back. Now.
Chad: Luckily, ben was there and was able to stop gabi from injecting jake with whatever was in that syringe.
Abigail: So gabi tried to do the same thing that she did to me to this guy who looks like stefan? Why?
Chad: Who knows? She needs to be stopped.
Eli: Hey, we got your message.
Chad: Hey, thanks for coming. I want gabi arrested now.
Eli: I know you're angry, okay, but we don't have any proof.
Chad: Yeah, we do. She struck again last night. This time I can prove it.
Ben: Hey, sorry I'm late. Ciara had me sampling wedding cake.
Jake: Don't sweat it. I still owe you for saving me from that syringe-wielding maniac.
Ben: Glad I could help. She give you any more trouble after I left?
Jake: Eh, more of the same. Still trying to convince me I really am her dead husband.
Ben: Only problem with that theory is that your heart is beating in your chest, not someone else'S.
Jake: Yeah. The way she talks, she actually believes it.
Ben: Don't tell me gabi's starting to get to you. Hey, are you actually thinking you could be stefan dimera? We find ourselves in challenging times
Lani: Ben as a witness to gabi trying to inject jake is a good start, but why didn't jake report it to the police?
Eli: Well, when i investigated the assault on ben at the garage, I got the impression that jake's not a fan of the cops.
Chad: Well, we don't need jake; we have ben. He's a good enough witness.
Lani: And you said that ben turned the drug over to dr. Evans.
Chad: Yeah, it's being analyzed as we speak, so that's in then. We have her, right? We have enough to put gabi behind bars.
Eli: We'll check it out.
Lani: Feel better.
Abigail: Okay.
Chad: So then what? We--I mean, that's great, right? We have it, we-- we finally have enough to put gabi in prison. She can't hurt anyone else.
Abigail: It's great-ish, sort of. I mean, I'm still having hallucinations, and no one knows how to stop it.
Chad: Actually, I may have a solution to that.
Ciara: You up for a visitor?
Victor: Hey, what a nice surprise.
Ciara: Hi. How are you doing, grandpa?
Victor: Ready to get out of this joint.
Ciara: Yeah, yeah, you must be driving them all crazy, huh?
Victor: It's a gift.
Ciara: So how's maggie? Mom told me everything. You must be so relieved that she's gonna be okay.
Victor: Yeah, I just need to get her home so she can heal.
Ciara: I know. And I know how much you love her, and I know how crazy it must be making you that you can't be with her.
Victor: Maggie's the love of my life. And it's the best news that her nightmare is over and she'll be home soon.
Ciara: Speaking of news, I actually have some news of my own.
Victor: What the hell is that?
Ciara: Ben and I are engaged.
Victor: And that's the good news?
Jake: I mean, I got a lifetime of my own memories. So how could I be stefan dimera, right? I mean, but gabi, she claims that that freak rolf has implanted other people with fake memories, which is a little jaggy.
Ben: It's also true.
Jake: So what, she could be right? My memories could be fake?
Ben: Do you want her to be right?
Jake: What if that drug actually could make me access my real memories? You know, if it were true and all.
Ben: Look, the thing is, whatever gabi's claiming is in that syringe, we don't know what the hell that drug is for real. That's why I gave it to my therapist, told her to bring it to the hospital lab, have it analyzed.
Jake: Any word back?
Ben: No. I can check. Do you want me to check?
Jake: No, no, it's all right. I mean, look, the whole thing is so off-the-charts weird. It's probably not true.
Ben: Well, just so you know, if I thought for a second that you were really stefan and I knew that drug was safe, I'd tell you to take it.
Jake: But you don't think I am, right?
Ben: Stefan was a good friend of mine, and I miss him. But what I honestly think is that gabi is so desperate to believe the impossible because she loved stefan so damn much.
Kayla: You tried to inject a mechanic with one of rolf's potions?
Gabi: Yes.
Kayla: You really do belong behind bars.
Gabi: Stop looking at me like that. I didn't actually do it.
Kayla: Well, you are lucky that ben intervened.
Gabi: Lucky? Oh, if it weren't for ben, I would have my husband back. He got all self-righteous and he wanted to have the serum analyzed when I already know what's in it.
Kayla: You are a suspect in abigail's drugging, and now you go and try to drug an innocent man.
Gabi: Will you just focus here, okay? The only illegal act that has been committed is that ben stole my serum, and the only chance that I have to be with the man that I love.
Brady: How you feeling? You feeling better?
Sarah: Aspirin, caffeine, a good friend. Yeah, I guess.
Brady: Good, 'cause we're gonna have to be on our "a" game if we're gonna take on victor and xander, know what I mean?
Sarah: Understood. Is there a plan?
Brady: There is. And I'm gonna put it in motion this morning.
Sarah: Okay. What is it?
Brady: Well, our first order of business is to get you back on your feet. So I want you to order a big greasy breakfast. Then I want you to maybe hit the gym and get that alcohol out of your pores, and then I'll be back here and I'll fill you in, all right?
Sarah: Mm-hmm. Can't wait. Hey, brady. Thank you for taking care of me.
Brady: I'm glad I was here for you.
Xander: Brady, I was wonder-- sarah?
[Jazzy suspenseful music]
Xander: What the hell?
Brady: You should just leave.
Sarah: It's okay, brady. I'll handle xander.
Brady: Are you sure?
Sarah: Yeah. Thanks. I'll be fine. I'll see you later?
Brady: You will. I got plans for you.
Xander: What is this? What's happening?
Sarah: What does it look like?
Ciara: I would really like your blessing, grandpa.
Victor: And I would love to give it to you. But I can'T. You're a smart, beautiful woman, and you deserve better than a necktie killer. Or the washer on your finger.
Ciara: Yeah, but grandpa, I love him.
Victor: It'll pass.
Ciara: Ben has saved my life more than once. And he saved my grandma julie's life. He's the best man that I know. Grandpa, he is kind and he is honest, and he has worked so incredibly hard to put his past behind him, and every day that I wake up, he shows me what real love is. And if you could just see the man he is now, then you would understand that.
Victor: Stubborn. Like your father.
Ciara: Yeah, and I know where my father gets it from.
Victor: You're making a big mistake.
Ciara: Even if I am, which I am not, but if I was, grandpa, it is my mistake to make. Oh, and by the way, I quit.
Ben: Thank you for your help. It's fine. That was dr. Evans' service. She's not reachable.
Jake: Any word when she might be?
Ben: No, man, I'm sorry. I'd swing my the hospital myself, but we promised mr. Lamarca we'd have this repair done before lunch.
Jake: I'm the one who almost got jabbed with the thing, so maybe someone at the lab will talk to me.
Ben: I don't see why not.
Jake: Hold down the fort?
Ben: I got you.
Jake: Back in a bit.
Gabi: If you don't give me that drug immediately, I'm going to sue this hospital for making me believe that my husband was dead when he isn'T.
Kayla: And what proof do you have? You know this is ridiculous.
Gabi: Well, it's not gonna look ridiculous when everybody sees my husband is alive and well. So go ahead and waste the hospital's financial resources battling a lawsuit that you're gonna lose. Go for it.
Kayla: You know what, you can just calm down, all right? I'll go check the lab.
Gabi: Thank you. Not.
Eli: Exactly the woman we're looking for.
Gabi: What? What do you want?
Eli: A statement regarding your assault on jake lambert. The syringe.
Gabi: I did not assault him.
Lani: That's not what ben told chad.
Gabi: Well, ben has a big mouth.
Lani: And he's also a witness, so maybe this time you will end up in prison, exactly where you belong.
Chad: So I got a call this morning from a doctor in florida. His name is dr. Marquart, and he's an expert in psychopharmacology. Marlena thinks that he can really help you.
Abigail: Really? That's--that's great. When's he gonna be here?
Chad: Not here. He's not gonna be in the hospital here.
Abigail: What do you mean he's not gonna be in the hospital? You're-- are you saying you're thinking of committing me again?
It's starting to
happen every day.
Chad: Well, no--I would-- commit you? No. I've done that once. I will never do that again. I promised you that. That was the worst mistake of my life. But you are having these hallucinations, and we need to figure out why. We need to get rid of them. So I think it's really exciting that this dr. Marquart wants to help.
Abigail: So I'd have to leave salem?
Gabi: [Chuckles] Oh, wow, I get it. This is because you're not over the fact that eli fell in love with me.
Lani: No, I'm not over the fact that you threatened to blow up an innocent woman's heart for revenge.
Gabi: Sorry, you put a bullet in my husband.
Eli: About the assault--
Gabi: Okay, can you just stop talking about that? Because I'm trying to help stefan remember who he is.
Lani: And you think that jake lambert is stefan, whose heart was removed from his body and put into julie's?
Gabi: You saw him. Tell her, it's stefan.
Lani: You know what, gabi, why don't you just tell us everything down at the station?
Gabi: I'm not going anywhere with you. Please. Stefan.
Lani: Wow. You do look like stefan.
Gabi: That's because he is. Stefan, this is the woman who shot you.
Jake: It's jake.
Eli: Mr. Lambert, we've been told that gabi assaulted you with a syringe.
Jake: Oh, that's actually why I'm here. I'd like to know more about the drug she tried to inject me with.
Gabi: Then you believe me?
Victor: You're quitting titan? I thought you liked your job.
Ciara: Okay, let's-- let's rewind a bit, grandpa. Shall we? You mostly offered me the job to try to get me away from ben, and I only accepted because you promised me that you would back off and give me and ben peace. Do you remember that?
Victor: You drove a hard bargain.
Ciara: Yeah, and you've barely kept up your end of the deal. Only reason why I stayed on these past couple of months is because, well, I was convinced that you and xander framed ben for murder, and I wanted to expose you.
Victor: We didn'T.
Ciara: No, you didn'T. I know that, but you also never gave ben a break. Look, if you can't trust my choice in men, how can I expect you to trust my business decisions?
Victor: We're family.
Ciara: No, I know we're family, but that's not-- that's not nearly enough of a recommendation. I mean, xander is family, and quite frankly, grandpa, the guy is kind of a tool.
Victor: He just saved maggie's life.
Ciara: I know, and I'm very, very grateful for that. But, I mean, you can't honestly tell me that you trust him completely to be ceo.
Victor: Well, there's nothing wrong with keeping tabs on what's going on. And I like to know that someone that I trust implicitly is keeping an eye on him, making sure he stays on the rails. That's why I need you. Could be a raise in it. Interested?
Ciara: Okay. I will consider changing my mind about working with xander if--if you change your mind about ben.
Victor: You really love him?
Ciara: I really do.
Victor: And he's gonna buy you a proper ring?
Ciara: Yes, he is, grandpa.
Victor: All right. If you stay on at titan, I will do my best to accept weston.
Ciara: No, grandpa, I'm gonna need more than you just doing your best.
Victor: Fine. I will accept weston as the man you love.
Ciara: Okay, but do you really mean that?
Victor: Of course I mean it.
Ciara: Yeah?
Victor: You happy?
Ciara: Yeah! Grandpa.
Xander: You slept with brady.
Sarah: Hmm. I don't wanna kiss and tell.
Xander: Brady just got his daughter back. Kristen's in prison. He's romping around with you. Where is mickey anyway?
Sarah: Oh, I guess you haven't heard. Rachel is gone. So is kristen.
Xander: Wait, what are you talking about?
Sarah: Kristen knew that she would be prosecuted for stabbing victor if she ever stepped foot back in salem, so she took rachel and disappeared.
Xander: And brady just let her go?
Sarah: He wanted her to have the opportunity to raise her child. The only child that she will ever have. It's his gift to her. So he has lost his daughter and the woman that he has loved, so congratulations on the whole baby switch thing, 'cause you gutted us all.
Xander: Sarah, I know how much you loved that little girl.
Sarah: Because you let me believe that she was mine. You let me bond with her, and you knew the truth.
Xander: See, if I could just--
Sarah: Just shut up! God! I don't wanna hear it, I don't wanna hear any more excuses or explanations. You and victor destroyed everything that I thought I knew about my life. So when I ran into brady at the pub, he understood. He understood my pain because it is his pain too. And then one thing led to another, and you know.
Xander: I know how angry you are, I do, but--and I know--
Sarah: You know what--
Xander: I know you don't--
Sarah: I have to take a shower. Just be gone when I'm out.
Chad: We are gonna leave salem. The kids and I, we're going with you.
Abigail: Yeah, but I--I mean, I'd have to stay at the clinic.
Chad: Yeah, we're gonna be-- we're gonna be nearby. We're gonna see you every day.
Abigail: No, I mean, what about dimera? You just got back in charge.
Chad: Being your husband is more important that anything else in the world to me. When I call him, I'll just tell him that we're set, okay? I think it's best.
Abigail: No, I don't want to. I can't--we can't do this to our kids. It's not right. I don't wanna uproot them. I don'T.
Chad: Honey, we did it when we went to paris.
Abigail: That's different. Thomas is older, and he's building friendships now, real friendships, and he's excited to go to summer camp. I mean, I don't wanna do that to him or charlotte. I want them to have as normal a life as possible.
Chad: Shh, hey.
[Gentle music]
What do you say we leave them here with your parents? And I'll go with you.
Abigail: Or I could-- I could go by myself.
[Gentle music]
Ciara: Hey.
Ben: Oh, oh-oh. Hey you.
Ciara: Hi.
Ben: What are you doing here?
Ciara: Um, where's your boss?
Ben: He's at the hospital.
Ciara: Is everything okay?
Ben: No, yeah, he's fine. He actually wanted to go check up on the status of that drug at the lab from when gabi tried to inject him.
Ciara: Why?
Ben: As crazy as this sounds, I think gabi's starting to convince him that he actually might be stefan.
Gabi: I knew it. I knew you would see the truth. I knew you'd want your old life back as much as I do.
Jake: Ease up, turbo. I'm only here because ben said the syringe was being analyzed. I'm curious.
Gabi: Okay, and you want your memory back, I know. We're gonna make that happen as soon as kayla comes back with the drug, okay?
Jake: My memory's just fine.
Gabi: No, it isn'T. It isn'T.
Jake: Is she always this, I don't know, difficult?
Eli: You have no idea.
Gabi: What is taking her so long?
Eli: Gabi, just slow down. All right, we're in the middle of an investigation. That drug could be evidence.
Gabi: I didn't steal it. It belongs to me, okay? And once I give stefan a dose, he's gonna remember how crazy in love we were and the amazing life that we had.
[Monitor beeping]
[Gentle music]
Victor: I deserve it. Everything you wanna say, every bit of your anger.
Brady: That's not why I'm here.
Victor: I don't want your forgiveness. Don't expect it. Not gonna ask for it. But I do hope that one day you can see it in your heart to let me make it up to you, especially now that you have your daughter back.
Brady: I don't have rachel back.
Victor: I don't understand. With kristen in jail.
Brady: She's not in jail. Kristen and my daughter are gone. And it is your fault. When it comes to beautiful hair, why are we always ...
Ben: I didn't think I was gonna see you until tonight. Did you get everything checked off your wedding to-do list?
Ciara: Ah, no. I am just getting started, but I did check off something pretty major that I wanted to share with you.
Ben: You found a dress?
Ciara: No.
Ben: Flowers?
Ciara: No, not even close, and this is way bigger than flowers, ben.
Ben: Ah.
Ciara: I got my grandfather's blessing.
Ben: Victor's blessing?
Ciara: Yeah.
Ben: How did you manage that?
Ciara: I don't know, ben. I guess your girl's just got mad skills.
Ben: Oh, god, you're not kidding.
Victor: You just let that woman run off with your child?
Brady: That woman-- that woman deserves to be with the daughter that she thought was dead because of you. That woman, if she comes back to salem she goes to prison because of you. I let kristen go be with her daughter and be the woman and the mother that she's always wanted to be because it was the least I could do for the woman that I love, given the crap that you and xander put her through.
Victor: I admit we made mistakes.
Brady: Mistakes?
Victor: Out of love. I do love you, brady.
Brady: You have a very funny way of showing that.
Victor: Well, let me prove it to you. Ask me anything. Anything you want me to do, I'll do it. Anything.
Brady: Fire xander.
Sarah: What the hell are you still doing here?
Xander: You did this to hurt me, didn't you? Sleeping with brady.
Sarah: My god, don't flatter yourself. You are out of my life. Now get the hell out of this room.
[Gentle music]
Xander: While you were sleeping with my cousin to punish me, I saved your mother from committing suicide.
Lani: Mr. Lambert, are you interested in pressing charges?
Gabi: Would you just give it a rest, please? I did not drug abigail and I didn't assault stefan.
Jake: Name's jake.
Gabi: Come on. Finally, okay, where is my drug?
Kayla: I have the results of the analysis. I know what was in the syringe.
Gabi: Of course you do. It's a serum to help get stefan's memory back.
Kayla: No, actually. It was the same compound used in the drugging of abigail.
[Tense music]
Chad: No, we're a team. Remember, we're a team?
Abigail: Yes, I know. You're right, we are a team, but you could be one part of the team that would stay here with our kids, and this part of the team would go and take care of herself so that I can make our family whole again.
Chad: I, uh--I don't know.
Abigail: Thomas and charlotte need their dad.
Chad: And I need my wife. I promised you I was never gonna abandon you again. Whatever we go through, we go through together.
[Gentle music]
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