Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 5/19/20
Episode #13772 ~ Zoey tries to convince Rafe he can trust her; Marlena seeks help from Steve and Hope to save John; Xander desperately attempts to revive Maggie; Kayla delivers shocking news to Justin and Sonny.
Provided By Suzanne
Rafe: God.Zoey: My father, he took david.
Rafe: Damn it, damn it, damn it!
Zoey: Wait, aren't you gonna untie me? Untie me!
Rafe: Why would I do that? For all I know, you could've been in on it.
Orpheus: Here we are, david, temporary quarrs. Here we go. I don't want you to get too used to this place because we're not gonna be here long. Soon, you and I are gonna embark on a grand adventure. Just the two of us. That sound like fun?
David: Yeah.
Orpheus: Yeah. First things first, I'd like you to meet your granddad's old friend.
Steve: So, is what I heard true? Is ciara really engaged to ben weston?
Hope: Yep. She--she--she really is.
Steve: How do you feel about that?
Hope: I'm doing my best to support her decision, steven.
Steve: He's not the kind of guy I'd choose for my daughter. Dude has an ugly past. Do you want me to talk to him?
Hope: You lecture ben, you'll alienate ciara.
Steve: Oh, so that's the dance she's got you doing, huh?
Hope: Got my tap shoes on. She's stubborn.
Steve: Well, I wonder where she gets that from.
Hope: Well, you're one to talk.
[Phone rings]
Steve: Hello?
Marlena: It's marlena. I need your help.
Steve: What's wrong?
Marlena: I can't talk about it on the phone. Could you just come over to my place right away?
Steve: Sure. I'm just at the pub with hope finishing dinner.
Marlena: Okay, well--bring her. Maybe she can help.
Justin: Hello, beautiful!
Kayla: Hi, how are ya?
Justin: Good.
Kayla: I thought we were meeting at julie's place for dinner.
Justin: Well, I thought I'd just meet you here, maybe check in on victor.
Kayla: Oh, well, I just ran into sonny and will. They were on their way to see him, too.
Justin: How's he doing?
Kayla: Amazingly well, considering what he's been through. In fact, last time I looked in on him he was reading.
Justin: Oh. "The illiad?" "The odyssey?"
Kayla: I think it was a letter, actually.
Victor: Bastards are doing this to me on purpose. It's me. They said I can't get through to the warden's office. Did you get to the prison yet? They let you see maggie? Is she all right? Call me as soon as you get this, xander.
Sonny: What's going on? What's xander done now?
Victor: It's not xander, it's maggie.
Xander: Maggie, please, please. Open your eyes. Come on. Come on, girl, you have to be okay. Please, maggie!
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
[Soft orchestration]
Sonny: We're all worried about maggie now that she knows everything.
Will: But, you know, I just visited her in the prison and she seems like she's doing her best to get through it.
Victor: Yeah. Well, you're being played, didn't you know that?
Sonny: What are you talking about?
Victor: Here, read it.
Will: What--so--so, you mean the whole time I was talking to her--
Victor: She wasn't trying to work through it. She was planning on ending it.
Will: Oh, my god--is that why you were calling xander?
Victor: I sent him to the prison to try and stop her. Now I can't get through to him or the warden's office.
Will: Reporters know how to talk their way into a prison. You stay here with him.
Victor: Call me as soon as you know anything.
Will: I will.
Justin: If will and sonny are with victor, maybe I'll just hang out with you until you're off duty.
Kayla: That works for me.
Justin: I want you to know how happy I am that we were able to clear the air last night.
Kayla: Me too.
Justin: Will, what's wrong?
Kayla: Hey. What is this, victor?
Will: No. But it is an emergency, so I'm--I'm gonna need you to come with me.
Kayla: Okay, where--where am I going?
Will: The prison. Victor's afraid that maggie tried to kill herself.
Justin: Yeah.
Kayla: Okay, let's go.
Xander: Maggie, what have you done? She's not breathing. Guard! Get in here! Come on, maggie!
Rafe: Make sure that all units know that orpheus has a little boy with him and to use extreme caution. If you know where your father took david you damn well better tell me now.
Zoey: If I was in on it, would I be tied up?
Rafe: Well, it's pretty damn convenient that he shows up here the second that you're alone with him! It's no wonder that you wanted to take over for my sitter.
Zoey: I tried to stop him from taking david. For god sakes, rafe, I am the one who told you about the car accident. I'm the reason that you know about maggie taking the fall!
Rafe: Nah, you're on your own, man. You both want custody of david--
Zoey: No!
Rafe: And you made up that damn story about the accident, too, didn't you?
Zoey: No, my brother is the one who told me about that information and he is telling the truth! I'm on your side, rafe. You have to trust me.
Rafe: The hell I do.
Orpheus: David, this man's name is john black. But I don't want you to be afraid because he's tied up. See? John and I, we like to play games. You know, like cops and robbers. John, I'd like you to meet my grandson.
John: Hey. Pleased to meet you, david.
Orpheus: Davey, I've got a whole room full of toys for ya. We're gonna play in just a second. But right now, john and i have some catching up to do.
Marlena: Thank you for coming so quickly.
Hope: Of course.
Steve: Sure. You sure you want us here?
Marlena: Yes, yes, of course. I wouldn't have called. I--I need your help.
Hope: Whatever we can do. How can we help?
Marlena: It's john.
Steve: John? What about him?
Hope: Marlena, what's happened?
Marlena: He's been kidnapped.
Xander: Come on, maggie, please. Someone get the medic in here! This woman could be dying! Come on, maggie!
Maggie: [Coughs, inhales]
Xander: Yes, please, that's it. Breathe, girl. That's my girl. Yes, maggie, yes. Oh, thank god. Oh, thank god. You wouldn't accept an incomplete job from anyone else.
Steve: Wait a minute, orpheus is back in salem?
Hope: I thought he was doing life at statesville.
Marlena: He was, until some idiot at the isa had him released.
Steve: How can orpheus still have contacts at the isa?
Hope: How do you know he has john?
Marlena: Because orpheus came to my office. He told me that he had john and that if I didn't give him $10 million transferred into his numbered account, he would--he would--he would kill him. And he had a picture of john on his phone. John was bound and gagged and was holding a copy of today's paper.
Steve: Son of a bitch. Listen, we will do everything we can to bring john back.
Hope: Marlena, you've gotta call rafe and let him know what's happening.
Marlena: I have called rafe, of course I did. Although orpheus told me I--I couldn't tell anyone. I knew I had to tell rafe.
Zoey: What my brother told me about that accident is protected in confidentiality. I could get disbarred, but I told you anyway. And you know that I risked my life by turning on my father. What else do I have to do to get you to trust me?
Rafe: A lot, all right? I mean, your brother killed jordan, your father's a criminal mastermind, for god's sake.
Zoey: What about your family? Your father's in prison, your brother ran away, and do not get me started on your sister. Does that make you a criminal, too?
Rafe: Oh, wow, so you know a lot about me.
Zoey: I was gonna use it to kick your ass in family court. But neither one of us is gonna get custody if my father succeeds in getting away with david. So will you stop wasting time and untie me?
Orpheus: Take it easy, john. Please refrain from screaming or calling for help. I don't wanna traumatize my grandson--
John: You don't give a damn about that boy. You ripped him out of his bed and away from rafe, you lousy son of a--
Orpheus: Hey, hey, hey, language.
John: I knew you were up to something when you came to me about helping brady.
Orpheus: And I knew you didn't buy it. You played along to see what I was up to. Then you showed up to the meeting and it all fell into place.
[Chuckles] It's that decency streak in you. Rather like taking candy from a baby.
John: So what the hell do you want?
Orpheus: A chance for a new life with my grandson. You and your lovely wife are gonna provide me with the means to do just that.
Justin: Just saw will on his way out.
Victor: So then you know about maggie.
Justin: Yeah, kayla went with him to the prison.
Victor: That's why I did the things that I did. I knew what would happen if maggie found out the truth about the accident. I knew she wouldn't be able to deal with it, and I was right.
Justin: Victor, just try not to panic, all right?
Victor: Yeah. You want calm and collected? Maybe you can manage that, but I happen to love maggie.
Sonny: Xander's at the prison. Will and kayla are on their way.
Justin: If maggie had done anything drastic, you would've heard something by now.
Victor: No, you don't know that. I don't know how the two of you can be so calm. You know, I wouldn't be surprised if you were both hoping that they wouldn't get there in time to save her.
Maggie: Xander? Xander? Where am I?
Xander: You're in the prison infirmary. Do you--do you know why you're here?
Maggie: I was trying to kill myself.
Xander: The doctor says you're gonna be all right now.
Maggie: No, I'm never gonna be all right.
Xander: Maggie, please, just try to take it easy.
Maggie: Why are you here, anyway?
Xander: Victor read your letter. When he read what you had in mind, he called me and I came here as soon as I could. I'm the one that found you.
Maggie: So, you saved my life? It was you?
Xander: Yeah.
Maggie: Why didn't you let me die? How am I supposed to live with what I've done? Adrienne's dead. Sarah's baby's dead, and it's all my fault.
Xander: No, it isn'T.
Maggie: No, how can you say that?
Xander: Because I know you didn't kill anybody!
Maggie: [Sobs]
Justin: Thank you for calling me right back, honey.
Victor: Well?
Justin: Kayla and will just got to the prison. Maggie did try to kill herself.
Victor: Oh, dear god, no!
Sonny: Uncle vic, dad said she "tried."
Justin: Xander found her in her cell. She had tried to hang herself.
Victor: God.
Justin: It was close, but he got there in time. He got her breathing again. She's in the infirmary now, and apparently she is going to be all right. Kayla's gonna try to get in to see her and make sure of that.
Xander: Maggie, do you--do you understand what I just said?
Maggie: Lying to me and making excuses for what I did doesn't change how I feel.
Xander: But I'm not lying--
Will: Maggie! Hey, it's good to see you, I--
Kayla: We just spoke to your doctor, he filled us in. He said that xander got you in time and that you're going to be fine.
Maggie: How do I make you understand? I'm never gonna be fine. I wanted to die, and I still do.
Xander: Maggie, listen to me. Listen carefully. You didn't kill anyone.
Maggie: You know better than that. You found me in the car. I was so drunk, I don't know how I got there.
Xander: I know you were tempted to drink that night.
Maggie: Summer came to see me. She told me she was--she told me she was dying because she was a drunk, just like I am. She put a bottle of vodka in front of me and then she left. I felt so horrible. I poured a drink.
Xander: But you didn't drink it!
Will: How do you--how do you know this?
Xander: The reason you were so out of it when I found you was because you'd been chloroformed.
Maggie: What?
Xander: There were two of them. They knocked you out with chloroform and struck you in the backseat of the car. You hadn't been drinking and you weren't driving the car that night!
Maggie: This doesn't make any sense.
Xander: No, it makes--it makes total sense. All you have are vague memories of what happened after I found you. That was after the crash. After someone moved you from the backseat and placed you behind the wheel.
Kayla: But who would do something so vicious like that? Especially to maggie.
Xander: Orpheus.
Kayla: What?
John: You leave doc out of this.
Orpheus: I'm afraid marlena is very much involved.
John: I swear to god, you hurt her--
Orpheus: Relax. We had a very civilized chat. I explained to her that if she gives me $10 million, I'll let you live. That kind of money will provide my grandson with the kind of life he deserves.
John: What kind of life is that if he's on the run with you?
Orpheus: He'll be protected and then he'll lack for nothing. I do hope marlena comes through with the money. Not just for david's sake, but for yours.
Steve: You do know that even if you pay orpheus the ransom--
Marlena: He could kill john anyway. I do know that. Of course I know that. That's why we've gotta find orpheus before he hurts john. So will you please help me?
Steve: I'll do anything for you, marlena. If you're really sure that's what you want.
Marlena: It is, of course it is! Look, you know orpheus. You know how he operates. And john--john is your closest friend. So I'm counting on you to bring him home alive.
Rafe: Tell me now, where did your father take david?
Zoey: Wasn't exactly in the mood to confide.
Rafe: Think. Think, okay? Did he say anything? Did he give you a clue as to where he might've been headed?
Zoey: I just--he--
Rafe: What?
Zoey: He mentioned wanting to take david to meet an old friend.
Rafe: John black. John black, he's holding him hostage right now.
Zoey: How do you know that?
Rafe: Because his wife came to the station when you were on your way here and said that he is holding him hostage. $10 million or john black dies.
Zoey: Well, if he's after that type of money, he won't leave the area until he gets it. What do we have to do to find him? These days, everyone expects you to like everything
Victor: I never thought that maggie would actually--
Sonny: At least she didn't succeed. Thank god.
Justin: I hope you know we both mean that.
Sonny: I don't think he does, dad. Not after that crack comment he made.
Justin: He didn't know what he was saying.
Sonny: Sure he did, didn't you?
Victor: Maggie caused the accident that killed your mother and your wife. And the two of you look me in the eye and deny that a part of you didn't wish that xander didn't make it to maggie on time.
Xander: Orpheus, he snuck back into salem on the day of the accident. He wanted to see his son.
Will: Evan.
Xander: Right. Yeah, they hatched a plan to kidnap evan's son. But first they needed money. So they decided to kidnap you and demand ransom money from victor. You were all alone in the house when they broke in. Victor and I weren't there, and adrienne had already left for the hospital with sarah. They must've snuck up behind you, clapped a rag soaked in chloroform over your face.
Maggie: I can't believe this.
Xander: They dumped you in the backseat of the car and drove off. Apparently, they got into an argument and lost control. The car veered into the opposite lane. It was orpheus that drove adrienne and sarah off the road.
Maggie: Oh, my god. My god.
Xander: After the accident, they move you from the backseat behind the steering wheel and placed the vodka next to you. So you assumed that you blacked out from the alcohol. But it was just the chloroform! You hadn't touched a drop. You were a victim, too, that night. Nothing that happened was your fault.
Maggie: I didn't kill adrienne? And sarah's baby, I didn't kill her, either. It wasn't me. My god! It wasn't me! It wasn't me! Oh, god. Thank you. Thank you.
Steve: I'll do everything I can to find john, but I wanna talk to shane first, pick his brain about where he thinks orpheus might've taken him.
Hope: Any news?
Marlena: Oh, it's--it's rafe. He'll be here soon.
Hope: Marlena, when you spoke to him earlier, did he have any leads?
Marlena: All he knows is that orpheus has taken david. Look, when you--when you talk to shane, do it from your own phone. I just--I think you also need to tell him to be very discreet. I've got a feeling that orpheus has eyes and ears at the isa, and he told me--he told me not to contact anybody at all.
Steve: Got it.
Hope: Hey. John can hold his own against orpheus.
Marlena: You know orpheus. You know how he likes to hurt people. All I can think of is what he might be doing to john.
John: Oh, you got me. Hey, tiger. Wanna do me a really big favor? Right behind you's a phone. You wanna hand that to me? David, that phone right behind you? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was thinking I was gonna give rafe a call. You know, he's a really good friend of mine. Wouldn't you like to talk to him also?
David: Yeah.
Orpheus: Oh, john. I turn my back for one second and you're using a small child to help you escape? Shame on you. Davey, why don't you go play with your toys for a bit? Granddad's got some work to do, 'kay?
Rafe: Assuming you haven't heard from orpheus?
Marlena: No, no, nothing yet.
Rafe: Sorry.
Marlena: Steve is here, he's on the phone in the other room. He's trying to see what he can find out from shane.
Hope: Could I talk to you for a minute alone? Just--
Rafe: Yeah, sure.
Hope: For a second.
Zoey: I don't know if you remember me. I'm orpheus's daughter.
Marlena: Oh, zoey, wow. And there you are, all grown up.
Zoey: It seems like a lifetime ago since my father forced you to take care of my brother and I, but I always remember how kind and caring you were to us.
Marlena: Well, there was no choice. You were just children.
Zoey: I'm gonna do everything in my power to get david and your husband back safely.
Marlena: Thank you. Thank you for that.
Hope: I haven't had the chance to tell you how sorry I am about, you know, everything that I put you through. The things that I said. I--I know this isn't the right time. I'm sorry.
Rafe: No, no, no, stop, stop. First of all, it's not your fault, okay? No need to be sorry. Anyway, I'm just--I'm glad to see you're back to your old self.
Hope: I'd like to help you find david and john, if you'll let me.
Rafe: Great, yes.
Hope: Yeah.
Rafe: That would be great, thank you.
Steve: Okay, shane is on the case. He'll get back to me as soon as he has anything concrete.
[Phone ringing]
Marlena: It's orpheus.
It's totally normal
Justin: I know how panicked you've been about maggie, but it is crazy for you to think that sonny or I would ever want her dead.
Sonny: That's how he would feel if he was us. He assumes we're like him.
Victor: Be honest.
Justin: Maggie is an alcoholic. And she has to live with that, and so do all of us who love her. I'll never understand why she got drunk that night, but she did. And while she was drunk, she decided she had to go and get to sarah. But she never meant to cause anyone any harm. I mean, when she's sober, she is one of the kindest, wisest women I know. And right now, she is in a waking nightmare. She has to live with what she did for the rest of her life. Her death wouldn't give sonny or me even the slightest satisfaction.
Sonny: It wouldn't bring mom back. Or the baby. It would just be another tragedy.
Justin: We hate what maggie did, but we could never hate her.
Victor: You're both being very reasonable, logical. But still, every time you look at maggie, you're going to see the woman who killed adrienne. Right? I thought so.
Maggie: You didn't make that up because I tried to kill myself, did you?
Xander: It's the truth.
Kayla: How do you know?
Xander: Rafe told me. Evan's lawyer told him. She's his sister. He confided in her before he went to prison. She told rafe so he could arrest her father.
Will: So evan kept quiet that whole time he was with sonny? He let maggie go to prison after what he did to her life?
Xander: Well, at least he's behind bars where he belongs. And you can go free now.
Maggie: But that doesn't change that adrienne and little mickey are dead.
Kayla: But you can be there to comfort their loved ones. And what a comfort that will be, maggie.
Will: And they'll know that their losses are not your fault. And so will you.
[Phone ringing]
Rafe: Answer it. Put it on speaker.
Marlena: Orpheus?
Orpheus: Hello, marlena.
Marlena: I got the funds that you've asked for, I--I just need an account number and--and the name of a bank.
Orpheus: And you'll have it, all in due time. First, I'd like to know who else is listening in on this call.
Marlena: You--you--you told me that I shouldn't talk to anybody about this.
Orpheus: Come on, marlena. By now, you've assembled your own second-rate avengers team. Let me guess, playing the role of nick fury's got to be steven "patch" johnson. Are you there, old friend? Yeah, no, it's--it's gonna be better for john if you don't lie to me.
Steve: Listen, we're here to make a deal. Why don't you stop playing games and get to the point?
Orpheus: There he is. You know, our little scuffle a few years back left me with quite a scar. I look forward to the next round so I can repay the debt.
Steve: I'll tell you what, you name the time and place, you swap john for me, and you can have your revenge.
Orpheus: Sorry, but I've already got a lucrative deal with marlena. Frankly, I don't think anybody'd give me ten bucks for a washed up, old has-been like you. You're of no use to me.
Steve: Your sick plan isn't gonna work.
Orpheus: My sick plan? It wasn't too long ago that you had john chained up somewhere in prague so hope brady could seduce him. That's a little kinky. I understand you two are flatmates now. Is hope there?
Hope: Yeah, I'm here.
Orpheus: Oh, marlena, you disappoint me. I expressly asked you not to contact the police.
Hope: I'm not a cop anymore.
Orpheus: Oh, what a pity.
Zoey: Knock it off, dad! Let john and david go.
Orpheus: Oh, my duplicitous, darling daughter. Well, if you're there, that suggests to me that commissioner hernandez came to the rescue. He must be listening in as well.
Rafe: Give me back my son!
Orpheus: He's not your son. And a bit of advice, commissioner, I wouldn't trust zoey. If she's willing to stab her father in the back, who knows what she'll do to you.
Marlena: Just tell me where and when to meet you. Just tell me that much. I give you my word, I--I will come along.
Orpheus: Your word? Your word means nothing to me.
Marlena: Then where else are you going to get $10 million?
Orpheus: Oh, I'm very resourceful, marlena. You know that. But you broke the rules, so now you're gonna have to face the consequences.
Your migraine strikes,
and the struggle is real.
Victor: Why aren't we getting any more news? What's wrong with will? Why doesn't he call?
Sonny: Maybe it freaked him out, being back in the prison you let him rot in for a year.
Justin: Sonny! That isn't helping.
Kayla: Hey.
Victor: How's maggie?
Kayla: Everything is going to be just fine.
Victor: Yeah, until she tries it again the next time.
Kayla: She's not gonna try it again.
Victor: You can't be sure of that.
Kayla: Actually, I can. It turns out that maggie did not cause the deaths of adrienne and the baby. And she knows that now.
Justin: Would you mind explaining what you just said?
Will: So, you and I both went to prison for something that evan and orpheus did. Wait until sonny finds out about this. He's gonna go nuts. Justin will, too.
Maggie: You have any idea if sarah knows?
Xander: Rafe found out tonight, told me. I didn't get a chance to speak with sarah yet. I don't think she knows.
Maggie: I owe you so much. You saved my life. You took away the guilt that has been weighing down my soul. How do I ever thank you?
Kayla: We learned tonight that maggie did not cause the accident.
Victor: But xander found her in the car. Thought she was passed out, there was a bottle of vodka--
Kayla: It was all a set up! She was not drunk and she did not drive the car.
Sonny: How do you know?
Kayla: Because xander explained that somebody else was driving maggie's car and she was in the backseat unconscious.
Victor: Unconscious? Why?
Kayla: You know what, stay calm, all right? Everything is all right now.
Victor: But I don't understand why!
Kayla: This is all that we need to concentrate on. Somebody else was driving her car, and that person is responsible for running adrienne's car off the road. After the accident, he moved maggie from the backseat to behind the wheel and put a vodka bottle there. So, you see, maggie's completely innocent.
Sonny: Do you know the person's name? You do, don't you? Who killed my mother?
Marlena: What consequences am I going to face?
Orpheus: Well, you're just gonna have to sweat it out a little longer. Use the time to come up with another $5 million. That's the price you pay for being naughty.
Justin: Well--when will you call me again?
Orpheus: Tomorrow, if I feel like.
Zoey: You're not gonna get away with this, dad. If you return john and david safely, I will talk to the D.A. And I will try and lessen your--
Orpheus: You mean you'll have me thrown in prison for 20 years like you did your brother.
Steve: Listen up, you either give us proof that john and david are alive and well, or there's no deal!
Orpheus: In the mood for a little chat with the mrs.?
John: I am fine, doc. So is the boy. Don't meet his demands! No, don't--don't--
Orpheus: Keep in mind that everything he said is subject to change. Don't disappoint me twice, marlena, or you'll never see john again.
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