Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 5/18/20
Episode #13771 ~ Sarah and Brady commiserate over Xander and Victor's deception; Xander rushes to Statesville to save Maggie; Marlena and Rafe compare notes about Orpheus; Orpheus kidnaps David.
Provided By Suzanne
Orpheus: I'm holding your beloved husband prisoner as we speak. So, if you want him back, you're gonna have to do exactly what I say.
Marlena: So if I don't give you enough money to kidnap your own grandson, you'll hurt john? If you do anything to hurt him, it won't go well for you.
Orpheus: Oh, oh, oh. Come on. Don't--don't-- just save your breath, marlena. We both know I'm holding all the cards. Look. If you want to see your husband alive again, I suggest you write this down because you're gonna have to follow my instructions to the letter.
Rafe: You're sure that your brother was being straight with you? Orpheus framed maggie for a crash that he caused?
Zoey: Yes. And I can't tell you how sorry I am. My father and chris caused heartache for so many innocent people.
Rafe: And I gotta get maggie out of prison as soon as possible.
Zoey: Tell the da that you have exculpatory evidence--
Rafe: No, first, we gotta put your old man behind bars.
Zoey: Tell me what I can do to help.
Rafe: I need a signed statement from you.
Zoey: Done.
[Cell phone beeps]
Rafe: And your brother. Oh, damn. It's david's sitter reminding me that she has to leave on time tonight.
Zoey: Let me take over.
Rafe: You?
Zoey: Yes, I'm his aunt.
Rafe: Yeah, so listen, as much as I appreciate you coming to me with this newfound information, I still don't trust you with my son.
[Foreboding music]
Brady: Eric, I know that you love rachel. I do too. But so does kristen. She'll do whatever she has to do to keep her safe. She will--she will defend her with her life if she has to.
Eric: What kind of life will that be? How could you do this to her? Not to mention sarah and me? Did you once think about us? All I keep hearing is you telling me that everything was gonna be all right. That you really wanted me to be a part of rachel's life. And now I'm afraid I'll never see her again.
Brady: I don't know what to tell you, man. I'm sorry.
[Melancholy music]
[Suspenseful music]
Maggie: "Dear victor, I'm writing to you to say good-bye."
Victor: Bye? What the hell is she talking about?
Maggie: "My beautiful sarah, I can't tell you what it means to me that you came to see me today and that you found it in your heart to forgive me. But I caused the death of the baby that you wanted so much, and I don't deserve your forgiveness. I'm the reason a wonderful woman like adrienne is dead. And when I think of the pain that you must be in, and eric, and adrienne's friends and family, it's just too much for me to bear. I just can't live with that."
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Marlena: Until you prove to me that you have john, and that he's alive, I won't give you a blessed cent.
Orpheus: You want proof?
Marlena: Mm.
Orpheus: Okay. Proof. Let's see what we got. Um... look at this very closely. You see the date on the newspaper john's holding? That's today. I certainly hope he lives to see tomorrow's edition. But that's up to you.
Marlena: What do you want?
Rafe: Do I have to remind you that you and I are in a custody battle over david? I'm not gonna let you babysit for him.
Zoey: If I do something stupid like take off with him, you're gonna track us down. And then no judge in his right mind will give me custody.
Rafe: Yeah, and I really don't have time to argue with you about this. I need to put your dad behind bars.
Zoey: And you can't do that until you find a qualified person to take over for your sitter. And that person just happens to be standing right in front of you.
Rafe: Right. I really don't like this. If you search my house looking for incriminating evidence on me--
Zoey: I won't find anything. I won't find anything. You're the man in the white hat.
Rafe: Well, you better get going. I'll let david's sitter know that his aunt is on her way.
Thank you. What do you want?
Xander: I thought maybe sarah got arrested, you know, for running off with the baby.
Rafe: No, she's not here. Before you go, there's something I need to tell you.
Xander: What?
Rafe: It's about maggie, that's what.
Xander: Did something happen to her in the prison?
Rafe: Yeah, and she wouldn't have been in prison if it wasn't for you.
Maggie: "What victor and xander did is horrible. And they did it because of me. They let you fall in love with a baby who wasn't yours so that I wouldn't know I got drunk and caused your precious baby's death. Brady spent months believing his child was dead because of me. I knew that night that you were in labor and you needed me, and yet I still got drunk and got behind the wheel of a car. I'm the reason so many people have suffered so terribly."
Victor: I know what you're gonna say. You're gonna say you know what I did and now you want a divorce. You have to understand, I was trying to protect you. Stop talking to yourself and read her damn letter.
Maggie: "You know as well as I do that our marriage has had its ups and downs. But don't ever question my love for you. When I heard you had been stabbed, I wanted so desperately to be by your side. I wanted to kiss your forehead and to tell you everything was gonna be all right."
Victor: Oh, maggie.
Maggie: "But they tell me that you made it through all on your own, thank god. They tell me it's kristen who stabbed you. But you know, you brought that on yourself. I hope you see that the lord spared you so that you can make amends to all the people that you hurt. I hope you understand what you did to your own beloved grandson. You can't just dangle a good job in front of him now and hope that he'll forget what you did. You have to get down on your knees if necessary and beg brady for his forgiveness."
[Dramatic music]
[Cell phone beeps]
[Line ringing]
Brady: Theresa? Hi, hi. Happy mother's day to you. Did you like the gift? Glad you liked it. That's good. Do you mind if I talk to tate for a second, please? Thanks. Hey. Hi, buddy! How you doing? No, no, I just wanted to hear your voice. I-I miss your voice. I heard that mom really liked our present, so that's good, right? Yeah. Oh, buddy, I miss you too. More than you know. I wish we could be a little closer. I know. I know, I feel the same way. But I'm gonna try to visit very, very soon, okay? Would that be okay-- I love you too. I love you more than you know, buddy. I miss you every day. Okay. Yeah, oh, no, no, you go ahead. I'll let you go. I love you. Bye.
And wherever you are, rachel... I love you too.
Sarah: Are you nuts?
[Tender music]
Nicole: I'm not saying that brady is right. But I am saying it was an impossible situation. If brady had gone on the run with kristen and rachel, he would never see tate again.
Eric: But he had another option and you know it. He could have let kristen go to prison. And he would've been awarded full custody of rachel and we all could have been there to help him.
Nicole: You're right. But I guess brady watched what kristen went through when they believed rachel was dead. And knowing brady, he couldn't take the baby away from her a second time.
Sarah: Were you about to get drunk?
Brady: No.
Sarah: I mean, you just got your daughter back, and this is your idea of celebrating?
Brady: Sarah, first of all, um, thank you... for bringing rachel back to us.
Sarah: I shouldn't have done what I did. I shouldn't have run away with her, I... I went crazy for a minute.
Brady: Yeah. Kristen-- kristen did too.
Sarah: How is she? I mean, it must be killing her to know that she's going to prison instead of raising her daughter.
Brady: It was killing her.
Sarah: Was? What does that mean?
Brady: Uh, she took off. And I let her take her daughter with her.
Xander: But I found maggie in the car that night. She was wasted.
Rafe: Orpheus drugged her before he and his son kidnapped her. After the crash, they moved her to the front seat of the car, put vodka around her so she'd smell like booze.
Xander: So maggie... maggie didn't cause the crash?
Rafe: I just told you that. Orpheus and his son got an argument and they swerved toward adrienne's car.
Xander: And she's not responsible for adrienne or the baby?
Rafe: No. No, unlike you, maggie isn't guilty of a thing.
Maggie: "I know how much you despise kristen. But you have to accept that brady loves her, and they have a child together. You arranged it so they believed their child was dead, and that is despicable. You know I'm right. You buried two children of your own. I buried daniel. You know exactly what you were doing to brady, and you did it anyway. Promise me that you will do whatever it takes to earn brady's forgiveness. And I'm sure that will mean letting go of the past and accepting kristen. You have a lot of hard work and soul searching to do if you want brady back in your life."
"They tell me you justified what you did by saying you were protecting me. But victor, I didn't deserve to be protected. I would have been devastated to know that I killed my own granddaughter, as well as adrienne. But those are the facts. At least brady and kristen could have been spared the pain that sarah and eric are feeling now that they know they've lost little mickey forever."
"I know you must feel that you'll never be happy again. I know from my own experience that you keep going just because you have no other choice. And eventually, you find a way to a different kind of happiness. You're too young and too fine a person to spend your life grieving. Promise me you'll do whatever it takes to carry on. Throw yourself into your work or anything else that gets you through the day. You open your eyes one morning and discover that missing mickey isn't the first thought that enters your mind. I want you to fall in love with a wonderful man who's worthy of you and maybe have another child.
[Gasps] Or a house full of children. It is my most profound regret that I won't be there to see you raise those children."
Orpheus: Since I know you and john are wealthy people, I figure $10 million would be enough to provide my grandson with the kind of life he deserves.
Marlena: $10 million?
Orpheus: Yeah, that's right. I'll set up a numbered offshore account, you wire it there. But...if you even attempt to contact the police, john dies. We good? I'll contact you about the, uh... the handoff.
[Door clicks shut]
[Dramatic music]
I knew my daughter could be at risk of certain cancers
Zoey: Aww. You're so tired, you fell asleep in there. Well, hopefully, I can get you up to bed without waking you up, and if I do, we can get to know each other. I am your auntie zoey and I-I love you so much already. And your daddy can't take care of you anymore, but he loves you, and so does rafe, that's pretty obvious. Your mommy's not here anymore, poor guy, so I think it is best that you're with the family that is still here and...
Orpheus: I couldn't agree more.
Zoey: What're you doing here?
Orpheus: You don't know? I'm here for my grandson.
Rafe: Get out of here. I've got work to do.
Xander: The first thing I did after I found maggie was call victor. Nothing I told him was the truth.
Rafe: If you'd have kept your mouth shut, maggie would have been arrested and breathalyzed. We would have found out that she didn't have any alcohol in her system. And a grieving woman would have found out that she didn't kill adrienne or her granddaughter. So if you learn anything, let that be a lesson to you.
Xander: I have to find sarah. She deserves to know her mother didn't kill mickey.
Sarah: You let kristen take your baby? Are you out of your mind? She's an unstable, violent mess. I gave you rachel back because I assumed that you would be there to keep kristen in line. Oh, my god. I'm never gonna see her again.
Brady: That's not true.
Sarah: We will never know if she's all right. I know. I said drinking's not the answer. Don't you dare say a word to me.
Brady: Losing rachel... it changed kristen. I mean, rachel changed her.
Sarah: I don't see much of a difference.
Brady: If I had any doubt that kristen was gonna be anything other than a good, caring mother, I never would have handed rachel off to her.
Sarah: I hope you're right.
Brady: Me too.
Sarah: You know what kills me? So much suffering could have been avoided if xander hadn't switched the babies.
Brady: It wasn't all up to xander, you know. It was victor. All that suffering you're talking about? That was victor's doing.
Maggie: "I pray that someday sarah's able to get past all the pain and misery that I caused her. But I know in my heart that I'll never get past it. There is no way for me to live with all the guilt that I feel. I took the lives of two people who were so dear to me, and now I'm going to take my own. Good-bye, my darling."
"You've been the most wonderful daughter a mother could ever have. I'm so incredibly proud of you and so utterly sorry for what I've done to your life. Thank you again for your forgiveness. But I don't deserve it. You don't have to worry about me, though. I know what I have to do. And by the time you get this letter, I'll be gone."
"I love you, my sweet girl." "Mom."
Seresto, seresto, seresto. that and more tomorrow morning on fox good day.... (josh)today: Skies will be mostly clear this morning
Eric: I'm not in the mood to talk about fairness. Kristen, she's a fugitive who's on the run with a little girl who had cancer.
Nicole: Kristen knows about the cancer. She has unlimited resources. She will make sure that rachel gets the proper care.
Eric: Who? Dr. Rolf? I can't believe you're sticking up for kristen and what-- what brady did?
Nicole: Well, what if it was us? Would you take the baby away from me and let me go to prison?
Eric: You would have never stabbed victor. Not-- you're just not...
Nicole: You can't even finish that sentence, can you? Because you know I tried to kill victor because he drives people to that. And if I believed that victor took holly away from me, I would do just what kristen did.
Rafe: It's hernandez. Many units reported information on orpheus' location.
Marlena: I just saw him.
Rafe: I gotta go. What happened?
Marlena: He came to my office. He's got john. He's demanding a $10 million ransom.
Rafe: Okay, well, thank you for coming to me.
Marlena: Well, yeah, he told me not to, but I had to, because...he wants the money so he can get david and leave with him forever.
Orpheus: I gotta say, I wasn't expecting to find you here. Given the custody suit and all.
Zoey: Rafe and I have one common interest. That's what's best for david.
Orpheus: You befriended hernandez.
Zoey: I wouldn't call us friends.
Orpheus: I'm supposed to be impressed with your legal skills? You're gonna botch this suit like you botched christian's trial.
Zoey: I did what was best for chris. I did my best, and chris was found guilty because he's guilty.
Orpheus: Stop! All I know is my only son is in prison for a long time, and I'm not gonna let the cop who put him there take my grandson.
Zoey: What are you talking about?
Orpheus: Get david ready to travel. Pack his bag. Think you can manage that?
Zoey: You're taking him?
Orpheus: Good girl. You figured it out. Do it!
[Somber music]
Victor: This is victor kiriakis. I need to speak with the warden. No, you may not put me on hold!
[Cell phone beeps]
[Line rings]
[Cell phone rings]
Xander: What is it, victor?
Victor: I need you to get over to statesville right away. I got a letter from maggie. She's gonna try and kill herself.
Xander: Oh, dear god. Call the prison!
Victor: I already did. They tried to put me on hold. Just get over there as soon as you can. I can't lose maggie.
Rafe: I need three units to my residence asap. No lights or sirens and warn all the officers that orpheus may be inside and so is my son. I'm on my way there now. Thank you for coming to me. I understand the risk that you're taking.
Marlena: It's what john would've wanted me to do.
Rafe: I gotta go.
Marlena: Yeah. Please, please.
Orpheus: What have you been doing?
Zoey: Reading "goodnight moon."
Orpheus: I told you to get david ready to go and pack his bag.
Zoey: I know you did. But david deserves better than being on the run with an ex-con who kills people.
Orpheus: How dare you stand in judgment? Besides, I won't be on the run. Thanks to the isa, I'm in the clear.
Zoey: Not completely. You caused an automobile accident while attempting to kidnap maggie kiriakis, which resulted in the deaths of adrienne kiriakis and a child, sarah horton's child. And then you framed maggie for the accident, and now she's in prison.
Orpheus: Whatever christian told you is protected by attorney-client privilege. You're too smart to get yourself disbarred. You didn't tell anyone, did you? Did you? Did you tell anyone? Because if you did, you'll be sorry you were born.
Sarah: I can't stop thinking about what xander and your grandfather did.
Brady: Yeah, me neither.
Sarah: Yeah, when you think about how many lives were just sent into a tailspin because they decided to play god.
Brady: Mm-hmm. I see him so clearly now. Especially now that maggie isn't around to smooth out the edges. He is a manipulative old man. All he does is he just pulls the rug out from under people and watches them fall, and the most disgusting aspect about it is that he always lands on his feet, every time. Just like he will now.
Victor: Yes, this is victor kiriakis. I demand that you connect me to the warden. No, don't you try and put me on-- maggie!
[Dramatic music]
Xander: I have to talk to maggie kiriakis right now.
Guard: Visiting hours are over.
Xander: Then you're gonna have to order a suicide watch 'cause she just wrote to her husband saying she's gonna kill herself!
Guard: Women are always saying stuff like that.
Xander: Not this woman. I demand you take me to her cell right now.
Guard: I demand you get the hell out of here!
Maggie: Come on.
These fudge brownie m&m's are really fudgey
Zoey: You're right, pops. I'm not that stupid.
Orpheus: Get the boy, pack his bag.
Zoey: Rafe is gonna be here any minute. You might have to put off your plan.
Orpheus: I'm not going anywhere without david.
[Cell phones buzzing] There's an apb out on me. The charges are the kidnapping of maggie kiriakis and vehicular manslaughter.
Zoey: [Gasping]
Orpheus: You traitorous little bitch.
Zoey: [Groaning]
Eric: I don't know what I would do if it had been you and our child.
Nicole: Well, I wasn't exactly known as a model citizen when I ran off with holly. But I learned how to be her mother during that time. And I changed. I had to.
Eric: And brady found you two and helped you, didn't he?
Nicole: Yes, he did. Brady remembers that time, and maybe that's why he feels so confident about kristen and rachel.
Eric: Maybe I was just too hard on him. I-I don't know.
Nicole: At least you got to be part of rachel's life. Brady didn'T. And I know that he's hurting.
Sarah: Xander keeps texting me, and leaving me messages saying how sorry he is.
Brady: Oh, that poor baby. My heart bleeds for him.
Sarah: Oh, mine too.
Brady: Yeah.
Sarah: I want him to pay for what he did to us.
Brady: You know he's gonna beat the rap, right? He's gonna have a ton of lawyers over at titan legal just burning the midnight oil for him. I know victor keeps that department stocked with criminal lawyers to clean up any mess he ever gets into.
Sarah: And now xander's ceo of titan. I honestly don't understand how victor fired you and replaced you with xander.
Brady: I do. Happened right after the accident.
Sarah: He was paying off xander for fixing things.
Brady: Mm-hmm. See, sarah, that son of a bitch stole my job and cost me my daughter, so he may not go to jail, but he will pay.
Xander: You owe me a bed check on maggie's area right now.
Guard: I don't take orders from you.
Xander: You really want victor kiriakis' wife to kill herself on your watch?
Guard: Fine. I'll check on her, after I run you out of here.
Xander: [Grunts]
Nicole: I know this is gonna take a long time for you to heal from this. But holly and I, we're here for you for as long as it takes.
Eric: Thank you. For helping me understand what my... my brother did and why he did it. He's all alone. And I have you and holly. I'm truly blessed. And I know it.
Marlena: I know how much you want that little boy safe.
[Cell phone beeps]
[Line rings] Hi. It's marlena. I need your help.
Zoey: [Gasps]
Rafe: My god, he's already been here?
Zoey: My father. He took david.
Sarah: I don't know about you, but... I don't think I'm gonna get through this if I don't stay active somehow.
Brady: I know what you mean. God knows that we understand grief and suffering now, don't we?
Sarah: Maybe we could try to find a way to help people who are going through the same thing as us.
Brady: [Chuckles] Sure, that sounds like a good idea maybe.
Sarah: I don't know. Or...if we find that we have some idle time on our hands, maybe we could also--
Brady: Maybe we could make victor and xander pay in ways that they never dreamed of in their worst nightmares and then fix it so they would never be able to hurt another one of our loved ones again?
Sarah: Brady black. You're a mind reader. To sweet revenge?
Brady: Cheers.
Victor: I'm not going to get through in time to save you, maggie. It's up to xander now. I can't lose you.
Xander: Oh, god, no! Maggie! Maggie. Maggie.
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